energy-saving guidelines for buildings€¦ · energy produced by the force of falling water is...

Energy-saving guidelines for buildings diagnosis improvements technologies renewables incentives Provincia di Ravenna

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Page 1: Energy-saving guidelines for buildings€¦ · Energy produced by the force of falling water is renewable and one of the cleanest. Simplified authorisation procedures are envisaged

Energy-saving guidelines for buildings
















Provincia di Ravenna

Page 2: Energy-saving guidelines for buildings€¦ · Energy produced by the force of falling water is renewable and one of the cleanest. Simplified authorisation procedures are envisaged

Project Cities on Power and the Ravenna Province's Commitment

These Guidelines are an initiative of the Provincial Administration of Ravenna's Local Action Plan defined by the European Project Cities on Power, financed by Project "Central Europe."All partners of this Project led by Warsaw as head of operations are perfecting innovative strategies to promote energy saving and the use of renewable energy in urban areas where energy consumption is at its highest today, to actively achieve European objectives for 2020 (+20% renewable energy, -20% energy consumption, -20% CO2 emissions).Besides this strategic objective, Cities on Power also envisages practical experimental actions. The Provincial Administration of Ravenna has already built a small geothermal plant at the Hotel Management School in Riolo Terme to obtain useful indications about the extent of geothermal energy's contribution to heating and cooling buildings in a territory such as ours. This initiative belongs to the overall policy of the Regional Administration of Emilia-Romagna, the Provincial Administration of Ravenna and its Municipalities to encourage energy saving and the use of renewable energy to develop employment around green economy, to reduce the energy expenditure of citizens and companies, and to improve the air quality in urban areas.In fact, the Provincial Administration is focusing on following up informative campaigns with funds for projects and interventions like those described below.The clear message to be conveyed is: climate change is global but each of us can do his part to "contain it," while also gaining by this.Environment, Saving and Development are not contrasting factors but allies..

Mara Roncuzzi Councillor, Environment and Territory, Ravenna

Provincial Admin.

Page 3: Energy-saving guidelines for buildings€¦ · Energy produced by the force of falling water is renewable and one of the cleanest. Simplified authorisation procedures are envisaged



















Energy diagnosis of buildings

Improving the energy performance of the building

Efficient and advanced technologies for heating and electrical systems

Using renewable resources for buildings

Incentives, tax deductions and financing opportunities


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Page 4: Energy-saving guidelines for buildings€¦ · Energy produced by the force of falling water is renewable and one of the cleanest. Simplified authorisation procedures are envisaged









Energy diagnosis of buildings Why is it important and useful to improve the energy efficiency of our homes?


• To save and have cheaper bills.• To avoid fines and sanctions.• To enhance wholesomeness in our buildings.• To prevent depreciation of our buildings.• To avoid wasting non-renewable energy resources (oil,

natural gas, etc.).• To limit CO2 emissions that have a negative impact on

global climate changes.

Technologies available on the market can improve the energy performance of buildings constructed before 2000 to save costs, protect the environment and improve lifestyle

Energy diagnosis of buildings What can we do? Initial advice

Before implementing any improvements, perform an overall diagnosis of the energy performance of the building and its systems.

Who can help you with this analysis? Qualified technicians from professional associations or certifiers (engineers, architects, building surveyors, experts, etc).

Regionale Certificatori Energetici


[email protected] and/or call +39 051 5276565

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Now that you have a diagnosis and have defined

the best therapyfor your home

you are in the ideal condition tochoose the best solution for your

wellbeing and your pocket.


After diagnosing the building, discuss the best solutions with the expert, considering your objectives and intended investments.

To access incentives envisaged by the law, and to obtain a bank advance, every project must be implemented in compliance with standards, preserving all the necessary documentation and a copy of the payments (invoice or bank transfer).

Energy diagnosis of buildings Define the best solutions

Page 6: Energy-saving guidelines for buildings€¦ · Energy produced by the force of falling water is renewable and one of the cleanest. Simplified authorisation procedures are envisaged






2 Improving the energy performance of the building

Prevent energy dispersal

First prevent high energy dispersal in your building. "Plug all the holes."

This especially means intervening on:

• walls• roof• floors and garages• windows and glazing• thermal bridges (balconies, spandrels, cornices, etc.)

Improving the energy performance of the buildingSome practical tips

• Applying good “coating” or thermal insulation, and removing thermal bridges can reduce the consumption of winter heating even by over 50%.

• Ensure effectiveventilation to reduce the need for air conditioning in summer.

• If you have the choice, preferbiomaterials

• Install goodwindows with thermal break, excellent closure and seals, double or triple glazing for excellent thermal and acoustic performance and considerable humidity reduction in the house.

• Install effective sun screens with shades or Venetian blinds, or with dedicated film to reduce summer heat in the house and improve the wellbeing of dwellers.

Page 7: Energy-saving guidelines for buildings€¦ · Energy produced by the force of falling water is renewable and one of the cleanest. Simplified authorisation procedures are envisaged







3 Efficient and advanced technologies forheating and electrical systemsHow to save on heating: some solutions

A good heating system must ensure efficient heat production with low energy consumption.However, temperature must be maintained around 18/20°C to avoid wastage, possible sanctions and damage to health.. The main solutions available today are:

TYPE A Direct combustion system

• Methane Heating or, if not feasible, GPL heating with high efficiency boilers for low emission of pollutants

• High performance biomass heating• Combination of the above with a solar thermal

plant or the use of geothermal energy.In these cases, a radiating system will be more efficient and

can function at low temperatures, instead of conventional radiators or heaters.

Efficient and advanced technologies for heating and electrical systems How to save on heating: some solutions

TYPE B Electrically powered heat pump• Electrically powered, it provides heating in winter and

cooling in summer.• Choose high efficiency models: at least Class A.• In certain situations (e.g. methane is unavailable

or the house is mainly used in summer)it is recommended to compensate for the systems' energy consumption, especially if combined with a suitably large photovoltaic plant.


Cogeneration or trigeneration system

• It produces heat, (cooling) and electricity from methane or biomass.

• It can be ideal for small settlements or apartment blocks with centralised systems (today there are excellent devices to record the actual consumption of each apartment without installing inefficient individual boilers).

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As summer temperatures rise, using air conditioning has become a habit that can be more costly than heating. Careful use is essential to avoid wastage of summer cooling.

We must know that:

Our wellbeing requiresa few degrees less and efficient

dehumidification of the air.

Shades (trees, shades, Venetian blinds, etc.) can be effective,along with good natural or

mechanical ventilation.

Heat pump systems orhigh efficiency air conditioners

(minimum Class A) can be cost saving.

Efficient and advanced technologies for heating and electrical systems Intelligent lighting and low consumption light fittingsIntelligent lighting Lighting too plays an important role for energy consumption and our wellbeing at home, in offices or corporate premises.

• Prefer solutions that make the most of natural light.

• Install an electrical system that envisages advanced domotic solutions (e.g. automatic on/off with presence sensors).

• Use low consumption bulbs, replacing old incandescent bulbs with new fluorescent or LED ones that can save even up to 80%

• Switch off computers, printers, TVs and other electricaldevices after use. Do not leave them in stand-by mode, which has a high consumption rate.

Low consumption electrical devices and domestic appliancesIf you choose a new domestic appliance or any electronic device, do not only consider the initial purchase price. Carefully consider the energy class that must be mandatorily affixed on leading domestic appliances.Choose at least a Class A, or higher standard. You will soon recover any additional initial cost.Also consider the fact that advanced washing machines and dishwashers also save water, besides energy.

Efficient and advanced technologies for heating and electrical systems Cooling without wastage

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4 Using renewable resources for buildings

Why and what renewable resources can be used?

Fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) are pollutants that are quantitatively limited with rising costs.Renewable resources, apart from hydroelectric power, which is well known and has been long used, are quite recent and are constantly improving technologically. Today they easily produce energy without polluting or with very low pollution. They are also becoming cheaper.Several technologies allow profitable use of the main renewable resources, thus benefitting both domestic and environmental economy.

Using renewable resources for buildings

Solar energy

1. Solar thermal: panels installed on the roofs of buildings can heat domestic hot water and even boost heating in winter.

2. Photovoltaic system: panels that use silicon and an inverter can convert solar energy into electricity that can be channelled into the normal power supply network. The consumption of an average family is generally covered by a 3 kWp plant installed on the roof or built into a wall.

3. Mixed solutions: panels that produce both electricity and heat for hot water.

The heat of the Earth: geothermal energy An energy resource that is present throughout the world, is practically inexhaustible and clean. The earth's heat can be exploited with geothermal probes or coils recessed in the ground.Wind power: micro and mini-wind turbinesAnother interesting resource with practically no emissions are micro and mini-wind turbines that produce electricity from the wind.

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Using renewable resources for buildings

The power of water: small hydro Energy produced by the force of falling water is renewable and one of the cleanest. Simplified authorisation procedures are envisaged for 1-20 kW power systems (small hydro) that are ideal, for instance, for small farms in the hill country near a waterway.

BiomassesThe use of biomasses, a material of biological origin (e.g. agricultural and forestry residual substances), to produce both hot water for heating and domestic use, and electricity through various system types (boilers, micro-cogenerators, etc.), is widely used and technically reliable today, with good efficiency levels.

Cogeneration Even based on fossil fuels, small scale cogeneration recalls renewable resources because it recovers heat generated during electricity production and, hence, a part of energy that would otherwise be dispersed.It can be a very interesting resource for companies, apartments blocks and urban facilities (e.g. schools, universities, hospitals, etc.), both economically and environmentally.


Incentives, tax deductions and financing opportunitiesIt can be done!

5The European Union, the Italian State, Regional Administrations and Local Agencies encourage and support energy efficiency and renewable resources in many ways for environmental protection and to encourage economic recovery and employment. Said incentives are often modified, also considering the constant drop in the cost of energy resources. The following is a brief summary of the main tools that support said investments. Visit the websites of the Provincial Administration of Ravenna - Energy Desk, the Regional Administration of Emilia-Romagna, the Ministry for the Environment, or contact an expert


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Il Conto Termico

Incentives, tax deductions and financing opportunitiesThermal Feed-in Tariff

The Thermal Feed-in Tariff has been created to enhance the energy efficiency of existing buildings. It grants contributions that can cover up to a maximum of 40% of the expenses incurred.


The Thermal Feed-in Tariff can be accessed to:• replace winter air-conditioning systems with electrical

heat pumps or gas and geothermal energy with 1000 kW nominal effective thermal power.

• replace winter air-conditioning systems or heating systems in greenhouses and rural buildings.

• install solar thermal collectors, even combined with solar cooling systems with gross solar surface of up to 1,000 m2.

• replace electric water heaters with heat pump ones.

Incentives, tax deductions and financing opportunities

Photovoltaic and micro - mini-wind turbines

With the 5th Feed-in Tariff's expiry, no incentives are envisaged for the photovoltaic sector. But citizens and companies may add the 50% tax deduction to the option of implementing Net Metering. Tax deduction is divided into ten years for the invoiced amount including VAT. It will be effective until 31.12.2013 with a cost ceiling of euro 96,000. Submit an application to the Italian Energy Services Operator – GSE S.p.A. to obtain compensation for the economic value of the electricity produced and the economic value of the energy drawn and used during a period other than the one of production.

Easy-term loans from Banks in the Territory

Leading banks operating in the territory: Unicredit, Credito Cooperativo Ravennate ed Imolese, Banca di Romagna, Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna, Banca Popolare di Ravenna, have confirmed that they are willing to create an approximate ceiling of euro 30 million to finance up to 80% of documented expenses for energy efficiency and the production of renewable energies. They target: private parties, apartment blocks, small/medium-sized companies in the Ravenna province.

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5 Incentives, tax deductions and financingopportunities

50% tax deduction valid until 31.12.2013 50% tax deduction is envisaged for a cost ceiling of euro 96,000 for renovation works on existing residential buildings, ordinary and extraordinary maintenance and adjustments to meet seismic standards. For building renovations, a 50% tax deduction will be applied for a cost ceiling of euro 10,000 to purchase furnishings, large Class A+ domestic appliances and Class A ovens, which are added to the limit of euro 96,000.

65% tax deduction valid until 31.12.2013For energy requalification of buildings, 65% tax deduction is envisaged for each living unit. For interventions on common areas of apartment blocks, 65% tax deduction will be applied until 30.06.2014. Said tax deduction refers to all cadastral categories, thus also including shops, offices, warehouses, laboratories, production facilities.



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