emerging media and the london 2012 games

Emerging media and the London 2012 Games - iMedia Agency Summit Alex Balfour Head of New Media January 2010 17/05/2010 1

Post on 21-Oct-2014




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Alex Balfour, Head of New Media


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Emerging media and the

London 2012 Games -

iMedia Agency Summit

Alex Balfour

Head of New Media

January 2010

17/05/2010 1

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6 July 2005

17/05/2010 2

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The World’s Biggest Event

205 nations

15,000 athletes

70,000 volunteers

20,000 media

9 million tickets

170+ venues

26 Olympic events

20 Paralympic events

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Rapid growth of the Internet

Since LOCOG won the bid in 2005 there has been a steady and rapid worldwide increase in Internet use and particularly in social media and the

mobile Internet.

By 2012 we expect* the number of people using the Internet worldwide to nearly double from 25% in 2008 to 44%, 300m mobile phones to be circulation,

and broadband penetration in the UK to exceed 75%

*according to Deloitte and Neilsen



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Massive growth of social networking

– now has 20 million monthly users in the UK

– now has 15 million monthly users in the UK

57% of Internet users have set up a profile on a social network.*

The majority of people who are active online are also users of social media.

Young people, a key audience for LOCOG, are particularly active users of the Internet and social media.

– 50% of 8 year olds already have a mobile phone and by 12 almost all have one.**

– More than 70% of all British children have a profile on a social networking site.**

And these trends will only increase as the 2012 Games approaches.

*2008 study by Universal McCann **according to OFCOM17/05/2010


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Digital expectations for 2012

There is a an expectation that London 2012 will be the first truly ‘digital Games’

“we want to offer our audience the whole lot: every hour of every sport” Roger Mosey, BBC Olympic lead.

“I want everyone to share in the same information at the same time and the key to achieving this is through the one item we never part with - our mobile phones” – Boris Johnson, Mayor of London

London 2012 has an unprecedented opportunity to harness the London 2012 has an unprecedented opportunity to harness the power of the Internet to

– maxmise the impact of key programmes such as Communications, Ticketing, Volunteering, Licensing, Torch Relay, Mascot, Ceremonies and Education

– generate positive cash flow

– fully realise the promise of the brand narrative to “connect young people to sport and the values that Olympic and Paralympic sport represent,” by: “giving a voice to the inspiring stories that represent those values, and helping people share them with each other”.



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Our digital vision

Our vision is to create new media products and services which are fully aligned with London 2012’s brand narrative, and vision to “use the power of the Games to inspire change”

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In pursuing this vision we aim to create

products and services that:

– help the business meet its objectives efficiently

and cost effectively

– aspire to be best in class

– are engaging

– are robust

– fully exploit potential of social and mobile media

– aim to generate positive cash flow.

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Products and Services – 5 categories1. London2012.com, social media platforms and online toolkit

– Generic communications platforms


– london2012.com,

– ‘virtual agent’ tool,

– e-communications,

– mapping platform

– Social media



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London 2012’s official social media channels

…and shortly,‘My2012’

62,000+ fans 20,000+ followers775,700+ views

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Our messaging on social networks differs from some other Comms channels in prioritising entertainment over being highly informative



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Products and Services – 5 categories2. Games-time Internet Results and Information

– Games-time website

– Games-time London wide digital

information co-ordination

– Games-time mobile site (including

integration with Samsung’s WOW service)

– Social networks / other third party channel

Games-time results and info distribution

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We will generate 90% of our traffic at

Games time and 70% is for results. We must make the most of the opportunity to

both deliver a best in class results service

while fully supporting London 2012’s vision.*

*For more information see the Games-time Internet information Strategy

and Internet Results Services Strategy

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• 291m visits (105 million - Beijing 2008)


Vancouver 2010.com

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• 83m unique visitors (70 million - Beijing 2008, Yahoo 32m, NBC 20m)

• over 50% of all Canadians visited; 76% of Canadians, 20% of North

Americans and 4.8% of people worldwide with internet access

• 8.7 million visits to the mobile, site 1.25m app downloads - number 1 app

• 1.1 million Facebook fans (previous record of 320k fans - Beijing 2008), 14,000 followers on Twitter.com/2010Tweets

• London is already tracking x2 Vancouver traffic at same stage and planning for 10bn visits

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Products and Services – 5 categories3. Functional Area new media support Supporting delivery in whole or part of key

functional area (FA) digital products and

services at FA expense including:

– Ticketing website

– Volunteering portal and website

– Inspire website

– Online recruitment

– Ad hoc communication sites such as

Greenwich Park consultation site,

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Greenwich Park consultation site,

three years to go game, London

borough pin badge competition

– Mascot website and social media


– Online shop

– Education websites: Get Set,

International Inspiration, Global


– Torch relay and Ceremonies

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Proven opportunities

– Advertising / sponsorship sales

around Games-time Internet results

and info services. Includes banners,

editorial, features, database, video,


– Advertising / sponsorship sales

around My2012. Includes banners,

site sponsorships, video, photos, and

live site/real world delivery of user Unproven opportunities

Products and Services – 5 categories4. Revenue generating new media activity

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live site/real world delivery of user


– Targeted emails

Unproven opportunities

– Mobile apps

– My2012 rewards

– Virtual goods

– Affiliate deals

– Foreign language sites (Chinese)

For more information, see the Online Revenue Strategy

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Products and Services – 5 categories

5. New media-led engagement projects – Adistars and My2012

Adistars, inspires young people to play more sport

by encouraging them to set themselves and each

other challenges and rewards achievement with


Value = major role in delivering brand promise

and sports participation legacy

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My London 2012 will be the digital mechanism for

delivering the brand narrative promise to give a

voice to stories and allow people to share them with

one another.

Members of the public can upload videos and

photos and make comments on a series of sites

dedicated to key projects to explain how they have

been inspired to do things for or because of the

London 2012 Games. This content can also be

shared across London 2012 "live sites" and venues.

Value = delivers brand campaign

generates positive cash flow

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My London 2012 is the digital platform that will help deliver our promise to connect young

people to sport and the values that Olympic and Paralympic sport represent by giving a voice to the inspiring stories that represent those values

helping people share these stories with each other.

Products and Services – 5 categories

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My London 2012 will aggregate content created by London 2012 registered users inspired by:

– The global education project

– Open weekend

– The inspire mark

– Volunteer programme

– The torch relay

Products and Services – 5 categories

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– The torch relay

– The 9 major cultural projects

– Mascots

– Ticket sales

– Live sites

– (subject to commercial

agreement) Sponsor activations

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• Sharing to and from popular social networks

• Share on live sites and other physical spaces where the Games take place

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• Our games-time website listed by Sports Business sports website awards (or equivalent study) as #1 sports website in 2012 (currently #14)

• At every stage traffic to the core sites outperforms that to previous Olympic sites,

• Sign up 5 million or more to our databases in aggregate including 1 million under 24

• Volume of conversation across the internet increases and increasingly reflects the brand proposition. (Nielsen buzzmetrics)

We have 28 KPIs. Key KPIs include

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• One million active users of My London 2012

• Gamestime site target to generate positive cash flow by generating more revenue than cash spent on the site excluding VIK by end 2012

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London 2012 would like to thank our partners for their support

Worldwide partners

Official partners

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Official supporters

Official suppliers and providers

Airwave, Atkins, Boston Consulting Group, Crystal CG, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, Holiday Inn, McCann Worldgroup,

Nielsen, Populous, Ticketmaster, Trident

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Thank you

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