elizabeth mcnulty head of incidents branch food standards agency

Elizabeth McNulty Head of Incidents Branch Food Standards Agency

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Post on 14-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Elizabeth McNulty Head of Incidents Branch Food Standards Agency

Elizabeth McNultyHead of Incidents BranchFood Standards Agency

Page 2: Elizabeth McNulty Head of Incidents Branch Food Standards Agency

How the RASFF System is Implemented in the UK

Explanation of Internal Procedures

Page 3: Elizabeth McNulty Head of Incidents Branch Food Standards Agency

The role of the FSA:

To ensure that consumers’ interests with regard to food safety and standards are


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First contact point for reported incidents 24/7 response capability Team leader: Designated UK national RASFF contact point Team Members: Authorised RASFF contact points Authorisation of RASFF notification submitted through TRACES relating to POAO

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To investigate all reported incidents and ensure appropriate action is taken.

Maintains official audit trail using dedicated Incidents Database.

Custodians of incident procedures -Incident Response Protocol, Incident Reviews

Training & Exercises

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All RASFF information comes directly to the NCP/CPs in the Incident Response Branch

The exception; Border Rejection Notifications -sent directly to authorised BIP contacts.

All information flow is controlled by the NCP/CPS

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Divided into Counties

Further divided into Local Authorities.

465 Local Authorities in UK

Responsible for enforcing food law.

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NCP/CPs contact enforcement authority responsible for FBO named in RASFF

NCP/CPs forwards all the relevant information from the RASFF notification

NPC/CPc requests specific information/actions from the enforcement authorities

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Enforcement officers pass requested information back to NCP/CPs

NCP/CPs complete RASFF template

Draft passed to Policy lead for check

Draft cleared by NCP/CPs and sent to EC

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BIPs routinely sample incoming food/feed consignments originating from outside EU to ensure compliance with legislation

Adverse results are notified to Incidents Branch via draft RASFF notification

Draft passed to Policy Lead

Draft cleared by NCP/CPs and sent to EC

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Thank you for your attention

Liz McNultyHead of Incident Response

Food Standards [email protected]