enric valor biography by: berta, noelia, celia and julia

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BIOGRAPHY Enric Valor was born in Castalla (1911), in the Valencian comarca of l'Alcoià. He studied at the school of commercial in Alicante. When he was 19 years old he became a journalist in Alicante writing in the satirical newspaper El Tio Cuc, in Valencian. During the Second Spanish Republic he was active as a politician. He was also at this time working in the city of Valencia in the nationalist newspapers La República de les Lletres, El Camí and El País Valencià. When the Spanish Civil War broke out he supported the Spanish Republic.


ENRIC VALOR BIOGRAPHY By: Berta, Noelia, Celia and Julia INTRODUCTION Enric Valor was a Valencian narrator and grammarian who made one of the most important contributions to the re- collection and recovery of Valencian lexicography and its standardization in the Valencian Community. BIOGRAPHY Enric Valor was born in Castalla (1911), in the Valencian comarca of l'Alcoi. He studied at the school of commercial in Alicante. When he was 19 years old he became a journalist in Alicante writing in the satirical newspaper El Tio Cuc, in Valencian. During the Second Spanish Republic he was active as a politician. He was also at this time working in the city of Valencia in the nationalist newspapers La Repblica de les Lletres, El Cam and El Pas Valenci. When the Spanish Civil War broke out he supported the Spanish Republic. At the beginning of the 1950s he started to collecte "rondalles, which are like little stories. In total he collected 36 rondalles with a great narrative value. He collaborated at the creation of the Diccionary Catal-Valenci- Balear. Besides he defended the laws of valencian ortography. In 1950 he finished his first novel, L'ambici d'Aleix. And other important novels are: Cicle de Cassana, La idea de l'emigrant, Sense la terra promesa. During the 1960s he returned to underground political activities involving Valencian nationalism but he became a political prisoner of Franco's dictatorship from 1966 to Once out of prison he founded almost the first magazine in Valencian in the postwar period. When Franco ended being the dictatorship, Enric Valor could spread freely his opinion. During the 1990s there was a move among some Valencian cultural groups to propose Valor as a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature, but at the end they didnt do it. He was appointed member of philology institute in In 1983 he released La flexi verbal where he summarized the widely dialectised Valencian verbs. This work became the principal reference for the normative use of verbs, and is used as essential teaching material for Valencian pupils. He died the 13 th of January in 2000 at Valencia, at the age of 89 and some months before he died he was giving a conference when he said that every Valencian should use the Valencian language to enrich our culture. AWARDS He won a lot of important awards which are: -1983, Sanchis Guarner's Award (Premi Sanchis Guarner), from the Valencia Province Council , Valencian Arts Award (Premi de les Lletres Valencianes) from Valencia City Council , Member of the Philological Department in the Institut d'Estudis Catalans , Premi d'Honor de les Lletres Catalanes (Catalan Arts Honored Award) from the mnium Cultural de Barcelona. In the same year, Member of the Advisory Board in the Interuniversitary Institute of Valencian Philology (Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana). -1993, Honoris Causa Doctor by the Universitat de Valncia and also Saint George's Cross (Creu de Sant Jordi) from the Generalitat de Catalunya , Miquelet d'Honor from the Societat Coral El Micalet, de Valencia. 1997, Premi Cavanilles from the Valencian Institute of Nature and Hiking (Institut Valenci d'Excursionisme i Natura) , Honoris Causa Doctor by the Universitat de les Illes Balears , Honoris Causa Doctor by the Universitat Jaume I from Castell, the Honoris Causa Doctor by the Universitat d'Alacant and Honoris Causa Doctor by the Universitat Politcnica de Valncia. BIBLIOGRAPHY -We have goten ideas from the Valencian power pint we did also about Enric Valor. a.htma.htmc=2940c=2940