
Consumer electronics (abbreviated CE) are electronic equipment intended for everyday use, most often in entertainment, communications and office productivity. Main products include audio equipment, television sets, MP3 players, video recorders, DVD players, digital cameras, camcorders, personal computers, video game consoles, telephones and mobile phones. Increasingly these products have become based on digital technologies, and have largely merged with the computer industry in what is increasingly referred to as the consumerization of information technology such as those invented by Apple Inc. and MIT Media Lab. Consumer electronics have really changed the way that we lived. Just two decades ago most of us had a couple of electronics products at most. Nowadays we all have many products and often we can't live without them. Consumer electronics are any electronic device that is designed for everyday use. These days there are dozens of different products available and most us have several of them. Interestingly the first consumer electronics product to be produced is still in widespread use, this being the radio. Therefore it would be fair to say that while things certainly change rapidly in the world of electronics the changes are not so rapid that the technology becomes obsolete quickly. In most cases it evolves to become ever more capable. After the development of the radio the next consumer electronics product to go into widespread use was the television. This is another example of a technology that has evolved over the years but has largely stayed the same. For decades the television would be the most high tech electronics device that people owned. This would change in the nineties when the home computer went into

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a general survey of the electronics goods !!!!!!


Consumer electronics (abbreviated CE) are electronic equipment intended for everyday use, most often in entertainment, communications and office productivity. Main products include audio equipment, television sets, MP3 players, video recorders, DVD players, digital cameras, camcorders, personal computers, video game consoles, telephones and mobile phones. Increasingly these products have become based on digital technologies, and have largely merged with the computer industry in what is increasingly referred to as the consumerization of information technology such as those invented by Apple Inc. and MIT Media Lab.Consumer electronics have really changed the way that we lived. Just two decades ago most of us had a couple of electronics products at most. Nowadays we all have many products and often we can't live without them. Consumer electronics are any electronic device that is designed for everyday use. These days there are dozens of different products available and most us have several of them. Interestingly the first consumer electronics product to be produced is still in widespread use, this being the radio. Therefore it would be fair to say that while things certainly change rapidly in the world of electronics the changes are not so rapid that the technology becomes obsolete quickly. In most cases it evolves to become ever more capable. After the development of the radio the next consumer electronics product to go into widespread use was the television. This is another example of a technology that has evolved over the years but has largely stayed the same. For decades the television would be the most high tech electronics device that people owned. This would change in the nineties when the home computer went into widespread use. These days virtually everybody has a computer and few people would be able to get by without one. Most of the consumer electronics products to come to the market since the development of the home computer have been related to the development of the computer. For example the MP3 player and the digital camera are designed to work with the computer. While things like smart phones are really just smaller more portable computers. As a result it would be fair to say that few of the existing consumer electronics would be there if it were not for the development of the home computer. While the home computer has certainly made life easier for most people it has also created a situation where there is a constant need to upgrade your consumer electronics. As computers get more powerful and capable of doing more things the products that rely on them are able to become more advanced. The rate at which this happens is fast enough that there is now a constant stream of new products being produced. The result is that people are having to trade in their old electronics for new ones on a regular basis, in some cases as frequently as every few months. The good news is that the days of having to constantly upgrade your consumer electronics may be coming to an end. Certainly new products will continue to be introduced but the reality is that the current crop of products is so good that there is little need to upgrade. Any additional features that can be added will be of such limited value that it is really not worth it upgrade. CONSUMERISM IN INDIAConsumer in India had started its journey with a need to raise his voice against the quality of goods as back as in 1969 through housewives at Mumbai .It took a shape of revolution at later stage and one day our parliament passed an act for the welfare of consumers in 1986 .This Consumer Protection Act 1986 had further undergone many challenges, criticism and even question on its legal validity was also put before the honorable Supreme Court of India After hearing all sort of accusation and constraints from the big business houses , our apex court held this welfare act very much valid , legal and within the framework of our constitution .Since 1986 and after three important amendments to the act ,scenario in the market has drastically changed and consumerism in India is diverted to more of lust than limited to needs .We are now easily confusing the things with what we need and what we want Its true ,if we work hard ,we deserve nice things .But stuffing plenty of nice things which we really do not need deprive the other consumers from the things they require for their survival .Keeping four cars for four persons in the family is ultimately going to affect others and also more consumption of nations resources like petrol etc.Our sense of entitlement can muddy the waters when it comes to what you want and what you really need. The sizes of our houses are expanding as per our income and resources irrespective of the fact what we had in olden days. People were having more kids but still living in houses far smaller than were willing to settle for todaynow we want a room for every child, plus a living room, family room, media room, and kids playroom. And if we have to share a television, we are very uncomfortable with the idea.This sense of entitlement is building commercial pressure on our children. Rates of depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses have risen in the past two decades in the children .A report submitted to the inquiry by the National Consumer Council found that children in deprived areas were more obsessed with money and shopping than youngsters from better-off homes. Poorer children wanted a job with a high salary compared with children from affluent areas and they were the main victims of con-sumerism.Our consumption patterns are so much a part of our lives that to change them would require a massive cultural overhaul, In consumer society of the day now, people replace their goods with newer ones, use them and throw them away. The question of repair does not arise People have money to purchase goods in plenty. In case, they do not do so, it leads to recession massive unemployment. The success of a consumer societyis measured with the rate of production, purchase and consumption .The society is considered to be progressing if all above elements are present there. The single most important measure of economic growth is the gross national product (GNP), the sum total of goodsBut at the same time as per Richard Robbins, the production, processing, and consumption, of commodities requires the extraction and use of natural resources (wood, fuels, and water); it requires the creation of factories and factory complexes whose operation creates toxic byproducts, while the use of commodities themselves (e.g. automobiles) creates pollutants and waste. Yet of the three factors environmentalists often point to as responsible for environmental pollution population, technology, and consumption consumption seems to get the least attention. One reason, no doubt, is that it may be the most difficult to change;WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF CONSUMERISM?Consumerism is appreciated in Western economies since a persons standard of living is valued by his or her material possessions. There are certain positive effects such as:POSITIVE CONSUMERISM EFFECTS:Primary positive consumerism effects are: More industrial production. A higher growth rate economy. More goods and services available. More advertising since goods manufactured have to be sold. Increased production will result in more employment opportunities. A variety of choice for goods and services More comforts for a better living style.NEGATIVE CONSUMERISM EFFECTS:Top negative consumerism effects are:1. The main cause of the current environmental crisis is human nature more specifically, all were doing is what all other creatures have ever done to survive, expanding into whatever territory is available and using up whatever resources are available and one day it may result into a death in their own waste.The University of Colorado at Boulder likened the expansion of human cities to the growth and spread of cancer, predicting death of the Earth in about 2025. Since the human population has quadrupled in the past 100 years and at this rate will reach a size in 2025 that leads to global collapse.1. One is in a rat race to earn more and is forced to cope up with stress and other work related tensions.2. Material wealth is the deciding factor about whether a society is highly developed or not. Our ethical and spiritual values are left unimportant under the circumstances.3. Over-dependence on labor saving devices.4. A car for each individual would mean gradual erosion of public transport.5. Crime rate also increases as wants to possess expensive gadgets increase. Thefts become common and daylight robberies take place.6. Personal relationships also get affected as people are busy trying to earn more to maintain their standard of living.7. Cheaper goods are Todays consumption which also affect environmental resource8. Consumerism has also resulted in ecological imbalances. The natural habitat is being destroyed to create more goods and build more buildings affecting the weather. Global warming will eventually result in health problems. Industrial pollution is affecting people rather than focusing on simplicity.TELEVISIONS:The television is one of the oldest forms of consumer electronics still in widespread use. While there have certainly been changes in the technology that is used they have not been nearly as dramatic as they have been for other products. There is a reason for this and it has to do with the way that televisions operate, they are of little use on their own.

Compared to other electronic devices the evolution of televisions has been quite slow. The main reason for this is the need to change the infrastructure to support the televisions in order for the improvements to be of any real value. For example the first color televisions were of no real value until the networks started broadcasting in color. As a result of this need things have tended to remain much more stable for televisions than it has for most other electronic devices?The first televisions were developed in the early twentieth century however they did not start to become commercially available until the late twenties. In part this was because there were no broadcasters until then. Even then the early sales of television sets were very slow and they really didn't start to become widely used until the fifties. The early sets were of course all black and white with color sets first appearing in the late fifties. Even then black and white sets could still be purchased well into the eighties before they were replaced by low cost color sets. The next big development in televisions was the replacement of cathode rays by televisions that used LCD screens. This not only improved picture quality buy also made the televisions much thinner. There have since been other improvements like plasma screens although these remain fairly rare compared to the much more common LCD screens. The other big innovation to have occurred was the development of high definition televisions. This greatly improved picture quality although its introduction has been fairly slow. This is largely because of the need for broadcasters to start making programs available in high definition. Really most of the important innovations in televisions have been the result of the way that the programming is broadcast more than with the televisions themselves. This is most obvious with the widespread adoption of digital televisions. One of the great things about televisions compared to other electronics is that they do not go obsolete nearly as fast. It is entirely possible to use the same television for years if not decades. In fact a television from thirty years ago will continue to work just fine as long as you have the adaptor for digital broadcasting. That being said most people will get a new television every few years if for no other reason than that the picture and sound quality has improved by so much over the years. MP3 PLAYERSThe way that people listen to music has changed dramatically over the last few years. These days almost everybody uses an MP3 player to listen to music. This has made music much more portable than it used to be. The evolution of the MP3 player has been very rapid which is why things have changed so dramatically so quickly.

The history of MP3 players is very short which makes their evolution such a remarkable success. Early MP3's could only be played on a computer; the first portable player appeared in 1999. This player was hardly a spectacular success as it was large and bulky. In addition it could hold only a small number of songs and the batteries had a very short life span. The result was that few people found the MP3 player to be all that useful and sales were quite slow. Things would start to change for the MP3 player in 2001 when Apple would introduce the iPod. This was the first player that was small enough and which could hold enough songs to make people want to buy it. The huge success of the iPod led other companies to start producing their own products which has greatly improved the quality. Nowadays it is possible to get MP3 players that are quite small in size but which can hold hundreds of songs. In addition the battery life has been improved to the point where it will now last long enough to be useful. Even so the future of MP3 players is somewhat in doubt, at least as standalone products. The reason that MP3 players are facing an uncertain future is that these days virtually all mobile phones contain an MP3 player. In addition smart phones have the capability of playing a wide range of different media. This has meant that for most people there is little need to have a separate MP3 player. There are some people who still find use for them as it is possible to get them in sizes that are much smaller than a phone which is useful for jogging. However in the future it is likely that MP3 players will largely disappear. Over the years MP3 players are one of those items that it has been necessary to replace almost on an annual basis. The improvements that have been made in them have occurred very rapidly which has made it necessary to constantly replace them. We are however starting to reach the point where this will not be necessary. After all there is a limit to how many songs people need to be able to hold on their MP3 player and how small they need them to be. Since we are already approaching this point and there is are few other features that would be of any real use on an MP3 player the need to constantly replace them will likely not continue for too long. DIGITAL CAMERASDigital cameras have completely changed the way that we take pictures. The change has happened in a remarkably short time and has almost completely eliminated the use of film. It is ironic that most of the development of digital cameras was done by Kodak who were the ones to suffer the most from their use as there was no longer any demand for film. Digital cameras are based on technology that was first used in the television industry to record television images onto video tape. The system worked by using electrical impulses to record images on a digital tape. This technology quickly came into widespread use for recording television shows. The use of the technology for taking still pictures was largely pioneered by NASA. There long distance space probes needed a way to take pictures that could be transmitted back to earth. Digital cameras worked well for this so they worked to develop the technology to allow this to happen. Much of this work was done in conjunction with Kodak.

It was Kodak who developed the first commercial digital cameras. They started working on them heavily the seventies but they would not actually produce a product until the late eighties. The issue that caused them so much trouble was getting the resolution high enough to match that of film. The first cameras that they produced were intended for use by professional photographers and they were very expensive. The pictures had to be produced on photographic paper which required that the pictures be developed in much the same way that they were for film cameras. In the mid-nineties digital cameras started to appear on the market that were intended for consumers. While the price remained high these cameras were designed to produce pictures that could be displayed on your computer. The connection between the camera and the computer was made by wires. Even then in order to print the pictures it was necessary to get this done professionally. This would change in the late nineties when the first printers capable of producing photo quality images started appear. Over the last decade or so digital cameras have gone through an enormous evolution, getting both much smaller and much cheaper. More importantly the resolution of the cameras has been dramatically improved. This in large part has killed off the use of film in cameras. One area where huge improvements have been made is in the use of memory cards that can store pictures. It is now possible to store thousands of pictures on your camera. The improvements in digital cameras just keep coming as the makers look to find new reasons to get you to buy a new camera. In reality we are starting to get to the point where the value of the improvement are of fairly limited value. You should have no problem with using the same digital camera for several years. SMART PHONES AND MOBILESAnybody who saw the first mobile phones that were released in the seventies would be shocked to see how far they have come in such a short time. The modern smart phone is capable of things that were unimaginable just a few years ago. This evolution has made it necessary for people to constantly be upgrading to a new phone.

The first mobile phones were gigantic devices that took up a whole brief case. These phones served no other purpose than being able to make phone calls. They were very expensive and of limited value since they could only be used in a very small number of places. The phones would start to get smaller during the eighties so that by the end of the decade they were getting down to a size that was at least manageable. The coverage for the phones however remained very limited which kept them out of widespread use. The real evolution of mobile phones took place in the nineties as the phones got much smaller and the networks for using them were dramatically expanded. This was when mobile phones started to go into widespread use. It was also during this period that additional features started to appear on phones like alarm clocks, stop watches and the like. Compared to the phones that we have today they remained fairly basic but they were a huge step forward at the time. The next big step forward for cell phones occurred as a result of the spread of wireless internet. It started to dawn on the phone makers that there was no reason that you couldn't access the internet through your mobile phone. This lead to all kinds of additional features being added to the phones, the most obvious of these being the web browser. It was this more than anything that made the mobile phone the indispensable device that it is today, it also set mobile phones up for the next big evolution. It didn't take the makers of mobile phones long realize that there was no reason that they couldn't add an operating system to phones. As soon as they started doing this the smart phone was born. With an operating system the phone became a true computer capable of pretty much anything that your laptop was capable of. This allowed them to add all kinds of new features to the phones. It also allowed for the development of apps which allow users to add new features to their phones as they desire. The move to smart phones has certainly made them much more capable but it has also created a situation where people are being required to constantly buy new phones. New features are constantly being added to replace the old ones. In truth these features are often of limited value and most people really don't know how to use most of them anyway. Nevertheless whenever a new model of smart phone comes out there will be a lineup of people waiting to buy them. PERSONAL COMPUTERSA personal computer (PC) is a general-purpose computer, whose size, capabilities, and original sale price makes it useful for individuals, and which is intended to be operated directly by an end-user with no intervening computer operator. This contrasted with the batch processing or time-sharing models which allowed larger, more expensive minicomputer and mainframe systems to be used by many people, usually at the same time. Large data processing systems require a full-time staff to operate efficiently.Software applications for most personal computers include, but are not limited to, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, Web browsers and e-mail clients, digital media playback, games, and myriad personal productivity and special-purpose software applications. Modern personal computers often have connections to the Internet, allowing access to the World Wide Web and a wide range of other resources. Personal computers may be connected to a local area network (LAN), either by a cable or a wireless connection. A personal computer may be a desktop computer or a laptop, tablet, or a handheld PC.

Early PC owners usually had to write their own programs to do anything useful with the machines, even lacking an operating system. The very earliest microcomputers, equipped with a front panel, required hand-loading of a bootstrap program to load programs from external storage (paper tape, cassettes, or eventually diskettes). Before very long, automatic booting from permanent read-only memory became universal.Today's users have access to a wide range of commercial software, freeware and free and open-source software, which is provided in ready-to-run or ready-to-compile form. Since the early 1990s, Microsoft operating systems and Intel hardware have dominated much of the personal computer market, first with MS-DOS and then with the "Wintel" (Windows + Intel) combination. Popular alternatives to Microsoft's Windows operating systems include Apple's OS X and the free open-source Linux and BSD operating systems. AMD provides the major alternative to Intel's central processing units. Applications and games for PCs are typically developed and distributed independently from the hardware or OS manufacturers, whereas software for many mobile phones and other portable systems is approved and distributed through a centralized online store. LAPTOPA laptop is a portable personal computer with a clamshell form factor, suitable for mobile use A laptop has most of the same components as a desktop computer, including a display, a keyboard, a pointing device such as a touchpad (also known as a track pad) and/or a pointing stick, and speakers into a single unit. A laptop is powered by mains electricity via an AC adapter, and can be used away from an outlet using a rechargeable battery. Laptops are also sometimes called notebook computers or notebooks. Other terms, such as ultra-books or netbooks, refer to specific types of laptop / notebook. Most of the modern day laptop computers also have a webcam and a mic (microphone) pre-installed.

Portable computers, originally monochrome CRT-based and developed into the modern laptops, were originally considered to be a small niche market, mostly for specialized field applications such as the military, accountants and sales representatives. As portable computers became smaller, lighter, cheaper, and more powerful and as screens became larger and of better quality, laptops became very widely used for a variety of purposes.A desktop-replacement computer is a laptop that provides all of the capabilities of a desktop computer, with a similar level of performance. Desktop replacements are usually larger and heavier than standard laptops. They contain more powerful components and have a 15" or larger display. They are bulkier than and not as portable as other laptops, and their operation time on batteries is typically shorter; they are intended to be used as compact and transportable alternatives to a desktop computer.A subnotebook or ultraportable is a laptop designed and marketed with an emphasis on portability (small size, low weight and often longer battery life) that retains performance close to that of a standard notebook. Subnotebooks are usually smaller and lighter than standard laptops, weighing between 0.8 and 2 kg (2 to 5 pounds) the battery life can exceed 10 hours when a large battery or an additional battery pack is installed. Since the introduction of netbooks, the line between subnotebooks and higher-end netbooks has been substantially blurred.TABLETSA tablet computer, or simply tablet, is a one-piece mobile computer. Devices typically have a touchscreen, with finger or stylus gestures replacing the conventional computer mouse. It is often supplemented by physical buttons or input from sensors such as accelerometers. An on-screen, hide able virtual keyboard is usually used for typing. Tablets differentiate themselves by being larger than smart phones or personal digital assistants. They are usually 7 inches (18 cm) or larger, measured diagonally.Though generally self-contained, a tablet computer may be connected to a physical keyboard or other input device. A number of Hybrids that have detachable keyboards have been sold since the mid-1990s. Convertible touchscreen notebook computers have an integrated keyboard that can be hidden by a swivel or slide joint. Booklet tablets have dual-touchscreens and can be used as a notebook by displaying a virtual keyboard on one of the displays.Conceptualized in the mid-20th century and prototyped and developed in the last two decades of that century, the devices only became affordable and popular in 2010.

Touchscreens are usually one of two forms; Resistive touchscreens are passive and can respond to any kind of pressure on the screen. They allow a high level of precision, useful in emulating a pointer as is common in tablet computers) but may require calibration to be accurate. Because of the high resolution of detection, a stylus or fingernail is often used for resistive screens. Limited possibilities exist for implementing multi-touch on a resistive touch-screen. As modern tablet computers tend to make heavy use of multi-touch, this technology has faded out on high-end devices where it has been replaced by capacitive touchscreens. Capacitive touchscreens tend to be less accurate, but more responsive than resistive screens. Because they require a conductive material, such as a fingertip, for input, they are not common among (stylus using) Tablet PCs but are more prominent on the smaller scale "tablet computer" devices for ease of use, which generally do not use a stylus, and need multi-touch capabilities.Other touch technology used in tablets include: Palm recognition. It prevents inadvertent palms or other contacts from disrupting the pen's input. Multi-touch capabilities, which can recognize multiple simultaneous finger touches, allowing for enhanced manipulation of on-screen objects. Some professional-grade Tablet PCs use pressure sensitive films that additionally allow pressure sensitivity such as those on graphics tablets.Concurrently capacitive touch-screens, which use fingertip detection can often detect the size of the touched area, and can make some conclusions to the pressure force used, for a similar result.AIR-CONDITIONERSAir conditioning (often referred to as aircon, AC or A/C) is the process of altering the properties of air (primarily temperature and humidity) to more favorable conditions. More generally, air conditioning can refer to any form of technological cooling, heating, ventilation, or disinfection that modifies the condition of air.An air conditioner is a major or home appliance, system, or mechanism designed to change the air temperature and humidity within an area (used for cooling and sometimes heating depending on the air properties at a given time). The cooling is typically done using a simple refrigeration cycle, but sometimes evaporation is used, commonly for comfort cooling in buildings and motor vehicles. In construction, a complete system of heating, ventilation and air conditioning is referred to as "HVAC".

Air conditioning can also be provided by a simple process called free cooling which uses pumps to circulate a coolant (typically water or a glycol mix) from a cold source, which in turn acts as a heat sink for the energy that is removed from the cooled space. Free cooling systems can have very high efficiencies, and are sometimes combined with seasonal thermal energy storage (STES) so the cold of winter can be used for summer air conditioning. Common storage media are deep aquifers or a natural underground rock mass accessed via a cluster of small-diameter, heat exchanger equipped boreholes. Some systems with small storage are hybrids, using free cooling early in the cooling season, and later employing a heat pump to chill the circulation coming from the storage. The heat pump is added-in because the temperature of the storage gradually increase during the cooling season, thereby declining in effectiveness. Free cooling and hybrid systems are mature technology.REFRIGERATORA refrigerator (colloquially fridge) is a common household appliance that consists of a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump (mechanical, electronic, or chemical) that transfers heat from the inside of the fridge to its external environment so that the inside of the fridge is cooled to a temperature below the ambient temperature of the room. Refrigeration is an essential food storage technique in developed countries. Lower temperatures in a confined volume lowers the reproduction rate of bacteria, so the refrigerator reduces the rate of spoilage.

A refrigerator maintains a temperature a few degrees above the freezing point of water. Optimum temperature range for perishable food storage is 3 to 5 C (37 to 41 F).A similar device that maintains a temperature below the freezing point of water is called a freezer. The refrigerator replaced the icebox, which was a common household appliance for almost a century and a half prior. For this reason, a refrigerator is sometimes referred to as an icebox.PRODUCTS BEING COMPAREDThere is no doubt about the fact that the customer electronics industry in India is booming with an affluent middle class and the countrys economic growth being on a rapid track, the consumer electronics industry has never before witnessed such amazing growth. Estimated to be around $4.5 billion at the end of the year 2012, the Indian customer electronics industry is second only to the Chinese and Japanese in the Asia pacific region .many foreign players have established their manufacturing centres knowing the potential in the Indian markets. There are many companies that manufacture consumer goods both national and international the players in India .The companies in India that manufacture televisions and LCDs are

Videocon is a prominent industrial conglomerate with global operations and head offices in India. It has 17 manufacturing locations in India as well as plants in China, Italy, Poland, and Mexico. It is also the third biggest maker of picture tubes on a global basis. The group is presently worth 4 billion US dollars. Apart from color television sets, Videocon offers the following products in India: Washing machines Refrigerators Air conditioners Microwave Other home appliances It also has the biggest network for service and sales in India. It offers the following types of television sets: DDB LEDs Ultra slim TVs LED TVs Flat TVs LCD TVs Conventional TVs

Sony Corporation operates as the electronic business unit of the Sony Group. Its major television product is the Bravia HD TV that comes in four variants like X Series (4K), 3D TV, and Internet TV. Apart from televisions and projectors it offers products in the following categories: Compact digital cameras Home audio systems Tablets Video cameras In car entertainment systems Games Home video systems Home theater systems Interchangeable lens cameras Computers and peripherals Portable audio systems Mobile phones Storage media and batteries

LG Electronics is a leading electronics organization based in Yeouido, Seoul. It operates globally and is the second biggest maker of TV sets and the third largest manufacturer of cell phones. It is also LG Groups premier company. At present it has 75 subordinate entities around the world that make and design televisions, telecom devices, and home appliances. It offers the following types of television sets: LED LCD TVs Plasma TVs 3D TVs Color TVs LCD TVs

The head offices of Samsung Group are at Samsung Town in Seoul and it operates as an international conglomerate. Samsung Electronics is the worlds biggest electronics company in terms of sales. It offers a wide range of television products such as the following: LED TVs Ultra SlimFit TVs LCD TVs Flat TVs Plasma TVs TV Accessories

Philips is actually referred to as Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV and is primarily based in the Netherlands but operates around the world. It is one of the biggest electronics organizations on a global scale. It has approximately 119 thousand employees in at least 60 countries.

Following are its major ranges in India: Cinema 21:9 5000 Series 8000 Series 4000 Series 7000 Series 3000 Series 6000 Series CRT

Hitachi Limited is a multinational organization based at Chiyoda in Tokyo, Japan. It specializes in high end services and technology. Hitachi is one of the leading technology based companies with regards to revenues. In addition to TVs it offers camcorders, recording equipment, and projectors. It primarily offers LCD TVs.

Toshiba Corporation is a Tokyo based multinational conglomerate. It is one of the leading global manufacturers of semiconductors and personal computers. It also operates in the following verticals: Electrical products Power systems Information and communication systems and equipments Social and industrial infrastructure systems Internet bases services and solutions Household appliances Electronic materials and components In the television segment it basically offers LCD TVs.

Haier Groups head offices are at Qingdao in Shandong, China and it operates as a global entity. Its primary business areas are home appliances and consumer electronics. It is one of the leading companies of the world when it comes to white goods. Its major products are air conditioners, washing machines, cell phones, refrigerators, and computers apart from television sets. It offers 3D LED, LCD, and LED TVs. They have an emerging players in India they are creating their own impact..

BPL or British Physical Laboratories Group is an electronics organization based in India. It operates in different portals such as consumer appliances, health care products, and home entertainment systems. It deals in LCD and CRT TVs, they are on the top in India in the early 90s.

Vijay Mansukhani and GL Mirchandani started Onida during 1981 with its head offices in Mumbai. The company presently has almost 33 branch offices, 41 depots, and 208 customer relation centers across the country. It primarily offers LED, color, and LCD TVs.

Sanyo Electric Co Limited is a leading electronics organization and a Fortune 500 company. Its head offices are at Moriguchi in Osaka, Japan. The company mainly specializes in the middle markets and has more than 320 affiliates and subsidiaries. It primarily offers LCD and LED TVs in India.

Micromaxis an Indianconsumer electronicscompany located inGurgaon,Haryana,India. It focuses on the manufacturing ofmobile telephones,tablets, data cards andLED televisions. It has 23 domestic offices across the country and international offices in Hong Kong and Dubai. Presently, the company has about 1900 employees.In 1991 Micromax focused on reselling and distribution of hardware equipments and as an IT software company in the year 2000 working on embedded platforms. In 2008, it entered mobile handset business and by 2010 it became one of the largest Indian domestic mobile handsets company by offering unique affordable innovations. The company has a 24% market share in the smartphone segment in India as per the CMR report for April 2013.On July 28, 2011, Micromax withdrew its 4.66 billion rupees (about $106 million) initial public offering (IPO) due to volatile market conditions.The withdrawal was recommended by its board in order to allow the company to focus on new product launches and product development. Micromax Informatics Limited has announced its foray into Maldiviantelecom space through an exclusive partnership with Sense Wood Maldives (Pvt) Ltd. Smart phones. Television Sound systems. Smart cards.

Apple Inc.,formerlyApple Computer, Inc.,is an Americanmultinational corporationheadquartered in Cupertino,Californiathat designs, develops, and sellsconsumer electronics, computer software and personal computers. Its best-known hardware products are theMacline of computers, theiPodmusic player, theiPhone Smartphone, and theiPadtablet computer. Its consumer software includes theOS XandiOSoperating systems, theiTunesmedia browser, theSafariweb browser, and theiLifeandiWorkcreativity and production suites.The company was founded on April 1, 1976, and incorporated as Apple Computer, Inc. on January 3, 1977.The word "Computer" was removed from its name on January 9, 2007, the same day Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone, reflecting its shifted focus towardsconsumer electronics. Apple is theworld's second-largest information technology companyby revenue afterSamsung Electronics, and theworld's third-largest mobile phone makerafterSamsungandNokia. Fortunemagazine named Apple the most admired company in the United States in 2008, and in the world from 2008 to 2012.However, the company has receivedcriticismfor its contractors' labor practices, and for Apple's own environmental and business practices. As of May 2013, Apple maintains 408retail storesin fourteen countriesas well as the onlineApple Store and iTunes Store,the latter of which is the world's largest music retailer. Apple is thelargest publicly traded corporation in the world by market capitalization, with an estimated value of US$415 billion as of March 2013. As of Sept 29 2012, the company had 72,800 permanent full-time employees and 3,300 temporary full-time employees worldwide. Its worldwide annual revenue in 2012 totaled $156 billion.In May 2013, Apple entered the top ten of theFortune 500list of companies for the first time, rising 11 places above its 2012 ranking to take the sixth position. Smartphones Laptops. Tablets.

The market penetration is higher for smart phones and television in the Indian market compared to other consumer products. The competition in the Indian market and the choice of the public keep the mobile market unaffected the companies like Apple, Samsung, and Sony who try for the leaders in the mobile market keep updating their software and the devices. The companies like Samsung and apple have been ruling the market with their flagship products. People are also looking for high end technology products . Coming to the television India has 78% penetration in 2009, which is expected to rise 90% in 2014. MPA projections indicated pay-TV subscribers in India will grow from 105 million in 2009 to 149 million by 2014, and 173 million by 2020.Cable will retain 70% market share by 2014, falling to 64% by 2020, while DTH will scale up to almost 35% share in the long term. The report also says that India will become the largest DTH market in the world in terms of subscribers by 2012, overtaking the United States.In 2009, 15% of Indias pay-TV homes had at least one set-top box, a number that is expected to grow to 38% by 2014 and almost 50% by 2020 the report said. Cable broadband, a key driver of future cable sector profits, will grow from 850,000 homes in 2009 to 3 million by 2014.

Indiahas the fastest growing telecom network in the world with its high population and development potential.Airtel,Vodafone,Idea,Reliance,Tata DoCoMo,Aircel,Tata indicom,MTNLandLoop Mobileare the major operators in India. However, rural India still lacks strong infrastructure. India's public sector telecom companyBSNLis the 7th largest telecom company in world.Telephony introduced in India in 1882. The total number oftelephonesin the country stands at 960.9 million, while the overallteledensityhas increased to 79.28% as of May 31, 2012.and the total numbers of mobile phone subscribers have reached 929.37 million as of May 2012.The mobile tele-density has increased to 76.68% in May 2012. In the wireless segment, 8.35 million subscribers were added in May 2012.The wire line segment subscriber base stood at 31.53 million. Indian telecom operators added a staggering 227.27 million wireless subscribers in the 12 months between Mar 2010 and Mar 2011averaging at 18.94 million subscribers every month. To put this into perspective, China which currently possesses the world's largest telecommunications network added 119.2 million wireless subscribers during the same period (March 2010 - March 2011)- averaging 9.93 million subscribers every month (a little over half the number India was adding every month). So, while India might currently be second to China in the TOTAL number of mobile subscribers, India has been adding nearly twice as many subscribers EVERY month until March 2011. Mobile teledensity increased by almost 18.4 percentage points from Mar 2010 and Mar 2011 (49.60% to 67.98%) while wire line subscriber numbers fell by a modest 2.2 million. This frenetic pace of monthly subscriber additions means that the Indian mobile subscriber base has shown a year on year growth of 43.23%.According to recent reports, India was purported to overtake China to become the world's largest mobile telecommunications market by the year 2013. It was also predicted that by 2013, the teledensity will shoot up to 75% and the total mobile subscriber base would be a colossal 1.159 billionIndia ranks fifth among the top countries for Smartphone users with an estimated 67 million subscribers in 2013, behind China, the US, Japan and Brazil. But the penetration of Smartphone as a percentage of mobile users in India is pegged at just 6 per cent, the lowest among the top 30 Smartphone markets, according to the latest 2013 Internet trends report by Mary Meeker, partner at the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB).Year-on-year growth of Smartphone subscribers in India stands at 52 per cent, which is expected to be the second fastest after Taiwan at 60 per cent, among the top 30 Smartphone markets in the world. The veteran venture capitalist used data from Informa for drawing her inference on technology trends.The total number of Smartphone subscribers across the globe is 1.5 billion (an increase from 1.1 billion in December 2012). While this is an impressive number, it is just 30 per cent of the global cell phone market, which is over 5 billion.