english party

English Party Dear friends and teachers! We would like to invite you to make a trip to England and feel its exciting atmosphere, meet real Englishmen and improve your knowledge of English. Друзья, приглашаем Вас в Англию. Чувствуйте себя как дома, но не забывайте, что вы в гостях. Куда же мы отправимся сначала? To London, of course! As you know it is the capital of Great Britain and one of the oldest and the most interesting cities in the world. Every stone in its street is full of historical remains. So there are а lot of things to do and to see. Кто бы сомневался? Как известно, Лондон состоит из нескольких частей: Вестминстер, например, исторический центр Лондона, Сити – коммерческий центр, в Ист Энде – рабочие кварталы, ну а Вест Энд славится своей роскошью. Ты бы куда хотела поехать? Let's toss up!

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Page 1: English party

English Party

Dear friends and teachers!We would like to invite you to make a trip to England and feel its exciting atmosphere, meet real Englishmen and improve your knowledge of English.

Друзья, приглашаем Вас в Англию. Чувствуйте себя как дома, но не забывайте, что вы в гостях. Куда же мы отправимся сначала?

To London, of course! As you know it is the capital of Great Britain and one of the oldest and the most interesting cities in the world. Every stone in its street is full of historical remains.

So there are а lot of things to do and to see.

Кто бы сомневался? Как известно, Лондон состоит из нескольких частей: Вестминстер, например, исторический центр Лондона, Сити – коммерческий центр, в Ист Энде – рабочие кварталы, ну а Вест Энд славится своей роскошью. Ты бы куда хотела поехать?

Let's toss up!

Согласен! Кому выпадет орёл, тот будет тратить деньги в эксклюзивных магазинах Вест Эндаи жить в фешенебельном отеле , ну а кому - решка, тот будет довольствоваться видом площадей и дорогих витрин.(тянут жребий)

Hurray!!! Yes! I am lucky today!

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Ну, это ещё неизвестно, кому больше повезёт. Встретимся в английском пабе в 17.00 Bye!

Я же возьму такси и отправлюсь в исторический центр Лондона.First of all I am going to visit Westminster and the West End.London is a very green city. You can see a lot of parks and squares. All of them are well-kept.Here you can see the Palace of Westminster. It is the place where the members of the British Parliament work. At the north end there is a famous clock tower Big Ben.Not far from here you can see Westminster Abbey. It is a historic building in London. It was founded in the 11th century. Many famous men are buried in the abbey.This is Buckingham Palace. The flag is up. The queen is in the Palace.

This is the famous Tower of London, which was a fortress and a prison. Now it is a museum and the place where Royal jewellery are kept.

That is a St. Paul's Cathedral. It is the greatest work of England's outstanding architect Christopher Wren.Now I feel myself a bit tired and hungry. So it's time to go to the hotel I'll choose the most comfortable and expensive.

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Сценка “In the hotel”

- How do you do?- How do you do? Can I help you, miss?- I need a single room.- Have you reserved it?- No, I haven't.- We have a single room on the third floor.- What's the price per night?

- It's £100. Bed and breakfast.- Is there a restaurant nearby? I am hungry as a hunter.- Yes, surely. It's on the ground floor in the same building. If you wish, you can order dinner into the room.- OK. It suits me perfectly. - Your room is ready. Be so kind and sign the hotel register.

( расписывается в журнале)

Англичане – очень вежливые. Путешествовать по Лондону можно и пешком или на двухэтажном автобусе. Это не дорого.На улицах много людей разных национальностей, все дружелюбны и вежливы. Мне понравились уличные музыканты. Давайте их послушаем. Если вам понравится, не забудьте бросить монетку.

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Продолжим наш путь дальше. Это площадь Пиккадили. Она круглой формы и к ней сходится 6 улиц.А это одно из любимейших мест гостей и жителей Лондона – Лондонский Глаз. Если вы не боитесь высоты, то воспользовавшись этим аттракционом, увидите весь город как на ладони.

Пока я буду кататься на London Eye, посмотрите street dances и исполнении группы “Dreams”

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Что-то я проголодался. (смотрит на часы) Пойду в английский паб. Там можно перекусить недорого, пообщаться с друзьями, послушать хорошую музыку.

Я решила сходить в ближайший ресторан. Пойдёмте со мной!

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Сценка “Happy birthday lady Moneybags!”

Narrator This is the Hungry Horse restaurant. It isn't a popular restaurant because the food isn't very good and the staff is crazy.The manager, Pedro, Suzie and Mick walk on. The manager is talking to his staff. They are Pedro the cook, Suzie the waitress and Mick the waiter. The manager is telling them some important news.

Manager Today is a very special day for the Hungry Horse restaurant. Lord Moneybags wants to eat here.Mick Why does he want to eat here? The food is terrible!Suzie Perhaps his wife's cooking is terrible too!Manager Lord Moneybags wants to eat here with his family and friends because it's his wife's birthday todayPedro Oh super! A birthday party! Let's make a cake!Manager Yes, Pedro - you make a cake. Mick and Suzie - you organise the tables.They all walk off the stage. Pause.Mick and Suzie throw plastic plates, cups, knives and forks on the tables. Pedro runs on and off stage and throws flour around and at the staff.Narrator Now people are arriving for the party!The manager, Mick, Pedro and Suzie stand and welcome Lord and Lady Moneybags, their son Jimmy and the grandmother to the restaurant.

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Manager Welcome and Happy Birthday, Lady Moneybags!Jimmy fires a toy gun at the manager, Mick and Pedro.Pedro You've got a lovely little boy!Pedro takes the toy gun and walks away.Lady Moneybags Thank you! This is my mother. She's a bit deaf! Suzie I'm happy to meet you! Grandmother No meat for me! I don't eat meat!Suzie Come with me, please! Grandmother No cheese for me! I don't eat cheese!Suzie and Mick This way! Over here! Sit here! Hurry up!Mick pulls out a chair quickly and one person falls n the floor!Narrator Now the people are sitting and talking.Suzie, Mick and Pedro bring plates of food and bottles f juice and put them on the table. Everybody starts eating very quickly and pouring the juice into the cups.Jimmy Hey, look! There are flies in this orange juice, Mick Oh, no!Mick runs to the table to look. Oh, it's OK! They can swim!Guest 1 (shouting and pulling out a toy mouse) Hey, here's a mouse in this food!Suzie Don't worry, sir! There's a cat under your chair!

Guest 1 jumps with fear.

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Guest 2 (shouting and holding a plate up) This cheese is horrible. It's got holes in it!Mick Well, eat the holes and leave the cheese!Lady Moneybags This food is very hot! Lord Moneybags This food is very cold! Manager You must agree with your wife at her party.Lord Moneybags This restaurant is terrible! We're leaving!Two robbers run into the room. They are wearing masks. Robber 1 runs and grabs Jimmy from his seat.Robber 1 You aren't leaving! Give us your diamonds, Lady Moneybags or your son is dead meat.Grandmother I don't eat meat!Robber 2 Put your diamonds in this bag.Lady Moneybags starts to take off her jewellery but Pedro is behind Robber 2. Pedro sticks Jimmy's toy gun in the robber's back.

Pedro (shouting to the robbers)Free the boy or your friend is dead meat!Grandmother I don't eat meat!Robber 1 lets Jimmy free. Mick grabs Robber 2.Lord Moneybags (talking on his mobile phone) Is that the police? Please, come to the Hungry Horse restaurant - immediately!

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Two police officers run on and take away the two robbers. Pedro collapses and Suzie catches him. Jimmy runs and takes his gun.

Lord Moneybags Thank you, Pedro! You saved my wife's diamonds. This is a wonderful restaurant.The manager walks into the room with a big birthday cake with one big candle in the middle.Manager Happy Birthday, Lady Moneybags!All (sing) Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, Lady Moneybags Happy Birthday to you!Lady Moneybags blows out the candle and all the people cheer. Jimmy shoots his toy gun in the air.

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Вот это приключение! Правда, я так и осталась голодной! (смотрит на часы) Андрей ждёт меня уже в пабе. Надо ему скорее обо всём рассказать.

Танец официантов.

Неllo!Я вижу, тут нескучно.Да, здесь, за чашкой чая можно завести друзей и даже встретить знаменитостей. Смотри эта девушка тебе никого не напоминает?Да, она похожа на одну начинающую певицу. Но я не помню её имени.Тише! Слушай!

(После песни подходят к певице)Your singing was fantastic! You are very talented!Are you a Londoner?

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No, I'm from Ukraine.Мы тоже из Украины. Я же говорил, мир тесен.И не важно, что у тебя совсем немного денег в кармане. Если хочешь путешествовать, учи язык, а он, как известно, не только до Киева, но и до Лондона доведёт.Лондон прекрасен и днем и ночью. Он полон исторических памяток и традиций. И недели будет мало, чтобы посетить все его достопримечательности. Я всегда мечтала побывать в этом городе.Мы надеемся, что мы помогли и вашей мечте осуществиться. И вы узнали много нового! Ну а на этом Bye! Bye! Let's watch fireworks!