e.l. ii project. 1978 world cup


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Page 1: E.L. II Project. 1978 World Cup


Page 2: E.L. II Project. 1978 World Cup

● I am very keen on football. In fact, I go to see my favourite team to the stadium whenever it plays as local.

I think it is a passionate sport which unifies people besides their social, racial or political differences.

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There is one particular thing which I dislike about this passion: the violence it might create.

Due to the high amount of deaths because of football,in Argentina,only the local supporters can attend to the matches.

Page 4: E.L. II Project. 1978 World Cup
Page 5: E.L. II Project. 1978 World Cup

1978 FIFA WORLD CUP was held in Argentina between 1 and 25 June.The 1978 World Cup was won by Argentina, who beat the Netherlands 3–1 after extra time in the final.

Gauchito was the Mascot, a boy wearing an Argentinian kit.

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¨The National Reorganization Process¨was a military dictatorship that ruled Argentina from 1976 to 1983. During this period, human rights were violated, many people died and just born kids were taken away from their parents.

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“Mundial de Football 1978. La película oficial” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FU-JcRjGWFY

▼ describes the buildings which were made ONLY for the World Cup

▼ it mentions: matches results

main stars of each team


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El Mundial 78- La historia paralelaEl Mundial 78- La historia paralela

In this film, we can see that the 1978 WorldCup was used as a distraction for the rest of the globe to think that Argentina was a prosperous country; the military government wanted to show ¨progress¨through the technological advances which were made for this event, plus the money spent to build new stadiums (700 million pesos)

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While many people enjoyed seeing the national team winning the World Cup ( our first), there was another reality: Many young people were in prison because of their political position. Those who disappeared (known as los desaparecidos )were mostly middle class intellectuals with left-wing ideals and sympathies. Since trials were not necessary in this time to convict someone, the government had the power to arrest anyone that did not support the regime.

Survivors say that they could hear the people screaming and celebrating the World Cup whereas in the room next to them, his friends were being tortured.

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During what was named the “Dirty War,” Argentineans were kidnapped, raped, tortured, and/or murdered. Some newborn babies were taken from their unwilling parents and given to adoptive military families instead.

ESMA was a place where many people was killed and tortured. It is incredible to know that this place was very near River Plate Stadium, where Argentina got its first World Cup.

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It is an association of Argentine mothers whose children were ¨dissappeared¨ during the military dictatorship, between 1976/83.

Mothers´demonstrations at Plaza de Mayo were covered by the international press corps in town for the World Cup.

Their organization keeps on growing, fighting to find their grandchildren.

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