elections 2010 - candidates booklet


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All the candidates for the 2010 USSa Elections


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Reclaim Our Education

Stop the Cuts @ Strathclyde – Resist the Principal’s Agenda As a student executive we would oppose and campaign to prevent any cuts in our education by building and mobilising a broad and effective campaign of students and staff to lobby senior management not to implement cuts. As the main student representative of Strathclyde I will continue to vehemently defend our right to free education and lobby government to bring back grants, drive down rent prices and keep the cost of resources to an absolute minimum.

Oppose Islamaphobia – No to War, No to the Fascist BNP I will campaign alongside LGBT and Muslim community to unite against fascism and ensure Strathclyde remains a Nazi-free zone with tolerance and diversity at its heart.

Cut the Principals Wage – Not University Staff While students of German and Applied Music are told their courses are being cut for financial reasons Principal Jim McDonald is awarded a 9% pay rise (taking his salary to over £200,000) and spends £600,000 on the decoration of his new office. As the main representative of the student body I will hold the Principal to account for his disgraceful spending and lobby to have his salary reduced.


Since July I’ve been working hard, representing you, where and when it matters most. I’m running for re-election to continue our successes, create new ones, and always put you – as students – first...

...EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATIONn Continue to proactively oppose cuts which

have detrimental effects on your experience and quality.

n Build on initiatives like Teaching Excellence Awards, engaging the university in a positive debate around teaching quality.

n Continue representing you at the top tables on issues you’ve made your voice clear on – e.g. course charges, assessment and feedback, and contact time with lecturers.

...STUDENTS IN THE COMMUNITYn Develop and deliver a community engagement

strategy – putting you central to the city. n Work with the university to embed

volunteering in the curriculum – giving you credits for work outside the classroom.

n Widening access to education - providing a proper university transition framework to support you before, during, and after your degree.

...STUDENT SUPPORT AND FUNDINGn Work with the university to ensure increased

transparency of, and access to, additional money available.

n Ensure ease of access to university support services and staff.

...ENJOYING IT ALL!n We’ve secured a new Union building for the

future – I want to ensure the current one meets and exceeds your needs along the way.

n Continue with the entertainment you know and love – and diversify it out for those who want more.

Bryan Simpson

Philip Whyte



President page 1

Vice President Activities & Development page 2

Vice President Education & Representation pages 2-3

Vice President Equality & Diversity page 5

Vice President Services page 5

Vice President Sports, Physical Activities & Wellbeing pages 5-6

Vice Chair (Communities Engagement Forum) pages 6-7

Vice Chair (Activities Forum) page 7

Vice Chair (Education & Representation Forum) page 8

Vice Chair (Equality & Diversity Forum) page 8

Vice Chair (Services Forum) page 9

Vice Chair (Sports, Physical Activities & Wellbeing Forum) page 9

Policy & Democracy Officer page 10

NUS National Conference page 10

Strathclyde Students’ Association Positions Available pages 11-12

Candidates Question Time page 13

How To Vote back page

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Universities across the country are preparing to axe thousands of teaching jobs, close campuses and ditch courses and staff to cope with government funding cuts.

n I will help further the Strathclyde Anti-Cuts Action Network, and encourage it to link up with other campaigns and networks around the country.

n I will challenge senior university management to lobby the government and cut their own salaries before cutting our courses and staff.


n I will support awareness campaigns, set up public debates and take a firm stand on all forms of oppression.

n I will increase the Union’s involvement in anti-fascist campaigns, and in the anti-war movement.


Billions of pounds were spent bailing out the banks, while the bankers continued to receive massive bonuses. This did not need to happen; there are alternatives.

n I will campaign to end student debt. We should not be made to pay!

n I will campaign to bring prices on campus down, including food, books, and library fees. This must be done as part of a wider strategy; it will not work as single issues.

Hello, my name is Hannah Nicholson. I’m in my final year of a BA (Hons) in English with Journalism and Creative Writing at Strathclyde University. I am standing for election as Vice President Education and Representation (VPER) for the newly-restructured executive. During my later years as a student here I have been a class rep for my year group, and in 2009 I attended the first student representative congress, where I learned a number of skills relevant to this. I am a current member of the Student Representative Council (SRC). I feel the skills I have gained from these experiences make me the perfect candidate for this position.

If I were elected, I would:

n Make sure students are happy with the feedback they receive from tutors

n Improve the turnaround on assignments and make sure students are fully supported

n Say no to top-up fees

n Run the class rep system efficiently

n Make sure that students affected by the LASS / Education merger are fully informed of any changes that may affect them

n Library services are improved, particularly during exam leave

n Course materials can either be made cheaper or accessed online where necessary

Sarah Collins

Hannah Nicholson

Hi, my name is Gill Currah, I am a 22 year old marketing graduate, I have spent the past 8 months as Vice President Student Development representing you as a full time executive officer. I have loved my time in office so I am running to be your Vice President Activities and Development!

During my year in office I have worked hard to ensure you get the most out of your experience including;

n Brought you an unforgettable Freshers’ Week.

n Been visible on campus.

n Been supportive and approachable to all students.

If you elect me as your VPAD I will;

n Improve promotion of all student activities to ensure you are aware of the opportunities available.

n Restructure clubs and societies to make it easier and less time consuming for all students to get involved and run their club.

n Create a new framework for rewarding and recognising clubs and societies.

n Work on employability in partnership with the University.

n Be approachable and supportive to all students.

n Continue developing rewards for volunteers out with the STAR Awards.

n Encourage the exec to be visible by continuing to be out on campus speaking and listening to you.

My name is Graeme Allan; I’m a fourth year chemical engineering student and current convenor of the International Students Group (SIS). I have been actively involved in representing students’ views for over 3 years, as a Class Rep, sitting on the Student Council, on external reviews and within the faculties.

If elected as VPER I will:

n Create a Class Rep system, which is visible and engages fully with the student body, which can link to the top levels, making sure all issues are known and not neglected.

n Be in every department to make sure they actually stick to the rules, not letting courses slip and that all issues are addressed.

n Campaign for more effective learning services for students;

o Longer opening hours in the library to cope with the LASS & Education Faculty merger.

o Increase IT availability and have more useful software

o Improve online tools, to suit the needs of everyone.

n To be visible and known to every student, so students have someone they can confidently approach for information and resolve any academic issues.

n Defend your right to a free education, by campaigning against graduate tax and top-up fees.

Gill Currah

Graeme Allan

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I have thoroughly enjoyed my student life over my four years of study, and subsequently as my time as VPOCS. I would like to continue to help other students to have as good a student experience as I have had.

My Ideas:

n I hope to be able to continue to fight to obtain a greater choice of food in the Library’s Orbit Cafe- It hasn’t reached this stage yet but I have made massive strides in enabling this to happen whilst being the university’s critical friend.

n I will strive to encourage and promote local student bands by holding specific events.

n I will make sure Jordanhill students are kept well informed of union events and that TOBY’s keeps on improving, with a visible presence of the association.

n I will ensure that the services ASK and Nightline provide keep on improving by becoming more open and transparent.

n To ensure media groups are utilised to their full potential and cement their continued growth and improvement. I will also try to increase both listener numbers and reader awareness.

n To ensure a wide range of diverse entertainment happens throughout the year, and aim this specifically at entertainment students desire.

Hi, I’m Robbie Carter a fourth marketing student. I am currently on the Sports Exec as the active member and have been competing for the Snowsports Club for 3 years, I currently also hold a place on the clubs committee.

With the experience I have gained from working in both of these roles and having just finished my dissertation on the branding of the Sports Union, how it communicates with member and non-member students and the services it provides I feel I’m an ideal candidate for this role.

If elected I will:

Seek to develop better way of communicating with ALL students at Strathclyde about sport and the Sports Union.

n This would include news letters and a better online presence.

Build on the successes this year in attracting more members to the Sports Unionn Through making membership more

attractive and highlighting the benefits of joining to students.

Create a better relationship between clubs, their members and the Sports Union.

n By meeting with clubs to understand what they want from the SU.n Having a more open and easier to

access application system (for funding, transport etc.)n More inter-club and SU events.

Iain Pullar

Robbie Carter

I’m Charandeep Singh, standing to be Vice President Equality-Diversity. I believe The Union is a place for all students. I want students from all backgrounds to feel welcome and part of our union! I will work hard to create a union that is culturally diverse in everything it does, where students accelerate their learning by learning about each other, from each other! I’ve been:n Active member of SRC 2007 -2010n President Sikh Society 2007-2009n Class Rep.2009-2010n Attended AGMs 2008 -2010n Time for reflection, speech at Scottish

Parliament 2009n Development and Education Youth Officer

– Scottish Inter-Faith Council 2007 -2010

I will: n Create a ‘diverse -city week’ and tolerate

campaign - celebrating the diverse make-up of Strathclyde.n Work with the university creating an

induction for students, giving support and advice on where to access the cities religious, cultural facilities etc. n Work with VP Services to ensure events

are accessible. n Create non-alcohol events outside

student union building.n Host monthly seminars on issues of

equality–attracting external speakers to discuss current affairs. n Build on the success of ‘Diverse-city’

magazine.n Work with NUS to fight the spread of BNP.

Hello, I’m Nikky Ward, I’m studying 4th year English and running for Vice President of Equality and Diversity. I have volunteered in the Student Union for the last two years and feel that this has given me the drive and knowledge to fulfill this role.What I’ve done so far:n Been re-elected as deputy convener for

Students With Disabilities by campaigning and supporting disabled students across campus.n Represented all students as part of the

Student Representive Council (SRC).n Supported new arrivals to Strathclyde on

the Union Welcome Team.n Helped with campaigns by being a part of

the Campaigns Committee.What I would do:n Strengthen the relationship of the

liberation groups by encouraging communication and joint projects.n Develop DiverseCity magazine to contain

topical articles, latest liberation news and upcoming events.n Consistently promote new membership to

liberation groups.n Encourage students, returning from

a year abroad, to engage with the International Students Group and promote the international buddy system.n Ensure the Equal Opportunities Policy is

kept up to date and adhered to by USSA and all its members.n Have an Open Door policy, so that all

students can approach me whenever necessary.

Charandeep Singh

Nikky Ward

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Hi I’m David, I’m a second year Computer Science student. I am currently the halls convenor. In my spare time I volunteer with the Scout Association in Glasgow. In 2008, I volunteered in a Special School in Fiji for six months. I believe that it is important to support both the international community and the communities in Glasgow. If I was elected I would look to:

n Create more of a united community spirit in the university through events etc.

n Help halls of residence committee make halls more of a community environment where everyone socialises with one another, not just in their block.

n Encourage more students to help out in the local community and support charities that exist in Glasgow, through fundraising and voluntary work.

n Push students to respect the environment they live in. Also encourage them to be respectful of other cultures.

n Make sure that the idea of ‘students representing students’ is upheld by bringing my views as a student into meetings about how the union should change for the future.

n Ensure that the union is able to support students in the future in the same way, or better, than it is now.

I’m Hannah Weall, a third year Marketing and French student. I am running for the position of Vice Chair of Activities and Development.I am the Arts Editor of the Strathclyde Telegraph, and have been actively involved in the media group since first year. I sit on the Student Representative Council, have been involved with Race Relations and I am also the President of Strathclyde Glee club. I’ve participated in campaigns like Sexual Health Week and Mental Health Week. I love my involvement with the Association and want you to experience some of the fun I have.

If you elect me as VCAD, I promise to:

n Maintain the wide variety of clubs and societies, appealing to all students’ interests.

n Support the student groups and societies in every way I can, to help them be successful.

n Encourage involvement out with academic studies, so that students get the Best of Both Worlds.

n Help you get the most from the activities available, to best develop the personal skills that employers want.

n As a member of the Board of Trustees, represent the Activities and Development forum in the best way possible.

Get the Best of Both Worlds!

David Mowle

Hannah Weall

I am Yousuf Kerr and I am running for the position of Vice President Sport, Physical Activities and Wellbeing. I am the University badminton captain, a member of the university tennis team and the current Media Officer of the sports exec. The sports union has had a tremendous impact upon my time at Strathclyde and now I would like to give back to you.

Pledges.n To encourage as many people as possible

to participate in sport at Strathclyde. n Establish a sense of togetherness and

connectedness between clubs in which the ‘Team STRATH’ idea is pushedn Promote the sports union within the

university, for example by increasing the role the sport plays in attracting new students through the induction process. n Provide continuity to the sports union and

build on the successes of this year.n Ensure the potential of every club is

maximised and the budget distributed fairly. n Support the building of the new sports

centre and help lay down the foundations that can be built upon in following years.

The position of Vice President of Sport, Physical Activities and Wellbeing will come with of a lot of responsibility, but massive potential also. It is this potential that really excites me.

I would like to ask you to give me this opportunity. Thank you, Yousuf

Hi I’m Patrick McGinnis, currently studying Community Education at Strathclyde and standing for the position of Vice Chair of Community Engagement. I’ve been actively involved in the Student Association since September and enjoyed every moment. This involvement includes SRC, Strathclyde Fusion and LGBT to name a few, along with sitting on several committees such as Campaigns. I have also helped with a number of campaigns such as Sexual Health Week, all of which I feel helps work towards creating a fun and rewarding student experience. I feel that all this makes me the best possible candidate for this position.If Elected I Promise:

n Working with the president to ensure community engagement grows within the union

n Leading all our Union groups such as RAG and CACTUS into the community, fundraising and campaigning and highlighting presence of our union in the community.

n Creating links with schools and community groups in a range of projects and events.

n Representing the Student Association in the community on a local, national and international scale.

n Guiding the union in the right direction throughout the first year of its regeneration as a member of the Board of Trustees.


Patrick McGinnis

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I’m Rob Harris and I’m standing to be your Vice Chair (Services) for 2010/11. I am a third year Engineering student and am also your current Student Media and Marketing Officer. In my capacity as SMMO I have been working to improve the Union, including setting up the soon to be launched Marketing and Communications Team. Also I co-ordinated the calling and running of the successful referendum campaign, which overturned the AGM decision to lobby to cut funding received from defence companies.

As Vice Chair (Services) I will:

nEnsure the Services Forum runs effectively in its first year, through publicising Forum times and discussion topics

nWork to develop the variety of entertainment on offer, whilst keeping current favourites

nContinue to be involved with the Media groups to build on recent success

n Increase the awareness of ASK and Nightline to ensure students are aware of the services available to them

As a trustee I pledge to be open with the decisions I make, and ensure the Union has a well thought out long term strategic direction so the Union is improving for the foreseeable future.

So For Vice Chair (Services) Vote Rob Harris #1

At Your Service

Hi! I’m Michelle Keating and I would like to be your Vice Chair (Sports, Physical Activities and well-being). I’m a second year Politics and Economics student and I have been on the Sports Executive for the last year as Fixtures Officer., as well as being the ladies football team’s Vice Captain.

If elected, I aim to:

n Protect the interests of the Sports Union and its paying members under the new Governance structure.

nEngage in conversation with the student body about the importance of having a Sports Union presence within the union building following the proposal to move the SU offices to the new CSR building opening in 2012.

nEncourage wider participation in sports and for all students to lead an active, healthy lifestyle.

n I would, also, like to get more sport shown in the union.

SO VOTE MICHELLE KEATING NUMBER ONE FOR VICE CHAIR (Sports, Physical Activities and Well-being) at www.strathctudents.com/elections from Monday 1st March 5:00pm – Tuesday 2nd March 5:00pm

Rob Harris

Michelle KeatingIT COULD BE YOU!

There will be a by-election for the position of Vice

Chair (Education & Representation Forum) soon.

If you are interested in the position or would like to find out more, contact:

Al WilsonDemocratic Services Coordinator

[email protected]

Hello my name is Darren Young and I am currently a second year Politics and History student at Strathclyde. I consider the Students Association to be the core of university life and this year I am running for the position of Vice Chair of Equality and Diversity. Over the past year I have been actively involved in campaigning on a variety of issues for different students groups within the union such as Students With Disabilities, LGBT and Race Relations. I passionately believe that each and every student should be allowed the same opportunities and if elected will continue to avidly campaign for student’s rights and guarantee that the union remains a safe space for all. I am hardworking, determined and enthusiastic and believe that I am the best and only candidate who possesses the skills to be your Vice Chair of Equality and Diversity.

Position Vacant Darren Young

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Our Union is changing – so is our University. Now, more than ever, it is vital that Strathclyde students are empowered to shape the future whilst being made fully aware of decisions that affect them. That’s why I’m standing for Policy and Democracy Officer.

If elected, I will work to these four principles:

Flexibility: Democratic events at a time and a place that fit around students’ lives; Transparency: Key decisions broadcast as and when they’re made, with videos of all meetings available online; Accountability: Clear and concise reporting of Executive actions and regular Question Time events on both campuses; Impartiality: Fair and equal treatment of all individuals, groups and policies.

In 2008/09, I had the great honour of serving as your student president, a year that saw an unprecedented number of students taking part in major decisions in the Union. I’ve experienced the Union at many levels, from volunteering through to being leader of the organisation, and I’ve seen how important it is to have clear and effective democratic procedures. Now, going into my honours year, I hope to help empower a new wave of students take their Union forward as a strong, campaigning force.

Vote Neil Campbell for Policy and Democracy Officer: Watching Out For You.

Neil Campbell



Amy Davies

Kelley Temple

Philip Whyte

Darren Young

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QUESTION TIME!Your chance to Question the Candidates for the following positions:

n President

n Vice President Activities

n Vice President Education & Representation

n Vice President Equality & Diversity

n Vice President Services

n Vice President Sport, Physical Activities & Wellbeing

Come along and put your questions to the people who want to run YOUR Union. Debates Chamber

Level 6|The Union

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