eliminating barriers: no more us vs. them

Eliminating Barriers No More Us vs. Them http://www.flickr.com/photos/sasanf/3495404463/

Upload: allison-pollard

Post on 08-May-2015




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Agility is an organization’s ability to respond to change and take advantage of opportunities. Organizational agility is more about being able to inspect and adapt in the large. Introducing Agile frameworks into your IT department doesn’t magically make your organization more responsive to customers’ needs or the market competition–it makes problems visible. Join us as we explore the common barriers that become visible in organizations as development teams adopt Agile practices, including areas of your organization where problems may lie and indicators to recognize them. As a group, we will be discussing tips for overcoming barriers to making your organization more Agile and bringing your development teams closer to customers.


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Eliminating BarriersNo More Us vs. Them


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Allison Pollard

Started as PM

Wants to see teams build the right stuff

Swing Dancer and Glasses Wearer

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Ty Crockett

Started as an IT dude, now is an Agile dude

Loves to work with teams

Comic book fan, convention geek

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Agile Fluency: Where are you?

How can your team move towards 4 stars (fluency) and build momentum for the organization to become more agile?


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Product Backlogs filled with generic “as a user” stories, sometimes missing the “so that”

Product Owner and UX constantly disagreeing on how features should be designed

Teams unaware of the business results delivered from features they released

We want to change the world!

We’ve seen…

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http://www.flickr.com/photos/bruce_mcadam/2674561685 by Hello, I am Bruce

Why do organizations exist?

http://www.flickr.com/photos/londonannie/7678945614/in/set-72157630825959950 by London Annie

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Organizations that become too large…


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“An organization’s ability to respond to change and take advantage of opportunities”


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How awesome do you want to be?

“Right now we are selling millions and millions and millions of phones a year, Apple is selling zero phones a year. In six months they'll have the most expensive phone by far ever in the market place, and lets see...”

-Steve Ballmer after iPhone debut

“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close, in fact, that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.”

-Steve Jobs

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What barriers are you seeing?

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“Developers cannot possibly talk to customers”



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“IAmA Dev!”

“Is this valuable?”

“I am way technical..”

“IAmA builder not a problem solver”



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Customer Collaboration over

Contract Negotiation

“The team will give away features, and we still need to make money!”



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“But that’s my job as Product Owner!”



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Well, I am IT and they are “The Business”



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We are all Business People

We just have different skills

Reference: Mary Poppendieck

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The Toolbox

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Bringing the Customer to Us

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Bringing the Customer to Us

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http://www.flickr.com/photos/statefarm/8163895040/ by State Farm

Going to the customer

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Going to the customer

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Empowerment is Needed

“What’s the catch?”

“Are you serious?”

“Can I even do this?”


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Benefits/Value of Removing Barriers

Increase MoraleHappy Customers

Profit! Cost Savings



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What indicators do you have that your teams need to be closer to customers?

What benefits will you reap by putting them together?

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You know indicators, barriers, tools…


Think of how you can increase trust

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Eliminating barriers can help increase a team’s fluency

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You are ready to take the next step toward…


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