embrace autumn 2012

AUTUMN 2012 EMBRACE around e lakes life 1795 Acorn Inn this bed and breakfast offers simple elegance and chic charm Wellness flows at the Springs Integrative Medicine and Spa Center Granger Homestead A long and proud history

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Page 1: Embrace Autumn 2012


EMBRACE around the lakeslife1795 Acorn Innthis bed and breakfast offers simple elegance and chic charm

Wellness flowsat the Springs Integrative Medicine and Spa Center

Granger HomesteadA long and proud history

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embrace simple elegance 3

Stories of the past about this historic property, possibly a Federal Stagecoach Inn in its early days, have carried through generations. Now the 1795 Acorn Inn delights guests with its upscale and comfortable setting, hospitality, and recognition as the only bed and breakfast in the state of New York to be recognized with the AAA Four Diamond Award for 16 consecutive years. “The history is interesting and full of fl are. It was an inn and tavern, carriage and wagon shop, blacksmith shop, even a dance hall,” says Sheryl Mordini, owner. “Bed and breakfasts are all unique. But my point of diff erentiation are the diamonds, they are quite an accomplishment.” Accomplishments seem to come naturally for Mordini, whose path to the 1795 Acorn Inn has been interesting. Born in Southern California and raised in Hong Kong, Mordini returned to California to fi nish college and worked in automotive marketing and advertising in Los Angeles. After two decades of eminent success, she decided to “shake it up,” she says, and do something diff erent. “It was sort of my next step in my life,” Mordini says. “My expertise was marketing to the affl uent via the Lexus brand and when this four diamond inn came up for sale it seemed like the perfect fi t for me.” After careful refl ection and growing up with a German mother who, according to Mordini, taught her to serve through cooking, cleaning, and creating a home, her vision shifted to the bed and breakfast industry, a passion she wanted to pursue. Open to living anywhere, Mordini looked at inns all over the United States before purchasing the 1795 Acorn Inn and settling in the Finger Lakes. “I am going into my ninth year now, I was proud to own it then and I’m even more proud to own it now,” says Mordini. “I’ve poured my heart and soul into this old house and I feel like it’s exactly where I’m supposed to be.” But this beautifully restored house isn’t what guests would fi nd as traditionally old. Antiquities and modern conveniences bring the past and present together in this historical structure.

Each of the fi ve guest rooms contains private baths, many rooms have working fi replaces, individually controlled thermostats and other amenities, from exquisite furniture to heated mattress pads, soothing bath products, and Egyptian-cotton towels to cozy reading nooks, cable and Internet. The Barn Suite, renovated into a full suite complete with kitchen, large bedroom and fi replace is located in the 100-year-old barn for guests who prefer a more private retreat.

A year-round Jacuzzi sits secluded in the tranquil gardens, whether spring is blooming or soft snow is falling, the inn’s private setting allows intimate solitude with the backdrop of the beautiful Finger Lakes region. “The inn to me has always been comforting and magical almost,” says Amanda Stresing, Bristol, fi ve year employee at the inn. “On my fi rst day of work Sheryl showed me the diff erent rooms of the house and I just remember thinking it was one of the nicest places I had ever seen. There is something special about every, single room you walk into. Each room is decorated diff erently with its own unique style and color scheme. I just love every aspect of it.”The hospitality at the 1795 Acorn Inn speaks for itself. Gourmet candlelight breakfasts lure guests from their luxurious rooms to the

elegant dining room where guests dine together on simple but decadent meal creations from recipes Mordini has gathered from time spent abroad, immigrant parents, cooking classes, and local bounty. “Part of the experience is not only the homey feel or the food, but meeting other people,” says Mordini. “Friendships are formed here and the stories are endless. All you have to do is talk to people and you fi nd out there is something in common somewhere.”

Extremely shy as a child, Mordini says it took her until she was an adult to feel very comfortable with new people, and loves the opportunity to socialize that comes through running an inn. “I love spending time and talking with people, especially at breakfast when I can have a cup of coff ee with them while they eat and chat,” says Mordini. “The majority of my guests are absolutely wonderful. Some come and go, but some come and touch my heart. Everybody leaves with a hug.”Continued on Page 18...

Th e simple elegance, chic charm and luxurious comfort of this distinctive bed and breakfast in Canandaigua will invite you in, and the history of the 1795 Acorn Inn will captivate you.

1795 acorn innelite, awarded Canandaigua bed and breakfast off ers luxury and historyBy DeBorah Blackwell | Messenger Post MeDia

4508 Route 64 South • Bristol Center • Canandaigua • 585-229-2834 • www.acorninnbb.com

“As always, a verycomfo� a� e and

welcome place to stay. Every detail

is a� reciated. Great area to

explo� —but it � els like you’� home � en you come

back to � e Inn.” —Suzanne & Don Arnts,

New York

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embrace artistry in wood 5

The G. Jones Furniture Company is a full-service shop specializing in handcrafted custom wood furniture, millwork, moldings, cabinets, cases, and shelving for any room. Jones’ mission is to invariably exceed expectations of both the customer and even himself. “When customers come in and explain what they would like to do, I work with them as long as it takes to find the style and design,” says Jones. “If I don’t know how to do it, I will figure out how to do it.”

Figuring out how to create a piece from scratch, or from an idea or concept is part of the love of the project for Jones, who originally graduated from college with a business degree but moved into construction and eventually woodworking for his passion of the craft. “I love the hands-on, at the end of the day you have something to show for it,” says Jones. “It’s also physical, getting something physically done feels good.”

Feeling is believing, and customers can come meet with Jones in his shop and retail showroom located on South Main Street in Canandaigua. They can see his work and actually touch and try the pieces. He also carries special, fine accessories including Mica Lamps, turn-of-the-century lighting made of solid copper, and Timeworks clocks made of hand-antiqued solid brass, aged steel and crystal.

His utilitarian approach with both accessories and his woodwork revolves around not just the beauty of his pieces, but their functionality. Whether it is an heirloom chair, casework or shelving, or a full custom kitchen, Jones delivers. “Gordy Jones is a fine art craftsman using wood as his medium of expression,” says Lillian

Ford, Canandaigua. “His meticulous nature lends to an impeccable fit and finish that are hallmarks of his work.”

The average time to complete a project can take days to months, depending on the item. Jones and his associate Rob Stone use mostly local products when building the furniture and cabinetry. Jones, a native of Fairport, moved to the Canandaigua after college for his love of the area. While most of his work is local, he has travelled to other states to do custom work. “We have a lot of repeat customers and some have moved from here to a different area and wanted us to do work in their new home for them,” says Jones.

Jones and Stone will take on just about any woodworking project, inviting customers to challenge them with design ideas. For both, each project is different and they enjoy watching it evolve. “The process is great, but the final installation when everything comes together, is really fulfilling,” says Jones. “Hopefully we exceed the customer’s expectations, and it’s so nice to see it when it’s done.”

When he opened G. Jones Furniture in 1998 building furniture on spec, he said he took a chance that starting a business would be sucessful. Now, 15 years later he could not be more proud of his signature work that he hopes will be enjoyed every day by his customers. “In this day and age wherein factory production is the norm, his work stands far and above,” says Ford. “When you commission a Gordy Jones piece you relax knowing it will be passed down in your family for generations.”

g. jones furniture

Gordon Jones has turned his lifelong love of woodworking into creating exceptional collections of cabinetry and furniture that not only stand apart, but will also last for generations to come.

By DeBorah Blackwell | Messenger Post MeDia

217 South Main Street • Canandaigua • 585-396-9940 • www.gjonesfurniture.com

locally handcrafted, heirloom woodworking, far from factory replicas

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embrace body, mind and spirit 7

Known as integrative medicine, Dr. Foster combined the best of Western medicine practices with other therapies including natural medicine, hydrotherapy, and homeopathy to treat a wide variety of conditions at his clinic, as well as off er a place for relaxation and rejuvenation. What today may be referred to as spa-treatments are part of a larger concept of healing at Clifton Springs Hospital & Clinic.

“Since we are whole people we need whole medicine, a piece of it won’t necessarily do it,” says Les Moore, ND (Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine,) director of Integrative Medicine at Clifton Springs Hospital and The Springs Integrative Medicine Center & Spa. “Everyone has multiple things that aren’t working and we use specifi c therapies to essentially pick up the broken pieces of a patient’s life and put them back together.”

According to Dr. Moore, people have come from all over to experience the philosophy of holistic medical management. All the components of a person’s well being—health, self care and all aspects of lifestyle and environment, promoting education and personal responsibility are part of the practice of healing here. The use of conventional medicine including drugs, medical technology, and surgery to treat illness, disease, and health conditions are also an integrated part of care. Hospital inpatients are able to utilize a holistic treatments such as massage or guided meditation to compliment their recovery, part of the hospital’s unique concept of whole-health care.

According to Moore, Clifton Springs Hospital has always been a leader and was the fi rst hospital to off er occupational therapy, pastoral and spiritual care, orthopedics, X-ray, and many other separate departments combined into a facility that embraces integrative medicine. The hospital also teaches the concept of preemptive care and overall wellness through education and programs including weight loss classes, a diabetes education center, family practices, and other services to promote a higher quality of life.

The Springs Integrative Medicine and Spa Center at Clifton Springs Hospital is one of the most prominent integrative medicine programs in the country. Off ering

a variety of holistic disciplines, therapies include naturopathic, Oriental medicine, massage, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, chiropractic medicine, and treatments which, according to Moore, are less toxic, more natural, and non-invasive. The specially-trained staff will work closely with each patient’s other treatment providers to integrate care and optimize healing.

Moore says the bulk of patients seen at The Springs have chronic disease that has not responded well to conventional therapy, and he tries to fi nd the root cause. He uses various healing modalities to treat each patient’s individual needs, including natural remedies. Classical Formulas, the herbal pharmacy on site at the hospital, provides high quality remedies including herbal preparations, homeopathic, and nutritional supplements. Continued on next page...

For over 150 years, Clift on Springs Hospital & Clinic has been using the local mineral springs to help heal what ails patients, in body, mind and spirit. Th is renowned “water-cure hospital”

was opened in 1850 by Dr. Henry Foster, who was a physician well ahead of his time. While the common practice maintained focus on treating the symptoms of illness, Dr. Foster

believed that nurturing the spirit as well as the body, was the key to promoting health and wellness.

at the clifton springs hospital & clinic and the springs integrative medicine & spa centerwellness fl ows

By DeBorah Blackwell | Messenger Post MeDia

2 Coulter Road, Clifton Springs • 315-462-1350 • www.cshosp.com • www.thespringsofclifton.com

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“I’m amazed at who comes to the herbal medicinary and the people I encounter in the hallway,” says Ethan Fogg, Director of Community Relations, Clifton Springs Hospital & Clinic. “Many familiar faces and public fi gures come here for consultation with Dr. Moore and follow up through the medicinary for chronic conditions, skin, digestive conditions and so on. They may have been unsatisfi ed with Western traditional treatment or are inclined to go with the more organic herbal treatment. The balance that we are able to off er is that we have the traditional pharmacy right across the hall from the herbal medicinary.”

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health recognizes integrative medicine’s whole-person approach to healing, although its use is still only practiced in small pockets throughout the United States. Clifton Springs Hospital & Clinic has used this blueprint from the start. “The idea of focused care on each individual with unwavering belief in the mind, body, and spirit connection, began with Dr. Foster and the mineral springs,” says Fogg. “We work to the best of our ability to honor those beliefs.”

He explains that healing power comes through many sources—the mineral springs, the power of touch, the spirituality component and the power to prevail during treatments with a willingness to trust. The hospital even has a harpist who plays in the operating room suite weekly, and according to Fogg, the soothing sound is ambient throughout parts of the hospital.

“You are in our home when you are here,” says Fogg. “Leading consumer magazines have reported we have one of the highest customer satisfaction rates nationwide, with the work we do through our integrative medicine eff orts. Recovery is easier when you’re well. Let’s think about wellness fi rst.”

Healthcare that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit with the goal of promoting wellness and health

The Springs is a unique program providing alternative and complementary therapies, including the historic mineral baths, on site with conventional Western medicine. What is considered alternative medicine to Westerners has been around for a long time, some therapies for thousands of years. Many of these alternatives are making their way into mainstream medicine, and are becoming more accepted as treatment options and supported by conventional medical doctors. These eff ective therapies can help with pain management, heal illness, assist rehabilitation, promote relaxation, manage chronic disease, and address most aspects of well being.

The ambiance at The Springs lacks the clinical feel of the hospital or doctor’s offi ces. A renovated wing of the hospital, The Springs clinic is a quiet and peaceful retreat. The waiting area off ers a serene and subtle welcome. Earth-tones and soft music, aromatherapy, crystal wind chimes and natural spa products all contribute to the soothing, healing atmosphere. Treatment rooms are similar and look and feel even more like home with wooden tables, chairs, bookcases, mineral spa bath tubs, private bathrooms, and long windows which look out on gardens and let in plenty of light.

The Springs serves as an educational resource as well as a unique center for treatment and is the focal point for integrative medicine eff orts at Clifton Springs Hospital & Clinic. Balance of mind, body, and spirit can be achieved through various combinations of integrative medicine, including some of the following:

naturopathic medicine combines modern science with natural therapeutics, blending all aspects of care, including prevention, diet and nutrition, herbal and botanical medicine, counseling and lifestyle remedies to promote optimal health.

Classical Chinese medicine is a comprehensive medical system that is achieves to bring the body and the spirit into balance with a greater life force. Herbal medicine, exercise therapeutics, physical body work and dietary therapeutics are utilized.

acupuncture is a science of Chinese medicine practiced for more than 2,500 years. This minimally invasive, relatively painless procedure (a thin, disposable needle is inserted into the top layers of skin) is considered an “eff ective, gentle therapy,” and has the benefi ts of relieving pain, decreasing the side eff ects of disease and medications, and reducing stress.

ayurveda (pronounced i-yer-vay-dah) has been practiced for 5,000 years in traditional Indian and Tibetan medicine. This holistic system utilizes herbal, dietary, and exercise therapies including massage, to essentially bring mind, body, and spirit into alignment.

Chiropractic care focuses on the relationship of the musculoskeletal structure and the the nervous system and their eff ect on general health.

Herbal medicine, part of medicine for centuries, utilizes nature’s plants, herbs, fl owers and roots to help restore health. Herbal medicine is all natural, there are no chemical additives and few side eff ects.

Homeopathy uses small doses of natural substances to treat both emotional and physical issues. Its premise, “like cures like,” is that minute amounts of what may cause the symptom may actually cure it.

Hypnotherapy combines psychotherapy and hypnosis—an induced state of calm and relaxed deep consciousness, and can off er relief for many ailments, addictions, life transitions, stress, trauma, and more.

massage therapy is a hands-on therapy that off ers relief from pain, improved range of motion, stress relief, provides a general sense of well-being, and may improve immune function.

mineral springs therapy involves soaking in mineral-rich water to help absorb nutrients, and remove toxins. This soothing, systemic treatment helps many conditions including respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal, and metabolic issues, and off ers muscle relaxation.

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embrace comfort and style 9

it’s a jeepit’s not a car—

There’s only one Jeep—so the slogan goes—and for Jeep enthusiasts around the world, there is no other. That enthusiasm holds true for Jeep-brand drivers and dealers, a unique breed who believe in the vehicle for all it is able to do. “I think the off-road heritage of Jeep appeals to people that value their independence and enjoy the outdoors,” says Scott Kesel, vice president, Canandaigua Chrysler Dodge Jeep. “Even if you never take your Jeep off-road, Jeep owners enjoy the comfort and convenience from knowing they could if they wanted to.”

Jeeps are made to be tough. Established in the 1940’s as a military vehicle to survive rugged terrain, it became heroic to soldiers and eventually civilians for its 4x4 capabilities. Throughout the years the brand evolved, meeting not just the needs of battle, but also recreation. Eventually Jeep emerged into the luxury marketplace, matching affordability with comfort and style while still offering the practical aspects of rough and tough capabilities. “A vehicle that is designed to be trail rated will be built to take more than most people will expect,” says Kesel. “This provides confidence and dependability.”

The “go anywhere, do anything” philosophy created by Jeep has been recognized throughout the world and the car-buyer market embraced it. “I’m an import girl. My job was Lexus and the thought of me in a Jeep, well, I had qualms about it,” says Sheryl Mordini, Canandaigua, owner of the 1795 Acorn Inn. “But it is a pleasure to drive. I thought it would be more of a rugged vehicle, I never realized how luxurious and comfortable it was on the inside. It seems like an oxymoron.”

Mordini looked at Jeeps as they are one of the only vehicles that could carry the snow blade she needs to plow the snow at her inn. “I felt weird putting the plow blade on somewhat of a luxury vehicle, but I can take the blade on and off myself. I love my Jeep,” she says.

Kesel finds the myth about the gender stereotype interesting when it comes to Jeeps. “Some might expect that rugged, off-road Jeeps would be exclusively a guy thing, but it’s not so,” he says. “The most iconic of Jeeps is the Wrangler and we sell six out of 10 Wranglers to women.”

It is also fair to say that age doesn’t matter when it comes to owning a Jeep. Jane Williamson, 72, is a former resident of Maine who continues to enjoy the overall driving experience of a Jeep now in Upstate New York. “I have owned several of the models—Grand Cherokee, Cherokee Sport, and Liberty Sport—and they have all had their wonderful benefits, especially in inclement weather, ” says Williamson, Canandaigua. “I am hoping, now at 72

The best of rugged and luxurious on and off road!By DeBorah Blackwell | Messenger Post MeDia

years of age, I will never have to drive any other make of car other than a Jeep for the rest of my life.”

It is not only a lifetime vehicle, but for the last decade has become a popular global vehicle according to Kesel, who has owned many Jeeps himself.

“I have been lucky enough to have had several over the years and they all have their unique character,” says Kesel. “Jeeps today are much more civilized. They ride more comfortably, are quieter inside, get better fuel economy, all while retaining what makes a Jeep a Jeep.”

What does make a Jeep, a Jeep? According to Kesel it is the off-road capability which is the hallmark of the Jeep brand. Color choice by his customers is another interesting factor for Kesel and his dealership staff.

“The most bold and unique colors in the entire Chrysler family are found on Jeeps,” he says. “Crush orange, gecko green, and surf blue are only found on Wranglers and they all look great. Those colors on a Chrysler 300 would be a disaster!”

Scott Kesel and his staff know Chryslers. Canandaigua Chrysler Dodge Jeep has been a family organization for over 50 years. His father, Harry Kesel, went to work as a salesman at the dealership the year Scott was born. Kesel began selling with his father in 1977 and they bought the dealership together when it became available in 1989. His brother Jeff Kesel is currently the used car manager. According to Kesel, his father, the president of the dealership, still works every week servicing customers he has had for generations.

There are plenty of favorite “Jeep moments” for the duo, but one in particular stands out, as he describes.

“A couple of years ago a woman came to us to buy a Jeep Wrangler. She and her young children had been through the horror of having lost her husband to a lengthy illness. A Continued on next page...

2591 Rochester Road • Canandaigua • 585-394-3440 • www.canandaiguachryslerdodgejeep.com

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embrace life around the lakes • sePtember 2012 • Page 10few months had passed and now she wanted to take her children on a great vacation to the ocean and wanted to be able to drive through the sand dunes to the beach. She saw her Jeep as a way for her and her children to get through the healing process. When we received a photo of that family with the top folded down, on the beach and all of them with big smiles, it was a special moment. For us to be part of making that possible was very rewarding.”

A Jeep is not just a car, but an experience. Jeep calls that “freedom, capability, and adventure.”

“People that buy Jeeps are genuinely excited about owning them and what they will be able to do with them. They see them as a way to enhance their leisure time and a more exciting way to get from point A to point B,” says Kesel. “I love the fact that Jeeps are simply lifestyle products.”

1940’s: Jeep 4x4 emerged as a hero for both military and civilians around the world, and established itself as a brand leader in 4x4 technology.

1950’s: This decade saw the rise of the recreation vehicle and people embraced the Jeep brand and its capability. Seven unique vehicles were offered.

1960’s: The Jeep product-line grew to 14 models for work, play, recreation, and even luxury.

1970’s: Sales jumped to an all-time high with the revolution of the sporty two-door, 4x4 Grand Cherokee, which won the national 4x4 of the year award.

1980’s: Many industry firsts were born with the new compact four-door sport utility vehicle (SUV,) the first UniFrame construction, and the first full-time 4x4 construction with shift-on-the-fly capability.

1990’s: Sales soared with Jeeps on and off-road capabilities creating industry benchmarks.

2000’s: The new four-door Wrangler took the industry by storm, and new models (Compass and Patriot) reached into the cross-utility segment.

Jeep Timeline

Courtesy of www.jeep.com

40s willy’s wagon

70s DispaTCHeR

50s CJ 5

1966 sUpeR wagoneeR

1970 glaDiaToR

1993 gRanD CHeRoKee lTD.

00s CommanDeR

Page 11: Embrace Autumn 2012

embrace autumn’s bounty 11

It’s the perfect time to entertain outdoors—most of the bugs are gone, the sun isn’t scorching even though it’s warm enough to enjoy an afternoon or evening al fresco, and there’s a bounty of good things, from our area, to serve for an outdoor meal.Because the days are shorter in the autumn, outdoor entertaining in the fall calls for special attention to lighting and temperature.lightingThe earlier sunset will afford you an ideal opportunity to bathe your outdoor space in evening lights. Use soft light, but use plenty of it. Try dozens of votive candles in jars and glasses to protect the flame from the wind, hurricane lamps, or kerosene lanterns set on low. Create cozy seating areas and equip each with a glowing light source.HeatingThe method you use to chase the chill from the night will vary depending on the weather and your outdoor space. If you have a yard, a campfire is a wonderful informal party setting. In smaller gardens, consider self-contained fire pits or a chimenea.For a more formal affair, you can install a propane-powered heater. Or, drape attractive throws or quilts on each chair for your guests to wrap around their shoulders to ward off the night air.Of course, you’ll want to take advantage of the wonderful colors and textures of autumn in your decorating scheme and table settings.ColorAutumn’s colors are deep and rich—russet, crimson, burnt orange, gold, dark green, and the color of hay. Use these hues repeatedly in tablecloths and settings, flowers, centerpieces, and even the food. Scoop out pumpkins and other squash and fit them with containers of water to make vases. Mass potted mums in vivid colors. Use orange Chinese lanterns, bright rosehips, stems of red or orange berries, or chilies. Wrap vibrant maple or sumac leaves around votive candleholders or napkin rings. Sunflower heads can be strewn on the tabletop, or left on the flower stalks in a container.TextureThe textures of fall are earthy and rustic. Especially play these up if your gathering is informal—a corn roast, a bonfire, a jeans and sweater evening. Use burlap or rough cotton to cover your table, and use dish towels as napkins. Weigh down your tablecloth with apples or pears hung on rough twine. Or use rattan placemats and

aaah, autumn!time to fall for

outdoor entertaining

wicker baskets. If you’re hosting a fancy sit-down outdoor dinner, use the more subtle textures of hydrangea blossoms and colored leaves on a linen tablecloth. Try bringing your indoor dining table outdoors for the evening—it will add unexpected elegance to your setting. Paint gold lettering on small gourds to use as place cards. Grace your table with late-blooming roses in crystal vases.Whether you hold a harvest hoedown or a stylish sit-down dinner party for eight, fall for outside entertaining this autumn!Debbie Rodgers, the haven maven, owns and operates Paradise Porch, and is dedicated to helping people create outdoor living spaces that nurture and enrich them. Her latest how-to guide “Attracting Butterflies to Your Home and Garden” is now available at www.paradiseporch.com.

Heat oven to 350°F. Spray a 9 x 5-inch loaf pan generously with baking spray; set aside.Combine flour, baking powder and salt in a small bowl. Whisk together sugar, orange peel, lavender and pepper in a large mixing bowl until evenly distributed. Add yogurt, eggs and olive oil; continue whisking until smooth. Whisk in vanilla. Add flour mixture, gently whisk until combined. Scrape batter into prepared pan.Bake 55 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan 5 minutes; remove from pan and cool completely.Whip cream with mixer until soft peaks form. Add honey and continue to whip until stiff. Add ricotta cheese, a dollop at a time, and beat until fluffy. Slice cake. Top slices with honeyed ricotta and sprinkle with lavender.

Lavender Olive Oil Cake with Honeyed Ricotta

1 3/4 c. all purpose flour1 1/2 t. baking powder1/2 t. kosher salt1 c. sugar1 T. finely grated orange peel1 T. culinary lavender, crushed, plus additional 1-2 T. for garnish1/4 t. freshly ground black pepper2/3 c. plain yogurt3 large eggs2/3 c. olive oil1 t. vanilla extract3/4 c. heavy cream3 T. honey3/4 c. ricotta cheese, room temperature

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Page 14: Embrace Autumn 2012

With over 2,000 miles of hiking trails, the Adirondack region is filled with outdoor recreation in a six-million acre park filled with over 3,000 lakes and ponds, forests, and is also home to 103 towns and villages. “People are drawn to the Adirondacks of New York--for hiking, for camping and the chance to explore the wonderful wilderness,” says Rebecca Steffan, Public Relations Manager for the Adirondack Regional Tourism Council.

But more than wilderness beckons in this captivating area, where there is something for everyone. If looking for adventure, Mount Marcy’s Summit is the highest point in New York, where enthusiasts can climb to the peak and view spectacular scenery for miles. Part of the 46 High Peaks Wilderness Area, Mount Marcy is just one of the many mountains within the largest Forest Preserve in New York state, covering three counties and including six towns, stretching from Keene Valley to Lake Placid.

The thrill of climbing the highest peaks is rivaled by Hudson River whitewater rafting, where groups can venture through rushing waters then settle down to camp under the stars in one of the 175 Adirondacks’ camping opportunities, including amenity-sites or primitive settings. Canoeing and kayaking experiences on mirrored lakes, at the foot of hills and peaks, can be enjoyed throughout the region.

Hikers claim that hiking in the Adirondacks provides some of the most

challenging trails, some very rugged by any standard. There are trails for beginners and experts, for day hikers and for long-haul backpackers along beautiful terrain. “The deeper you get in the woods, the better it is, you are so far away from civilization and it frees your mind,” says Bill Matthews, Ontario. “You are just thinking about your next step, the trees above you, and the sounds.”

Birding abounds throughout the Adirondacks, where native and boreal birds are visible and audible. For those who cast a line, the fishing is some of the best in the United States, according to the Adirondacks Tourism Council. Fly-fishing or seeking trophy bass, streams and rivers yield ample opportunities.

If a more cultural experience is desired, the Adirondack region also invites visitors to enjoy the many fairs, festivals, theatre, farm stands, farmers markets and wineries. There are many interesting attractions, such as the Adirondack/Tahawus Mines in Newcomb providing a ghost town adventure from a long-forgotten era. “The Adirondacks region offers a unique visitor experience, one that merges the past with the present,” says Steffan. “Nowhere else in the northeast can you find such beautiful views and welcoming communities.”

Resources and information provided by The Adirondacks Region Tourism Council, www.visitadirondacks.comContinued on next page...

embracenature in autumn


Whether you have a day or a week, visiting a park in upstate New York can be a great escape for anyone who wants to commune with nature, any time of year. Trails for walking, waterfalls for

breathtaking sensation, lakes, ponds, rivers for fishing, or simply taking in stunning landscapes and scenery, time in upstate New York’s natural habitat is an experience to remember.

nature at it’s finest...

By DeBorah Blackwell | Messenger Post MeDia

the adirondacks, watkins glen state park and letchworth state park are perfect escapes






o cou


of Vi





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Commonly referred to as the Grand Canyon of the East, Letchworth State Park offers magnificent outdoor experiences in a backdrop of lush forests, roaring waterfalls, and a gorge that carries the Genesee River through its rocky passage. Year-round activities are plentiful at this 17 mile-long scenic park, covering just over 14,000 acres. Visitors can hike, bike and horseback ride in the summer, and cross-country ski, snowmobile and snow tube in the winter. Throughout the year the park’s natural habitat offers birding where more than 50 species may be recognized, and bald eagles soar over the canyon. “Letchworth ranks in the top 10 of all state parks for having the most rare species populations,” say Roland Beck, park manager. Wild animals are just part of the natural and beautiful scenery, including wildflowers, hillsides, vistas, cliffs, and over 65 miles of hiking trails on 28 designated trails. “It’s easy to get away at Letchworth and enjoy challenges of hiking trails, going up and down hills, in between or on rocks, over streams, it’s just a lot of fun,” says David Fresco, Middlesex. Letchworth State Park was originally a 1000-acre private estate owned by William Pryor Letchworth, a Buffalo businessman, philanthropist, and conservationist who left his estate to the state upon his death in 1910. Through the years additional land was added to the park, along with cabins, picnic shelters, roads and trails. The Letchworth Trail located on the eastern side of the park is part of the Finger Lakes Trail System, a network of trails totaling more than 900 miles from the Pennsylvania-New York border to the Catskill Forest Preserve. Letchworth’s extensive history of the land dating back to the 1800’s can be explored both on site through guided walks or self-guided driving tours. See a 274-foot high steel railroad trestle constructed in 1875, some of the best-preserved canal locks on the Genesee Valley Greenway, or visit the Glen Iris Inn, overlooking Middle Falls on the Genesee River. This former estate of William Letchworth has welcomed guests to dine or stay overnight since 1914. Whether visiting the inn, attending a summer lecture series, whitewater rafting, kayaking, swimming in the park pool, or hot air ballooning over the park—an experience to behold—Letchworth provides one of the most scenic and serene settings available in western New York. “Letchworth has much to offer, many of the trails in the park will take you to some hidden waterfalls and beautiful areas,” says Beck. “All you need to do is come out and explore.”Resources provided by Friends of Letchworth State Park, a non-profit group supporting the preservation, conservation and careful development of Letchworth State Park. For more information contact:Friends of Letchworth http://nysparks.com/parks 1 Letchworth State Park, Castile

One of the Finger Lakes most beautiful parks, Watkins Glen State Park offers family-friendly hiking along flowing streams and waterfalls and the famous Gorge Trail that takes hikers through canyons, caves, and rock formations. “Along this mile and a half long trail are many waterfalls, and 400 feet of elevation changes between the bottom and the top,” says Cliff Lott, assistant park manager. “It’s all a stone trail, but with the right shoes is accessible to anyone.”

A popular destination, Watkins Glen State Park’s entrance is actually on Watkins Glen village’s main street. Open from May through November, the renowned park contains 800 stone steps,19 waterfalls, bridges, tunnels, cliffs, rocky walls carved by glaciers, and a narrow gorge. “Rainbow Falls is a very attractive area for photographers, you can actually walk under the falls,” says Lott. “We get about 600,000 visitors during the season and a lot from out of state. It is a true destination location.”

Located near Seneca Lake, the largest and deepest of the Finger Lakes, Watkins Glen State park provides

recreation, discovery, and relaxation within its dramatic landscape. Visitors can stay for the day or camp overnight on a tent or trailer campsite, and enjoy the olympic-sized swimming pool. There are concession stands and restrooms, a playground, and even a shuttle service to the top of the gorge.

The gorge was first opened to the public in 1863 by Morvalden Ells, a journalist from Elmira. In 1800’s, The Glen Mountain House, a three-story resort hotel, used to stand atop the gorge. New York state purchased the gorge in 1906, but the hotel has since been removed.

Surrounding attractions in the Watkins Glen area including fishing, boating, shopping, dining, and racing at Watkins Glen International, a premier racing facility. “We offer it all,” says Lott. “You are in the Finger Lakes region which is a pretty breathtaking area to begin with.”

3530 State Rt. 419, Watkins Glen http://nysparks.com/parks









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Carefully crafted, uniquely designed, and naturally beautiful, Timber Frames Inc.’s post and beam method of construction offers more than just a custom-built home. Handcrafted from the inside out with mortise and tenon joinery, each one of their homes is not only solid, but is one of the most eco-friendly builds available today. Timber framing has been around for centuries and lends itself to a variety of styles. Local builder and owner, Al Milanette, brought the craft to the forefront in the Finger Lakes region when he began solely building timber frame homes in 1980. According to Milanette, this particular style of homes is considered part of the alternative housing market, along with log, steel and dome homes. But he and his small crew believe in the fortitude of alternative homes as the mainstay of their business in the building industry. “You take the land, you do what you can with it, you build a solid house around it, and make it as chemical-free and as health-happy as you possibly can,” says Milanette. Milanette designs every building individually to take advantage of all aspects of the property and the wants and needs of the owners. Timber Frames has built over 200 homes, each one unique. “We build a very custom-style, hands-on, hand-crafted timber frame home,” says Milanette. “Everybody has a slightly different slant on what they like, and we orient the home to allow for whatever natural environment it is in. Most of them are on five to 20 acre lots with 500-foot driveways and are very secluded.”Trees are important for Timber Frames, not just to enhance the natural setting of the home, but also as materials for the structure itself. Many of the buildings are framed with Eastern White Pine, and other woods such as Western Red Cedar, and dried and forest-salvaged Douglas Fir, mostly harvested from new-growth forests used for the purpose of building environmentally-conscious homes. “We will go out of our way to buy New York state timber if that works for the job,” says Milanette. “We also use reclaimed timber, and most of our materials and products come out of our state.”

Timber Frames’ natural materials and more open floor plans help contribute to energy efficiency, but the method of building creates a solid, conservationist-style home. Built first by constructing the frame, then the interior finish, the exterior walls and roof system, Timber Frames then encloses the structure in an unbroken blanket of insulation before applying the exterior finish. Milanette also installs air-to-air heat exchangers to bring fresh air into the home, allowing less than one percent air-infiltration rate. “One of the first things people notice is you have a feeling of strength from seeing the large wood that holds up your home,” says Milanette. “And then there aren’t any joints that leak. You basically go to bed at night with one big, warm blanket around your whole house.”Timber Frames also conserves the energy that comes into the home, utilizing solar gain, placement of the home in its natural environment, and the use of LED lighting which not only uses very low amounts of energy, but lasts for a very long time. “We utilize the bounty of Mother Nature. Everything is a real green-home concept,” says Milanette. “A ‘green’ house uses the most up-to-date environmental means of heating and cooling your environment without disturbing the surrounding environment,” says Sheldon Berlyn, artist, and owner of a Timber Frame home, made of tongue and groove vertical cedar. Berlyn understands the concept of green-living in his home at Bluff Point, overlooking Keuka Lake. “The house itself is very tight, well insulated, with all the amenities of heat, air conditioning, and proper air exchange, which function to make it a very comfortable house,” says Berlyn. “But how the house was sited, how the space was arranged and constructed, and the combination of the building itself with the landscape feeds us. Every day is a beautiful day here.” With Timber Frames’ hands-on approach, building a home becomes a partnership between Milanette and his customers. Since 1978 he has worked with Pat McNinch, Timber Frames Inc.’s general manager who runs the shop in Canandaigua. In addition, he has four full-time employees, two in the shop and Continued on next page...

timber frames inc.skilled craftsmanship and unique design

produce beautiful eco-friendly homes By DeBorah Blackwell | Messenger Post MeDia

5557 State Route 64 • Canandaigua • 585-374-6405 • www.timberframesinc.com

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Continued from page 17...two out in the field. The small team does one or two complete general contracts and three or four frames or shells per year, as well as partial work for other builders and contractors such as entries or features on commercials or residential buildings. Because of his small tight-knit team, they are able to work closely with the client from start to finish. Their philosophy includes being readily available to customers before, during, or after the build, with any concerns pertaining to the house, no matter how much time has passed. “When we are done, our clients are part of the family,” says Milanette. “Customers become our friends, and stay that way. If they have a concern with the house, we will address it anytime.”The majority of Timber Frames’ work is in upstate New York, but they have travelled out

of state to build homes. Milanette says he will go anywhere to build a home, and will stay as long as it takes. His family knows he is a firm believer in commitments. Married 41 years to wife Brenda, the couple has lived in several timber frame homes and currently live in the newest model home on Seneca Lake. His daughter Kendra lives in Denver with her family, and his son Kennit works as the company’s field manager. “Al is such a good guy, they all are, they make it all so easy and so much more personal,” says Andy Means, Timber Frames homeowner, Canandaigua. “You develop a relationship with them and the craftsmanship and quality of their work is amazing. I wouldn’t have anyone else build a house for me.”

Continued from page 3... Mordini has many repeat guests, who visit often, not just to see her, but also her mother Margot, who visits from California frequently. Margot Mordini is an artist, and much of her work, including art of the captivating local landscape, is featured around the inn. Mordini says guests buy her mother’s original cards and paintings and are very fond of her. Frequent visitors are not uncommon to this 217-year-old house. The property is believed to have had many uses including a dance hall on the second floor. What is now the Bristol Suite was called Hotchkiss Hall in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Social events of prominence were held there, including a Grand Ball on Thanksgiving evening, November 29, 1888 in honor of President Grover Cleveland. The floor was constructed with two spring rods below it, that are still present today and visible on the first floor of the home. These rods functioned as springs to give the floor “bounce,” for dancing, which, according to Mordini, can still be felt when walking in the Bristol Suite.

“It was a popular dance hall in its day, a community center of sorts,” says Helen Fox, Bristol Town Historian. “My great aunt would walk by the home and hear the music playing from outside.” Fox can recall many historical facts about the home, beginning with the early settlers from Bristol County Massachusetts, who formed what is the town of Bristol today. “It’s a beautiful home and we are very proud to have this building in Bristol Center. It has a fascinating history and is a wonderful asset to our community,” says Fox.When Mordini purchased the home in 2008, she did not know anyone, or had even heard of the Finger Lakes. Now she is continuing the romantic legacy of the inn. “I call this my great adventure. I feel like now that I have done this I can do anything I want to do,” says Mordini. “I wanted to grow, to learn, and to challenge myself. We go around more than once, so we might as well do all we can, and build the life we want. I can’t think of a job where anything could be more wonderful.”

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Gideon Granger’s political influence began much earlier than his arrival in Canandaigua. Born in Suffield, Conn., in 1767, Granger’s life took form there with his active role in state politics during the American Revolution and Constitutional Convention. He was appointed the fourth United States Postmaster General under President Thomas Jefferson in 1800, and continued to serve under President James Madison until 1813. Granger resigned from his office to administer the land tracts he had acquired further to the west, and moved to Canandaigua to build a homestead. According to Granger Homestead notes, the home was to be “unrivaled” by any other in the nation. The three-story Federal-style wood-framed home was constructed in 1816. A wing was added in 1860 nearly 40 years after Granger’s death in 1822. The 13,000-square-foot mansion faces west on North Main Street and the design is similar to homes built by the French architect Joseph-Jacques Ramée.Thomas Jefferson may have helped with its design, according to the Granger Homestead Society. The Federal-style architecture was common in America during the period from 1780-1820, and throughout the years after its resurrection, several renovations including an elaborate two-story cast iron porch added around the 1850s, enhanced the home’s beauty and its use. Mindwell Granger, wife of Gideon, ensured that the home was run efficiently while her husband was away in Washington, often for months at a time. The Granger’s life together on the homestead was short-lived from 1816-1822, but after Granger’s death, their son Francis, a U.S. Senator who also twice ran for governor, and his wife, Cornelia moved into the home. Shortly thereafter Cornelia died during childbirth in 1823, so Mindwell raised her two grandchildren on the homestead until her death in 1860.After Mindwell’s passing, Francis invited his son Gideon II, his wife, Isaphine and their two daughters to move into the home. They lived on the homestead until 1868 when Francis suddenly died of unknown causes, only to be followed eight days later by Gideon II’s death from internal gout. Plagued by two instances of death, Isaphine decided to leave the mansion with her two children, Antoinette and Isaphine, and moved into a nearby cottage. The

homestead eventually became a boarding school for girls, The Granger Place School, from 1876 to 1906, where, according to the Granger Homestead Society, it housed 44 girls at one time, including some day students from Canandaigua. When their mother died in 1905, the two sisters Antoinette and Isaphine, now adults, moved back into the grand mansion and continued the family’s legacy of service to the community. They started the Primary Department of the First Congregational Church Sunday School in Canandaigua. They helped create the Wood Library and the Ontario County Historical Society. Antionette was on the Board of Education from 1910-1923, and she was also an instructor of proper etiquette for young members of the community. Canandaigua is steeped in historical roots from the generations of Grangers whose dedication made a lasting stamp, even after death.In her will, Antoinette stated the home was only to be used for charitable or educational purposes, not sold as a private residence. She left the mansion to the Congregational Board of Ministerial Relief. “For over a decade after Antoinette’s passing, the homestead served as a residence for retired ministers and their wives but in time the property went up for sale,” says Carla DeMeco, docent, Granger Homestead Society. “The Granger Homestead Society purchased the property in 1946. Since then it has become a historical gem offering many wonderful events to the community.”Antoinette left some of the family home’s furnishings to the Rochester Memorial Art Gallery, but several pieces remain in the mansion today, including two sets of Duncan Phyfe-style chairs, and other Federal and Empire-style furnishings. A restored pianoforte, built in 1822 by Muzio Clementi, was given to the homestead in 1956 by Canandaigua resident Anna McKechnie. It was brought to Canandaigua from Great Britain by the Paul family in the 1830s. According to the Granger Homestead Society, this is one of only four left in the world and the only one that works. It is periodically used for concerts at the home, by Stefania Neonato, a master fortepianist from Italy.“The story goes that the dining room table, also called the White House table, was given to Gideon from Dolly Madison,” says DeMeco. “A letter shows that Jacqueline Kennedy wanted it when she was restoring the White House and the Granger Continued on next page...

A long and proud history stands tall in the City of Canandaigua, where four generations of family made their mark on a community, the culture, and the land. The Granger Homestead, complete with historical mansion, Carriage Museum, and other historic outbuildings

tells the story of Gideon Granger and his legacy in the area dating back to 1816.

granger homestead: a rich and vibrant history lives on today

embrace a rich and vibrant history 21

By DeBorah Blackwell | Messenger Post MeDia

295 North Main Street • Canandaigua • 585-394-1472 • www.grangerhomestead.org

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Th e Granger Homestead Society is a not-for-profi t organization formed in 1946, whose holdings consist of an 1816 Federal House and furnishings,

one of the largest horse-drawn vehicle collections in Western New York, fi ve outbuildings, and 12 acres of land in Canandaigua.

Th e Society has actively preserved and restored the homestead to its original grace, charm and beauty,

maintaining it as a museum.

Gideon Granger (1767-1822) married Mindwell Granger (1770-1860) in 1790

Children of Gideon and Mindwell Granger: Ralph, Francis, and John Albert

Francis Granger (1792-1868) married Cornelia Rutson Van Rensselaer (1798-1823) in 1817

Children of Francis and Cornelia Granger: Cornelia, Gideon II, and an infant daughter (name unknown)

Gideon II (1821-1868) married Isaphine Pierson (1826-1905) in 1850Children of Gideon II and Isaphine: Cornelia, Antoinette, and Isaphine

Granger Family Tree

Did you Know...Antoinette Granger (1852-1930) was a typical tomboy growing up on the Granger homestead, who friended many animals including a large family of white mice, lizards, frogs, and rabbits who were among just a few of her pets • Isaphine Granger (1858-1916) was sickly for a large portion of her life, suff ering with pain and

weakness, and although was not religious was allegedly healed by a spiritual healer in 1892 • Famous guests to the home include Edward Everett, guest of Isaphine Pierson-Granger, and Helen Keller, guest of Antoinette. • The Granger Homestead was saved from destruction through the eff orts of the Honorable Joseph W. Cribb,

with help from other concerned citizens. Judge Cribb was instrumental in its purchase in 1946 by the Granger Homestead Society. • The Granger Place School had a championship basketball team in 1903, and travelled to Syracuse to play. • Visit Mindwell Granger at http://www.facebook.com/mindwell

Civil war encampment • September 28-30Living history at its fi nest, an annual event of re-enactors who set up camp and live on the grounds during the weekend. Canandaigua Christkindl Market • November 9-11On the lawn of the majestic Granger Homestead and Carriage Museum in a series of decorated heated tents, over 100 regional artisans and several unique food vendors are brought together in holiday spirit and tradition. Christkindl market Dance • November 3Festival of Trees • November 9-December 10View decorated trees, wreaths and other seasonal decorations donated by local businesses, groups and individuals. Many items will be available through a silent auction. There is also a bake sale put on by the Granger Homestead Women’s Council, located on the back porch of the mansion. Homestead and pioneer DaysHeld in the spring, for elementary school children to visit and experience early life on the homestead.

UpComing eVenTs

Homestead society said no. The table dates from 1822, so we cannot prove it was ever in the White House.”In addition to the mansion and its furnishings, the homestead has several barns, used for diff erent purposes throughout the years. The 19th century Carriage Barn displays more than 90 horse-drawn vehicles, including stagecoaches, hearses, and fi re equipment. “We have one of the largest collections of carriages in the Northeast, most are unrestored,” says DeMeco. “We do have three restored carriages and three sleighs for guests to enjoy on tours around the grounds.”Another piece of history on the Granger grounds is the Hubbell Law Offi ce which

was moved onto the property in 1960. Former offi ce of attorney Walter Hubbell, this building was utilized by Stephen A. Douglas, a U.S. Senator who lost the presidential election to Abraham Lincoln in 1860. Born in Vermont in 1813, Douglas lived near Clifton Springs, New York, for a short time and attended Canandaigua Academy before moving to Illinois. According to the Granger Homestead Society, it was in 1832 that Douglas read and studied law books with Walter Hubbell in the building that now sits on the property. “We like to invite visitors to travel back in time to this historic homestead, it’s such a tremendous piece of Canandaigua’s history,” says DeMeco.

Gideon Granger Mindwell Granger Francis Granger Gideon II

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