english instructions: this assignment has four parts-reading, … · class vii english...

SANT NIRANKARI PUBLIC SCHOOL REVISION ASSIGNMENTS (HOLIDAY HOME WORK) [ 2020 21 ] CLASS VII ENGLISH Instructions: This assignment has four parts-Reading, Writing, Grammar and Literature Do this assignment in a separate English holidays homework notebook. Reading SectionNo need to copy the passage. Note down only the questions of this section. READING 1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Once there was a young man whose Graduation day was near. He wanted to buy a Sports car which he saw in a dealer’s showroom. He was knowing that his father could afford it, thus he asked his father to buy him that car as a gift. Finally, the Graduation day came. Before the young man could go to the set venue, his father called him. His father said that he was very proud to have a good son like him and then, handed his son a beautifully wrapped gift box. Curious but little disappointed, he opened it and found a Bible in it which was beautifully laced with leather and his name embossed in it in gold. The son got furious and shouted at his father and said “This is all what you bought for me from your money?‘’ He put the Bible on the table and left his house forever. Then, he got a good job, got married and bought a beautiful house. After many years, the young man thought to meet his father as he would be very old. But as soon as he packed for going, he received a telegram which said that his father had passed away. He quickly went to his father’s place and felt bad about what he did. After some days, while searching for some papers in his father’s almirah, he found the same Bible which he did not accept as a gift from his father. He opened the Bible and saw the keys of car falling down. He grabbed them and in the label attached to the keys was written the dealer’s address and also it was written ‘PAID IN FULL’. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He regretted for what he did. A. Answer the following questions. i) Why did the young man leave his house? ii) Was the young man able to meet his father before his death? How can you say? iii) What did the young man find in his father’s almirah? iv) What lesson do you learn from the above passage? B. Choose the correct answer from the options given below. i) The young man wanted his father to gift him a a) Sports car b) watch c) guitar d) None of these ii) The word ‘furious’ means a) to be very angry b) to become suspicious c) to be ambitious d) famous iii) What was written on the label attached to the keys? a) ‘Do not touch’ b) ‘Handle with care’

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    ENGLISH Instructions: This assignment has four parts-Reading, Writing, Grammar and Literature Do this assignment in a separate English holidays homework notebook. Reading Section– No need to copy the passage. Note down only the questions of this section. READING

    1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Once there was a young man whose Graduation day was near. He wanted to buy a Sports car which he saw in a dealer’s showroom. He was knowing that his father could afford it, thus he asked his father to buy him that car as a gift. Finally, the Graduation day came. Before the young man could go to the set venue, his father called him. His father said that he was very proud to have a good son like him and then, handed his son a beautifully wrapped gift box. Curious but little disappointed, he opened it and found a Bible in it which was beautifully laced with leather and his name embossed in it in gold. The son got furious and shouted at his father and said “This is all what you bought for me from your money?‘’ He put the Bible on the table and left his house forever. Then, he got a good job, got married and bought a beautiful house. After many years, the young man thought to meet his father as he would be very old. But as soon as he packed for going, he received a telegram which said that his father had passed away. He quickly went to his father’s place and felt bad about what he did. After some days, while searching for some papers in his father’s almirah, he found the same Bible which he did not accept as a gift from his father. He opened the Bible and saw the keys of car falling down. He grabbed them and in the label attached to the keys was written the dealer’s address and also it was written ‘PAID IN FULL’. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He regretted for what he did.

    A. Answer the following questions. i) Why did the young man leave his house? ii) Was the young man able to meet his father before his death? How can you say? iii) What did the young man find in his father’s almirah? iv) What lesson do you learn from the above passage?

    B. Choose the correct answer from the options given below. i) The young man wanted his father to gift him a

    a) Sports car b) watch c) guitar d) None of these

    ii) The word ‘furious’ means a) to be very angry b) to become suspicious c) to be ambitious d) famous

    iii) What was written on the label attached to the keys? a) ‘Do not touch’ b) ‘Handle with care’

  • c) ‘Paid in full’ d) ‘Thank you’

    iv) In the end, the young man felt a) very happy b) contented c) sorry d) very proud

    For QA of the passage, write the answers in the form of complete sentences.

    WRITING Q Frame a story using the following prompts in about 50 words. Give an appropriate title to the story.

    old farmer------ three idle sons------ farmer fell ill------ called his sons----- told them about a hidden treasure in the field------ farmer died----- sons ploughed the field----- found no treasure----- sowed seeds----- the field yielded crops

    Q Imagine that you are the Cultural Secretary of your school.Write a notice to inform the students about the Dance competition which will be organised in your school and give the required details. GRAMMAR Q Show the difference between Adjectives of Quantity and Adjectives of Number by drawing and colouring / pasting 2 pictures of each type. Q Write any five sentences about any person/place/animal or a thing(any one) using nouns. Example-Raj is a good boy. Raj likes playing cricket. Now, rewrite the sentences by replacing the nouns with pronouns. Example-Raj is a good boy.He likes playing cricket. Q. Write any five sentences for each type of article(a,an,the). LITERATURE Q What three things did the hermit ask the king to do towards the end of the story? Q What lesson do you learn from the story ‘The Tiny teacher’? Q Why does the poet feel in the Poem-‘The Rebel’ that the rebels are required ? Q What has the poet told about the squirrel in the poem ‘The Squirrel’. Write three lines. Q What is the moral of the story ‘Bringing Up Kari’? Q What quality we get to know about the children through the story “A Gift of Chappals”?

    ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश कार्यपत्रक

    ह िंदी निम्ननिखित प्रश्न आपकी पुिरावृनि के उदे्दश्य से हैं अपै्रि और मई के महीिे में पाठ्यक्रम

    को पूर्ण करवा निया गया है। इससे ि केवि आपकी पुिरावृनि होगी ,आपको याि करिे में

    मिि नमिेगी । निम्न प्रश्नोों को नकसी शीट में नििकर फ़ाइि में सोंभािकर रिें।

    पाठ्यपुस्तक वसिंत प्रश्न- 1 पाठ्यपुस्तक वसोंत के पाठ 1 से 5 तक के पाठोों को ध्याि में रिते हुए निम्ननिखित प्रश्नोों के उिर


    क) हम पोंछी उनु्मक्त गगि के पाठ के रचनयता कौि हैं?

  • ि) पोंछी अपिा मधुर गीत कब िही ों गए पाएँगें?

    ग) पोंछी कहाँ का िि पीिा पसोंि करते है?

    घ) पोंनछयोों के अरमाि क्या थे?

    ङ) पोंछी कैसा िीवि चाहते हैं?

    च) पोंछी क्या िाते पीते हैं?

    छ) इस कनवता के माध्यम से पोंछी क्या सोंिेश िेिा चाहते हैं?

    ि) िािी माँ ज्वर का अिुमाि कैसे िगाती थी ों?

    झ) िािी माँ का व्यवहार कैसा था?

    ञ) िािी माँ नकस पर और क्योों नबगड़ रही थी ों?

    ट) िािी माँ के निए िािा िी द्वारा निए कों गि का क्या महत्व था?

    ठ) िेिक िे नकसको ससुर और नकसको िामाि कहा है?

    ड) ििी का गोंभीर और शाोंत रूप नकस भाँनत प्रतीत होता है?

    ढ) िनियोों की बाििीिा कहाँ िेििे को नमिती हैं?

    र्) मैिािोों में िनियोों का रूप और स्वभाव कैसा होता है?

    त) कठपुतिी पाठ समझकर, कठपुतनियोों के मि की िशा को अपिे शब्ोों में नििो।

    थ) मुनू्न िे खििौिा नकतिे पैसे में ख़रीिा?

    ि) खििौिेवािा मुरिी बेचिे िगर में कब आया?

    ध) मुरिीवािा कैसा साफ़ा बाँधता था?

    ि) पाठ में िेिक िे खििौिेवािे के मधुर गाि की तुििा नकससे की है?

    ऩ) बहुत ही मीठे स्वरोों के साथ खििौिेवािा गनियोों में घूमता हुआ क्या कहता था?

    व्याकरण प्रश्न- भाषा हकसे क ते ैं?

    प्रश्न- भाषा के हकतने भेद ोते ैं? नाम हलखिए

    प्रश्न- ररक्त स्थान भररए –

    क) ह न्दी की हलहप ................. ै।

    ि) वणों के साथयक समू को ................ क ते ैं।

    ग) म बातचीत ..................... के माध्यम से करते ैं।

    घ) समाचार वाहचका द्वारा समाचार वाचन .................. ै।

    ङ) पुजाबी की हलहप ............... ै ।

    च) भाषा के शुद्ध रूप का ज्ञान करने वाला शास्त्र

    ......................... ै।

    छ) ह न्दी भाषा में कुल ................. वणय ै।

    ज) जो शब्द देश के हवहभन्न के्षत्रो िं से ह न्दी में आए ैं वो .................


    झ) जो शब्द दो र्ा दो से अहिक शब्दोिं के मेल से बनते ैं, वे

    ................ शब्द क लाते ैं।

    प्रश्न – हनम्नहलखित शब्दोिं के ह न्दी पर्ायर् हलखिए –

    क) इज्ज़त

    ि) कॉपी

  • ग) माफ़ी

    प्रश्न- हनम्नहलखित तत्सम शब्दोिं से तद्भव शब्द बनाइए-

    क) सौ

    ि) पत्थर

    ग) अचरज

    घ) ैरानी

    प्रश्न- हनम्नहलखित सिंहि हवचे्छदो िं से सिंहि कीहजए

    क) र्था + इष्ट

    ि) न्यार् + आलर्

    ग) सदा+ एव

    प्रश्न- सिंहि हवचे्छद कीहजए

    क) रजनीश

    ि) मनो र

    ग) र्शोगान

    घ) गार्क

    प्रश्न- हनम्नहलखित शब्दोिं के वणय हवचे्छद कीहजए-

    क) हवश्राम

    ि) प्रपात

    प्रश्न- हनम्नहलखित शब्दोिं को शुद्ध कीहजए

    क) सप्ताह क

    ि) नमशकार

    ग) अध्यन


    प्रश्न – महाभारत के सभी पात्ोों के िाम गूगि की सहता से िोिकर निखिए।

    प्रश्न- कुों ती और कर्ण के िीवि पररचय को अपिे शब्ोों में निखिए।

    प्रश्न- भीम का चररत् नचत्र् निखिए।

    प्रश्न- भीष्म िे क्या प्रनतज्ञ की थी और क्योों ?


    प्रश्न - निखिए अिुचे्छि पर नवषय एक नकसी से में नवषयोों निम्ननिखित –

    क) हँसी –एक वरिाि

    ि) स्वच्छ भारत स्वस्थ भारत

    प्रश्न -छात्ावास में रहते हुए सीमा पर लड़ र े जवानो िं की म त्ता बताते हुए िुद

    भी सैहनक बनने के भाव अपने हपताजी को बताते हुए पत्र हलखिए।

    प्रश्न - वर्णि का नचत् निम्ननिखित 40-50 कीनिए में शब्ोों –

  • प्रश्न - भारत में हुए िॉकडाउि के नवषय में अपिे अपिे नवचार साोंझा करती िो मनहिाओों

    के बीच के सोंवाि को निखिए ।

    प्रश्न - कोरोिा वाइरस के बारे में िािकारी िेते हुए सरकार द्वारा भेिा गया एक सुोंिर ,सनचत्

    और रोंगीि नवज्ञापि तैयार कीनिए ।




    The following questions are for the purpose of revision of the entire syllabus covered in month of April and May. It will not only refresh

    your memory but will also help you gear up for the coming


    Do the following questions in a thin copy you may also use loose sheets and file them up properly.

    A . Choose the correct Answer-

    1. Muhammad Bin Tughluq shifted the capital from Delhi to – i. Aurangabad

    ii. Hyderabad iii. Daulatabad iv. Bihar

    2. Practice of Sijdah was started by i. Ghiyasuddin Balban ii. Muhammad Bin Tughluq iii. Qutubuddin Aibak iv. Shahjahan

    3. The age requirement for being a Governor of a state is- i. 30Years ii. 25 Years iii. 35 Years iv. 40 Years

    4. Asthenosphere is another name of- i. Core ii. Mantle iii. Lithosphere iv. Crust

    5. Granite is – i. Igneous rock ii. Chemically formed Sedimentary rock iii. Metamorphic Rock iv. Organically formed Sedimentary rock

    6. Core has predominance of- i. Zinc ii. Aluminium iii. Nickel iv. Gypsum

    7. Direct form of Democracy is not practiced now-a days because-

  • i. People have become literate ii. Size of Population have increased iii. Opposition Party does not allow it iv. Feudalism laws does not allow it

    8. The early Medieval period runs between – i. 12th-17th CE ii. 8th-12th CE iii. 8th-16th CE iv. 17th-18th CE

    9. ‘Kavirajamarga’ is authored by- i. Govinda III ii. Harshvardhana iii. Amoghvarsha iv. Rajendra Chola

    10. Governor can nominate members of legislative council to the extent- i. One-third of total members ii. One-twelfth of total members iii. One-sixth of total members iv. One-fifth of total members

    B. Fill in the blanks –

    1. The proposal to make a law is called……………….. 2. The ministers of a department works on the principle of


    3. After Prophet Muhammad’s death, the Muslim community split into two major sects………………..and………………

    4. The Islamic scholar …………..wrote the biography of Mahmud of Ghazni. 5. The Chola empire was divided into small provinces called………… 6. …………..parties are not part of government. 7. The……………………. Of our constitution declare India to be a sovereign


    8. ………..are those who eat both plants and meat. 9. ………………permanent body that can not be dissolved. 10. Earth is the only planet of our …………. which sustains life.

    C. Distinguish between the following

    1. Sial and Sima 2. Lithosphere and Hydrosphere 3. Political Executive and Permanent Executive 4. Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council

  • D. Answer the following questions in Brief-

    1. Explain in brief the judicial powers of a Governor. 2. Explain the principal of collective responsibility. 3. Explain popular participation as the significant element of Democracy. 4. Why Earth is called the “Blue Planet”? 5. What is Mohorovicic? 6. What is the main source of information of the Tughlaq dysnasty? 7. What was Minhaj-Us-Siraj’s attitude towards Razia? 8. Why was the battle of Tarain fought and what was the result of this battle? 9. What do you know about the origin of Rajputs? 10. Give reason why the science of cartography progressed during Medieval


    11. Write any three difficulties Historians face in using manuscripts. 12. What do you know about igneous rocks?

    E. Answer the following questions in detail-

    1. How are rocks useful for us? 2. The shifting of capital and the introduction of token currency by Muhammad

    Bin Tughluq failed. Explain why?

    3. What is election? What are the different stages of the process of election? 4. Describe the composition of the legislative council. 5. Who was Mahmud of Ghazni? Why he attacked India?

    F. Diagrams-

    1. Draw a colorful diagram of Rock cycle.

    2. Draw a diagram depicting layers of Earth.

    3. Draw symbols of two national parties of India and Two regional parties of India.

    SCIENCE 1.Fill in the blanks in the following statements i. Amarbel is an example of –---------------. ii. The plant which traps a feed on insects is--------------- iii. The trapped insect gets entangled in the hair in------------- and________ fibres are obtained

    from animals. iv. Silk fibres come from________ of silk_________ . v. Wool yielding animals bear________ on their body. vi. Hair trap a lot of________ which is a poor_________ of heat. vii. ___________ and ___________ are two by-products of respiration. viii. Lactic acid is also called as __________ ix. Yeast breaks down glucose into ____________ and carbon di-oxide. x. The accumulation of ____________ causes muscle cramps. xi. The____________ is a tube-like structure present in human respiratory system and

    is commonly known as wind pip. xii. ___________ is the muscular partition which between chest and abdominal


  • xiii. Frogs breathe both by ___________ and __________ xiv. Plants get oxygen by the process of ____________ xv. Amoeba breathes through its ________ 2. Match the items of Column I with the items given in Column II.

    3. State whether the following statements are true or false. In case a statement is false, write the corrected statement in your notebook. (a) Cutting a log of wood into pieces is a chemical change. (True/False) (b) Formation of manure from leaves is a physical change. (True/False) (c) Iron pipes coated with zinc do not get rusted easily. (True/False) (d) Iron and rust are the same substances. (True/False) 4. Various steps involved to obtain wool from fleece are given here. (a) Picking out the burrs (b) Dyeing in various colours (c) Shearing (d) Scouring (e) Sorting Write the above steps in the correct sequence in which they are carried out. 5. How would you show that setting of curd is a chemical change? 6. What are the different types of nutrition? 7. How do plants obtain nutrients? 8. What is mode of nutrition in insectivorous? 9. In the given pictures what do you observe and write information about it?

    Convert 10°C to Kelvin .What is the temperature in Fahrenheit of 20 °C? How the plants obtain water for photosynthesis ? 10. CROSS WORD PUZZLE Across 2. The process of breakdown of food in the cell with the release of energy is called ______respiration 5. The taking in of air rich in oxygen into the body is called _______ Down


  • 1. The process of giving out of air rich in carbon dioxide is known as _____ 3. respiration with oxygen 4. They are single-celled organisms. 6. respiration without oxygen

    Identify and Write about type of nutrition A.)

    ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश कार्यपत्रक


    निए गए कायण को साफ साफ निखिए । निम्ननिखित प्रश्न आपकी पुिरावृनि के उदे्दश्य से हैं। अपै्रि और

    मई के महीिे में पाठ्यक्रम को पूर्ण करवा निया गया है। इससे ि केवि आपकी पुिरावृनि होगी ,आपको

    याि करिे में मिि नमिेगी । निम्न प्रश्नोों को नकसी शीट में नििकर फ़ाइि में सोंभािकर रिें।

    प्रश्न - 1 एतत शब् रूप की प्रथमा , तृतीय और पोंचमी नवभखक्त निखिए।

    प्रश्न - 2 मनत शब् रूप की नद्वतीय ,चतुथी और सप्तमी नवभखक्त निखिए।

    प्रश्न - 3 दृश धातु का िट् िकार और िृट िकार निखिए।

    प्रश्न -4 चर धातु का िोट िकार और िङ्ग िकार निखिए

    प्रश्न - 5 सोंसृ्कत की नगिती निखिए –

    22, 15 , 24, 9 ,10, 21 ,14,20,19,13

    प्रश्न - 6 प्रश्नानि उिरत एक पिेि निित -

  • क) पृनथव्याों कनत रत्नानि?

    ि) िोके वशीकृनतिः का?

    ग) कूमणस्य नकों िाम आसीत्?

    घ) कूमणिः केि मागेर् अन्यत् गनु्तम् इच्छनत?

    ङ) िम्बमािों कूमं दृष्ट्वा के अधावि्?

    च) कस्य भविे सवणनवधानि सुिसाधिानि आसि्?

    छ) श्रीकण्ठस्य आनतथ्यम् के अकुवणि्?

    ि) कृष्णमूतेिः कनत कमणकरािः सखन्त?

    झ) के कोिाहिों कुवणखन्त?

    ञ) गिाधरिः कम् उनद्दश्य काव्यों प्रस्तौनत?

    ट) िोके पुििः पुििः कानि भवखन्त?

    ठ) नकों कृत्वा घृतों नपबेत्?

    प्रश्न- 7 मञ्िूषातिः अव्ययपिानि नचत्वा वाक्यानि पूरयत-

    अिम् अन्तिः बनहिः अधिः उपरर

    (क) वृक्षस्य ……………………. िगािः वसखन्त।

    (ि) ……………………. नववािेि।

    (ग) वषाणकािे गृहात् ………………… मा गच्छ।

    (घ )होंसाभ्ाों सह कूमोऽनप ……………….. ।

    ड )अहों नकनििनप ि ……………….. ।

    च )फरवरी-मासे सामान्यतिः ……………………. नििानि भवखन्त।

    छ )मम शरीरे …………………………. हस्तौ स्तिः।

    प्रश्न 8 -अधोनिखिताि् समयवाचकाि् अङ्काि् पिेषु निित-


    10.30 साधणद्वािशवाििम् 5.00 ……………………………………..

    7.00 …………………………………….. 3.30 …………………………………….. 2.30 …………………………………….. 9.00 …………………………………….. 11.00 …………………………………….. 12.30 …………………………………….. 4.30 …………………………………….. 8.00 …………………………………….. 1.30 …………………………………….. 7.30 ……………………………………..

    प्रश्न 9 -सुभानषतानि पाठ के कोई तीि श्लोक अथण सनहत निखिए-

    प्रश्न 10 -अधोनिखितवाक्यानि किः कों प्रनत कथयनत इनत निित-

    कः कथर्हत किं प्रहत


    र्था- प्रातिः यि् उनचतों तत्किणव्यम् िंसौ कूमं प्रहत

    (क )अहों भवद्भ्ाों सह आकाशमागेर् गनु्तम्

    इच्छानम। ................ ................

    (ि )अत् किः उपायिः? ................ ................

    (ग )अहम् उिरों ि िास्यानम। ................ ................

  • (घ )यूयों भस्म िाित। ................ ................

    CLASS –VII COMPUTER ASSIGNMENT Q-1 Explain and draw the types of peripherals devices that can be attached with computer. Q-2 Explain the difference between Primary memory and Secondary Memory? Q-3 Should we avoid using and sharing pirated software and content as they may contain virus. How can we prevent this? Q-4 What is cyber bullying? How can we educate people to avoid bullying others online? Q-5 Explain any 5 security measures to prevent virus in smartphone?

    DRAWING CLASS VII Turn your idea into action - Make two Stencils on any thick paper / Sheet and make two greeting cards using those stencils . NOTE - Your master pieces will display in Art Exhibition after Lockdown.