elisha goodman’s program resource center golden journey

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Elisha Goodman’s

Program Resource Center

Golden Journey 2013



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Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over

all devils, and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and

to heal the sick. – Luke 9:1-2

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The Eagles And

The Beautiful Gate

The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us

in your name!” And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.

Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all

the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. – Luke 10:17-19

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From: Elisha Goodman Monday 1:45 AM

Calvary greetings …

I’d like to appreciate your effort during the just-concluded Golden Journey Level

4 Primer.

You are reading this because you were able to send in your 1-page assignment

after the program.

Before I give you some feedback regarding the next steps, I do have 2 quick things

to share with you:

#1: Feedback on your assignment

#2: Your Beautiful Gate

But first let’s open this session with prayer.

Please bow down your head, close your eyes and take these 2 prayers with fire in

your spirit.

- Any power buying or selling at the gate of my life, I set you on fire, burn to

ashes now in the name of Jesus.

- (Please lay your right hand on your head as you pray this one) Any

ungodly material, deposit and plantation in my body, melt by the fire of

God and be flushed out by the blood of Jesus.

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#1: Feedback On Your Assignment

Congratulations on your 1-page summary of Acts of the Apostles.

Most of you had very interesting things to say in your report. I deliberately asked

for one page because I wanted you to develop one crucial skill – to help you

condense your thoughts, weed out unnecessary details and only hit on the most

salient points.

I was looking to see if you’d be able to identify the overarching theme of Acts of

the Apostles. Please consider yourself successful if your summary in any way gave

prominence to the central role that the Holy Spirit played in the first century


When I read your papers it was clear to me that most of us are very familiar with

the book.

And that is a wonderful thing!

But that brings up a disturbing question.

What Good Is It To Know

The Acts of the Apostles Without Living It Out?

Do you realize that the LORD has equipped us to go beyond the level of the 1st

century Apostles and disciples?

After studying the Acts of the Apostles, chapter and verse, it is now time to settle

this matter within ourselves:

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Either we in our generation are ready to be used of the LORD to move His Divine

Agenda forward or we’re not.

Whether you realized it or not, the Level 4 program you just started is meant to

prepare you to fulfil your calling and ministry in the Body of Christ.

We have only just begun.

#2: The Case Study -

Your Beautiful Gate

From this moment, you are required to put into practice ALL that you have learned

since the Holy Spirit brought you to Firesprings websites.

Make no mistake. You are now trained to replicate what the Apostles did in Acts

of the Apostles.

There is an eligibility requirement before anyone can proceed to Level 4 Proper,

which is scheduled to take place 6 months from now.

Between now and then each participant is required to go out into their community

to mentor / minister to at least 2 people consistently until there is tangible PROOF

of your ministrations.

An undeniable truth stares us in the face.

Many believers today urgently need to be mentored step by step so they too can

arise and affect this generation for Christ.

Please do NOT make the mistake of thinking that because there is an over-

abundance of churches, Christian materials, teachings, etc. that every believer can

successfully walk the walk of faith, if they choose to.

See this sad case that I received a few days ago:

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The Thought Did Not Come To My Mind

“A copy of your Prayer-Book was given to me by our pastor’s wife and

at the same time I had it on my PC.

On the 2nd day of March, my husband got sick and he passed

on in the early morning of the 4th day of March, 2013. When my

husband was sick the thought of the Prayer Book did not come

to my mind, until and after a few days my husband was laid to rest

then I remembered that I had the Prayer Book in my bag which I

always carry with me whenever I go to the village for the weekend, but

unfortunately on that weekend I did not carry my prayer book with


Coupled with all sorts of thoughts and as to why I did not take the

book with me on that particular weekend, I seek your prayers if I could

be released from the thought as if I blame myself for the passing on

of my husband.”

- Mere D, Fiji Island

Now contrast that with this next one:

I Remembered The Prayer On Sudden Sickness

Last week end when I came back from Church I found my 80year

old mother fallen in the toilet .My first impression was maybe she

has a fracture so I lifted her up to her bedroom and prepared her for

a bath. When my daughter brought her water to take a bath she was

found semi conscious. When I checked her BP it was very high and

had a temperature.

I quickly called a neighbour to bring her to the hospital ,when we

reached the hospital she started convulsing violently. She was given

malaria treatment, and valium to stop convulsing but the convulsions

continued for the next 2-3 hour.

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I started crying thinking this is the end of her but I remembered

the communication with Elisha on sudden sickness in the home that

we need to pray. I stopped my crying and started the prayer of

'Great Physician, by the power you are known to be God arise and

uproot any convulsions, hypertension and malaria in my mother in

Jesus name.’ I fired these bullets for over 3 hours.

By 4 pm she stopped convulsing. By 8pm she was semi-conscious

and was able to drink. The next morning we could communicate with

her though her memory was lost she did not know that she was in

hospital. She could not know her children and people around her. By

Tuesday she was fully conscious and got discharged. By human

nature it was not possible to come out of the hospital the way she

was but we praise God for He is the Great physician.

- Sister Rose

What made the difference?

Like the story of the 10 virgins…

One group knew what to do. The other did not.

To one, the prayer book was just one more ornament in her handbag.

It was in her handbag but not in her heart. Little wonder that it was far from her

thoughts when disaster struck.

To the other, the prayer was imprinted in her DNA. So she could recall it as and

when needed.

One operated under the power of the Holy Spirit. The other did not.

So what do I mean by mentoring?

Let me share a couple of real-life examples here:

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Real Life Example #1

For some time now I have this client who at 99 yrs every other week

had been having minor heart attacks. She was an atheist when I began

serving her and for the past 3yrs I have talked to her about God and

His love for her. At times she would spit on me or shout ‘oh be quiet

about this God of yours’. I would pray to God for her life that she would

accept Him as her Lord and savior. After a year she accepted the Lord.

She is now 101yrs heading for 102 on 8/02/2013.

She is currently back in the US. Her daughter called to inform me that

it has been 5 days since her mother stopped eating or acknowledging

anyone. I was sad. I left my business. I put a prayer bullet in the

atmosphere saying God you who are known for your great power to

heal and restore locate the spirit of Virginia and let her live.

As I reminded God she had turned from being an atheist to saying God

I love you and accept you. I got back to the salon while sitting at my

desk her picture fell down so I got concerned. I called the daughter and

asked how she was doing.

She was in a state of shock. She said the nurse is actually feeding her

mother. This was about 30 minutes between the first call and I was

praying the bullet missile- style. She wanted to eat again. To God be

the glory. I will not give up or sell out. I’m an overcomer in Jesus

name. Thanks again for this fortifier prayer.

- Marie- Antoinette

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I want you to notice one thing:

The persistence. The follow up.

This eagle is still following up on this old woman that the LORD has snatched

from the jaws of hell through her last-mile ministration.

She truly made Heaven to rejoice.

To think that the old woman spent a hundred years serving the devil only to be

snatched out of his hands at the last minute…

… all because of the painstaking and sensitive ministration of this woman of God.

Imagine that.

Real Life Example #2

This next one is a personal example.

16 years ago, I ran into a Christian brother with very stubborn and complicated

problems. The Holy Spirit brought him my way specifically for me to minister to

him, though I did not know it at the time. I felt helpless. I had never seen anyone

with such a load of problems before.

I first tried to pass him off to ministers that I felt were “anointed” enough to

handle his case.

None of them could help him.

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I was stuck with him. When I realized that no one else would help him, I

reluctantly decided to take him on myself. Maybe it is more proper to say I was

forced to take on his case, as the Spirit of God laid this huge burden on my heart.

Note that this was years before Firesprings Ministries started so I had very limited

experience with issues like this.

The Holy Spirit was and still is a great teacher. He kept nudging me to take the

first step. So I called this brother and told him that together we were going on a

fasting-prayer journey to deal decisively with his stubborn situation.

He was quite happy to agree.

As we started he thought we were going to do this for a few days and then wait for

manna to fall from heaven. Little did he know he’d just signed up for an indefinite

program, one that was not going to end until we had tangible breakthroughs to

show for it.

By the way, the nucleus of the Prayer Academy Lessons was developed during

this excruciating process.

In the trenches.

At the frontlines of spiritual conflict and confrontation.

By the time we began to taste and see tangible breakthroughs, we had prayed and

fasted for 170 intense days non-stop. Mercifully the LORD gave us permission to

go on partial fasts for most of those days, but on the condition that we stretch the

program for 30 more days.

200 consecutive days of aggressive prayers… and this man was ready for prime


What happened?

His long-time enemies were thoroughly disgraced. Many of them surrendered

openly and threw in the towel. Most of the stubborn ones expired within that

period. The prayers left their strongholds in total disarray and confusion.

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A surprising thing began to happen in his family too. His siblings who had

stagnated for years began to receive divine blessings as well. Doors opened for

those who were seeking for jobs. Business opportunities showed up for those in


Strongholds of marital destruction in his family were shattered and marriages

began to receive restoration in the months after our prayer journey.

Praise the LORD.

During the program, we learnt some devastating prayer secrets from the Master

Himself that we may not have known any other way.

Today this same brother is an international prophet ministering to a congregation

of 10,000 people every week.

His ministry is full of signs and wonders.

One day the devil made the mistake of trying to kill one of his top aides at a prayer

conference high up in the mountains in a particular country he visited.

It would have taken at least 2 hours for an ambulance to get to this out-of-the-way


While everyone panicked and freaked out, he walked over calmly to the almost-

dead man, anointed the man’s navel and forehead, and then released a singular

prayer point.

Just one devastating prayer bullet. Nothing more.

Thirty minutes later…

Those who stood by watched in total shock as the man who was almost paralyzed

and dead, literally snatched from the jaws of death, started jumping about and

praising the Lord.

After this no one needed any more convincing that what the man of God was

teaching about prayer was divinely ordained. You should have seen the way they

prayed after that.

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Remember the 200 days of prayer and fasting we did together many years ago?

At the time we did it, we were just looking for a way out of his problems. But God

had a different agenda. It was those same problems that the LORD used to teach

his hands to war and his fingers to fight.

And we are all seeing the fruit in the man’s ministry today.

I think you should close your eyes now and take this prayer with holy violence:

“My problems shall become my promotion in the mighty name of Jesus”

After a while I began to wonder whether we could have achieved the same results

in a shorter space of time.

Because it is quite difficult to sustain the prayer momentum in the face of

discouragement and strong opposition.

Many days we did not feel the presence of the LORD at all. It was as if our

heavens had turned to brass. But we soldiered on anyway.

Surprising thing was: on the days I would feel down, he would be bubbling with

Holy Ghost energy and enthusiasm. On his down days, I would be the opposite.

It was then we understood why the Lord sent His disciples out in twos.

After many years I asked the LORD if we could have achieved the same results in

a much shorter time.

He said: YES.

But with one caveat.

He taught me that if you achieve some results TOO SOON, especially in the area

of your calling, it could rob you of a great opportunity to access the 7 levels of

spiritual growth (most believers today are still stuck on the 1st level).

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And HE showed me an amazing revelation that I’ve not heard anyone talk about.

Something that Jesus clearly demonstrated in the Scripture.

It has to do with how His blessings are all around us at all times and how we can

enter into those blessings every single day provided we do not have eyes of


I still don’t have the right words to share it at this time so I will keep it for now.

Suffice it to say that, after that revelation, I really do NOT have to spend much

time asking HIM to bless me anymore.

There is a secret that unlocks blessings and I hope to share it one day when I find

the right words. This is because I do NOT want to be misunderstood.

Why am I sharing all this?

Because I want to make it abundantly clear that you stand to gain beyond your

imagination if you should go out to make disciples for the LORD… with the right


If you go out there with the secret agenda of manipulating people or making

money you will certainly come to grief.

You will find that millions have left the church because some minister or another

tried to manipulate them using the Bible and the name of God.

Please do NOT join their ranks.

If you go forth with a pure motive as you are led by the Spirit of God, the LORD

will decorate your ministry with signs and wonders.

Maybe I should tell you that it was my experience ministering to that brother when

he was down and out, without expecting anything in return, that eventually opened

the door for me to set up the Firesprings websites…

… after trying to run away from my calling for years and years.

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Real Eagles Soar And…

Demonstrate Not Only The Power

But Also The Love Of God

The Bible says:

Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead

many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. – Daniel 12:3

You cannot be a true prayer eagle without helping to solve real tangible problems

for others by the power of the Holy Spirit.

That’s why He says:

“For I was an hungered, and you gave me meat: I was thirsty, and you gave me

drink: I was a stranger, and you took me in: 36Naked, and you clothed me: I was

sick, and you visited me: I was in prison, and you came to me. 37Then shall the

righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we you an hungered, and fed you? or

thirsty, and gave you drink? 38When saw we you a stranger, and took you in? or

naked, and clothed you? 39Or when saw we you sick, or in prison, and came to you?

40And the King shall answer and say to them, Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you

have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me.”

- Matt 25: 35 - 40

Eagles minister to both physical and spiritual needs.

The meaning of verse 36 above may not have been fully captured in the English

translations we read today. In the original text the phrase ‘naked and you clothed

me’ refers to covering with a prayer shawl, an outer garment that was common in

those days. Covering with a prayer shawl means to minister to the spiritual needs

of the person.

So in addition to giving them physical things, you also minister to their spiritual


True eagles bring heaven’s solutions to earth’s problems.

True eagles are the hands and feet of Jesus today.

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Acts 10:38 tells us:

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. He went

about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with


Do you want to be a true eagle of the Lord?

You need to rewrite that verse to read like this:

How God anointed _____________ (your name here) with the Holy Spirit and with

power. S/he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil,

for God was with him/her.

This is what the Case Study is all about.

6 months from now you will be required to submit 2 case studies.

The case studies should be one page long in each case. You should describe how

you fulfilled Acts 10:38 in a clear and verifiable way.

I have given you a sketch from my personal experience (with the names and places

taken out for obvious reasons). But t should give you some idea about what I’m

looking for.

As you can see this assignment goes beyond praying only for yourself and your

loved ones.

To be effective at this task, you need to ask the Holy Spirit to help you select your

targets (Note: None of them should be members of your own immediate family).

The next step is to pray and discern the root of the problem in the lives of these


In order words, this is a great opportunity for you, as an eagle, to learn how to

“hear” and “see” clearly in the spirit. That is one part.

The other part is that you will need to summon the COURAGE to swing into

action… like in the case with this brother so many years ago.

Let me share a secret with you:

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Once you can see and hear clearly in the spirit, you will scare the living daylights

out of the devil and all his cohorts.

I should also add this too:

The quickest way to receive that gift (the one that the devil and his agents are

deathly afraid of) is to go out and minister to those in need of salvation, healing

and deliverance with a heart full of compassion and love.

No hidden agenda please!

Note that this is only for those who want to participate in the Golden Journey

Level 4 Proper. You can skip it if you are satisfied with your present level


A few months down the road you will receive a gentle reminder about the case

studies. Then one month to the Level 4 program, you will receive the final notice

to turn in your case studies.

Only those who submit their case studies will receive an invitation to participate in

the program. The rest will not even hear about it.

Now that you know the Acts of the Apostles like the back of your hand, it is time to

go out and live it as well.

Holy Spirit is waiting …

Be An Overcomer And A Catalyst
