eng 102bc fall12 thesis intro conclusion

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  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    Thesis statements



  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    On a sheet of paper, briefly explain which of thefollowing items presents the most difficulty

    for you as a writer.

    Thesis statements

    Introductions Conclusions

    Where do you stand?

  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    Where do you stand? Go to the board with the item that presents the

    most difficulty for you.

    Discuss your issue with the others who have alsochosen this item as most difficult.

    As a group, decide which reasons are the mostcommon.

    Write 2-3 of them on the board.

  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    What is a thesis statement?

    A one- or two-sentence summary of a papers

    content Serves as an assertion about essays content

    Highlights all main topics covered in essay

    What is its purpose?

    It establishes a focus

    Establishes a basis on which to include or

    exclude information Forecasts authors discussion

  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    What are the components of a thesis statement?

    Makes an assertion/claim about essay topic Dont be wishy-washy!


    Dont be too broad!

  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    What is a working thesis?

    Hypothesis about topic or a claim intended tobe made

    After drafting, success of working thesis can beevaluated

    Working thesis statements CHANGE!

    What is its purpose?

    Help guide research If unable to prove through research, must

    change and alter this assertion

  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    Name and describe three types of thesis


    Explanatory thesis Call for information, not analysis

    Fuel-cell technology has emerged as a

    promising approach to developing energy-efficient vehicles.

    Mildly argumentative thesis

    Reports, some analysis and judgment

    To reduce our dependence on nonrenewablefossil fuel, the federal government shouldencourage the development of fuel-cell


  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    Name and describe three types of thesis


    Strongly argumentative thesis Call for information, analysis, and a firm

    point of view

    The federal government shouldsubsidizethe development of fuel-cell vehicles aswell as the hydrogen infrastructure neededto support them; otherwise, the United

    Stateswill be increasingly vulnerable torecession and other economic dislocationsresulting from our dependence on thecontinued flow of foreign oil.

  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    Exercise 3.1 Drafting Thesis

    Statements (pg. 80, 12th edition)

    In groups of three

    use the given topic to draft three thesesstatements:

    one explanatory,

    one mildly argumentative

    one strongly argumentative.Write on post-it notes

    TOPIC child stars

  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    Miley Cyruss image, technique, and inappropriateacts contributed to her performance at the VMAs.

    Miley Cyrus should not have performed at the VMAsbecause of her image, techniques, andinappropriate acts.

    Mily Cyrus definitely should be banned fromperforming publicly because of her awful image,atrocious techniques, and inappropriate acts at the


  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    What are some strategies for writing introductions?

    Quotation Give quote and explain how it elucidates topic

    Historical Review Background info so that reader can follow issue

    Review of a Controversy Like historical, but shows why issue is debated

    From General to Specific Takes reader from what they know to more detailed info

    leading to essays specific topic

    Anecdote and Illustration Funny, touching, or otherwise appropriate story

    Question Ask simple question that isnt all that simple to answer


  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    Intro format suggestion


    Background information

    Thesis statement

  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    What are some strategies for writing conclusions?

    Statement of subjects significance

    How essay applies to greater world Call for further research

    What needs to still be considered (often done inscientific essays)

    Solution/recommendation Essays about problems/controversy can give what

    should be done

  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    What are some strategies for writing conclusions?


    Tell a story so that readers discover significance toanother source

    Quotation Helps gain authority and credibility

    Question Calls on readers to assume an active role by offering

    their own answers

    Speculation Get the reader thinking about possibilities

    Consider what might happen as well as what hashappened

  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    Conclusion format suggestion

    Summarize points

    Restate thesis

    Final thought

  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    What are some strategies that will help ease the

    area in which you have difficulty?

  • 7/30/2019 Eng 102BC Fall12 Thesis Intro Conclusion


    For Tuesday...

    Complete all (6) I-Connect tutorials Print out and bring quiz scores to class


    Bring completed Alleycat Tutorial to class

    Read pages 46-47
