elcome… · 2 days ago · technicolor dream coat andrew lloyd webber andrew r. galuska, piano...

"Joseph's Coat" He Qi ©2014 All Rights Reserved "Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good, in order to preserve numerous people, as he is doing today." Genesis 50:20 9.27.2020 SANCTUARY AND LIVESTREAM SERVICE 10:15 A.M. WELCOME Recognizing the wide welcome offered to all through Jesus Christ, Community Church opens its arms to all. We strive to offer Christ’s wide welcome to all people, regardless of creed, age, race, or sexual identity. We invite you to join our congregation in worship and in membership, as we allow our lives to be shaped by the loving outreach of Christ. 1901 23rd Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960 772.562.3633 [email protected]

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"Joseph's Coat" He Qi ©2014 All Rights Reserved

"Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good, in order to preserve numerous people, as he is doing today." Genesis 50:20




Recognizing the wide welcome offered to all through Jesus Christ, Community Church opens its arms to all. We strive to offer Christ’s wide welcome to all people, regardless of creed, age, race, or sexual identity.

We invite you to join our congregation in worship and in membership, as we allow our lives to be shaped by the loving outreach of Christ.

1901 23rd Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960 ● 772.562.3633 ● [email protected]


*Please rise in body or spirit. Thank you for wearing your mask throughout the service. Bold text indicates congregational participation. Our service is live-streamed via internet, capturing the chancel and congregation, and may appear on social media.

Children are invited to join Lia Peters for Sunday School on the Lanai after Passing of the Peace for an outdoor lesson, art, and a fun time to worship. Please wear a mask and maintain a loving distance when picking up your children after service. Families are always welcome to worship together during service.

Nursery Care is available for children under the age of four during our Sanctuary service.


PRELUDE Medley from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat Andrew Lloyd Webber

Andrew R. Galuska, piano


COMMUNITY WORDS Rev. Dr. Anna V. Copeland

"No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here."



*OPENING HYMN "We Worship You, God" LYONS

*LITANY Pat Schirard

One: The God of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Rachel, is here at worship with us today. All: We worship together with all who call on the God of Abraham. One: God is active, using people of faith to reconcile and bless the world. All: In the midst of hardship, injustice, and pain, God is working for good. One: Fulfilling God's dream of a world marked by compassion, justice, and kindness joins us to Joseph and all of our ancestors in

faith. Let us pray...


God of all time and all people, during these difficult times we give thanks for your promise to walk with us into the future with hope. We give thanks for Joseph whose wisdom and dedication gave him strength to persevere and prosper in spite of hardship and injustice. Give us, we pray, wisdom to listen for your guidance, and to live in ways that bless others. Amen


*GLORIA PATRI Families may come forward for bible presentations.

BIBLE PRESENTATIONS Rev. Elizabeth B. Johnson Lia Peters


Children are invited to join Lia Peters on the Lanai for Sunday School.





Psalm 25: 4-9 Make me know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long. Be mindful of your mercy, O LORD, and of your steadfast love, for they have been from of old. Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions; according to your steadfast love remember me, for your goodness' sake, O LORD! Good and upright is the LORD; therefore he instructs sinners in the way. He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way.



One: The Story of Joseph Invites us to trust God when we face difficult times. All: We listen, wanting to hear God's wisdom for our lives today.

Genesis 37 Summary

In today's lectionary reading, we encounter Joseph, son of Jacob. Last week, we heard God's promise of descendants to Abraham and Sarah, who eventually gave birth to Isaac. Isaac and Rebecca had twins, Esau and Jacob. All told, Jacob had 12 sons by 4 different women. His favorite was Joseph, born to him by Rachel. His favor showed when he gave Joseph a special coat, making his brothers jealous and angry. Joseph intensified their anger by snitching on his brothers, and reporting his dreams in which his brothers bowed down in submission to him.

One day the brothers had had enough and hatched a plan to rid themselves of Joseph for good. First, they threw him down and an abandoned dry well. Then, instead of killing him outright, they sold him to merchants whose intention was to sell the young man as a slave in Egypt. They tore the special coat and dipped it in blood to give the appearance that Joseph had been devoured by wild animals.

Joseph's story contains numerous ups and downs—at times he was trusted and respected, and at other times accused and left to rot in jail. Eventually, Joseph became the minister of agriculture whose responsibility was to provide food for any and all who needed it during a severe drought. Ironically, Joseph's brothers traveled to Egypt seeking food, and found themselves bowing down before Joseph. Joseph reconciled with his brothers and moved the whole family to Egypt under his care. Today's reading picks up after his father Jacob dies, when his brothers worry that Joseph will seek retribution for their earlier abuse of him.

Listen for the word of God…

Genesis 50: 15-21

Realizing that their father was dead, Joseph’s brothers said, "What if Joseph still bears a grudge against us and pays us back in full for all the wrong that we did to him?" So they approached Joseph, saying, "Your father gave this instruction before he died, 'Say to Joseph: I beg you, forgive the crime of your brothers and the wrong they did in harming you.' Now therefore please forgive the crime of the servants of the God of your father." Joseph wept when they spoke to him. Then his brothers also wept, fell down before him, and said, "We are here as your slaves." But Joseph said to them, "Do not be afraid! Am I in the place of God? Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good, in order to preserve a numerous people, as he is doing today. So have no fear; I myself will provide for you and your little ones." In this way he reassured them, speaking kindly to them.



One: Joseph's wisdom inspires us to listen for, and follow God's guidance in whatever form it takes. All: By his faithfulness we are blessed.

ANTHEM "Any Dream Will Do" Andrew Lloyd Webber

The Community Quartet Joshua Pinnock, baritone

from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat

"I closed my eyes, drew back the curtains, to see for certain what I thought I knew. Far, far away, someone was weeping, but the world was sleeping. Any dream will do.

I wore my coat with golden lining, Bright colours shining, wonderful and new. And in the east the dawn was breaking, and the world was waking. Any dream will do.

A crash of drums, a flash of light, my golden coat flew out of sight. The colours faded into darkness I was left alone.

May I return to the beginning, the light is dimming, and the dream is too. The world and I, we are still waiting, still hesitating. Any dream will do.

Give me my coloured coat, my amazing coloured coat.

SERMON "Beyond Family Troubles" Rev. Dr. Anna V. Copeland

"God intended it for good, in order to preserve a numerous people, as he is doing today." Genesis 50:20b

CHORAL CALL TO PRAYER "Close Every Door To Me" Andrew Lloyd Webber

Rachel E. Carter, soprano

from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat

Close every door to me, hide all the world from me. Bar all the windows and shut out the light. Do what you want with me, hate me and laugh at me. Darken my daytime and torture my night.

If my life were important I would ask will I live or die. But I know the answers lie far from this world. Close every door to me, hide those I love from me. Children of Israel are never alone.

For I know we shall find our own peace of mind. For we have been promised a land of our own.


Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day, our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen



OFFERTORY "Dream" Yiruma

Jill H. Truax, piano



We give thanks, O God, for the opportunity to give. We pray that, like Joseph, Community Church will use our abundance to bless any and all who find themselves in need, that your dreams for our world might become a concrete reality in our community and beyond. Amen




*CLOSING HYMN "Great Is Your Faithfulness" FAITHFULNESS

*BENEDICTION Rev. Dr. Anna V. Copeland

POSTLUDE Toccata Brevis Daniel Gawthrop

Jill H. Truax, organ

5 One License A-721401/CCS-8076


Rachel E. Carter, soprano; JoAnn W. Palmer, alto; Kent J. Ahern, tenor; Joshua W. Pinnock, bass


Pat Schirard


by Tee Henley and family in loving memory of her parents, brother Anthony, and sister Maria.

by Joan Ohl and Brad Lorimier. "Thank you Teryl."


WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY, NEXT SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4TH: The sermon titled, "Yard Signs" will be given by Rev. Dr. Anna V. Copeland by live-stream in C2 at 8:30 a.m. and both in-person and live-streamed at 10:15 a.m. in the Sanctuary.

SPECIAL GUEST MURAL ARTIST IN WORSHIP: Today we welcome mural artist Cody Monahan of Melbourne Florida. We have invited him to create a large mural on canvas based on the Today's lesson from Genesis 37. Cody will be featured during our 10:15 a.m. Sanctuary worship.

CCOVB BIBLE PRESENTATIONS TODAY: This morning during our 10:15 a.m. Sanctuary worship, we will present Bibles to your kindergartners and third graders.

C2 RE-IMAGINED: Our C2 Re-Imagined event was a fantastic experience! By moving to the Sanctuary, we were able to accommodate all those who desired a live opportunity to return to this worship service. We are committed to making each of our gatherings a memorable experience. You don't want to miss out! Next Month, attend C2 live, in the Sanctuary on Thursday, October 15th at 6:30 p.m. Nursery care and children's church will be available. Sunday, September 18th, you may tune in to our facebook page to catch the service broadcast at 8:30 a.m.


ON-LINE OR TEXT GIVING: For your convenience, you can give either by texting or going on-line to our website. Your information is held securely by a SSL encrypted connection, will remain private, and is never given away to third parties, other than to process your scheduled contributions. Please generously support where you are spiritually fed, as we seek to continue the work of God in Vero Beach.

Text to Give: You can text a dollar amount to 772.222.3393. You will be asked to set up an account. From then on, you will be able to text a designated amount any time you’d like, just by sending the dollar amount to the number.

On-line Giving: Visit our website at www.ccovb.org. Click on the "GIVE" tab and follow the instructions. You can give one time or set up recurring gifts.


LIVE-STREAM VIEWING: To watch our services on live-stream, please do one of the following:

Log into our webpage at ccovb.org. On the home page, scroll down to the box titled 'Live-stream Our Service Here' and click on live-stream in the image; or go to the top right and click on the small camera icon. This will take you to the live-stream web site for The Community Church of Vero Beach.

Go to our Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/CCOVB.org). Scroll down to where the service appears as a live-stream.

Go to https://livestream.com/watch. Type "The Community Church of Vero Beach." in the search box. Click on the drop down box for The Community Church of Vero Beach, and the live-stream page will come up.

STREAM CONNECTION: In the event you are having live viewing difficulty, or you experience interruptions during services today, the stream will be posted in its entirety and may be found on our website or church Facebook page later in the day. Thank you for your understanding.


ZOOM COFFEE HOUR : Begins at 11:30 a.m. following our Sanctuary worship. Virtual Coffee hour will be held every Sunday. Visit https://ccovb.org/coffee/ for login instructions, or call the Church Office for connection assistance.

DIAL-A-SERMON: We have created a dedicated phone line for people to call and hear the sermon from Sunday. The sermon will be updated by Thursday each week. We hope this will be a meaningful way to stay connected. Those interested in hearing the sermon may call 772.410.5835.

CHURCH OFFICE IS OPEN: The Church Office is open Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and

Sunday between 8:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. The staff is practicing social distancing. We ask that you remain behind the identified marking for proper distancing when entering the Church Office.

FACEBOOK: If you would like to receive a daily word of hope please visit us on our Facebook Pages:

The Main Church Facebook page may be found at: www.facebook.com/CCOVB.org

Rev. Dr. Anna V. Copeland's Minister's Blog is posted on Wednesdays at: www.facebook.com/AnnaVCopelandBlog

The C2 Facebook page may be found at: www.facebook.com/C2Worship

The Children and Youth Facebook page may be found at: www.facebook.com/CommotionYouth

The Music and Fine Arts Facebook page may be found at: www.facebook.com/CCOVBDepartmentOfMusic


PASTORAL VISITATION: If you or a family member is in the hospital, our ministers will be happy to visit. Current hospital policy states that you must request a visit to allow a ministerial visit in the hospital. After requesting a visit from the hospital, please notify the ministry staff by emailing [email protected] or calling the Church Office at 772.562.3633.

PRAYER: If you or a loved one is in need of prayer, there are numerous ways to submit a request. You may: Fill out a prayer card during Sunday worship and drop it

in an offering box in the Narthex. Email Suzanne Rice at [email protected]; submit

through our church website at www.ccovb.org. Call the Church Office at 772.562.3633. We have a prayer group that meets on a weekly basis to confidentially pray for your needs and concerns.

CONTACT A MINISTER: During this time when we are sheltering in place, we want to stay connected to you. Each week there will be a minister on call whom you may contact by email for conversation, pastoral care, or prayer. This week our minister on call is Rev. David W. Johnson. You may reach him at [email protected].

PRAYER ROOM IS READY: We are excited about our new prayer room and welcome you to check it out soon! The room formerly known as the library is now dedicated to prayer. Due to social distancing guidelines we may only accommodate one or two people to use the space at a time. Reserve your time by calling the Main Office at 772.562.3633 or emailing [email protected]. Reservations will help us maintain sanitization procedures in between each use.



COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS: RACE MATTERS: A Compassionate Conversation with Dr. David Anderson Hooker and Dr. Allen Hilton. Race is a freighted topic among us. Now, after a long history of slavery and racism in the U.S., the time has come to chart a new course. But what does better look like? Join Dr. David Anderson Hooker (Prof. University of Notre Dame) and Dr. Allen Hilton (Exec. Dir. of House United) Sept 30th and Oct 7th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. via Zoom, as we imagine together a future in which all can thrive – and what it would take to reach that future. To sign up, please visit www.ccovb.org or email Suzanne Rice at [email protected]. BIBLE STUDIES: This year we will be studying the Narrative Lectionary with all three Adult Bible Studies. The Narrative Lectionary readings line up with the major church festivals (Christmas, Transfiguration Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, and Pentecost). This will give us the broad story of our faith, using a chronological approach. If you are interested in one of these classes, visit www.ccovb.org to fill out a registration form. For more information or help registering, email Suzanne Rice at [email protected].

MEN'S ZOOM BIBLE STUDY: Tuesdays at 8:00 a.m. with Rev. David W. Johnson.

WOMEN'S ZOOM BIBLE STUDY: Wednesdays @ 11:00 a.m. with Rev. Elizabeth B. Johnson.




SUNDAY FUN DAY: Join us for Family Beach Fellowship after church on Sundays! Bring your umbrellas, sand buckets, and friends. We will meet at Jaycee Beach for swimming and fellowship. See you at 12:30 p.m., weather permitting.

MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH ADVENTURE CLUB: Wednesday, September 30th, Adventure Club will meet at Countryside Citrus near Humiston Beach Park from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. RSVP by texting or calling Rev. Joshua J. Longbottom at 850.221.5615 or by emailing [email protected]. Country Side Citrus is located at 3300 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32963.

SUNDAY SCHOOL VOLUNTEER INVITATION: "I am so excited to be given the opportunity to teach your children this year! They are smart, fun and happy to be back into our classes," our new director of Sunday school shared. Each week the number of kids is growing and for that reason we are asking for volunteers to help staff our classes. If you have a love and passion for seeing the next generation thrive in our Church, Please call or text Lia Peters at 772.321.9567.

PARENTING SMALL GROUPS: This fall we are pleased to offer two small groups for parents. They will meet mostly on Zoom and will last five to six weeks, beginning in early October. If you are interested in joining one of these parenting groups, please contact [email protected].

LISTEN: The book "Listen" by Patty Wipfler introduces parents to five simple, practical skills even the most harried parent can use. These tools will help parents strengthen their connection with their child and help build their child's intelligence, cooperation, and ability to learn as they grow.

GROWING COMPASSIONATE KIDS: The book "Growing Compassionate Kids" by Jan Johnson features practical, everyday ways for parents to help their children care about people in need. Jan Johnson, a well-known author who deals with Christian spirituality, helps parents learn to incorporate social outreach and mission into the often-hectic everyday realities of family life.


WEDNESDAYS @ 1:00 FACEBOOK LIVE: "Wednesdays @ 1:00 p.m." are weekly livestream features that delve deeper into Music and the Fine Arts at The Community Church of Vero Beach and around the Treasure Coast. These live-stream only events feature special guest interviews, musicians' roundtables, gallery and studio tours, interviews with poets and local musicians, and more. This Wednesday, September 30th we bring you a tour of the Indian River Citrus Museum with executive director, Heather Stapleton.

MUSICAL MOMENTS: Thank you for watching our Musical Moments throughout the Summer! Our Musical Moments Finale has been moved to Thursday, October 1st! Join Joshua Pinnock, baritone online for a concert of eclectic favorites from classical to contemporary! We appreciate you for giving audience to the musical offerings presented by our Music Ministry staff, and our special guests. We look forward to bringing you our 2020-2021 concert series and invite you to keep Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. on your calendar for our Advent Organ and Poetry Series beginning December 3rd.

DUAL PIANOS CONCERT DATE MOVED: If you haven't gotten tickets for our Dual Pianos Concert, there is still time! We have moved the date to Friday, October 2nd at 6:30 p.m. If you have already made reservations, your tickets will be good for this new time. Please call Staci Rosbury at 772.778.1070 or email the ticket office at [email protected] to reserve a spot in the audience!



During this season of social distancing we are not able to organize mission activities together. Watch the bulletin, the website, and our Facebook page for opportunities to serve safely. We will post them as we become aware of them.

MISSION WATCH OUR FATHER'S TABLE FOOD MINISTRY: For more than 25 years, Our Father's Table Food Ministry has served up a hot lunch for more than 50 people every day. In addition, they deliver another 75 meals to homebound residents. For years, we have supported this joy-filled, life-saving ministry. Now during Covid-19, they are unable to serve meals at their location, but they continue to deliver food and meals to people at home. Community Church mission dollars keep this vital group cooking!

SAMARITAN CENTER SOUP BOWL: This year The Samaritan Center has partnered with Indian River Clay to create bowls for the 28th Annual Soup Bowl. Soup bowls will be sold at the Heritage Center for their "Empty Bowls, Full Hearts" event. We will not host a meal, however soup will be available to purchase and pick up here during the first week of November. Keep an eye on our church website for ordering information.

HOW WE CAN HELP: If you have lost your job, been furloughed, or are facing health issues and are in need of support for food, housing, or medical assistance,

Community Church has support for those within our church family. Please contact Rev. David W. Johnson at [email protected].

HOW YOU CAN HELP: Share prayers through our website prayer link at www.ccovb.org or pray for others. Build and strengthen community through regular calls to your friends and neighbors and through your Circles of Care calls. Contribute through donations to the CCOVB general fund, to the Deacons Fund or to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund, to support

the work and outreach of the Church for staff, church members and wider needs in the community. Serve through mission initiatives that are able to carry on their ministry in a safe manner. Contact Rev. David Johnson for more

information. Send letters of encouragement to members and friends of the church to connect with and support one another. And finally, be the eyes and ears, hands and feet of the community, let your ministers know through the Church Office who may be in

need of assistance.


Church Office: 1901 23rd Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960

Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Phone: 772.562.3633

Pastoral Care: (after hours) 772.617.4324

Fax: 772.562.9425

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.ccovb.org