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How he Portrayed Morals in his Creative Writing

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How he Portrayed Morals in his Creative Writing

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Hans Christian Andersen He is known for writing stories/tales for

children as well as adults Very talented writer Portrayed morals in most of his creative works

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The Emperor owned every suit imaginable but he wanted more.

Two tailors promised him a suit made out of the finest cloths that could not be seen by those unworthy or too stupid.

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The tailors pretended to make the wonderful suit.

Each time someone came to check the progress of they suit they were to ashamed to admit they didn’t see it, including the Emperor.

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When the suit was finished the tailors helped him get dressed in his new suit.

He walked through the village to show off his magnificent suit.

It took a innocent child to admit he didn’t see a suit on the emperor.

When this happened everyone else admitted they didn’t see anything as well.

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The Moral of the story is don’t be ashamed to speak the truth, it’s okay not to agree with the group.

The Emperor and his chamberlain had so much pride they were not able to admit the truth.

This was a cleaver moral Andersen put in this story.

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Pat Boone used this story to point out a moral or make a point about current events.

He transformed his moral of the story to the 2008 Presidential Elections.

He used President Barack Obama as the emperor in his analysis

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This story is about a duck that looked different from the rest.

The others called him ugly and banished him away.

Everyone he ran across made it clear how ugly he was.

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The duck was sad until the spring came and he saw his reflection in the water.

He turned into a beautiful Swan.

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The moral of this story is never choosing a book by its cover,

Andersen made the phrase “ugly duckling” very popular.

Michael Idato even compared the story to the modern show Ugly Betty.

This proves another creative moral in his writings.

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Creating morals in stories and making them flow with ease is only done by talented authors.

Andersen usually wrote stories that had characters go through hard times before reaching a joyous or reasonable ending.

He was able to shape his tales to have more than one meaning.

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Andersen wrote over 160 tales and stories during his time.

Some of his stories are still popular with children

His stories can be used as teaching tools and help children make the right choices.

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In today’s society we need more writers who are willing to go the extra mile and incorporate morals in their stories.

Andersen has made a big influence on us by his stories.

There are many movies based off of his tales and also movies or show that were inspired by his works.

Andersen is a great author who was able to portray morals in his creative writing.