eliptic curve implementation

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  • 8/8/2019 Eliptic Curve Implementation


    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography




    Strong public-key cryptography is often considered to be too computationally

    expensive for small devices if not accelerated by crypto-graphic hardware. We revisited

    this statement and implemented elliptic curve point multiplication for 160-bit, 192-bit,

    and 224-bit NIST/SECG curves over GF (p) and RSA-1024 and RSA-2048 on two 8-bit

    micro-controllers. To accelerate multiple-precision multiplication, we propose a new

    algorithm to reduce the number of memory accesses. Implementation and analysis led

    to three observations:

    1. Public-key cryptography is viable on small devices without hardware acceleration.

    2. The relative performance advantage of ECC point multiplication over RSA modular

    exponentiation increases with the decrease in processor word size and the increase in

    key size.

    3. Elliptic curves over fields using pseudo-Mersenne primes as standardized by NIST

    and SECG allow for high performance implementations and show no performance

    disadvantage over optimal extension fields or prime fields selected specifically for a

    particular processor architecture


    As the Internet expands, it will encompass not only server and desktop systems,

    but also large numbers of small devices ranging from PDAs and cell phones to

    appliances and networked sensors. Inexpensive radio transceivers, integrated or attached

    to small processors, will provide the basis for small devices that can exchange

    information both locally with peers and, through gateway devices, globally with entities

    on the Internet.

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    Deploying these devices in accessible environments exposes them to potential

    attackers that could tamper with them, eavesdrop communications, alter transmitted

    data, or attach unauthorized devices to the network. These risks can be mitigated by

    employing strong cryptography to ensure authentication, authorization, data

    confidentiality, and data integrity.

    Symmetric cryptography, which is computationally inexpensive, can be used to

    achieve some of these goals. However, it is inflexible with respect to key management

    as it requires pre-distribution of keys. On the other hand, public- key cryptography

    allows for flexible key management, but requires a significant amount of computation.

    However, the compute capabilities of low-cost CPUs are very limited in terms of clock

    frequency, memory size, and power constraints.

    Compared to RSA, the prevalent public-key scheme of the Internet today,

    Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) over smaller key sizes, faster computation, as well

    as memory, energy and bandwidth savings and is thus better suited for small devices.

    While RSA and ECC can be accelerated with dedicated cryptographic coprocessors such

    as those used in smart cards, coprocessors require additional hardware adding to the size

    and complexity of the devices.

    Therefore, they may not be desirable for low-cost implementations. Only few

    publications have considered public-key cryptography on small devices without

    coprocessors. Hasegawa et al. implemented ECDSA signature generation and

    verification on a 10MHz M16C micro computer. The implementation requires 4KB of

    code space and uses a 160-bit field prime p = 65112 * 2144 - 1 chosen to accommodate

    the 16-bit processor architecture.

    Signatures can be generated in 150ms and verified in 630ms. Based on the ECC

    integer library, the authors also estimate 10s for RSA-1024 signature generation and

    400ms for verification using e =216 +1.

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    Bailey and Paar suggest the use of optimal extension fields (OEFs) that enable

    efficient reduction when subfield primes are chosen as pseudo-Mersenne primes close to

    the word size of the targeted processor An implementation of this concept for elliptic

    curve point multiplication over GF ((28 - 17)17) on n8-bit 8051 processor architecture

    is described by Woodbury, Bailey and Paar.

    On a 12MHz 8051 with 12 clock cycles per instruction cycle, the authors

    measured 8.37s for general point multiplication using the binary method and 1.83s for

    point multiplication with a fixed base point.

    The code size was 13KB and 183 bytes of internal and 340 bytes of external

    RAM were used. Pietil ainen evaluated the relative performance of RSA and ECC on

    smart cards.

    An elliptic curve E over the complex numbers is the set of points (x, y)

    satisfying the equation

    E: y2 = x3 + ax + b,

    plus a special point O that lies infinitely far up the y -axis .

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography


    Encryption and Digital Signatures

    Today global electronic commerce in the Internet is common. To enable

    profitable and legal trading, confidentiality, integrity, and non-reputability of the

    associated messages is necessary. In order to achieve this, cryptographic systems must

    play a major role in electronic commerce and, within the cryptography realm; public key

    cryptography has emerged over twenty years as the key element. However, public key

    cryptography requires a public key infrastructure to exist for it to become useful and for

    the associated algorithms to be proven and accepted, particularly where those algorithms

    are used for digital signature purposes.

    Authentication: A merchant must know the identity of the customer. For some kinds of

    businesses it is not sufficient that the customer authenticates herself by the use of a

    password. In these cases an electronic version of today is identity or credit card is

    required. The recipient of a message or an order should know the identity of the sender

    and should also be sure that the data wasnt altered during its transmission. These

    challenges, the authentication of the user and the integrity of the sent messages, are metusing various cryptographic methods.

    Non-repudiation: It is often necessary to assert that a particular person sent an order or

    message and that no other person could possibly have sent it. In traditional business the

    personal hand-written signature is used to assert this, in cases of high importance

    combined with a witness of the signing act. In electronic commerce, this challenge is

    met using digital signatures based on public key cryptography.

    Privacy:. The exchange of data between the merchant and the customer in most cases

    should be kept secret. No unauthorized party should be able to read or copy such a

    communication. This challenge, confidentiality, is met using encryption.

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography


    ECC devices require less storage, less power, less memory and less bandwidth

    than other system. This allows you to implement cryptography in platforms that are

    constrained, such as wireless devices, handheld computers, smart cards and thin-clients.

    It also provides a big win in situations where efficiency is important.

    For example, the current key-size recommendation for legacy public schemes is

    2048 bits. A vastly smaller 224-bit ECC key offers the same level of security. These

    advantage only increases with security level for example, a 3072 bit legacy key and a

    256 bit ECC key are equivalent Something that will be important as stronger security

    systems become mandated and devices get smaller.

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography


    Since the beginning of public key cryptography there are two major

    cryptosystems (RSA and El-Gamal ) that seem to defeat all attacks. For this reason,these two cryptosystems are the most respected and wildly used public key

    cryptosystems nowadays. One can use both cryptosystems for encryption/decryption and

    digital signatures. All important security standards cover those cryptosystems, so it

    should be safe to use implementations of them.

    First of all, elliptic curve cryptosystems (ECC ) arent that new anymore. They

    were invented around 1985 independently by Miller and Koblitz. Since their

    introduction a broad discussion on their security and efficiency has been carried on. It is

    this very efficiency that makes them so interesting for us today. This is due to the fact

    that information technology is developing very fast. For example, most computers today

    dont look like the old fashioned personal computers anymore.

    We use handhelds and mobile phones and of course we have a need in securing

    communications on these devices. But in this case there have to be several constraints

    taken into account: there is very limited memory and computing power on these devices,

    and it is not possible to spend much bandwidth for communications overhead. What we

    need is a cryptosystem with small keys, and a small signature size.

    Efficient encryption/decryption is not so important because these operations are

    usually done with a private key cryptosystem. ECC has exactly the desired properties.

    This comes from the fact, that there are no sub exponential algorithms for the ECDLP

    (elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem) known today. This means that we can use

    shorter keys (compared to other cryptosystems) for high security levels.

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography



    Elliptic curves have been used to factories numbers and in primality proving.

    More recently, elliptic curves attracted attention for their part in the solution to Fermats

    Last Theorem. However, elliptic curves have also inspired a new type of cryptosystem

    providing alternatives for implementation of digital signatures, key exchange and


    It is assumed that the reader is already familiar with existing cryptographic

    systems such as RSA and Diffie-Hellman and hence with the notation of integer

    arithmetic modulo p.


    Elliptic curves have been the subject of intensive study for over a century but

    apart from a recent link with the solution of Fermats Last Theorem they remain a

    relatively unfamiliar branch of mathematics.

    The applicability of elliptic curves to cryptography was realized in 1985 with two

    keynote discoveries.

    Elliptic curves could be used to factorise numbers (H.W.Lenstra Jr.)

    An analogue of the Diffie-Hellman protocol could be defined using elliptic curves


    The factorization technique was interesting but proved fruitless when applied to

    problems where the factors were large, e.g., RSA. It is suitable for determining small

    prime factors only.

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    The second proposal aroused a little more interest. The elliptic curves cryptosystem

    appeared to require a much shorter key than that required by RSA. But this was of

    academic interest only. RSA was easy to understand, fairly easy to implement and key

    size were not an issue -then.

    However, in 1966, the release of a paper by Andrew Odlyzko caused a major increase

    in the length of RSA keys. Suddenly 64 byte keys were no longer acceptable for secure

    applications. Overnight 128 bytes became the new norm; bandwidth and performance

    became issues for many systems.

    This precipitated the current interest in elliptic curves cryptosystems. Based on

    current knowledge, the keysize required for such systems is about 160-180 bits.

    Some Basic Arithmetic


    Term Definition

    Exclusive OR.

    DH The Diffie-Hellman protocol enables two parties to establish a shared secret in

    a secure fashion using a public communication channel.DSA Digital Signature Algorithm.

    EC Elliptic Curve.

    EC-n An elliptic curve where the underlying field elements are n bits long.

    ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems.

    ECDPL Elliptic Curves Discrete Log Problem.

    ECDSA Elliptic Curve DSA.

    RSA Rivest Shamir Adleman.

    RSA-n The RSA algorithm implemented with an n bit modulus.

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    What is an Elliptic Curve?


    An elliptic curve is a set of points (x,y) satisfying:

    y = x + ax + b where 4a + 27 b 0

    together with a special point O, this is called the point at infinity (but really behaves

    like a 0 under addition).

    Of course, the above is not a precise definition without specifying what kind of

    numbers x, y, a and b are. These values are all numbers in a field.

    The (elliptic curve) field

    A field has a precise meaning in mathematics and is best visualized by example.

    Examples are

    the infinite field of fractions {a/b where a and b are integers} the finite field of integers modulo p, p prime (or GF(p)).

    Informally, the specific useful property of a field is the ability to perform division

    within it.

    For cryptographic applications the elliptic curves defined over finite fields (for

    example GF(p) has p elements) are of primary interest and the remaining discussion is

    focused on these implementations.

    What does an elliptic curve look like?

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    If we consider the implementation over GF(p), the elliptic curve looks like a

    disconnected series of points in the Cartesian Plane.

    Properties of elliptic curves

    The collection of points (x,y) which satisfy the elliptic curve equation have the

    following useful property. By defining addition of two points in a special way, the

    addition of two points on the curve gives another point on the curve. (The mathematical

    term for this is closure). However this is not addition as we know it. It is a set of

    calculations (actually algebraic equations) involving x and y and calculated in the finite


    Now, elliptic curves are not the only mathematical objects with this property.

    What makes them special is that the set of calculations reproduced below, involving x

    and y are relatively simple.

    The computations required are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

    all performed in the finite field.

    Addition rule of elliptic curves

    If P=(x1, y1) is any point on the elliptic curve then,

    P+O = O + P = P

    If P=(x1, y1) is any point on the elliptic curve then the negative of P, -P = (x1, y1) is also

    a point on the curve. The addition of these two points gives,

    P + (-P) = P P = O

    If P = (x1, y1) and Q = (x2, y2) are points which satisfy the elliptic curve equation and Q-

    P then the sum^4

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    P + Q = R = (x3, y3)

    is defined by

    x3 = - x1 - x2

    y3 = (x1 x3) y1


    = (y2 y1)/(x2 x1) P Q

    = (3x1 + a) / 2y1 P=Q

    It can then be shown that R(x3, y3) satisfies the EC equation y3 = x3 + ax3 + b.

    Another important property of this addition rule is the order of addition does not matter.

    P(x1, y1) + Q(x2, y2) = R(x3, y3) = Q(x2, y2) + P(x1, y1)

    PerformanceThe computation of requires the computation of 1 field inverse and 2 field

    multiplications when P = Q and one less field multiplication when P and Q are distinct.

    These are followed by a further two fild multiplications to complete the computation of

    (x3, y3 ).

    Hence, up to 4 field multiplications and 1 field inverse are required each time P +

    Q is performed. Field arithmetic, perticularly division, can be computationally intensive

    for long arguments, so it can be seen that ECC are only practical because it appears that

    comparitively short key lengths give the required level of security.

    This is worst case though. Research is continuing to generate algorithms and

    ehnancements which can reduce the computational overhead ewquired for EC arithmetic.

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography


    If a point P(x,y) on an elliptic curve is repeatedly added to itself, say n times, the

    argument in the previous section says that he result, Q(x, y) , will also satisfy the elliptic

    curve equation. However given knowledge of P(x,y), Q(x,y) or the elliptic curve used, it

    is very difficult to determine n.

    So, if

    P + P + P + +P = nP = Q

    n times

    Then even if P and Q are known, it is very difficult to calculate n.

    This is the discrete log problem over elliptic curves(over the elliptic curve

    subgroup to be precise) upon which the security of ECCs is based.

    Security of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems

    A MIPS year represent one year of a machine capable of performing one million

    instruction per second. 1012

    MIPS years represents acceptable security at this time. Sincethis would require most of the computing power on the planet for a considerable length of


    It is estimated that an RSA-1024 modules will take 310 11 MIPS years to


    EC discrete log problem

    The selection of an elliptic curve is a slow, complex but necessary processes to

    ensure that the curve offers the requires security. Many elliptic curve have been classified

    as unsuitable for cryptographic implementations. Although these do not form a

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    significant proportion of the total number available they still have to be wedded out in


    As a rule of thumb there are about 2p different elliptic curves over GF(p) and

    each of these curves has about p points in it.

    The security of an ECC is based upon the EC discrete log problem. This is much

    more difficult problem than the integer factorization problem (upon which RSA is based)

    or the discrete log problem upon which, say diffie-hellman protocol is based.

    Now , the measure of the security of an ECC(based upon the EC discrete log problem) is

    given by:

    The largest prime divisor, q, of the number of points which satisfy the elliptic

    curve equation.

    It is NOT the length of the field elements.

    For example, a curve in EC-167 might offer the same activity level as a curve in


    So how the EC is chosen is very important.

    The most efficient techniques currently available to attack the EC discrete log

    problem are based upon parallel collision.


    Whenever the term EC-k is used, the k refers to the length of x and y, or the

    elements in the underlying field, e.g.EC-161. However, k is sometimes referred to as the

    keylength. This is confusing as the actual measure of security is not based upon k at all.

    But if the elliptic curve has been selected well the measure of strength, describe above,

    will be k-1 bits at most.

    So a security level of k-1 bits implies that a curve in EC-k or grater is required.

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    It is also unclear how the length of the key varies between implementations, i.e.,

    how does the keylength in a GF(2n) implementation differ from the keylength in a GF(p)


    This question can be answered in terms of the cost required to build special

    purpose architectures to attack each type of implementation. One (GF(2n), assumes a

    hardware approach ,the other , GF(p), might be tackled using distributed software.

    Using this approach, recent results, based upon comparison with RSA-1024,

    suggest that GF(p) implementation, where p is 162 bits, offers similarly security to a

    GF(2n) implementation where n ranges from 171 to 180 bits.

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography


    There are two common ways of implementing elliptic curve cryptosystems over

    finite fields.

    o Over GF(p) (the integer modulo p),

    o Over GF(2n) (n-dimensional binary vectors)

    We want to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in the finite

    field of implementation.


    Algorithm for performing arithmetic modulo p are well known. These are

    necessary for existing implementations based on modular arithmetic e.g. RSA, Fiat-

    shamir, DSA and Diffie-Hellman.


    Over GF(2n) these operations are completely different. The mathematics is based

    around manipulation ofpolynomials with binary coefficients, or objects which look like,

    for example.

    1+X+X3+X5 = 1+1X+0X2+1X3+0X4+1X5.

    This polynomial corresponds to the binary vector (1,1,0,1,0,1). Note that a point

    on the EC now exists of a pair of binary vectors.

    This binary representation reduces the complexity of the basic arithmetic

    operations both in hardware and software. Furthermore, depending upon how the

    polynomials are selected, it is possible to map these operations to a logic design in a

    trivial way.

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    For example, addition is (+) of two vectors, squaring becomes a rotation of a

    binary vector and multiplication, a set of connections between two vectors, both rotated.

    For custom silicon applications, the implementation of a multiply over GF(2n)

    occupies a smaller area than an integer multiply.

    Division is still hard through.

    Performance between implementations

    The GF(p) implementation, where p is 162 bits, offers similar security to e

    GF(2n) implementation where n ranges from 171 to 180 bits. It also offers similar

    performance, due to shorter keylength.

    However the similarity stops there. There is no compatibility between the two

    systems and a device dedicated specifically to arithmetic over GF(2n) might be

    disadvantaged if alternative cryptosystems, such as RSA, need also to be implemented. If

    blazing performance is not an issue , a perfectly adequate ECC performance might be

    achieved in software with no hardware support, both for GF(p) and GF(2n). This is of

    specific interest for, say, smartcards for which additional mathematical coprocessor is

    absolutely mandatory to perform the demanding computations for RSA.

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography


    a. select random a,b from GF(p) and create a curve, y2 = x3 + ax +b

    b. compute the number of points, N, which satisfy the curve

    c. check the curve offers sufficient security, i.e. N has a large prime factor q.

    d. make sure that the discrete log problem is hard for this curve, i.e.

    check that q does not divide pk 1 for k=1,.,20.

    Check that q does not equal N

    e. select a non zero generator, P, for the elliptic curve subgroup. So the subgroup

    consists of the q elements,{P,2P, 3P.(q-1)P, qP} where qP - 0 .

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography


    Set p=11(a prime of manageable size) and consider the elliptic curve equation

    given by:

    Y2 = x3 + 10x+10MOD11

    We want to find pairs(x0,y0) which satisfy this equation. Any old pair wont do.

    For example (0,) does not satisfy the equation and hence does not lie on the curve.

    One way to do this is to find x0 and y0 for which y02MOD 11 is equal to


    x x3+10x+10MOD11 y y2MOD11

    0 10 0 0

    1 10 1 1

    2 5 2 4

    3 1 3 9

    4 4 4 5

    5 9 5 3

    6 0 6 3

    7 5 7 5

    8 8 8 9

    9 4 9 4

    10 10 10 1

    Table 1

    By referring Table 1 a list of such points(x,y) can be created, for example (5,3)

    and (5,8) both result in y02 MOD 11 = x0

    3+10x0+10 MOD 11 = 9.

    Using this approach the entire set of points which satisfy the equation can be

    calculated. There are 13 points for which y02 MOD 11 = x0

    3+10x0+10 MOD 11 as


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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    y02 MOD 11 = x0

    3+10x0+10 MOD 11 (x, y)

    0 (6,0)

    1 (3,1), (3,10)

    4 (4,2),(4,9),(9,2)(9,9)

    5 (2,4),(7,4),(2,7),(7,7)

    9 (5,3),(5,8)

    Table 2

    These points (x, y) may now be plotted. These points, together with the point of

    infinity 0, make up the elliptic curve group of 14 points. Note that there are two prime

    divisors of 14: 7 and 2. The security of this EC depends upon the largest of these

    numbers, i.e. 7.

    Negatives of Points

    Recall that P + (-P) =0. As an example let P = (3,1), then P is obtained by

    negating the y coordinate. So P =(3,-1).

    Now -1 MOD 11 = -1 + 11 MOD 11 = 10.

    So P = (3,10) which is one of the existing points.

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    The other points are listed in Table 3.

    Table 3

    Addition of points

    Now if any of these points is selected and added to itself (doubled) the result is

    another point on the curve. To see this recall the addition rule for Elliptic curves for two

    points P(x1, y1) and Q(x2, y2) on the curve. Then,

    P(x1, y1) + Q(x2, y2) = R(x3, y3)

    is defined by

    x3 = 2 x1 x2

    y3 = (x1 x3) - y1

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    P -P(6, 0) (6, 0)

    (3, 1) (3, 10)

    (3, 10) (3, 1)

    (4, 2) (4, 9)

    (4, 9) (4, 2)

    (2, 4) (2, 7)

    (2, 7) (2, 4)

    (7, 4) (7, 7)

    (7, 7) (7, 4)

    (5, 3) (5, 8)

    (5, 8) (5, 3)(9, 2) (9, 9)

    (9, 9) (9, 2)

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography


    = (y2 y1)/ (x2 x1) P Q

    = (3 x12 + a) / 2 y1 P = Q

    The effect of addition is to bounce around the elliptic curve.

    Addition when P = Q

    As an example consider the sum of P = (3, 1) and Q = (3, 1). This is the case P = Q.


    x1 = 3 = x2, y1 = 1 =y2

    and =(3 x12 + a) / 2 y1 MOD 11

    = (3*9+10)/(2*1) = (27 +10)/2 = (37/2) MOD 11

    Now division by 2, MOD 11 is the same as multiplication by 6, MOD 11. (Note

    that 2*6 = 12 = 1 MOD 11 or 6 = MOD 11).


    = 37*6 MOD 11 = 222 MOD 11 = 2 MOD 11

    x3 = 22 3 - 3 MOD 11 = -2 MOD 11 = 9 MOD 11

    y3 = 2(3-9)-1 = -13 MOD 11 = 9 MOD 11

    and hence

    (3, 1) + (3, 1) = 2 * (3, 1) = (9, 9)

    Addition when P Q

    We shall now add P to 2P and obtain 3P.

    From the previous section P = (3, 1), Q = (9, 9) so x1 = 3, x2 = 9, y1= 1 and y2= 9


    = (y2 y1)/ (x2 x1)

    = (9-1)/(9-3) =8/6=4/3 MOD 11.

    Division by 3, MOD 11 is tha same as multiplication by 4, MOD 11. (4*3 = 1

    MOD 11)

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    Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    = 4*4 MOD 11 = 16 MOD 11 = 5 MOD 11

    x3 = 25 3 9 MOD 11 = 13 MOD 11 2 MOD 11

    y3 = 5(3 2)-1 = 4 MOD 11

    and hence

    (3, 1) + 2(3, 1) = 3 * (3, 1) = (2, 4)

    Further multiplies of points are displayed in the following table:

    P 2P 3P 4P 5P 6P 7P 8P 9P 10P 11P 12P 13P 14P

    (6,0) O

    (3,1) (9,9) (2,4) (4,2) (5,8) (7,7) (6,0) (7,4) (5,3) (4,9) (2,7) (9,2) (3,10) O

    (4,2) (7,4) (9,2) (9,9) (7,7) (4,9) O

    (9,2) (4,9) (7,4) (7,7) (4,2) (9,9) O

    (5,3) (4,2) (3,10) (7,4) (2,4) (9,2) (6,0) (9,9) (2,7) (7,7) (3,1) (4,9) (5,8) O(2,4) (7,7) (5,3) (9,2) (3,1) (4,2) (6,0) (4,9) (3,10) (9,9) (5,8) (7,4) (2,7) O

    (7,4) (9,9) (4,9) (4,2) (9,2) (7,7) O

    (2,7) (7,4) (5,8) (9,9) (3,10) (4,9) (6,0) (4,2) (3,1) (9,2) (5,3) (7,7) (2,4) O

    (7,7) (9,2) (4,2) (4,9) (9,9) (7,4) O

    (5,8) (4,9) (3,1) (7,7) (2,7) (9,9) (6,0) (9,2) (2,4) (7,4) (3,10) (4,2) (5,3) O

    (4,9) (7,7) (9,9) (9,2) (7,4) (4,2) O

    (9,9) (4,2) (7,7) (7,4) (4,9) (9,2) O

    (3,10) (9,2) (2,7) (4,9) (5,3) (7,4) (6,0) (7,7) (5,8) (4,2) (2,4) (9,9) (3,1) O

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    Menezes and Jurisic compared the time required to break the ECC with the timerequired to break RSA for various modulus sizes using the best general algorithm

    known. Values were computed in MIPS years, which represents a computing time of one

    year on a machine capable of performing one million instructions per second.

    The results are listed in Table. As a bench- mark, it is generally accepted that

    1012 MIPS years represents reasonable security at this time, since this would require

    most of the computing power on the planet to work for a considerable amount of time.

    Key size: Equivalent strength comparison

    Time to break

    (in MIPS years)

    RSA key size

    (in bits)

    ECC key size


    RSA/ECC key


    104 512 106 5 : 1

    108 768 132 6 : 1

    1011 1024 160 7 : 1

    1020 2048 210 10 : 1

    1078 21000 600 35 : 1

    Menezes and Jurisic found that to achieve reasonable security, RSA would need

    to employ a 1024-bit modulus, whereas a 160-bit modulus should be sufficient for the

    ECC. They found that ECC required a smaller modulus than RSA and that the security

    gap between the systems grew as the key size increased. For example, 300-bit ECC is

    significantly more secure than 2000-bit RSA, because the ECDLP problem is judged to

    be the harder problem.

    Another way to look at this security issue is to compare the equivalent strength of

    RSA keys and ECC keys for smart card applications. The Table 5.4 shows that in smart

    card applications requiring higher levels of security, ECC is able to offer security

    without a great deal of additional system resources. In September 1999, nearly 200

    people using 740 computers managed to crack a message encrypted with 97-bit elliptic

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    curve cryptography. The process took 16,000 MIPS-years of computing, about twice as

    much as used by the team that recently cracked a 512-bit RSA encryption key.

    On April 4, 2000, an international team of researchers led by Robert Harley,

    Damien Doligez, Daniel de Rauglaudre, and Xavier Leroy of INRIA (France)

    announced the solution of the Certicom ECC2K-108 Challenge. The solution to the

    ECC2K-108 challenge is believed to be the largest effort ever expended in a public-key

    cryptography challenge. It took four months and involved approximately 9500 machines

    and 1300 volunteers from 40 countries.It was expected that the ECC2K-108 challenge

    would require about 5 times as much effort as expended in the ECC2-97 challenge

    solved in September 1999.

    The ECC2K-108 challenge was solved using the parallelized Pollard Rho method

    and exploiting orbits of the negation and Frobenius maps. This method was developed in

    1998 independently by Certicom researchers Rob Gallant, Rob Lambert, and Scott

    Vanstone and by Harley s team. The amount of work required to solve the ECC2K- 108

    challenge was about 50 times more than that required to solve the 512-bit RSA

    cryptosystem, that is about 50 8000 MIPS-years.

    While the solution of the ECC2K-108 challenge is an impressive computational

    achievement, it was based on known methods for solving the ECDLP and not on any

    fundamental advances. Nonetheless, the effort expended by Harley s group is of vital

    importance because it provides practical confirmation of the theoretical estimates of the

    difficulty of the ECDLP and the security of ECC.

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    In both RSA and ECC, considerable computational savings can be made. In

    RSA, a short public exponent can be employed (although this represents a trade-off and

    does incur some security risks) to speed up signature verification and encryption. In

    ECC, a large proportion of the signature generation and encrypting transformations can

    be pre- computed. Also, various special bases for the finite field F2m can be employed

    to perform the modular arithmetic involved in ECC operation more quickly.

    State-of-the-art implementations of the systems from Certicom show that with all

    of these efficiencies in place, ECC is an order of magnitude (roughly 10times) faster

    than RSA. The use of a short public exponent in RSA can make RSA encryption and

    signature verification timings (but not RSA decryption and signature generation timings)

    comparable with timings for these processes using the ECC.

    Space Requirements

    Elliptic curve cryptosystems have the potential to provide security equivalent to

    that of existing public key schemes, but with shorter key lengths. Having short key

    lengths is a factor that can be crucial in some applications, for example, the design of

    smart card systems. The arithmetic processor on a smart card is restricted in size to an

    area of roughly 25 mm2.

    An RSA chip designed to do modular multiplication of 512-bit numbers has

    about 50,000 transistors, while a chip designed to perform arithmetic in the field F259 3

    has about 100,000 transistors. With current technology, these devices are too large to be

    placed on a smart card. By comparison, a chip designed to do arithmetic in F2m , where

    m is about 200, would have less than 15,000 transistors, and would occupy about 15% of

    the 25 mm2 are assigned for the processor. Another advantage to be gained by using

    elliptic curves is that each user may select a different curve E, even though all users use

    the same underlying field K.

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    The following table lists the comparison results of the size of the system

    parameters and selected key pairs for the different systems, and presents evidence that

    the system parameters and key pairs are shorter for the 160-bit ECC than for 1024-bit


    Space requirements


    parameters (bits)

    Public key (bits) Private key (bits)

    1024-bit RSA n/a 1088 2048

    160-bit ECC 481 161 160

    Certicom claims that both of the systems have similar bandwidth requirements

    when they are used to encrypt or sign long messages, but say this situation changes for

    the case where short messages are being transformed. Public key cryptographic systems

    are often employed to transmit short messages, for example to transmit session keys for

    use in a private key cryptographic system.

    For the sake of this comparison, both schemes are being used to sign a 2000-bit

    message, or to encrypt a 100-bit message The encryption algorithm used in encrypting

    100-bit message is an ElGamal variant with point compression.

    Size of the encrypted 100-bit messages

    Encrypted message (bits)

    1024-bit RSA 1024

    160-bit ECC 321

    Therefore it would appear from this comparison that ECC offers considerable

    bandwidth savings over the RSA when being used to transform short messages.

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    In summary, ECC provides greater efficiency than either integer factorization

    systems, in terms of computational overheads, key sizes and bandwidth. In

    implementations, these savings mean higher speeds, lower power consumption, and code

    size reductions. However, the RSA system is globally accepted in vendor offerings and

    may dominate the field until more research information about ECC becomes available.

    Times are changing, though, and recently, in 1998, RSA Inc. announced the inclusion of

    ECC technology in its basic cryptographic tool kit.

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    The elliptic curve cryptography is used as a highly secured cryptographic system for

    encryption and decryption. The research work is to identify cryptographic techniquewhich uses minimum space requirements and efficiency of the system is achievable.


    The fundamental goal of cryptography has historically been to achieve privacy,

    i.e. to enable two people, Alice and Bob, to send each other messages over an insecure

    channel in such a way that only the intended recipient can read the message. This

    objective has traditionally been met by using private key cryptosystems. Although

    private key cryptography is adequate for many applications, it has the following

    disadvantages which make it unsuitable for use in certain applications:

    Key distribution problem: As described above, the two users have to select a key in

    secret before they can start communications over an insecure channel. A secure channel

    for selecting a key may not be available.

    Key management problem: In a network of n users, every pair of users must share a

    secret key, for a total of n (n - 1)/2 keys. If n is large, then the number of keys becomes


    No signatures possible: A digital signature is an electronic analogue of a hand-written

    signature. This means that a digital signature allows the receiver of a message to

    convince any third party that the message in fact originated from the sender. In a privatekey cryptosystem, Alice and Bob have the same capabilities for encryption and

    decryption, and thus Bob cannot convince a third party that a message he received from

    Alice in fact originated from Alice.

    Public Key Cryptosystems

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    The basic idea that led to public key algorithms was that keys could come in

    pairs of an encryption and decryption key and that it could be impossible to compute one

    key given the other. Since then, many public key algorithms have been proposed, most

    of them insecure or impractical. All public key algorithms are very slow compared to

    secret key algorithms. The RSA algorithm takes about 1000 times longer than the

    popular private key encryption algorithm, DES, when implemented in hardware, and

    100 times longer in software to encrypt the same amount of data.

    However, public key algorithms have a big advantage when used for ensuring

    privacy of communication. Public key algorithms use different keys for signing and

    decryption, and for encryption and signature verification. The private key may only be

    known to its owner and must be kept in secret. It may be used for generation of digital

    signatures or for decrypting private information encrypted with the public key. The

    public key may be used for verifying digital signatures or for encrypting information. It

    needs not to be kept secret, because it is infeasible to compute the private key from a

    given public key. Thus, users can post their public key to a directory, where everybody

    who wants to send an encrypted message or verify a signature can look it up. Each entity

    in the network only needs to store its own private key and a public directory can store

    the public keys of all entities, which is practical even in large networks.

    Today, public key cryptosystems may be broadly characterized as belonging to

    one of three mathematical areas. These are:

    Integer factorization, such as the RSA scheme, discrete logarithm schemes, such as the

    USA s DSA, or Digital Signature Algorithm, and Elliptic curve cryptosystems, or more

    accurately the elliptic curve discrete logarithm scheme.

    The last two schemes should be considered to be related since both their security

    depends on the difficulty of solving the discrete logarithm problem. At present, the most

    commonly used public key cryptosystem is the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman encryption

    scheme, RSA (the recommended key size for it is at least 1024bits), which can be used

    to create digital signatures and to encrypt messages. The most common private key

    cryptosystem is probably Data Encryption Standard, DES, but because private key

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    cryptosystems can not be used to create digital signatures this thesis ignores them. It is

    believed that ECC will become even more popular than RSA, because the key sizes

    needed with ECC are much smaller (about 163 bits) than with RSA. The key size affects

    the speed of the cryptographic operations, making them faster than RSA operations.


    The specific objective of the system is to implement the Elliptic curve

    cryptography for encryption and decryption of the information. The Elliptic curve uses

    the public key cryptosystem. When two persons A and B wants to communicate with the

    Elliptic curve cryptography the sender A will encrypt the data using the public key of B

    and B on the receiving end decrypts using his own private key. The key being used might

    vary but they share a common base point with which both encryption and decryption is


    The specific objective of the system is to generate user friendly system to find a

    base in elliptic curve cryptography. Using this base point the public and private keys of

    both the sender and the receiver is generated. With the generated keys the encryption and

    decryption of the data is done.

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    The methodology to implement Elliptic curve cryptography is that the base point

    should be generated and the public and the private keys are generated and finally he data

    is encrypted and decrypted using the keys generated.

    An elliptic curve E over the complex numbers is the set of points (x, y)

    satisfying the equation

    y2 = x3 + ax + b

    For the given values a and b the equation should satisfy the following criteria:

    4a + 27 b O

    together with a special point O, this is called the point at infinity (but really behaves

    like a 0 under addition).A prime value P is generated with which the curve points are

    generated. Using the prime values the pairs of point that satisfies the equation

    y2 = x3 + ax + b MOD P is generated.

    Using the curve points, the elliptic curve group points that satisfy the equation is

    identified. The addition of points is done which satisfies the condition that the resultantadded point should also lie on the curve.

    With these base points the public and the private keys are generated for

    encryption and decryption.

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    6.3.1 MODULES

    The System implements the following modules for generating elliptic curve points.

    1. Base Point Generation

    2. Key Generation

    3. Encryption

    4. Decryption

    Base Point Generation

    The base point generation module is used to generate the base point for generating

    the key values.

    Big Integer Method

    The Big integer method is developed to implement the big integers for the number

    generation. The Big integer method is implemented in a DLL file and this is capable of

    doing all basic arithmetic operations. The input is accepted as the string input and the

    validations are done.

    The big integer method gets the input which the user typed and invokes the

    following methods in it:Big integer add, Big integer Subtract, Big integer compare, Big

    integer multiplication, Big integer power, Big integer divider.

    All methods has a common function of Check for the numeric input, truncates

    unwanted zeros, Checks for the sign of the input.

    This module is designed to generate the curve points and identify the base point

    with which the keys are generated. The elliptic curve formula y2 = x3 + ax + b is used to

    generate the curve points and identify the base point. The a and b values (either signed

    or unsigned) are accepted from the user. The a and b values should satisfy the following

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    condition: 4a + 27 b O The check option checks for these values to satisfy the above

    mentioned condition.

    A P value (prime value) is generated. The option is added to generate the prime

    either bit wise or lengthwise. The manual entry of prime number also is given and the

    manual entry is also validated for prime. The big integer method is called to perform the

    operations. The manual entry for prime is validated with the Isprobableprime method of

    the Big integer method.

    The validated a and b values together with the prime value is used to generate the

    curve points. The x and the y pair values are generated in table with x and y as follows:

    x3 + ax + b MOD P (1)

    y2 MOD P (2)

    The points on the curve are identified when the equations (1) and (2) are equal.

    The maximum prime number in the points is identified. The security of the Elliptic curve

    depends on this largest prime value. The maximum prime and the base point are stored

    in a text file.

    The modules can be selected and executed with the help of the menu.

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    The base point generation module generates the curve points, maximum prime

    and the base points and the form appears as follows:

    The base points are saved as a separate text file and the form appears as:

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    Key Generation

    A secret key is used for both encryption and decryption. The Key Pair consisting

    of a public key and private key uses the public key for decryption and the private key for

    encryption. When the key pair is generated, an association between the public key and

    private key is generated, so that only that specific public key will decryption messages

    with that specific private key. The public key is distributed to users for decrypting the

    messages. The private key is not for distribution but kept by the owner of the key to

    encrypt the messages.

    The key agreement is how the key is exchanged or distributed to a user so that he

    or she may decrypt the message or data. The key used for encryption, in most cases,

    should not be distributed unless there are no other choices. Sometimes the keys may also

    be used for digital signatures. The secret key produces only one key for the encryption

    and decryption; a generic, not a Java code, method will be a pseudocode like the


    Cipher text=Encrypt( secretKey, Plaintext);

    Plain text=Decrypt (secretKey, Cipher text);

    The key generation module is used to generate the keys from the base point

    which is obtained from the previous module. The private key which is the prime value is

    generated. The option of the manual entry of the prime number is given which is verified

    by the isprime function. The base key is opened with which the public key is generated.

    The keys generated are stored in a separate text file for public and private key.

    The public and the private keys are generated and saved based on the base point

    that is generated. The form appears as follows:

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    The public key encryption is implemented for encrypting the files. The private

    key of the sender and the public key of the receiver is used to encrypt the selected file.

    The encrypted file is stored in a separate text file.

    The Encryption module encrypts the text file and saves the encrypted text. The private

    key of the sender and the public key of the receiver is used to encrypt the text file.


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    The encrypted file that is being stored is located. The decryption is done with the

    receivers private key and the senders public key. The decrypted file is stored as a

    separate text file.

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    Getting a,b


    Getting p

    Generate qP for 1






    Generate n Curve PointsBy y2=x3+ax+b

    Generate q that is largeprime factor forn


    Store the Base Point


    Getting private kev(pkev) and it is prime

    Calculate pkeyP for the basePoint and it is the pubic


    Generate qP for next curve



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    Page 42 of 84

    Getting public key


    Getting private keyof A

    Process A(Bx,By)

    Getting input text to


    Process original text to(x1,y1)

    Cipher text (xc,yc)= (x1,y1)+A(Bx,By)



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    Page 43 of 84


    cipher text



    Getting publickey (Ax,Ay)

    Getting private

    key of B

    Process B (Ax,Ay)

    Process cipher text to


    Process B (x1,y1) to

    original text


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    Hardware Specification

    Processor : Intel Pentium IV 2.66 GHz

    RAM : 256 MB SD RAM

    Hard Disk Drives : 40 GB

    CD R/W : Samsung CD Writer

    Floppy Disk Drives : 1.44 MB

    Monitor : 15 Color Monitor

    Keyboard : 104 keys Keyboard

    Mouse : 2 Button Scroll Mouse

    software specification

    Operating System : Windows 2000

    Sortware : Visual Basic 6.0

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    About Visual Basic 6.0

    Visual Basic is a GUI (Graphical User Interface).

    Visual Basic is a Front-End.

    Visual Basic is a Event Driven Programming Langauge.

    Visual Basic is a Client / Server Application Tool.

    Visual Basic is a RAP Programming Tool.

    Visual Basic is a Language

    Visual Basic is a Microsoft Product.


    A collection of code and visual elements that work together as a single Program.

    Developers can build and run application within the Integrated Development

    Environment (IDE). When users usually run application as executable files outside the

    development Environment.

    Code Window:

    The code window is where you write visual basic code for your application. Code

    window consists of language stats, constants and declaration. Listing the code window,

    you can quickly view and edit any of the code in your application.

    The code window includes the following elements:

    1. Object box

    2. Procedure list box.

    MDI form:

    A window that makes up the background of a multiple-document interface(MDI)

    application. The MDI for is the container for any MDI child forms in the application.

    Visual Basic Custom Controls:

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    Visual Basic 6.0 provides us a number of custom controls of which ate some ate

    databound controls. Active X controls etc. Since a majority of these controls happen to

    be active X controls, these custom controls are also called as Active X controls. An

    active X control is an object that we place on a form to enable or enhance a users

    interaction with an application. Active X controls have events and can be incorporated

    into other controls. These controls have an .ocx file name extension.

    Features of Visual Basic 6.0

    1. Ms-transaction server.

    2. Ms-internet information server.

    3. Ms-message queue server.4. Custom data bound control.

    5. Custom data aware com controls.

    6. Dynamic HTML.

    7. Mobile computing support (WAP).

    8. Hierarchical flex grid control.

    9. New Integrated Report writers.

    Active-X Controls:

    Apart from VB standard controls a number of Active-x controls are available.

    These Active-x controls are registered in the windows platform.

    In VB, two types of Active-x controls are available

    Built in active-x controls (or) Custom control

    User defined Active-x controls (or) User Controls

    The file extension is .OCX


    Code that is attached to a form is accessible from anywhere on that form, but a

    program may have more than one form. It will sometimes be necessary to have program

    code that can be reached from any form and in this case that code would be written on a

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    module. Module disappear fr4om view when the programs runs, only forms have an on-

    screen existence. There may be several modules in one program, and each is saved as a



    The project holds together the various forms and modules that makeup a program.

    Its purpose is primarily one of convenience. When we want to start work on a program

    we only have to open the one project file marked by a MAK extension rather than a

    whole set of forms and modules.


    All the code in a program is written in procedures or subroutines. Most of these

    will be attached to a control or more accurately to an event belonging to a control some

    will be free standing. All start with the key word sub and close with end sub.

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    Technical analysis begins with an assessment of the technical viability of the

    proposed system. The possible information system benefits are contributions from

    calculating and printing tasks, record-keeping tasks, record searching tasks, system

    restructuring capabilities etc. Few contributions are listed below:

    Improved accuracy in calculating Tasks

    Ability to quickly change variables and values in calculation programs

    Ability to automatically collect and store data from records

    Increased capacity for record keeping in terms of space and cost

    Improved security in records storage

    Improved portability of records

    Faster retrieval of records


    Feasibility study is a test of proposal to its workability, impact, ability to meet the

    user needs and effective use of resources. It is both necessary and prudent to evaluate the

    feasibility of a project at the earliest possible time. Feasibility and risk analysis are

    related in many ways. If project risk is great, then the feasibility of producing quality

    software is reduced.

    Feasibility study focuses mainly on the following questions.

    Is there a better way of performing users work rather than the current


    What is the cost involved in going for a new system?

    What are the benefits the user could gain over the current system?

    What is recommended?

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    Feasibility consideration

    Feasibility analysis involves three main considerations namely

    Technical Feasibility

    Behavioral Feasibility

    Economic Feasibility

    Technical Feasibility

    Technical feasibility is a study of function, performance, and constraints that may

    affect the ability to achieve an acceptable system. The considerations that are normally

    associated with technical feasibility include the following:

    Development risk: The necessary functions and performance can be analyzed.

    The Distributorship management system is analyzed completely in the system study

    phase which reduces the development risk. The major development risk in performance

    might be based on the flow of data through the hierarchy of the system. The exact data

    based on the login should be provided which enhances the performance and functions.

    Resource Availability: The resource availability for this technical process is the

    necessary software, hardware and the man power with technical skills. All these

    resources are satisfied and prove the system technically feasible.

    Behavioral Feasibility

    Behavioral Feasibility aims at estimating whether the user is able to cope with the

    new system. The project has got sufficient support from the management and from the

    users. The system was found to be operationally feasible.

    Economic Feasibility

    This procedure involves the analysis of cost involved to set up the new system

    and the cost involved is compared with the benefits that the new system would render.

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    A menu is a list of options organized in a specified format that simplifies the data and

    access. While designing the menu, the following objectives are followed:

    Names for each menu are given clearly in an understandable manner.

    Shortcut key is given for each menu for easy selection.

    Sub-menus are added whenever necessary to avoid a lengthy list.

    Menu Design

    The menu is designed with the main motive of user friendliness which allows the

    user to navigate through the various modules available in the system. The modules are

    compiled by the users with a single click in the menu option. This facilitates the user to

    execute the system in an efficient manner. The menu is limited with only the module

    options such that all the other activities within the module can be executed at their

    location without returning to the menu all the time.

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    The quality of system input determines the quality of the system output. Input

    design specifies the manner in which data enters the system for processing. Processing

    input and designs are done in such a way that it caters to the requirement of the end-users,

    extensive care has to be taken to ensure the validity of the input data. It determines the

    acceptance of the project by the user. Hence, input design plays a major role in the

    development of the system.

    The features of input design are:


    Operational efficiency


    The objectives of the input design are

    Controlling Amount of Input

    Avoiding Delay

    Avoiding Errors in Data

    Keeping the Process Simple

    Controlling Amount of Input

    The amount of input the user has to type in, should be less without tiring the user

    to access the information. The standard input can be provided in the form of selection for

    better access. Here, the major interacting input media is through the controls and

    hyperlink. Simple and straightforward hyperlinks are provided for easier

    understandability of the system flow.

    Avoiding Delay

    Since, the information is provided as web pages and the length of the page is

    made short, the information can be accessed without delay.

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    Avoiding Errors in Data

    The major form of input is through well-structured controls and hyperlinks.

    Hence, there is no way for crawling erroneous information. All the links are designed in

    such a way that it specifies the information in the next page, in short and sweet manner.

    Keeping the Process Simple

    The Inputs are designed in such a way, that even the novice user can use this

    project without others support. Improper designing of the input will lead to the

    misunderstanding of information. Hence, this phase has been handled with great care in a

    well-detailed manner, so that the users are taken along the right path.

    Input Forms

    Form 1: Base Point Generation Form

    The input form is designed to obtain the curve points and to identify the

    base point for the given a and b values. The formula for the elliptic curve is:

    y2 = x3 + ax + b,

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    plus a special point O that lies infinitely far up the y axis. The given values a and b

    should satisfy the equation 4a + 27 b 0. The prime values are generated either

    manually or through the system with the given length or given bit value. With the

    obtained prime value the curve points are generated and the maximum Prime on the

    generated curve points is identified. With this maximum prime value generated the base

    point of the elliptic curve is identified. The obtained base point is saved in a separate text

    file with the extension _BasePnt.

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    Form 2: Key Generation Form

    The key generation form id used to generate the public and the private keys. With

    the base point obtained in the previous form the keys are generated.

    Private Key: The private key is generated by specifying the prime number. The prime

    number which acts as the private key is generated either manually by the user or it can be

    randomly generated by the system. The private key which is generated is saved in a

    separate text file with the extension _pvkey which is used later for the process and

    encryption and decryption.

    Public Key: The public key generation is generated with the private key and the base

    point that has been generated for the elliptic curve. The public key which is generated is

    stored in a separate text file with the extension _pbkey which is used during the process

    of encryption and decryption.

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    Form 3: Encryption Form

    The Encryption for is used for the encryption of the text file using the keys that

    have been generated. The form is designed to get the input of the text file, the public and

    the private keys which is to be used for the process of encryption. The validations are

    done to check for the opening of the private and the public keys.

    The open file option is used for selecting the text file which is to be encrypted.

    The encrypt option encrypts the text file and converts it into the curve points. When the

    sender wants to send some text data he encrypts the data with their own private key and

    the receivers public key. The encryption is done by the repeated addition of the points to

    the number of times in the private key value. The points will be the result of the addition.

    The encrypted text file is separately stored in a text file.

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    Form 4: Decryption Form

    The decryption form is used to decrypt the cipher text using the public and the

    private keys. The form has the option to open the cipher text and the keys that are

    generated. The receiver decrypts the cipher text with their own private key and the

    senders public key value. The decrypted text is separately stored in a text file.

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    Output design is also one of the important phases in system design. Output,

    generally refers to the results and information that are generated by the system. For many

    users, output is the main reason for developing the system and it is the basis on which

    they will evaluate the usefulness of the application.

    The main form of interaction between the users is the output. Hence, the output

    should be designed with great attention. The output should be presented in an impressive

    form, which will satisfy the user requirement in simple and attractive manner. The

    information is organized in a formal manner so that a user can easily identify and fulfill

    their requirements. Precise information is provided so that the user can make the utmost

    use of this application.

    Since, the output is designed keeping in mind the users requirements in the organization

    it is designed in such a way that a new user can also easily work in the environment, the

    system is found to reach the user effectively.

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    Form1: The form that shows the curve points and the base point

    Form 2: The form that shows the output of the generated keys

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    Form 3: The form that shows the encrypted text

    Form 4: The form that shows the decrypted Text

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    In any software development, testing is a process to show the correctness of the

    program and it meets the design specifications. Testing is needed to prove correctness, to

    show completeness, to improve the quality of the software and to provide the

    maintenance aid. Some testing standards are therefore necessary to ensure the

    completeness of testing, improve the quality of the software, and reduce the testing costs

    and to reduce study needs and operation time.

    Testing Objectives

    Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error.

    A good testing case is the one that has a high probability of finding an as yet

    undiscovered error.

    A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered error.

    Levels of testing

    The various levels of testing are as follows

    Unit testing: Individual components are tested to ensure that they operate correctly. Eachcomponent is tested independently, without other system components.

    1. System Testing: The sub-system is integrated to make up the entire system. The

    testing process is concerned with finding errors, which result from un-anticipated

    interactions between subsystem components. It is also concerned with validating

    the system meets its functional and non-functional requirements.

    2. Acceptance Testing: This is the final stage in the testing process before the

    system is accepted for operational use. Acceptance testing may reveal error and

    omissions in the system requirements definition because real data exercises the

    system in different ways from the test data. Acceptance testing may also reveal

    requirements problem where the system facilities do not really meet the users

    need or the system performance is unacceptable.

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    1. Top-down Testing: Top-down testing tests the higher levels of a system testing

    its detailed components. The program is represented as a single abstract

    component with sub components represented by stubs. Stubs have the same

    interface as the components but with very limited functionality. After the top-

    level component has been tested, its sub-components are implemented and tested

    in the same way. This process continues recursively until the bottom-level

    components are implemented. The whole system may then be completely tested.

    2. Bottom-Up Testing: Bottom-up testing is the converse of Top-Down Testing. It

    involves testing at lower levels of the hierarchy and then working up the hierarchyof the modules until the final module is tested. The advantage of bottom-up

    testing is the disadvantage of the top-down testing and vice-versa. When using

    bottom-up testing drivers must be written to exercise the lower-level components.

    These test drivers simulate the components environment and are valuable

    components; the test drivers and the test data should be distributed with the

    component. Potential re-users can then run these to satisfy themselves that the

    component behaves as expected in their environment.

    3. Black box Testing: Knowing the specified function that a product has been

    designed to perform, test can be conducted that demonstrates each function that is

    fully operational, at the same time searching for errors in each function. Black

    Box testing focuses on functional requirements of the software.

    Black Box testing attempts to find out error in the following categories:

    Incorrect or missing functions

    Interface errors

    Error in data structure or external database access

    Performance and errors

    Initialization and termination errors

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    4. White Box Testing: Knowing the internal working of a product, test can be

    conducted to ensure that all gears mesh that is internal operation performs

    according to specification and all internal components have been adequately

    exercised. Using white box testing method, the software engineer can derive test

    cases that

    Guarantee that all independent paths within a module has been

    exercised at least once

    Basic path testing.

    Exercise all logical decisions on their true and false sides-

    condition testing.

    Exercise all loops at their boundaries and within their operation

    bounds-loop testing.

    Exercise internal data structures to assure their validity-data flow


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    The values of a and b in the Elliptic curve formula should satisfy the equation 4a

    + 27 b 0. The check condition is done and the validated resulting formula is displayed

    to the user.

    The base point that is generated is stored as a separate text file. The validation is done to

    check whether the data is stored in a text file separately.

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    The validation is done to check for the prime values that are given manually or when a

    random number is given by the user. (Base point generation form)

    The validation is done to check for the prime values that are given manually or when a

    random number is given by the user. (Key generation form)

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    When the user try to generate the key with the wrong value or when the user does not

    give the proper base key value, the validation is done and the information is prompted to

    the user.

    During encryption process when the user tries to open a public key file instead of a

    private key file of vice versa the validation is done and the information is intimated to the


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    The implementation plan consists of the methods for changing from the old

    system to new one. It includes the activities that take place to convert from the old system

    to the new.


    Changeover is the process where the existing system is converted into the new

    system. The changeover from old to new system takes place when:

    System is proved to the satisfaction of systems analyst and other implementation

    activities are completed.

    User managers are satisfied with the results of system tests, staff training and

    referenced manuals.

    Target date for changeover is due.

    The most common methods to achieve changeover are:

    Direct changeover

    Parallel running

    Pilot running

    Staged changeover

    The type of changeover going to be adopted for the system is parallel running.

    Parallel running means processing current data by both old and new systems and

    crosscheck the results. The old system kept alive and operational until new system is

    proved for at least one system cycle, using full live data in the real operational

    environment of place, people, equipment and time.

    The advantages are that we can access the performance of both the systems and it

    will increase the morale of the staff and the management. Since both the systems have to

    be maintained at the same time, there are only fewer chances for mistake.

    Before installation of the software the hardware specification are checked. If the

    hardware specifications are satisfactory then the software is loaded. When the users and

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    management are satisfied with the system, the existing system is stopped and the new

    system is implemented. This change from the existing system takes place.

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    RSA offers fast Signature verification and encipherment

    ECC offers fast Signature generation and key exchanges

    Currently, Elliptic curve cryptosystem offer a much shorter key size, 160 - 180

    bits, for equivalent security to RSA 1024. However it is important to look also at

    performance in addition to security.

    ECC are well suited to Stressed environments, where there is bandwidth or

    processing limitations, say due to physical constraints-ECC custom silicon tends to be

    compact and the parameters smaller.

    At present ECC implementations provide a slower signature verification than

    RSA and faster signature generation than RSA. This suggest that the use of ECC may

    favor those application which are signature generation intensive are requiring online key


    This is quite simplistic though. Underlying this are the whole set of knotty issues.

    Depending upon how the ECC is implemented. For example will 1 or 2 curves become

    standardized or will curves be generated by individuals (For a successful cryptographic

    exchange all parties will need to be using the same EC and there are roughly 2p curves

    over GF (P)). These are not insurmountable concerns but are nevertheless raised as issues

    by those developing such system.

    This implies that, at present, an ECC implementation should be carefully thoughtthorough. The compatibility issue may resolve themselves as it becomes clear what the

    favored ECC implementation is.

    Finally, ECCs have only been intensively studied over the last 10 years or so.

    Although their Newness used to be viewed as an obstacle it is much less the case now.

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    ECC are being widely accepted and incorporated in the design of new system as an

    alternative crypto technology. Moreover, ECCs have been successfully implemented in

    mobile radio and franking applications.

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    The cipher text that contains the curve points is stored as a separate text file. In

    future the curve points can be stored in a separate database and the curve can be


    The application can be extended in a network and encrypted data can be

    transmitted over the network. In future the research can be extended to encrypt the audio

    and video files.

    To further speed up the implementation there are many algorithms available to

    make the elliptic curve operations faster. For example to speed up the polynomial

    multiplication one can use the Fixed Base Windowing algorithm.

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    Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Speciner, Network Security PRIVATE

    Communication in a PUBLIC world, Second Edition, 2002.

    Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering, Edition IV, 1997.

    Ellias Awad, System Analysis And Design, Edition II, Galgotia publications.

    Roger S.Pressman, Ph.D, Software Engineering A Practitioners Approach,

    Tata McGraw Hill, Fifth Edition, 2002.

    Evangelos Petroutsos, Mastering Visual Basic 6.0 Golgotia publications (P)Ltd, 1998.

    Michael Halvorson, Learn Microsoft Visual Basic 6 now, Prentice Hall of India,


    Smith A, Valor Whisler, Visual Basic 6 Programming Bible, Computer Science

    Press, 1998.

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    Dim bm As New BigIntegerMethods

    Dim a As Integer, b As Integer

    Dim X As String, Y As String, p As String, mp As String

    Dim tot_pnts As String

    Dim x3 As String, y3 As String

    Dim nx1 As String, ny1 As String

    Private Sub base_txt_Change()

    SendKeys "^{end}", True

    End Sub

    Private Sub check_ab_Click()

    Dim c As Integer

    tp_lbl.Visible = False

    tt_lbl.Visible = False

    On Error GoTo lab

    c = (4 * (Int(txt_a.Text) ^ 3)) + (27 * (Int(txt_b.Text) ^ 2))

    If c = 0 Then

    ans_lbl.Caption = "Not Satisfying the condition"

    'MsgBox "Not Satisfying the condition", vbInformation, "Invalid"

    ElseIf c 0 Then

    ans_lbl.Caption = "The formula is : y^2 = x^3 +" & txt_a.Text & "x + " & txt_b.Text

    'MsgBox "The formula is : y^2 = x^3 +" & txt_a.Text & "x + " & txt_b.Text, vbInformation, "valid"

    End If

    Exit Sub


    MsgBox "Invalid Input", vbExclamation, "Invalid"

    End Sub

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    Private Sub chk_prime_Click()

    ' If bm.biginteger_IsProbablePrime_RM(txt_prime.Text) = True Then

    ' ans_prime.Caption = "Prime"

    ' Else

    ' ans_prime.Caption = "NotPrime"

    ' End If

    BigInteger_Methods1.Visible = True

    ans_prime.Caption = ""

    If BigInteger_Methods1.BigInteger_IsProbablePrime_RM(txt_prime.Text) = True Then

    ans_prime.Caption = "Prime"


    ans_prime.Caption = "NotPrime"End If

    BigInteger_Methods1.Visible = False

    End Sub

    Private Sub cmd_clear_Click()

    txt_prime.Text = ""

    End Sub

    Private Sub g_prime_Click()


    Dim ob As Object, cn As Integer

    'MsgBox Me.Controls.Count

    For cn = 0 To Me.Controls.Count - 1

    Set ob = Me.Controls(cn)

    If TypeOf ob Is CommandButton Then

    ob.Enabled = False

    End If

    Next cn

    While ans_prime.Caption "Prime"

    txt_prime.Text = bm.BigInteger_Add(Trim(txt_prime.Text), "1")


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    For cn = 0 To Me.Controls.Count - 1

    Set ob = Me.Controls(cn)

    If TypeOf ob Is CommandButton Then

    ob.Enabled = True

    End If

    Next cn

    End Sub

    Private Sub g_rnd_Click()

    Dim inp As String

    If opt_bit.Value = True Then

    inp = Trim(InputBox("Enter the No. of Bits: ", "Input"))

    If BigInteger_Methods1.chk_valid(Trim(inp)) = True Then

    txt_prime.Text = BigInteger_Methods1.BigInteger_Random_ByBit(inp)


    ' MsgBox "Invalid Input", vbInformation, "Invalid"

    End If

    ElseIf opt_len.Value = True Then

    inp = Trim(InputBox("Enter the Length: ", "Input"))

    If BigInteger_Methods1.chk_valid(Trim(inp)) = True Then

    txt_prime.Text = BigInteger_Methods1.BigInteger_Random_ByLength(Int(inp))


    ' MsgBox "Invalid Input", vbInformation, "Invalid"

    End If

    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub mnu_point_Click()

    Dim fs As New FileSystemObject

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    On Error GoTo lab


    If cmd1.FileName "" Then

    fs.CopyFile App.Path + "\base.txt", Left(cmd1.FileName, Len(cmd1.FileName) - 4) & "_BasePnt.txt"

    MsgBox "File saved successfully", vbInformation, "Save"

    End If

    Exit Sub


    MsgBox "File copy error", vbExclamation, "Failed"