elements of business transformation - summative assignment


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Business Transformation - Benefits Led IT Change


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b u r b e r r y An iconic british luxury brand

Established in 1856

Leveraging its rich

Heritage. Pioneering a social

Revolution in the fashion

Industry through a new normal

Approach to it-enabled change,

Innovation & collaboration.    

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T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s

Executive Summary ................................................... 7  1.1 Burberry Business Strategy Exercise ................................ 8  1.2 Burberry Strategic Themes .................................................. 8  1.3 Agreed Project Management Methodology ...................... 8  1.4 Competitive Competency Model ............................................ 9  1.5 IT and Change Portfolio ......................................................... 9  

Tackling the challenges of IT-enabled change 11  2.1 A project delivered to time and budget is not enough . 11  2.2 The New Normal Approach ..................................................... 11  

2.2.1 Not Business as usual .................................................................... 11  2.2.2 Process and Power ......................................................................... 12  2.2.3 New Competencies for the new normal ..................................... 12  

2.3 The Implications of a Benefits-Driven Approach to

Burberry ........................................................................................ 15  2.3.1 Knowledge Unknown, Gaps and Worker Productivity ......... 15  2.3.2 Organisational Culture .............................................................. 15  2.3.3 Communication, Coordination and Cooperation Barriers .. 16  2.3.4 A Lack of Training and Post Implementation Support .......... 16  

2.4 Conclusion ................................................................................ 17  

Business Innovation Enabled by IT ....................... 18  3.1 Introduction ........................................................................... 19  3.2 Proposition and Vision .......................................................... 19  3.3 How will collaboration tools be used .............................. 20  3.4 Business Benefits ..................................................................... 20  

3.4.1Product Design ................................................................................ 21  3.4.2 Retail Operations .......................................................................... 21  

3.5 Conclusion ................................................................................ 21  

The Transformation Capabilities within

Burberry: a change for good ................................ 23  4.1 Introduction ........................................................................... 23  4.2 Traditional Methods ............................................................. 23  

4.2.1 Planned Approach .......................................................................... 23  4.2.2 Emergent Approach ........................................................................ 24  4.2.3 Dynamic capabilities / Benefits Realisation approach ......... 24  

4.3 Developing a transformational capability ..................... 25  4.3.1 Building internal Coalitions ..................................................... 25  4.3.2 Creating a culture to challenge the status quo ................. 25  4.3.3 Exploiting ‘Happy Accidents’ ...................................................... 26  

4.4 Recommendations ................................................................... 26  

Bibliography .............................................................. 29  

appendix ...................................................................... 32        

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“The BIGGER we get the closer we work”  

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E x e c u t i v e S u m m a r y  Burberry   (“the   client”)   has   internally   completed   a  business   strategy   exercise   that   has   consequently  resulted   in   the   identification   of   several   opportunities   from   investments   in   IT-­‐enabled   change.  Internally,  Business  Sponsors  and  Project  Managers  have  been  agreed  and  the  business  case,  strategic  themes  and  project  management  methodology  have  been  outlined  in  the  below  table  (see  table  1.0).      Z0916511  (“the  consultant”)  has  been  asked  to  contribute  to  the  detailed  project  planning,  including  the   developments   of   benefits   realisation   plans   to   help   ensure   that   the   programme   succeeds   in  realising  benefits.  An  interview  with  Angela  Ahrendts,  Burberry  CEO,  believes  that  ‘closely  connected  global  teams  and  creative  thinking  culture’  will  be  key  to  achieving  sustained  competitive  advantage  (Burberry,   2011).   After  much   consideration   and   a   full   cost-­‐benefits   analysis,   Z0916511  will   look   to  implement  a  collaborative  work   tool1  that  will   foster   learning   in  an  attempt   to  develop  a   long-­‐term  and   compelling   innovation   strategy  enabled  by   IT.   It   is   hoped   that   the  project   and  programme  will  improve  the  competitive  position  from  success  to  prosperity  as  we  enter   fiercely  competitive  global  markets  (see  table  2.0).    This   project   will   be   in   conjunction   with   other   third   party   vendors   and   is   agreed   to   be   a   strategic  investment  under  the  IT  Investment  Portfolio  (see  table  3.0).      The  following  report  will  be  comprised  of  three  components:  (i)  Tackling  the  challenges  of  IT-­‐enabled  change;   (ii)   Business   innovation   enabled   by   IT;   (iii)   Building   the   transformation   capability   of   the  organisation.   The   intended   reader   of   the   following   report   is   the   Program  Manager,   and   functional  business  analysts.  A  one-­‐page  overview  is  provided  in  the  appendix  for  C-­‐Level  Directors  and  technical  details  are  available  upon  request.      

                                                                                                                                         1  Collaborative  Work  Tool   is   an  enterprise   social  network   (ESN)  used  primarily  but  not   limited   to   internal  use.  ESN  will  be  used  interchangeably  between  collaboration  work  tool  or  (enterprise)  social  network  throughout  this  paper.  

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1.1 Burberry Business Strategy Exercise  Business  Drivers   Organisational  Culture  

 • Design,   Marketing   and   Retail   led  

strategies  • Digital  focus  and  integration  • Channel   Diversity:   Retail,   ecommerce,  

wholesale  and  licencing  • Global   Reach:   across   core   regions   and  

emerging  markets    

 • Core   values   to   protect,   explore   and  

inspire  • Democratic  and  meritocratic  ethos  • Collaboration  and  connectedness  • Philanthropy    

  Source:  (Burberry,  2011)  

1.2 Burberry Strategic Themes  Through  the  business  strategy  exercise,  the  Program  Manager  has  identified  five  key  themes  that  will  be  critical   to  attain  and  maintain   sustained  competitive  advantage   (Porter,  1985).  Across   these   five  themes   technology  plays   a   huge   role   in   realising   these   strategic   objectives,   ranging   from   front-­‐end  customer  experience  to   inbound  and  outbound   logistical  activities.  However   it   is   recognised  that   to  maximise  the  return  on  such  investments  the  corporate  culture  has  to  be  aligned  with  these  strategic  themes.        

   Source:  (Burberry,  2011)  

1.3 Agreed Project Management Methodology    The   project  management  methodology   used   globally   across   the   entire   change   portfolio   is   the   e4+1  project  framework.  This  methodology  was  chosen  as  it  provides  a  flexible  and  agile  platform  that  will  enable  innovation  within  a  benefits-­‐led  approach  to  IT-­‐enabled  change.      

   Source:  (Burberry,  2011)  Table  1.0    

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1.4 Competitive Competency Model  Burberry   information   systems   and   business   process   are   inline   with   industry   standards   within   the  luxury   consumer   goods  market.   In   an   attempt   to   attain   sustained   competitive   advantage   its   been  identified   that   Burberry   must   attempt   to   improve   customer   intimacy,   product   leadership   and  operational  excellence  if  they  are  to  ensure  further  strong  financial  performance  in  adverse  economic  conditions.    

   Source:  Ward  and  Daniel  (2005),  Benefits  Management  (Pg.81)  

Table  2.0          

1.5 IT and Change Portfolio    There  are  a  number  of  on  going  process  improvements  throughout  the  organisation.  For  example  the  constant  development  and  evolution  of   the  SAP  HR  system  would  be  assimilated   in  support,  supply  chain  and  financials  would  be  in  core  operations.  The  internal  collaborative  tools  that  Burberry  wish  to   implement   is   considered   a   exploratory   investment,   as   its   perceived   that   this   will   enhance  knowledge   sharing   and   bring   about   innovation.   In   time,   however   this   ESN  will   become   a   strategic  investment,   as   it   will   become   crucial   to   sustain   competitive   advantage.     There   will   be   other  concurrent  projects  that  will  run  simultaneously  that  will  be  managed  by  the  programme  office.      


Source:  Based  on  McFarlen  1981  (Ashurst,  2010)  Table  3.0  


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“Fall in love with change . . . you’re going to need it”

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T a c k l i n g t h e c h a l l e n g e s o f I T -e n a b l e d c h a n g e  In  previous  eras  to  benefits-­‐led  IT-­‐enabled  change  was  focused  on  selecting  the  technology  that  was  perceived   to   bring   the   most   business   value   and   to   ‘manage   them   successfully   through   to  implementation’   (Ward   and  Peppard,   2004).  A   fourth  era,   based  on   capabilities   is   proposed  with   a  distinct  differentiation  on   leveraging   technology   through  a  human  process.   In   the  past  determining  the  success  of  a  project  has  often  relied  on  the  tangible  metrics  such  as;  was  the  project  delivered  to  time  and  budget  or  has  user  adoption  increased  by  x%.  It  has  been  well  documented  that  there  is  a  high  failure  rate  (>70%)  which  often  results  in  the  projects  coming  to  an  abrupt  end  part  way  through  the  development  lifecycle  or  completed  systems  never  being  used  (Ward  and  Peppard,  2004).    This   section  of   the   report  will  outline   the   latest   thinking  of  benefits-­‐driven  change,   followed  by   the  key  challenges  that  organisations  face,  which  should  be  mitigated  by  the  Burberry  Change  Group  and  will  explore  some  of  the  opportunities  that  can  be  exploited  from  this  transformation  process.      

2.1 A project delivered to time and budget is not enough  To  realise  the  benefits  from  the  on  going  programs  within  the  Burberry  Change  Portfolio   it   is  worth  considering  some  of  the  external  factors  that  are  facing  the  organisation.  The  economic  climate  is  on  the  edge  of  austerity,  there  is  increased  global  competition  and  there  are  ever  changing  social  tastes  within  the  fashion  industry.  Some  of  the  latest  thinking  on  benefits  driven  approaches  to  IT-­‐enabled  change  addresses  these  factors,  which  should  be  taken  into  consideration  from  the  beginning  of  the  project/program  lifecycle.    Change  management  dominated  business  journals  and  industry  analysts  followed  during  the  1990’s.  Much  of  the  literature  and  models  that  were  developed  suggested  that  organisations  should  follow  a  linear,   rational   framework,   whereby   disturbances   should   be   stabilised   and   controlled   (Graetz   and  Smith,  2010).  Effectively  once  change  has  occurred,  stop.    The  new  normal   is  an  approach  that  makes  management  think  differently  about  how  they  go  about  change.   New   Normal   is   concerned   with   the   evolution   of   change   rather   than   the   short-­‐term  disruptions  to  business  activity.  From  this  fresh  approach  to  change  management  there  are  three  key  elements   that   emerge:   Not   Business   as   Usual,   Process   and   Power   and   New   Competencies   for  achieving  change  (Falkerberg  and  Ashurst,  2010),  which  have  led  to  the  development  of  benefits-­‐led  IT-­‐enabled  change.      

2.2 The New Normal Approach  

2.2.1  Not  Business  as  usual  Change   is   entwined   with   continuity   and   that   the   organisation   should   adopt   a   multi-­‐philosophy  approach.  This  is  similar  to  Gareth  Morgan’s  adaptation  of  how  an  organisation  should  be  interpreted  for  example:  brain,  organism,  political  system,  culture,  etc.,  (Graetz  and  Smith,  2010).  Kamoche  et  al.,  (2003)  uses  the  jazz  as  an  analogy  to  imply  a  relative  structure,  with  improvisations.    Generally  management   should  be   flexible,   however   defining   the   types   of   flexibility   is   important   to  ensure   that   there   is   some   rigidity   in   the   change   project.   Therefore  management   should   consider;  coping,   explanatory,   interpersonal,   emotional,   learning,   communication,   gender,   cognitive   and  decision  making  flexibility  individually  (Good  and  Sharma,  2010).  

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2.2.2  Process  and  Power    A   continual   change   program   can   cause   change   fatigue   and   create   a   power   struggle   across   the  organisation.   These   power   struggles   can   cause   resistance   to   change   from   higher   levels   of  management  or  lower  levels,  both  are  detrimental  to  project  deliver.      “Establishing   the   change   vision   is   a   key   part   of   the   organisational   change   process.   The   process   of  establishing   the   vision   and  what   is  most   important   in   the   visioning  process   needs   to  be  more   fully  understood  in  research  and  related  practice.  Once  established,  an  accepted  vision  becomes  a  change  driver,  which  prior   research  clearly  supports  can   facilitate   the  on  going  change  process”,   (Wheelan-­‐Berry  and  Somerville,  2010).    Political  structures  can  be  adjusted  through  sense-­‐giving  (taking  control  of  a  process,  due  to  project  failure  or  self  interest)  or  by  sense-­‐making  (the  process  of  influencing  others  through  the  mobilisation  of  resources)  (Hope,  2010).  These  two  strategies  can  be  used  to  your  advantage  and  disadvantage  if  management  are  unfamiliar.  

2.2.3  New  Competencies  for  the  new  normal      Dynamic  Capabilities  have  been  the  result  from  the  resource  based  view  and  is  defined  as  the  ability  to  change  the  way  a  firm  solves  its  problems  (Ashurst  and  Hodges,  2010).      A  benefits-­‐driven   approach   to   IT-­‐enabled   change   focus   on   the  outcomes   of   the   project   to  determine   whether   or   not   the  implementation   has   been  successful.   It   is   recognised   that  these   benefits   cannot   be   realised  through   technology   alone   and  there   are   a   number   of   factors   to  consider,   such   organisational  change   and   culture   (Doherty,  Ashurst  and  Peppard,  2011).  It  has  been  heavily   emphasised   that   the  benefits   from   an   investment   in  technology  arises  when  people  do  things  differently  (Ashurst,  2011).    

   Benefits   Planning:   It   addresses  mission   critical   questions   that  need  to  be  established  at  a  holistic  vantage  point;  why  do  we  need  to  change,  what   improvements  will  be  seen  and  where  will  these  changes  occur.      Benefits  Delivery:  Not  forgetting  previous  eras  of  success  information  strategies  it  then  addresses  the  delivery  of  the  project  through  skilled  project  teams.      Benefits   Exploitation:   The   model   demonstrates   that   the   benefits   are   exploited   through   the  interpretation  of  information  and  the  actual  use  of  the  information  within  the  workforce.        Benefits  Review:  Review  the  successes  and  failures  from  the  project  implementation  and  learn  from  them.      

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Building   upon   the   benefits   realisation  model,   it   cannot   be   over   looked   that   there   are   a   number   of  external   pressures   described   in   the   new   normal   approach   that   have   significant   bearings   on   the  benefits   being   realised   (such   as   macro-­‐economic   conditions).   These   seem   to   have   been  missed   in  Ashurst’s   (2008)   benefits   model.   A   further   extension   would   be   to   say   how   the,   benefits   planning,  delivery,  exploitation  and  review   is   linked  across  the  entire  organisation.  This  can  be  achieved  using  the  3C  collaboration  model:  Communicate,  Coordinate  and  Cooperate,  which  need  to  be  embraced  by  all  stakeholders  to  realise  these  benefits  (Borghoff  and  Schlichter,  2000).        


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2.3 The Implications of a Benefits-Driven Approach to Burberry  By   applying   these   new   competencies   derived   from   the   new   normal   and   latest   thinking’s   from   a  benefits-­‐driven  approach  to  IT-­‐enabled  change,  comes  a  number  of  implications  that  can  potentially  limit   the   success   realised  of   the   new   collaborative   tools,  which  Burberry   look   to   implement.   These  include:      

• Knowledge  Unknown,  Gaps  and  Worker  Productivity  • Organisational  Culture  • Communication,  Coordination,  Cooperation  barriers  • A  lack  of  post  implementation  support  


2.3.1  Knowledge  Unknown,  Gaps  and  Worker  Productivity  The  first  stage  of  the  benefits-­‐driven  approach  is  to  ascertain  what  it  is  that  we  are  looking  to  change  and  how  that  change  is  enabled  through  IT  investments.  The  initial  implication  of  this  is  that  ‘we  don’t  know,  what  we  don’t  know’  and  therefore  the  realised  benefits  become  a  fallacy  of  composition.   In  other  words   the   outcomes   identified  maybe   realised,   however   the   outcomes   that  we  were   unsure  existed  were  never  realised  (Ashurst,  2011).  To  overcome  this  issue,  a  design  thinking  approach  may  help   to   find   the   root   cause   to  problems   that  one  may  never  have   thought   existed.  By   carrying  out  workshops,   with   all   stakeholders   and   users   of   the   ESN   some   new   outcomes   and   benefits   may   be  realised.      Throughout   the   project   lifecycle   and   post   implementation   it   essential   that   knowledge   worker  productivity  is  sustained.  Peter  Drucker  (1999)  set  out  to  improve  knowledge  worker  productivity;  he  stated  that  the  most  valuable  asset  of  the  21st  century  will  be  an  organisations  knowledge  workers.  In  summary,  management  should  recognise  that  knowledge  workers  are  assets  and  not  a  cost,   impose  autonomy,  trust  and  responsibility  and  encourage  innovation.  A  failure  to  recognise  this   importance  will  hinder  the  evolution  not  only  of  the  ESN,  but  also  the  change  process.    

2.3.2  Organisational  Culture  The   organisational   culture   is   essential   for   effective   change   to   allow   benefits   to   be   realised   to   any  organisation.   Fortunately,   Burberry   exhibits   core   values   that   explore,   inspire   and   encourage  connectedness   across   the   group.   These   core   values   reduce   the   implications   of   a   misalignment   of  organisational   goals   and  may   reduce   the   resistance   to   change.   Furthermore   these   implications   can  also   be   caused   by   the   structure   of   the   firm,   however   Burberry   incorporates   a   meritocratic   and  democratic  culture  that  should  limit  some  of  these  implications.      It  has  been  suggested  that  employees  could  benefit  from  a  multi-­‐philosophical  view  of  the  company.  An   incapacity   to   comprehend   such   philosophies   could   lead   to   change   fatigue,   resentment,   power  struggles  through  political  constructs  and  a  low  user  adoption  of  the  ESN.  If  we  assume  the  metaphor  that  Burberry  is  fashion,  we  could  assume  that  the  fashion  industry  is  constantly  evolving  and  tastes  to   fashion   change   over   time.  

 This  metaphor  could  be  imposed  to  reduce  change  fatigue  and  highlight  that  innovation  does  not  just  occur  on  the  ‘run-­‐way’  but  also  internally  to  business  process  and  systems.  However  it’s  not  enough  to  consider  the  firm  from  a  single  perspective,  especially  an  ESN,  which  is  constantly  evolving.  Linking  

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this  to  the  project  could  reduce  change  fatigue  and  spark  innovation  as  the  use  of  metaphors  should  encourage  a  ‘different’  way  of  thinking  that  would  lead  to  innovation,  and  evolution.  One  metaphor  that  is  commonly  used  is  Jazz,  as  it  is  governed  by  particular  constructs  and  rules  whilst  also  allowing  scope   for   improvisation   and   creativity   across   an   ensemble   (the   organisation).   However   due   the  ambiguity   of   such   metaphors,   they   can   create   some   confusion   and   therefore   how   they   are  communicated/perceived  is  of  great  importance.  

2.3.3  Communication,  Coordination  and  Cooperation  Barriers  Communication   amongst   stakeholders,   coordination   of   project   tasks   and   deliverables   and   the  cooperation  of  stakeholders  is  essential  for  the  benefits  to  be  realised.  Although  these  elements  are  emphasised  within  IT-­‐enabled  change  literature,  it  is  not  always  explained,  done  or  done  well.    Firstly,   a   lack  of   communication   can   cause  a  misalignment  of  organisations  goals   across  geographic  and   functional   divisions,   for   example  not   communicating   the   company’s   vision  or   for  what   reasons  change   is   occurring.   This   can   lead   to   poor   user   adoption   and   resistance   to   change.   Secondly,  productivity   could  be   reduced  as  a   result  of  poor   communication  and  collaboration  across  multiple  divisions.   It’s   been   suggested   that   improving   collaboration   within   an   organisation   can   enhance  productivity  by  reducing  duplicate  efforts  and  learning  from  past  mistakes.      Another  implication  is  the  coordination  and  clarity  of  tasks.  Poor  project  management  relating  to  the  coordination   of   tasks   (despite   the   agile)   environment   can   result   in   project   deliverables   to   over  running  in  terms  of  cost.  In  relation  to  the  specific  project  poor  coordination  of  information  can  limit  the  perceived   value   from   the   system  and  which   lead   to   a   reduction   in  user   adoption.   Its   therefore  important  that  information  is  distributed  correctly  and  that  employees  know  who,  where  and  how  to  access   the   information.   Studies   by   the  Oracle   Research   team   (2010)   have   shown   that   the   average  worker  spends  over  an  hour  per  week  assimilating  and  locating  documents  within  work  place  ESNs.    In  the  first  stages  of  agile  methodology  suitability  filters  are  generally  assessed,  as  the  cooperation  of  all  stakeholders  is  required  throughout  the  implementation.  A  benefits-­‐driven  approach  to  IT-­‐enabled  change  is  focussed  on  the  human  elements  of  the  project.  It  also  states  that  the  benefits  are  realised  post-­‐implementation,  through  adoption  and  usability  of  the  system.  A  lack  of  cooperation  can  cause  a  collaborative  work   tool   to  become  somewhat  of   a   ‘glorified  directory’  or  database.  Peppard   (2002)  believes   that   the   social   capital   and   the   closeness   of   relationships   is   the   main   driver   behind  cooperation.   Specifically   for   an   ESN,   the   cooperation   of   the   workforce   is   essential   as   the   greatest  benefits   are   seen   over   time   when   tacit   knowledge   is   shared   and   exchanged.   This   can   become  labouring   -­‐   research   has   suggested   that   tacit   knowledge   is   exchanged   in   non-­‐virtual   social  environment  (Ferrona,  Massaa  and  Odellab,  2011).  Incentives  can  be  used  to  enhance  collaboration,  however   Burberrys   embedded   values   of   ‘collaboration   and   connectedness’   should   limit   these  potential   implications.   Relating   this   to   the   project   Burberry   could   employ   a   rating   system   for   new  ideas  –  those  that  are  like  should  attain  sponsorship  from  management  to  drive  the  change.        

2.3.4  A  Lack  of  Training  and  Post  Implementation  Support  In  a  similar  vain  to  the  latter  implications,  training  and  user  engagement  should  not  be  discontinued  once   the   collaborative   system   has   been   implemented.   Research   by   Ashurst   and   Hodges   (2010),  illustrated  that  training  needs  to  be  continual  and  incremental  in  order  for  the  change  programme  to  realise  potential  benefits.  This  proposed  method  of   training  would  also  benefit   the  project  as   there  are  unknown-­‐unknowns  and  therefore  the  training  can  evolve  as  the  system  develops.      The  Oracle  Research  team  (2010)  also  found  that  44%  of  2000  respondents  found  that  the  insufficient  training  was  a  barrier  to  newly  implemented  technologies.  This  is  different  from  the  previous  section  in  relation  to  cooperation,  however  the  link  between  cooperation  and  the  willingness  to  learn  and  be  trained  are  interrelated.  Case  study  findings  have  often  shown  that  firms  underestimate  the  cost  and  time  needed  of  training  and  support  (Sumner,  2000).  It  is  important  to  highlight  that  although  these  views   on   training   are   not   new   in   terms   of   maximising   the   ROI   of   new   IS   initiatives,   it   is   of   huge  importance   to   a   benefits-­‐led   IT-­‐enabled   change   programme   as   these   latest   ways   of   thinking   place  such  an  emphasis  on  the  human  element.    

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2.4 Conclusion  In  this  section  a  review  and  critique  has  been  made  in  relation  to  the  benefits-­‐driven  approach  to  IT  enabled   change.   In  addition   the   limitations  have  been  highlighted  and  contextualised   in   relation   to  the  collaborative  group  ware  project.      There  appears  to  be  a  gap  in  Ashurst’s  (2008)  Benefits-­‐Driven  approach  to  IT-­‐enable  change  as  it  fails  to  consider  the  wider  environment  factors  that  were  discussed  in  section  2.2.2.  In  addition  to  this  the  New  Normal  and  the  Benefits-­‐Driven  approach  fail  to  consider  that  ESNs  often  start  at  low  ends  of  the  organisation   rather   than   from   a   top   down   approach   (McAfee,   2009).   Often   ESNs   breakout   of   the  organisation   and   depending   on   the   number   of   key   influencers   will   spread   virally   throughout   the  organisation.      It   is  the  recommendation  that  a  top-­‐down  benefits-­‐driven  approach  is   inappropriate  for  this  change  project.  The  corporate  vision  should  be  coordinated  to  its  employees  but  the  change  is   likely  to  rise  from  within  and  spread  virally.  To  support   this  notion  over  70%  of  Burberry’s  employees  are  under  the  age  of   thirty   (Hinchcliffe,  2012),  which  would   imply   they  have  grown  up   in  an  open,   social   and  connected  world  and  are  more  inclined  to  embrace  social  collaborative  tools  in  a  content  era.    

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“Burberry is Global, Dynamic with a clear strategy . . .

. . . Let us be you’re R&D . . . Lets Innovate together”

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B u s i n e s s I n n o v a t i o n E n a b l e d b y I T    

3.1 Introduction Innovation  is  the  process  of  creating  or  modifying  processes,  systems  or  organisational  structures  to  create   value   for   the   customer   and   financial   returns   for   the   organisation   (Joshi   et   al.,   2010).   In   line  with  what  Z0916511  has  been  asked  to  carry  out  by  Burberry  we  are  looking  to  attain  and  maintain  innovation  to   improve  the  company’s  operational  excellence  based  on  the  competitive  competency  model  (see  table  2.0)  The  proposed  project  that  Z0916511  has  been  asked  to  carryout  is  to  develop  an  ESN  to  enhance  connectedness  globally  in  an  attempt  to  foster  innovation  enabled  by  IT.      Establishing   innovation   enabled   by   IT   it   is   firstly   important   to   ascertain   what   technologies   enable  innovation;  how  is  technology  used  to  engage  wide  participation  and  what  business  benefits  can  be  achieved   through   IT-­‐enabled   change.     This   formulates   part   of   a   tool-­‐kit   for   innovation,   which   is  proposed  by  Lead  and  Transform  (2011)  (see  table  4.0),  which  will  be  used  throughout  this  chapter  to  establish  how  business  innovation  is  enabled  by  IT.      Scope  in  Delivering  Innovation  Enabled  by  IT  Drivers   Culture   IT  What   Business   Conditions  Stimulate  innovation?  

What   types   of   organisational  cultures  embrace  innovation?    

What   type   of   technologies  enables  innovation?  

     What’s   the   role  of   IT   leaders   in  driving  innovation?    

What   type   of   leadership  enables  innovation  practices?    

How   is   technology   used   to  engage  wide  participation?    

     How   are   innovation   priorities  set   along   side   business   as  usual?    

What   are   the   barriers   to  innovation   and   how   are   they  overcome?    

What   business   benefits   can   be  achieved   through   IT-­‐enabled  innovation?    

     Source:  (Lead  and  Transform  IT,  2011)  Table  4.0    

3.2 Proposition and Vision Z0916511   proposes   that   Burberry   implement   an   ESN   that   will   act   as   the   sole   purpose   of   internal  communication.   The   argument   for   this   is   that   ESNs   increase   innovation   and   increase   productivity  within   an   organisation   (Pankake,   2002).   It   is   hoped   that   the   by   implementing   this   ESN   operational  excellence  will  expand  from  survival  to  prosperity  along  the  competitive  competency  model  (see  table  2.0).  Having  carried  out  a  cost-­‐benefit  analysis  the  benefits  of  implementing  a  social  collaborative  tool  internally  will  greatly  impact  the  speed  and  quality  of  innovation  (Bibikas  et  al.,  2008).      With  over  70%  of  Burberrys  current  staff  under   the  age  of   thirty   (Hinchcliffe,  2012),  employees  are  more  likely  to  be  familiar  with  an  open  and  transparent  way  of  communication  that  is  more  efficient  than  a  closed  network  such  as  email.  As  more  millenials  become  Burberry  employees   in  the  coming  years,  they  will  inherently  have  an  understanding  of  such  social  networking  tools  and  this  will  be  seen  as  the  norm.  Therefore  adopting  an  innovative  concept   in  the  form  of  an  ESN,  Burberry  will  be  well  positioned  against  their  competitors  to  attain  and  sustain  its  competitive  advantage.        

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3.3 How will collaboration tools be used To   understand   how   the   ESNs   will   be   used,   it’s   worth   exploring   the   components   of   collaboration.  Castells  (2000)  defines  collaboration  as  an  open  and  evolving  network  that  relies  on  the  cooperation  of  its  participants  (Balatatzis,  Ormrod  and  Grainger,  2008).  Balatatzis  et  al.,  (2008)  conceptualised  this  to   produce   the   3C   collaboration   model   (see   table   5.0)   that   argues   that   a   communicated   purpose  needs  to  be  coordinated  to  the  relevant  people   in  department  or  groups  and  crucially   relies  on  the  cooperation   of   the   employee   network.   The   importance   of   this   conceptualised   framework   for  collaboration  forms  the  basis  of  how  modern  ESNS  are  used  today.        3C  collaboration  Model    

 Table  5.0  Source:  (Borghoff  and  Schlichter,  2000)      Andrew  McAfee   (2003),   looks   at   the   features   of   ESNs   and   theorises   the   SLATES   Framework,  which  defines  the  functionality  that  ESNs  should  encompass.  These  include  ease  of  use  for  searching,  links,  authorship,   tags,   extensions   and   signals,   some   of   these   will   be   explored   throughout   this   section  however  for  a  detailed  explanation  of  the  model  please  refer  to  the  ‘appendix  1’.  

3.4 Business Benefits  Implementing   an   ESN   throughout   Burberry   globally   has   the   potential   to   expand   their   position   of  operational  excellence,  product   leadership  and  bring  the  company  closer  to   its  customers.  However  technology  alone  will  not  bring  about  such  benefits.  Competitive  advantage  will  be  created  through  the  adoption  of  best  practices  and  the  cooperation  of  all  employees.  With  any  information  system  it  is  important  to  remember  three  elements,  the  technology,  people  and  the  process.  In  other  words  the  system   is   only   as   good   as   the   data   input,   and   the   data   output   is   only   as   good   as   the   way   it   is  perceived.      The  business  proposition  argues  that  an  ESN  will  enable  innovation  and  productivity  throughout  the  organisation.  To  analyse  this   in  more  detail  a  breakdown  of  the  company  functions  will  be  analysed  including;   product   design,   supply   chain   operations,   retail   operations   and   planning,   however   the  schools  of  thought  can  be  extended  to  all  other  areas  of  Burberry  including;  on-­‐line  sales,  HR,  Finance  and  so  on.      

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3.4.1Product  Design  Product  design  will  be  connected  globally,  creating,  sharing  and  evolving  knowledge  as  a  result  of  an  ESN.  The  knowledge  transfer  process  is  extremely  important  to  the  product  design  team  because  they  will  be  able  to  respond  to  information  concerning  social  tastes  in  the  fashion  industry.  This  in  turn  will  lead   to  a   fast   innovation  process  within   this  business  unit  as   they;   share  designs  of  new  collections  and  can  build  upon  each  other’s  ideas.  Not  only  will  the  speed  of  innovation  increase  but  the  quality  of  the  new  products  will  also  increase.  This  is  because  the  system  is  open  and  transparent;  the  entire  business   unit   will   see   the   quality   of   work   from   the   individuals.   This   transparency   will   lead   to   an  increase   in   operational   excellence   amongst   the   business   unit.   Responding   to   a   demand   for  fashionable   products   without   a   trade-­‐off   in   quality   will   also   lead   to   an   expansion   in   the   ‘product  leadership’.    

3.4.2  Retail  Operations  Retail  Operations  will  also  be  connected  to  share  information  on  stock  levels,  purchasing  behaviours  and   social   tastes   based   on   geo-­‐locations.   This   information   is   important   so   that   the   allocation   of  resources  can  be  planned  from  a  supply  chain  perspective  but  also  this  the  information  can  be  shared  with  other  members  of  the  team  and  then  communicated  back  to  the  product  design  teams  globally,  who  will   design   items  based  on   their   interpretations.     The  advantage  again,   is   that   the  operational  efficiency  as  a  result  of  collaboration  contributes  to  the  innovation  process.  This  will  provide  Burberry  with  a  competitive  edge  over  its  competitors  and  allow  them  to  stay  ahead  of  its  competition  in  the  luxury  fashion  industry.  In  addition  to  the  improvements  in  operational  excellence,  it  can  be  inferred  that   customer   intimacy   will   also   increase,   as   consumers   feel   that   Burberry   are   listening   to   their  requirements.        

3.5 Conclusion Applying   the   delivering   innovation   enabled   by   IT   model   by   Lead   and   Transform   (2011)   we   have  addressed  the  questions  concerning  what  technologies  will  be  used,  and  how  the  organisation  will  be  used  to  engage  a  wide  participation.  Although  this  framework  considers  the  drivers,  culture  and  the  leadership  of  the  organisation  it  neglects  the  role  of  the  individual  and  the  business  unit.  As  discussed  in  the  conclusion  of  the  latter  chapter,  collaborative  tools  often  evolve  within  small  teams  and  spread  virally   throughout   the   organisation.   In   effect,   this   unintentionally   lacks   granularity   in   asking   the  question  –  will  the  technology  be  used.  We  have  also  analysed  some  of  the  business  benefits  that  can  be  realised  from  the  implementation  of  these  tools  to  the  users,  business  units  and  Burberry  overall.  The  questions  will  the  technology  be  used,  will  be  answered  in  the  following  chapter.    In   summary   the  driver  behind   this   implementation   is   to   increase  Burberry’s   competitive  position   in  the  high-­‐end  fashion  industry.  This  was  broken  down  using  Porters  Value  Chain  (1985)  and  Barneys’  (1991)   resource-­‐based-­‐view   of   the   firm,   to   look   assess   the   benefits   to   the   business   units,   which  ultimately   lead   to   a   greater   productivity   and   increasing   rates   of   innovation.   The   tool  will   help   lead  Burberry   to   a   position   of   competitive   advantage   through   the   expansion   of   operational   excellence  company  wide   that   in   turn  will   lead   to   expansions   to   prosperity   in   customer   intimacy   and  product  leadership  as  shown  above.      As   learned   from   the   first   section   of   this   report,   the   benefits   driven   approach   emphasises   the  importance  of  the  employees  using  this  systems.  The  benefits  outlined  above  will  be  void  should  the  improper  transformation  approaches  are  adopted.      

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“While the vision starts at the top groundswell is organic”  

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T h e T r a n s f o r m a t i o n C a p a b i l i t i e s w i t h i n B u r b e r r y : a c h a n g e f o r g o o d  

4.1 Introduction This  section  of  the  report  will  aim  to  establish  the  transformation  capabilities  of  Burberry  in  relation  to   the   ESN   project.   Section   4.2  will   provide   an   overview   of   existing   traditional  methods   of   change  management.  Section  4.3  will  discuss  the  findings  of  a  recent  MIT  Sloan  Management  Journal  (March  2012)  on  “Successful  Strategic  Transformation”.  Recommendations  will  be  explained  in  section  4.4  to  allow  Burberry  to  adapt  and  transform  in  a  rapidly  changing  and  competitive  market.      

4.2 Traditional Methods The   successful   process   of   change   management   is   an   apparent   obstacle   for   organisations,   as   they  attempt   to   adapt   and   transform   to   enhance   their   organisational   competitiveness.   Much   of  transformation   literature   has   focussed   on   the   planned   and   emergent   approaches   to   change  management   (Ashurst   and   Hodges,   2010).   Successful   transformations   are   not   based   on   exploiting  historical   capabilities   (Johnson,   Yip   and   Hensmans,   2012),   but   are   built   on   dynamic   capabilities  (Teece,  Pisano  and  Shuen,  1997;  Teece,  2007).    

4.2.1  Planned  Approach  The   planned   approach   is   a   process   of   making   incremental   and   small-­‐scale   changes   (Ashurst   and  Hodges,  2010)  that  would  not  affect  ‘business-­‐as-­‐usual’  processes.  These  small-­‐scale  changes  shared  a   number   of   similarities   to   that   of   a   versioned   release.   By   adopting   the   planned   approach   by  implementing  versioned  release  to  change  management  Burberry  would  benefit  from  clearly  defined  goals  and  the  encouragement  of  small  and  continuous  incremental  improvements.  According  to  Ward  and  Peppard  (2004),  Burberry  would  sustain  competitive  advantage.        

     This  application  of  this  approach  to  transformation  would  therefore  be  inappropriate  within  Burberry  as  constant  evolving  markets,  tastes  and  social  preferences  are  the  core  its  business.  In  the  context  of  the  ESN  project,  this  approach  would  also  be  unsuitable,  as  we  have  learned  in  the  previous  sections,  that   these   systems   are   constantly   evolving.   As   a   result   more   adaptive   approach   is   required   to  transform.  However   this   could   be   a   useful   in   developing   the   change   capabilities   during   the   testing  stages   of   the   roll   out   of   the   Enterprise   Social  Network   for   example,   departmental   or   for   particular  projects  Fashion  week  projects  or  “The  Art  of  Trench  Project”.      

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Although  this  approach  has  proved  to  be  a  successful  method  of  change  in  the  past  (Burns,  2005)   it  has  however  since  become  dated  and  in  appropriate  for  todays  rapidly  changing  markets  (Senior  and  Fleming,  2006).  The  planned  approach  does  not  allow  for  exponential  or  rapid  change,   it  provides  a  false   sense   of   a   certain   future,   because   the   planned   approach   does   not   consider   the   changing  external  factors  (Pillay,  Hackney  and  Braganza,  2012).  Empirical  evidence  has  also  illustrated  the  link  between   the   planned   approach   and   high   rates   of   project   failures   (Pillay,   Hackney   and   Braganza,  2012).   However   this   must   be   treated   with   caution,   as   there   may   be   a   fallacy   of   composition  concerning  the  ESN  within  Burberry,  as  ESNs  are  a  relatively  new  area.    

4.2.2  Emergent  Approach  The  emergent  approach  is  somewhat  of  a  philosophical  approach  to  change,  rather  than  the  planned  approach   that   assumes   change   as   a   process,   or   to   that   of   the   systems   approach   developed   in   the  1960’s.   The   emergent   approach   assumes   that   organisations   are   dynamic   and   non-­‐linear,   of   which  their  outcomes  are  unpredictable   (Ashurst  and  Hodges,  2010).   It  has  been  argued  by  Styhre  (2002),  that  this  approach  has  been  linked  to  failure,  as  change  attempts  have  been  ‘top-­‐down’,  rather  than  allowing  the  self-­‐organisation  structures  develop.  Styhre  (2002)  means  that  this  emergent  approach  should   be   allowed   to   change   and   transform   from   within.   Therefore   imposing   such   changes,   re-­‐engineering   should   be  made   to  policies,   structures   and   practices  where   self-­‐organisation   can   occur  (Ashurst   and  Hodges,   2010).   The  emergent   approach   shares   a  number  of   similarities   to   that  of   the  learned  approach,  whereby,  much  of  the  outcomes  are  reported  and  then  adopted  to  a  new  way  of  achieving   organisations   goals.   At   an   operational   level   this   can   be   seen   through   leveraging   the  concepts  of  single  and  double-­‐loop  learning  (Senge  et  al.,  2002).      The   emergent   approach   assumes   that   the   internal   changes   are   synchronic   with   the   external  environment   (Pillay,   Hackney   and   Braganza,   2012).   In   addition,   Pillay   et   al.,   (2012)   state   that   the  emergent   approach   is   unproductive   as   the   ability   to   plan   financially   and   to   time   constraints   are  ignored.  They  believe  that  this  approach  is  highly  wasteful.      Despite   this   approach   pertaining   many   useful   characteristics   such   as   a   bottom-­‐up,   self-­‐organising  structure,  which  observed  in  section  2.0  were  important  for  the  ESN  project  it  fails  to  lack  a  degree  of  control  and  planning.  In  an  industry  where  deadlines  are  always  looming  this  approach  would  perhaps  not  be  suitable  within  Burberry.    

4.2.3  Dynamic  capabilities  /  Benefits  Realisation  approach  Dynamic  Capabilities  and  the  benefits  realisation  approach  have  been  important  links  in  the  literature  of  change  management  as  it  considers  the  organisation  as  a  whole  rather  than  just  the  IT  department  (Ashurst  and  Hodges,  2010).  It  expands  on  the  ideas  of  the  fourth  era  proposed  by  Ward  and  Peppard  (2004),  which  implies  that  the  IS  capability  is  a  facilitator  for  competitive  advantage,  which  is  realised  through  a   flow  of   short-­‐term   sources  of   competitive   advantages.   The  benefits   realisation   approach  considers   the   humanistic   elements   of   transformation   as   well   as   considering   the   effects   to   the  organisation  as  a  whole.  This  is  proves  useful  in  assessing  an  implementing  a  strategic  transformation  vision   for   the   employees.   The  benefits   realisation  model   has   been  explored   in   section  2.2.3   of   this  report.    The   benefits   driven   approach   to   change   establishes   the   link   between   the   human   elements   of  transition  management  as  well  as  the  connecting  the  entire  organisation.  This  connectivity  between  departments  should  be  considered  when  implementing  change  within  Burberry.  However,  similar  to  that  of  the  emergent  approach  Styhre  (2002),  suggests  that  project  failure  may  have  been  the  result  of  a  top-­‐down  management  style  imposing  a  bottom-­‐up  strategy.  For  the  success  of  the  ESN  project,  a  combination  of  the  traditional  methods  should  be  applied.  This  is  because  the  traditional  methods  of  transformation  management  have  illustrated  their  past  successes  and  failures.  However  due  to  the  relatively  new  area  of  enterprise  social  networks  it  would  appear  that  an  element  of  experimentation  is  required.    

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4.3 Developing a transformational capability A   proactive   transformational   capability   is   often   an   exception   to   the   rule   rather   than   the   norm  (Johnson,  Yip  and  Hensmans,  2012).  Johnson  et  al.,  (2012),  believe  that  management  are  blinded  by  a  need   for   change  due   to   the  momentum  of   the  organisation  and   to   a   certain  degree,   complacency.  Their   observations   uncovered   that   organisation   transformations   were   often   the   result   of   poor  financial   performance   and   whereby   shareholders   demanded   a   change.   One   view   was   that  organisations   in   order   to   realise   the   change,   an   organisation  would   need   to   fall   foul   of   the   Icarus  Paradox  (Miller,  1990).  Johnson  (1998),  and  Romanelli  and  Tushman  (1994)  also  support  the  view  that  the  Icarus  Pardox  is  a  catalyst  for  change.      The  research  carried  out  by  Johnson,  Yip  and  Hensmans  (2012),  analysed  the  financial  performance  of  215  of  the  UK’s  largest  organisations  between  1984  and  2003,  whilst  conducting  interviews  with  over  forty-­‐six   CEO’s   spanning  historic   events   from  over   forty   years.   Their   research  highlighted   three   key  elements  that  were  common  across  successful  organisations:      

• Building  Internal  Coalitions  • Creating  a  Culture  to  Challenge  the  Status  Quo  • Exploit  ‘Happy  Accidents’  


4.3.1  Building  internal  Coalitions  Johnson  et  al’s.,  (2012)  research  illustrated  that  building  internal  coalitions  was  an  important  impact  in   developing   successful   transformation   capability.   In   this   research   a   series   of   case   studies   are  presented,  which  highlight  that  organisations  that  demonstrated  high  performance  had  a  developed  internal  coalitions  between  management.  For  example,  many  of  the  senior  management  team  were  particularly  strong  at  exploiting  traditional  and  existing  organisational  capabilities.  This  is  particularly  beneficial   to  retain  a  market  position   in  a  steady  market.  However,   in  an  ever-­‐changing  market   it   is  important   to   not   become   complacent.   Johnson   et   al   (2012),   found   that   younger   (but   still   senior)  management   strived   to   exploit   dynamic   capabilities.   This   is   particularly   important   to   ensure   that  strategic  drift  does  not  occur  which  creates  a  miscalibration  of  supply-­‐side  and  demand-­‐side  market  factors.  An  example  of   this  within   the   fashion   industry  would  be   that  of  Marks  and  Spencer’s,  who  believed   that   their   reputation   of   producing   high-­‐quality   clothing  was   sufficient   and   far   superior   of  their   competitors   (Ambrosini,   Bowman   and   Collier,   2009).   Therefore   it   is   important   that   Burberry  builds  internal  coalitions  and  aligns  their  management  structure  to  ensure  that  there  is  constant  and  effective   transformation.   This   further   supports   the   importance   of   the   collaborative   work   tool  implementation.      

4.3.2  Creating  a  culture  to  challenge  the  status  quo  Further   findings   of   the   Johnson   et   al’s.,   (2012)   research   uncovered   the   importance   of   challenging  status  quo  and  constructively   challenging  business  as  usual  processes.  The  case   study  of  Tesco  and  Smith  and  Nephew  used  in  the  research  reveals  that  there  was  a  great  deal  of  management  conflicts  over  the  current  business  processes  and  a  ‘new  way  of  doing  things’.  The  conflicts  were  often  open  and  most  importantly  constructive  (Johnson,  Yip  and  Hensmans,  2012),  however  the  capabilities  have  to  be  flexible   in  order  to  realise  that  there  are  areas  of   improvements.  This  has  been  recognised  by  Burberry  stating  that:      “Shift  company  culture  and  processes  from  a  static  wholesale  model  to  a  dynamic  retail  model.  Retail-­‐led  growth  refers  not  only  to  the  operation  of  Burberry’s  own  stores,  but  also  to  a  fundamental  shift  in  the  Group’s  operating  structure”  (Burberry,  2011).      A  shift  from  a  traditional  well  established  model  to  a  new  process  new  dynamic  ‘way  of  doing  things’  has  seen  a  32%  increase  in  retail  sales  since  2010,  when  this  change  was  implemented.  Furthermore,  recent   interview   with   Burberry   CEO   Angela   Ahrendts,   stated   that   ‘tradition   doesn’t   prevent  innovation’   (Moira,   2012).   Ensuring   that   there   is   a   continuous   transformation  will   be   important   to  

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ensure  that  processes  are  constantly  re-­‐evaluated.  However  as  explored  in  section  2.0,  change  fatigue  is  also  a  risk  factor  that  needs  to  be  considered.    

4.3.3  Exploiting  ‘Happy  Accidents’  Johnson  et  al,  (2012)  describes  happy  accidents  as  black  swan  events  that  lead  to  positive  outcomes.  For   instance   the  new  CEO,  of  Marks  and  Spencer,  Robert  Colvill  decided   to   sell   the  Luxury   clothing  brand   Brooks   Brothers   for   £160   million   less   than   what   it   was   originally   purchased   for   (Osbourne,  2001).  Although  at   the   time   this  may  not  have  been   realised  as  a   ‘happy  accident’,   the   sale  of   this  brand  and  decision  to  exit  the  US  market  led  to  a  successful  transformation  in  the  UK.  This  built  upon  it  historic  capabilities,  such  as  a  reputation  for  quality,  but  allowed  the  dynamic  capability  in  the  UK  grocery  market,  which  is  seen  as  its  dynamic  capability  (Peter  Allen,  2012).      An  obvious  issue,  is  that  it  is  not  until  after  an  event  has  taken  place  that  a  happy  accident  is  realised.  In  the  case  of  Burberry,  in  2005,  the  firm  experienced  a  7%  decline  in  sales  revenue  in  the  UK.  After  analysis,  it  was  determined  that  this  was  due  to  a  ‘chav-­‐effect’2  (Wallop,  2005).  This  resulted  a  change  to  Burberry’s  supply  chain  and  tighter  control  factors  of  counterfeit  goods.  The  decision  to  restrict  the  channels  of  distribution  of  off-­‐season  clothing  allowed  a  greater  amount  of  control  of  the  brand.  As  a  result  the  Burberry  has  seen  an  higher  share  price  (230p  as  of  02/01/2003  compared  to  1246p  as  of  03/01/2012).  The  decision  to  change,  adapt  and  transform  have  allowed  Burberry  to  become  one  of  the  worlds  most  innovative  companies  (Moira,  2012).    

4.4 Recommendations The   following   recommendations   are   to   ensure   the   successful   transformation   of   Burberry   Change  Programme   and   portfolio   of   projects.   As   examined   throughout   section   4.0   Burberry   has   been  demonstrated   that   it   has   the   capability   to   change,   transform   and   adapt   to   fiercely   competitive  markets.  However  an  air  of  complacency  could  still  provide  a  threat  to  Burberry’s  future  growth  and  shareholder  wealth.    Direction  for  Further  Transformation    Build   on  History  

It  is  important  to  build  on  the  history  of  the  organisation.  Burberry  has  is  famous  for  the   trench   coat   and   the   recent   integrating   new   interactive   media   marketing  campaigns   such   as   “The   Art   of   Trench”   has   illustrated   its   diffusion   of   historic   and  dynamic  capabilities,  enabled  by  building  internal  coalitions.  Building  on  history  allows  management   to   predict   the   future   direction   of   environmental   and   organisational  success  factors  (Johnson,  Yip  and  Hensmans,  2012).  The  ESN  can  act  as  a  dynamic  and  emergent  content  management  system,  providing  management   and   new   employees   to   quickly   establish  who   are   the   influencers   as  well  as  make  an  immediate  impact.    

Select   and  Develop   a  New  Generation  of  Leaders  

Develop   a   new   set   of   leaders   from   within.   Findings   from   Johnson   et   al.,   (2012)  research   illustrate   that   it   is   often   difficult   to   establish   the   correct   balance   between  new   management   that   are   willing   to   challenge   the   status   quo.   It   is   therefore  important   that   the  development  of   next   generation  management   are   groomed   in   a  way   that   will   allow   them   to   go   against   business   as   usual   processes   and   go-­‐outside  conventional  processes.    Key  influencers  can  become  “change  champions”  or  selected  for  next-­‐gen  leadership  roles,  based  on  their  ESN  contributions.    

Accept   and  Encourage  Constructive  Leadership    

It  was  highlighted  in  the  research  that  constructive  conflicts  were  good  for  business.  By  challenging  ideas,  will  provide  rigour.  However,  management  should  be  reminded  that  an  intelligent  workforce  will  be  able  to   identify  problems  within  new  processes,  however  an  exceptional  workforce  will  make  these  processes  work  (Johnson,  Yip  and  Hensmans,  2012).  Leaders  are  challenged   to  provide   rigor  and  validity   for  key  strategic  management  decisions.    

                                                                                                                                       2  Chav-­‐effect,  was  termed  as  an  undesirable  segment  of  the  market  began  to  adopt  to  the  Luxury  clothing  brand.  Much  of  the  items  were  counterfeit  or  purchased  at  outlet  stores  (Wallop,  2005).    

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Ensure  Decision  Making  Allows   for  Dissent  

Johnson  et  al  (2012),  believe  that  it  is  essential  for  an  organisation  to  build  processes  that  challenge  that  of  dominant  logic.  This  is  similar  to  that  of  the  emergent  approach,  but  the  chaotic  structures  would  be  reduced.    Innovative   solutions   can   be   developed,   critically   analysed   and   reworked.  Management   decisions   can   be   contested   openly   through   secure   networks   to  challenge  logic.    

Create  enabling  structures  that  encourage  tension  

This   idea   is   to  positively  encourage  a  different  perspective  on  a  business  processes.  Being   able   to   achieve   this   is   a   transformation   process.   Management   should   feel  comfortable   to   allow   the   transition   of   a   process   be   owned   or   challenged   by   new  departments   in   the   organisation.   Implementing   the   collaborative   work   tool   will  provide  this  luxury.    Praise  can  be  give  for  good  work,  within  the  meritocratic  environment  using  positive  reinforcement.   An   element   of   gamification   can   be   applied   to   encourage   the  transformational  process  of  collaboration  for  using  the  new  technologies.    

Expect  everyone  to   get  behind  decisions  once   they  are  made  

Following  the  dissent  and  challenging  the  business  processes,   it   is  essential  that  that  the  organisational  goals  are  aligned  throughout  the  organisation.  Communicating  this  message   to   employees   will   be   essential   to   ensure   that   the   organisation  communicates,   cooperates,   and   coordinate   their   efforts   in   the   right   direction  (Borghoff  and  Schlichter,  2000).  Voting  can  be  incorporated  in  to  ideas  or  workflows,  similarly  to  the  “Like”  button  defined  by  Facebook.    

Develop   an  overarching  rationale  

An   overarching   rationale   should   state   what   the   company   is   aiming   to   achieve,   but  these  need  to  be  more  than  words  (Johnson,  Yip  and  Hensmans,  2012).  For  instance  these   corporate   values   need   to   be   ‘evident’   and   ‘believable’,   which   will   create   a  culture   to   try   new  methods   and   business   processes.   If   transformation   is   evident,   a  culture  of  change  will  be  embedded  throughout  the  organisation.  It  is  important  that  employees   can   see   the   benefits   of   change.   A  way   that   Burberry   can   achieve   this   is  through  the  use  of  success  stories.  Align   the   corporate   strategies   globally   with   ease.   Sharing   stories   of   success   to  encourage   new   ways   of   working   can   be   shared   faster   and   can   spread   virally  throughout  departments  and  geo-­‐locations.    

Beware   of  market   size  and  dominance  

Companies   that   have   are   vying   for   market   dominance   need   to   compete   with   their  competitors   of  which   they   are   constantly   looking   to   adapt   and   transform.   Burberry  should  be  cautious  not  to  become  complacent  once  their  medium-­‐term  objectives  are  completed.  As   evident   from   the   Johnson  et   al   (2012)   case   studies   firm  with  market  dominance  such  as  Sainsbury,  Unilever,  lost  market  share  as  a  result  of  complacency.  A  long-­‐term  view  must  be  applied  to  counter  strategic  drift.  Sharing   of   information   is   faster   and   more   efficient   with   ESNs,   therefore   warning  signs  of  changing  market  conditions  can  be  mitigated  in  a  timely  fashion.      

Source:  Recommendations  adapted  from  (Johnson,  Yip  and  Hensmans,  2012).      In   summary,   Burberry   has   a   prestigious   heritage,  whereby   they   have   experienced   happy   accidents  that  have  allowed  them  to  transform  their  supply  change  capabilities.  With  the  implementation  of  the  Enterprise   social   networking   tool   it   will   help   align   their   corporate   vision   thus   breaking   down  organisational  silos.  This  will  enable  Burberry  to  develop  an  overarching  rationale,  enable  structures  of   tension   and   dissent;   these   steps   and   if   implemented   correctly   will   allow   the   organisation   to  develop   its   transformation   capability.   Moreover,   it   is   essential   that   Burberry   do   not   become  complacent   with   leading   the   social   enterprise   revolution   and   that   they   continue   to   develop   and  innovate  through  their  transformational  capabilities.      Burberry  is  well  positioned  to  adapt  and  transform  within  the  luxury  fashion  industry  as  it  has  strong  management   capabilities   and   employees   who   embrace   these  movements.   The   ESN   is   much   of   an  enabler  of  transformation  management,  as  transformational  management  will  be  needed  during  the  implementation  of  the  new  technology.      

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