eindhoven university of technology master dindang natural ...enclosures 2 'start st art make...

Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural Building Project an appropriate design of and a manual for the construction of a family clay house in Thailand Habraken, M.M.A. Award date: 2010 Link to publication Disclaimer This document contains a student thesis (bachelor's or master's), as authored by a student at Eindhoven University of Technology. Student theses are made available in the TU/e repository upon obtaining the required degree. The grade received is not published on the document as presented in the repository. The required complexity or quality of research of student theses may vary by program, and the required minimum study period may vary in duration. General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain

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Page 1: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

Eindhoven University of Technology


DinDang Natural Building Projectan appropriate design of and a manual for the construction of a family clay house in Thailand

Habraken, M.M.A.

Award date:2010

Link to publication

DisclaimerThis document contains a student thesis (bachelor's or master's), as authored by a student at Eindhoven University of Technology. Studenttheses are made available in the TU/e repository upon obtaining the required degree. The grade received is not published on the documentas presented in the repository. The required complexity or quality of research of student theses may vary by program, and the requiredminimum study period may vary in duration.

General rightsCopyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright ownersand it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights.

• Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain

Page 2: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

4654 ARR 2010 BWK

TU/e Architecture, Building and Planning I Construction Technology Master thesis

DinDang Natural Building Project An appropriate design of and a manual for the construction of a family clay house in Thailand


•• I - ..... I: I 11 i I


M.M.A. Habraken BSc

Eindhoven 1 September 2010

Page 3: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE


1. SADT -schedule Make DinDang clay house

2. Activity codes and relations table Make DinDang clay house

3. Preeedenee Diagram Make DinDang clay house

4. SADT-schedule Make Adobe brick wall

5. SADT-schedule Make Comoressed earth brick wall

6. SADT -schedule Make Cob loaves wall

7. Preeedenee Diagram Make Adobe brick wall

8. Preeedenee Diagram Make Compressed earth brick wall

9. Preeedenee Diagram Make Cob loaves wall

10. Activity codes and relations table Make structure

11. Activity codes and relations table Make roof structure

12. Activity codes and relations table Make roof cover

13. Activity codes and relations table Make foundation

14. Activity codes and relations table Make Cob loaves wall

15. Activity codes and relations table Plaster walls

16. Activity codes and relations table Make floor

17. Activity codes and relations table Make doors/windows

18. Activity codes and relations table Make family clay house

19. SADT-schedule Make structure

20. SADT -schedule Make roof structure

21. SADT -schedule Make roof cover

22. SADT-schedule Make foundation

23. SADT-schedule Make Cob loaves wall

24. SADT-schedule Plaster walls

Page 4: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

25. SADT-schedule Make floor

26. SADT-schedule Make doors/windows

27. SADT-schedule Make family clay house

28. Preeedenee Diagram Make structure

29. Preeedenee Diagram Make roof structure

30. Preeedenee Diagram Make roof cover

31. Preeedenee Diagram Make foundation

32. Preeedenee Diagram Make Cob loaves wall

33. Preeedenee Diagram Plaster walls

34. Preeedenee Diagram Make floor

35. Preeedenee Diagram Make doors/windows

36. Preeedenee Diagram Make family clay house

37. Summary list test results

38. Respondent listsof manual test

Page 5: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

Coru-:11\ldion ~i t~ C lo~y


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1 UfHngfr~ •n~: Sit.t tJo.w IM~re ~Mmarl: I Slz,:; bQ!e I I I I



Towd 1-1<•...: Fr .tin( T~p.:nw;a:, ure



Ccmo.:nt White "md Wat.-r Ro><:k.<

.,".. 1-'id:.cL• Bamhou bo.:ams Nail~

G<.>oo.l proport ion~ mi:o.tun: Dcn>it ymi.tturc Pour con.:n:tc DT)ingpru«,.



Sbovcl H"c Buch1



l","'n-Jau,on ~lln<l

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C!~y W;~~.~ r

C'nfrn· bu.'k Rll'J'C'uf rl ..,qlo:


N;uls C lay W~tter

Cofl'< ... ·hu>l> 4Pich1' Holl'<:stu l withcuffechu~k Cement Wh1tc ~a.nJ

""""' '""' Ropc,.fd ::..-..l icl>m> llaml""'t"ol;.;tnb Woodornboord!.

2 Wood.-nboóirds

G.:...S p«•l"" •rti" n' miJ. tun: Ck•ity mi.•tu•~: Layhckb Sw:: orenln;.~ ,\klP'U n:rn.:ntlop n(facodr.:: Mcli$Un:IJ1dmart Wi lbrdhci&l.hwa.ll Thicl..nc"~ b)'l'l

P'ut <'llm >:<~tul\!

Sn1<01}\hlavcr Do;•t;n oc-Cor.11ion.~ Put on drcor-..sûe>n~

Plaots Rüp<: Fl<iV."CI':'

RO(>fhr.tm.< RJ(lgcbcam

Gr.i.~ piec.:~

Dry gr.&.'~ fl,tmh...><t ~ l~> t-irl.· Glu~powtkr

R ... -..J:;..,il 4Supporthc:'m" /'JJilsnfhwnt-<1•• C:nR.-<lrudion•itc

Smoothcdwa.lls wilhopt:ning~


\,. h .,J pmp11llil'!1-.'nli~tuf\:

l.kn:<M y mi~tun· f>ui UIII Oli.\!1.1(\C FilUn& fr:.rn~ St~thhricb

Dtyin_\!pn..>...:u Wd.neo.., fr.>n iC LJf1 insfr..mc Sitxopc:nin!!.$ L;.yt>tid..> Si1.cbolo: Dryin& pllXl" ' >O'ncrc-tc Build from wvod

Pt~m pl:(llt<

Wl~ l"ll: lj:lhw~JI

nw...L-~ 1~}'« M~Lft'mt.' nl l llopof fa..:JOJo:

s m.."ffth l ~r~r

[b lp~i·­

"" " " dD.."'Or.ltl!lrl< lt!.PJt p<~>ott1oo 1-c~m~ Lcn~ bdwc.:n 1\r.l» pkc..· ~

Good p<~IO'Il JIIWi pWaor; :SiubufWr Pour ~viKTrt.C' .Makc roo.f;,;on51rudion :SMtJ«h-ooAr..'T\1t

Leflo•n:rcby Lcftnvera-n:cm mi~ IUtt" U:I'IM"I'r rodC.$ l...d lo>-.:.ri"IWH1.u Ld tM"u bncU. Lc((oW<. rmiMUI\!

Urick.JcnJC!u mo::u40re ~Ie;,~ ·~rum.:nl

W.-:kn !<al"foldins !\lick

I""' Tu"•:l Ho· .... • ,,~

Tl\•llc )· To.~pc: ._._""

W.111:.:nnJl311 Hanmw:r ... ,

Rightpo.<ition hr.<ill) c .. ~-.J proponinn~ mi\1\jn:'

Dco..-<ilym.i.\IUTC lllici;nc$.<Loycr Putonnn;uun: Snwv~h t:.yn M.-.:.sure:.ndmark U:ngtbho::t...,=r.p;l"pit<x"< Go.-..;x! po~ iti" n gr..s..• p; ,-.;("'o MakcronfooostructJOn

Compll1l' cl:.y hou'"" wi1b prtkn D:.mboo tw:-.'lm-l..dh)\"tr ~WI~

Lodl"' ""'f"t

---""""'I S""'>n llu.;kct

~ ·~

'""" 1-1 lbûlnll :SI.-... 0,..."""'~ 1\.oi! Tllh c-­Sh•no


Fiu-.J roof«mtii\ICiion Wolb s~~ :mdrid~"'bc;!.m

3 h:om bo.-.>llll.am~

Nar b uf tamt-1


Oamhilf")k:atns ~b)"t:rm ixnn'~>'

Gl ~~tpvwlkr W;otçr WM.~T

lh1cb II•'Ot'•hit..,..;th cotlct hu~k WOOI.knh,.:.rd.< f 2 \\lo-...dcnl ,...ard:!l

~ ~.::::~ l>r.>m'/


U11el.d H~


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R•IJII! 2pcDOO>: T;op.: m.:a<Un: li iiD~ 1'<:<001

N.ul ~ I

Rvpe 1

' ' '


IGvo..Jpi\'PQIIÛt- 11li\\Ufl:

:~~~;c~\t ure 1 Siu uporniDJ~

: ~~:~~~~ ~~~~r r~3~ :Wisho.-d beli!th .,·..JI


lt .... l~ ·~

TruUey T:if'<" Ri("-ll'i\lft" Sno.l.it'orh .. , ...., .. ~r.· M.: .. ~re in -.l lvmcnl

lbmm.-r w ... .,Jo:n-....off,.lolin!!.

11 01.-.c Tn>lley T:opem.:.o.'Un: llnc k.lcnl't.hM m.:J.>ll rt Mç;o.'-\l n:ofl>.lrumo.:nl

Hamu-..:r Ga< rans~ , .... n Toh Spo••n Shd .SPQnp.: Sc;offoldînt:


R id~ bam Haod dlill

llarnmn Silo.>•·.-I (I&Kkt'l Ho~sc

"'~ Scaffo..>lding.

Guotl pr<?•rtinru;mjltun.· '~ llcnJJ I)• maNR." I

~:~n-:~,~~~:r : Snl< R>~ h ! .. )""t" r 1

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l pç" •'-"

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Shli"IIJtl'lai "'C~ufld la)'l"r "nwall• -t\ Jooo-•r.lhun~

1..-fl.";r rmo:. lun·

Sw.:l•p•.min);$ 1-'utonmi.ttun: (i(-..xlpropurth>n) miJ.tun: Ol:n'lityroi.uurc lhtc.k.lll.~ la)W Putunmi:o~ture

Smoolh laycr



Sp}nec: Scalft"ldin!:

--- --- ---

Fini~hcd hou~e

Lcfloi\>::TmiJi i\IR."

ll.<mma B...ck,·\ n:.nlhoo• n:.oil

Win<luw-'l'di)oof ...,·ith haml!oo~ han

c;.,..>d pro 'J'(Irti ••n' rm~tutt: l.)o;n.,·ity rru~turc Pour OJIK'n.'le Orying proo:eu e~~tt

Smootb cuncn:le

6 Make floor in

--- --- ---

and around hou_s_e+---R---· -...__; '"""""~""""'--'"'--''~.c:~---·---~

tpcn<< >ll Slll)lollrl

'""" H~



Gr~>d pll.tponio>.!l~ mi.lturc [km:il )'mi:O.IU I\." Tlu c~J. !")"Cf

f"ul l)ft mi Ji iU!t

s,. .. ll\ ~"-d 1)".._1,...,~



"r-•RF ~rlo:lil~

Fillllihld houu i...eOO\'C:I IIU.~IUTC

Wat cl

:'iltc'bonkr 1"1 ~11 plarus

lp..:r1on T11.>lk)· Budel Shovd W:ücring.:an

C<~mpMc- ct:.y boo.e


~' ........... "'"' . Cltloa>o...:• <fi ii'J ~'<><'" tl"-'"~l • ... "w~Ail ~ l'f" .._.....,. (hoO..,f :"".-•IIMool.lq Pnf" l U..od.ud

, S .\IlT-~htdlllt I I~I:;J..r<f;o~·~oto~...­

~'"' ' \ i'-t \ 11-"•"""' •O.; I '-J.l.\. •1

Phr · ~-of-f """'''"' I I !1• :0. • ~!

Page 6: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

Enclosures 2


lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1

18 MEAS URE SITE START End-start 120 1% 1

2 MAKE FOUNDATION 18 End-start 680 3% 1

3 MAKE WALLS lA & 2 End-start 2 3 . 1 Make watls lA & 2 End-start 4504 19% 2 3.2 Remov e framewofk 3.1 End-start 60 0% 1 3.3 Put on second er 3.2 End- start 1786 8% 1 3.4 Put on thj rd 6 End-start 879 4% 1

4 MAKE ROOF 3.3 End-start 1290 50t .• a 2

5 MAKE FLOOR IN AND AROUND HOUSE 3.4 End-start 1110 5 % 1

6 MAKE AND PLACE DOOR AND WINDOWS 4 End-start 150 1% 1

7 MAKE GARDEN s End-start 635 3% 1

END MADE CLAY HOUSE 7 End-start 0 0%

Total 2.3644 100°/a 716 DAYS

14 3 WEEKS

. -·

'1/-Jorking hours at one day . 5,5 hours 330 minutes

Page 7: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

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Page 8: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

Çom'\JUCtion ~·te

H•1lc W:~tcr



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---- --------,--l G,lOd J'l>lpar!Îi'fM fl\; \ nltl:

I (k~I$··)'~!.AII.IfC

: I pcnon SOOvel Bucket H= 11~

' : Good proponloos mi\rurc

' ' ' '

lpcnoo Silovort Ilud:ct


Q<,.-..J pr opi.lra.on.~ m•~l .U t.'

lknNynu., Q.Irt Ftl!Wiafromc tiillni eram~ su~ n.t lb lln<:h

Dryinc pr Wct0d$ti':li llt'




~IOIJ ptllll<• r\ :li ii ,IH"l\li C


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Fll lmg rr;lii'IC

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1 j)ln<>fl

C<•n ~ tn~<: t ion <i te Huk Wo~<:r

(.'pffo:chusk Cby R.opcoftl.:l) tic b:u'!s Woodmboarels


Strcn:btll'-nch Oryingpf\Jo:C!I.-..


{.oyold ptyP<:>r1o<'f4 ~l ,lut C

(kn> •l> nu' ture Fd lillló;lmt Li lll'm1 fr.l~ Strcnt;thhrirb Dryi.Rsrwo.:cn WctJlCI..~Cr.>mc

S:.lc open:.np l ay hn.cb MG.>;u:·c aad

A6obc bn~k ~>·all 10Hh witldow~ ar.<.1 ~~ opc:ning:s lC"O\'Cf ~ÎctiU !I'U "I ID'C$

!.-'1~ ""~'\_ ___ Lcflu\'tl mortal

'""""' Sho> d Budel lb

""'' T""l<y TB .... Cl Tapemea"'~ !3nck,knp.ll ~ç rnns.,1,1~

Woodcn =afJold"'l

LeilO\-erbnda ld~O\'t i i'Op(

:\tc.-.uc :mJI'nilti.: kight l.lyct La) Mich

Tro~!C' )



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---- ---- ---- ----- ---- ---- ----

Wooda!blw0 Rupcv(dJ~>Iir~ ,\lomr BriciC$

S:w: "f'CTT "' I>~ Laybncb


--- ------

Windc:r.o·, ,lo.l<>f ope~~UII•

iu l;ud br..:l. w~ ll

--- ------, Bricklcngthn.smc~~"rc ....... l)uckct ', l~O<:: ..........

R••pcu(.~1Mtirl>:l ns Mon;;, r Bricb

U,y .tondti

Trolky ', I pcrson Bucket

""' Trol lo=y -·- ------------------- Tape rne:II~UI'e

lpcr<OII Budel Hoc Trolle) Tapc m~:a~wç

l:ly bricl;s

', ......... ,

' ' '


,.........,....,p.,....t D-.JlloqjN..tt..l&l!b\olrltr.lf'y.'J('.ll'b.o•lwl

Jlt.>.~ .-l,4ol..• f~•tlll 1 ·1~!1.:<.1 ,_ .... f ... lSI-:1.­C>•f"·lt~

Or •r lw~·~ ~.all boe{ ............

Page 9: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

Con.<I.N\'Iioo •i te Huk W.1kt SMJ Clay Sww

~ I IC

Hole W~lo:t

""~ Clay Strow


I (iood propottiun ~ rni~tarc

1 DeMity mtuurc


' : 1 ~1'10(1 SII<MI


l~ock ct


: Goodpropon :onsmixrure

' ' ' '

I poson Shovel Bucket H~

Good proporuc.u m~tutc

OenJ.il)'lllll l\l~

Fi iii!I PI'C'U COI'JIIptc:~ •-.:~~ ()ry dt:M11)' f'1 C3-S.ng

CompH:ssedea nhbrir:ks

L<::tkwer rni~hU'C Lcftoveri.ngredi.:nL<


Shovd Oucket

""' To"' d

"~ )..\,)0...-,! pt'C.)S

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I pcr:<OII Hoc

"~ I per-on


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Bvát· l Ttm;:l )..I J I'!\I:I Ip!C'<•


C01npre->~i\<: ~tr<:nglh

DT)·&n,:ty l'lc ..-ont

'"·' Press brick


(.;Ott<tr1~;.'t ion ~ itc


e;-1 ph"!fl\lftwti' m;,~ Dr!lfil} ttt n 11)11'C

Ftili.-c~ Pn•nlJig Sucni,"lh bn.:Jc .. <

S ta: ~l .. l


Co~c >tJCIJ~ Dry dou ity Mamn::~ 111011"\: OOi: tll !J)C! Wct~~~~:S3


S:uu.t 0 Make compres-Str;,w sed earth wall Clay c~ e~nh hrick ... -:all .. ; tb W\lldow~ and door opening.• Ropc: of c!a$tic ba>1s Lefto~·ct .:~ l.kd ient.• flll.lllutel

Wooden M<lrdi ------.Jr.w...:: .• ~l:~?,r--- Lcftovcr OIOrat

---- ----

lpo:l"$00 SPIQ,-d

8 >.K'kt:1 Towd

'"" '"'"' Trulk )· T• mell:l-~~ Dndd~ .. .,_,ure Woo,!m ....ul'oklu!J '-l:;ut~l prcJ<S

l pct);()ft

Lcflo,crbr.cls lcftO'<Cif'O?C

--- ------

,.le:mare.dml.fkhci[.bt lly<T L.aybueh \Vf1nCS.)I:!ntb

B111.:kct Towel H~ Trolley Tnpc-me3)ure










' '

: Sil~CrpmÎn;i

Sv copcn:np U•)·hr .. :h


---- ----~~Uorc a r..lln:o rkiH:~gh"71~c;1 ~) lmc.U 1 \.\ elll«l hnch

Win<k>w.\ dr>Qiopco lng.< inlolidhncbw01!1

Bridlcngtb:L<>mea-rurc Budct liO<:

Mc:~"-..re~nd n'l:lrk bcigh1l.:lycr L.:ay br.ch We\DCis briek,s. Sizcopc:nings

I pc.r.;on Bucket Towd H~

Trolley Tnpcmca,-wc


Ropc <l f cl:ost"hans '-lon;._r Compr('MC\J c;mb t>n.:ks Wa\cr

l pt·rson Bucket Tow<:l

""' "',,,",, ~~k~U'.I:C


Si:te opening~ ,

I pm.o!i

' ' ' ' '

W:ndo""'-doorilflC" n:ni • lnlaidhrkb ... ~1 1

· ............... .. .. ..................... .. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .. ................................... .


CöotllPit'!+I~("Jot!l. Dry 4o:~ i ty


< ·--~·,.,."., .... , \hl~ "c' ' 'l".''t.,._ t,t<.;HI!•otw..t

l 'û.-r..-J ,t.f,· t~"' t . u). ~'"

, ...... , ",.f • c ~ ~ '""­l)o " I'\ lA •

IJI•l \\\'- · R.o~~• TI•...,_ ..

Page 10: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

H<>k: Watn Coffo:chusk Clay

&""' Stnlw

C n n>lF\Kl iotl


llole Wat.: I


1-(.i:;-;po::icm> TtU.~ tuf'(; I D<:ns itymi:o;turc I SQ;.kin~:: prO«'!'~ I

' :I pa,:on

' ' '

J pc r.;oon

---- -----

' ' ' ' '

' ' '

I PÇ T"'lll


' '


' ' ' ' '


\ lixlnn:Onl.llp

S:;:.e.:cob !w•·n


--- --- --- ---

l f"t' I'<IJn

--- ------


S~e coblo.wcs Knca..l1ng Plani~hing

l petson


"~' W~tCT

Coffcch11sk Cby SnOO Sl,T:Iw Wl)(ldcnh<l.1r<.l$




Pbms hmg

--- ---

0uu.J prupoftiUII~ iiU\ iurc

Dl:m nymt:o.turo: S.-:.kJni PAAO~ Sl.LC cuiJ IUJ\C~

Kk.WtiiC Plant~&: C(lb loovf:l: ~tthnlqt.K

Cunil!r (nhl<:>.:~~ c.,~ll



Smoolb coblo.~vcs wal! .l'"l __ ~Ldlo•C.Yini:rt:dlrn\S mÎ:o; l ufd.



Stlo.l•·cl lludet

""" T"'" To" ~ l Cobba "s tllll'lb M....: hct;;: Old ~..­

WI)!)den ,:c.)M:.Iding


--- ---

ld'la.·e r wt>lo.ll•oc~


--- --,

---- ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----Ct1h IM~C~ I~tutiquc

Cutl iJlil C(l tl h>ave~ 11~1 \1 Wctnc:s~ b.yCI'1

Siu q~<:runp.

CobiOIIoVCJ\Iech.niqliC Cut.'lln;cobl<•''ti •••'lll l We10c laycn

......... ...

Window~door opcnînp inl:tid tnbi<XWC1 " '1JII

coo~o»:::,;,~--- 1 ( liiTW!JCobloavc.> .,.,.U 1 Wdl;leri~ L>.~co: 1

' Towtl CöbOCr' $ tumtl \ ~a<:l'lck


' ' '



' lpcrson Dutket

HO$c Towcl Cobbcr 'JO I\lmb Machctc Oldha!:tds.:~l\

'',,,'',, , '', ',,, ___ I pcnon ~:t·t Towd

' ' ... ,· ••• , ~~~:: t"n:~

' ( : sizcof!Si~tp

~ •• • • • • • • • .. '--.-----"--'-T---'

Siz<.·opcmngs Col:oloai'CS tcchniqvc Cuningcob loo\·ts ,.-~u

Wctll<'~ • L,ych


""" To ... ·~· l ( obbcr'» lllm l'l

Ma.:hc1e 0Wh.1nd)o3w

I pc1:ron 1 pcrwn H~ 1 ['ll:f"liOn I po::rwn Col'lbcr's tuml'l Bocket


, .. ...... ................................. ......... .. ........................................... ........... ............................................................. .

-- - --r


Oldhmi!m"'· WoodaJ~olding

--------, ' ' ' ' '

Wtndo" :io door .-. nin1: ' in l"ll.l cOO l o;~. • e~ " !>11

cob \oavc

"'~ P'lrl'f -!l l~ l\~ Clt W r' U\ •

ll!t F I\" 1'_., ,..... .. èlnlp,..-t...

Page 11: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

- ~- ·

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1.7.2 End-start

! woricing hours at one da 330

Page 13: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

- ------ - - . -·----- -----~--~ -~.Q_~~.bE.'=!~~~~;Q_~~- ~- ---~------L- ___ ~L~-':1-~r~-

I 330 - .. 7 mihutes --------- -·----'---------------------- -'-----·---------'- ------- -- ---~ ------- ---------------------'--------------

_____ J


Page 14: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

0----·- i 5,5 hours _____ _ 330 --- _._L_ ----

Page 15: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

'4.4 LAY STONE FOUNDATION 4.1.8 + 4.3

4.4.1 Put on mortar 4.1.B + 4.3

4.4 . .



I - .~ - -- --- -----

i_____ iWorkinghours at one ~_y

End-start 270

End-start 90

End-start 90

End-start 90

----- ----r-~ ~- - ~

~~9- - - --· !!_li!!~!~~- _i_ ___ -





i --- L ··-





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_.1.._ ___ 5,5 hours ----!--------;--- ------- t--- -- --- -·

____ 3_30 ______ ~~~~------~------- ---~ ----------------------- ___ 1

Page 18: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

' I


5 hours 330 min-u"te5 -- -~ ------'----'------- ----

Page 19: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

4 doors + 4 windows, 16 slats out of one bamboa beam, one slat about 3 cm, doorwidth 90cm, Windowwidth 50cm, 12 bamboa beams needed, 5

8.1 MAKE BAMBOO BATTENS START End-start 60 2 16% 1 minutes bamboa beam to t

3 knotting point for each slat for , door of 30 slats, :8.2 KNOT BATTENS TO FRAME 8.1 End-start 282 09 77% 1 window of 17 sla 30 seconds 4 doors + 4 windows

Page 20: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

_ I minutes I

- J

Page 21: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

----Si~..:<.:'lllm Sizcholc Sizcpadfourul:uion Propeniesbonom!og Ucig.biC\Ilm~

f"iag ~'Uppor1i.Dg bc,a;m~ Knoui.ogtecboiquc L;ay fo1111d:nion


Positioo ofbe.lnV{r)me dOOf/"'Uidow

"'''" '"' i "'"'"""""""""""··

---- ----

f--Consuuctiou ~i te

1 Make I ~:;:;c;,!door structure 11--===::.....-, Knonio~t;lcthnique

Posilion ofbcam

&mboobe30\S !Lcfto,ersaod Supponbc.am.s '--,-----.---'Lc.fto,er culm

5""" l l l ofto,·a b•mboo R an.u. Ld\o\'Cf bcam Stanes Lc.f\o\·crr.lU.:tn ,., ti ~):.eed oil 1 person H:;mvner Wotet Shovel

8uckc1 Hosc Pet~eil :-.I~ hole Tapcme;u;urc Mx~IC Wood<:nsc:~ffolding

";"""'!"""" r--::--..i..----, Sir\IC1\llc~ roof<IIJ\~o,:ture

'----->! 2 Make roof wi\hdoor/wi..Ddow &-:111\C

·1 structure I ~~~ ~----::::oo ~m~ L--.----,.-~_J ::a~;a ~-uppon

Lcftovcr ~Uko l ld\o~~=

'""~" T'J'< rn~'"" ren.: i I Mxhcte Woeden ~,~ffo!ding

Koottingtechn.iquc: Ma!Ungpalmroofpicccsle<:hniquc Po~ilicm nfrotlcrsll latslgruf-pia::u/ ridgc be.'l01 Rigl'u ~U:c roftcrs/slaWIO'"O--\"llpioe«l ridgcbc::Jm

1 '-------+1·1 3 Make roof

I I Sif\Jehncv.ithcoi·C"tedroo( I andridgcbe:lm .. ~

I cover

l':llmlc.wcs 1 ILcflo,·crridgchc:ant•

lbmboo ""m• L...--..--~ --.----J~L<no,a ~n" '"'' R.att:ln Bamboo r.~ l\crf5lat~ S..mboo ridsc bc:lm

I pcrsoo Tapo.:m ... surc P01cil M~h«<


0.1rnboobe:lms Supponbc.lnu:

'""~ ......


Si.ttholc Sitt pad and ~1rip fouod~t.ion Propcn:ei Mnomtos Hcig.blculrru Fixiog.supponiog toeam~ Knoniog 1cdi.Oiquc U.y foundation P~itioo ofbtamlfnme door&windol'. rafkn.i slats/pa~s pieccs'ridgt! beam Richt S>.ce bc:amlfr.lmc door&windol\·/raf1cf"'.l $lau/pa.~~ pie«s' rid11e beilnVballt~:~ Rcquin:dfonnslon~ Good pNpo>niOM cby monar/coYpla.<tcrlay. a llpbsiCr taycr 2 mixNK Dem;.i!yday tnOitMf~plMterb.~r llpl:liter lay.:r lmix~~~te Dryin&pro«:J.soffOUlldation So;Wng proccs:s Siucobloa,·es Koeading Plani~ing

Cob)oa,·estechniquc-CuttingoobloavuwaU We~neU bycrs Cuttiog b;wnboo into battms (.\mioa: bamboo inlo a h:andgip Lubricaliog m.ixNK pi:L<:tcr bycr I and 2 Smoothiot; t«h.nique pl:.st.:rla)'C"I I :md 2 Floorlayer hcigtn Gtound levt"l beia:tb Thicbla..tfloor tayer> Sm""'h;"gtop fli o;ll•y"

s­Cl.."ly linuedoil w, ... &mboo r~flcr/sbl~

-----+J· I 0 Make family I

-J clay house 11----..

Finish«f r~ilyelay housc Ld\ovcrs.:md Lcno\·acutm Ld\o,·abam'ooo LcOo•·erb<illm L.cl\o••CTf":lt\al)

Lc:Rovc:t$1.1ppor1b<::>ms lcf\0\"a'•'\.Ü:CC lcRo•·t.rridt;ebum, Lcfto\·crraner. ~:ou. Sand ______ _

Bamboo ridi,C be;lm PalmiC3•-n

I l ' ' ' Gr1vel OH HoNCshil RedwattrO\Itofclay Fincund Gl~


Si%e ~trip foundation Roqltirtdform ston~

l p<~

Oood proponion~ clay moTUr mi~turc Oe-n.o=ity day mortarmixture


Sho~tc l

llud:ct HOK

Pencil T3pemc:u."n: M;u;~\c

WoodCI"Ise.tiToldina Mix hole Woodenbo.vd Spoot;c T•b

·~ PUe Shck TMJ> Towd Cobbcr '~turnb

Old band.uw \Vbcelb3rmw

O.,;ng p•oc"f lo•nd><;~

Srrutturcwî\hco•·eredroo( L ____ ...,_l -4 Make strip land swootriplound:ation

î foundation I ~L-,.-----,.-JL<-fl-o•--a-,,-.,--C b y J l Leftover .:lay momu linsoed o>l Water

lp<oon T•t>< ~'"" Mhhok Sbovel Bucket Hose

' ' ' ' ' '


' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

Good propor1io~ «>b mixture Omsitycobmixturç SO.lkingprocc:..s SiY.ccob lo.w.:~

~~~·& Plani•.tu~ Colo loa,·C!ótecbnique C\lning cobiD.lvtl':wall Wtti)C;-.•layc'~

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

.-~--~L--~~o';;~~:~~,C::~CAJ roof 5 Make cob

~ Cb y

""" Slr.lw

loaves wall I

ll SJ Bucket H()l;t T"P Towcl Cobber's rumh ~ hocbete Old haDd.<.;;w Woodcn SC~IToldiag Mixhole W~lbarrow

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ',,,'',,,

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

Good proponîon.~ milr.run; plaslet Ll)·tr I aod 2 IXn.•i ly mixNK pl~ct J"ya I aod 2 Lubrit..)t.Î..Dg mixluie piaslel bya I :md 2

' ' ' ' ' '

SmooWo; •~hTpt.oa b>« ::~ .;~"'""' rooi 6 Plaster walls

~ I w,." l l Horscsilil Red wate r (lt.OIOfclay Finc- sand S~h \ pci"S()n Sho,-el

Bucket Hosc ~l i Jió hole Spon ge M •.. Fin:: Stick


' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

Floor bycr h<:1ght Gtouod lc-.·cl he!),.'1h Tlli<:kneu Ooor layas

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

Smoo>hiog "'PI"' o;t toya Stn«•• w;>h oo•ao! •ooi

L------+lr 7 Make floor l 311dlinishcdw~tb .md noor

~L~--~~~ G~,·<l l 1 s~' Oil

I pcrson T;apcrr..:.)Sure Shovd Bucket Woodenhoaro Spon&..::

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~~;~~::q:to sla\$ ''1 Ri;ht ~ze b:unboo :.:aL~ I

'"""' romboor ' ""''""' ~

'------->1·1 8 Make doors/ 11----+1

windows IFin.i~h.-Jf~rn ih· cl:>yhou-.!

::::"!"' ""~· '--r----1 ----.---1

I pcTSOn Tapcm.~asurc

M xhetc: Pc.ucil

Tu1/,e ,\td.iMh"~-~.,~o~~o~,._, " I " c_..,.,.,,", .... T~,-~

a,.,_..,.,..,.,.,, {) .. Jut N, fl-!;h;j; h •'!f<""l lll>ttond

SADT~ut. ! G ~tob lomlly thy lwu.•t

~_" ...... M.M -\. It"'>r:>lcooOS.::

!'lor~ ""''""' E-.m\"" !6.1,~04G

r-, l'wf ,. f"$-t.:t.,..i"""'n l.lt. lt. rA.Crlu4or,..

Dr •<F W V­fU..,~llP..o:~h

Page 22: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

·~~ Cl>y Unsccdoil Water


,--I Si:et:C\Jlm I Si~e hole 1 Siufouncb.ti011 I Properliesbonoml~

1 ~~'e,~ :~rting ~rm I Knoningtcdmique I lay!OIUid3rioo I I I

I pcNOn HMnmcr Shovd

""''" H~

Lcflovcrs"nd Lcftovcreulm


Pcncil Tapcmcasure Mxh<k Mi:l:holc


~~:(b!:mlog ' ' '

' :lpcrson

' ............... : :sv.chotc



' '




' '


--- ---



o.o.• Cut culm to right size

Posiliol'ofbc::lm RiJhl sicebeam

o.o.s Install culm in bottem log


Corw.ruction $ite ~mboobelms

Suppon be3Jn, SWcrt

Si.-eculm Sirehole s~~ fo!md:nion Propcrtic:o;bottom log Heig.btrulms Fix.i.ng support.ingbc31'!U KnoniDgt«hDiquc L3y foonebtion Positionofbeamlfr.wnc4oor.wio4o .. · Rigbt si:tc bamffr:mte doorf'lo'iDdow

"'""' SlODes Structun: .. ;tb door/\o;indov.· fnmcs Lello•·nbeam


Clay Lin.~ oi.l W>>c




Fi.xin' supponing ~ ..::Jm$ K.Mltingte<hntquc


Lello••et.mnd Letloverculm

---- !t~":~m_:oo_

Hammer Sbo•·cl Bucket H= Pencil TapcmC3$Urc M:lcbo:tc Woodeli scatrolding Mixhole


"'-6 Fix support ".., Lay stone


beams to r--------1 pad foundation CUim Cuhn{hcd.,.ith in hOle Found11tedrulm Culm in bollomlog

2Suppon henms 2~t~h,


lprn~on Hammcr lpcrson Bucket Sho•·cl H~

Mi .~ hole

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Knoninglechniq ;.~c



iP~ilionofframc : Rig.bt sUc IT:Ime

' ' ' '



TapcmeaAJre Pcn.:il Wooden.-offolding

--- --- ---

I penon

--- --- ---

Machete Woodcn!<Ca.lio!dinb

--- --- ---Po~itionoffr:!.mc

Rig.ht,izcfr.tmc Kno!tin~ lCchniquc



Tapct11e;l.;\lre :

Slruc1un:.,.ithdoor windowfr.lme!:

PCJK"il t

\Voodcn scaffolding Machete 1

Positioo offi:lmc KooniDglcchniquc

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

lpc:!"'Oll Waoden scdTolding


Gradulto.•l""', n ' l DonO .. , N.annll:l ....... , F'r<lj<O."i Tll;oi(>Jid

f'n>f ir C'S Klnrllnlll Or ir f'.A f.rlotlnu

lll' lr. E.W. \'lt>kft R..o.~&'M Th~a

Page 23: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE



1 ~ 2

· 1 Position

~=:~~ beam

------------------------------------- ----

Posilion ofbe::lm Rigl'u ~h~.c be:lm


Structurc .vi t,h door/ windo.vfi<lmes Bamboabeam,s R~ttnn



K.nolling lc..-tmiquç Po..Jiionu(l>cam R.Jghl $izC bcn1

l 2 Make roof structu re

Roor),ruCNtt l~no,•er !Qlppor! l>c-.tnls t.eno, •cr 1'3\l.lo l,.;;:no,·crst:ll:C$

~1 ----,,.J~.I ------------------ ---lpcn;:on ' ' ---

Tape mc3AI'~ -- _

Mac:M1c ------Woodal ~o<·~ffoldmg - - - __ _

PositionDf bum


--- -- ---- ------ --- --- --- ------ ------ --------- --------- --- -. KnDttillg Jcdmiquc

J J : I r~lionedbenm _] 2 .2 Mark right I Mmcdbe:l.m -~ 2-3 Cut beam to I Ripusizc bc::lm _I 2 .4 Position I PMlli<JnOObc.am J 2.5 Knot beam I Knoncdt>e:m" POf JinKimc J 2 .6 Remove I

11--------------------oj~ size beam


1 right size t:===--------------------,


beam ,1----------------.1~~ to st ructure jt-... -.. -.. -.. -,---------------+1- ~ support beams ~t-~0-00-,.,-ru,,=--l I .1 ~,~."·~.. . .. ~ 1 J I 1 1 ~:~:::~~" "'~' T'P' m<O<w< I .1. T"" I.="' I I''""" "" '"' I _l" r,-t~w" I r<=o Wood<o =itold~g :.'':,: I pcNOn Wooden sc::<ffo!ditl~ Wooden ~caffo!di.ng ·· - --- ~-

Pmca\ Wooden . ...:afTo!ding Woodcri ~ffo!dmg

rr•u• '· Md.t!flrnlr.:.....a;I* MUJ.lolr~ 1• ,"1 e c--. .... rft:~-

r..--. .... ~ !),afbr-4N-r:a.l lh>!<illl' 1"1--<>~ Til~

~"""'"~ l~•"ft J/-7·.111\U

,_, f'r.,f «\ l$1Uror­l>l'. ll. r . .\ f-A:tl,·'·'

0..• ~ 1\ \ ".......,


Page 24: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

S~n~o:Jvrc: and

roof s~ wilhdoorl

SIJU(:Iun:ano.lroof .~ lnielurt wilh door/ 'vindow frameJ Bamt>oor.tf\en.l ~~~lS


3·' ... 1 Position rafter/sl at





Maklnsp;~lmle:wc pi«<:) ltcllniq uc

Rioh• ' " ' polm j"'' pi«~


3 ..... , Mark right size rafter/ slat

1 lperson Jm==

Pencil Wooden ~ca trolding


l J .l.A.3 Cut rafter/ Rof\eri.,\atonright

slat to right 1"·"--------1 si ze

Palm roof pi.:«~

---- ----



3 .I.A.4 Position rafter/slat

r I perwn



Positiooed r:l.fktl5lat

---- -----------

... .......... ..

3 · .. •·• Kn ot rafter/sl at to roof st ructure

1 T I penon

... ' ' ' ' ' '

S~ructurcandroof urucl\1 ·

re with doorfwindow fr.&­

•~ Pa.lmlo:a\'es Bamboobeams RJtun

Bamboo n f\en. "jalli Bamboo ridg<: beam~


StruciUfl;:md roof J inlcruro:: wiJtldooJI winduw frmncJ Palm lca,·c.~

Bamboo b"--ms Ra\Un

J.1.s Make palm I roofpieces r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_j

J Leftover p.:~lm leav~, '--o--

1 ------.---'

1 L<now bomboo

l per.;o~1 M.xl) ... '1e

Tapem .. ·a.<utc Pcncil

l...<:f\ovcrral lol n

Knotting ~tchn.ique

Makillgpalmroofpiccesteclmiquc Pos.ition of ra.fterslsla.Wpalm roofpiec.:s/rid~;e ~m

Righu lu ~""'T'"J>'lrn ~f~o='""'' bom

Structnre.,.,-ith ..-ov~droofandridgcbeam' Lcf\ovcr ridgc')cam, lcf\o, ·c r r.~ftcNisl at~

--- --- ----'---r-1 --..---'-r ------

'""00" ''"'" ----- - ---TaptrJI(";liUJl! ---

Machete ------Wooden KaiTold ing ---- __

P!"it!Onofpa\m roofpicce Knoning le<hniqut"


--- ---- --- --- --- --- --- ------ --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---Posj tion ofri: :a:--i Rigtlt ~ize ridge beam I

~"~·~r l 3

·3 Knot palm ll----------c_.,_·=~-~_' ___________________________ .

11 3 .. Fix rigd e I

roof piece 1......... .1 beam 1

1-,-""'-,-=-.-,"--+ J

~ - ~~ ~vemiroofand

---~':'-"- - - -- 1 r i ~~:~~dg<b<>m 1

Jpen;on I per.>OD T:.pemensute I Pe:neil : Wooden ~.:.:.(foldiog

--- Machete ;


.. .. ....

..... ........ ----

Covcrcdroof 3 "4

"1 Position F 3.4"

2 Mark right 3.4 "

3 Cut ridge Ridgcbe;lm onrighl 3


"4 Position PO$i1ioned ) . l .A.S Knot r idge

B=t>oo"'''"'"" ridge beam size ridge beam "~''d'~'' ""m beam to right ridge beam "'"'~<>m beam to roof 1------~

.... := . :~·-=·· . := ~~:=·· -· · ·= .. "::.:~: ·= -==-~~--- - ·~,:~-~---··:r--

()~""~' Dir.O:."J)'Ioiii-N B•d dll"-1- l"r<l)«t lll.ailuMI

f>'WY·...,I •I.JH. E._..._"' ~1· 2111 0

r.......-.. Pfot" .... C: .S. . K~

"'"- ~- "'-~ l)r fir f.W . \'i«i<11 tu .. -~, ,......~

Page 25: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

---­.----I I I I

---- ----------------

--- -------- ---------------

I SLZe foUDdation Good proporboos cl:~y monar nti:r;turc

i 1



Slnlclllrcwitheo.,..cred roofand ridgc bc.am Slones C1ay Li.o..~ced oil Water

-----__ ...... ----

Si.n: ~,rip fo:~ndation Reqyircd fonn~10JJCS L~yiJJg oiones Good proronions d"y morur ntix.turc Otn.~ilymi~I1Jre

Ol)1ng pmcc~> of{D\lll&lion



T T.1pe mca~-urc !1-lillbolc Shovel

"""'" H~

... __ _ Suurnm: witb co•·ci'CIJ roofand none ~trip (oUJidatiou Ldlo\·crmorur Lcftovcrs.aud

--- --- --- --- --- ------ --- ------ --- --- ...... __ --- --- --- ------- --- --- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- ------ ---.


D<)'io .. ~<~ r , . .,.",~ ~ Ll.yingstoocs

l 4

,LA Dig hole _I Dugboleforfoundalion 4 -2 Make clay I C1aymorurinmix.bo1e I 4"3Transport II __________ T::;""""=::::":::"':.:::'"::l';.::"":::"":::::.:rn:::''~"":::'-------------------------+1 4

.4 Lay stone I L:oidnoncsttipfound;uion

:~~E:;:~ Ls_t_ri•p_f_o_u_n_d_a..,t.-io_n} j,...,=.=.="="=,"., :::------.....:...------------------r:.: .. ~ .. ~ .. : .. : .. : .. ::J ... mort" m'""'l l ":,';,:;:~~" 1········

1':':,:: <•"«'"' "'•" Jstrip foundatioj·...,.,,"'''''"""

I I l ~V;~·" · I l ------------ 1 1 I 1 1 person ~~~e~ : 1 pasoo B~Kk<1 .. ... 1 pct«1t1 Budtct 1 pe~'Oo S...ckel

: Sbovcl .........

: Host ............ _~-~ ;'.fi:o:bok ~-~

··············!······································································:~.-~,·::·: .. ·····························.;

I 4·5 Let strip I

O I foundation dry


f---. --+I S!rueNICWllb


~~ ~~ """'ruipfo~&tioo

SlruCIIm:\\ith covercdroo(and ridgebc.:tm S10ne.~

i ',, _______ _ : ...... ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

: Good proportloM clay mortar :mi:..llrn:

i _j

Good proportions clay monar mi.xture

i Good proportions c.lay martar mi..\tlln:

4 ·2· 1 Get clay J~:;'•mi• 4·2

·2 Get linseed Cl•pndlin>«doil


·3 Get water coy.limudoil.


11 d dd inmilltlok d dd w:uerÎllmi11.bole Ou~ bok rorro~m- and put in mix a an a an a ~~w:d~IOTI~ hole -

~ r- .1 J ~- .l 1. ··· .l -' : Shovel Mi.xbo1e Mill:hole

4 .2.4 Mix ingredients

I l 1 penon 1'-hll hole

Cl.:ty mo.ur ill miJlhole

l ................... ~~.::~'·················································································································· · ·························

4 ·'-"Collect l Collc.:led>1on.:,

stanes ~~----------------_:~=:=:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~

L.....,---1 ---..--'1 I p.."TWn Buek<.1


',i ' '

4.4.1 Put on Claymorurinpi3CC 4.4 . 2 Lay stone Ll.idstonc 4.4.3 Remave Structun:witb

clay mortar leftover clay covercdroofaod mort3Jmilllure mortar nonestrîp(oUDd:rtioo

··:···=· ·=···········=··=· ·························= ....... ~ ..... :J-

l ir..tu..rr<""'r«'l<"'l l)•r.OV-~tN:.~;~~.nols..>lll;t;,J f'rf,.:<ilb.w..l

......... M~I .A.H~>Jo;m8S:; l

"'*~ -' .4* F.~ I Z(-7. l'JIU

r,",_,,.,.. l'ruf. tt. <:.S. K....,_ l.>l . lf.P. A. ~.tk~

Page 26: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

~nestrip (ol.lndation Water COy

"""' Straw

St.rueh•rc:•..;lh covc:rcd roof ~d

... tOne ~trip foondoltion W:un cor

---------------1 Go00 proportioos co'o milmlre I Dcn.~ilycobmi.o;~ I Sool!ingprcx:~s


' ' : I pusoo Sbovc:J Bucket HO);<: Mi:o;hole

:(iood proportions cob mi.~Me

lpcr;on BI.ICkc~


Shovd Mi.11bolc

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '


Good mÎ!IMC: in hole

' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' '

l pc~n

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' ' ' '



' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ----


r",. BlOCket \Vbee~Nnov.·

Mix ho!e


l pcn;on


Shovel 8ut"kC1







$ 1TU("tutewith covcrcdroof :J.pd nonc~-uip found:.ition Water Clay

"'"" SU>w


Si;(eW:>lo:avC<"i Koeadiog Pl:wi!tllîog

I persoli


Cood proponion.\ cob muttur~

5·1·5 MiX ingredients

Mi."<.cdingrtdients s.1.s Add straw

to mixture


MiJl hole

Good proportioot cob m.i.ltUfc Ocnsiryoobrnlxturc SoilinJ ptoOC:SS Sio:ccoblo;~,·n

"""'"" Pbuidling Cobloave.'l'tecluûquo.: Cuning cobl011ves wall We1oeula.y<"'

1 p<n<>o SbcH-el Butket Ho~ T><p Towcl Cobbef' ,tumb Mncbcte Oldhand.<aw Woodcn ~çaffolding Mix. hole Whcclbarrow

...... ...... _

Strueturt".-ithco•·crcd roof Md co~ loa."esv.-au~



A!!ingrcdienbiin mh bole

u Mix straw with mixture

Good cob mi:Ktwe in mi., bol~

--------- --------- --- --- ------------ ------ ------ --- --------------- --- ---

CoblO::I\'Ci OOiaf'l'


---------------------------------------------, ............

' Cob lo:wcstechniqut Cob toova t« hnique

Cob !o:r.vc~ 00 btP

i:. ••••••• • • 1 """" 1 P<=<>• HBuo~- ! pen;on Woodenscall'o!ding ! pen.oo Cobbcr 'stwnb

....,.._, Woockn sc::aO'o!din& Tov.-c!

~ -- ~ ..........................................................................................................................................................................

------ ---Cob loovu tcdmi~e -. Clrttiug oo!! loo•·cs waiJ I \Vctuc:o;.!l laycrs

S~n~eture withoovercd

'----.---r---1 =~$mdrolo ]o.;tVC$

' ' ' ' 1 pc:rson 8 11Cket :

"- ' TO\O'Ci I

Cohbc( s lumb : Macbele f O!d bandsaw I Woodcn selffosJiing

' ' ' ' '

Su\lc:ture witb oo..-ttcd rooflrld cob !o:r...-~s '----.---.---'·••

I pcrwD Macbctc Old~w

Woodm ...::dToldint

(,""1111:4i.-...;f""~"1 D:r.l>.or:j lofaNI'ld Boûldl..::i. l't<;m Thalt&..l

,'tto.,A·<I# . .loi.).I A IW..W ... fl "'-' I U'-t7.1ffl

~~·''" ~~ t u •• 7.!Qio

r..,..",. l'r<.t \I'.C.S. KI' ''" ­t>t. \.I. , ,A. FA M;.T.-

DI ME,W. V­Jta..-:.tllt.,ptl(•~:

Page 27: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

~~ ~ ~~~

~ ~~ ~~~

~~~ ~~~


StNeture with co'·crcdroohod cobloav~w3lli Clay -:• ..


~~~ ~~~


Sluwd Btxkel Hose Spong< Mi:o; hole


Wooden ~,.1rf.:oldiog

t Good proportions pl:uter byer lmi•ture : lkMity plal;ler IIIYÇJ I minure

~~~ ~~~

~~~ ~~~


~~~ ~~~

~~ ~

~~~ ~~~


~~~ ~~~

~~~ ~~~


Lubricatillg plastc:rlaycr I mixiU.J1;

.. ... ...... ---

Smoolltillg teduliquc



~::W' ::_1. : I peNOn ~;:~;~ I pcl'50n Bucket I pc!SOn ~a:11 scaffolding I perwo !:~~~ Hose Wooden ~c;l ffolding MillhO!e

L ... ; ..................................... \ _. ................................................................................................................... :

Good proponioru; plil~teJ byer I mi:o;ture

SINI:turcwilh oovercdrooraod cob lo.wes ... ·al)~ L-~--~~-' Cla)·

"""'" Shovel Millbolc


' ' \---

Goodpropottioru; plastcr b ycr l millw.:

Bucket Sho~l Mlxbolc


Good propon ions p].".)tcr !:&~er I mixture

'""""' Ho>< '-l i-.;bolc

--------Density pi~;~; 1-m-:x~~ci

' ' ' '


L---.--- r---'plaster bycr I




'--r---.---'!3yet l

Struttutewilhco\·ercd roofandeob loaveswall Coy W:uer HOI"Se$tlil Redv.-:uer ovtofcl:r.y FincS<~od

StaR:h ---~ ~~ ~ ~~

Good proponioll~p~ler b)"el' I :r.nd 2 mi~ture DtllSity pl:r.~er l:!.yer I :md :!.mP.turt: lubric:Jti.n~;pl.utcr laycrland 1mi.."wc

Smoothin& lcchniquc

SIJ\Ietufcwithco,·cn:.droof andf111isbcd walll;

--- ---Sho\"el

"""'~ Ho~

Woodeuseaifolding MiAbolc Sponge M

""' Fi<e Stick

Fini~d pl:tstcr l:r.yer l

--------- ------

Fini.~bcd plaster luycrl Stareb Waltr FioeSOind

--- ------ ------...

:GoM proportions pla.,1a l:r.ycr 1 mi"we :Dcmity plas1er laya 1 mixNre

--- --- ------ ---------

--­.. .. ... ..

--- ---

lubricatingplaster laycr 2rniliMC

--- ----- ----... ---


Smoo\hing tcchnique

---------Good proponiollS p!Mtet ):&): Ïm'i;:b.ifc-Den.~itypbs'lcrbyer2~turc I Lubr:,Jtingpla.~er laycrlmîxMe I STilOO\blng tcchniquc I

I I'''"" Tub


'"' Stick 1 Bud~ 1 Sbovd I Hosc 1

Sponge :

SII"UCIUII:""ilh co\-aed roo(;l.Dd ûniAAcdw:r.ll~

Wooden sroffoh:hog



Red water : :

=•ofd>y 1. i' "'""'' ~o l p=oo Tob '"'~' ~~""'"""'' ' "'~" !:!.:=ffoldi"i


i .... ; .............. ~~~········· · ············\~······························· · ········· ················ ······························· · · · ··· ···· ················

l'inishod pl:~.~tcr l:iycJI

'""" Wakr

Good propanions pWICJ L:!ya l m~\lllt(:

l pe:~o Tub

"'' Stick

' '


Good proponion~ pla.acr J~ycr


'""""' Tob Bucket Sbovcl

--- .. ----

Good proportions pl:bkr l:1ycr 2mP.Mc



L---.---..--' pl:~.«erl:r.yçr 2

UI Ardi~CI. Ikit ... -.<IP"_..,;,._, e c-T<d.~

~""*"' 0..000.~~ Bl<iloll~..:f'r<ljn~ Tboi\.r.d

...... ~ M.l-f..A .. Il;;hrà:<"~-11.."-: l 11~1.1(..9

,.,,,.,-.J"'*' ~ ...... l l~-7- !010

r-· r...< if.c s.~o;,.,~.,....,

Ur .. ir. ,. .. A.Erl<~

Page 28: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE


Structurewilhtovtred roofandfrnishedw:l.lls cwy Gr:~.vel

Snnd Oil

Floorlaycrbcight Ground level height Th i~~ floor l<lyef<; Srnoothingtopl1ooroillayer

J 7 Make floor

1 lperson

1 ' Tapcmt3S~

Shovel B~>ekel Woodmboar.! Spon ge

Srrucnm: with Co\·acd roof and fini.~bcd. walls and floor~ L<l\overs.and


i-"ï -T --~ ·-·r-i J '· 1

Remove I Rcmo,·cd!Op$oi l J 7.2 Fill up floor FiUodup noonillgmund level 7


Put material lf------':::';;;'' .:;'00;;;';;;"~'';;;0~------·1 ' ' 4 Smooth top I -.-~-,M-,-.-,,.-+IÎ topsoil 1f------;.._-----~--l with clay till t-------------~ down layer for I floor oil layer


f----+ covercdroor ground level --------t layer ~=~::~~ ::.~~mW><d r r """'"~"" Cloy '---r----y--' ~s·I/J----,1.--------,lr---' '---.--1---,1.-------' ~•·oo•

I".,.,., Topem== r 1 IJ>">>" Bo<kl '',',,, I P<""' Wood<oO«ud Shovel

1 pet50n :~~;: SOOvel Spoogc:

Bucket Topemea~ure

f Tbl<h= T bya

Filledup[loortill grow~dlevd



'·'·' Get clay and put down


.L Sbcwcl

~~::e~anc~eby 7·3·3 Get sand Grave!,ei.Jy;wd 7·3 ·4 Get oil and

r-------+1 put down layer F"""=1""''"=-------o! put down layer 1-l..>i-.,-noo.-.-,.".-+


1 1 ou L--.---.-~

1 I pcrson Bucli:cl l p<non


tTIU/ ;~(\ s.il<lilc .w:.~rtuo~;"" 1,. e c.-. .. ,;u•M '•d....,. ~f'l\'lm ()ii-.~>MtMalunlk~o!.ill$~1 lluoil.olld

--· ~LM.A. U..l!n.l:n~ 9.'< I 0~1 1c-

r- .. f'rM"r. C".S Kkirli!';&n 0. ... , ~ e.I.<'! ....

l.>f.li e.w.v........, Ft.i .. ,.."i"'-.al-t ...

Page 29: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE



Structurcwilh co'·crcdroofaod fmühedwaU.~

and floors BarnOOD bcarn~


Structurewithcovered roof and finid~d wall~ andfloors BamOOobcam~


Cutting bamboo into b~tt= Right size bamboo batt~'fl~ K.nottingtc.:lmiquc

c""'"'"'"""" 'ï"''"'"'"''

r lfX=rwn

1 Mi.: hete Tapcmcasllrc Pene iJ

Fi.nished fumily day boUM:

., I Cuni.og bamOOo mlo battens i "'"'' '"' bo1hoo "'"rn' Kno<ti"" "']''~ """'"' bomi moo' b""'grip Knornng "'"'"r i

a.t Make I Bamboobanen.~onngbtsi7.c _1 8·2 Knot battens I Knottedb-anrnstofrnrrH:s I 8'3 Make I Madchandgrip.; J S.4 Knot I

~~~~~~ ~f----:=::::::..:::..::=:..:::..... __ d __ -+l_to do~~~~ndow~f------------~---+1 d~~~J~ii~~~':s ~f-----....:;:==!:,;;:;~-----~-1 handgr.ips to; lf-:,-""-._,-,-,~-,-,,-,,+,

1 1 - 1 1 --- r 1 ·- "ri·T, .. ·-] persou ~;h~~;.~Sure 1 pen;ou I persou Macbete 1 pcrson


o-...­o...n..~ o,.,t.!~r.~ rr"" .... --tll\:cl.vlJ

Sn.,k,.. \LM.A.II"J:,r>l<n~Os.t- I

Pio-•·~ "'/,L_,...

E~r~<tM~n 2(~7.·21110

T"""" l'lor' ~t.CS KNIIIIIIIII t>r."rAF-<t rfdb

Dr lr F.W_v.;,..n R.'<tlll fiHJf!ow.l!k'l ll

Page 30: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

Enclosures 37

Summary list test results manual

The test with the MBO-nursing-students in the age of 15 till 20 took place on Friday the 20th ofAugust in their class room, at their school ‘ROC de Leijgraaf’ in Veghel, to have a familiarenvironment. Only 7 students responded seriously to the questions. Some did the test alone,some in pairs and others with 3 persons together. In total 7 nursing-students completed thetest seriously.

The results are added in the enclosures but summarized per chapter here below:

Front page:- Better to put on general steps in building process of the family clay house.- Not clear for which design of house the manual is written.

Purple page: Content page:- Not understood as content page. Maybe not necessary because of the visibility of

the tabs.

Red pages: Explanation of floor plan, sections and elevation and measuring;- Elevation, floor plan and sections are understood as explanation of the family clay

house and not in general.- Explanation measuring very clear.- Explanation measuring with half centimetres unclear.

Orange pages: Drawings;- Wall finishing image is not clear.- Bottom log in ground image is not understood properly.- The image of the doors in combination with the crosses are not clear.- Measurements of the diameter of the bamboo beams are missing.- Measurements of the distance between the beams in the roof structure are

missing.- A map with functions is missing.- Bottom log isn’t drawn into the pad foundation.- Measurements of the foundation level is missing.- Windows not understood from image.- Open space in family clay house is seen as porch instead of living area.- Sanitation is understood as in the porch.- Sanitation is confused with the water installation.- The structure of the family clay house is understood as build on a floating floor.- Cutting bamboo beam into bamboo slats unclear.- Electricity beam unclear.

Yellow pages: Tools and materials:- Missing a sign for the materials.

Green pages: Site orientation concerning sun, wind and rain:- Unclear what is meant by all pictures, only the sun orientation is clear.- Another house is drawn in the sun orientation picture.- General house with natural elements unclear.

Blue pages: Cob wall:- General image of steps in building process should be clearer. From the same

perspective to see better which item is added.- Image 1; Not clear if the number in front of the bucket is for the buckets or for the

shovel.- Image 3; Clock is unclear, can also be 5 minutes.

Page 31: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

- Image 8; Canvas is mixed up with the activity meant. And not clear what theactivity is.

- Image 10; Canvas is unclear for the activity.- Image 11; Canvas is unclear for the activity. Picture unnecessary.- Image 12; Is not clear at all.- Image 14; Is understood as that the stick should be put into the wall and leave it


Binding:- Preferred rings on top of the page instead of aside.

Will get dirty and broken without plastification.— Rings itself are very easy in use.

Tab/chapter system:- Chapter system should be more clear.- Good structure.- Earlier too much chapters than too less.- Cut tabs necessary, than it will be more clear where you are in the manual.

Size:- Too big and too heavy, not easy to take along.

Layout:- Enough white space; clear.- Very organized.

Other comments:- Drawings are double in the manual, that is confusing.- Maybe 3D drawings of wall finishing measurements.- Landscape in images and grass and clay to make the floor not floating in the air.- Combine some images of the blue pages to make it more clear: image 8 and 12

should be combined with the following image.- Blue pages image 13 could be added water and the towel, image 14 could added

arrows for the movement of the stick and a section of the connection between thedifferent cob loaves, image 15 could the bottles in the wall be removed.

- A last page should be added with a textual explanation of the goal of this manual,the writer, graduation committee, etcetera.

Page 32: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

Appropnate design ol and manual br the construcbon ol a family clay house in Thailand ~U e

Test of the manual for constructing a family clay house

Respondentnr:MaIe/~”Age:Profession:Any affection withLocation of test:•Duration of test:

Part 1: Comprehensiveness

- Is the manual understandable without text explanations or does the respondent asks formore oral explanation?

O~ ~ —~ ‘~- ~ ~ C~C ~, :~— c ~ t

- Are the drawing conventions used understood by the respondent?C ~ i~’~ 5(~ ~tS Tt~”L~ ~ + ~C C~ # ~‘-~ ~~c(

~ ~ei —is u~C~ C \ ~ ~ ~ ~C ~~

—* ci~C cs~ ~- C C~T~ ~f\O~ CLZCt

s ~c ~ ~sy~ C t4L~—p ~ ~ ~

- Are there missing specifications?~ fV~a~~L~-~tS

-~ ( ~ ~

~ ~-‘--~ ~-t~ -C~C c~—~ ~

~ ≥~\

- Is the binding easy in use for the respondent?~ ~ s~-1-~

- What other remarkable descriptions or comments are being made by the respondents?~~ £~ ~\ SC

—‘ ~k~-’-~-~ -~

_—~~ ~ k~—.AiCC.

~ (~C %~

~ Cc~’~—~

~ ~2- ~~~~-i-cC-c~ ~

Does the tab system work?L~

M.M.A. Habreken I Master thesis report I September 2010

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Appropriate des~gn of and manual for the constructton of a famdy Clay house n Thailand ~r U e

Part 2: Readability

- Is the manual’s page layout attractive — not too crowded or jumbled? Does it lookorganized and purposeful?

- Is there enough white space?

- Does the manual have a logical heading structure? Are there enough headings?

L S ~

- Is the cover of the manual attractive and informative?‘~

- Is the manual a convenient size?4t~ t~ J -~

- Will the binding stand up to the conditions of use? Is the binding sturdy and dirt-resistant?Will the pages stand up to hard use?

Part 3: Other comments

~ ~ Ck(1~~ ~-

M.M.A. Habraken J Master thesis report September 2010

Page 34: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

Appropriate design of and manual for the construction of a family clay house in Thailand ~U ~ e

Test of the manual for constructing a family clay house

Respondentnr: ~ (~) ~

Male/fema,~e:Age: R~ “—years oldProfession: ~~ \i’~ -

Any affection with constructi&’-, or construction skills: yes~oLocation of test: ~C~-~~Durati t: ___________________ minJ~es

4 ~c~p~s r~ 4c~ cs~

Part 1: Comprehensiveness

- Is the manual understandable without text explanations or does the respondent asks formore oral explanation?

C to~ c~ ~~c

v~1~ ‘c_ -

- Are the drawing conventions used understood by the respondent?- V~’L~f L~. ~— ~ ~ ~ -~

~ ~ ~— ~3~4~c_~ -~ ‘—c~c~- ~c ~— -f~ —~‘t ~

- Are there missing specifications?

- Is the binding easy in use for the respondent?

- Does the tab system work?

I~) C ~

- What other remarkable descriptions or comments are being made by the respondents?

M.M.A. Habraken I Master thesis report September 2010

Page 35: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

Appropriate design of and manual for the construction of a family clay house in Thailand ej U e

Part 2: Readability

- Is the manual’s page layout attractive — not too crowded or jumbled? Does it lookorganized and purposeful?

- Is there enough white space?

Does the manual have a logical heading structure? Are there enough headings?

Is the cover of the manual attractive and informative?

~o ~;

Is the manual a convenient size?

Will the binding stand up to the conditions of use? Is the binding sturdy and dirt-resistant?Will the pages stand up to hard use?

Part 3: Other comments

M.MA. Habraken I Master thesis report September 2010

Page 36: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

Appropriate design of and manua’ for the construction of a famdy clay house in Thailend TU e

Test of the manual for constructing a family clay house

ResPoflden~r:~Q ~K~)Age: ~(f~ ~‘ears old r

Profession: ~U~t ~ \~ 1_~j~k~, ~Any affection with construcçion or construction skills: yes~noLocation of test: D~ ‘~&Cj~- J

Duration of test: 20 minutesa ~

Part 1: Comprehensiveness

- Is the manual understandable without text explanations or does the respondent asks formore oral explanation?

~j~’ ~ ~ S C~~ ( ~

~ p

Are the drawing conventions used understood by the respondent?~ C~T ~

- c~

~ i’. ~ ~ C ~Are there missing specifications?

Is the binding easy in use for the respondent?

Does the tab system work?

What other remarkable descriptions or comments are being made by the respondents?

‘-35 ~ ~c

MM.A. Habraken Master thesis report September 2010

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.ç~) ~-(~)

Approprate design of and manual for the construction of a family clay house in Thailand “J” U e

Part 2: Readability

- Is the manual’s page layout attractive — not too crowded or jumbled? Does it lookorganized and purposeful?

- Is there enough white space?

- Does the manual have a logical heading structure? Are there enough headings?

- Is the cover of the manual attractive and informative?

Is the manual a convenient size?

(_4J ~A(~ ~V

- Will the binding stand up to the conditions of use? Is the binding sturdy and dirt-resistant?Will the pages stand up to hard use?

Part 3: Other comments

MM.A. Habraken Master thesis report September 2010

Page 38: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

Appropriate design of and manual for the construction of a family clay house in Thailand ~ ~j~’ U /e

Test of the manual for constructing a family clay house

Respondentnr: i

Male/female: ~JF \I 2Age: ~ years old ~Profession: ~yesj~7Any affection with constLocation of test: l/’C~vv~~ ~1-6kc~ ~.4Duration of test: ~ minutes

Part 1: Comprehensiveness

- Is the manual understandable without text explanations or does the respondent asks formore oral explanation?

ç~ (Q~\~~S ~ ‘

~ Se~~ ~~ ~ C~ L~f ~ ‘~

— ~ ~~~ tA-~-~ \~ ~

~ ‘~~j ~i( ~ 0 ~

—~ ø~~ t~C~-L ~i

‘-~. ‘~.~— f~kt C~4C ~ L~ c 2

- Are the drawing conventions used understood by the respondent?

~ ~ ~~c~t~- c~~3j~ 4~Lt ~ Sp~

— ~ ~ ~~ ~ c~r ~

— ~k ~ ~o- Are there missing specifications?

-~ V~-~o~ S~’y~~ V’A-&O~ ~ C~r~

— ~ ‘~ -~A~ ~

- ~ 1/\;~’ ~ ~-~- ~ -~ ~

Is the binding easy in use for the respondent?~ ~L~%J’ 1/Li

Does the tab system work?~ 3~-~(~ ~ ~ ~ ~

What other remarkable descriptions or comments are being made by the respondents?

~ ~ 3 ~ c’~c ~-&~_~~

~ ~ € I~d-~J~) ~

4 C~?~ ~ ~~ I

~ ~ ~C~L ~

~M.MA. Habraken I Master thesis report September 2010

~— Ui ir -‘-___ J

0 0

Page 39: Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER DinDang Natural ...Enclosures 2 'START ST ART MAKE CLAY HOUSE START Start 0 Oo/o lA MAKE BRJCKS START End-start 13230 56% 1 18 MEAS URE SITE

Appropriate design of and manual for the construction of a family clay house in Thailand ~ U e

Part 2: Readability

- Is the manual’s page layout attractive — not too crowded or jumbled? Does it lookorganized and purposeful?

- Is there enough white space?

- Does the manual have a logical heading structure? Are there enough headings?

-~ Is the cover of the manual attractive and informative?

~V~— C ~ ~ ~ ~ L ~A

- Is the manual a convenient size?~ ‘—~--~‘ ~

- Will the binding stand up to the conditions of use? Is the binding sturdy and dirt-resistant?Will the pages stand up to hard use?

Part 3: Other comments

MMA. Habraken Master thesis report I September 2010