emex & ema show guide 2015

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EMEX is THE Energy Management Exhibition driven by the Energy Managers Association (EMA). You’ll find innovative ways for organisations to reduce their energy consumption and save money and these are presented by our numerous partners, exhibitors and in the seminar sessions in our four theatres.

There are three key ways to reduce your energy bill and we’ve got them all covered:

• Negotiate a better tariff• Implement energy efficient technologies• Employee training

The members of the EMA were the driving force behind the show. Like you they are responsible and committed to reducing the energy use in their companies and want EMEX to be the place to get better educated, share expe-riences and test innovations.

In this guide you’ll read insights into the market place and find details of our seminar topics, speakers and exhibitors. If you need help or advice please come and meet the EMA in the central networking area and ask one of the team.

Our aim is that you leave the show better informed and better able to manage your energy use. After all, an effec-tive day reducing one of your largest annual expenditures could have just as profound an effect on your bottom line as the sales team exceeding targets.

I hope that you have an enjoyable and productive show.

Jason FranksManaging Director, EMEX

Welcome to EMEX 2015!

ContentsInitiatives & Case Studies 4-13 Seminar highlights 14-15Seminar Timetables 16-19 Exhibitor Highlights 20-21 Floorplan & A-Z 22-23 Exhibitor listings 24-41Thank you 42-43

Useful Information: Opening times:Wednesday 11 November: 10:00 – 17:00Thursday 12 November: 10:00 – 16:30

Address:ExCeL London, 1 Western Gateway, Royal Victoria Dock, London, E16 1XL

Where to go?Hall S4. Nearest station is Custom House (for ExCeL). More information is available at www.excel-london.co.uk/visiting-excel/

Cost of Entry?Entry is free with prior registration at www.emexlondon.com. Please print your badge (PDF) and bring it with you for immediate access.

Networking:A great meeting point is the EMA Central Net-working Area. Download the EMEX mobile app www.bizzabo.com/download to network and stay up to date during the show.

2016 Information:EMEX takes place at ExCeL on the 16th and 17th November 2016.

Contacts:EMEX is organized by HEELEC Ltd in partnership with the EMA.EMEX contact: [email protected] / 020 8505 7073EMA contact: [email protected] / 020 3176 2834

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EMA Initiatives

Launch of the EMA 40:20:40 Energy Efficiency Ratio

Energy efficiency is often seen as a process of replacing inefficient products with efficient products; however this seems a simple view of a complex problem. A simple ratio has been adopt-ed by the Energy Managers Association (EMA) as a guide to understanding how energy efficiency can be valued.

The three main elements of energy efficiency are en-ergy efficient product, building control systems and behaviour change. Allocating importance to these three areas is to a degree guess work, however the general consensus amongst experienced energy managers is that the 40:20:40 split is a fair estimate. The reason for promoting this ratio is that many deci-sions to achieve energy efficiency are often based on only one part of the ratio, with two remaining elements ignored.

Building controls are frequently used to match pow-er-use to occupancy of a building, but even these systems can fail if unusual events happen or work patterns shift. Energy efficient products are under-stood to be a quick gain and the most common solution to achieve energy savings. Companies see energy efficiency as a process based on efficient equipment, energy efficient lighting might limit the amount of power used, but switching the lights off whilst not needed, must be the ultimate goal.

Behaviour change is the most flexible and cheapest solution to energy management but is often ignored as too effortful to do.

Understanding and promoting this ratio will make companies not only environmentally sustainable but also reduce their operational and financial risk that the cost, supply and security of energy will pose to companies in the near future.

Energy efficiency is not an end in itself; it is a method of reducing the energy used whilst a system is in use. The most efficient use of energy is not to use it in the first place. This has to be the starting point in achieving energy reduction. Without human intervention there is no energy use and whilst this sounds simplistic the human factor is very often ignored.

Behaviour change is often seen as in the too difficult to do box even though it could be the cheapest and most effective form of energy efficiency. It has been largely ignored in the workplace, whilst HSE is man-datory training for many employees, energy training which could save companies significant amounts of money, is ignored. . When was the last time you went on a company promoted energy efficiency course?

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The EMA runs Low Energy Company (LEC) training, accrediting employees who have taken and com-pleted courses that meet the EMA standards.

The aim is not only to make companies aware of the value or indeed the necessity of energy management training, but also to make the energy managers of the future focus on an area they have often avoided in the past.

A company that has seen the cost saving potential of training is Wickes, the home improvement retailer. It has become one of the first UK organisa-tions to reap the benefits of training their staff in Stage One Low Energy Company training. After training 146 of their staff mainly including store managers, supervisors and key holders, the national DIY retailer saved over £500K on their energy bill in 2014 across their 230 store estate.

In February 2013, Store Manager of Wickes Maccles-field, Neil Chetwynd received his Profit & Loss statement for the previous month. Realising his store had signifi-cantly overspent against their budget on electricity, he noticed how bright the store lighting was.

“In my office were two switches that operated the two banks of shop floor lights, so I hit the switch and turned a bank of lights off. No one noticed. No calls to the office and no customer complaints.”

On his subsequent visits to the branch, Neil’s Line Manager did not notice anything different about the ambiance of the store. As a result, Neil took steps to roll out an energy reduction programme, including Stage One LEC Training for his staff.If Wickes have identified and achieved savings through energy awareness training and simple behaviour, why other organisations are so unworldly? The reason many more companies have not embraced the energy saving of behaviour change is because it is so difficult to quan-tify the saving. It is easy to measure the efficiency of say one lighting system against another; however meas-

uring the impact of different employees in a changing workplace is really difficult to value. Another factor is that training often takes place alongside other energy efficiency measures and attributing the savings to one particular measure can be problematic as the achieved savings become diluted.

The real driver for training in the future may not be the sharp hike in peak time prices in 2016/17, nor cost savings but procurement. There is real financial risk in supply companies having to raise prices in line with increases in energy prices. The way to mitigate this risk is to make sure that the supply company is energy efficient and a sim-ple way of proving this is to train staff. It would be ironic if companies are forced to train to meet the demands of their clients while making it a provision of their own supply chain.

There is one way to make training widespread and that is for the Government to make it mandatory. With power cuts at peak times around the corner this might just happen. q

Lord Redesdale will take the lead on the energy efficiency discussion and the launch of the 40:20:40 ratio on Wednes-day 11 @11:50 in Energy Use in the Built Environment Theatre

Understanding and promoting this ratio will make companies not only environmen-tally sustainable but also reduce the oper-ational and financial risk that the cost, supply and security of energy will pose to companies in the near future.

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EMA Initiatives

Jack (or Jackie) of all tradesBy Wendi Wheeler, Energy and Carbon Strategy Manager at Network Rail

It’s not like public service, medicine, or the forces. When children are little, they decide they want to be a fireman, a doctor, a soldier. As they grow up, their aspirations might change as they mature into young adults – perhaps they will want to study to become a lawyer, a vet, or an architect. There are so many differ-ent choices and career aspirations – far too many to list. As a parent of two teenage daughters, I can sympathise (and indeed I remember it well myself) with the youth of today wrestling with the confusing array of potential paths to take, when really all you want to do is have fun. Nevertheless, they must make their choices in order to take their next steps in life.

But how many of us made the con-scious decision to become an Ener-gy Manager? Not me. And not many of my colleagues, acquaintances and peers – if any at all. In my many years of working in energy management, nobody has ever told me that this is what they actually chose to do as a career.

To be fair, it’s an odd profession. Jack of all trades and master of none, perhaps. How do you train for that? The skills requirements are broad – you have to have an inquisitive and analytical mind, with an eye for detail that some might miss. Proficiency in handling, managing and presenting large amounts of data (in a simple manner) is essential. You have to have some technical knowledge, but not to the standard of an engineer or scientist. You have to be a great communicator and negotiator, able to clearly articulate the benefits of what you do – normally in a way that will satisfy the scrutiny of your company’s financier, environmentalists and the Board. And an in-depth knowledge of legal requirements and industry standards is a must. Phew!

And yet, despite all of those requirements and the fact that I spend most of my days desperately busy and mightily frustrated, it’s a great job to be in, and I love it! It’s hugely rewarding, and I learn something new every day. I couldn’t be a bigger advocate for youngsters looking for a fulfilling career. So why aren’t young people thinking “Yeah, I want to do that!”?

On balance, it’s probably because they don’t know that this is a career path that is there to be trod. Until very recently, Energy Manager training was something that was done on an ad-hoc basis by somebody that was already in the job. Most people in the profession have fallen into it by chance through working in other, gen-erally technical professions. Because of that path from more technical roles the vast majority of those in Energy Management are men. Not that there is anything wrong with that – but where are all the ladies?

Whilst the gender balance is changing, progress is slow. There are more women working in the field than there used to be, but generally in the more junior, less technical roles. I always say you need to be ballsy in this job, but it appears that members of the fairer sex may be taking this reference too literally. I’ve been greeted

with the comment “…but you’re a girl!” on more than a few occasions. I often feel the urge to look down at myself and say “Really?” but I manage to find restraint. If we are to encourage a new generation of young Energy Managers, the training needs to be available and the perception of energy management as a predominantly male profession needs to be challenged.

Not that I’m a raving feminist, you under-stand. But, as a woman in this particular

role, I feel it’s my duty to say to other women “Come on, jump in – it’s great!”

Women are perfect for this role. The varied list of skills means that multi-tasking is an absolute necessity – do I need to argue the point that ladies can do that just as well (ahem – if not better) than men? Good communica-tor, persuader, keeping up to date with what’s going on, managing budgets, being organised – need I go on? And if we don’t know the answer to a question – we can generally find somebody who does.

At the end of the day, good energy management is mainly about good common sense. Why would you use (and pay for) more than you need to? Why would you do an activity one way, if there is a more efficient alterna-tive? Why would you waste something valuable?

Simple. Common. Sense.

The old adage of “This is a man’s world” is long gone, and I’m very proud to be acting as an ambassador for women in energy management through the EMA.

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So why wouldn’t women make great Energy Managers? No reason at all. And yet there are so few.

To me, the key is training. I’m passionate about ap-prenticeships – learning your trade on the job, gleaning knowledge from the wealth of experience around you, getting your hands on the issue and working it out.

That’s why I’m so pleased that the EMA’s Junior Energy Manager Apprenticeship standard is approved and soon to be ready for delivery. Raising awareness about energy use is also hugely important and the EMA’s LEC training is a great hammer in an Energy Managers hypothetical toolbox. The greater level of knowledge that’s required, the higher level of training can be used. Finally, let’s encourage the ladies. The old adage of “This is a man’s world” is long gone, and I’m very proud to be acting as an ambassador for women in energy management through the EMA. Along with Nicola Stopps, Director of Simply Sustainable, we are working on a special project – Empowering Women into Energy Management.

A job in Energy Management is hugely rewarding – you get to see the benefits of your work, and you can relay those benefits to others in environmental, social, ethical

terms, and in cold, hard cash. Every day is a school day, it’s varied, exciting and really enjoyable. Remember the comment in the first paragraph about young adults just wanting to have fun? Well, here it is girls! q

Wendi is leading the debate on Wednesday 11 @12:30 with Suki Gilil-land, Head of Energy, QinetiQ - Nicola Stopps, Managing Director, Simply Sustainable ConsultingPenelope Guarnay, Group Energy Man-ager, Marks and Spencer_____________________________________

Followed by The Future of the Energy Management Profession @15:10 with Wendi - Dr Sharon George, Course Di-rector, Keele University - Paul Gosling, Managing Director, Allen & York and Richard Felgate, Director & EMA Chair, EnStrat(uk) Ltd

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Page 8: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


EMA Initiatives

The Junior Energy Manager Appren-ticeship Standard signifies revival of the energy management industryThe Junior Energy Manager Apprenticeship has been developed as part of the Government’s successful Trailblazer programme and joins a number of already designed high quality apprenticeships.

The needs for skills in delivering energy management across all UK industries are taking a step forward following the approval of the Junior Energy Manager Apprenticeship Standard by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills in August. The Junior Energy Manager Apprenticeship has been developed as part of the Government’s success-ful Trailblazer programme and joins a number of other high quality apprenticeships.

The approval of the Standard and training of young energy managers arrives just in time to address the increased need that companies have to reduce their energy costs. The UK is embarking on an era where organisations are facing changing regulations, rising energy prices, and dealing with the risks associated with climate change. British businesses are already starting to recognise the rise in the cost of energy and raw materials. Good practice in energy management, as a mean of tackling the cost, should become a priority. In-house skills in energy management will lead to long term savings for many companies.

“There is a major shortage of trained energy managers and this apprenticeship will help to address the need for basic in-house energy management skills. Effective energy management is no longer an option, it is a strategic business necessity”, claims Lord Redesdale, CEO of the Energy Man-agers Association (EMA). He added: “The EMA expects that the UK will need energy managers to combat rising energy costs over the next 5 years. The development of the Junior Energy Manager Apprenticeship Standard intends to offer young people new opportunities in the dynamic and highly competitive role that can be applied in majority of sectors and industries”.

Skills Minister Nick Boles said: “Businesses are better placed than anyone to train the next generation of workers and will help us deliver 3 million high-quality apprenticeships by 2020. By designing apprenticeships, organisations like the Energy Managers Association are ensuring that young talented people develop the skills needed to progress up the career ladder and help drive businesses forward.”

The commercial aspects and economic activity are only two reasons that drive the need for skills offered by energy managers. The current demographics within energy man-agement suggests that over a half of energy managers are expected to retire in the next 10-15 years. It is therefore in-tended that the Junior Energy Managers will not only replace those retiring energy management professionals, but also create a dynamic profession.

The development of the Junior Energy Manager Appren-ticeship Standard has been supported by a strong group of small, medium and large employers from different industries and coordinated by the EMA. Amongst the organisations who endorse the development of the new talent pool of energy managers is Whitbread, the UK’s largest hotel, restaurant and coffee shop operator, owner of Premier Inn and Costa.

Whitbread Head of Education, Sandra Kelly, commented on the support, “Whitbread has been supporting the Govern-ment’s Trailblazer programme by collaborating across the hospitality sector to define new Apprenticeship professional standards. With ambitious plans to deliver 6,000 Appren-ticeships by 2020, Whitbread are currently expanding our Apprenticeship Programme across all our Brands and central head office.” Sandra added further: “This expansion supports our growth and diversity strategy and our philosophy to grow our people through internal succession and progression. At Whitbread we are committed to reducing our impact on the environ-ment and developing skilled energy management resources within our business will be vital to achieving our goals. Whitbread is delighted to be part of the Energy Trailblazer Group who have been collaborating to define the recently approved Junior Energy Manager Apprentice standard and assessment plan. Whitbread will welcome their first Junior Energy Manager Apprentices in early 2016.”

To find out more about the Junior Energy Manager Apprenticeship training scheme and its delivery, please visit Energy Management as a Profession Theatre at EMEX on 11 November

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The way businesses can buy water is changing

Lord Redesdale (CEO, EMA) and Jacob Tompkins (MD, Waterwise) have agreed that Waterwise will be a partner in EMEX and contribute to the seminar theatres and speaker programme. This will ensure the most engaging and practical information on policy and compe-tition is available to all water consumers.

Water may be crucial for life, but it can cause headaches for economists. It is scarce in some areas and abundant in others but, with no truly national grid or interconnectors, it is costly to transport from one place to another.

Since the water industry was privatised in 1989 it has done well on several fronts. Investment has doubled and supply interruptions have fallen. Prices have risen, but by less than before privatisation.

“Markets provide a flexible process better suited to condi-tions of uncertainty than regulation in many contexts. We are considering where and how markets could be introduced to deliver better services to water and waste water customers than the existing regulatory arrangements”, according to OFWAT.

The next step is to transform customer service, reckons OFWAT, the water regulator. To this end, in May 2014 the Government legislated to introduce competition at the retail level for non-household customers such as businesses, charities, and local authorities. Currently, these customers are usually served by their local regulated monopoly apart for businesses using five million litres of water a year or more.

From April 2017, new entrants in England will be able to tap into the incumbents’ networks for a price agreed with Ofwat, and sell the service downstream—much as in the market for broadband or mobile phones. This will expand the current £540 million-a-year water retail market to one worth £2.5 billion.

The potential benefits for customers are huge.

In Scotland, competition has already been introduced. In 2008 the non-household arm of Scottish Water, the incumbent, was spun out into a new company, Busi-ness Stream, which now competes with new entrants.

In the first five years to April 2013, Business Stream achieved more than £35 million in Water efficiency savings; experienced a 26% increase in customer satisfaction; made available more than £30m worth of discounts; saved public sector customers more than £20m in three years; helped customers save 16 billion litres of water and more than 28,000 tonnes of CO2.

Weds. 11 - Energy Management Solutions Theatre@10:30 - 11:00 - The Transformation of Energy Management. Fielder, from Enernoc, teams up with Tom Lee of Anglian Water Services to reveal how tech-nology today dramatically simplifies energy management complexities and what this means in financial terms.

Weds. 11- Utilities & Energy Services Theatre@12:30 - 13:00 - Implementing a Bespoke Water Strategy in Preparation for a Competitive Water Market. Claire Yeates, Director at Waterscan will detail the key elements to successfully manage a business’s water use efficiently and what needs to be done now to fully prepare and maximize the opportunities this will bring in April 2017 and before.

@13:10 - 13:40 - Water Marketplace Deregulation in 2017 – What it Means for the Energy Manage-ment with Jean Waring-Thomas - Commercial Strategy Consultant, Utilitywise and Jacob Tompkins - Managing Director, Waterwise

@14:30 - 15:00 - Why Water and Energy Do MixLee Shipsey, and Mark Sait will reveal how the partner-ship between Anglian Water Business and SaveMon-eyCutCarbon delivers on the water-energy-carbon link and how businesses and public sector organisations are saving money by a holistic approach to energy and water efficiency.

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Page 10: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


Real Life Stories

Wickes saves £500K on energy bill through staff trainingWickes have become one of the first UK or-ganisations to reap the benefits of training their staff in Stage One Low Energy Company (LEC) training. After training 146 of their employees, mainly including Store Managers, Supervisors and Keyholders, the national DIY retailer saved over £500K on their energy bill in 2014 across their 230 store estate.

The aim of the LEC initiative is to reduce the energy con-sumption of organisations operating within the UK, by strate-gically embedding energy efficiency training within organi-sational practices, establishing it as a nationwide standard across all industries. The Energy & Utility Skills (EU Skills) group and the Energy & Efficiency Industrial Partnership (the Partnership) have been working with the Energy Managers Association (EMA) to establish best practice in energy effi-ciency training and put it at the heart of UK business.

In February 2013, Store Manager of Wickes Macclesfield, Neil Chetwynd received his Profit & Loss statement for the previous month. Realising his store had significantly overspent against their budget on electricity, he noticed how bright the store lighting was. “In my office were two switches that operated the two banks of shop floor lights, so I hit the switch and turned a bank of lights off. No one noticed. No calls to the office and no customer complaints.”

On his subsequent visits to the branch, Neil’s Line Manager didn’t notice anything different about the ambiance of the store. As a result, Neil took steps to roll out an energy reduction programme, including Stage One LEC Training for his staff.

“It didn’t impact our sales and we finished as one of the highest above budget for the year in the region. In a nine month period, my store saved £7.7K. My team were paid an annual bonus and I’m in no doubt this training was a key factor.”

The initiative was so successful that in July 2013, Neil worked with Haydn Young, Energy Manager for Travis Perkins Group, to reduce energy across the region (13 stores) and in 2014, the entire Wickes estate (230 stores). They introduced the GAIA Active/EMA Energy Management Stage One E-learning course, which was tailored to Wickes’ specific requirements. In a period of six months, Wickes’ North West region saved £30.5K versus budget and

£27.6K versus 2012.The course takes the form of a quiz, so each person could work at their own pace without having to go over information they already knew. Completed in small chunks, it took each Store Manager 1-2 hours to complete. 1,200 members of staff will have completed the course by mid-2015. The qualification is also transferable, so there is a personal benefit to the individual.

Once employees had completed their e-learning, store man-agers were encouraged to join the online energy community. Built in Google+, its purpose is to enable participants to con-tinue the ‘constant energy conversation’ with their colleagues throughout Wickes and the Travis Perkins Group. At the time of writing there are over 700 active participants contributing and receiving feedback on their individual initiatives from colleagues and the energy management team within the organisation.

Wickes’ energy efficiency drive has grown exponentially in a short space of time. Neil said “It’s no exaggeration to say that Wickes have become pioneers in energy efficiency. There has been a culture change. It’s about changing behaviour until the conscious becomes the subconscious. It’s great for the environment and it’s brilliant for our profit line. It has been an enormous success so far.”

Rallying the team to the Energy Reduction Flag with Neil Chetwynd, Energy Associate - Gaia Active Ltd on Wednesday 11 @11:50 in the Energy Management Solutions Theatre

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Page 12: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


Real Life Stories

Poultry savings

OverviewIn an era of big data and smart systems is it any wonder that the gathering and analysis of data is key to quantify-ing energy and carbon savings?

With this in mind EDF Energy and Faccenda Foods have been working together since 2012 identifying ways of saving energy across Faccenda Foods’s facilities. As one of the UK’s largest food producers, rearing over 100 million chickens and turkeys every year, Faccenda Foods is a large, energy intensive operation.

A significant proportion of Faccenda Foods’s energy requirement is due to the electricity needed to drive electrical motors which in turn drive their processes.

Electrical motors account for one third of the electric-ity consumed in the UK and two thirds of electricity consumed in the industrial sector, therefore motors are a key area of focus when identifying opportunities for energy savings. Motors are used across all sectors to drive pumps, compressors, fans, conveyors, grinders, mixers… the list goes on.

Challenges & ActionsA conventional approach to saving energy related to electrical motors would be to use manufacturer’s information, assumptions about the operation and either replacing the motor with a more efficient model, reconditioning the motor or installing a variable speed drive (VSD).

The difficulty is knowing which option is right and how much energy will actually be saved. EDF R&D has developed a new remote auditing tool for electrical mo-tors called MotorBox©. Originally developed for use in France it was trialled with Faccenda Foods in November 2014. MotorBox© consists of remote wireless sensors

which are connected to motors on a customer’s site.

These sensors gather data about the motor and local environment and relay this information back to the Mo-torBox© technical team in Paris. This information is then analysed and scenarios are modelled to assess whether there is any scope for energy saving, the magnitude of feasible savings, the most appropriate energy conser-vation measures to be deployed and associated costs and paybacks.

Lessons & ResultsThis trial allowed EDF Energy to validate previous rec-ommendations for energy saving projects, discount pro-jects as not being viable based on low savings levels as well as identifying new projects not previously thought viable based on the conventional approach.

This means Faccenda Foods has been provided with sufficient information to avoid investing in projects which will not deliver energy savings (including the installation of variable speed drives) whilst being confident that the projects it does invest in will deliver the savings and achieve the required return on investment.

EDF Energy is so confident that the recommendations from MotorBox© will achieve the anticipated return we are willing to guarantee a minimum energy savings level for the projects recommended to Faccenda Foods.

The trial has been a great success which is not only attributed to EDF Energy and MotorBox© but also to the excellent engagement and involvement from Faccenda Foods and their teams on site.

As a result Faccenda Foods has commissioned EDF Energy to deliver three projects to reduce its electricity consumption at one of its key sites (MotorBox© trial site). These projects will payback in less than two years and will reduce the associated carbon emissions from the site by 12%. Hardly paltry savings you might say q

By Daniel Bentham, B2B Energy Services Delivery Manager, EDF ENERGY.COME AND MEET US STAND E40

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King’s College accommodation PPP efficiency review

OverviewKing’s College London and Bouygues Energies & Ser-vices began one of the first private finance initiative (PFI) partnerships in the UK in 1999. The 25-year build and operate agreement covered the refurbishment, lifecycle replacement and operational facilities management at two locations. The total contract value was forecast to be £82.25m.

Challenges & ActionsBetween 1999 and 2012, the environment had funda-mentally changed. The working day had increased; en-ergy costs and sustainability were now a priority; smarter ways of structuring FM services, managing asset lifecy-cles and meeting changing needs were needed; and students had transitioned from being passive end-users to customers.

The university also faced increasing pressure to attract more top performers. In response, Bouygues Energies & Services and King’s launched an efficiency review to respond to the changed environment, make savings and enhance services.

A review body was set up, co-chaired by senior exec-utives from King’s and Bouygues Energies & Services. The approach was to ‘leave nothing off the table’. Specialist workstreams fed into the steering group and views and ideas were collated from operational staff and managers as well as front-line staff and students.

The review team assessed services based on need and sought new ways of doing things to achieve the same results at lower costs. Over 150 opportunities were identified and evaluated. Any options that adversely affected the student experience were excluded and a total of £1.1m of savings to be re-invested in student services was finally identified.

Lessons & ResultsA key element of the review was to change people’s behaviour at all levels, remove silos and build enthusi-asm for doing things differently. This was achieved with a comprehensive internal communications plan and a more structured approach to contractual collaboration. A ’one-team’ approach with multi-skilling has created broader, better, more interesting roles for people with improved career prospects and the concept of “it’s not my job” was challenged. Staff and management now see the ‘whole’ facility and understand that everyone has a part to play, every day.

One of the most innovative outcomes of the review is the use of the lifecycle reserve to fund improvements. A detailed forecast of expenditure from contract com-mencement to completion was undertaken and a more accurate forecast of maintenance requirements and associated funding takes account of the previous 12 years of learning and experience.

Resuts at a glance:• £110,000pa of planned lifecycle investment re-

moved via lifecycle extension/enhancement work• Energy reduction measures are delivering savings

of £285,000 a year• Soft services have been reduced by around

£298,000 per annum from August 2013 • Hard services have reduced by £250,000 per

annum from June 2013• Lifecycle forecasting/planning will deliver savings of

£138,000 per annum• Student’s opinion of facilities services has improved• Measurement has also significantly improved and

new KPIs are in placeto chiller and boiler perfor-mance.

• Light sensors introduced throughout the two build-ings, including in stairwells q


Page 14: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


Wed 11 Seminars Highlights

Energy Use in the Built Environment TheatreHow the two important areas can work together, and the challenges presented if they do not.

With Guy Lee-Potter, Estates Services Transition and Change Team Lead, The Co-operative Group

Energy and Change on Wed 11 @10:30

ESOS: Progress and Prospects with 3 Weeks to Go on Wednesday 11 @14:30

Energy Use in the Built Environment TheatreThe original rapidly looming ESOS compliance deadline on the 5th December must mean that your schedule is becoming more hectic as your workload increases.

However, the latest ESOS Newsletter of the Environment Agency (EA) suggests that whilst the compliance date remains set for early December, penalties’ enforcement action for non-compliance by the 5th December will start after 29th January 2016.

In plain English, the EA wants to be informed by the 5th December if you fully comply with ESOS (notification of compliance), or if you have tried (taken some steps, including nominating your ESOS lead assessor) towards complying. Do let the EA know ei-ther way. If by the 5th you have not completed your full compliance and only taken some steps towards it, you will have until 29 January 2016 to fully comply.

Meet with Jo Scully, EA Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) Project Manager - Environment Agency


Energy Management Solutions TheatreThis panel of experts will address areas that Boards and Directors should focus on in order to understand the amount of energy they are using, how they’re using it, and what they can do to reduce their demand.

With Lord Rupert Redesdale, CEO, EMA - David Mason, Senior Sustain-ability Manager - Stuart Kirk - Head of Energy & Carbon, WM Morrisons Supermarkets

The Board and Directors Guide to Energy Reduction on Wednesday 11 @13:10


Energy Management as a Profession TheatreLord Bourne, Parliamentary Under

Secretary of State for Departement of Energy and Climate Change.

Benefits of Business Energy Efficiency on Wed 11 @13:50

Page 15: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


Energy Management as a Profession TheatreThe awards ceremony will be presented by Lord Redesdale, co-founder of EMEX and CEO of the Energy Managers Association (EMA) & Ralph Scrivens, Publisher / Editor - Public Sector Sustainability Magazine

Public Sector Sustainability Awards to be announced on Thursday 12 @15:10

Utilities & Energy Services TheatreHM Treasury has launched a consultation seeking views and evidence on proposals to reform the business energy efficiency tax landscape and associated regulations, including the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme and Climate Change Agree-ments, and energy and carbon reporting including links to the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme.

In the summer the EMA surveyed its members about the planned reform of the taxation system. We have received over ninety responses that we

discussed with the Treasury. The consultation questions reflect many of the concerns raised by the EMA members.

Nico Heslop, Deputy Director, Energy & Transport Tax, HM Treasury will be speaking at EMEX.

The consultation is the start of the process of changing the taxation landscape and will help guide the Treasury in their thinking. The EMA will continue to offer the support to the Treasury by utilising the knowledge and experience of our members.

HM Treasury Consultation - Business Energy Efficiency Taxation Review on Thu 12 @11:50

Thur 12 Seminar Highlights


Energy Management as a Profession TheatreHow do you engage the workforce? The panel will look at different strategies across sectors and discuss EMA Low Energy Company (LEC) Stage 1 and 2 training.

With Dan Hubbard, EMA Member & MEI Chartered Energy Manager - Chris May-hew, Operations Improvement Manager at British Sugar and chaired by Lord Rupert Redesdale, CEO of The EMA

Energy Reduction Through Behaviour Change on Thursday 12 @12:30

Utilities & Energy Services TheatreThe session aims to give you the main learnings from RE:FIT from 2011-2015 and how best to use a EPC for the UK public sector.

With Tom Parrot, Energy Manager at Kingston University - Karen Dell, Head of Sustainabil-ity at the Department of Energy and Climate Change - Tristan Oliver - Technical & Delivery Lead, Mayor of London’s RE:FIT Programme- chaired by Rob Spender Programme Director FTC - RE:FIat Greater London Authority

Lessons from RE:FIT – a Public Sector Energy Perfor-mance Contract framework Programme Thu 12 @13:10

Page 16: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


Theatre 1 Agenda

All information accurate at time of going to press


Theatre brought to you by:

Energy Management as a ProfessionDay 1 – 11th November 2015

10:30-11:00 Energy and ChangeGuy Lee-Potter - Estates Services Transition and Change Team Lead, The Co-operative Group

11:10-11:40 The Junior Energy Manager Apprenticeship – tackling skills gap shortageLord Redesdale - CEO, Energy Managers AssociationDave Horton - Energy Specialist, nPower Calum Worsnop,- Standards Development Team, Apprentice-ships Unit - Department for Business, Innovation & Skills

11:50-12:20 Wabtec: changing the way we seeand use natural resourcesKirollus Tamer - Group Environmental & Sustainability Engineer, Wabtec Group

12:30-13:00 Empowering Women in EnergyManagement and EnvironmentSuki Gililland - Head of Energy, QinetiQNicola Stopps - Managing Director, Simply Sustainable ConsultingPenelope Guarnay - Group Energy Manager, Marks and SpencerWendi Wheeler MEI - Energy & Carbon Strategy Manager, Network Rail

13:10-13:40 ESOS Best Practice: Benefits from using an Internal ESOS Lead AssessorMichael Greer - Energy Manager & ESOS Lead Assessor, CEMEX UK

13:50-14:20 Benefits of Business Energy EfficiencyLord Bourne - Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Department of Energy and Climate Change

14:30-15:00 “Apparently I’m an Energy Manager as well…”Andy Clarke - Energy Management Consultant

15:10-15:40 The Future of the Energy Management ProfessionDr Sharon George - Course Director, Keele UniversityPaul Gosling - Managing Director, Allen & YorkRichard Felgate - Director & EMA Chair, EnStrat(uk) LtdWendi Wheeler MEI - Energy & Carbon Strategy Manager, Network Rail

15:50-17:00 The EMA Private Sector Energy Management Awards

Day 2 – 12th November 2015

10:30-11:00 Energy Management. It’s just checking the bills are correct surelyDave Horton - Energy Specialist, nPower

11:10-11:40 What Makes You an Energy ManagerGonzalo Jimenez - Energy Manager, Royal Borough of Kensington and ChelseaIan Jones - Director of Facilities, ITVStuart Kirk - Head of Energy & Carbon, WM Morrisons Supermarkets plc

11:50-12:20 A case study of Energy Managementat schoolJenny Townsend - Owner, Townsend Consultancy LtdKeith Pullinger - Head of Careers, Highgate School

12:30-13:00 Energy Reduction Through Behaviour ChangeLord Rupert Redesdale - CEO, Energy Managers AssociationDan Hubbard - EMA Member & MEI Chartered Energy ManagerChris Mayhew - Operations Improvement Manager - British Sugar

13:10-13:40 Case Study: Being an Energy Manag-er in public & private sectorRoger Low - Chartered Energy Manager, Defence Infrastructure Organisation (Ministry of Defence)

13:50-14:20 Low Energy Company TrainingLord Rupert Redesdale - CEO, Energy Managers Association

14:30-15:00 Project Blackout – A spotlight on energy efficiencyJuliet Hayes SIIRSM AIEMA - Risk Management & Sustainability Advisor, The Ambassador Theatre Group

15:10-16:10 Public Sector Sustainability AwardsLord Rupert Redesdale - CEO, Energy Managers AssociationRalph Scrivens - Publisher / Editor, Public Sector Sustainability Magazine

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Theatre 2 Agenda

Utilities & Energy ServicesDay 2 – 12th November 2015

10:30-11:00 Guide to Energy Procurement – How to procure energy as an Energy ManagerNicky Maclaurin - Energy Manager, Vodafone

11:10-11:40 Reducing heating costs across Lincolnshire County Council’s Schools EstateGeoff Newman - Business Development Director, Sabien TechnologySteve Golightly - Environmental Services , Lincolnshire County Council

11:50-12:20 Business Energy Efficiency Tax ReviewNico Heslop - Deputy Director, Energy & Transport Tax, HM Treasury

12:30-13:00 Demystifying Energy ProcurementNicky Maclaurin - Energy Manager, VodafoneOmar Rahim - Director of Trading & Operations, LG Energy GroupSteve Hone - COO and Co-founder, Data Centre Alliance

13:10-13:40 Lessons from RE:FIT – a public sector Energy Performance Contract Framework ProgrammeTom Parrot - Energy Manager, Kingston UniversityKaren Dell - Head of Sustainability, Department of Energy and Climate ChangeTristan Oliver - Technical & Delivery Lead, Mayor of London’s RE:FIT ProgrammeRob Spender - Programme Director FTC - RE:FIT, Greater London Authority

13:50-14:20 How to integrate an Energy Performance Contract (EPC) into an existing PFI contractFiona Daly - Environmental Manager, Barts Health NHS TrustRichard Byers - Head of Green Business, Skanska

14:30-15:00 Will Computers Cause or Cure the Energy Crisis?Simon Graham - Energy and Environmental Manager, Commercial IT Services

15:10-15:40 EnPC – Succesful Deployment in Local GovernmentJohn Harrison - Executive Director, Resources, Peterborough Council

15:45-16:00 Unlocking demand flexibility for lower electricity billsIlse Dubois - Chief Operating Officer, Tempus Energy

Day 1 – 11th November 2015

10:30-11:00 Decentralised EnergyPaul Brodrick - Head of Connected Communities, Siemens

11:10-11:40 Grid Connections – How to get your site or project connected to the GridDavid Thomas - ESOS Lead Assessor Strategic Project, SavillsRobert James - Energy and Infrastructure Project Manager, Savills

11:50-12:20 Dynamic Simulation – Challenging the Status QuoBob Crawford - Sustainability Unit Business Lead, Interserve

12:30-13:00 Implementing a Bespoke Water Strategy in Preparation for a Competitive Water MarketClaire Yeates - Director , Waterscan

13:10-13:40 Water Marketplace Deregulation in 2017 – What it Means for the Energy ManagementJacob Tompkins - Managing Director, WaterwiseJean Waring-Thomas - Commercial Strategy Consultant , Utilitywise

13:50-14:20 Successful (and replicable!) imple-mentation of effective energy man-agementAlexandra Hammond - Environmental Sustainability Manager, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

14:30-15:00 Why Water and Energy Do MixMark Sait - Chief Executive Officer, SaveMoneyCutCarbonLee Shipsey - Sales Director, Anglian Water Business

15:10-15:40 How RWE nPower Energised Their Energy ManagementDaniel Connor - Energy Manager, nPower

15:45-16:00 Find the hidden “DNA” in your AMR dataGeorge Catto - Client Services Director - Energy Assets in Partnership with KWIQly

16:05-16:20 Why the lights are going out – in utility company boardroomsAlastair Martin - Chief Strategy Officer, Flexitricity

16:25-16:40 The Future of ESCo ServicesSteve Hayden - Managing Director, Energy Saving People

Page 18: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


Theatre 3 Agenda

All information accurate at time of going to press

Energy Management SolutionsDay 1 – 11th November 2015

10:30-11:00 The Transformation of Energy ManagementTom Lee - Energy Contract and Information Manager, Anglian Water ServicesFielder Hiss - Vice President of Marketing & Product Management, EnerNOC

11:10-11:40 Future-Proof your Energy Risk:Why DSM is THE vital tool in an Ener-gy Manager’s toolkitMarc Borrett - CEO , Reactive Technologies Limited

11:50-12:20 Rallying the team to the Energy Reduction FlagNeil Chetwynd - Energy Associate, Gaia Active Ltd

12:30-13:00 Making Energy Management WorkMark Rimell - Business Development Manager, Carlo Gavazzi

13:10-13:40 The Board and Directors Guide to Energy ReductionLord Rupert Redesdale - CEO, Energy Managers AssociationDavid Mason - Senior Sustainability Manager, SkanskaStuart Kirk - Head of Energy & Carbon, WM Morrisons Supermarkets plc

13:50-14:20 Integrated Energy and FM Solutionsfor Real BenefitPaul Eggleton - Energy & Environment Director, Lloyds Banking Group (mitie)

14:30-15:00 Making it add up: how energy managers can demonstrate savings from their actionsIan Byrne - Deputy Chief Executive, National Energy Foundation

15:10-15:40 The answer to peak time pricing? Energy Storage SolutionsBrian Lonn - Senior Sales and Origination Manager for Virtual Power Plant and Flexibility, E.ON Connecting EnergiesJon Ferris - Head of Energy Markets, UtilitywiseJames Napier - CEO, Virtual Power Solutions

15:45-16:00 ESOS: Incorporating evaporative cooling into your energy plan, with case studies from data centres and industrial clients.Alan Beresford - Managing Director, EcoCooling Ltd

16:05-16:20 Uncovered – The dark art of power distribution, transformers, voltage management and optimisationErika Wilson - Managing Director, Wilson Power Solutions

Day 2 – 12th November 2015

10:30-11:00 The EMA Buyer’s Guide to GlazingDave Cox - European Channel Manager 3M and President of the European Window Film Association, 3M

11:10-11:40 Significantly improve your operating costs by seeing where, and when, you spend your money on energyBen Murphy - Founder and Managing Director, MeasureMyEnergy

11:50-12:20 The EMA Buyer’s Guide to LightingNick Clark - International Development Director, Havells SylvaniaJohn Swallow - Director - Energy Efficiency, GMI EnergyBastiaan De Groot - Head of Controls Business, Havells SylvaniaKristina Allison - Lighting Designer, Zumtobel GroupCraig Allan - UK Business Development Manager, Organic Response

12:30-13:00 The Technical Posibilities of BIM for Analysis in delivering Soft LandingsDr Sarah Graham - UK Division Head, IES Ltd

13:10-13:40 The EMA Buyer’s Guide to Solar PVNeil Durno - UK Business Development Manager, Solar Power PlantsJerry Hamilton - Director for Renewables, Rexel Renewable EnergyJohn Macdonald-Brown - Director, Syzygy RenewablesJohn Parnell - Deputy Head of Content, Solar Media

13:50-14:20 Ecoversity – Delivering a One Planet Low Carbon Campus 2025Clive Wilson - Director of Estates and Facilities, University of Bradford

14:30-14:55 The EMA Buyer’s Guide to PumpsSteve Schofield - Director & Chief Executive, British Pump Manufacturer’s Association Limited

15:00-15:25 Building Fabric Heat Loss: Case Stud-ies Using Thermographic MethodsMark Colyer - Managing Director, ScanTherm

15:30-15:45 The need for water treatmentand how to measure the benefitsJohn Thompson - CEO, Environmental Treatment Concepts

15:50-16:05 From big data to big results Jason Plent - Managing Director, Minimise Solutions

Theatre brought to you by:

Page 19: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


Theatre 4 Agenda

Energy Use in the Built EnvironmentDay 1 – 11th November 2015

10:30-11:00 ISO 14001 – A new standard for a new eraLesley Wilson Ba MBA - Lead Programme Manager - Sus-tainability, BSI (British Standards Institution)

11:10-11:40 Have you done ESOS yet? The Panic Guide.Ben Burggraaf - Energy Operations Manager, Dŵr Cymru Welsh WaterIain Paterson - E&M Projects and Energy Manager, The Pirbright InstituteDavid Mason - Senior Sustainability Manager, SkanskaKyle Crombie - Environmental and Sustainability Consultant and ESOS Lead Assessor, Green Energy ConsultingKit Oung - Energy Management Advisor, Energy Efficien:ology

11:50-12:20 Energy and Facilities Management:A launch of 40:20:40 RatioLord Rupert Redesdale - CEO, Energy Managers Association Neil Fright - CEO, Carbon Numbers GroupNicola Stopps - Managing Director, Simply Sustainable Consulting

12:30-13:00 How much? How to comprehensively con-trol your energy costs in today’s marketDaniel Bentham - Manager of B2B Energy Services Delivery, EDF Energy

13:10-13:40 Can ESOS Spark a Revolution?Paul Lynch - Building Energy Services Technical Manager, Veolia UK

13:50-14:20 ESOS – Business as Usual?Scott Armstrong - Group Head of Energy and Sustainability and ESOS Lead Assessor, Bourne LeisureSam Arje - Group Energy and Sustainability Manager, Bourne Leisure

14:30-15:00 ESOS: Progress and prospects with3 weeks to go!Jo Scully - EA Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) Project Manager, Environment Agency

15:10-15:40 Energy Performance Contracts – the answer to financing energy efficiencyKeith Pedder - Energy and Engineering Director, Bouygues Energies & Services Ian Jeffries - Performance Management & Market Analysis, EEVS Alexandra Hammond - Environmental Sustainability Manager, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

15:45-16:00 ESOS: Continuing the benefits of ESOS long after complianceKyle Crombie - Environmental and Sustainability Consultant and ESOS Lead Assessor, Green Energy Consulting

16:05-16:20 Take control of your P272 challengeJon Ferris - Head of Energy Markets, Utilitywise

Day 2 – 12th November 2015

10:30-11:00 Getting the most from your ESOS AuditRichard Sulley - Energy and Sustainability Manager, Cofely Energy Services

11:10-11:40 Energy Strategy: How to create integrated programmes that outperform piecemeal initiativesDaniel Bentham - Manager of B2B Energy Services Delivery, EDF Energy

11:50-12:20 Energy Data – Useless Without ActionRichard Felgate - Director & EMA Chair, EnStrat(uk) Ltd

12:30-13:00 Energy management systems – the key to improving energy efficiencyDr Andrew Lewry CEng - Principal Consultant, Sustainable Energy Team (SET), Building Research Establishment (BRE)

13:10-13:40 The Coca Cola Enterprise Journey to a Greener IT – One Year OnKevin Sirjuesingh - Director of IT strategic initiatives, Coca-Cola Enterprise Charles Reid - Global IT Infrastructure Operations, Coca-Cola Entreprises

13:50-14:20 Energy Efficiency Automation in Social HousingTrevor Mole - Managing Director, Property Tectonics LimitedJames Napier - CEO, Virtual Power Solutions

14:30-15:00 People power: 5 ways to engage occupi-ers and employees in energy efficiencySteve Malkin - CEO and Founder - Planet First

15:10-15:40 M&V – the latest advances in the UKDarren Pearson - Director, C3 Resources LtdRajvant Nijjhar - Director, iVEES

15:45-16:00 How large scale energy users can future-proof their electricity supply in an uncertain marketNick Boyle - CEO, Lightsource Renewable Energy Limited

16:05-16:20 Demand Based Energy Reduction TechnologySimon Jarman - Chief Executive, Quintex Systems Limited

Theatre brought to you by:

Page 20: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


The award-winning firm specialises in the design and engineering of energy efficient power and distribution trans-formers and will have one of its new Eco BEST products on its stand D41.

The new unit, which is based on Bowers’ top-sell-ing BEST range, is fully-compliant with new EU legislation on transformer efficiency and in many cases exceeds the energy savings that the new rules require – reducing customers’ bills as well as their carbon footprints.

STAND D41 - Bowers Electricals to showcase one of the most efficient transformers.

KWSR was established in response to a growing need amongst business customers facing increas-ing pressures on their use and disposal of water/waste water, increased environmental legislation and the need to maintain complex water systems.

Kelda Water Services Retail (KWSR) is a subsidiary of the Kelda Group, who are the owners of Yorkshire Water, and Loop their award winning billing and customer contact center.

STAND G18 - Visit Kelda Water Services andcomplete short survey for the chance to win an iPad.

Exhibition Highlights

Cenex – the UK’s first Centre of Ex-cellence for low carbon technologies – once again delivers ‘The Low Carbon Transport Zone’ in conjunction with the Energy Managers Association.

The partnership between Cenex and EMEX is tackling this head on by providing EMEX’s attend-ees with a Transport Zone where they will be able to gain understanding of the carbon and financial

cost of Transport used in their businesses as part of ESOS; thus increasing business competitiveness and securing cash and carbon savings”.

The zone will feature manu-facturers, vehicle providers and service support, highlighting to attendees that low carbon vehicle alternatives are real and relevant.

The Low Carbon Transport Zone

Reactive delivers an unrivalled, cloud-based DSM service that enables flexibil-ity and control in energy management and allows access to a broad range of demand management revenue streams.

Reactive Technologies is a leading UK smart grid company focused on delivering innovative technol-ogy solutions in zero carbon Demand Side Man-agement (DSM), network efficiency, reactive power management and the integration of renewable and intermittent generation into the grid.

STAND D43 - Reactive Technologies is the winner of the 2015 European Entrepreneurial Company of the Year Award

Page 21: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


EnerNOC is a leading global provider of energy intelligence software (EIS). We help companies buy energy smarter, manage utility bills, optimise energy consumption, and manage peak demand. We serve customers in more than 100 countries and are proud to have delivered more than US$1B in customer savings to date.

Please join us in the Energy Management Solutions Theatre on Wednesday at 10:30 where we will team up with Tom Lee from Anglian Water Services for a ‘show and tell’ on how energy management has been transformed through intelligent-yet-simple enterprise software solutions.

STAND C40 - Enernoc provides bespoke energy intelligence software demo. Enter a free draw for an Apple Watch, too!


We have 8 slots available for a 30 minutes free consultation with one of our senior energy consult-ants. Bring your questions along and our consultant

will discuss with you the impact that ESOS could present to your business.

STAND F3 - Don’t Misinterpret Extra Time for ESOS! STC Energy gives free consultation.

Come and lesson Kyle Crombie, Environmental and Sustainability Consultant and ESOS Lead Assessor, Green Energy Consulting in 2 sessions on Wednesday 11 in The Energy Use in the Built Environment Theatre

@11:10 - Have you done ESOS yet? The Panic Guide.@15:45 - ESOS: Continuing the benefits of ESOS long after compliance.

STAND D20 - Green Energy Consulting delivers the benefits of ESOS long after compliance.

You wouldn’t accept an un-itemised bill from your supermarket, your mobile phone provider or your TV subscription – so why do we accept it from our energy providers?

Our platform shows you when and where you are spending money on energy. And how to save it. On average, we help our customers to save around

30% of their annual energy bills and help them make informed choices moving forward.

Ben Murphy, Founder and Managing Di-rector of MeasureMyEnergy will speak on Thursday @11:10 in the Energy Man-agement Solutions Theatre

STAND E20 - MeasureMyEnergy significantly improves your operating costs by seeing where, and when, you spend your money on energy.

Page 22: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


Floor Plan & A-Z ListingACE Wizard ................................... F70

Aimteq ....................................... B24

Association of Gas Safety Managers (AGSM) .... G58

Aurora Australis ............................. A23

Autoflame Engineering Limited ................. B67

BM Trada ..................................... C74

Bouygues E&S FM UK ............... Networking Area

Bowers Electricals Limited ................... D41

Bowler Energy ................................ F34

British Energy Saving Technology ............. F42

British Inst of Facilities Mngmt (BIFM) ...... G60

British Pump Manufacturers Assoc (BPMA) ...... D72

BSI ...................................... Partner

BSRIA .................................... Partner

C3 Resources ................................. G42

Carbon Management Services ................... C32

Carbon Numbers ................................ D1

Carbon Trust ................................. E72

Carlo Gavazzi UK Limited ..................... F74

Cenex Low Carbon Vehicle Showcase ...... D60 / E60

CIBSE .................................... Partner

CIPS ..................................... Partner

Clarke Energy Limited ........................ G30

Cloud Sustainability .......................... F2

Corona Energy ................................ D15

CRASH ........................................ B25

Cylon Controls ............................... D74

Data Centre Alliance ..................... Partner

E.ON Energy Solutions .................... Theatre

EcoCooling Limited ........................... F38

EDF Energy .......................... E40, Theatre

EEVS ........................................ F75

Elcomponent .................................. D70

Electrical Review ........................ Partner

Elmhurst Energy Services ..................... G50

Emerson Process Management ................... D79

Energise Consulting .......................... B20

Energy Assets ................................ F12

Energy in Buildings & Industry (EiBI) ........ C41

EnerNOC ...................................... C40

ENGIE ....................... Registration Sponsor

Enistic ...................................... B27

Environment Times ............................ G10

Environmental Treatment Concepts ............. A39

Eticom ....................................... C15

Facilities Management Journal (FMJ) ...... Partner

Flexisolar: Solar Carports ................... D45

Flexitricity ................................. G20

Gemini Data Loggers .......................... G70

Glass and Glazers Federation (GGF) ........... A37

Green Energy Consulting ............. D10, Sponsor

Greenroute ................................... B16

Havells Sylvania ............................. C42

Helios ....................................... C30

IACCM – Global Contract Management Assoc ..... G14

Ignite Energy Limited ........................ B28

Innon Energy Limited ......................... F36

Inst of Public Sector Estates Management ..... B74

Integrated Environmental Solutions ........... C70

Iviti Lighting Limited ....................... B55

Kelda Water Services ......................... G18

LG Energy Group .............................. C12

Lightwource Renewable Energy ................. C36

Low Carbon Europe ............................. A9

Page 23: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


Magnatech Fuel Conditioning Limited ........... E1

Measure My Energy .................. E20, Sponsor

Minimise ..................................... E75

Mode ......................................... B16

MyLite Products .............................. B45

National Energy Foundation ............... Partner

NETTHINGS .................................... G28

NewFound Energy Limited ....................... A5

Panoramic Power Limited ...................... B18

Planet First ................................. A16

Reactive Technologies ........................ D43

RES Distributed Energy ....................... B14

Resource Data Management ..................... F44

REstore ...................................... F32

RWE nPower ............................... Theatre

Sabien Technology Limited .................... B56

Savills ...................................... F72

ScanTherm – Thermographic Consultants ........ A29

Schneider Electric Limited ................... F10

Segula ....................................... B16

Siemens .......................... Networking Area

SIG Inside ................................... B63

SMARTech ..................................... B10

Smartestenergy ............................... A50

Solarsense ................................... A11

Solarworld ................................... C30

STC Energy .................................... F3

Sutton & East Surrey Water Services .......... B59

TEAM (Energy Auditing Agency Ltd) ............ F40

Tempus Energy ................................. F1

Thamesgate Group ............................. B50

Tomorrow’s Energy Management .................. B1

TWinFM (Meet the Press) ...................... G74

UB Services .................................. A27

UKAEE ........................................ G26

Utilitywise .................................. C35

Veolia ....................................... D40

Voltaware .................................... C72

Wallis Cutts .................................. C1

Water 2 Business ......................... Sponsor

Water Report ................................. G32

Waterscan Limited ............................ B30

Waterwise ................................ Partner

Wilson Power Solutions Limited ............... C31

Floor-plan sponsored by:

Brought to you by:

Page 24: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


F70 - ACE Wizard System 3 Thorn Close, Four Marks, Alton, Hampshire GU34 5BU01420 446202 [email protected]


ACE Wizard is a firm capturing energy data through HVAC Ener-gy Inspections translating our finds in to business cost impact.

G58 - Association of Gas Safety Managers (AGSM) First Floor, 11 Campbell Court, Bramley, Tadley, Hants RG25 5EG01256 548040 [email protected]


A membership organisation for managers who are responsible for gas safety management within social housing and other organisations.

Sponsor - Atlas Copco Compressors Swallowdale Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 7EA0800 181085 [email protected]


Atlas Copco Compressors is a leading manufacturer of energy efficient compressed air systems. A nationwide sales, service and distribution network means that specialist compressed air advice and service is within easy reach.

A23 - Aurora Australis Pty Ltd Aurora House, Leavers Industrial Estate, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 8JU07720 755 866 [email protected]


We guarantee a positive cash flow stream from future energy cost reductions. Funded Solutions - No CAPEX required.

B67 - Autoflame Unit 1 & 2 Concorde Business Centre, Airport Industrial Estate, Wireless Road, Biggin Hill, Kent TN16 3YN0845 872 2001 [email protected]


Autoflame manufactures and installs touchscreen systems that drastically reduce fuel consumption, carbon footprint and maintenance costs of boiler houses.

Partner - BEAMA Westminster Tower, 3 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7SL020 7793 3000 [email protected]


C74 - BM Trada Chiltern House, Stocking Lane, Hughenden Valley, High Wycombe, HP14 4ND01494 569700 [email protected]


BM TRADA – part of the Exova Group. BM TRADA provides independent certification, testing, and inspection, technical and training services.

B24 - Aimteq The Mission, Wellington Street, Stockport, SK1 3AH0161 475 1777 [email protected]


Aimteq is one of the UK’s largest systems integration compa-nies. Specialising in the installation, maintenance & monitoring of BMS and BEMS equipment, we bring together a unique blend of building control and energy management expertise. This means we can deliver maximum control over energy costs & operational efficiencies over the shortest payback period. With over 20 years of experience and a client base that includes some of the world’s best-known brands, it is no wonder Aimteq is one of the most trusted and proven names in our sector. We believe there is strength in numbers: Our team is responsible for 5000+ successful installations and we also maintain over 1500 sites across the UK.

Networking Area SponsorBouygues Energies & Services Waterloo Centre, Elizabeth House, 39 York Street, London, SE1 7NQ020 7401 0020 [email protected]


Bouygues Energies & Services is a customer-centric facilities management and energy performance partner, operating in over 25 countries worldwide and is part of the Bouygues Group - a global brand employing over 130,000 people in 80 countries within the construction, civil works, energy, services, telecommunications and media sectors. We work in partnership with our clients, bringing together quality, service and energy performance. We focus on the individual needs of our clients, while ensuring local services on a nationwide basis through our network of offices across the UK, Ireland and beyond.


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Exhibitors Listing

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F34 - Bowler Energy Badger Farm, Willowpit Lane, Hilton, Derbyshire, DE65 5EH01283 736637 [email protected]


We are agricultural, commercial and industrial solar PV special-ists and we treat every installation as if it were our own.

F42 - British Energy Saving Technology Southview House, St Austell Enterprise Park, Cornwall, PL25 4EJ01726 871 040 [email protected]


Discover the top 10 energy saving options & why most compa-nies are missing out on number #1. We’ll show you how.

D72, Partner - British Pump Manufacturers Association (BPMA) National Metalforming Centre, 47 Birmingham Road, B70 6PY0121 601 6350 [email protected]


The British Pump Manufacturers’ Association Ltd (BPMA) repre-sents the interests of UK and Irish suppliers of liquid pumps and pumping equipment.

Partner - BSRIA Old Bracknell Lane West, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 7AH01344 465600 [email protected]


G60 - British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) Number One Building, The Causeway, Bishop’s Stortford, Herts, CM23 2ER

01279 712620 - [email protected] - www.bifm.org.uk

The British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) is the professional body for facilities management (FM). We promote excellence in facilities management for the benefit of practition-ers, the economy and society. Supporting and representing over 16,000 members around the world, both individual FM professionals and organisations, and thousands more through qualifications and training.

D41 - Bowers Electricals Heanor Gate Road, Heanor, Derbyshire, DE75 7GX01773 531531 [email protected]


One of Europe’s leading manufacturers of Power, Distribution and Eco Compliant Transformers. Designing and engineering among the most efficient transformers in the world using British materials and expertise. The team can offer advanced technolo-gy transformers, having the capability to do everything in-house means Bowers can provide bespoke transformer solutions, to suit your needs. Bowers Electricals will be unveiling the New Bowers Eco Best transformer fully compliant with the new EU directive but with enhanced losses ensuring our customers can be confident that the equipment they purchase will exceed the performance requirements that are now a legal obligation.

BowersElectricals Ltd

C32 - Carbon Management Services Broad Oak Manor, Broad Oak End, Bramfield Road, Hertford, SG14 2JA020 7296 0000 [email protected]


At last year’s EMEX, CMS launched its Energy Reduction Assurance programme that ensures operational, financial and contractual requirements are delivered through a six step process to deliver tangible and verifiable reductions in energy consumption, cost & CO2.

G42 - C3 Resources Ltd Barrack Rooms 6&7, Crownhill Fort, Corwnhill Fort road, Plymouth, PL6 5BX01752 268002 [email protected]


Visit us on stand G42 to find out more about how data analytics can be deployed to reduce carbon and costs.

See you next yearon 16-17 November

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D1 - Carbon Numbers Lanswoodpark Business Centre, Broomfield Road, Elmstead Market, CO7 7FD01206 263390 [email protected]


At Carbon Numbers we can support the success of your com-pany by managing your energy consumption and delivering a carbon management plan, thereby saving costs and improving your carbon footprint. With a growing government agenda for sustainability and climate change, and energy prices predicted to steadily rise, an increasing numbers of businesses are focusing on the need for energy management. We have the resources to develop a low carbon strategy for your buildings and support you in developing and implementing models that are risk free and self-financed. Our process is simple and our advice straightforward and what’s more, your existing suppliers can be part of the process.

F2 - Cloud Sustainability 45 King William Street, London EC4R 9AN0845 287 3850 [email protected]


Delivering high impact workplace efficiency programmes empowering individuals to reduce energy and resource use through innovative engaging accredited online tools.

E72 - Carbon Trust 4th Floor Dorset House 27-45 Stamford Street London SE1 9NT020 7170 7000 [email protected]


The Carbon Trust is an independent, expert partner of leading organisations around the world, helping them contribute to and benefit from a more sustainable future through carbon reduction, resource efficiency strategies and commercialising low carbon technologies.

F74 - Carlo Gavazzi 4.4 Frimley Business Park, Frimley,Camberley, Surrey, GU16 7SG01276 854 110 [email protected]


Carlo Gavazzi’s popular family of easy to install DIN rail/panel mount, single and three phase energy meters meet all the latest requirements of the Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) and resolve the requirements for monitoring energy usage laid out in part L2 of the Building Regulations, boasting one of the largest energy management ranges in the UK. This year’s EMEX showcases the latest energy management devices, MID meters and software. As well as demonstrations, talk to the experts and find out how Carlo Gavazzi have helped commercial buildings, schools and hospitals reduce their energy bills, as well as their carbon footprint.

G30 - Clarke Energy 0151 546 4446 [email protected]


Clarke Energy is an authorised distributor and service partner for GE’s Gas Engine Business, providing flexible solutions for the delivery & maintenance of gas engine power plants. CHP is an ideal solution for creating sustainability within high heat and power intensive businesses whilst substantially cutting energy costs. Our services range from the supply of a gas engine, through to the complete turnkey installation of a gas-fuelled CHP plant. Long term maintenance contracts are backed up by a strong balance sheet helping give peace of mind with respect to the long-term performance of your gas to power facility.

D60 - Cenex Low Carbon Vehicle Showcase Innovation Centre, Loughborough University, Science & Enterprise Park,Ashby Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU01509 635750 [email protected]


Cenex, the UK’s first Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and Fuel Cell technologies, is a UK independent not for profit company. We have established our position as the leading independent experts in low carbon vehicles and fuels through delivering a range of research and demonstration trials.

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Exhibitors Listing

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D74 - Cylon Controls UK Endeavour House, Coopers End Road, Stansted, Essex, CM24 1SJ0870 178 1800 [email protected]


Cylon offer energy management solutions including Active Energy Manager, cloud-based energy analytics tool to monitor and manage multiple buildings in multiple locations.

Partner - Data Centre Alliance Knowledge Dock Business Centre, University of East London, 4-6 University Way, London E16 2RD0845 873 4587 [email protected]


The DCA is committed to capturing the best expertise and ex-perience from across the industry for developing standards and guidelines for data centre design, construction and operation.

Partner - Department of Energy and Climate Change 3 Whitehall Place, London SW1A 2AW [email protected]


Presentation by DECC representatives, and the chance to have your questions answered.

D15 - Corona Edward Hyde Building, 38 Clarendon Road, Watford, WD17 1JW0800 804 8589 [email protected]


Corona Energy is an innovative, independent energy supplier with over 20 years’ experience providing energy solutions to commercial, industrial and public sector organisations through-out the UK. Our vision is to make a positive difference for our customers and we all share a genuine passion for delivering quality, simplicity and value.

B25 - CRASH The Gatehouse, 2 Devonhurst Place, London W4 4JD0208 742 0717 [email protected]


CRASH is the construction and property industry’s charity for homeless people. We are a practical charity that focuses on improving the buildings used by homeless people. CRASH is unique. As an industry charity we encourage our patron com-panies to get directly involved in helping homelessness projects that ask us for assistance. Thanks to these companies CRASH helps over 60 projects a year by providing professional advice, supplying free materials, and awarding cash grants.

Theatre - E.ON Energy Solutions Westwood Way, Coventry, CV4 8LG [email protected]/for-your-business/large-ener-


E.ON Energy Solutions works with both supply and non-supply customers in identifying energy reduction and efficiency projects and uses its wealth or knowledge and experience to produce turn-key, technology agnostic solutions for customers which reduce both energy spend and carbon usage. Also through funding and underwriting solutions EES can help customers start projects that wouldn’t normally be approved. Finally through its Virtual Power Plant department there is the ability to leverage existing assets that have spare capacity or are idle and make it a revenue source by selling this energy onto the capacity market.

G58 - Corgi Technical Services Ltd First Floor, 11 Campbell Court, Bramley, Tadley, Hants RG26 5EG01256 548040 [email protected]


CORGI Technical Services Ltd has over forty years of technical expertise in all aspects of gas safety. CORGI delivers com-prehensive site audits, training for employees, a family of VRQ gas safety qualifications for all levels of staff and for tenants, legal advice and expert witness testimony. Working with local authorities, housing associations, private landlords, contractors, energy suppliers and the travel industry CORGI supports them with their gas safety obligations, compliance and continued improvement. CORGI also runs the Association of Gas Safety Managers (AGSM), the professional association for gas and as-set managers and organisations in social housing and facilities management.

See you next yearon 16-17 November

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E40, Theatre - EDF Energy Cardinal Place, 80 Victoria Street, Victoria, London, SW1E 5JL0845 300 9146 [email protected]


EDF Energy can help you align your electricity purchasing, energy efficiency and self-generation activities into one cohesive business energy strategy.

F38 - EcoCooling Symonds Farm Business Park, Bury St Edmunds, IP28 6QR01284810586 [email protected]


EcoCooling direct evaporative cooling can be used as an alternative to air conditioning in most industrial buildings or IT rooms providing 90% energy savings at a fraction of the capital cost of a traditional air conditioning or ventilation system. A standard CREC system provides 35kW of cooling for just 1.5kW of electricity and can cool a 250m2 area. Data centre installations using the systems regularly achieve a PUE below 1.1. Ecocooling now have over 1500 installations industrial and IT sectors in the UK including Cummins Diesel, Premier Foods, Cott Beverages, Net-a-Porter, Unum, Cambridge University and the award winning Aberdeen University.

Exhibitors Listing

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Featuring:Low carbon vehicle manufacturersLow Carbon Vehicle Surgery

Van Cost and Carbon Calculator (VC3) tool Vehicle and fleet advice from an ESOS lead assessor

Highlighting the relevance of low carbon vehicles for energy saving and de-risking their implementation.

www.cenex.co.uk +44 (0)1509 635 750 [email protected]

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F75 - EEVS 26-27 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3HP0330 313 8484 [email protected]


EEVS is a centre of expertise in measurement and verification (M&V), and the energy efficiency industry’s hub for performance information.

Partner - Electrical Review 52 -54 Gracechurch St London EC3V 0EJ0207 933 8999 [email protected]


Electrical Review is the UK’s longest established electrical engineering journal. First published in 1872 the title is essential reading for electrical engineers workings in hi-tech buildings and industry.

D70 - Elcomponent Unit 5 Southmill Trading Centre, Southmill Rd, Bishop’s Stortford, Herts CM23 3DY01279 503173 [email protected]


Elcomponent provide our customers with the tools they need to measure and improve their carbon and energy management, both portable and fixed solutions.

F12 - Energy Assets 6 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston EH54 6GA01506 405405 [email protected]


Energy Assets is the UK’s leading independent multi-utility me-tering business empowering Britain’s private and public sectors in improving their energy efficiency.

D79 - Emerson Process Management Meridian East, Meridian Business Park, Leicester, LE19 1UX0116 282 2822 [email protected]


Emerson Process Management (an Emerson Electric Company) is a global leader in energy & process automation solutions serving all major industries. It helps its customers meet their energy and emissions reduction targets with significant return on investment from expert consultation, innovative measurement technology and process management solutions. Its PlantWeb digital architecture, including Smart Wireless technology, pro-vides new levels of process insight and improvement.

B20 - Energise Ltd Knowledge Centre, Wyboston Lakes, Great North Road, Wyboston, MK44 3BY01480 479356 [email protected]


Energise is an independent energy efficiency and carbon compliance solution provider across the public and private sector. We have a 100% clean audit record in CRC audits and have worked with 4% of scheme participants. Our Energy Man-agement programmes have delivered over £6million of energy savings to our clients. Services include: ISO50001 Implementa-tion and internal audit; CRC compliance; Energy Management and auditing; ESOS Compliance; GHG reporting; Monitoring & Targeting; Report development.

G50 - Elmhurst Energy Services 16, St Johns Business Park, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, LE17 4HB01455 883 259 [email protected]


Elmhurst Energy Services brings together a specialist team of energy efficiency experts with over 20 years’ experience in providing integrated consultancy, audits and testing to organi-sations with a critical need to construct or manage compliant, sustainable and energy efficient buildings. Our services include analysis of air tightness, SAP and SBEM related building regulation compliance, as well as bespoke energy efficiency and legislation compliance audits for your organisation. We have a fast growing pipeline of activity in helping organisations to implement robust energy efficiency systems and comply with energy efficiency standards by delivering ISO50001 and Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) audits.

• 1 0 y e a r s o f e x c e l l e n c e •

Featuring:Low carbon vehicle manufacturersLow Carbon Vehicle Surgery

Van Cost and Carbon Calculator (VC3) tool Vehicle and fleet advice from an ESOS lead assessor

Highlighting the relevance of low carbon vehicles for energy saving and de-risking their implementation.

www.cenex.co.uk +44 (0)1509 635 750 [email protected]

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A39 - ENiGMA 1-3 North Park Business Centre, Knowle, Fareham, Hampshire PO17 5LJ01329 836960 [email protected]


Electronic Descaler and Limescale Management System, the ENiGMA is a proven, non-chemical solution.

B27 - Enistic 0844 875 1600 [email protected]


Enistic Energy Guardian are the chosen outsourced energy management company for many of the largest multinational organisations.

G10, Partner - Environment Times Victoria House, 2a Chapel Street, Adlington, Chorley, Lancashire. PR7 4JL01257 481878 [email protected]


The Environment Times - information for industry since 1993.

A39 - Environmental Treatment Concepts Ltd 1-3 North Park Business Centre, Knowle, Fareham, Hampshire PO17 5LJ01329 836960 [email protected]


We have the technology, more importantly we have the knowl-edge of how to apply the technology.

B74 - Energy Manager Magazine 42 Wymington Park, Pushten, Northants, NN10 9JP01933 315325 [email protected]


Energy Manager is the only magazine for the Public Sector. Visit us for your free copy.

C40 - EnerNOC 360-364 City Road, London EC1V 2PY020 7833 3353 [email protected]


EnerNOC helps companies bring efficiency and accountability to managing the energy cost line item through intelligent soft-ware and demand response.

Registration Sponsor - ENGIE Kings Yard, 1 Waterden Road, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, E15 2GP0208 221 6579 [email protected]


24, rue Salomon de Rothschild - 92288 Suresnes - FRANCETél. : +33 (0)1 57 32 87 00 / Fax : +33 (0)1 57 32 87 87Web : www.carrenoir.com


R0 G170 B255

Zone de protection 1

Zone de protection 3

Zone de protection 2

Networking AreaEnergy Managers Association (EMA) N105 Westminster Business Square, Durham Street, London, SE11 5JH0203 176 2834 [email protected]


The EMA’s priority is to improve the position of energy manage-ment experts and their profession and act as their united voice. While we may be young, our current Membership is growing and contains some of the most respected names in energy management who oversee approximately £6 billion worth of the UK’s energy spend. We have a demand, rather than supply side focus with energy efficiency being the key driver.

C41 - Energy in Buildings and Industry (EiBI) 16 Hawkesyard Hall, Armitage Park, Nr Rugeley, Staffordshire WS15 1PU01889 577222 [email protected]


Energy in Buildings & Industry is the UK’s prime source of information for energy managers and those responsible for energy efficiency. Each monthly edition provides news, views, product information, legislative issues, case studies and much more including a CPD Programme. Register for your own FREE monthly copy.

Exhibitors Listing

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F38 - EcoCooling Symonds Farm Business Park, Bury St Edmunds, IP28 6QR01284810586 [email protected]


EcoCooling direct evaporative cooling can be used as an alter-native to air conditioning in most industrial buildings or IT rooms providing 90% energy savings at a fraction of the capital cost of a traditional air conditioning or ventilation system. A standard CREC system provides 35kW of cooling for just 1.5kW of electricity and can cool a 250m<sup>2 </sup>area. Data centre installations using the systems regularly achieve a PUE below 1.1. Ecocooling now have over 1500 installations industrial and IT sectors in the UK including Cummins Diesel, Premier Foods, Cott Beverages, Net-a-Porter, Unum, Cambridge University and the award winning Aberdeen University.

E40, Theatre - EDF Energy Cardinal Place, 80 Victoria Street, Victoria, London, SW1E 5JL0845 300 9146 [email protected]


EDF Energy can help you align your electricity purchasing, energy efficiency and self-generation activities into one cohesive business energy strategy.

2015 - New productsProven products from the Evaporative Cooling Specialists

Data Centre and IT Cooling

Industrial Cooling

Control Systems

Ventilation and Evaporative Cooling

Achieve PUE of <1.1 | ASHRAE Compliant| ROI in 1 year | Tel-ecoms | Data Centres | IT and Server Room | UPS Rooms

35kW of cooling, 1.5kW of power | ROI 3 years | Warehouses | Manufacturing | Gyms and Leisure | Laundries | Bakeries | Stores

Use outside air most of the year in the UK | Energy efficient natural cooling | No refrigerants | 3500 installations worldwide | UK based

Remote monitoring | Versatile connections to BMS and fire systems | In-built resilience| Touch screen interface | Energy monitoring

www.ecocooling.org | [email protected] | 01284 810586

Save 90% On Cooling Costs With EcoCooling

Energy Efficient Cooling

Proven Savings

Energy savings calculator available | Relevant case studies and testimonials | Clients include Net-a-Porter, BT, TK Maxx, Cum-mins, Unum, CGG, S3, Talk Talk and Cap Gemini.

EcoCooling Ltd, IP28 6RE | 01284 810586 | [email protected] | T@EcoCooling1 | ecocooling.org

Presentation Day1 EMEX: ESOS and EcoCooling - Save 90% on your cool-ing costs........

Come and find out more on Stand B19. Demo cooler and engineers ready to look at predicted savings for any upcoming projects.

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Partner Facilities Management Journal (FMJ) Unit 5, Gateway 20/25 Trading Estate, London Road, Swanley, Kent BR8 8GA01322 662 289 [email protected]


Facilities Management Journal, is the leading magazine for the FM industry. Reporting on all aspects of the sector, FMJ includes news, updates, features, interviews and case studies in both printed and online formats.

Partner - Federation of Small Businesses Sir Frank Whittle Way, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 2FE0808 20 20 888 [email protected]


Our mission is to create the best environment for businesses to start up and thrive. Our success will drive the economy and create jobs.

D45 - Flexisolar: Solar Carports Manor Farm, Fenstanton, Cambridge, PE28 9HU01480 498297 [email protected]


Disrupting the solar industry with the UK’s first low-cost, scala-ble, £1/Wp solar carport & EV charging system.

G20 - Flexitricity Exchange Tower, 19 Canning street, Edinburgh, EH3 8EG0131 221 8100 [email protected]


Flexitricity created and now operates the first, largest and most advanced demand-response portfolio in Britain.

A37 - Glass & Glazing Federation (GGF) 54 Ayres Street, London SE1 1EU0207 939 9101 [email protected]


The Glass and Glazing Federation represents companies who make, supply or fit, glass and glazing products in the UK and internationally.

C15 - Eticom Limited Hardman’s Business Centre, Suite 38, New Hall Hey Road,Rawtenstall, Rossendale, BB4 6HH0845 287 1846 [email protected]


Eticom gives you complete control of your company’s energy and water use. Through our range of clever products you can monitor, control and analyse how much electricity, gas and wa-ter your company is using in real time. Our specially-designed user interface gives you remote access to your energy and water, as well as providing instant alerts to any problems. Keep track of your carbon emissions, reduce waste and save money by turning off unnecessary lights and heating, and put yourself in control with all the data at your fingertips, all the time.

G70 - Gemini Data Loggers (Tinytag) Scientific House, Terminus Road, Chichester PO19 8UJ01243 813000 [email protected]


Gemini is the UK manufacturer of the Tinytag range of data loggers. Tinytags monitor environmental conditions including power usage, temperature, RH and CO2 locally or throughout a building, helping to identify where steps can be taken to im-prove energy efficiency and maximise cost savings. Tinytags are cost-effective, reliable and easy to use. The range includes the Energy Logger, a portable, non-invasive device for accurately monitoring single and three phase power usage.

D10, Sponsor - Green Energy Consulting Arch 1, Askew Road, Gateshead, NE8 1AR0191 300 6161 [email protected]


Green Energy Consulting is a leading independent UK commer-cial energy consultancy, specialising in the renewable electricity & gas sector. With the benefit of being able to make all aspects of your businesses energy use carbon neutral. Our Services are designed to help save businesses time, energy and money. Working to help on all energy matters from procurement through to implementing energy management and consumption reduc-tion strategies.

Exhibitors Listing

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C42 - Havells Sylvania Longbow House, 14-20 Chiswell Street, London, EC1Y 4TW0207 011 9700 [email protected]


Acquired by Havells in 2007, Havells Sylvania’s brands - Con-cord, Lumiance and Sylvania - have been innovating in lighting for over a century. With our expertise and facilities, we continue to create leading edge products which adhere to the highest production standards worldwide, while delivering exceptional service. As we prepare for the next 100 years, our focus re-mains steadfastly on maintaining high product quality, designing for all our customers needs, increasing performance, creating value and ensuring our work and products are sustainable. We’re committed to delivering exceptional customer service and unrivalled design. All over the world, people rely on our brands for top quality, energy efficient lighting to suit their individual needs.

C30 - Helios Churchill Square Business Centre, Kings Hill, Kent, ME19 4YU01732 422070 [email protected]


Quality German manufactured solar panels, experienced UK so-lar installers, will provide you with quality advice for your ESOS solar requirements.

G14, Partner - IACCM - The Global Contract Management Association 90 Grove Street, Ridgefield, CT 06877, [email protected]


We’re a non-profit association helping organizations around the globe realize value from their trading relationships by providing leading research, supporting innovation and offering guidance to our members.

B28 - Ignite Energy The Orangery, Lockinge Stables, East Lockinge, OXON OX12 8QJ0845 269 9517 [email protected]


Ignite Energy specializes in a small number of national mul-ti-sited organisations and makes energy a controllable cost throughout the estate.

F36 - Innon Energy Limited 2 Sheen Road, Richmond Upon Thames, TW9 1AE020 8973 2364 [email protected]


Innon Energy provides software services to businesses that want to reduce waste and improve efficiency in their asset portfolio.

B74 - Institute of Public Sector Estates Management 42 Wymington Park, Rushden, Northants NN10 9JP01933 315325 [email protected]


IPSEM is the only professional institute for practitioners working solely within the public services (in the widest sense of that term) who have a facilities and/or estates management element in their job role. It seeks to raise the standards of professional practice of those working in the sector and to provide informa-tion and networking opportunities.

C70 - Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd Helix Building, West of Scotland Science Park, Glasgow, G20 0SP0141 945 8500 [email protected]


Global innovator of integrated 3D sustainable analysis technol-ogy for the measurable creation and management of efficient, healthy and affordable built-environments.

B55 - Iviti Lighting Limited Floor 4, 10 The Crescent, Conway Road, Cardiff. CF11 9QL02920 371160 [email protected]


iViTi innovates and develops patentable sustainable energy technology within lighting systems. The iViTi ON domestic LED light bulb and the AdrON (Automatic Demand Response in Lighting)

G18 - Kelda Water Services One Capitol Court, Capitol Park, Barnsley, S75 3TZ07790 616536 [email protected]


Kelda Water Services Retail (KWSR) is a subsidiary of the Kelda Group, who are the owners of Yorkshire Water, and Loop their award winning billing and customer contact center.

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A11 - Leading Energy Jacobs Well, Suffolk Lane, Abberley, Worcs, WR6 6BE01299 890185 [email protected]


Leading Energy is an independent energy consultancy offering energy audits and energy efficiency advice, ESOS, renewable energy feasibility studies.

C12 - LG Energy Group 12th Floor City Tower, Piccadilly Plaza, Manchester, M1 4BT0161 359 5173 [email protected]


Procurement and risk management of gas, electricity and liquid fuels. LGE has £1.5 billion under management and a significant energy consultancy division.

C36 - Lightsource Renewable Energy Level 7, 33 Holborn, London EC1N 2HT0333 200 0755 [email protected]


At Lightsource we are passionate about the way electricity is delivered in the next decade through cleaner and cheaper distributed generation.

A9 - Low Carbon Europe Queensberry House, 106 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XF01273 862582 [email protected]


Supporting both strategic and operational energy management requirements, we can reduce your energy consumption, carbon footprint, and associated costs.

E1 - Magnatech Fuel Conditioning Ltd Magnatech House, 48 Simons Walk, Pattishall, Towcester, Northants NN12 8NX01327 831515 [email protected]


Magnatech Ltd provides high-performance fuel conditioning systems that cut costs, carbon emissions and NOx emissions for major energy users, whilst maximizing heating system efficiency.

E75 - Minimise Group 6 Stirling Park, Laker Road, Rochester Airport Estate, Rochester, Kent, ME1 3QR0330 313 3220 [email protected]


Minimise Group helps your organisation become more sustaina-ble, increase profitability and meet environmental, corporate and legislative targets.

B45 - Mylite The Crown Building, The Avenue, Stretton, Staffordshire, ST19 9LL01902 851167 [email protected]


Mylite Commercial LED Lighting offers an innovative, technically advanced, range of UK manufactured LED lighting products with retro-fit designs that offer a simple refit solution for any commercial, office or industrial application.

Partner - National Energy Foundation Davy Avenue, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, MK5 8NG01908 665555 [email protected]


The National Energy Foundation is an independent UK charity dedicated to understanding and improving the use of energy in buildings.

E20, Sponsor - Measure My Energy Innovation House, Chandlers Ford, Hampshire, SO53 3TG0238000 2150 [email protected]


MeasureMyEnergy: showing you when and where you spend money on energy. You wouldn’t accept an un-itemised invoice from your suppliers so why do you accept it from your energy provider? The award winning MeasureMyEnergy cloud based Global Energy Management portal allows you to see in detail - like an itemised bill and where you are spending money on energy in real time, allowing you to make informed decisions and savings, immediately.

Exhibitors Listing

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G28 - NETTHINGS 14 New Mart Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1RL0131 331 5445 [email protected]


NetThings manufactures easy to use energy management sys-tems that can save your business operating costs and reduce energy waste.

A5 - NewFound Energy Park View House, Worrall Street, Congleton, Cheshire CW12 1DT01260 290151 [email protected]


Atlas EVO energy management systems provide invaluable resource management information for single and multi-site operations and can provide automatic demand control.

B18 - Panoramic Power 44 W 28 St., New York, NY 10001, USA1-646-7944241 [email protected]


Panoramic Power - the leading provider of device level energy management solutions, optimising energy consumption and improving system level performance and operations.

D43 - Reactive Technologies 9400 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2HN02017 930 535 [email protected]


Reactive Technologies is a leading UK smart grid company focused on delivering innovative technology solutions in zero carbon Demand Side Management (DSM), network efficiency, reactive power management and the integration of renewable and intermittent generation into the grid.

B14 - RES Group Beaufort Court, Egg Farm Lane, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire WD4 8LR01923 299 200 [email protected]


Drawing on decades of experience, RES has the expertise to develop, finance, construct, operate and optimise commercial and utility-scale energy projects around the world. We are ideal partners for commercial and industrial clients, asset owners and communities. Our focus areas are renewable generation - wind and solar - energy storage, transmission and demand side management. We provide a range of O & M, asset manage-ment and technical services to maximise your asset perfor-mance and value.

A16, Partner - Planet First 0203 751 8108 [email protected]


The Planet Mark is a sustainability certification for business, buildings, properties and projects provided by Planet First in partnership with the Eden Project. The Planet Mark programme makes sustainability easy, leaving your business free to enjoy all the benefits. The certification is a complete package, combining robust measurement, employee engagement and communi-cations.

F44 - Resource Data Management 80 Johnstone Avenue, Glasgow, G51 1JQ0141 810 2828 [email protected]


Resource Data Management is a global pioneer of advanced building controls and remote monitoring software.

See you next yearon 16-17 November

ExCeL London

F32 - REstore 11 - 14 Grafton Street, London, W1S 4EW0203 608 7937 [email protected]


REstore is a leading European energy technology company, focused on automated Demand Response. The company is the leader in the fast-growing European Primary Reserve / Frequen-cy control market, and operates in all ancillary services and ca-pacity markets. The company’s proprietary platform Flexpond™ is used by more than 80 of Europe’s largest industrial energy consumers to curtail their power demand without impacting their industrial processes. In exchange, REstore’s industrial consumers receive significant payments and contribute to the reduction in CO2 emissions.

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F72 - Savills 33 Margaret Street, London W1G 0JD07814 271622 [email protected]


The Savills Energy team provide specialist advisory and man-agement services to a wide range of clients looking to install, improve, renew, update and better manage their energy assets and requirements.

A29 - ScanTherm Thermographic Consultants PO Box 533, Tonbridge, Kent TN99JF01732 364076 [email protected]


ScanTherm is a leading consultancy providing independent thermographic surveying and training services for locating energy loss from buildings and systems.

B56 - Sabien Technology 34 Clarendon Road, Watford, WD17 1JJ0800 082 18 18 [email protected]


Sabien Technology is the manufacturer of M2G and M1G op-timisation controls for boilers and hot water heaters. Both M2G and M1G are retrofitted to new and existing commercial boiler plant and water heaters. Energy savings are immediate and typ-ically range between 10% and 25% with payback under 2 years. All published case studies are verified in our clients own buildings. Both M2G and M1G complements and integrates with existing building controls such as BMS, boiler sequencing and weather compensation.

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Exhibitors Listing

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B16 - Segula (UK) Ltd Unit 8a, Oakham Enterprise Park, Ashwell Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 7TU01572 723272 [email protected]


Segula (UK) Ltd produce high quality, smooth dimming LED filament lamps with a CRI90 light quality as standard.

B63 - SIG Smart Energy Share Unit 7, Pebble Close, Amington, Tamworth, Staffordshire B77 4RD08450 768 186 [email protected]


SIG smart energy share is a revolutionary solution that guaran-tees FREE renewable energy for ALL social housing properties.

B10 - SMARTech Energy Fiveways Industrial Estate, Westwells Road, Corsham, SN13 9RG0845 647 6278 [email protected]


SMARTech energy are energy management & reduction specialists who work with commercial businesses using our in-depth experience in the energy management industry.

A11 - Solarsense UK Helios House, Brockley Lane, Backwell BS48 4AH01275 461 800 [email protected]


Solarsense are the UK’s leading renewable energy installer specializing in commercial Solar PV installations. They provide a complete design and installation service for a wide range of renewable technologies.

C30 - SolarWorld Churchill Square Business Centre, Kings Hill, Kent, ME19 4YU01732 422070 [email protected]


Quality German manufactured solar panels, experienced UK so-lar installers, will provide you with quality advice for your ESOS solar requirements.

F10 - Schneider Electric 0870 608 8608 [email protected]


As a global specialist in energy management and automation with operations in more than 100 countries, Schneider Electric offers integrated solutions across multiple market segments, including leadership positions in Non-residential & Residen-tial Buildings, Industries & Machines Manufacturers, Utilities & Infrastructure and Data Centres & Networks. Focused on making energy safe, reliable, efficient, productive and green, the Group’s 170,000 employees achieved revenues of 25 billion euros in 2014, through an active commitment to help individuals and organisations make the most of their energy.

Networking Area Sponsor - Siemens Sir William Siemens Square, Frimley, Camberley, GU16 8QD01276 696000 [email protected]


Siemens is a leading supplier of products, systems and services for economical, reliable and intelligent transmission and distribution of electrical power.

A50 - Smartestenergy Dashwood House, 69 Old Broad Street, London, EC2M 1QS01473 243150 [email protected]


SmartestEnergy is Great Britain’s leading supplier of renewable electricity generated by the independent sector. With a strong focus on sustainability and a uniquely flexible approach, we work closely with our customers to help them deliver their energy strategies. Our portfolio includes over 700 industrial and commercial organisations, and we are proud to work with some of the UK’s biggest brands such as Saint-Gobain, Toyota Manufacturing UK, John Lewis Partnership and JLL.

01737 785842 www.h2oservices.com/water-retail

Switch and Save on your water billsBusiness customers, you can now:• Pay less for your water by switching supplier• Receive a single monthly invoice or separate ones for individual sites• Have your own dedicated account manager and improved levels of service• Improve energy and water efficiency for even more savings

It’s so easy to switch! We’ll handle all the details with your current supplier.

For more information call Nigel Hammond on 01737 785842, email: [email protected] or visit h2oservices.com/water-retail

Page 38: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


F40 - TEAM (Energy Auditing Agency Ltd) 34 The Forum, Rockingham Drive, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes, MK14 6LY01908 690018 [email protected]


TEAM is the UK’s leading supplier of energy and carbon man-agement solutions. We work with over 500 organisations across all sectors of commerce, industry and government in the UK and worldwide, helping to reduce carbon emissions, cut energy costs and comply with legislation.

F1 - Tempus Energy 31 Oval Road, London, NW1 7EA07715 208499 [email protected]


Tempus Energy is a clean-tech start-up and electricity retail supplier, headquartered in London. It is the UK’s first electricity supplier to offer an integrated demand flexibility tariff.

B50 - Thamesgate Group Ortea SpA Unit 20 Parkside Centre, Potters Way, Temple Farm Industrial Estate,Southend-on-Sea SS2 5SJ0800 210 0088 [email protected]


Thamesgate is the UK partner for Ortea SpA, Europe’s leading manufacturing of voltage stabilisers, optimisers and power factor correction systems.

E72 - The Carbon Trust 4th Floor, Dorset House, 27-45 Stamford Street, London, SE1 9NT020 7170 7000 [email protected]


The Carbon Trust is an independent, expert partner of leading organisations around the world, helping them contribute to and benefit from a more sustainable future through carbon reduction, resource efficiency strategies and commercialising low carbon technologies.

G32, Partner - The Water Report 68 Church Street, Brighton07880 550945 [email protected]


THE WATER REPORT is a monthly print and e-publication, rec-ognised throughout the sector as the best source of informed debate on UK policy, regulation and competition in water.

F3 - STC Energy STC House, 7 Elmfield Road, Bromley, Kent , BR1 1LT020 8466 2915 [email protected]


STC Energy are a specialist energy management consultancy and a leading provider of bureau services in UK.

C35 - t-mac Technologies Ltd Stand Park, Sheffield Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S41 8JT0124623 3632 [email protected]


A leading energy management solutions company provides cutting-edge wired and wireless BeMS and real-time metering systems for managing and controlling energy consumption, carbon and energy costs.

G74, PRESS CENTRE - TWinFM Imperial House, North Street, Bromley, Kent BR1 [email protected]


covers the whole property raft from who cleans and secures a property, through to global FM, energy management, interna-tional managing agents, building, fit-out, property acquisition & disposal and pension fund management. It is supported by a >100,000 email newsletter and a substantial presence on LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media.

B59 - Sutton and East Surrey Water Services London Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LJ01737 785 842 [email protected]


SESWS provide water and wastewater retail services in England and Wales and will soon be providing services in Scotland. Business customers in England and Wales meeting certain criteria, and all those in Scotland can now switch their water supplier to get cheaper bills and better levels of service.SESWS aims to be the retailer of choice for eligible businesses through-out England, Wales and Scotland.

01737 785842 www.h2oservices.com/water-retail

Switch and Save on your water billsBusiness customers, you can now:• Pay less for your water by switching supplier• Receive a single monthly invoice or separate ones for individual sites• Have your own dedicated account manager and improved levels of service• Improve energy and water efficiency for even more savings

It’s so easy to switch! We’ll handle all the details with your current supplier.

For more information call Nigel Hammond on 01737 785842, email: [email protected] or visit h2oservices.com/water-retail

Exhibitors Listing

Page 39: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


B1, Partner - Tomorrow’s Energy Management Zurich House, Hulley Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2SF01625 426054 [email protected]


With all the latest energy management editorial, news and updates, we are a portal for all your energy management needs; from breaking press, to features, events, jobs, and useful information, Tomorrow’s Energy Management magazine is your gateway to this ever-expanding industry. Please drop by and have chat with one of the team.

A27 - UB Services 405 Palatine Road, Northenden, Manchester M22 4JS0161 998 7138 [email protected]


Provide consumption solutions that improve energy efficiency, reduce energy costs and increase savings for multisite and single site businesses.

C1 - VOICE Unit 6 Tannery Business Park, Northowram, West Yorkshire, HX3 7HR0844 585 3043 [email protected]


VOICE’ is a technology agnostic body that plans to set out a much needed code of practice, savings guidelines and a much needed code of conduct for all member companies.

D40 - Veolia Parsonage Farm Business Park,Parsonage Way,Horsham, RH12 4AL01403 272270 [email protected]


Veolia are leading providers of on-site energy solutions and combined heat and power to a wide range of sectors.









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Partner - Waterwise 180 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9HF0207 9172 826 [email protected]


Waterwise was founded in 2005 and has become the leading authority on water efficiency in the UK and Europe. We are an independent, not for profit organisation, that receives funding from the UK water industry, sponsorship and research projects.

C1 - Wallis Cutts Unit 6, The Tannery Business Centre, Northowram, HX3 7HR0844 585 3400 [email protected]


Wallis Cutts was established in 1999 and provides a range of services all designed to reduce the running costs of their clients estates.

Sponsor - Water 2 Business 21e Somerset Square, Nailsea, Bristol0345 850 0714 [email protected]


Water2business – the new commercial division from Bristol Water and Wessex Water - creates water and waste water management programmes tailored to your company’s individual needs. We offer strategic water efficiency advice, flexible and consolidated billing options and expert advice on industry legislation and compliance issues.

C31 - Wilson Power Solutions Westland Works, Westland Square, Leeds, LS11 5SS0113 271 7588 [email protected]


A leading manufacturer of power and distribution transformers, we provide energy efficient and economical power distribution solutions with particular knowledge in healthcare, retail, man-ufacturing and renewable sectors. Our Wilson e2 amorphous transformers already exceed TIER 2 EU Eco design regulations for transformers scheduled to come into force in July 2021.

Exhibitors ListingG26 - UK AEE Castle House, Market Street, Laugharne, Wales SA33 4SA07939 133 560 [email protected]


The UKAEE is the UK Chapter of the Association of Energy En-gineers (AEE), as well as a limited company in the UK. The AEE provides the internationally recognised and prestigious qualifica-tions in energy management such as Certified Energy Manager and Certified Energy Auditor (CEA).

C72 - Voltaware Crown House, 72 Hammersmith Road, Kensington Olympia, London, W14 8TH07769 257475 [email protected]


Voltaware is a start-up energy over-the-top company based in London. Using our unique disaggregation technology, we have created a cost-effective solution for monitoring electricity con-sumption, aimed at putting consumers and businesses in con-trol of their energy use. Our Wi-Fi connected sensor produces precise, real-time and appliance level data, delivered to the user via the Voltaware App. Voltaware can promote increased energy efficiency and energy savings.C35 - Utilitywise

Ravens Court, Ravensbank Business Park, Redditch, Worcestershire, B98 9EY01527 511 757 [email protected]


Utilitywise is one of the UK’s leading business energy and water consultancies. We help businesses get the most value from their energy and water contracts, reduce their consumption, and lower their carbon footprint. By delivering a tailored Strate-gic Utility Management plan, we aim to save customers time, effort and money


See you next yearon 16-17 November

At the Carbon Numbers Group, specialists in energy performance contracting we will;

Drive bottom line benefit for you

Support the success of your company by managing your energy consumption and environmental performance

Deliver fully funded energy management plans

Provide an enhanced environment with no need for additional budget or risk to you and with guaranteed savings

@carbonnumbers www.carbonnumbers.co.uk t.(0)1206 263390 [email protected]

Part of the Carbon Numbers Group

Specialists in Building Energy Management Systems delivering projects, service and remote

support for over 25 years to customers in East Anglia, Home Counties and London.


V i s i t u s o n S t a n d D 1

Page 41: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


B30 - Waterscan Dominican House, St John’s Street, Chichester, PO19 1TU01243 839880 [email protected]


Using less water, lowering water bills and being more socially responsible are some of the key benefits commercial water us-ers experience by adopting Waterscan’s professional approach to water management. Developing a strategic approach helps safeguard an organisation’s sustainable water future; addressing potential risks and setting reduction targets. Waterscan’s ap-proach requires minimal investment risk or resource input from your business; supporting large and small organisations across a range of industries.

See you next yearon 16-17 November

ExCeL London

At the Carbon Numbers Group, specialists in energy performance contracting we will;

Drive bottom line benefit for you

Support the success of your company by managing your energy consumption and environmental performance

Deliver fully funded energy management plans

Provide an enhanced environment with no need for additional budget or risk to you and with guaranteed savings

@carbonnumbers www.carbonnumbers.co.uk t.(0)1206 263390 [email protected]

Part of the Carbon Numbers Group

Specialists in Building Energy Management Systems delivering projects, service and remote

support for over 25 years to customers in East Anglia, Home Counties and London.


V i s i t u s o n S t a n d D 1

Page 42: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015


Final word from Chairman of The EMA

The Energy Managers Association: past, present and futureThe Energy Managers Association (EMA) can in its third year boast about its current membership profile that is made up of hundreds leading energy managers - some of the most respected names in energy management who oversee approximately £6 billion worth of the UK’s energy spend. Membership is purposely open to a vari-ety of energy management professionals from in-house energy managers, through to energy engineers, environ-ment and sustainability managers to facilities managers to assure broad perspectives in the participation, and as a result valuable knowledge exchanges.

Founded in February 2012, the EMA is the leading professional membership Association improving the position of energy management experts, establishing best practice in energy management and encouraging knowledge exchange. The Association acts as a united voice for energy managers across all industries with the aim of putting energy management at the heart of British business. It is run for the benefit of individual energy managers, and all delivered initiatives and activities, un-derline its energy demand focus, with energy reduction being the key driver.

How to become an Energy Manager and Energy Aware

The EMA’s promotion of energy management training - the Low Energy Company (LEC) training programme attracts individuals into career in energy management, encourages professionals in energy management to enhance their skills and career, but also highlights the need for energy consumption and reduction awareness amongst non-energy management audience.

Over the past three years, we identified a skills gap between industry requirements and talented individuals with energy management knowledge and skills. With the Schools’ course in Energy Management we aim to bring the energy reduction gospel to the energy managers of tomorrow. In addition, a recently developed Junior Energy Manager Apprenticeship, part of the Govern-ments successful Trailblazer programme and first in energy management sector, will assure that the needs for in-house energy management skills are being met. Recognized Energy Manager professional status will be awarded to those who successfully complete the energy management training programme and demonstrate their skills and knowledge.

By providing a training platform for individuals to become energy managers, and for non-energy management professionals to learn about energy reduction measures,

the EMA equips all its stakeholders with intelligence to guide their energy reduction decisions.

Policy and Government Engagement

The EMA is a valued body by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC). The EMA has been ap-proved by the Environment Agency as one of the ESOS Lead Assessors’ Registers, and also runs a training that provides participants experienced in energy assessment with knowledge to lead, review and approve an ESOS energy assessment.

The summer budget announcement of the streamlining of energy efficiency business taxation landscape will have major implications across many organisations. The EMA has been working with HM Treasury to assure the concerns and suggestions of energy managers are incorporated in the development of the new tax regime.

The Association is one of the participants of the Energy Efficiency Financial Investment Group (EEFIG) and from September 2015 became the UK National Administrator of the European Code of Conduct.

As well as informing the industry about current issues, working with Government on enhancing energy efficien-cy policy and raising the profile of energy management in Europe, our overreaching focus is to produce a community of like-minded professionals. The reach of the EMA can be best determined through our annual two-day energy management exhibition EMEX. In its second year, the core theme is to engage visitors in dialogues on energy management matters, update audi-ence on the UK’s energy policy, outline the trends within the energy management profession, and most of all to share the examples of energy management excellence amongst the organisations taking part.

For individuals and organisations serious about energy management, the EMA messages should become of paramount importance. If you are yet to be persuaded, visit us at EMEX in the EMA Networking Area on 11-12 November 2015 at ExCeL London.

We look forward to meeting you.


Richard Felgate,Chairman of the Energy Managers Association (EMA)

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Thank you to our sponsors and partners, including:

01737 785842 www.h2oservices.com/water-retail

Switch and Save on your water billsBusiness customers, you can now:• Pay less for your water by switching supplier• Receive a single monthly invoice or separate ones for individual sites• Have your own dedicated account manager and improved levels of service• Improve energy and water efficiency for even more savings

It’s so easy to switch! We’ll handle all the details with your current supplier.

For more information call Nigel Hammond on 01737 785842, email: [email protected] or visit h2oservices.com/water-retail

Page 44: EMEX & EMA SHOW GUIDE 2015