empowering youth programme

1 Empowering Youth Programme Empowering Youth Programme Empowering Youth Programme Empowering Youth Programme Empowering Youth Programme EMPO EMPO EMPO EMPO EMPOWERING YOUTH PROGRAMME WERING YOUTH PROGRAMME WERING YOUTH PROGRAMME WERING YOUTH PROGRAMME WERING YOUTH PROGRAMME Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr ef ef ef ef ef ace ace ace ace ace “A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others do.” Leroy Eims Empowering Youth is the Major Emphasis Programme of JCI India which was started in 1996 with the title LEADERSHIP 2000. The programme has undergone different stages of modification and finally culminated in the present form of Empowering Youth. The basic objective of the programme is to give the younger gen- eration an insight into their capabilities and responsibilities and thus enable them to live as the worthy citizens of the nation. This programme received amazing positive response from the students, teachers and parents. During the last 14 years the chap- ters of JCI India, numbering more than 1000, religiously orga- nized this programme especially for the benefits of school and college students in rural and semi-urban areas. More than 1.5 mil- lion youngsters of the country became the alumni and beneficia- ries of this venture. No wonder, Junior Chamber International has recognized JCI India by adjudging Empowering Youth as the most outstanding Major Emphasis Theme programme of the world. Qualified JCI India trainers and experts from academic arena will help the participants to make a paradigm shift in them, raise their level of confidence, equip them to meet the challenges of competitions and groom them in to the status of duty conscious and value driven citizens. I appeal to the young generation of this country to make use of this opportunity for their growth and help others to grow. The credit of designing this programme during its inception goes to Past National President of JCI India Jc. Sen. R. Raja Govindasamy. I thank the National President Jc. Santhosh Kumar P. for giving me the opportunity of updating this manual - JCI. Sen. Adv. A. V. Vamanakumar Be Better Junior Chamber International India Worldwide Federation of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs

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Post on 27-Apr-2015




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“A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who seesbefore others do.” – Leroy Eims

Empowering Youth is the Major Emphasis Programme of JCIIndia which was started in 1996 with the title LEADERSHIP 2000.The programme has undergone different stages of modificationand finally culminated in the present form of Empowering Youth.The basic objective of the programme is to give the younger gen-eration an insight into their capabilities and responsibilities andthus enable them to live as the worthy citizens of the nation.

This programme received amazing positive response from thestudents, teachers and parents. During the last 14 years the chap-ters of JCI India, numbering more than 1000, religiously orga-nized this programme especially for the benefits of school andcollege students in rural and semi-urban areas. More than 1.5 mil-lion youngsters of the country became the alumni and beneficia-ries of this venture. No wonder, Junior Chamber International hasrecognized JCI India by adjudging Empowering Youth as the mostoutstanding Major Emphasis Theme programme of the world.

Qualified JCI India trainers and experts from academic arenawill help the participants to make a paradigm shift in them, raisetheir level of confidence, equip them to meet the challenges ofcompetitions and groom them in to the status of duty consciousand value driven citizens.

I appeal to the young generation of this country to make use of this opportunity for their growth and helpothers to grow.

The credit of designing this programme during its inception goes to Past National President of JCIIndia Jc. Sen. R. Raja Govindasamy.

I thank the National President Jc. Santhosh Kumar P. for giving me the opportunity of updating thismanual

- JCI. Sen. Adv. A. V. Vamanakumar

Be Better

Junior Chamber International IndiaWorldwide Federation of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs

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LEADERSHIP 4JCI. Sen. Adv. A. V. Vamanakumar

GOAL SETTING 5JCI. Sen. Adv. A. V. Vamanakumar





CREATIVITY 15Jc. Rahul J. Nair

EMOTION MANAGEMENT 17JCI. Sen. Adv. A.V. Vamanakumar

UNIVERSAL VALUES 19JCI. Sen. R. Raja Govindasamy

CAREER ORIENTATION 21JCI. Sen. R. Raja Govindasamy

MEMORY POWER 23Jc. K. Jayapalan


RELAX PLEASE 27Dr. S. Hari Sankar, M.D.

CERTIFICATE 30Acknowledgements By : Jc. Biju Mathew Cheriyan


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Guidelines to LOMs and TrainersGuidelines to LOMs and TrainersGuidelines to LOMs and TrainersGuidelines to LOMs and TrainersGuidelines to LOMs and Trainers

❇ Identify a high school/higher secondary school/collegewhere the programme can be conducted. Make the par-ticipants homogenous and never mix the students of dif-ferent grades (for e.g. a few students from grade 9th anda few from grade 10th). Do not mix the students of vari-ous divisions of the same grade. Conduct the programmeexclusively for a division.

❇ Engage Jaycee trainers, teachers or other experts who candeal with the subjects outlined in this handbook. Ensurethe availability of adequate number of trainers to conductthe programme concurrently for various divisions orgrades.

❇ The duration of one module should be of 90 minutes. Limitthe number of participants to 50/batch.

❇ The trainer may use the basic material printed in this book-let. He or she may add appropriate games, exercises, casestudies etc. to enhance the learning.

❇ The total number of training hours required for the entire programme varies from 15 to 20 dependingupon needs and the students’ level.

❇ Make necessary arrangements and preparations at the venue. Do not organize the programme in a hastewhich tampers the image of JCI.

❇ Remember “Empowering Youth” is an individual development programme for community betterment.

Almost every thing that is great has been done by youth.

– Benjamin Disraeli

Youth, even in its sorrows, has a brilliance of its own– Victor Hugo

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Past National President

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you area leader.” – John Quincy Adams

Are Leaders born?

If the answer is yes, then the business of training individuals to be leaders would be meaningless.Though individuals are born with certain leadership qualities, like any other skills, leadership skills can also beacquired through training and practice. Leadership is of course not position, but action. The ability of a leaderis judged not by how many followers he makes, but by how many leaders he makes. The business of leader-ship wins when one helps a team to re-invent and re-imagine themselves. It is all about helping people in theladdership of life, profession and society. Leaders are the painters of vision and architects of journey. A leadershould be capable to take his team members where they will never go alone.

Leadership is managing something that is hotManaging Self

Managing People

Managing Image

Managing Change

Managing Expansion

Leadership effectiveness varies according to situational factors. The task being performed leader-sub-ordinate relationship role clarity of members; norms of the organization, information availability, maturitylevel of people, leader’s position power are some of the factors which influence leadership effectiveness.

“The true greatness of a man is judged by the number of people who turn-up to attend his burial.Grow yourself as a good leader and leave a legacy.”

Qualities of a leaderQualities of a leaderQualities of a leaderQualities of a leaderQualities of a leader

1. Positive Attitude2. Creativity3. Intelligence4. Futuristic Vision5. Ability to Stimulate, Excite and Motivate

Others6. Flexibility7. Freedom from Conventions8. Strength Against Adversity9. Belief in Delegation10. Willingness to Pass Knowledge Down the


10 principles of leadership10 principles of leadership10 principles of leadership10 principles of leadership10 principles of leadership

1. Know yourself and seek self improvement2. Be technically proficient3. Take responsibility for your action4. Make sound and timely decisions5. Be a role model6. Know your people7. Develop sense of responsibility among team

members8. Communicative effectively9. Train as a team10. Motivate your team

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“All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their futurecould be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day towards their goal.” - Brian Tracy

Have you thought about what you want to be doing in five years’ time ?

Are you clear about your main objective in life ?

Do you know what you want to have achieved by the end of today ?

If you want to succeed you need to set goals. Without goals you lack focus and direction. To accomplishyour goals, however, you need to know how to set them. Goal setting is a process that starts with carefulconsideration of what you want to achieve, and ends with a lot of hard work to actually do it.

Goal setting not only allows you to take control of your life’s direction; it also provides you a benchmarkfor determining whether you are actually succeeding.

5 Golden Rules of Goal Setting5 Golden Rules of Goal Setting5 Golden Rules of Goal Setting5 Golden Rules of Goal Setting5 Golden Rules of Goal Setting

• Set Goals that Motivate You

• Set SMART Goals

For any goal to be achieved it must be designed to be SMART.





Time Bound

• Set Goals in Writing

• Make an Action Plan

• Stick With It

Remember, goal setting is an ongoing activity not just a means to an end. Build in reminders to keep youon track and remember to review your goals continuously. Your end destination may remain quite similarover the long term but the action plan you set your self along the way can change significantly. Make sure therelevance, value, and necessity remain high.

Without principles, goals will never have the power to produce quality-of-life results. You can want todo the right thing, and you can even want to do it for the right reasons. But if you don’t apply the rightprinciples, you can still hit a wall.

7 Principles of Goal Setting7 Principles of Goal Setting7 Principles of Goal Setting7 Principles of Goal Setting7 Principles of Goal Setting

1. Write down your goals in complete detail.

2. Develop commitment to the goals achievement.

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3. Make sure the goals are something you really want, not just something that sounds good.

4. A goal cannot contradict any of your other goals.

5. Develop goals in the 6 areas of life :

☛ Family and home

☛ Spiritual and ethical

☛ Social and cultural

☛ Financial and career

☛ Physical and health

☛ Mental and educational

6. Write your goals in positive instead of negative.

7. By all means, make sure your goals are high enough.

Goal Setting and Achieving TargetsGoal Setting and Achieving TargetsGoal Setting and Achieving TargetsGoal Setting and Achieving TargetsGoal Setting and Achieving Targets

When you challenge yourself to be the best you can be at all times, your life becomes more meaningfuland purposeful. When you visualize what you want to accomplish, see it in your mind, you start crystallizingthe same. When you write down your goals, have a plan of action, and visualize that you are achieving thesame there is no doubt that you will be successful.

The only reason why you are not what you should be is that youdon’t dare to be. Once you dare, once you stop drifting with thecrowd and face life courageously, life takes on a new significance.New forces take shape within you. You know you are a leader inone way or another; you know you are important to God and yourfellow men.

– Charles E Jones

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Past Executive Vice President JCI India

“Everything that is happening at this moment is a result of the decision you have made in thepast.” – Deepak Chopra

If you want to lead a successful life, you need to be able to make good decisions. If you can learn to dothis in a timely and well-considered way, then you can lead your team to spectacular and well-deservedsuccess. However, if you either or make poor decisions, your team risks failure and your time as a leader willprobably be brutally short.

Decision MakingDecision MakingDecision MakingDecision MakingDecision Making

Course of action to get a desired result or to attain an objective

It may be a judgment

Process of Decision MakingProcess of Decision MakingProcess of Decision MakingProcess of Decision MakingProcess of Decision MakingSimple process – 5W + 1 H

(What, When, Where, Who, Why & How)

DASSAE DASSAE DASSAE DASSAE DASSAE MMMMMethodethodethodethodethodD Define the problemA Analyze the problemS Search of alternate solutionsS SelectA ActE Evaluate

Methods of Decision MakingMethods of Decision MakingMethods of Decision MakingMethods of Decision MakingMethods of Decision Making❍ Consensus❍ Majority❍ Minority❍ Average of members’ opinion❍ Expert❍ Decision before discussion❍ Decision after discussion

Kinds of DecisionsKinds of DecisionsKinds of DecisionsKinds of DecisionsKinds of Decisions❍ Major / Minor❍ Basic / Routine❍ Policy / Administrative❍ Personal / General❍ Individual / Group❍ Programmed / Non Programmed

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Reasons for not taking effective DecisionReasons for not taking effective DecisionReasons for not taking effective DecisionReasons for not taking effective DecisionReasons for not taking effective Decision❍ Lack of interest❍ Improper data❍ Nature of work not known❍ Laziness❍ No proper Delegation❍ Unknown way of doing❍ Illness❍ Mental agony❍ Emotion❍ Wavering mind❍ Over confidence❍ Over loaded information❍ Lack of self confidence❍ Less chance❍ Time factor

How to take effective DecisionHow to take effective DecisionHow to take effective DecisionHow to take effective DecisionHow to take effective Decision❍ Collection of data❍ Make a decision❍ Time utility❍ Risk taking❍ Repetition❍ Full efforts❍ Control your emotions❍ Quality❍ Put into action

Ten Commandments of Effective Decision MakingTen Commandments of Effective Decision MakingTen Commandments of Effective Decision MakingTen Commandments of Effective Decision MakingTen Commandments of Effective Decision Making1. Know your goal2. Be creative3. Remember there will be reactions4. Take time5. Have trials6. Transfer into action7. Give your full effort8. Maintain stability9. Follow up action10. Remember to convince the reasons for bad decisions.

Key Points :Key Points :Key Points :Key Points :Key Points :• Trust paper and pen• Sleep over for some time• Do not be hasty and never take any decision when you are angry• Take decisions with a calm and equanimous mind• Don’t jump into conclusion and do not pre-judge an Issue and avoid pre-conceived notions

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“Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend” – Theophrastus


• Measure of units.• Equal opportunity—everyone gets the same amount each day.• Unusual commodity.• Feels like it passes at varying speeds (but it really does not).

Time ManagementTime ManagementTime ManagementTime ManagementTime Management

• Gives us a chance to decide how to spend a valuable resource.• Allows us to get the most out of the least.• Helps us organize and learn how to spend our time.

Good time managersGood time managersGood time managersGood time managersGood time managers

• Plan for the unplanned.• Follow a schedule that can adapt to changes.• Get the important things done.• Are productive.• Can juggle several activities.• Have their short and long term goals in mind.• May keep a daily, weekly and monthly schedule.

Time Management MethodTime Management MethodTime Management MethodTime Management MethodTime Management Method

• Each night write on a 3x5 card the 6 most important tasks you have to do tomorrow.• Number them in the order of importance.• First thing in the morning look at the task listed as most important and start working on it.• Do not be worried if you fail to complete the tasks. Try to learn from it.• Write out your daily to-do list the night before. Write everything you want to accomplish.• Label each task A, B or C.• A’s on your list are those things that are most important.• B’s on your list are important but less so than your A’s—B’s might become A’s someday.• C’s do not require immediate attention—C priorities are often small, easy jobs.• Schedule time for all of the A’s. The B’s and C’s can be done in odd moments during the day.

Key Points : Avoid C fever—C tasks are usually easier than A tasks. Use your list to keep you on track.

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Time Assessment ChartTime Assessment ChartTime Assessment ChartTime Assessment ChartTime Assessment Chart

Activity No. of hours/ Multiply No. of days/ Total hoursOn the average… day week per week

How many hours do you sleep in each24 hour period, including rest hours? X 7

How many hours do you spend on physicalmake-up activities X 7

How many hours a day do you spend onmeals, including preparation and clean up X 7

How much time do you spend travelling toand from campus? Include time spent onwalking. X 7

How many hours a day do you spend doinghousehold tasks X 7

Other activity _________________________ X 7

How many hours do you spend each week doing co-curricular activities(organizations, religious work, working out, etc.)

How many hours do you spend in class each week?

How many hours per week do you spend with friends, going out, watching TV, etc.

Other activity _______________________________________

Total hours per week spent on activities *

Total hours per week 168

Subtract your total hours per week spent on activities *

Hours available to study

Learning time management methods is a skill no different than learning to speak another languageor figuring out how to word process!!

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“The ability to express oneself is perhaps the most important of skills a person can possess. Youreffectiveness depends on your ability to reach others through the spoken or written word.”

- Peter Drucker

All human exchange is based on communication. It is our responsibility to make others understand; nottheir responsibility to understand us. Communication is an ongoing process, which comprises stages of trans-mission and reception of a message. The word communication has been derived from the Latin word ‘com-munis’ which means ‘to share’. Communication is sharing of information from the sender to the receiver withthe message being understood as intended by the sender.


• Necessary for day-to-day life• A two way Process• Exchange of Ideas, Information, Commands, Instructions, Messages, Feelings and Emotions• At least two parties involved• Cycle Sender-Message-Encoding-Channel-Decoding-Receiver-Feedback-Sender

Importance of CommunicationImportance of CommunicationImportance of CommunicationImportance of CommunicationImportance of Communication

• To maintain relationships• To make things happen• To express our love and care• To remove conflicts• To bring harmony and happiness• To rule and administer the country and organizations

Types of CommunicationTypes of CommunicationTypes of CommunicationTypes of CommunicationTypes of Communication

• Verbal – Communication through language• Nonverbal – Communication other than through spoken language.

o Body languageo Eye contacto Muscle tensiono Postureo Mannerismso Hand movements

• Meta-verbal (Communicating not by what you say, but how you say it)o Voice qualities/voice tone (is voice flat or monotone?)o Rate of speech (how fast or slow one talks)o Cadenceo Volumeo Intonation

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Barriers to Effective CommunicationBarriers to Effective CommunicationBarriers to Effective CommunicationBarriers to Effective CommunicationBarriers to Effective Communication

• Hearing only part of the message• Failure to listen• Listening with a particular mind-set/prejudice• Reacting emotionally• Accents• Physical barriers• Cultural barriers• Religious barriers• Time pressures• Distractions/interruptions• Poor volume, tone, emphasis• Not acknowledging person’s experience, emotions, feelings, desires• Jumping from topic to topic

Effective Communication StrategiesEffective Communication StrategiesEffective Communication StrategiesEffective Communication StrategiesEffective Communication Strategies

• Making eye contact• Use attentive body language (sit slightly forward with a relaxed, easy posture)• Be aware of your gestures• Stay on the topic• Focus on the other person• Smile or nod• Establish relationship• Create an atmosphere free of distractions and interruptions• Be warm and enthusiastic• Show interest• Look bright and alert

The Seven CsThe Seven CsThe Seven CsThe Seven CsThe Seven Cs

1. Credibility2. Context3. Content4. Clarity5. Channels6. Consistency7. Capability of the audience

The Four SsThe Four SsThe Four SsThe Four SsThe Four Ss

1. Shortness2. Simplicity3. Strength4. Sincerity

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Past National President, JCI India“Human relation is a personal quality in a person for a social purpose- better understanding

and better relationship for working with a group.”

Human Relation isHuman Relation isHuman Relation isHuman Relation isHuman Relation is

• Study of human nature• Influencing Human behaviour• An art of getting along with others• Motivating others to our way of thinking• Respect for the views & dignity of others• Treating people as individuals with head & heart

Why HR ?Why HR ?Why HR ?Why HR ?Why HR ?

• To make & retain friends• To increase influence• To become popular• To tackle problems

To be better citizensTo be better citizensTo be better citizensTo be better citizensTo be better citizens

• To be better family member• To be better employer• Become a leader• To make things happen

Causes of bad HRCauses of bad HRCauses of bad HRCauses of bad HRCauses of bad HR

• Ego• Anger• Jealous• Criticism• Hostility

How to improve HR SkillsHow to improve HR SkillsHow to improve HR SkillsHow to improve HR SkillsHow to improve HR Skills

• Make yourself presentable • Be kindly & friendly• Dress should be neat, clean & simple • Be courteous• Be cheerful • Accept others’ ideas• Wear a smile on your face • Admit your mistakes• Divorce egoism • Be concerned about others• Practice ‘we’ not ‘I’ • Look for opportunity to serve others• Control anger • Make others part of act• Don’t criticize others • Have a sense of humour• Avoid arguments • Remember the names of others• Be a good listener • Appreciate and recognize others.• Express enthusiasm

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10 Basics of HR10 Basics of HR10 Basics of HR10 Basics of HR10 Basics of HR

1. Remember the names of others and call them by name.2. Be a simple person.3. Don’t get angry.4. Keep smiling.5. Don’t be too selfish.6. Behave moderately.7. Be concerned.8. Become a listener.9. Help others.10. Congratulate for other’s success.

6 Most Important Words : I admit, I Made a mistake5 Most Important Words : You did a good job4 Most Important Words : What is your opinion?3 Most important Words : If you please2 Most Important Words : Thank you1 Most Important Word : WeAND Least Important Word : I

Any WayAny WayAny WayAny WayAny Way

❐ People are unreasonable, illogical and self - centered.❈ LOVE THEM ANYWAY

❐ If you are successful you win false friends and trueenemies.❈ SUCCEED ANYWAY

❐ The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.❈ DO GOOD ANYWAY

❐ What you build spending years may be destroyed over-night.❈ BUILD ANYWAY

❐ People really need help but may attack you if you help.❈ HELP THEM ANYWAY

❐ Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.❈ BE HONEST AND FRANK ANYWAY

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“The best way to get a good idea is to get a lot of ideas.” – Linus Pauling

Creativity is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations ofthe creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. An alternative conception of creativeness is that it issimply the act of making something new.

What is Creativity ?What is Creativity ?What is Creativity ?What is Creativity ?What is Creativity ?

• Thinking of something new and actualizing it through efforts

• Dreaming of something that has not been there

• Relating of unrelated things

• Expanding the imagination

• Daring to dream wild ideas

• Looking at anything from all the angles

• Involves imaginative thinking


Words and Speech Rhythm

Logic Spatial awareness

Reasoning Imagination

Numbers Daydreaming

Sequence Colour and patterns

Analysis Dimension

Lists Patterns

Names The whole picture

Calculation Emotion

Methods of Creativity :Methods of Creativity :Methods of Creativity :Methods of Creativity :Methods of Creativity :

Evolution - Improvement of existingSynthesis - Combining two ideasRevolution - Entirely new ideaRe-application - Making old into newChanging direction - Looking in other angle

Barriers in CreativityBarriers in CreativityBarriers in CreativityBarriers in CreativityBarriers in Creativity

1. Negative self image

2. Fear

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3. Anxiety

4. Perfectionism

5. Conforming to only one answer to a problem

6. Not challenging the obvious

7. Evaluating too quickly

Process :Process :Process :Process :Process :

• Preparation

• Effort

• Incubation

• Insight

• Evaluation

Basic Principles :Basic Principles :Basic Principles :Basic Principles :Basic Principles :

• Delay the judgements

• Wait before you choose

• Identify positive points

• Individual contributions

• Use different channels

Tips to Improve CreativityTips to Improve CreativityTips to Improve CreativityTips to Improve CreativityTips to Improve Creativity

• Change your pattern of thinking

• Make more questions on every thought

• Write down many options to solve a problem

• Make stories and fictions

• Write with your left hand if you are right handed(Opposite for Left handed people)

• Draw innovative pictures

• Study new things

• Sing songs in different tunes

• Solve Brain Teasers, Sudoku, Jigsaw Puzzles andMathematical Problems

• Play with colours

• Go for site seeing

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“Emotions refer to a feeling and distinctive thoughts, psychological and biological states andrange of propensities to act.” - Daniel Goleman

All emotions are impulses to act. Emotions are feelings about other feelings or experiences. They are ourown creations. Emotions can be used to win friends and to influence people; for people are attracted toanyone who can make them feel good. “Emotion management” is managing one’s emotions, feelings tomaintain a positive temperament for personal and interpersonal effectiveness. It is controlling and conqueringoneself and others.

Ten Emotions of PowerTen Emotions of PowerTen Emotions of PowerTen Emotions of PowerTen Emotions of Power

1. Love and Warmth

2. Appreciation and gratitude

3. Curiosity; be curious as a child

4. Excitement and passion

5. Determination

6. Flexibility

7. Confidence

8. Cheerfulness

9. Vitality

10. Contribution

Emotional intelligenceEmotional intelligenceEmotional intelligenceEmotional intelligenceEmotional intelligence

“EI is a type of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and other’s emo-tions, to discriminate among them and use the information to guide one’s thinking and actions”

Five Domains of EIFive Domains of EIFive Domains of EIFive Domains of EIFive Domains of EI

1. Self – Awareness

2. Managing Emotions

3. Motivating Oneself

4. Empathy

5. Handling Relationship

Importance of Emotion ManagementImportance of Emotion ManagementImportance of Emotion ManagementImportance of Emotion ManagementImportance of Emotion Management

• Maintain healthy long-term relationships

• Maintain good physical and mental health

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• To grow and let others grow

• To lead a happy family, social and spiritual life

• Career and academic development

• To control stress, anger and temperament

• Make effective decision making

• Bring harmony

• Communication

• Unity and integrity

Steps in Emotion ManagementSteps in Emotion ManagementSteps in Emotion ManagementSteps in Emotion ManagementSteps in Emotion Management

1. Identifying emotions – recognizing how you and those around you are feeling.

2. Using Emotions – Generating emotions and then reason with this emotion.

3. Understanding Emotions – Understanding complex emotions and emotional chains; how emotions trans-form from one stage to another.

4. Managing Emotions – Managing emotions in yourself and in others.

Strategies for Emotion ManagementStrategies for Emotion ManagementStrategies for Emotion ManagementStrategies for Emotion ManagementStrategies for Emotion Management

1. Associate with people whom you enjoy and who support you

2. Learn and practice meditation

3. Do exercise regularly

4. Never let one thing to dominate you

5. Maintain a better timely diet, rich with fiber and energy

6. Take adequate rest – avoid night duties as far as possible

7. Avoid use of tranquilizers and sleeping pills

8. Read good books and watch movies and programmes that give you joy

9. Do breathing drills when you seem to be emotionally imbalanced

10. Delay complicated decisions

Make regular deposits in Personal Account and Relationship Account

Sl. No Personal Account Relationship Account

1. Keep promises to yourself Keep promises

2. Do small acts of kindness Do small acts of kindness

3. Be gentle Be loyal

4. Be honest Listen

5. Renew yourself Say you’re sorry

6. Tap into your talents Set clear expectations

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Past National President & International Graduate, JCIValues form the code of conduct of our living. They are guiding principles of virtuous living. They

ensure quality of life and perpectuation of humanity. They enhance tradition. Call them by any other name,principles, virtues, ideals, laws, etc. they mean the same thing: TRUTH.

Truth Alone Triumphs.

To drive home his point more effectively Sean Covey appropriates his father Stephen Covey’s SevenHabits of Highly Effective Teens. The habits are a combination of values and skills. They may be calledpractical values for living. Here they are, followed by a brief explanation:

Habit 1: Be ProactiveTake responsibilities

Habit 2: Begin with the End in the MindDefine your mission and goals in life

Habit 3: Put First Things FirstPrioritize and do the most important things first

Habit 4: Think Win-Win

Have an everyone-can-win attitude

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

Listen to people sincerely and also express effectively

Habit 6: Synergize

Work together to achieve more

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

Renew yourself regularly

Effective teens practice them. Defective teens practice seven negative habits

1. React

2. Begin with no end in mind

3. Put first things last

4. Think win-lose

5. Seek to talk, then pretend to listen

6. Don’t cooperate

7. Wear yourself out

Saints, thinkers, activists, statesmen, public servants and humble people with commitment to a commoncause have great influence over the lives of others by their conduct.

The American Institute of Character Education recommends the following universal values for practiceby all of us:

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1. Courage and convictions

2. Generosity and kindness

3. Helpfulness

4. Honesty and truthfulness

5. Honour

6. Justice

7. Use of time and talents

8. Freedom of choice

9. Citizenship

10. Right to be an individual

11. Right to equal opportunity and economic security.

The Centre for Learning outlines twenty five Universal Values as crucial for improving the moral climateof schools :

Adaptability Faith Privacy

Citizenship Family RespectCommitment Freedom Responsibility

Compassion Gratitude Self-actualizationConsideration Initiative Self-discipline

Courage Integrity ServiceDiligence Justice Teamwork

Endurance Loyalty Truth

Equality PeaceThe Sathya Sai EHV programme is based on the five core Human values.

1. Right conduct 2. Peace 3. Truth 4. Love 5. Non violence

Clarify your values regularly by the following measures :

Read, listen to inspirational messages

Associate with people of character

Reflect on values in solitude

Manifest your values in daily actions

Practice of universal values ensures peace & prosperity.

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Past National President & International Graduate, JCI

What is a career ?What is a career ?What is a career ?What is a career ?What is a career ?It is what you choose to work for Money, Satisfaction and Recognition. Your career is what gives you a

professional status. Pursuing a right career is the mark of a responsible adult. But it is not easy to choose acareer you want to pursue unless you plan and work for it in advance. A career orientation enables a personto get into the right groove.

What is career orientation ?What is career orientation ?What is career orientation ?What is career orientation ?What is career orientation ?It is orienting him/her for career readiness. One may be career ambitious but what is the use when one is

not qualified for it.

What are the Areas / Companies you look on ?What are the Areas / Companies you look on ?What are the Areas / Companies you look on ?What are the Areas / Companies you look on ?What are the Areas / Companies you look on ?1. Desire – How badly do you want to get into this particular school or program? How much do you want

this job?

2. Standardized test scores – how well did you score on your Entrance test?

3. Extracurricular – What other activities (sports, outside work, Clubs, student, government, church, com-munity, etc.) were you involved in?

4. Letters of recommendation – What do other people think of You?

5. Grade point average – How well did you do in school?

6. Communication Skills – How well can you communicate in Writing(based on your application essays)and verbally (based on an interview)?

Concentrate on the following activities :Concentrate on the following activities :Concentrate on the following activities :Concentrate on the following activities :Concentrate on the following activities :1. Further Studies

2. Skills assessment

3. Career information collection

4. Fruitful, meaningful hobby pursuit

5. Checklist preparation

6. VMGS management (Vision, Mission, Goal, Strategy)

Four Areas with which your career is going to be Govt. employment, Private employment, Self-employment, Social employment.

Choice is yours.

First ask yourself two questions :

1. Where do you want to belong?

2. What do you want to be remembered for?

Give below is a general list of career opportunities. It is time you started finding out the special qualifi-cations required for various categories of career.

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1. Science & Technology (Government / Private / Multinational)Research – Inventions – Manufacturing – Marketing – Service, etc. in the fields of medicine, engineer-ing, information technology and all sciences.

2. Business & IndustrySelf – employment endeavour from small business to big business, from small industry to medium indus-try to large industry.

3. Government Servicea) State & Central Servicesb) State & Central Government Corporations, Agencies, etc.c) Nationalized Banks, Insurance Companies etc.d) Postal, Telegraph, Railways, Airlines, Surface Transport, Merchant Navy etc.e) Education

4. Sports and Artsa) Fine Artsb) Popular Artsc) Commercial Artsd) Player / coach of Games and Athleticse) Sports / Journalism / commentaryf) Running Gym / Yoga School.

5. Professionsa) Lawb) Finance & Accountsc) Human Resource Development Consultancyd) Teaching & Research in Arts & Humanitiese) Teaching in Schools / College / Running Schools /Collegesf) Journalismg) Tourism

6. Services abroad / Settlement abroadWith suitable qualifications you may go to work for a company or institution. You may even settle thereand in due course start your own business / industry / institution.

7. Armed forcesa) Border Security forceb) Central Reserve Police forcec) Army, Navy, Airforce, etc.

8. Voluntary Agencies / Social / Spiritual / Political movementsYou may want to serve the community as a volunteer- Leader through an agency. You may want to takeholy orders and take to spiritual service. You may also enter politics and and make a decent career of it.

9. Agriculturea) Farm Managementb) Horticulture, Sericulturec) Poultry, Hatchery, Piggery, Apiaryd) Seeds Manufacturing, nursery, etc.e) Farm aid service / consultingf) Agricultural engineering

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Past Zone President

“It is not how you take it out, it is how you put it in.” – Linda Perigo MooreMemory power is an asset in everybody’s life. Remembering things perfectly is an art. Memory is the

ability of the brain to create, maintain, and retrieve information about the past. A man with excellent memoryis always productive and efficient in his work and life.

Advantages of Sound MemoryAdvantages of Sound MemoryAdvantages of Sound MemoryAdvantages of Sound MemoryAdvantages of Sound Memory• Performs well in exams• Man with good memory is also considered as

o Intelligento Disciplinedo Punctualo Confidento Smart Workero Creative

• High productivity

Stages of MemoryStages of MemoryStages of MemoryStages of MemoryStages of Memory• Encoding : Processing and combining of received information (involves attention).• Storage : Creation of a record of the encoded information• Retrieval/Recall : Calling back the stored information in response to some cue for use in some

process or activity

Anatomy of Anatomy of Anatomy of Anatomy of Anatomy of MMMMMemory :emory :emory :emory :emory :Studies found that there are three distinct stages of memory.• Sensory Register• Short Term Memory• Long Term Memory

It has been proved by many studies that if you learn or try to keep some matter in your mind, the retentionpower of the brain will diminish within the first 20 minutes. So in order to keep a strong memory you need torevise as per the following intervals

Revision Interval1 20 mins2 1 Hour3 8 Hours4 1 Day5 2 Days6 6 Days7 31 Days8 3 Months9 6 Months regularly

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Techniques to Better MemoryTechniques to Better MemoryTechniques to Better MemoryTechniques to Better MemoryTechniques to Better Memory• Association

o Associating certain items with number association. Say

• One Sun• Two Shoe• Three Tree• Four Door

The position one is remembered by the word sun. When you are asked to remember an item, atposition one, associate it with sun. e.g. Item number one is pencil. Visualize in mind that a pencil isstabbed into the sun. Likewise you can do the same for the rest of the numbers. This will help you toremember and recall the item fast and accurately

• Visualizationo Visualization is the key to this trick. If you need to remember an incident, list of items without order,

an essay from history or any subject, try to visualize in mind. This needs constant practice andrepetition. e.g. World War II – You may visualize Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party marching towardsBritain. Hitler commanding to the soldiers, Shooting, Britain defeated etc. as if in a movie.

• Ridiculous Thinkingo Associate the facts, figures or words with some ridiculous meaning. e.g. in order to remember the

meaning of the word “Cache” (Secret Store) – Visualize in mind that a robber is keeping CASH in asecret place under ground.

• Chain Methodo List of the items are chained together. e.g. Pencil, money, dam, bike, mud are the words.

• Visualize in mind that your pencil and some money fall into a dam. In order to fetch it youjumped into the dam with your bike but you got only some mud. This is like making a story.

• Acronyms Methodo As we did in Goal Setting (SMART) you may associate the list with the Acronyms. This is also an

easier method to remember items in order.

ConcentrationFor better Memory Management you need sound concentration.

For better concentration :For better concentration :For better concentration :For better concentration :For better concentration :• Study difficult or boring subjects first.• Be aware of your best time of day—study when you’ll be alert.• Use waiting time (study note cards while on the bus or standing in line)• Ask: Am I being too hard on myself? Recognize your accomplishments!• Use a regular study area or a library.• Pay attention to your attention—are you focusing?• Get off the phone.• Learn to say no.• Get ready the night before.• Avoid noise distractions.• Notice how you misuse your time and change your habits.• Ask: Would I pay myself for what I’m doing right now? If yes, keep going!

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One should dress to convey a feeling of strength and dignity. The way we dress affects the way peopleperceive and treat us. Dressing has long been a symbol of the role of status that an individual enjoys in aparticular society, obtaining for them the rewards of recognition, approval and identification. The overallimage should be one of neatness and elegance.


Hair• Long Hair• Should be left open only if it is shoulder length. It should not come on the face.• Avoid the following

o Elaborate coiffures, knots or coilso Low loose knots tied at the nape of the necko Oily hair

• Short Hairo Should be cut in an elegant contemporary style which is manageable and looks neat

throughout day hours.

Face• Eyebrows should be neat and well shaped• Skin should be well cared for• Use small and pleasing studs instead of big ear rings

Make-up (Light and carefully applied)• Day makeup

o Light subtle and carefully applied using shades like pink, peach and russet• Eye makeup

o Dark shades of eye shadows should be avoided.o Dark circles should be covered with under-eye makeup.o Bindi should be a small and simple (no designs and not oversized).

Hands• Must wash with soap after every meal and leave no marks or stains.• Nails should be well shaped with a light to medium colour application of nail polish.• Extremely long nails enameled with very bright or dark shades of nail polish should be avoided.

Feet• Heals should appear clean and not cracked.• Toenails should be well shaped and if you like, polished.

Shoes/Footwear• Low/high heeled shoes or sandals are good for health.• Heals should not be more than 1 to 1.5 inches.• Shoes and sandals should be in good condition. Foot wear in poor condition spoils entire image.

Jewellery• Light authentic jewellery like a thin gold chain, a light gold bangle, small earrings.• Artificial or costume jewellery in oxidized silver or plastic should be strictly avoided. Clothes (for Indian


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• For cotton dresses add a little starch.• Iron the clothes before wearing it• The clothes must be well stitched.• Avoid pompous and extravagant fashion dress.


Hair• Clean, neatly cut, not extending below the ears• Always well combed• Frequently shampooed• Kept in place and not oily

Face• Clean shaven, no beards• Moustaches well trimmed- above the lip level and not drooping• Teeth: clean and white. Free from foul odour

Hands• Must wash with soap after every meal and no marks or stains• Nails: short, even length and clean• Wrist watch should be a formal one and with appropriate size

Personal Hygiene• Bathe daily• Brush twice and use a mouth freshener to keep your breath fresh• Avoid use of cheap perfumes and colognes. Use a light perfume during the day• Wash face frequently to look fresh• Adequate rest at night adds to your good looks

Basics of Dressing• Dress should be clean and not crumpled• Your clothes should suit your body• Dress should be appropriate to the time, place, occasion and age• Fabrics, fit, quality, style and the like should be carefully considered

Details• Well coordinated, conservative colours• White/blue shirts with navy blue, grey or black trousers• Cream/beige/light brown shirts with dark coloured trousers• Light coloured shirts with dark coloured trousers.• Well ironed and proper fitting should be ensured• No loose ends, threads open seams or missing buttons at the cuffs and on the shirts; the stitching below

trouser pockets need special attention• Well colour coordinated and well knotted ties• Shirt pockets should remain empty

Shoes• Colour coordinated with the clothes• Clean polished• Well repaired heels• Laces tied neatly and Socks clean and colour coordinated

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What is health ?What is health ?What is health ?What is health ?What is health ?It is not only absence of disease; But a state of perfect well being of body, mind and spirit.

What is ‘perfect state’ of well being ?What is ‘perfect state’ of well being ?What is ‘perfect state’ of well being ?What is ‘perfect state’ of well being ?What is ‘perfect state’ of well being ?According to Gandhiji, it is the ability to carry on one’s duty with a smile throughout.

Does mind affect the body ?Does mind affect the body ?Does mind affect the body ?Does mind affect the body ?Does mind affect the body ?Yes. Body illness affects the mind and also disturbance of mind affects the body. Hypertension, Ulcers,

Headaches, Asthma, Heart attacks are all effects of stress taking it out on body.

How do you judge the body fitness ?How do you judge the body fitness ?How do you judge the body fitness ?How do you judge the body fitness ?How do you judge the body fitness ?• A good physique• Perfect digestion• Proper evacuation of wastes.• Sound sleep.• Absence of pain or laziness to move• Fresh feeling• Able to carry on the demands of work or profession without difficulty.

What are the signs of emotional and mental fitness ?What are the signs of emotional and mental fitness ?What are the signs of emotional and mental fitness ?What are the signs of emotional and mental fitness ?What are the signs of emotional and mental fitness ?• Ability to adjust to changes.• Right emotions at right time.• Endurance on performing the task taken up.• Natural curiosity to know things around.• Decide to take up normal risk to grow & evolve.• Absence of undue shyness to express oneself.• Being able to take competition in the stride.• Being able to laugh at one fully and a readiness to correct oneself.

Is there ideal formula to maintain perfect health ?Is there ideal formula to maintain perfect health ?Is there ideal formula to maintain perfect health ?Is there ideal formula to maintain perfect health ?Is there ideal formula to maintain perfect health ?• Correct dietary habits.• Daily 45 minutes of exercises.• Meditation or prayers daily for 10-20 mins to maintain the poise of mind.• 6-7 hours of sleep.• Proper relaxation habits.

What is a correct dietary habit ?What is a correct dietary habit ?What is a correct dietary habit ?What is a correct dietary habit ?What is a correct dietary habit ?• Timely food without skipping any meal.• Optimum quantity, neither too less nor too much.• Chewing food very well.• Diet with minimal oil, less carbohydrate, enough protein and more fiber.• Less frequent, spicy and fried foods.

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Is Non vegetarian food a total taboo ?Is Non vegetarian food a total taboo ?Is Non vegetarian food a total taboo ?Is Non vegetarian food a total taboo ?Is Non vegetarian food a total taboo ?No,.Minimize the intake after 30 years of age, one must be able to digest, as well as maintain proper body


What is ideal body weight ?What is ideal body weight ?What is ideal body weight ?What is ideal body weight ?What is ideal body weight ?Somewhere near height in centimeters minus hundred in Kilograms.

Is Water a part of diet ?Is Water a part of diet ?Is Water a part of diet ?Is Water a part of diet ?Is Water a part of diet ?• Yes, Daily 2.5 – 3 Lts. of water is must, taken in instalments throughout the day. It clusters the kidney

and internal organs, clears constipation.• The advisable option is to drink water in instalments.

What is the rule for timely food ?What is the rule for timely food ?What is the rule for timely food ?What is the rule for timely food ?What is the rule for timely food ?• Breakfast in the morning is must.• A light lunch.• Early supper.• Timings will depend on one’s professional demands. Plan it any way, but maintain timings.• Take it within one hour gap say breakfast between 8-9 or 8.30-9.30. Lunch between 1-2.• There should be 1-1 ½ of hrs. of gap between dinner and sleep.

What is the ideal quantity ?What is the ideal quantity ?What is the ideal quantity ?What is the ideal quantity ?What is the ideal quantity ?• Too less will make you hungry early and will not allow you to wait till the next meal.• Too much quantity will make you feel heavy and drowsy and may not permit you to work further.

Can I take a heavy dinner ?Can I take a heavy dinner ?Can I take a heavy dinner ?Can I take a heavy dinner ?Can I take a heavy dinner ?• No, It makes the next morning very dull instead.

Then when can I take a heavy food ?Then when can I take a heavy food ?Then when can I take a heavy food ?Then when can I take a heavy food ?Then when can I take a heavy food ?• Never, Food must not be heavy.• “Eat to Live and Not Live to Eat.”

Remember the proverb from Ayurveda for healthy diet.• “Half stomach food; quarter stomach water; and quarter stomach empty.”• Never eat food for relaxation.• Instead use exercise, breathing, or walking to relax.• Do not snack while watching T.V. or hearing music or reading.• Do not remain in hunger for long time.• When you sit to eat, decide the quantity in advance.• Chew food well and eat slowly, quantity comes down.• You may use a spoon to eat.

What is the ideal pattern to eat ?What is the ideal pattern to eat ?What is the ideal pattern to eat ?What is the ideal pattern to eat ?What is the ideal pattern to eat ?• Reduce quantity of rice in your diet.• Increase more vegetables• Include wheat, Ragi, Jowar, Bajra etc.• 60% of your food should comprise of vegetables, leafy green vegetables and seasonal fruits.

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• Avoid fried and spicy food.• Dining-out should be minimized.

What is ideal exercise habit ?What is ideal exercise habit ?What is ideal exercise habit ?What is ideal exercise habit ?What is ideal exercise habit ?• Daily 45 minutes to 1 hour.• Morning or evening when the stomach is empty.

What is the ideal type of exercise ?What is the ideal type of exercise ?What is the ideal type of exercise ?What is the ideal type of exercise ?What is the ideal type of exercise ?• It could be anything.• Brisk walking, Jogging, Running, Swimming, Cycling,• Games like Football, Tennis, Badminton, Basketball, Volleyball, Floor exercise, Weight Lifting, Yoga.

Is Yoga a good exercise for youngsters ?Is Yoga a good exercise for youngsters ?Is Yoga a good exercise for youngsters ?Is Yoga a good exercise for youngsters ?Is Yoga a good exercise for youngsters ?• Yes, It is very much ideal.• It gives exercise to all the parts of the body.• This is the only exercise acting on the inner organs of the body.• It gives exercise and relaxation at the same time.• Yoga also relaxes the mind.• Yoga does not concentrate on muscle volume.• Doing Yoga, one gets a normal shape of structure of muscles.• Weight lifting helps to build up muscles.

So, for better effects can we combine yoga and weight lifting ?So, for better effects can we combine yoga and weight lifting ?So, for better effects can we combine yoga and weight lifting ?So, for better effects can we combine yoga and weight lifting ?So, for better effects can we combine yoga and weight lifting ?• Yes. But should not be done immediately one after the other.• It could be morning yoga and evening weight training or vice versa.• Or, one day of yoga next day weight training.

Do we require 8 hours of sleep every day ?Do we require 8 hours of sleep every day ?Do we require 8 hours of sleep every day ?Do we require 8 hours of sleep every day ?Do we require 8 hours of sleep every day ?• The need is highly variant. 7-8 hours is only an average.• After getting up we should be fresh. There should be no irritability or sleepiness. Then we have slept


What aids good sleep ?What aids good sleep ?What aids good sleep ?What aids good sleep ?What aids good sleep ?• Daily 45 minutes of physical exercises.• Last half an hour before sleep should be free of all mental work.• Avoid seeing T.V. first before going to sleep.• Mild audio music without jarring notes is a good sleep inducer.

What is ideal relaxation ?What is ideal relaxation ?What is ideal relaxation ?What is ideal relaxation ?What is ideal relaxation ?• Spending time with family, sharing the happenings of the day and caring for others feelings.• Active listening.• Useful, constructive pastime like book reading.• Hearing soft music.• Learning music or dance or any other performing art is a good relaxation.• Change of work is a relaxation.

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EmpoEmpoEmpoEmpoEmpowering Ywering Ywering Ywering Ywering Youtoutoutoutouthhhhh

JCI ………………………………………….....................................................................................………., Zone ……..............................................……………..

Participation Certificate

This is to certify that

Miss / Mr. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

of ………….........................................………. Std …………………………..................................................................................……………………………………..

School …………………………………………...........................................................................................................................…………………………………………

has actively participated in the EMPOWERING YOUTH PROGRAMME held on ……………...…….............................………

at ............................................................................................................... by JCI ……………….......................................................................………………………

Congratulations !Congratulations !Congratulations !Congratulations !Congratulations !

President Secretary Project Director

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JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNAJUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNAJUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNAJUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNAJUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL INDIATIONAL INDIATIONAL INDIATIONAL INDIATIONAL INDIAWWWWWorldwide Federation of Yorldwide Federation of Yorldwide Federation of Yorldwide Federation of Yorldwide Federation of Young Leaders and Entroung Leaders and Entroung Leaders and Entroung Leaders and Entroung Leaders and Entrepreprepreprepreneurseneurseneurseneurseneurs


About the Jaycees

Junior Chamber is a worldwide Youth Organization whose members “Jaycees” are aged between 18 and40. The Jaycee movement is globally administered and supported by Junior Chamber International (JCI).Headquartered in Chesterfield, Missouri, USA.

In 1910, under the leadership of Henry Giessenbier, a small group of young people founded the UnitedStates Junior Chamber organization, at St.Louis, Missouri, Their aim was to carry out activities, based on theviewpoint of the younger generation, to help raise standards within their community. The movement soonspread out throughout the world, and Junior Chamber International was established in Mexico in 1944.

Today, with over 100 national organizations and over 20,00,000 individual members, Junior ChamberInternational contributes to the advancement of the global community by providing opportunities for youngerpeople to develop the leadership skills, social responsibility, entrepreneurship and fellowship necessary tocreate positive change.

JCI IndiaJCI IndiaJCI IndiaJCI IndiaJCI India

JCI India is over 60 years old membership based organization, affiliated to the parent body Junior Cham-ber International (JCI). It has thousands of members all over India and Headquartered in Mumbai. Through-out the country, JCI India is running many schools and conducting prominent community development projectson Leadership training for students, Blood donation, Environmental sustainability, Poverty eradication, Womenempowerment etc.

The country is geographically divided into 22 zones. These 22 Zones are managed by 133 elected officers.

Each Local Chapter operates as an autonomous unit with its Chapters leadership structure. However,every chapter is affiliated to the National Organization and abides by the National Constitution.

Every year JCI India honors 10 Outstanding Young Indians. The awards are given for their exemplifyachievement in the area of Business, Political, Governmental, Academic, Environmental, Scientific, Humani-tarian Medical innovation and accomplishment. This programme has provided a stage for which the honoreecan challenge and inspire young people from around the Nation.

What do the Jaycees do ?What do the Jaycees do ?What do the Jaycees do ?What do the Jaycees do ?What do the Jaycees do ?

A primary focus for JCI India is the improvement of society at local, national and global levels.

The principal activities in this area are: We create better leaders to create better societies. We provideyoung adults with the confidence to reach inside themselves and overcome limitation. We show youth how toachieve more that they thought possible in their family, Business and social environment. Building a betterfuture for youth, providing leadership skills, community development, disaster relief, international exchangesand cooperation are the few major activities.

Jaycees offers its members managerial training and experience as team members and leaders, includingthe opportunity to hold office at local, regional, national and international levels of the organization. Mem-

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bers can acquire administrative and operational experience by participating in projects ranging from small,low budget activities to vast programs involving thousands of participants, extensive, planning and milliondollar budgets. Jaycees projects impact local, regional and national communities with positive change anddevelopment.

In Progress.....In Progress.....In Progress.....In Progress.....In Progress.....

Recently, JCI India has also put considerable effort into helping the Tsunami affected area in the costalareas of Indian sub continent. The focus was on rehabilitating orphan children. JCI India has constructed 76houses after the earthquake in 2001 at Anjar of Gujarat state. Now that area is called Jaycee Nagar. Thechapters under JCI India banner are running hundreds of schools all over India; many are having school fordisabled children. Every year 1000 brilliant needy children will get education by JCI India scholarship. 1.5lakh students underwent training on Empowering Youth every year. It is a programme to develop leadershipskills and patriotism for the future of the country.

Our ideology and goalsOur ideology and goalsOur ideology and goalsOur ideology and goalsOur ideology and goals


To help members learn about leadership, Indian Junior Chamber provides the opportunity to developleadership skills at a variety of levels; Local chapters, National and International. From the top down, allpositions rotate every year providing opportunities for as many Jaycees as possible to develop their leader-ship skills.

The National President determines the guiding principle for the year and the annual organizational struc-ture for the National Organization. Thousands of members and alumni work on national activities every year.

Life after Junior ChamberLife after Junior ChamberLife after Junior ChamberLife after Junior ChamberLife after Junior Chamber

At the age of forty, members graduate from the organization, and use the fruits of their Jaycee experiencefor the general benefit of their local communities and of the world. In India, graduates have served withdistinction in administrative and governmental roles at regional and national levels, as well as becomingrespected leaders of world leading enterprises.

Junior Chamber International IndiaWorldwide Federation of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs