eng paper i year 5


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Each question in this paper followed by three of four possible answers. Choose the best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. then on your answer sheet, blacken the answer that you have chosen.

SECTION AQuestions 1 – 4Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.

1 My mother bought some vegetables from the _________. A hawker C shopkeeper

B grocer D green grocer

2 The ________ is the biggest animal on earth.A seal C elephantB whale D rhinoceros

3 Pak Kamal has many durian and rambutan trees in his __________.A estate C gardenB park D orchard

4 My father’s father is my ________. A great-aunt C grandfatherB great-uncle D grandmother

Questions 5 – 7Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.

The fox walked into the vineyard. It saw a ____ (5) .

It jumped ______ (6) it could but it could not get the grapes.

It ______ (7) .

5 A bundle of grapes C bunch of bananasB bunch of grapes D basket of fruits

6 A as high as C as tall asB as fast as D as low as

7 A ran sadly away C walked quickly awayB walked happily away D walked sadly away

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Questions 8 – 10Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.

8 A The old man is resting on the bench. B He is reading a newspaper. C Mr. Tan is waiting for the bus. D The bus stop is crowded.

9 A Rina is playing with her dolls. B She is playing with her sisters. C The girl is playing in the garden.

10 A The boys are riding on the elephant.

B They are feeding the elephant. C Alan and Tim are at the circus. D They are afraid of the elephant.

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SECTION BQuestion 11 – 15Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.

11A I’m not sure.B Mother, may I help you?C I need your help, mother.D Mother, what are you doing?


A I’ll think about it.B I can help you.C I’m not sure I know where I want to

go.D I would like to know the way to the

nearest hotel.


A Is that a purse?B What are you doing?C That is a beautiful purse.D Let’s take it to the police station.


A Call back later.B You’re welcome.C I’m sorry, she’s not in.D Why do you want to speak to her?


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Look! Someone has dropped a purse.

May I help you?

Yes, that would be nice.

What would you like to eat?

May I speak to Mary, please?

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A Thank you.B You’re holding the menu.C Yes, I have enough, thank you.D I would like a slice of cake, please.

SECTION CQuestion 16 – 21 Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

16 The teacher reminded the pupils to finish their projects all by_________.A herselfB himselfC ourselvesD themselves

17 __________ are the pupils making so much of noise?A Why B WhenC WhatD Who

18 I have _____ idea on how to solve ______ problem.A an, theB a, theC an, aD a, a

19 I carried the glasses carefully _________ I did not want to drop them.A soB butC althoughD because

20 Robert loves football. He _______ football every evening.A playB playsC playedD playing

21 Everyone waited ________ for the bus although it was late.A angrilyB happilyC patientlyD carefully

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Questions 22-23 Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

22 A Excuse me? Are you Serena’s brother?.B Excuse me, Are you Serena’s brother?C Excuse me, are you Serena’s brother?D Excuse me, are you serena’s brother.

23 A I bought a pencil, an eraser, a ruler and a glue stick at the shop.B I bought a pencil an eraser a ruler and a glue stick at the shop.C I bought a pencil, an eraser, a ruler, and a glue stick at the Shop.D I bought a pencil, an eraser a ruler and a glue stick at the shop

Questions 24-25Choose the correct spelling for the given options.

24 The clerk is typing on the __________.A tiepwryterB tyepwriterC typewriterD tpyewiter

25 The old man gave his grandson a __________ as a birthday present.A dictionaryB ditionaryC dicrionaryD ditctionary


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Question 26 - 30Look at the picture carefully. Choose the correct answer to fill in each blank.

Mrs. Tan spends a lot of time in her (26) ____________ . She is a housewife

and she loves to cook for her family. Her kitchen is always very clean and

(27) ___________. After cooking she usually sweeps and mops the kitchen. The

sink is just (28) ___________ the kitchen window. So, when (29) ____________ is

washing up, she can enjoy the beautiful scenery outside. Mrs Tan has a

(30) __________ beside the stove. She keeps all her pots and pans in it.

26 A storeB gardenC kitchenD garage

29 A they B she C he

27 A tidyB uglyC messy

30 A cupboardB tableC chair

28 A overB behindC besideD above

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Question 31 - 35Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Shafiq wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked at the clock on the wall. It was midnight. He was still awake although he had turned off the light in his room two hours ago. So he got out of bed, walked to the window and opened it. It was bright outside as there was a full moon.

A cool, gentle breeze began to blow. “Umm…this is so good!” he said. Something suddenly caught his eye as he looked up at the sky. It was a shooting star! He immediately remembered what his grandmother had said. She told him that if he ever saw a shooting star and made a wish, the wish would come true.

“I wish I could fall asleep,” he said out loud. The, he closed the window and walked back to his bed.

When Shafiq woke up the next morning, he remembered his wish. “It came true!” he said. “Hmm….maybe I should have asked for a new computer, a bicycle and a mobile phone,” he added as he walked to the bathroom to have a bath and get ready for school.

31 Syafiq could not sleep becauseA it was a warm nightB his window was closedC the moon was too bright

32 At what time did Syafiq turn off the lights in his room?A 9.00 p.m.B 10.00 p.m.C 11.00 p.m.D 12.00 midnight

33 How did Syafiq feel when the breeze began to blow?A SadB TiredC AngryD Happy

34 What do you think happened after Syafiq closed the window and walked back to his bed?A His grandmother came into his room.B He saw another shooting star.C He fell asleep immediately.

35 The word It in the passage refres to the A shooting starB moonC wishD bed

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Question 36 - 40Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow

There are several events, festivals and celebrations held in Penang every year. The Chap Goh Mei Festival is celebrated in January or February. It is celebrated on the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese Lunar calendar. The hightlight of the festival is the orange-throwing ceremony during which local maidens throw oranges in the sea for would be suitors to pick up.

The Penang International Dragon Festival is celebrated in June. It is an event which is gaining popularity with a number of international teams participating each year. Boats with colourful figureheads resembling dragons and other shapes race through the waters with spectators cheering for their favourite teams.

The Penang Flora Festival which is held in June or July displays a wide range of flowers at the Komtar building. The Penang Food festival held in August every year offers visitors the opportunity to taste the best of Penang cuisines.

Pulau Pinang Festival is held in November or December. There is a trade fair and an exhibition with carnival rides, band performances, games and cultural shows for visitors to enjoy. It is especially enjoyed by the children.

36 The Chap Goh Mei Festival is celebratedA daily C monthlyB weekly D annually

37 What is the highlight of Chap Goh Mei Festival?A The boat raceB The maiden ceremonyC The Chinese Lunar CalendarD The orange-throwing ceremony

38 Which event do you think attracts foreign participation?A The Penang International Dragon Boat FestivalB Pulau Pinang FestivalC The Chap Goh Mei FestivalD The Penang Floral Festival

39 At Penang Food Festival, visitors canA see all types of foodB taste the Penang cuisinesC learn how to cook Penang foodD sell all types of food

40 Which of these festivals is held at the end of the year?A The Penang Flora FestivalB The Chap Goh Mei FestivalC Pulau Pinang FestivalD The Penang Food Festival

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