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Copyright © 2010, FCMAT/California School Information Services FCMAT/California School Information Services ELC Records Transfer User Guide for FCMAT/California School Information Services Version 3.3 May 2010

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Copyright © 2010, FCMAT/California School Information Services

FCMAT/California School Information Services

ELC Records Transfer User Guide


FCMAT/California School Information Services

Version 3.3

May 2010

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SRRTS Supplemental User Guide: ELC Records Transfer Submissions, v3.3

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Table of Contents

1.  Introduction ..............................................................................................................................4 1.1  Document Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 4 1.2  Document Conventions ............................................................................................................... 4 1.3  About the Documentation ............................................................................................................ 4 1.4  Related Documents ...................................................................................................................... 5 

2.  Overview of ELC Records Transfer Data Submission .........................................................6 2.1  ELC Work Flow Chart ................................................................................................................ 6 2.2  ELC Process Steps ....................................................................................................................... 7 

3.  Preparing for ELC Submission ..............................................................................................8 3.1  User Role for ELC ....................................................................................................................... 8 3.2  Translate Local Codes to State Standard Codes .......................................................................... 9 3.3  Data Submission .......................................................................................................................... 9 3.4  Data Definitions and Requirements ............................................................................................. 9 3.5  Files to be Imported ................................................................................................................... 10 

4.  SRRTS Login Process ............................................................................................................12 4.1  Login Panel ................................................................................................................................ 12 

5.  Import Process .......................................................................................................................15 5.1  Initial Import Panel .................................................................................................................... 15 5.2  Contact/Transmittal Import Panel ............................................................................................. 16 

5.2.1  Contact/Transmittal Import Panel – Upper Panel Static Display 16 5.2.2  Contact/Transmittal Import Panel – Lower Panel Dynamic display for ELC 18 

5.3  Main File Import Panel .............................................................................................................. 21 6.  Validate Process .....................................................................................................................25 

7.  Correct Process ......................................................................................................................29 7.1  Initial Correct Panel ................................................................................................................... 30 7.2  Main Correct Panel .................................................................................................................... 31 

8.  Send Process ...........................................................................................................................33 

9.  View Status Panel ...................................................................................................................35 

10. Certify Process .......................................................................................................................38 10.1  Certify Process - Summary ........................................................................................................ 38 10.2  LEA Certify and De-Certify Process Steps ............................................................................... 38 

10.2.1  Initial Certify Panel – LEA Data Processor 39 10.2.2  Main Certify Panel – LEA Data Processor Certification and De-Certification 41 

11. Download Process ..................................................................................................................43 

Appendix A:  ELC Student Roster Report Sample ..............................................................45 

Appendix B:  ELC Student Transcript Report Sample .......................................................52 

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Revision History

Name Date Reason For Changes Version

Garry Gerwer 2010.04.29 Updated changed screenshots and other minor text edits 3.3

Garry Gerwer 2009.04.14 Updated some screenshots and other minor text edits 3.2

Garry Gerwer 2008.05.22 Updated for current school year 3.1

Slymon Ahmed / Huong Ho

2006.04.25 Updated changed screenshots and made other minor changes.


Slymon Ahmed 2005.05.25 Incorporated final feedback into document. 2.1

Slymon Ahmed 2005.05.20 Added detail information on each ELC SRRTS process to make this a full standalone user guide.

Draft 2.0

Maria Agliano 2004.05.24 Final feedback received and incorporated into document. 1.0

Maria Agliano 2004.05.17 Modified per feedback from CSIS personnel Draft 0.3

Maria Agliano 2004.05.11 Modified per feedback from CSIS personnel Draft 0.2

Maria Agliano 2004.04.29 New for ELC reflecting changes for ELC and impact of ELC on SRRTS processes, interfaces, and use

Draft 0.1

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1. Introduction

1.1 Document Purpose

Welcome to the State Reporting and Records Transfer System (SRRTS) Supplemental User Guide for Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) Records Transfer Submission.

This guide is designed to:

Explain the background and objective of ELC Submission.

Help new users become familiar with ELC functions.

Be a source of reference for experienced users with questions on ELC functions.

1.2 Document Conventions

The title page and header of this document contain a version number in the form X.Y.Z where:

X is the version number in sequence 1 through N

Y is the revision number in sequence .1 through .N

Z is the errata correction number in sequence .1 through N

Each new version that represents substantial change to the document (for example, adding or deleting elements, work products or processes) and will be serially numbered to the right of the first decimal (for example 3.1, 3.2 ...) once it has been approved by CSIS management.

Minor revisions (that is, format or spelling) will retain the version and revision number and only increment the correction number to the right of the second decimal (for example 3.0.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2,…).

CSIS software systems are sensitive only to the Version.Revision number (e.g. 3.1). Correction numbers are not entered into CSIS software systems.

1.3 About the Documentation

Throughout this guide, the following conventions have been followed:

Bold Type indicates words or characters that the user enters or menu selections and buttons that activate functions.

Underscore is used for emphasis or to distinguish between similar but distinct references.

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Notes are used to offer the user tips, cautions, or information useful to the function.

The guide has been divided into several sections for convenience. Procedures and instructions follow a “step-by-step” process that tells you what to do and what you will see after completing each step. Snapshots of web pages are used throughout the guide to illustrate functionality. Please refer to the Table of Contents for Section and Page numbers.

1.4 Related Documents

While this user guide is designed to be a stand-alone guide, there are references to other documents that are made in certain sections of this document. The following is a list of other documents that the user may refer to for detail information about specific subjects mentioned when needed. These documents can be downloaded from the CSIS website at www.cis.k12.ca.us.

SRRTS ELC Data Submission Requirements (DSR)

CSIS File Transmission Formats

CSIS Data Dictionary (DD)

CSIS Data Dictionary Code Tables

SRRTS Client Preferences User Guide (Translation Tables)

SRRTS Client Setup User Guide

CSIS Digital Certificate Setup User Guide

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2. Overview of ELC Records Transfer Data Submission

Yearly, California high schools have the opportunity to submit to the University of California Office of the President (UCOP) a roster of the top 12% of the current year junior class, based on local academic assessments. Traditionally, this roster has been compiled manually at school sites and distributed through ground mail. The SRRTS Eligibility in Local Context (ELC) data submission replaces this manual process by electronically compiling and transmitting student transcripts/rosters to the UCOP.

The ELC submission is a Records Transfer task that is accomplished via the Records Transfer Graphical User Interface (GUI). The SRRTS system is used as a vehicle to “transfer records” between LEAs and the UCOP, with the Records Transfer function as the method by which the data transfer is done.

CSIS will accept submissions from schools with only regular academic programs. Schools with Magnet programs needs to submit their student’s roaster using the traditional method.

2.1 ELC Work Flow Chart

Study the image below to better understand the general flow of data and system interaction when using the Records Transfer ELC function.





LEA createextracts thatadhere to SRRTSfile request

LEA submitsfiles intoDatagate


Files are processed through SRRTS Functions.Datagate validates and aggregates data, andproduces reports for data review and possiblecorrection.

Datagate/SRRTS Workstation

LEA DP reviews error reports,student transcripts and roster foraccuracy and/or to correct errors.Error conditions may require re-start of entire process.


SRRTS Functions


Datagate ReportsLocal SIS

LEA populates SIS withCSIS compatible data(or uses Trans Tbl orinternal program toconform)

DATA Population

SRRTS ELC Process Flow


Once Data is Certified,the data is electronicallytransmitted to UCOP forreview.


Datagate/SRRTS Workstation

LEA DP certifies ELCdata for transmission toUCOP.

CERTIFY Download

Datagate/SRRTS Workstation

LEA downloads data extract for internalanalysis to ensure correct information issubmitted to UCOP.

CSIS ELC Extract

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2.2 ELC Process Steps

In tandem with the workflow illustrated above, the following sequence provides a step-by-step description of activities and tasks to be performed by the LEA when processing of ELC.

This process assumes the LEA has populated the local SIS with the appropriate and correct data values as per the CSIS Data Submission Requirements (DSR) for the ELC data collection. Also assumed is the SIS vendor has made the necessary system modifications in order that data can be extracted from the local SIS specific to the data requirements and as per the CSIS DSR.

1. Populate local SIS.

2. Compare local code values to State Standard Codes. Translate differences in SRRTS (see Translation Tables in this guide)

3. Import the ELC files extracted from your local SIS. See Section 3.5 Files to be imported.

Review Import Error Report for each file to determine volume of filtered records. Determine if filtered records should be corrected in order to be included in the submission. If so, make needed corrections in local SIS and re-import.

Note: It is recommended to keep working with the same active transaction by re-importing files. Abandoned transactions will cause SSID warning messages in the AllFiles Report.

4. Validate the imported files.

Review Validation Error Listing Report for each file to determine error volume. If volume is too high, transaction will fail validation.

Make corrections as needed to help ensure accurate final results.

5. Make any corrections for a file through your local SIS and return to the Import (Re-Import) step or use the Correct function in SRRTS if the error volume is very small.

6. Repeat steps 1-5 until the files are successfully validated.

7. Send the successfully validated files to CSIS.

8. Open the View Status panel to open server generated reports (All Files, Student Roster and FCMAT/CSIS Transcripts) for review and analysis.

Based on analysis, repeat previous steps until data compilations accurately reflect student and staff demographics and counts. Repeat all previous steps until accuracy is achieved.

9. LEA DP Certify transaction for data submission to UCOP.

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3. Preparing for ELC Submission

3.1 User Role for ELC

Access to SRRTS functions is based on the user role associated with the CSIS Digital Certificate. Verify that a certificate with the proper role associations has been installed in the computer that will be used for SRRTS data processing. The LEA Data Processor role shown in the matrix below must be associated with the certificate in order to successfully process ELC data through SRRTS.



LEA Registrar

LEA Data Processor

LEA Superintendent

LEA View Only

Import X X

Validate X X

Correct X X

Send X X

View Status X X X X

Confirm X X

Download X X

Certify X X

Retrieve X X

Request X X

Receive X X

Respond X X

Translation Tables X X

LEA Data Processor – This role is used for Identifier, State Reporting, and Records Transfer data processing. It is used for modifying settings in Client Preferences (e.g., Translation table maintenance). This role is also responsible for certifying the ELC data which triggers the transmission to UCOP. Assign this role to user(s) who will perform these tasks.

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3.2 Translate Local Codes to State Standard Codes

A translation table must be created whenever local codes are not identical to State Standard codes for a given data element. The LEA is responsible for establishing and maintaining its own translation tables. The CSIS Data Dictionary contains the State Standard codes for a variety of elements and should be referenced by the LEA to determine if local code translations are necessary. The SRRTS Translation Maintenance utility found in the Client Preferences panel from the SRRTS Login panel has been designed to provide a way for the local district to easily input their local code values for conversion to State Standard values. Review the Client Preferences User Guide for detailed instructions on the use of the Translation Maintenance Utility.

If an LEA uses local codes that are identical to CDE standard codes, that LEA will have no local codes to translate.

If an LEA uses some CDE standard codes, the LEA will need to enter local code translations for the exceptions to avoid errors.

If an LEA uses no CDE standard codes, that LEA must maintain local codes translations for all translatable data elements.

3.3 Data Submission

Each SRRTS transaction must have a Transmission Reason that denotes the “Data Submission” type for that transaction. Data Submissions identify the objective in processing a set of data through SRRTS. The chart below illustrates the objectives/results of the ELC submission within the Records Transfer function.

Data Submission Objective

UC ELC – Eligibility in Local Context Student Records Transfer to UCOP for Admissions Eligibility List

3.4 Data Definitions and Requirements

Each Data Submission uses specific data elements. Associated rules captured in several documents are described below. These documents define and comprise CSIS data requirements and are shared with LEAs and SIS vendors as they are developed or revised.

Vendors use the documentations listed below as a basis from which to design and implement SIS data extraction logic that mirrors the requirements for a given submission. LEAs use these documentations as a guide in populating the SIS with data values that, when extracted, accurately reflects the LEA’s data composition for a given submission.

CSIS File Transmission Formats: Defines the data layout for all the File Types, Record Types and Record Sub types to be used in SRRTS.

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NOTE: Not all File Types are used in every data submission and not all data elements in a file layout need be populated for every submission. However, the SIS extracts that Vendors develop must have the same number of data elements in the same order as defined in the CSIS File Formats.

The ELC submission for this year does not introduce any new file formats. Some existing file formats have changed and more information is available in the latest file formats document.

CSIS Data Dictionary (DD): Comprised of business rules and data definitions (type, length, etc.) for each data element. A new version is published yearly, with additional revisions published during the year. During the SRRTS Login, the Data Dictionary version must be identified by the user in order to instruct SRRTS as to which version applies to the data being submitted. Vendors should refer to the data dictionary to verify field length and character composition when developing an extract. LEA users should use the data dictionary during data population to verify code values, field length and business rules.

Some minor changes to the data elements have been defined for this year’s ELC data submission. Please refer to the current Data Dictionary version in the reporting requirements page at http://www.csis.k12.ca.us/library/reporting-requirements/ for more detail.

Data Submission Requirements (DSR): This document combines many characteristics from both the Data Dictionary and the File Formats. The specific file types and data elements to be imported, along with business rules, are detailed according to specific data collection. Vendors and LEA must reference the proper DSR (according to data submission type) to ensure that SIS data is accurately populated and extracted for the submission.

See the UC Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) Data Submission Requirements, current version at http://www.csis.k12.ca.us/library/reporting-requirements/ for detailed data population information.

3.5 Files to be Imported

The table below presents all known data submissions with the relevant File Types. Depending on the data submission, SRRTS will require or make optional different files. Refer to the table below to learn the file types that are required or may be omitted for the ELC data submission.

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Legend: R= Required

O =Must be omitted IF there is no data relevant to the transmission to report, otherwise Required

NA=Not applicable for Data Submission

TBD = to be determined

File Type

Fall Sub. Spring Sub. Pre-ID


ELC Winter

Sub. Year End











Files Related to ELC Data Submission.

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4. SRRTS Login Process

4.1 Login Panel

SRRTS login process begins with accessing either DataGate or TestGate from the main CSIS website or via a favorites bookmark created by the end-user. Once the SRRTS system has confirmed the authenticity of the CSIS digital certificate in the client authentication window, the system displays the main SRRTS Login page. The top portion of the screen shows user id and reporting entity that will be used in the transaction. The DD version and school year become part of the session content for the user throughout the session and on every panel. The bottom portion is divided into four major areas of SRRTS functionality and is defined as:

Statewide Student Identifiers – Allows for getting student identifiers and doing enrollment update.

Records Transfer – Allows for different types of records transfer through CSIS such as Pre-ID, ELC and others in the future.

State Reporting – Allows for state reporting submissions such as CBEDS, LCEN, and SNOR.

Preferences -- Allows for making modifications to user preferences such as SRRTS translations tables, and other SRRTS specific user configurations.

For modules not currently implemented, the buttons may be disabled.

The SRRTS login page displays the Reporting Entity (LEA name) and the CDS number. If working with multiple LEAs the dropdown menu can be used to select the appropriate LEA. The school Year and Data Dictionary version default to the latest year and version. Use the dropdown menu to select a different year and version if needed to work on transactions started under those values.

The Reporting Entity term was introduced with the need for Charter Schools to be able to submit data through DataGate independent of the district. The implementation of the Reporting Entity mostly affects the back-end of the SRRTS application. The GUI change relating to Reporting Entity is in the display of CDS number in the Login Panel and the length of the transaction ID in all other SRRTS panels. The CDS number is now displayed at the school level in the Login Panel and allows for Charter Schools’ own Reporting Entity selection. Additionally, the transaction ID number is now 25 characters long due to the display of the full 14 digit CDS number (e.g. 12345678912345-0405-00001) which can be at a school or district level.

If the user chooses a module for which the user does not have authorization, the system will display an error message “This user id is not authorized for the function xxxxxxx” where xxxxx is the name of the module he/she tried to access. The system will then redisplay or refresh the main Login Panel.

If a user wants to switch between reporting entities, school year or data dictionary version, then the user must navigate back to main login screen via the “login” menu item in the upper right

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corner of which ever SRRTS screen that he/she maybe and reselect them as necessary. The DD version and school year once again will become part of the session context for the user throughout the session and on every panel.

The user must make the appropriate selections in the top portion and select a function below it from one of the main four functional areas to login to the appropriate application module. See detailed information about each part of the login screen below.





SRRTS Application Modules

User and Transaction Info Selection Area

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Step-by-Step Instructions for logging into SRRTS Web Page


1 The Reporting Entity information reflects the Reporting Entity number that is associated to the CSIS digital certificate and is automatically populated by the SRRTS application upon confirmation of the certificate by end-user.

Select the appropriate Reporting Entity from the drop-down menu. Select the down arrow button at the right side of the field.

Reporting Entity A

2 Select the appropriate School Year from the drop down list. Select the down arrow button at the right side of the field.

School Year B

3 The Version # identifies the Data Dictionary version being used with the selected school year.

Select the down arrow button at the right side of the field, and select the desired option.

Version # C

4 You may select one of the application modules that you wish to work in from the SRRTS functional areas. The system will then take you to the appropriate SRRTS Initial Import Screen based on your selection.

Please note that you must first make the proper selections in sections A, B, C above before you can execute this step.

SRRTS Application Module


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5. Import Process

The Import process is accomplished through the use of three different panels. In order to easily distinguish the three import panels, a new naming convention that attempts to infer the purpose or use of each panel is introduced.

Initial Import Panel is the same as what has been previously referred to Import Panel 1. There is no change to the operation or use of this panel.

Contact/Transmittal Import Panel is the second panel displayed as you navigate through Import. Contact information as well as transmission specific variable data is entered in this screen.

Main File Import Panel is the third Import panel and is used to set the path for the files to be imported and to launch the import phase of the transaction. Some fields on this panel will be disabled when opened via the Re-Import button.

5.1 Initial Import Panel

The SRRTS Records Transfer function allows for multiple ELC transactions. LEAs may import one or more schools within each transaction created via the Initial Import Panel.



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Step-by-Step Instructions for Initial Import Panel

Web Page Reference/Location

1 The Transaction List box displays existing transactions and information relating to the settings for the transaction.

Select the New Import button if there is no UC ELC transaction in the Transaction List box.

To update an existing transaction, select the desired transaction; this will enter a check mark in the Select box. Then select the Re-Import button.

Transaction List box Column headings

New Import button

Re-Import button




5.2 Contact/Transmittal Import Panel

The Contact/Transmittal Import Panel is divided into an upper and lower portion. The upper portion is static, meaning that the same data fields are displayed for any data submission. The lower portion is dynamic, meaning that the data fields may change depending on the data submission chosen in the Login Panel.

Because the lower portion of this panel will vary, discussion of this panel references the two portions independently.

5.2.1 Contact/Transmittal Import Panel – Upper Panel Static Display







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Step-by-Step Instructions for Import Transmittal Panel – Static Display Web Page


1 The DD identifies the Data Dictionary version you are using. This is displayed

as a label as it is initially selected in the Login Panel. DD A

2 The TR identifies why the data is being processed; it is also referred to as the Transmission Reason. This is displayed as a label as it is initially selected in the Login Panel.


3 Select the School Year identifies the school year for which the transaction is processed for. This is displayed as a label as it is initially selected in the Login Panel.

School Year C

4 The Transaction ID will be populated by SRRTS when the import process is initiated on a New Import. Any subsequent Re-Imports will reference this transaction number.

Transaction ID D

5 Some Contact Information must be entered for every SRRTS transaction. Required elements are denoted by an asterisk (*).

In addition to Primary Contact, information an Alternate Contact must be provided for ELC submissions.

Entries may be saved and used for future dynamic data population by selecting the Remember Contact Information button.

This button is disabled on New Imports. It becomes enabled once the Import is attempted and a transaction number is assigned.

To reset the values of the Contact Information dynamic entry feature, type your changes then select the Remember Contact Information button. When in Re-Import mode, you are able to change a transaction’s contact information without actually launching an import.

Contact Information

Remember Contact Information button



6 The Submission Notes field is a free form field used to capture details pertinent to the transaction. When re-Importing on a new data set, remember to change the contents of this field to information pertinent to the new data set.

Maximum field length is 80 characters.

Submission Notes G

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5.2.2 Contact/Transmittal Import Panel – Lower Panel Dynamic display for ELC

The data entered in the Contact/Transmittal Panel for ELC submissions provide time frames and type of academic school calendar against which the student data may be factored. Fields denoted with an asterisk (*) require an entry. On Re-Imports, be sure to overwrite entries with values that accurately reflect the parameters for the school that is to be processed.




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Step-by-Step Instructions for Contact/Transmittal Import Panel – ELC Display Web Page Reference

1 Grading System is the grading scale used by the high school for an academic course. Most schools fall under some type of character (e.g., ‘A-F’) or numeric (e.g., ‘1-100’) grading system. However, if necessary, the school is allowed to specify a more descriptive grading system via this field. This is optional and may be populated with an appropriate value.

GPA Course Type is the type of courses included in the GPA being sent. This is required and one of the following must be selected:

1 - Academic 9-12 (excluding P.E. and ROTC)

2 - Academic 10-12 (excluding P.E. and ROTC)

3 - Overall (including P.E. and ROTC)

GPA Weighting Type is the type of weighting included in the GPA being sent. This is required and one of the following must be selected:

1 – Weighted

2 – Unweighted

Current Year Calendar Type: Required, select from pick-list.

Current School Year Begin: Beginning month for the 2007-08 school year. Optional, select from pick-list.

Current School Year End: Ending month for the 2007-08 school year. Optional, select from pick-list.

Previous School Year Calendar Type: Required, select from pick-list.

Previous School Year Begin: Beginning month for the 2006-07 school year. Optional, select from pick-list.

Previous School Year End: Ending month for the 2006-07 school year. Optional, select from pick-list.

Previous School Year 2 Calendar Type: Required, select from pick-list.

Previous School Year 2 Begin: Beginning month for the 2005-06 school year. Optional, select from pick-list.

Previous School Year 2 End: Ending month for the 2005-06 school year. Optional, enter in mm format.


2 Selection of the Save & Continue button will result in the following:

If New Import, a Transaction number is assigned to your entries.

Changes are saved and the Main File Import Panel is displayed.

Save & Continue


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If Re-Import, changes are saved and the Main File Import Panel is displayed.

Selection of the Cancel button will return the Initial Import Panel.

Select either the Save & Continue or the Cancel button.




NOTE: On Re-Import transactions, it is critical that the information entered accurately reflects the school you are working on. SRRTS cannot automatically refresh entries for you as it cannot detect if your re-import request is to correct information for the same school OR to process a new data set for “another” school.

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5.3 Main File Import Panel








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Step-by-Step Instructions for Main File Import Panel Web Page Reference

1 The DD, TR and School Year fields reflect selections made in the Login Panel and cannot be changed.

The Tran. ID was populated as a result of proceeding to this panel when in New Import mode. Any subsequent Re-Imports will reference this transaction number.

DD, TR, School Year, Tran. ID


2 The Effective Date is a system populated field that reflects the date the transaction was first created.

The Effective Date is not used in processing ELC submissions.

Effective Date B

3 The File List box displays file types that can be imported for the transmission reason selected. Key fields in the File List box are:

Select – click to enter a check. The entry instructs SRRTS to import the file.

File Type – informs user of File Types that can be imported for the transmission.

Import File Name – displays the path to the local resource where the imported files reside. This path may be changed and is displayed/refreshed after the import button is invoked.

Browse/FindFile – selection of the Find File button opens a browser window with which to navigate to where the import file resides.

Omit – click to enter a check mark. The entry instructs SRRTS to omit a file if permissible for the transmission type.

Last Updated – reflects the date and time the file was last imported.

Record Count – shows the number of records processed during import for the specified file.

Status – the status of the file after import.

File List Box C

4 From the File List Box, select the File Find button in the Browse column to open a browser window. Use this window to navigate to the directory where your import file resides.

Find File button D

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Highlight the file and click on the Open button to populate the File List box with your selection

Repeat for each file type.

NOTE: If this is a Re- Import the file information reflects the selection from the last previous import attempt. If you are reusing the named file in the original location, you may skip this step. If you are using a different named file, you must navigate to that file to reset the path.

5 To omit a file for a Transmission Reason, click the Omit checkbox for the file type to be omitted.

Only files that are not required for the transmission reason may be omitted.

For the ELC transmission, these are the PARG, PROG and ASSM if there is no data to report.

Omit checkbox E

6 To save the import file path settings you have entered on this web page, check the Remember Settings box.

Remember Settings checkbox


7 Select the Drive Letter For Work Files from the drop down list to designate where work files are to be saved. Work Files which are saved locally, include report and XML files that SRRTS and the user reference in the course of transaction processing.

On New Imports, enter drive letter (local C: drive is strongly recommended).

On Re-Imports, this filed is disabled.

Drive Letter For Work Files


8 After selecting files, press the Import button to import the files to SRRTS for further processing.

A Progress Bar is displayed to show that the import process is taking place. The Progress Bar will display information for every file that is being imported.

To stop the import, select the Cancel button. Clicking on Cancel during the import of a file will place the file in the status of Import Failed.

Import button

Progress Bar

Cancel button


9 After import completes, select the View Import Reports button to open the View Import Report window. From here, select the error report to view. The report will open in a separate HTML window. See the Reports and Error Analysis User Guide for more information on validation reports.

View Import Reports… button


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10 Select the View/Change Transmittal button to return to the Contact/Transmittal Import Panel.

View/Change Transmittal


11 Select the Back button to return to the Initial Import Panel. Back button K

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6. Validate Process

Once a file has achieved Imported status the file must next be successfully validated before sending the data to SRRTS for server processing. The Validation process takes the files that “passed” the Import step and performs a series of edits on the data. These edits include checking for mandatory fields and data type (alphanumeric, numeric, date) and valid code lookups. Once validation completes, a Validation Error Listing Report is produced and must be reviewed to ensure any errors that may have been detected are fixed.

In the ELC submission, the validation error threshold tolerates some errors before a file fails validation. The error threshold can be modified on a per-LEA basis via the Client Preferences function under the Preferences option from the Login Panel. Please refer to the Client Preferences User Guide for more information on this topic in the SRRTS Support webpage.

The View Submission Summary Report button is disabled as this function is not needed for the ELC transmission reason.

The View Student Records button is disabled until all files have successfully passed validation. Selecting this button will display a Student Records Report menu and prompts the user to make the appropriate selections before displaying the specified Student Transcript(s). The student transcript contains specific demographic and academic related information for each student. This transcript represents the final extract that is sent to UCOP upon LEA DP certification. Please refer to the SRRTS Reports Analysis Users Guide for further information on this report.

Once in Validated Successfully status a file may be sent to SRRTS server for processing, however SRRTS cannot begin server processing until all files required for a submission (see DSR) are sent. A file that fails validation may be corrected in SRRTS via the Correct process and re-Validated or, preferably, corrected in the SIS and Re-Imported.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Validate Web Page Reference

1 Transaction List box displays all existing transactions for the LEA.

Choose a transaction for validation by clicking anywhere on the desired transaction.

Selecting a transaction will display the files associated with the transaction in the File List box.

Transaction List box Column


2 SRRTS will pre-select files that are ready to be validated/re-validated in the File List box. SRRTS makes this determination based on the status condition.

Files that are grayed out are not eligible for validation

Selecting files for validation enables the Validate Selected Files button.

File List box B

5 Click the Validate Selected Files button to start the validation process. Validate Selected Files

button C


A Progress Bar is displayed to show that the validation process is taking place. The Progress Bar will display information for every file that is being validated. To stop the validate process select the Cancel button.

Clicking on Cancel during the validation of a file will place the file in the status of Validation Failed.

Progress Bar

7 After validation completes select the View Validation Reports button to open the View Validation Report window. From here, select the error report to view. The report will open in a separate HTML window. See the Reports and Error Analysis User Guide for more information on validation reports.

View Validation Reports button


8 The View Submission Summary Report button is disabled as this function is not needed for the ELC transmission reason.

View Submission Summary Report button


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A file must be in Successfully Validated status before it can be submitted to the SRRTS server for further processing.

"Successful" validation is defined by the percentage of errors and warnings encountered during validation and whether the percentage exceeded the threshold for the submitting LEA. This threshold default is set within DataGate by CSIS staff.

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7. Correct Process

This process allows for corrections within the SRRTS application to files in which errors have been detected during Validation. Import failures cannot be corrected in the Correct process.

Users are advised to correct errors in the local SIS whenever possible to ensure that the source data in the SIS mirrors data being processed in SRRTS. However, when this is not practical or convenient, validation errors may be corrected directly in SRRTS using the Correct function. When the Correct panel is used, the LEA must remember to duplicate the same corrections in the local SIS. After using the Correct function, files must be revalidated.

The Correct process is accomplished using two Correct panels.

Initial Correct Panel provides a method of selecting a transaction and opening the file where the corrections are to be made.

Main Correct panel provides a method of selecting specific records within the file, displays current data values, and permits correction or deletion of a value or deletion of the entire record.

The Correct function only allows editing of existing data in a field or deleting a row of data. The ability to insert a row of data is not part of the Records Transfer system. All new records must be entered through the local SIS and then imported again into SRRTS.

Row numbers of records needing correction, as well as specific errors, are identified in the Validation Error Listing report.

Data entered in correction mode is not validated or translated. Therefore, data entry must use State Standard codes

You may make corrections and deletions in the same Correct session. All changes are recorded in the Correction Report. After correction, the file(s) will be in Corrected Pending Re-Validation status, meaning the user must return to the Validate panel to validate the data before submission (Send) to SRRTS. Upon re-validation, the contents of the Correction Report are erased.

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7.1 Initial Correct Panel

Step-by-Step Instructions for Initial Correct Panel Web Page


1 The Transaction list box displays all existing transactions for the LEA. Choose a transaction for correction by clicking anywhere on the desired transaction.

Selecting a transaction will display the files associated with the transaction in the File List box

Transaction List box A

2 In the File List box, select a file to correct. This action will enable the Correct Selected File button.

Files in grayed text are not eligible to correct.

File List box B

3 Click the Correct Selected File button to open Main Correct panel. Correct Selected File C

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4 The View Correction Reports button will be disabled until a correction is made and a report is created. Selection will open the View Correction Report Window. From here, select the error report to view. The report will open in a separate HTML window.

Review this report after you have made some corrections via Main Correct panel.

See the Reports and Error Analysis User Guide for more information on the Correction report.

View Correction button


7.2 Main Correct Panel





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Step-by-Step Instructions for Main Correct Panel Web Page


1 To edit a record, enter the desired Record Number identified from the error report you are referencing then select the Get Record button to populate the Correction List box fields.

Record Number

Get Record button



2 The Correction List box displays the data for the Record Number entered. Overwrite or populate the Data Element Content fields with corrections as necessary.

Correction List box C

3 Select the Save Record button to save all required changes before going to the next record.

Save Record button D

4 To delete an entire record, select the Delete Record button. Delete Record button E

5 Select the Back button to return to the Initial Correct Panel if you have more transactions to correct or you want to View Corrections.

Back button F

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8. Send Process

This process is used to send successfully validated files to the SRRTS server for processing. Following a successful submission (Send) of validated files, an email will be sent to the LEA DP. The email will list every file and file status for the transaction to indicate if successfully received.

There is no requirement to send all files to SRRTS at the same time. The SRRTS server will accumulate the files until all the files are received, and then begin processing.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Send Web Page


1 The Transaction list box displays all existing Records Transfer transactions for the LEA. Choose a transaction for sending by clicking anywhere on the desired transaction.

Selecting a transaction will display the files associated with the transaction in the File List box

Transaction List box A

2 In the File List box, select one or more files. This action will enable the Send Selected File(s) button.

Files that have passed validation will be pre-selected for sending and the Send Selected Files button will be enabled.

Only files in the status of Validated Successfully and Send Failed are eligible to send. Files that are gray are not eligible to send.

File List box B

3 Select the Send Selected File(s) button to send the files selected.

A Progress Bar is displayed showing that the send process is taking place. The Progress Bar will display information for every file that is being sent. To stop the send process, select the Cancel button.

Selecting the Cancel button during the send of a file will place the file in the status of Send Failed.

There is no requirement to send all file types concurrently. The SRRTS server will accumulate the files until all the files are received before further processing begins.

Send Selected File(s) button

Progress Bar


4 The submitter will receive an email notification that the system has received the files from the send process. The email will list every file and file status for the transaction.

E-mail Notification

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9. View Status Panel

This function allows a user to view both file level client-side reports and transaction level server-side reports for the ELC transactions.

The reports available from this panel have either been automatically created in a previous process step OR may be created dynamically from this screen upon selection.

File level client-side reports are stored on the user’s locally accessible drive. When that drive is not accessible to the current workstation in use, then the reports will not be available for viewing. An example of how this can occur is if the report files were saved to a network drive that is no longer available. This circumstance will also occur if the LEA DP uses two computers and work files had been saved to the computer NOT currently being used. The scenario just described can become evident in the Import and Validate panels as well.

The “save” destination for local reports is derived from the initial selection for the Drive Letter for Workfiles field found on Main File Import Panel and cannot be changed.

The ELC Student Roster is intended to give the submitter a list of students identified and validated as UC eligible, prior to sending the transcripts to UCOP. The importance of the student roster is that the submitting agency can determine whether a submission is incomplete. UCOP considers all submission packets complete when a student name on the roster has a transcript associated with it. If a high school does not submit a roster, UCOP considers the submission package to be incomplete even if the number of transcripts submitted is less than the number of transcripts requested; however, if a student name is on the roster but a transcript has not been submitted for that student, UCOP makes every effort to contact high schools over the summer and into the fall of the school year. NOTE: SRRTS does not submit a roster to UCOP. UCOP never gets to see the roster, as it is available only to the submitter.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for View Status Panel Web Page


1 The Transaction list box displays all existing ELC transactions for the LEA. Choose a transaction by clicking anywhere on the desired transaction.

Selecting a transaction will display the files associated with the transaction in the File List box

Transaction List box File List Box



2 To view the server-side transaction report for the selected transaction, select the View Transaction Reports button. This action will open the View Transaction Reports window shown here.

Many reports that may be opened from this screen are created after the server processing is complete (after the Send and before the Certify processes). Therefore, the contents of the list box will vary depending on when, in the course of the process flow, this window is displayed. The reports that can be selected here are:

All Files Validation Report (Errors)

All Files Validation Report (Warning)

Transaction Log

UC ELC Student Roster Report

FCMAT/CSIS Transcript

Server Submission Summary

The four most essential reports to be reviewed and analyzed by the LEA are the two All Files reports, the Student Roster and the FCMAT/CSIS Transcript. The All Files Reports must be reviewed to check for errors and the Student Roster must be analyzed to ensure data inconsistency does not exist. This can be done by comparing the student names in the Roster to the names in the student transcripts and making certain all the names match. The FCMAT/CSIS Transcript shows the detailed student transcript information that will be sent to UCOP.

Refer to the Reports and Error Analysis User Guide for more information on these reports

View Transaction Reports button


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3 Selection of a file in the File List box will enable the View File Reports button. Use this combination to open the View File Reports window shown here.

The reports on this list were created during Import or Validation. From this window, make a selection to open the desired file level client-side report.

Refer to the Reports and Error Analysis User Guide for more information on these reports.

View File Reports button



When the transaction Status field shows Ready for Certification, you may proceed with the next step of the ELC Process – Certify after the All Files Reports and the Student Roster have been thoroughly reviewed.

If the transaction Status field shows Aggregation Validation Failed, you must review and analyze the errors reflected in the All Files Validation report, then make the needed correction in the local SIS. The revised data must then be extracted and re-processed through SRRTS (Import, Validate, and Send).

This procedure must be repeated until a Ready for Certification status is achieved.

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10. Certify Process

Once the ELC transaction reflects a Ready for Certification status, the submission may be certified for transmission to UCOP. Certification of the submission requires action from the user role: LEA Data Processor.

The LEA Data Processor certifies the data submission. This action should be taken only after the various client-side and server-side reports (available on the Validate and View Status panels) are reviewed and the LEA DP assesses the Student Roster’s results.

Therefore, although the transaction status may be Ready for Certification, the data should not be certified if deemed to be inaccurate. If inaccuracies are found, the LEA DP should revise the SIS data and repeat the ELC process flow (Import, Validate, and Send).

A LEA has the opportunity to de-certify and re-process its data through SSRTS, however; it is recommended the certification occur once.

10.1 Certify Process - Summary

The following discussion will describe the Certify process steps from the perspective of a LEA Data Processor role. Refer to this summary as an orientation to the sequence of events during certification/de-certification.

1. LEA Data Processor reviews the results of UC ELC Student Roster, All Files Reports and Student Transcripts before the Student transcripts are submitted to UCOP.

a) If data is accurate, LEA Data Processor accesses the Certify panel and certifies the submission.

b) If data is inaccurate, LEA Data Processor corrects SIS and re-submits data through Records Transfer ELC processes.

c) LEA Data Processor Certification will cause the data submission to be submitted to UCOP via a nightly batch process (Transaction status changes to “Transmitted to Agency” after transmission).

10.2 LEA Certify Process Steps

Two SRRTS panels are used to Certify ELC data. Initial Certify Panel permits the user to select the transaction to certify. Main Certify Panel permits the user to review the Student Roster before the Student Transcripts are sent to UCOP via the Certify function. This panel also allows for the ability to print the Student Roster. Upon LEA DP Certification, the data is distributed to UCOP via nightly batch.

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10.2.1 Initial Certify Panel – LEA Data Processor



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Step-by-Step Instructions for ELC Certify and De-Certify

Window Web Page Reference/Location

1 The Transaction list box displays all existing ELC transactions for the LEA. Choose a transaction by clicking anywhere on the desired transaction.

Only transactions that are in Ready for Certification status may be selected.

Selecting a transaction will enable the View/Certify the Submission Summary Reports button.

Transaction List Box


Select the View/Certify Submission Summary Reports button to proceed to Main Certify Panel and complete the data certification.

View/Certify Submission Summary Reports


2 The View Validation Reports button may be optionally used to view validation reports for the transaction files. These are the same reports available in the Validation and the View Status panels. The All Files reports and the Student Transcripts in conjunction with the Student Roster must all be reviewed and analyzed for error and data accuracy before certifying the transaction.

Selection of the View Validation Reports button will open the View All Files Validation Reports window.

Select the desired report and select the View button. The report will display in a separate window. To return to the Certify page, close the report window.

To cancel this window and return to the Certify page without selecting a report, select the Cancel button.

View Validation Reports button.


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10.2.2 Main Certify Panel – LEA Data Processor Certification and De-Certification

Step-by-Step Instructions for Main Certify Panel Web Page Reference/Location

1 Main Certify Panel displays the UC ELC Student Roster Report. This report has the same data as when viewed and printed from the View Status panel. This panel also displays the certification history of the transaction.

The Student Roster is one of several reports that should be analyzed for accuracy prior to completing the certification.

Data Submission Summary Report

Certification History



3 Selection of Certify button will certify the data and add the digital signature associated with the LEA Data Processor to the transaction. This information will be displayed in the Certification History portion of the web page.

The transaction status is now updated to LEA DP Certified, which can be verified by returning to another ELC Records Transfer panel.

Select the Certify button to proceed with the certification.

Certify Button C

Select the Close button to return to Initial Certify panel.

The data will be transmitted to UCOP.

Close Button D

3 Select the Print button to get a print out of the Student Roster in order to see the report in its entirety (rather that scrolling through the on-line version).

Print Button E





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After LEA DP certification, the transaction cannot be modified (e.g. re-imported or validated).

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11. Download Process

After the server-side edits are completed successfully and the transaction is in the “Ready for Certify” state, SRRTS produces a tab delimited extract that can be downloaded via the Retrieve panel. This extract contains all the student transcript data that would be sent to UCOP upon LEA DP certification. It is essential that before certifying, LEA DP downloads this file and does some analysis to ensure the data being sent to UCOP is accurate and complete. For example, one way to accomplish this would be to import the extract into MS Excel and analyze it with the many tools available within this program.



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Step-by-Step Instructions Screen Reference/Location

1 The Files to Retrieve List displays all the ELC transactions that are ready for download or have been previously downloaded.

Select one or more transactions with a status of “Download Ready”. This action will enable the Download button.

File Retrieve List A

2 Select the Download button to open browser window. Navigate to the directory where you want to save your files.

In navigating to the folder, do not drill down into the folder as if to “open” it. Simply highlight the folder name, and then select the Open button in the browser. See example above. To complete the download, select the Open button.

The system then displays a progress bar and when the download process is complete, it displays a “Download Successful” message.

Download button

Browser Window



If a multiple transaction download is cancelled, any files that have already been downloaded are unaffected. The current file being downloaded is deleted.

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Appendix A: ELC Student Roster Report Sample

Report#: SRRTS-020 - ELC Student Roster Printed at Client on: 05/23/2005

Institution ID: 34952090000000 Time: 04:05:37 PM

Institution Name: Shari Test District From Date: 07/01/2004

TR Reason: EL - Eligibility in Local Context (UCOP) Ver: 6.1 Through Date: 06/30/2005

Transaction ID: 34952090000000-0405-00043 Status: Aggregated Data Effective Date: 05/23/2005

Submission Note: Environment: DevGate Processed on Server Number: DevGate_SR1


School Name: Coolidge Elem. School ID - CDSNumber: 34952096043533

School Address: 123 My Way School ID - ATP Number: 907

School City: Sacramento District Name: Shari Test District

Target Number of Transcripts (from UCOP): 100

Number of Students on Roster: 27

School County:

Coolidge Elem.

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CSIS Student Number

Locally Assigned Student Number

Name Home Address Phone Number (with area code)

Date of Birth

High School GPA

High School Class Rank

SUBTOTAL - Number of ELC Candidates Validated For Coolidge Elem.: 0 Alternative Education: Magnet Program Math

CSIS Student Number

Locally Assigned Student Number

Name Home Address Phone Number(with area code)

Date ofBirth



1801338693 135 Corey Clemmensen 1146 Hastings Court, Sacramento, CA, 92706 12223331234 19911202 3.875 2

1801336713 114 Martin Marshall 1125 Shear Drive, San Jose, CA, 95836 12223336666 19910518 3.990 4

1801338063 128 John Thomas 1139 Hercules Court, San Diego, CA, 92705 12223331234 19910719 3.455 7

SUBTOTAL - Number of ELC Candidates Validated For Alternative Education: Magnet Program Math: 3 Alternative Education: Magnet Program Art

CSIS Student Number

Locally Assigned Student Number

Name Home Address Phone Number(with area code)

Date ofBirth



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1801338603 134 Erik Brylin 1145 Westchester Hills Ct, Sacramento, CA, 92868 12223331234 19911202 3.855 1

1801336623 113 Jiri Madden 1124 Outofhere Drive, San Diego, CA, 95835 12223331234 19910404 4.355 3

1801337253 120 Brian Schwab 1131 Yellowbrick Road, Sacramento, CA, 95842 12223331234 19911108 3.985 11

1801337973 127 Igor Toth 1138 Kitty Hawk Lane, Los Angeles, CA, 92867 12223331234 19911113 3.990 6

SUBTOTAL - Number of ELC Candidates Validated For Alternative Education: Magnet Program Art: 4 Alternative Education: Magnet Program Music

CSIS Student Number

Locally Assigned Student Number

Name Home Address Phone Number(with area code)

Date ofBirth



1801338339 131 Scott Bicek 1142 Marie Place, Redwood, CA, 92880 12223331234 19910806 5.150 10

1801339053 138 Colin GiONa 1149 A Street, Lincoln, CA, 92867 12223331234 19910109 3.455 5

1801337703 124 Jan Iginla 1135 New Road, San Francisco, CA, 95846 12223331234 19910929 3.855 3

1801336983 117 Scott Pandolfo 1128 Anystreet Cres, Manteca, CA, 95839 12223331234 19911102 3.900 7

SUBTOTAL - Number of ELC Candidates Validated For Alternative Education: Magnet Program Music: 4 Alternative Education: Magnet Program Writing

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CSIS Student Number

Locally Assigned Student Number

Name Home Address Phone Number(with area code)

Date ofBirth



1801338243 130 Paul Albelin 1141Pacos Court, Elizabeth City, NC, 92868 12223331234 19900722 3.985 9

1801338963 137 Turner Friesen 1148 Hanrahan Place, Roseville, CA, 92867 12223331234 19910913 3.990 4

1801336893 116 Sergei Niedermayer 1127 L Street, Redwood, CA, 95838 12223331234 19910523 3.875 6

SUBTOTAL - Number of ELC Candidates Validated For Alternative Education: Magnet Program Writing: 3 Alternative Education: Magnet Program Theater

CSIS Student Number

Locally Assigned Student Number

Name Home Address Phone Number(with area code)

Date ofBirth



1801338423 132 Jay Brodeur 1143 Justice Drive, Manteca, CA, 92867 12223331234 19901210 4.355 11

1801339143 139 Jarome Giroux 1150 26th Street, San Francisco, CA, 92706 12223331234 19911013 3.590 6

1801336443 111 Jesse Langenbrunner 1122 My Street, Sacramento, CA, 95833 12223331234 19910508 3.985 1

1801337073 118 Patrik Rafalski 1129 Beverly Hills, Sacramento, CA, 95840 12223331234 19910715 3.990 8

1801337793 125 Viktor Regehr 1136 Sunflower Dr, Santa Ana, CA, 95847 12223331234 19910906 3.875 4

SUBTOTAL - Number of ELC Candidates Validated For Alternative Education: Magnet Program Theater: 5

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Alternative Education: Magnet Program Science

CSIS Student Number

Locally Assigned Student Number

Name Home Address Phone Number(with area code)

Date ofBirth



1801338513 133 Brian Brown 1144 Broadway Ave, Sacramento, CA, 92866 12223331234 19910908 3.990 12

1801336533 112 Tommy Larionov 1123 Somewhere Cres, Los Angeles, CA, 95834 12223331234 19910604 5.150 2

1801337883 126 Jamie Powless 1137 Barandas Way, Garden Grove, CA, 95848 12223331234 19901211 3.900 5

1801337163 119 Jeff Rasmussen 1130 Jackson Drive, Sacramento, CA, 95841 12223331234 19910926 3.455 9

1801337163 119 Jeff Rasmussen 1130 Jackson Drive, Sacramento, CA, 95841 12223331234 19910926 3.455 9

SUBTOTAL - Number of ELC Candidates Validated For Alternative Education: Magnet Program Science: 5 Alternative Education: Magnet Program Athletics

CSIS Student Number

Locally Assigned Student Number

Name Home Address Phone Number(with area code)

Date ofBirth



1801338873 136 Scott Elias 1147 Carroll Drive, Roseville, CA, 92840 12223331234 19910607 3.900 3

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1801336803 115 Sean Martin 1126 Two Rivers Drive, Elizabeth City, NC, 95837 12223331234 19901008 3.855 5

1801338153 129 Grant Thomas 1140 Knottingham Court, San Jose, CA, 92867 12223331234 19911226 3.590 8

SUBTOTAL - Number of ELC Candidates Validated For Alternative Education: Magnet Program Athletics: 3 Total Number of ELC Candidates Validated by School: 27

School Name: Test--K-12 Sch (was St. Catherine of Siena Elem.) School ID - CDSNumber: 34952096978811

School Address: 123 My Way School ID - ATP Number: 928

School City: Sacramento District Name: Shari Test District

Target Number of Transcripts (from UCOP): 100

Number of Students on Roster: 0

School County:

Test--K-12 Sch (was St. Catherine of Siena Elem.)

CSIS Student Number

Locally Assigned Student Number

Name Home Address Phone Number (with area code)

Date of Birth

High School GPA

High School Class Rank

SUBTOTAL - Number of ELC Candidates Validated For Test--K-12 Sch (was St. Catherine of Siena Elem.): 0 Total Number of ELC Candidates Validated by School: 0

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School Name: Trinity Lutheran Montessori School ID - CDSNumber: 34952096953285

School Address: 123 My Way School ID - ATP Number: 921

School City: Sacramento District Name: Shari Test District

Target Number of Transcripts (from UCOP): 100

Number of Students on Roster: 0

School County:

Trinity Lutheran Montessori

CSIS Student Number

Locally Assigned Student Number

Name Home Address Phone Number (with area code)

Date of Birth

High School GPA

High School Class Rank

SUBTOTAL - Number of ELC Candidates Validated For Trinity Lutheran Montessori: 0 Total Number of ELC Candidates Validated by School: 0 Total Number of ELC Candidates Validated by Transaction: 27 =============================================END OF ROSTER ===========================================

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Appendix B: ELC Student Transcript Report Sample