ensc110 craig population, poverty, ethics

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  • 7/29/2019 ENSC110 Craig Population, Poverty, Ethics


    Trevor Craig

    Energy Science 110

    Lecture Summary for Population, Poverty, and Ethics.


    This lecture was about population growth, poverty, hunger, and ethical techniques and

    solutions to these problems. Currently population has been growing rapidly and this trend looks

    to continue into the future. In 1950 there were only approximately 2 billion people, where today

    there is about 7 billion, and by 2050 the estimated population is between 9 and 10 billion people.

    That is a lot of people and with more people means that there needs to be more food and places

    for people to live. Obviously not everyone can live in the rural areas; people need to be able to

    access food, water, and their jobs which are now often times in urban settings.

    Recently there has been a switch in how people of the world do their work and where

    they live, we have gone from mostly living in rural areas doing manual work to living in cities

    doing jobs that are often times inside office jobs. This can be seen by looking at the statistics,

    until 2008 more people lived in rural areas then in urban areas, but in 2008 there began a switch

    that more people were living in urban areas and less in rural areas, and this trend is supposed to

    continue till in 2050 there will be a little under 3 billion living in rural areas and 6.5 billion in

    urban areas.

    With such an increase of people living in cities there needs to be enough food and jobs

    for people to live. Cities are often time large power users, so with an increase in people moving

    to cities there also needs to be power for these cities to provide for the peoples everyday needs,

    and with a decreasing amount of oil in our world and prices for these materials increasing, large

    cities may soon become a problem. The large power sources that are needed to run these future

  • 7/29/2019 ENSC110 Craig Population, Poverty, Ethics


    mega cities will increase the amount of greenhouse gasses and increase global warming, China

    primarily uses coal and oil for their means of energy with those totaling 1750 mtoe, oil and coal

    power plants often add to global warming and so these mega cities will greatly affect the world

    in just a matter of years. Africa and Asia are expected to have the largest urban growth in the

    years to come; in 2007 Africa had .97 billion people, and Asia had 4.03 billion, but by 2050 they

    are supposed to have 2 billion, 1 billion growth in urban areas and Asia is supposed to have 5.3

    billion, 1.3 billion added to urban growth. This is actually a very big problem because Asia and

    Africa have the largest undernourished people in the world, Asia and the Pacific having 578

    million people undernourished and Sub-Sahara Africa having 239 million undernourished, out of

    the 925 million undernourished people in the world. Nearly 1/7 of the world is malnourished,

    this malnourishment is because of poverty and it will just get worse as energy prices raise

    because people are moving to cities which require more energy and our resources are beginning

    to run out. And the global demand for energy is projected to grow 50% to 100% between the

    years of 2000 and 2030, this is just going to compound the already existing problems.

    So we must ethically ask ourselves whether we should help these countries out with their

    poverty and hunger, or help ourselves. Many ethical questions must be asked to finally make an

    ethical suggestion to end this problem, and even then that will be debated whether that is an

    ethical solution depending on which ethical stance one takes. In the end you must decide for

    yourself what the ethical solution is to this problem.

    Teleological- The doctrine that there is evidence of purpose or design in the universe, and esp

    that this provides proof of the existence of a Designer.

  • 7/29/2019 ENSC110 Craig Population, Poverty, Ethics


    Categorical Imperative- the unconditional moral principle that one's behavior should accord with

    universalizable maxims which respect persons as ends in themselves; the obligation to do one's

    duty for its own sake and not in pursuit of further ends.