enga07 - poetry freedom portfolio

Setting myself free. By Chelsea Cheng Chien Wen - Contents - Introduction Haiku - Freedom sparkles Original Poem - Bottomless Pit Original Poem - Grey Original Poem - Step outside the lines and fly Found Poem - I Have A Dream Personal-freedom. Digital image. Personal-freedom.jpg. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

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Poetry Freedom Portfolio


Page 1: EngA07 - Poetry Freedom Portfolio

Setting myself free. By Chelsea Cheng Chien Wen

- Contents -


Haiku - Freedom sparkles

Original Poem - Bottomless Pit

Original Poem - Grey

Original Poem - Step outside the lines and fly

Found Poem - I Have A Dream

Personal-freedom. Digital image. Personal-freedom.jpg. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

Page 2: EngA07 - Poetry Freedom Portfolio

This is dedicated to Danny, Helen, Isabel, Lan

Anh, Zoe and someone who’s special.

Be-fre-desktop-apple-freedom. Digital image. 1280x960-be-fre-desktop-apple-freedom. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

Page 3: EngA07 - Poetry Freedom Portfolio


Poetry is an art form in which the human language is

used for, people also defined the poetry as “the sponta-

neous overflow of powerful feelings”. It’s a piece of

paint spattered cloth - but paints as in words, cloth as

in you readers. Poems can be used to communicate free-

dom, by expressing the poet’s feelings and thoughts in

to it. Some writers find themselves free in writing po-

etries, as in they are in their imaginary world of free-

dom; some of them pretend they are caged birds, find-

ing a solution until they can escape from cage and fly

up high to the sky.

Graham, Tiffany. Freedom-is-an-illusion. Digital image. Freedom-is-an-illusion-a-hipster-wallpaper. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

Page 4: EngA07 - Poetry Freedom Portfolio

Under the green leaves

Sunshine sparkles between it

Bright like a diamond.

In this haiku, what I am trying to say is that although people are now in a place

where it's dark, or a moment when people feel blue, there will always be a bit of

hope above you. I've used simile in this poem ; simile : I've used the word "diamond"

to describe how the sunshine is sparkly, stood out from the shades. I think my poem

is effective because I read it to my classmates and they all got the idea; and also the

word "under" makes people think it's dark, and the word "sunshine" represents the

hope. My message is important because people should never give up when they are

doing something, everyone has mistakes so the only way to success is to carry on.

Page 5: EngA07 - Poetry Freedom Portfolio

Sometimes, I wonder

If people would know

How I feel

Sometimes, I wonder

If they'll feel the same

If I call them "nigger"

Every day's the same

I fight to find my

Own way, own life

Will I ever success?

Will I ever escape?

Will I ever forget?

It left a scar

That will never gone away

Never going to change

Deep, deep down

Into my heart

Like a bottomless pit.

In this poem, what I am trying to say is that once people

are being insulted by others, they're never going to for-

get what they said to themselves; it's just like being

locked in this cage full of bad memories forever and not

be able to set themselves free. I've used diction, en-

jambment and simile in this poem ; diction : I've used

the word "Nigger" to let the readers know how the per-

son in the poem feels bad about it. Simile : I've used

"like" to describe how deep the scar is as in a bottom-

less pit. It is pretty obvious and also easy to understand

what message I'm delivering, especially through diction.

My message is important because I think people should

think before they say something to the other, because it

might offend other people.

Sitting Alone. Digital image. Sitting-alone-marizymbong. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

Page 6: EngA07 - Poetry Freedom Portfolio

A nation full of racism

A nation with Negro slaves

who won’t be set free

for Ages

Why don’t we be friendly?

Why don’t we set them free?

Why don’t we be the ones

who opens the cage

And let the birds fly up high?

In this poem, what I am trying to say is that people should step up and be the ones

who makes the world better but not worse, people should transform the inequality

around the world into equality. I've used diction, metaphor and enjambment in this

poem ; diction : I've used the word "Negro slaves" to let the readers know how the

slaves were being called back then during the time of inequality. Metaphor : I've used

written the "ones" as in people, "opens the cage" as in stopping the racism and slav-

ery, "the birds" as in the slaves. I've used a lot of questions to ask my readers and I

wish they could think about it, then they will know what message I'm delivering. My

message is important because people should stop being racist, some parts of the

world still exists slavery and child labor, and I think we shall spread this all over the


Claires, Anne. Stop Racism. Digital image. Stop_Racism_by_anneclaires. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

Page 7: EngA07 - Poetry Freedom Portfolio

Being afraid to take chances

Never enjoying your life

How are you going to

reach the top?

How are you going to walk ahead

if you’re stuck in the same place?

Now, it’s now

Instead of looking back

just let your feet

off the ground

Let’s be free

No need to be afraid

because what’s in you

is out there

In this poem, what I am trying to say is that

people who are "locking" themselves up in

their own space should try and step out their

own world to this society, and let themselves

feel free. I've used enjambment and metaphor

in this poem ; metaphor : I've used the phrase

"What's in you is out there" as in people's

unique abilities are beyond the imagination,

and they should step up and show it to the

world. I've used lots of phrases and some

questions in this poem, it is easy to let the

readers understand it. My message is im-

portant because I think people should not be

afraid of the human society, just believe

what's in themselves, then they'll be set free.

Freedom. Digital image. Freedom. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

Page 8: EngA07 - Poetry Freedom Portfolio

I have a dream

This nation will rise up

live out the truth of


I have a dream

Sons of former slaves

of slave owners

will sit together at

table of Brotherhood.

I have a dream

State of Mississippi

state with heat of injustice

will transform to oasis of

freedom and justice

I have a dream

My 4 little children

will live in a world

where they won't be judged

won't be discriminated

by their skin colour

I hope

One day, we will join hands

One day, we will be

brothers and sisters

I hope

One day, we will fill the world

with freedom and justice

One day, we will join together

"Free at last, Free at last..."

In this poem, what I am trying to say is that peo-

ple from the same nation, or the same universe

shall be friendly and inclusive, and make this

world together as one. I've used enjambment

and imagery in this poem ; Imagery : I've de-

scribed how Martin Luther King's dream is going

to be like, for example imagining sons sitting to-

gether at the table of brotherhood. I've used the

quote "Free at last, free at last" and "One day,

we will be brothers and sisters" to tell my read-

ers we shall be together as one. My message is

important because there are still some places in

the world with injustice and racism, and I think

thisis another way to spread this message

around the world.

Martin Luther King Jr. Digital image. Martin-luther-king-jr. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.