eighteenth sunday after pentecost · 04/10/2020  · creating god, we are amazed at your holy and...


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Page 1: Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost · 04/10/2020  · Creating God, we are amazed at your holy and diverse creation. You made us in your image and offered us every good gift in the
Page 2: Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost · 04/10/2020  · Creating God, we are amazed at your holy and diverse creation. You made us in your image and offered us every good gift in the


Sunday, October 4, 2020

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

World Communion Sunday

St. Francis Day

Let Us Worship God

Chiming of the Hour Welcome Bold text to be spoken by all; Bold italics to be sung by all

Vocal Prelude Hope of the World Text: George Harkness; Amy Simes, soprano Music: Genevan Psalter

Hope of the world, thou Christ of great compassion: speak to our fearful hearts by conflict rent; save us, thy people, from consuming passion, who by our own false hopes and aims are spent.

Hope of the world, God’s gift from highest heaven, bringing to hungry souls the bread of life: still let thy Spirit unto us be given to heal earth’s wounds and end our bitter strife.

Hope of the world, afoot on dusty highways, showing to wandering souls the path of light: walk thou beside us lest the tempting byways lure us away from thee to endless night.

Call to Worship Adapted from Psalm 150

We have come together to praise God from whom all blessings flow.

The firmament, the covering of earth and seas, is the roof of our sanctuary.

And so, we dwell in the house of God all the days of our lives as one people.

We will sing songs of praise and give thanks for God’s steadfast hope for us.

Who today will bless God for God’s surpassing greatness?

Let everything that breathes worship and praise God!

Hymn 15 All Creatures of Our God and King, vss. 1 & 2 LASST UNS ERFREUEN

All creatures of our God and King, lift up your voice and with us sing, Alleluia! Alleluia! O brother sun with golden beam, O sister moon with silver gleam, sing praises! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

O brother wind with clouds and rain, you nurture gifts of fruit and grain. Alleluia! Alleluia! O sister water, flowing clear, make music for your Lord to hear. Sing praises! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Page 3: Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost · 04/10/2020  · Creating God, we are amazed at your holy and diverse creation. You made us in your image and offered us every good gift in the


Call to Confession Prayer of Confession

God of Wisdom, we have dwelled in foolish ways, turning away from you to follow the

desires of the world. We have sought worldly gain over the needs of others. We have

given in to anger, hate and fear rather than compassion and mercy. We have jumped to

conclusions rather than waiting patiently to learn. Forgive us for tagging along to the

ways of the world. Turn us back to follow Jesus, in whose name we pray.

Time for silent reflection Assurance of Pardon Response Hymn 15 All Creatures of Our God and King, vss. 4 LASST UNS ERFREUEN

All who for love of God forgive, all who in pain or sorrow grieve, Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ bears your burdens and your fears; so, even in the midst of tears, sing praises! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Lesson for Young Christians Dr. Wetonah Rice Parker Elder, Davie Street Presbyterian Church

Prayer for Illumination First Lesson Isaiah 5: 1-7 Epistle Lesson Philippians 3:4b-14 Sermon Rev. Mamisoa Rakotomalala Affirmation of Faith Adapted from the Belhar Confession

We believe in one holy, universal Christian church, the unity of the communion of saints of the entire human family. And we believe that this unity of the people of God must be manifest and active in that we love one another, that we give ourselves willingly and joyfully to one another, that we share one baptism together, that we eat of one bread and drink of one cup together, that we confess one name, one Lord, for one cause, with one hope, which is the height and the breadth and the depth and the love of Christ, forever and ever. Amen.

Page 4: Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost · 04/10/2020  · Creating God, we are amazed at your holy and diverse creation. You made us in your image and offered us every good gift in the


Response Hymn 642 Heleluyan, We Are Singing†, vs. 3 HELELUYAN Lori Pistor, leader

Heleluyan, we are singing. Hele, heleluyan. Heleluyan, now and always. Hele, heleluyan.

People far and near will join the chorus: hele, heleluyan. People far and near will join the chorus: hele, heleluyan.

Offering Prayer of Dedication The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

The Tables this day have been set around the world, and at this moment we are one family at one Table. Imagine the world seated with Christ at a sumptuous feast. Today we have a glimpse of that with World Communion Sunday. The invitation to this Table is for all. We are all welcome to this, Christ’s Table.

Invitation to the Table Communion Hymn 499 Bread of the World in Mercy Broken RENDEZ À DIEU

Bread of the world in mercy broken, Wine of the soul in mercy shed, by whom the words of life were spoken, and in whose death our sins are dead: look on the heart by sorrow broken; look on the tears by sinners shed; so may your feast become the token that by your grace our souls are fed.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them up to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Creating God, we are amazed at your holy and diverse creation. You made us in your image and offered us every good gift in the garden, yet we took for ourselves forbidden fruit, thinking we could be like you. In so doing, we rejected your intended diversity for us, a human sin that we still can’t shake. Prophets came through the ages to help us mend our ways. Still we fought and tried to conquer others to make all manner of nations and peoples live like one another. Jesus

Page 5: Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost · 04/10/2020  · Creating God, we are amazed at your holy and diverse creation. You made us in your image and offered us every good gift in the


came and finally showed us how to truly love. He sat with sinners and tax collectors; he touched diseased bodies with gentleness; he lifted others from their deathbed and, even with his dying breath, promised rest to a thief on the cross. Gracious God, you gave us your Son. He lived; he died; he rose again on the third day so that we might have life everlasting. With the ancestors, on this World Communion Sunday your people sing:

Sanctus Alec Peters The grains have been harvested and the bread has been baked. The grapes have been collected from the vine and the juice has been pressed. Holy Spirit come, breathe your blessings on these common elements of bread and juice. Bring us into communion with Christ praying:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Breaking Bread, Filling Cups Music during Communion This is My Song FINLANDIA

Global Missions Virtual Choir

Prayer after Communion

Holy Triune God, we thank you for this meal that proclaims the peace and healing of the nations. We thank you for this meal where a little is enough to change our lives; where a little is more than enough to feed those whose hearts yearn for communion in community. May this bread and fruit of the vine nourish us so that we may grow in the faith and knowledge that in you, we are one. Amen.

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Hymn 295 Go to the World, vss. 2 – 4 SINE NOMINE

Go to the world! Go into every place. Go live the word of God's redeeming grace. Go seek God's presence in each time and space. Alleluia. Alleluia.

Go to the world! Go struggle, bless, and pray; the nights of tears give way to joyous day. As servant church, you follow Christ's own way. Alleluia. Alleluia.

Go to the world! Go as the ones I send, for I am with you till the age shall end, when all the hosts of glory cry "Amen!" Alleluia. Alleluia.


Postlude Toccata on LASST UNS ERFREUEN Tom L. Lohr


We welcome Reverend Mamisoa Rakotomalala, a pastor in the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar. Rev. Rakotomalala is currently pursuing a Doctor of Educational Ministry at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia (2018-2022). Upon completion she will return to Madagascar to recruit, train and support pastoral ministry. She is also a friend of colleague of Presbyterian Mission Co-Workers, Dan and Elizabeth Turk. Welcome, Rev. Rakotomalala!

Leader for hymn singing: Amy Simes

Liturgist: Elder Frances Turner, Davie Street Presbyterian Church

Timpani: David Vanpelt

† This Muscogee hymn is a Trail of Tears song, a testimony that their Christian faith was more powerful than their mistreatment by those who took away their ancestral homelands. Revered and cherished, it remains the most popular Muscogee hymn sung in churches in Oklahoma.