english i, unit 1

English I, Unit 1 Mr. David Castillo M. English Teacher.

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English I, Unit 1. Mr. David Castillo M. English Teacher. Introducing yourself. A: Hi! B: Hi! A: My name’s ______ What’s your name? B: I’m ___________ A: Nice to meet you ____ B: Nice to meet you too. Class rules. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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English I, Unit 1

Mr. David Castillo M.English Teacher.

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Introducing yourself

A: Hi! B: Hi! A: My name’s ______ What’s your name? B: I’m ___________ A: Nice to meet you ____ B: Nice to meet you too.

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Class rules.

1- Come to class prepared with materials, positive attitude and on time . Students are not allowed to come into the classroom after 15 minutes.

2- Spanish is banned (prohibited) 3- Pay attention and do not talk while the teacher is talking. 4- No personal grooming, electronics, food or drinks (except water)

in class. 5- Discuss grades or class expectations after class. 6- No gossip allowed.

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Teacher instructions.

Open your books / Close your books

Turn to page…

Listen and practice

Work in groups of three / Work with a partner

Give me your paper/ test

Please listen and repeat

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Unit 1: It’s nice to meet you.Listen, complete and practice.

Michael: Hi. My _______ is Michael Ota.

Jennifer: I’m Jennifer Miller.Michael: It’s ______ to meet

you, Jennifer.Jennifer: Nice to _______

you, too.Michael: I’m sorry. What’s

your ______ ______ again?

Jennifer: It’s Miller.

nice last name



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First names Last names

Jennifer Miller

Michael Ota

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The Name Game

Person 1: My name is …….. David

Person 2: His name is David. I am Patricia

Person 3: His name is David. Her name is Patricia, I am Victor.

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The Alphabet.

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How do you spell it?

A: What’s you name?

B: I’m David

A: How do you spell it?

B: It’s D – A – V – I –D

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Saying Hello

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Saying Hello

Situation 1

Lisa: Hi, Matthew. How are you?

Matt: Great! How about you, Lisa?

Situation 2

Alex: Good Morning, Mr. Garcia. How are you?

Mr. Garcia: I’m just fine, Alex. Thank you

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Situation 3

Ashley: Good afternoon, Brad. How are you?

Brad: Not bad, thanks. How are you?

Situation 4

Ms. Chen: Good evening, Mrs. Morgan.

Mrs. Morgan: Hello, Ms. Chen. How are you?

Ms. Chen: I’m Ok, thank you.

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Subject pronouns and Possessive adjectives

I My

You Your

He His

She Her

We Our

They Their

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Complete these sentences using my / your / his / her.1. He’s Alex, my classmate. __________ last name is Gonzalez.

2. She’s Mrs. Martinez, my English teacher. __________ first name is Doris.

3. Mary and I are in the same class. She is __________ classmate.

4. Mr. Garcia is my new teacher. __________ first name is Robert.

5. She’s Lisa, a friend from school. __________ last name is Jones.

6. A: Hi. I’m Bob. What’s __________ name? B: __________ name is Alice.

7. A: Daniel, what’s __________ phone number? B: It’s 550 4078.

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Verb to be.

I’m = I am You’re = You are He’s = He is She’s = She is It’s = It is We’re= We are They’re= They are

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Yes / No Wh- Questions

To obtain informationTo confirm information

Are you married? Who is that man?

Yes, I am He is Peter.

No, I am not Where are you from?

Is he from California? I’m from Mexico

Yes, He is

No, He is not

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Complete these conversations using am, is, or are.1. MARK: Hi, Carol. How ________ you today? CAROL: I ________ just fine, thank you.2. AMY: Hi. I ________ Amy Jones. I ________ in this class. JOSH: Hi, Amy. It ________ nice to meet you.3. BOB: What _________ her name? ALEX: It __________ Rose. She _______ in my math class.4. SAM: _________ you Carol Brown? CAROL: Yes, I _______. SAM: Hi. I ________ Sam Miller. How _______ you today?5. CHRIS: What _______ your name? LILY: I _______ Lily Diaz. CHRIS: It ________ nice to meet you, Lily.6. JOHN: Excuse me. ________ you Jennifer Robinson? ALICE: No, I ________ not. Jennifer _________ over there.

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ANNE: Hi. My name is Anne Wilson.

BRIAN: I’m Brian Harris.

ANNE: It’s nice to meet you, Brian.

BRIAN: Nice to meet you, too.

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LISA: Karen, this is Peter. He’s in our class.

KAREN: Hi, Peter.

PETER: Hi, Karen. It’s nice to meet you.

KAREN: Nice to meet you, too.

DANIEL: Joe, this is Ruth. She’s our new classmate.

JOE: Hello, Ruth.

RUTH: Hi, Joe. It’s nice to meet you.

JOE: Nice to meet you, too.

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1 One 6 Six

2 Two 7 Seven

3 Three 8 Eight

4 Four 9 Nine

5 Five 10 Ten

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Practice these numbers

Name: Anna Smith

Work phone: 201-555-4567

Home phone: 914- 555- 676

Cell phone: 345-555-1023

E-mail: [email protected]

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Name: David Robinson

Work phone: 370-8114

Home phone: 567-456-3375

Cell phone: 345-568-987

E-mail: [email protected]

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Saying Good bye.• When you leave someone, you usually say: Good-byeSee you soonSee you laterSee you tomorrow

• When someone goes to bed, you usually say :Good night. You can also say Sleep well. Don’t say Good night when youarrive somewhere, only when you leave (at night).

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Situation 1

Lisa: See you later, Matthew.

Matt: Bye- bye, Lisa.

Situation 2

Alex: Good-bye. Have a nice day.

Mr. Garcia: See you tomorrow.

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Situation 3

Kim: Bye, have a good evening.

Brad: Thanks, Kim. You, too.

Situation 4

Ms Chen: Good night, Mrs. Morgan.

Mrs. Morgan: Good bye, Ms. Chen.

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