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November 1 2013 www.dfwelitenews.com Page 3

When the St. LouisCardinal andBoston Red Sox

played in the World Series inthe 1940's there was not ablack baseball players in eitherdugout. Today, while the twoteams are playing there is onlyone black player, a reserve whoplays for Boston.

There is something wrong in baseball that so few black playersare now in the game. The percentage of Major League Blackplayers are less than ten percent. That should not be that way.Baseball is too great of a game, filled with great black historythat so few blacks should be found between the lines.

Major League Baseball is trying to do something to attractyounger black baseball players. It has started inner-city pro-grams. I would suggest that they start baseball academies likethe Dominicans did many years ago. Today, the Dominicanpercentage of babe ball players exceeds that of AfricanAmericans.

Baseball is a great game and there are many rewards to playingit and that is why we cannot afford to see so few black’ playersin the game. We need to encourage our young people to playthe game and get involved in its administration. It will be agreat step for them to take.

Iwant to remind people thatwhen Social Security waslaunched in this country

fifty years ago there were prob-lems with its implementation.The same was true for theMedicare Drug Prescriptionprograms that began whenGeorge Bush was president.

It seems that everyone is jump-ing on President Obama because the computers are not workingproperly, But I think that we have to look at the larger position.Because of the Affordable Health Care Act, people who had pre-existing conditions are not able to get insurance, college studentsare able to stay on their parent's plan and millions of people whowere not able to get coverage will finally have the security thatcomes with knowing that you can afford to go see physician orother healthcare professional.

I want to know where all of the critics were when people werecrying out for healthcare and could not get any. If you recallwhen Clinton started the process of trying to provide health carecoverage for everyone his effort were shot down. It took theefforts of the Obama administration to get us a program that isfair and equitable for all people.

It is easy to critique something sitting on the sidelines, like somany of our friends on Congress who have voted to repeal thelaw which, by the way, has been upheld by the U.S. SupremeCourt as Constitutional. So, what do they want? They want tostop President Obama in any way that they can. They want tomake sure that his legacy is one that says he accomplished noth-ing but you know what, they will not be successful. TheAffordable Care Act is here to stay!


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MANAGEMENTFounder/Sr- Publisher

Dr. William Blair Jr.

PublisherDebbie Blair Abron

Publisher - (Emeritus)Jordan “Randy” Blair

EDITOR-IN-CHIEFDarryl E. Blair Sr.




[email protected]


COLUMNISTSEast Texas Report Articles

Henry NelsonFt. Worth Connection

Rollin / BrothaJust A Bite (Lorie Blair)

Geraldine HookerMark Toliver’s (Toliver’s Talents)

Ray WilliamsRappin with Fairy

Leon SimonBarbara Mallory-Caraway

Judge Gracie LewisEarnestine Cole (Healthwise)

Kevan BrowningPastor Clarence Henderson



SPECIAL EVENTSFallon TurnerKaren Collins

Dr. Audrey Newsome



DEADLINES AND DISCLAIMERSSubmission of all article, ads, etc., are due every Tuesdayby noon. We accept All credit cards. The views and opin-ions of guest writers and columnists of the publisher, staffof the Elite News. Elite News is not liable for submissionsor payments made to parties other than those authorizedagents listed below: All checks and money orders madepayable to the Elite News shall be mailed to: 2349 CedarCrest Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75203. Accepting all majorCredit Card and Check/Debit cards

S E C T I O N SOUR WORDS ..............................................PAGE 3WORDS OF ENCOURGEMENT ........................PAGE 4SOUL + BODY ..............................................PAGE 5FT. WORTH CONNECTION ..........................PAGE 6DALLAS CONNECTION ..................................PAGE 7NATIONAL REVIEW ......................................PAGE 8

AROUND TOWN ..........................................PAGE 9 COVER STORY............................................PAGE 10SPORTS WITH BILL ....................................PAGE 12YOU PICK EM’ ............................................PAGE 13ENTERTAINMENT........................................PAGE 14MINISTERS LISTINGS ..................................PAGE 16

the affordaBle health Care aCtBy deBBie Blair aBron | PuBliSher

Something iS wrong with thiS gameBy william “Bill” Blair | PuBliSher


CHURCH AT 214-372-6500

Page 4: En novt 01 2013

Last week we reported the news that KwanzaaFestwas cancelled. At the time we went to press this wasthe news of the moment. We also noted the real

looser of this cancellation would be the community inwhich many residents get their only access to medical serv-ices and screenings.

Well, as the Texas weather goes so goes the news; staytuned things change and in the case of KwanzaaFest it isnow back on. After hearing and reading the news report,volunteers and new sponsors came to the aid of the organ-izers and the needs of the community will be met. Weapplaud all who have made the effort to allow the event tocontinue, after all it is all about the needs of our commu-nity that matters the most!

Page 4 www.dfwelitenews.com November 1 2013






Church: Rice Chapel A.M.E. ChurchPastor: Elder R.C. EmanuelFavorite Scripture: Psalms 23Favorite Song: Amazing GraceFavorite Saying: “God is good all the time, and allthe time God is good”Church Affiliations: Pastor’s Confidential Secretary,Treasurer Daughters of Sara Allen

“The world is full of peoplelooking for spectacularhappiness while they snubcontentment.”

Coreen harriS



elder r.C. emanuel

riCe ChaPel a.m.e.ChurCh

ron waShington manager of thetexaS rangerS BaSeBall team



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November 1 2013 www.dfwelitenews.com Page 5



Now, let us take note of the prelude to prayer. The questionis, what is it that brings us to our Prayer Closet? It may bean intuition of prayer. It may be a habit of prayer growing

out of frequent admonition. Even the most explosive and effectualprayer has a background in the life of him who prays, somethingwhich paved the way for the purpose of coming to his prayer closet.God in his infinite wisdom, has not left us without guidance inproper preparation for effective prayer. S.D. Gordon, who duringhis lifetime often stated, “Prayer is a working agreement, a fixedand invariable one, between man and God.” First there must be atime spent in communication; second, there must be a place.Third, the prayer must be in Jesus’ name. Fourth, he who praysmust be in touch with heart, habit and life. Fifth, the prayer must

be in harmony with the teaching of the bible, and sooner or later, definite results will come.

By: rev. ClarenCe henderSon



More than a thousand people turnedout to Friendship West BaptistChurch in Dallas on Saturday,

October 12, 2013, for a Heart2Heart talk onheart health and the healing properties of ahealthy diet. The Heart2Heart conference is aproject of passion for Friendship West FirstLady Debra Peek-Haynes. "I want people inthe African-American community to take con-trol of their health," she told the audience asshe shared her journey to healing by eatinghealthy.

Mrs. Peek-Haynes' passion for holistic healing developed 22years ago when five top physicians told her she would not beable to get pregnant. With the help of a holistic gynecolo-gist, Mrs. Peek-Haynes changed her diet and was able togive birth to her daughter, Abeni, who is now 21-years old.

"I was told I was in premature menopause and my cycle hadstopped," Mrs. Peek Haynes said. "My cycle restarted intwo months after I changed my diet. I was pregnant withina year."

Mrs. Peek-Haynes says she ate a lot of dark greens and sea-

weed during that time. "We have to learnhow to eat right to live better and have ener-gy," Mrs. Peek-Hayes told the crowd. "Wealso have to teach our children how to eatright before they develop bad habits. Thereare consequences to eating bad food."

Mrs. Peek-Haynes cautioned the audience tostop eating white sugar and flour. "Whitesugar is a drug. It is toxic. Use natural sweet-eners like agave and Stevia instead."

The crowdlaughed as Mrs. Peek-Haynestold them to be careful of theoils they use, "What is acanola? Have you ever seen acanola?" She then gave tipson the best types of oil to usefor marinating, baking andsautéing.

Her presentation was full oftips on different foods andtheir healing properties as

well as substitutes for bad food ingredients. She concludedher presentation by cooking up some healthy collard greensand a vegetarian stir-fry that included raw cashews and adelicious seasoning sauce made with fresh ginger. Men fromthe audience who sampled the food gave it a thumbs-up.

Although Debra Peek-Haynes is not a licensed health pro-fessional, she can explain how to avoid many health prob-lems like diabetes and heart disease by having a proper diet.She provides practical tips from a layperson's perspective inher new book, The Beginner's Guide to Healthy Living. In

it, she describes how to substitutegood ingredients for bad ingredientsas well as exchanging good habits forbad habits. The book is a guide forthe entire family on how to develop ahealthy lifestyle.

Mrs. Peek-Haynes is preparing to takeher conference on the road for a 12-city, mega-church tour in 2014.For more information on Mrs. Peek-Haynes and her book, visit www.debrapeek-haynes.com Allphotographs by Chris Morgan.

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Co-Founder & ExecutiveDirector - NationalMulticultural WesternHeritage MuseumEmail: [email protected]

You still have a couple ofweeks to see the playentitled Neat at the

Jubilee Theatre. Neat is thefollow up companion piece to

the Jubilee Theatre smash hit Pretty Fire. Written byCharlayne Woodard; Woodard shares her memories ofgrowing up black in America in the 50's and 60's.Through the magic of storytelling, music and movement,Charlayne takes us on a journey from Savannah, Georgiato Albany, New York with engaging humor and sharpinsight. Award winning actress and star of Pretty Fire,Ebony Marshall-Oliver returns to the Jubilee stage in aperformance that will leave you spellbound. Neat will runthrough November 10, 2013. Jubilee theatre is located at506 Main Street, Fort Worth 76102. For ticket informa-tion please call 817-338-4411 or visit Jubilee Theatrewebsite www.jubileetheatre.org.

Join Mayor Betsy Price and David Parker, AT&T VicePresident and Dinner Chair of the Fort Worth SisterCities International Banquet for an evening of interna-tional cuisine and entertainment as celebrity couples viefor the title of “Best Dancers”. The event will take placeat the Renaissance Worthington Hotel Grand Ballroomon November 21, 2013, Reception: 6:30 P.M., Dinner:7:00 P.M., show begins at 8:00 P.M. Yours truly withdance partner and hubby Jim are one of the couples danc-ing to raise funds for the organization. Early voting hasalready begun and will conclude on November 21, 2013.Please visit www.fwsistercities.org to vote for Jim andGloria Austin. We appreciate your support! For ticketsand additional information please contact Mae Ferguson,President/CEO at 817-632-7104.DON’T FORGET TO VOTE!! Election Day, Tuesday,November 5, 2013.

By: gloria reed auStin | PREACHERS OF L.A.

The new reality TV show the Preachers of LA has causedpeople to look at the mega ministry totally different in theshort time this show has been televised. Some viewers arealready drawing some negative thoughts about the lives ofthese families with good reason after seeing the few episodesthat have aired.

The show portrays those that are to lead in a godly life arefilled with self-serving attitudes and lives. Men of God arethought to be noble and above the things of the world whenin reality the show portrays that just like all of us they arefull of sin and the challenges of the world just like the rest

of us.

I have familymembers whoare in the con-gregation bodyof three of thecast member andthey are not veryhappy with whatthey see weeklyon TV. Somepeople are

offended by what they see and hear and other think it is ajoke .This type of exposure has cause some to look at thechurch as a place for a few ministers to expose what reallygoes on in some church pulpit.

You go to church on Sunday to spiritually refill the mindand body so you can endure another week. You look forthe positive to help you better cope with and to let go of thenegative thoughts and we are bombarded with throughoutthe day and week. Then you turn on and watch our spiri-tual leaders on television living the life they try to teach uswe are not to live. Doing the things we are taught are notof God. Preachers need to live the life they teach so that itfollowers will not get confused, minister to us on a level soall can understand how Gods Words are to be applied inour lives.

By: ray williamS |



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May Frances Armstead was born May 31, 1932 inDallas Texas.

After graduating from highschool she went tobecome a nurse at St. Paul in Dallas Texas.

She was a faithful member of Concord MissionaryBaptist Church where she served on the usher board

until her illness.She went home to the lord on October 26, 2013

Funeral: November 5, 2013 @11:00am at Lincoln Memorial FuneralHome 8100 Fireside Drive Dallas 75217

November 1, 2013 www.dfwelitenews.com Page 7



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{ DALLAS CONNECTION }gone But – not forgotten

Not sure what is going on in our soci-ety when what, appears to berational people, throw lighter fluid

on the elderly and set them on fire. Thethought that there is any reason that a personcould believe someone deserves to be set onfire is demented and cruel.

In the commission of the crime of robbery38 year old Matthew Lee Johnson pouredlighter fluid on 76 year old conveniencestore worker Nancy Harris and set her onfire. There is no reason to believe that a 38year old man needed to use such measures toescape from a 72 year old woman. At his agehe could out run and overpower her. Therewas no need to set her on fire and burn herto death.

My heart is heavy for the family memberwho has to live knowing that their Mother,

Sister, Wife or any other family memberdied this way. My heart is also heavy for thefamily of the man who committed thiscrime. To know that their family membercould do such an unthinkable act is beyondmy understanding. What is wrong in oursociety that the thoughts and acts are so hor-rible that we see pure evil acts committedagainst one another?

There are cases where I think there should bethe abolishment of the death penalty but inthis instance I am secure that the deathpenalty is warranted. The thought that any-one should live after committing such an actis beyond reason. This is the crime that theproponents of the death penalty will use tosay it is needed. This is the case that every-one can stand united and say the punish-ment cannot be severe enough!

By: darryl Blair, Sr. |

editorS thoughtS

Doctors – The Ones’ Who Gave Their TimeDr. E. J. Mason and Dr. Eugene Dorsey

two doctors at Forest Avenue CommunityHospital in Sunny South Dallas - They weretwo of the founders and they would take careof you whether you had money or insurance-how can they be forgottenDr. N. O. Watts, Sr. opened a hospital inhouse on 9th Street which still stands,because of the unfair treatment of blacks atParkland Hospital.Dr. L. G. Pinkston & Dr. M. H. Mc Shannopened the first Black Hospital.

Dr. Emerson Emory, who was a faithfuldoctor of the Southside and fought until hisdeath to get the Medal of Honor for DorisMiller of Texas the Hero of Pearl Harbor.Dr. E. E. Ward the Medical Director forExcelsior Life Insurance Co. one of the onlyblack life insurance companies in Texas inthe 1940’sDr. Page one of the founders of Forest

Avenue Hospital. Dr. Page and Dr. Mason’sdeath are still unsolved and still a mystery tothis day.Dr. Bluitt the owner of the Bluitt Sanitariumone of Dallas first Black Doctors.

The poet wrote “ May the work I’vedone, speak for me, when I’m resting in mygrave and there is nothing than can be saidmay the Work I’ve done speak for me “We cannot and shall not forget the Heroes ofthe Past. These doctors and others like themgave their time for our HealthMake plans now to come view the Gone But– Not Forgotten Exhibit at the AfricanAmerican Museum of History & Culture inthe Historic Fair Park .. Friday – December20, 2013 for more information please call meat 214-565-9026 ext. 335

Your brother through calvary’s ties.Rev. A. Ray Barnett, PhD.

By rev. a. ray Barnett, Phd |

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1 Corinthians10:14-22

14Therefore, mydear friends, fleefrom idolatry. 15Ispeak to sensiblepeople; judge foryourselves what Isay. 16Is not thecup of thanksgivingfor which we give

thanks a participation in the blood ofChrist? And is not the bread that we breaka participation in the body of Christ?17Because there is one loaf, we, who aremany, are one body, for we all share the oneloaf. 18Consider the people of Israel: Donot those who eat the sacrifices participatein the altar? 19Do I mean then that foodsacrificed to an idol is anything, or that anidol is anything? 20No, but the sacrifices ofpagans are offered to demons, not to God,and I do not want you to be participantswith demons. 21You cannot drink the cupof the Lord and the cup of demons too; youcannot have a part in both the Lord’s Tableand the table of demons. 22Are we trying toarouse the Lord’s jealousy? Are we strongerthan he? 22

Someone sent me a cartoon this week. Itshows a mother and son walking homefrom church, and the mom says, “The nexttime Pastor Bob ask you what the sermonwas about, do not say, ‘About three hours’!”

Special occasions are often connected withfood. Thanksgiving, Christmas, anniver-saries, birthdays, etc. Friday evening Iattended a dinner at a church for the BoyScouts. All afternoon I could smell the greatmeal Mrs. Ross was preparing downstairs!Whenever there’s a special meal, we can’twait to be told: “Come to the table!” Thismorning, Jesus has set the table and is invit-

ing us, “Come to My Table.” There are sev-eral things we need to “bring to the table.”

Before we sit down to a meal, we need cleanhands. You do not work in the garden orgarage and then come inside, sit down, andeat dinner. You wash up first. This is whythe Bible tells us to examine our lives beforereceiving Communion. We may see some-thing that needs to be confessed and cleanedup. When we were kids, we occasionallyhad to go to bed without supper because wedid something bad. When we come to Jesuswith remorse and repentance, we find for-giveness, restoration, and an invitation toHis table. Some people get so burdened bytheir sins, that instead of asking forgiveness,they figure they’re too unworthy to partici-pate, and they pass the tray without partak-ing. None of us are worthy, but if we’vetrusted Christ, we are eligible. He invitesand authorizes us to come to the table.

Also before dining, we need a good appetite.What would happen if you were invited tosomeone’s house for dinner and an hourbefore the meal you ate a bag of chips, aCoke, and a package of Twinkies? After allthis junk food, you would have littleappetite for the good stuff! Paul tells us,“you cannot drink the cup of the Lord andthe cup of demons too; you cannot have apart in both the Lord’s Table and the tableof demons” (vs. 21). God offers us a sub-stantive meal, the Bread and Cup won’t fillus up physically, but they will satisfy ourspiritual hunger. When we stuff ourselveswith the junk food of sin we lose ourappetite for the banquet God has preparedfor us. We need to “taste and see” the satis-fying goodness of the Lord (Psalm 34:8).

If you would like to have the entire mes-sage please request it at: revela-

[email protected]

the lordS SuPPer

henry nelSon | Pr e s i d e n tObama apol-ogized for the

problematic roll outof the AffordableCare Act and themalfunction withthe HealthCare.govwebsite responsiblefor enrolling mil-lions of people in

the program. Marilyn Tavenner, MedicareChief, in charge of setting up the programalso apologized for the glitches that haveprevented Americans seeking accessible,affordable, quality healthcare from signingup. Health and Human Services SecretaryKathleen Sebelius will testify before theEnergy and Commerce Committee laterthis week on the status of Mr. Obama’s sig-nature legislation. She is expected to blamecontractors who designed the software.

The President, under pressure from somemembers of Congress, both Democrats andRepublicans, healthcare providers andAmericans alike, issued an extension forthose signing up for healthcare by March31, 2014 to avoid a penalty. TheAdministration says the problems will befixed by November 31st. He is also askingfor patience as the new law is implemented.

According to some news reports, currentlyinsured persons are receiving cancellationnotices of their insurance. That is becauseObamacare requires different coveragerules. Services that were not covered undertheir previous plans are now required to beincluded. This may also cause a change intheir coverage cost. Be sure and talk to yourservice care provider about these potentialchanges.

Secondly, I want to remind voters that thenew Texas Photo ID law is now in effect.Therefore, persons voting in the upcomingNovember 5th Constitutional Amendmentelection will have to present a stateapproved photo ID to vote. The four cate-gories of acceptable forms of Photo ID are:1. Department of Public Safety issuedTexas Drivers License, Texas ID, TexasConcealed Hand Gun Permit and anElection Id Certificate. 2. Military IDCards, i.e., Department of Defense (DoD)Common Access Card (CAC), UniformedServices ID Cards, DoD Civilian RetireeCards, Veterans Affairs ID Cards, 3.

Citizenship or Naturalization Certificate, 4.Passport Book or Passport ID Card.

I have written in a previous article regardingthe change in the Texas Voting Laws thatrequires that every voter present anapproved Photo ID when voting in person.As the November 5th election approaches, Ihave heard concern from voters especiallywho are concerned about whether or notthey will be more disenfranchised by thisnew law. Women are especially concernedbecause the name on their Photo ID andvoter’s role may not be the same on thebecause they are married and use a hyphen-ated name or some who’s middle name maybe on their voter’s card but not on their dri-ver’s license. Therefore they will not beallowed to vote. The explanation in the lawsays that the photo ID and the name on thevoter’s role must be “substantially similar”to the voter’s name as it appears on the offi-cial list of registered voters. This means thatthe name on the ID is slightly differentfrom one or more of the name fields on theofficial list of registered voters. 2. Thename on the voter’s ID or on list of regis-tered voters is a customary variation of thevoter’ formal name. 3. The voter’s namecontains an initial, middle name, or formername that is either not on the official list ofregistered voters or on the voter’s ID. Theelection worker is allowed to considerwhether information on the official list ofregistered voters, like the voter’s residenceaddress or date of birth, is an official indica-tor.

In most cases if you show up to vote youwill be allowed to vote even if it is in theform of a provisional ballot. You may alsobe required to take additional steps to verifythat you are the person on your Photo inrare cases and for your vote to be finally cast.You can get additional answers as to if andwhy these rules will apply by visiting yourlocal county elections website or the TexasSecretary of State website. If you would liketo request an exemption to using a photoID to vote, you may also find out whatthose exemptions are. But I would stronglytell you not to allow this law to prevent youfrom exercising your right to vote. It isimportant that we all show up and voteregardless of the election or issue. It’s yourway of participating in the system.

Barbara Mallory Caraway served 6 years inthe Texas House of Representatives and 8years on the Dallas City Council.

glitCheS Continue over healthCare roll out and new voter law in effeCt

By BarBara mallory Caraway |

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Thirty miles east of Dallas on what appeared to be anormal Monday a city and it residents all lived 8hour under siege by a single man. At 5pm the city of

Terrell was shocked to its core. After a report of shots beingfired the body of Charles Everett Barlow Jr.’s 55 year oldaunt, Belinda Walker was found in her home. A single shotto the head and she laid dead in her home. She was the firstvictim of many to come in the next 8 hours.

Shortly thereafter and a few blocks away Barlow’s mother,61year old Mary Barlow was found dead in her bedroom againwith a single gunshot wound to the head. She was found byfirefighters who spotted flames coming from out of thehome he shared with his mother. It was apparent the firewas arson to cover up the murder of Mrs. Barlow. Missingwas her 2002 white Ford Focus.

Next, Barlow’s Terrell High School alum, 33 year old JasonWooden and 30 year old Kelleye Lynnette Sluder werefound dead in their home. Their 3 year old son was left inthe home unharmed and he was able to tell police that a guyhad come into their home and shot both of his parents. Five hours after the killings began Barlow walked into aMexican Restaurant; Taqueria Dos Aces looking a bit

“strange” asking for someone he thought worked at therestaurant. The manager and Eric Fargosa and 20 year oldhostess were able to provide the police with a description ofwhat Barlow was wearing and that he seemed a bit strangeand mumbled when he spoke to them. After being shownto a table he left the restaurant without incident.

An hour later, Barlow was spotted at Ali’s Market where offduty Terrell Police Sargent, J Hobbs, who knew Barlowfrom previous encounters, spotted the white Ford Focus hewas driving in the parking lot. After radioing for back up,Sargent Hobbs watched from his personal vehicle while itappeared that Barlow was making a purchase. Once he leftthe store a police pursuit ensued and after a brief chase bycare and on foot Barlow was arrested without any additionalincidents and by 1:30am the killing spree was over. The citycould sigh a sigh of relief.

Later it was discovered that his fifth and final victim Leal-Carillo, Ali’s Market clerk had also been shot and lay deadbehind the counter.

Barlow’s brother, Terrence Walker identified both his auntand mother’s bodies. He is quoted saying “I am at a loss;

my mom was so quiet and good. I am devastated, I’m in adaze. It must have been drugs.” It is also reported thatWalker had heard that his brother and his mother had beengoing through some issues but he could not understand howanyone could take the life of their own mother.

Terrell police are not providing much information on anymotive. Chief of Police Jody Lay has stated “We are all in astate of shock. This is going to have a big impact on us.” After being charged with 1 count of capital murder andevading arrest Tuesday Barlow was transferred to theKaufman County Jail where he is being held without bail.It is expected that as their investigation continues there willbe more charges filed against Barlow.

As the community mourns this tragedy families are makingarrangements to lay their loved ones to rest. It is senselessto know there are so many lives altered and changed just bythe acts of one man.

Terror in Terrell By lorie Blair |

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The students and staff of Dallas ISD’s James MadisonHigh School gathered in the school’s library recentlyfor the big reveal of their library’s makeover. About

60 Capital One Bank volunteers arrived early that morningand worked most of the day to provide the finishing touchesto complete the The Heart of America Foundation®READesign® Library Makeover - from decorating andassembling furniture, to sorting and stocking books.

Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, Dallas City Councilwoman

Carolyn Mays, Dallas ISD Trustee Bernadette Nutall, TheHeart of America Foundation Vice President ofDevelopment Daniel Horgan, Madison Principal GayleSmith and Capital One Bank Dallas Market PresidentKent Eastman celebrated with a ribbon cutting ceremonyto officially reopen the newly renovated library for theschool’s students. In addition to the more than 300 booksprovided for the library, which include financial literacythemed books, Capital One Bank also donated three booksfor each of the school’s students to begin building his/herown home library.

The bank’s associates banded together as part of CapitalOne’s national associate volunteer initiative, ‘One Week,’ tohelp meet the needs of local communities where associateslive and work. Dallas volunteers participated in the “librarymakeover” with The Heart of America Foundation.

“It’s always inspiring to spend time with the teachers in theschools where we are able to help improve their library,” saidKent Eastman, Capital One Bank Dallas market president.“They tell us how important a strong library is and that lit-eracy is the foundation of learning which reinforces our ded-ication to support the READesign® library makeovers.”

Through a generous grant from Capital One, The Heart ofAmerica Foundation’s READesign® team developed thedesign concept and planned the materials needed to providethe high school a new library with age-appropriate reading

November 1, 2013 www.dfwelitenews.com Page 11

CaPital one Bank PartnerS with the heart of ameriCa foundation forliBrary makeover at JameS madiSon high SChool

From left: Dallas ISD Trustee BernadetteNutall; Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings; JamesMadison High School Principal Gayle Smith;Capital One Bank Dallas Market President KentEastman and James Madison High School VicePrincipal Latrisha Pickett celebrate the reopen-ing of the Madison High School library.

Ssee CAPITAL ONE continued on page 12

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Ihave an old saying and from time totime I mention it to athletes. “Wantto, beats can do, especially when

can do don’t want to.”

When can do wants to, You have theUsain Bolt, Emmitt Smith, KobeBryant, Michael Jordan etc. The worldis full of those “Can do guys that don’twant to do anything, it’s extremelynoticeable in the NFL, and it getsworst each week.

The Dallas Cowboys lost a good gameto the Detroit Lions 31 -30. The beau-tiful part of that game was, there are a

lot of guys on the Cowboys team that makes my theory right.There’s a lot of young men that bought into the Idea that oneman go down is an opportunity for another to step up.

Let me explain WANT TO, these are the big heart guys thatrealize that things may not always be right, but it’s real. Andthey go out and give it all they have every time they get thechance. Those Can Do guys are the once you see standing onthe side line advertizing baseball caps, these guys are blessedwith the talent but they don’t have anything in their chest that

even resembles a heart.

The Cowboys had a chance to win the game all they needed wasa first down, but the man responsible for that, or should I say,was hired for that purpose was setting on the side line with abaseball cap on Demarco Murry, they could have used a quar-terback sack, but as so often it happens the man hire to do thatwas on the side line. DeMarcus Ware although this is only hissecond game he’s missed in his career, too frequently in crucialsituations he’s on the side line.

Marvin Austin, Drake Nevis, Nick Hayden, Jason Hatcherthat’s the defensive line that was expected to stop one of the bestyoung quarterbacks in the game, with the best receiver in thegame. Top draft pick last year Mo Claiborne on the side linewith the rest of those can do guys, letting the want to guys fightthe battles. That’s happening all over the league the high dollarboys are not playing. They’re styling baseball caps when thesegames are decided. And idiots like Stephen A Smith are rantingand raving negatively about Dallas and he’s not smart enoughto realize the guys on the field at crunch time was unemployedthis time last year.I think they’re better off with Miles Austin on the sideline or athome, Murray can be replaced by any one that can play all year.Everybody in the free world knows this will not be the last timeMurray or Austin will be hurt, this season.Looking at the games the Cowboys lost this year, now you cansee how Kansas City can go from 2-14 to 8-0 this year. TheCowboys lost to 3 of the league’s best teams Denver, Kansascity, Detroit by 5 points total.

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The Cowboys game againstthe Lions was a lot of things.It was very exciting. It was a

great game that showcased some ofthe top talent in the NFL. But thething I liked the most about thatgame was the performance by ourhomeboy Matthew Stafford.Matthew Stafford put on a clinicagainst the Cowboys. But Staffordhas been amazing fans as long as hehas been playing. Let's check outsome of this kid’s performances.

• Matthew Stafford graduated highschool early and enrolled at the

University of Georgia in January and Stafford became the

first true freshman Bulldog QB to start since QuincyCarter in 1998. • While in college Stafford was named SEC Freshman ofthe Week twice during the 2006 season.

• Named Rivals.com's National Freshman of the week.• 2006 UG Offensive Newcomer of the Year.• 2006 SEC Coaches All-Freshman Team• Offensive MVP 2006 Chick-fil-A Bowl• 2008 All-America by Pro Football Weekly• 2008 All-Sec Second Team• 2009 MVP Capital One Bowl

On January 1,2012, Stafford became the fourth QB inNFL history and the third in the 2011 season, along withTom Brady, and Drew Brees, to throw for 5,000 yards ina season. Matthew was the second- youngest quarterbackin NFL history. Over the last four games of the 2011 reg-ular season, Stafford became the only quarterback in NFLhistory to pass for 1,500 yards and 14 touchdowns in afour game time span.

Stafford has 14,069 yards through 49 games, surpassingKurt Warner(13,864) for the best 50- game start to acareer. Stafford also holds the 50- game record for com-pletions at 1,214, over Marc Bulger's at 1,115. Stafford isalso second in career 300-yard passing performancesthrough 50 games at 19 behind Kurt Warner. Staffordmost passing yards through 50 games with 14,069; mostcompletions through 50 games -1,214; most TDs in a sin-gle game by a Rookie-5 Youngest QB to pass for 5 ormore TDs in a single game. He is the first player to pass1,500 yards and 14 TDs in a 4 game span; most yardsthrown without a TD -443 yard; most passing attempts-727; most games with 40 + pass attempts in a season.

I just wanted the sports world to know that Stafford isgoing to rewrite the NFL record books and this youngman will play in a Superbowl before his career is over!!!

Thanks for ReadingMay God Bless You and Help Us Change the World!!

By: mark a. toliver ii |

By: leon Simon |


{ WANT TO, BEATS CAN DO }material for its students. The Heart of AmericaFoundation is a national nonprofit that promotes volunteerservice and literacy by putting books into the hands of chil-dren who need them the most to develop a love of reading.Since 1997, The Heart of America Foundation has provid-ed children living in poverty with over 3 million library andtake-home books, and has engaged volunteers in more than1,037,500 hours of service to the community.

Since 2002, Capital One Bank and The Heart of AmericaFoundation have partnered together to put 1,301,334books valued at $10.6 million into the hands of 564,260children in low-income communities to create safe, invit-ing libraries in their schools. Capital One associate volun-teers annually donate and distribute books, read to childrenand donate books to further efforts to foster a love of read-ing in children that will last a lifetime.

CAPITAL ONE continued from page 11

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{ U PICK EM’ }


week 7 darryl Blair leon Simon Corey toney roger B Craig watkinS mark tolliver dwayne Caraway larry taylor

CinCy vS mia CinCy CinCy CinCy CinCy CinCy CinCy CinCy CinCy

atl vS Car Car Car Car Car atl Car atl atl

minn vS dal dal dal minn minn dal dal dal dal

no vS JetS no no no no no no no no

tenn vS Stl tenn Stl tenn tenn tenn tenn tenn tenn

kC vS Buff kC kC kC Buff kC kC kC kC

Sd vS waSh Sd waSh Sd waSh Sd Sd waSh waSh

Philly vS oak oak oak Philly oak oak oak Philly oak

tB vS Sea Sea Sea Sea Sea Sea Sea Sea Sea

Balt vS Cle Cle Balt Balt Cle Cle Balt Cle Cle

Pitt vS ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne

indy vS hou hou indy indy indy hou indy hou indy

Chi vS gB gB gB Chi gB gB gB gB gB

weekly finalS 11-2 12-1 8-5 9-4 7-6 11-2 9-4 8-5

SeaSon total 75-45 80-42 63-57 74-46 68-452 76-44 66-54 73-47

Prairie view vS JaCkSon Statewon 52 - 38

next game: alCorn Statenov. 07, 2013 at 6:30 Pm in alCorn

State, mS

u.n.t. vS Southern miSSiSSiPPiwon 55 - 14

next game: riCeoCt. 31, 2013 at

6:30 Pm in denton, tx

S.m.u. vS temPle (homeComing)won 59 - 49

next game: CinCinnatinov. 07, 2013 at

11am in CinCinnati, oh

t.C.u. vS texaS longhornSloSt 30 - 7

next game: weSt virginianov. 02, 2013 at

2:30Pm in ft. worth, tx

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Welcome to theweekend, baaaby!

Good luck tothe DallasMavericks

on the new season!I'm not sure whomade the Mav'sschedule, but the 1st

week is tough... The Memphis Grizzlies andthe surprisingly good (without Kobe) L.A.Lakers are at the AA Center Saturday andTuesday, respectively.

Ever been to a classreunion? Well thisweekend, I'll be head-ing to a reunion of thestaff at the first radioStation I worked at in1979. The station waslocated in DowntownTexarkana, Texas! Iwas just a teenagerworking the summeryouth program at one of the public housing(Sunset Apartments) apartment complexes.The manager of the complex, CharlesGordon (C.G.) Scott invited me to hangoutduring his evening show and after a few vis-its, I was hooked. Less than a month later,in Dec. of 79, I got my big break whensomeone was late for work. My 1st boss,Dorian Cox called me about 2:30am, ask-ing, "Son, "C.G." said you were interestedin Radio and have learned how to run theequipment". "Are you interested in beingon the Radio"? I responded yes and the 10minute trip from Sunset to 303 W. BroadStreet took all of 6 minutes, lol! 34 yearslater, I'm still on the Radio, blessed to bebroadcasting to 100 plus U.S. cities onThe Cumulus Media Network, but it allstarted in that tiny studio in downtownTexarkana!

Speaking of downtown...Can someone slapChris Brown? The 24 year old Brown's lat-est incident was punching a guy who wastrying to get a picture outside a WashingtonD.C. hotel at 4:30am, this past Sunday. 1stChris, my man, there is nothing but dramaat 4:25am... Go to your room! Brown,who's still on probation from the Rhianna

beat down faces up to 180 days in jail... Ihate to say it, but that might be the bestthing for him... Hip Hop Singer Lil Mosuggests he needs his Momma around himand Mike Tyson spoke out to say that hewas worried about Brown...Gotta love thatMike Tyson! One day he's gonna run upagainst someone who ain't Rhianna or aphoto groupie, if he continues down hispath...

The best Christmas stocking stuffer for guyswill be Mike Tyson's Memoir, "UndisputedTruth"... I am waiting on my copy for a pre-

view, buttrust me;Iron Mike'sstory is juicyto the max...According tomy partnerBloodhoundBenny inVegas, Mikeholds noth-ing back!

Happy Birthdayto YOU and Celebs this week: Ruby Dee89, Melba Moore & Michael Buffer 68,Telma Hopkins 65, Sheryl Underwood 50,Nia Long 43, Gabrielle Union/Tracee EllisRoss/Stevie J 41,Nelly 38, Frank Ocean is

26, "Everybody Hates Chris" older brotherTequan Richmond 25 and Willow Smith is12!

Thanks for "Rollin With A Brotha" onTwitter @Smokinkevan and in The EliteNews!


By: Smokin kevan Browning|


mike tySon & muhammad ali

ADVERTISE WITH US!214-372-6500

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The Blair Family request your prayers as our Mother and Father both fightthe battle of poor health. Last week our Mother Mozelle suffered a massive stroke and is walkingthrough the process of recovery. This week our father and founder of EliteNews William “Bill” Blair Jr. have also fallen ill and he too is now hospi-talized and fighting to recover. As the Blair prays for our parents we ask that you too pray with us.

PrayerS requeSted

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AUSTIN RESTORATION MINISTRIES10206a IH35 | Austin, TX 78753(512) 491-5068 or (512) 228-0352Fax (512) 491-7329austinrestorationministries.orgarm-total@sbcglobal.netPastor Lee & Minister Sheila Renee Price

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INSPIRED PEOPLE OF DELIVERANCE MINISTRY2401 Scott Ave. | Fort Worth, TX 76103817-233-5254atucker@ipodministry.orgwww.ipodministry.orgSunday School - 9:30amMorning Worship - 11:00am

TRUE LOVE SANCTUARY C.H.S.C.1911 Yuma Ave. | Ft. Worth, TX 76104Sunday 9am - 10am Refreshing hour10:30 Morning WorshipTuesday 12 noon PrayerTuesday 7:30 Praise and Bible StudyThursday Music Ministry 7:30 pm

MT. PISGAH1801 Evans Ave. | Ft. Worth, TX 76104Sunday Services/Sunday School - 8:55amMorning Worship - 10:45amBaptist Training Union - 5:30pmWednesday Services: Adult Mission - 6:20 - 7:20Prayer Meeting - 7:20-8:05

Elder Anthony G. Tucker, Sr.

Supt. Michael E. Williams

Dr. Nehemiah Davis, Pastor


f lef

Celestial Haven Baptist Church 7230 South Hampton Rd. Dallas, Texas 75232 972-228-8453 or 972-228-0265

Rev. James Foster Jr., Pastor

Abundantly Blessed Ministries5747 Samuell Blvd, Suite 500Dallas, TX 75228(214) 998-2813Service Times:Sunday School - 10:00amSunday Worship Service - 11:15am.Wednesday Bible Study - 7:30pm.

Apostle Stanley Alexander, Pastor

Rice Chapel A.M.E. Church4122 S. Marsalis AvenueDallas, Tx. 75216(214) 376-6527 ofc. (214) 302-3302 fax:Sunday School: 9:00 am. SundayService: 10:00 am.Motto: Standing on our Faith Elder R.C. Emanuel,


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