entertaining at restaurants

Chapter 21 Chapter 21 Entertaining at Restaurants Entertaining at Restaurants

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While entertaining in restaurant the invitation to a host should be extended one week in advance. It is better to call him/her before inviting the person. If you have sent an invite and not received a response it is better to call after two days to find out if the person would join you. If you do not know the preference from the invitee it is better to call him /her and find out.


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Chapter 21Chapter 21

Entertaining at RestaurantsEntertaining at Restaurants

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At restaurants you either entertainAt restaurants you either entertainor are entertained.or are entertained.

There are responsibilities and rules There are responsibilities and rules that one should followthat one should follow

to make the mealto make the mealinteresting, enjoyable and worthwhile.interesting, enjoyable and worthwhile.

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Entertaining Entertaining

You invite a client to the restaurant for a meal to:You invite a client to the restaurant for a meal to:

Discuss a proposalDiscuss a proposal

To strengthen a relationshipTo strengthen a relationship

Return hospitalityReturn hospitality

Introduce a visiting officialIntroduce a visiting official

Entertain a visitor/ colleagueEntertain a visitor/ colleague

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As the person inviting, you should extend the invitation As the person inviting, you should extend the invitation at least a week in advanceat least a week in advance

It is better to call (if you know the person) and invite It is better to call (if you know the person) and invite him / herhim / her

If you have sent a formal invite and have not received a If you have sent a formal invite and have not received a response you should call two days after sending the response you should call two days after sending the invitation to ascertain whether the invitee will join youinvitation to ascertain whether the invitee will join you

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If you do not know the preferences of a the If you do not know the preferences of a the invitee, it is always best to call him and find out.invitee, it is always best to call him and find out.

It is bad manners to impose your likings to It is bad manners to impose your likings to another person.another person.

It has to be remembered that the other person It has to be remembered that the other person is your guest and it is your responsibility to put is your guest and it is your responsibility to put him at ease and make him feel comfortablehim at ease and make him feel comfortable

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It is important that you check the preferences of the guest you are inviting for a meal

Decide on the venue for the meal

You should also agree with your guest on the timing

Once the venue and time is decided upon, its best to make a reservation for it’s not good to reach the venue and then have to wait for a table to be given to you

If the venue is a restaurant you haven’t been to before, it is advisable to visit the place and knbow the layout.

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If you are meeting your guest at the venue, you should If you are meeting your guest at the venue, you should aim to be there 10 minutes prior to the time the table aim to be there 10 minutes prior to the time the table has been booked forhas been booked for

On arrival inform the host of your arrival and ask to be On arrival inform the host of your arrival and ask to be seated. seated.

Mention that you are expecting others at the table and Mention that you are expecting others at the table and to guide them to your table.to guide them to your table.

If you are going with your guest ensure that you are on If you are going with your guest ensure that you are on time. Most restaurants hold reservations for 10 to 15 time. Most restaurants hold reservations for 10 to 15 minutes onlyminutes only

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If you are not able to reach the restaurant on time, you should call the manager and inform him of your delay and request that the table be kept for you.

If you are expecting guests at the venue ask the manager to make an apology on your behalf and request him to look after their needs

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You must treat those serving you properlyYou must treat those serving you properly

Do not call waiters names. They do not appreciate Do not call waiters names. They do not appreciate display of bad breeding. They cannot retaliate. To put display of bad breeding. They cannot retaliate. To put you down they would give you bad service. you down they would give you bad service.

You can make arrangements for payment. Check at the You can make arrangements for payment. Check at the time when you are making a reservation. There are time when you are making a reservation. There are some restaurants that do not accept credit cards some restaurants that do not accept credit cards

It saves an awkward situation to who should pay if you It saves an awkward situation to who should pay if you hand over your card to the maitre dhand over your card to the maitre d’’ on arrivalon arrival

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It is the responsibility and the prerogative It is the responsibility and the prerogative odfodf the host the host to seat the guests. to seat the guests.

The host should be seated away from the wall and into The host should be seated away from the wall and into the dining area so that he can call the waiters easily.the dining area so that he can call the waiters easily.

The most important guest should be seated to the hostThe most important guest should be seated to the host’’s s right and the second most important guest to the left.right and the second most important guest to the left.

It is useful to put vegetarians together as they are likely It is useful to put vegetarians together as they are likely to eat the same food.to eat the same food.

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Seating should be friendly, not Seating should be friendly, not confrontational and there should be a confrontational and there should be a

good eye contactgood eye contact

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Awkward eye contactAwkward eye contactGG


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If you have a briefcase or laptop, give them to If you have a briefcase or laptop, give them to the attendant so that it can be stored away so the attendant so that it can be stored away so that it is out of the waythat it is out of the way

Do not hang jackets/coats behind your chair. Do not hang jackets/coats behind your chair. You should never do so unless the host does You should never do so unless the host does this. this.

Some restaurants expect jackets to be worn Some restaurants expect jackets to be worn during mealsduring meals

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RefreshmentsRefreshmentsHors Hors dd’’ouvresouvresSoupSoupSeafoodSeafoodSorbetSorbetEntrEntréée or main coursee or main courseSalad/ cheese and Salad/ cheese and biscuitsbiscuitsDessert Dessert LiquerLiquerCoffee/ Petit fourCoffee/ Petit four

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Normally at business lunches liquor is Normally at business lunches liquor is seldom drunkseldom drunk

However as the host, you should allow your However as the host, you should allow your guests to order as they wishguests to order as they wish

If you are having dinner, intend to order If you are having dinner, intend to order wines or hard liquor to the preference of wines or hard liquor to the preference of your guestsyour guests

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If you intend to drink wine you should ask the sommelier (wine If you intend to drink wine you should ask the sommelier (wine steward) for the wine list and choose a wine that will complemensteward) for the wine list and choose a wine that will complement t your food.your food.

After the wine is brought, read the label and ensure that it is After the wine is brought, read the label and ensure that it is the the wine that you have ordered for.wine that you have ordered for.

Touch the bottle to see that it is adequately chilledTouch the bottle to see that it is adequately chilled

When the bottle is opened, the server will bring you the cork. PWhen the bottle is opened, the server will bring you the cork. Pinch inch the cork to see that it is moist. If it is dry, the wine may havthe cork to see that it is moist. If it is dry, the wine may have gone e gone badbad

Never smell the cork.Never smell the cork.

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Types of wine ( Types of wine ( Sparkling, Still, fortifiedSparkling, Still, fortified))What goes with whatWhat goes with whatWine temperatureWine temperature

White 6 to 8 degrees White 6 to 8 degrees ccRose 10 to 12 degrees Rose 10 to 12 degrees ccRed 14 to 16 degrees cRed 14 to 16 degrees c

Presentation of winePresentation of wineWine tastingWine tasting

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Once the bottle is uncorked you cannot refuse the wine unless iOnce the bottle is uncorked you cannot refuse the wine unless it is spoiltt is spoilt

The steward will pour you a little wine.The steward will pour you a little wine.

Swirl it to release it bouquetSwirl it to release it bouquet

Look at its colour. Look at its colour.

Smell it the wine for its bouquetSmell it the wine for its bouquet

Sip it. The sip it Sip it. The sip it rolllingrollling the wine on your tonguethe wine on your tongue

Approve itApprove it

It is only after this that the server serves others the wineIt is only after this that the server serves others the wine

In case of red wine only half the goblet should be filled. This In case of red wine only half the goblet should be filled. This allows the allows the wine to breathe wine to breathe

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Appetizers Appetizers It is good to order these at it gives you time to talk to your It is good to order these at it gives you time to talk to your guests and get to know them betterguests and get to know them better

The guest should be given the preference of choiceThe guest should be given the preference of choice

Unless the guest abdicates his right, you should not order Unless the guest abdicates his right, you should not order the food.the food.

Do not engage in serious business talk while refreshments Do not engage in serious business talk while refreshments and starters are on as there are likely to be a lot of and starters are on as there are likely to be a lot of distractionsdistractions

Talk on other general topics. Will help you get your guest Talk on other general topics. Will help you get your guest better. This will give you the advantage of knowing him better. This will give you the advantage of knowing him better at a discussionbetter at a discussion

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Main courseMain course

Ordering the meal can be quite a task especially if Ordering the meal can be quite a task especially if there are a number of guests and not too many people there are a number of guests and not too many people who make up their mind quicklywho make up their mind quickly

It would be a good idea to request the maitre dIt would be a good idea to request the maitre d’’ to ask to ask each guest what they would like. He is in a better each guest what they would like. He is in a better position to know which is the best choiceposition to know which is the best choice

Only after the main course is ordered should the Only after the main course is ordered should the serious discussion start. It needs concentration and serious discussion start. It needs concentration and attentionattention

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Dessert and coffee are ordered after the Dessert and coffee are ordered after the main course is over. main course is over.

Desserts are not usually ordered in Desserts are not usually ordered in luncheslunches

They are ordered after a dinner as this is a They are ordered after a dinner as this is a meal that is had with more leisuremeal that is had with more leisure

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Do not at a business meetDo not at a business meet……

……gossip about your organisation or colleaguesgossip about your organisation or colleagues

……crack offcrack off--color jokes in the presence of womencolor jokes in the presence of women

……interrupt when someone is speakinginterrupt when someone is speaking

…… wait for the other to finish a sentencewait for the other to finish a sentence

……be too personalbe too personal

……flirt with the opposite sexflirt with the opposite sex

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Do notDo not

…… begin a business conversation before starters are begin a business conversation before starters are clearedcleared

…… place business papers on the tableplace business papers on the table

…… place your elbows on the tableplace your elbows on the table

…… belch or burpbelch or burp

…… dress inappropriatelydress inappropriately

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The host shouldThe host should……

…… invite your guest at least 3 days in advanceinvite your guest at least 3 days in advance

……confirm the invitation on the day of the meetingconfirm the invitation on the day of the meeting

…… agree on when and where to meet your guestagree on when and where to meet your guest

…… stand when your guest arrivesstand when your guest arrives

…… not start business talk till entrees are cleared upnot start business talk till entrees are cleared up

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The host shouldThe host should……

…… end the meeting by repeating the conclusions that end the meeting by repeating the conclusions that have been madehave been made

…… ensure the atmosphere is comfortableensure the atmosphere is comfortable

…… get to know the guestget to know the guest

…… encourage conversationencourage conversation

…… at the end of the meal place the napkin on the table at the end of the meal place the napkin on the table and get up.and get up.

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Being EntertainedBeing Entertained

There will times when you are invited and are the guestThere will times when you are invited and are the guest

The responsibility of having a good business meal will The responsibility of having a good business meal will have to be shared with your hosthave to be shared with your host

You must be dressed appropriatelyYou must be dressed appropriately

Reach on timeReach on time

Be fully of what is to be discussed at the meetBe fully of what is to be discussed at the meet

You have been invited with the expectation to contribute You have been invited with the expectation to contribute and not as an embellishmentand not as an embellishment

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If you are carrying brochures and have to hand it over, If you are carrying brochures and have to hand it over, do so after the meal rather than duringdo so after the meal rather than during

With regards to food take hints from your host. There With regards to food take hints from your host. There may be some constraints. Be aware of themmay be some constraints. Be aware of them

Ask him for suggestions. If he refrains then order what Ask him for suggestions. If he refrains then order what you would like toyou would like to

It would be best to avoid alcohol during a business meetIt would be best to avoid alcohol during a business meet

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SeatingSeatingThe host will usually indicate where you should sitThe host will usually indicate where you should sit

Men should offer to pullout the womanMen should offer to pullout the woman’’s chair and then sits chair and then sit

If a lady leaves or joins the table the host usually stands up.If a lady leaves or joins the table the host usually stands up.

A lady or a gentleman is usually taken around and A lady or a gentleman is usually taken around and introduced to the others, the person to whom the introduced to the others, the person to whom the newcomer is introduced to will stand upnewcomer is introduced to will stand up

In case the business meal has to be called off for some In case the business meal has to be called off for some reason, you should call and reason, you should call and apologiseapologise personallypersonally

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Table SettingTable Setting

When your food is served, When your food is served, it is important that it is important that

you use the right cutlery and you use the right cutlery and eat correctlyeat correctly

The following illustrations will show how they are to be placedThe following illustrations will show how they are to be placed

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Table SettingTable Setting

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To use the cutlery furthest to you first and work To use the cutlery furthest to you first and work your way inyour way in

There are distinctive pieces for soup, steak and There are distinctive pieces for soup, steak and the likes. Ensure you use the right onethe likes. Ensure you use the right one

Bread may be used with soup or placed on the Bread may be used with soup or placed on the tabletable

If you wish to eat bread then you should first take If you wish to eat bread then you should first take a serving of butter from the butter dish place it on a serving of butter from the butter dish place it on your bread (side) plate. Break the bread to bite your bread (side) plate. Break the bread to bite sized pieces one at a time. Butter the piece and sized pieces one at a time. Butter the piece and then eat itthen eat it

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If there are serving dishes placed on the table, If there are serving dishes placed on the table, they should be passed to the rightthey should be passed to the right

Serving persons normally serve the food from Serving persons normally serve the food from the right and remove from the leftthe right and remove from the left

If you pause while eating, the cutlery should If you pause while eating, the cutlery should be place in the shape of an inverted be place in the shape of an inverted ““VV””. This . This indicates that you have not finished.indicates that you have not finished.

You should not stuff your mouth in a manner You should not stuff your mouth in a manner suggesting that you are starvedsuggesting that you are starved

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After your meal do not pick on your teeth with a After your meal do not pick on your teeth with a tooth pick. It is not courteous.tooth pick. It is not courteous.

While at the table sit straight. Do not place your While at the table sit straight. Do not place your elbows on the tableelbows on the table

At a business meal, avoid foods like spaghetti or At a business meal, avoid foods like spaghetti or meat with bones. This will take away attention meat with bones. This will take away attention from the discussion the foodfrom the discussion the food

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This illustrates how This illustrates how soup should be eatensoup should be eaten

After you have finished After you have finished the soup leave the the soup leave the spoon on the soup spoon on the soup plate on the left hand plate on the left hand sideside

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Methods of eatingMethods of eating

It is important that we It is important that we use the right style use the right style and cutlery of eating.and cutlery of eating.

In India we use the In India we use the continental method of continental method of using cutleryusing cutlery

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Eating Indian FoodEating Indian Food

Indian food is usually eaten with the handIndian food is usually eaten with the hand

Glasses should be placed on the left since the Glasses should be placed on the left since the right hand is used to eatright hand is used to eat

Indian food eaten with the hand is tastier. Indian food eaten with the hand is tastier. However, you must ensure not to be messy and However, you must ensure not to be messy and wash your hands after the mealwash your hands after the meal

Indian food can also be eaten with a Indian food can also be eaten with a combination of the fork and spooncombination of the fork and spoon

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Eating ChineseEating Chinese

Chinese food is extremely popular in Chinese food is extremely popular in India. India.

It should ideally be eaten with chop sticks. It should ideally be eaten with chop sticks. But chopsticks must be used with caution. But chopsticks must be used with caution. You sure do not want your You sure do not want your neighbourneighboureating your mealeating your meal

Noodles may be eaten from a plate, but Noodles may be eaten from a plate, but rice should be eaten from a bowlrice should be eaten from a bowl

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Toasts may be given when a promotion is received or Toasts may be given when a promotion is received or something exciting has happenedsomething exciting has happened

A toast is for celebration, to wish good healthA toast is for celebration, to wish good health

The word is derived from the Roman custom of putting a The word is derived from the Roman custom of putting a piece of burnt bread into the goblet to mellow the piece of burnt bread into the goblet to mellow the flavourflavour of the wineof the wine

In medieval England a piece of toast bread was put into In medieval England a piece of toast bread was put into the bottom of the glass and you drank till you got to itthe bottom of the glass and you drank till you got to it

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He stands when he makes the toastHe stands when he makes the toast

When a toast is given in your honour When a toast is given in your honour dondon’’t sip just nod in acknowledgement t sip just nod in acknowledgement as sipping it would be as good as as sipping it would be as good as giving yourself a tap on the backgiving yourself a tap on the back

No one should toast the guest of No one should toast the guest of honour before the hosthonour before the host

If a toast hasnIf a toast hasn’’t been raised then a t been raised then a guest may quietly request the host to guest may quietly request the host to do so do so

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GratutityGratutity or tips are given in appreciation for the or tips are given in appreciation for the service to the person who has provided you the service to the person who has provided you the serviceservice

You are not obligated to You are not obligated to ““tiiptiip”” but it is expected but it is expected and appreciatedand appreciated

If you tip well, you may expect If you tip well, you may expect better/outstanding service the next time you better/outstanding service the next time you come backcome back

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How much tip and who should pay?How much tip and who should pay?

Maitre dMaitre d’’ Rs. 100 to Rs. 500 Rs. 100 to Rs. 500 (depending on the service provided)(depending on the service provided)

The serverThe server 10% to 20% of the bill10% to 20% of the billThe sommelierThe sommelier Rs. 50 to Rs. 100Rs. 50 to Rs. 100The parking attendant The parking attendant Rs 10 to Rs. 20Rs 10 to Rs. 20

At a buffet, the tip will be lower as you are serving yourselfAt a buffet, the tip will be lower as you are serving yourselfMaitre dMaitre d’’ nothing usuallynothing usuallyServer Server Rs. 100Rs. 100

The person who extends the invitation pays the tipsThe person who extends the invitation pays the tips

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Mistakes that shouldnMistakes that shouldn’’t happent happen

Cutlery:Cutlery:Do not hold your cutlery like a dagger. Do not hold your cutlery like a dagger.

Once you have picked it up it should not touch the table againOnce you have picked it up it should not touch the table again

Silverware should be placed partly on the table and partly on thSilverware should be placed partly on the table and partly on the e plateplate

Knives go un the plate blade facing in and touching the insides Knives go un the plate blade facing in and touching the insides of the plateof the plate

Do not wave your cutlery in the airDo not wave your cutlery in the air

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Napkins:Napkins:Napkins should not be used to blot or rub the lower Napkins should not be used to blot or rub the lower half of your face.half of your face.Do not flap your napkin aroundDo not flap your napkin aroundIt should be placed unfolded on your lapIt should be placed unfolded on your lapIf you If you laevelaeve the table, place the napkin on your chair the table, place the napkin on your chair n push the chair back under n push the chair back under thatha tabletableDo not refold your napkin after the mealDo not refold your napkin after the mealLeave it loosely on the table to the left of the plateLeave it loosely on the table to the left of the plate

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Chewing:Chewing:Do not chew with your mouth openDo not chew with your mouth openDo not speak with food in your mouthDo not speak with food in your mouth

Appearance:Appearance:Sit up straightSit up straightKeep elbows off the tableKeep elbows off the tableif in doubt, keep them on your lapif in doubt, keep them on your lap

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Breaking Bread:Breaking Bread:Do not butter the whole slice at one goDo not butter the whole slice at one goButter each bite before you eat itButter each bite before you eat it

Speed:Speed:Do not gulp down your foodDo not gulp down your foodPace your speed of eating with others and Pace your speed of eating with others and finish each course with othersfinish each course with others

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Being picky:Being picky:To not pick your teeth at the tableTo not pick your teeth at the tableIf it is irritating, go to the restroomIf it is irritating, go to the restroom

Lipstick:Lipstick:Do not leave a trail of lipstick on glasses Do not leave a trail of lipstick on glasses napkins and the likenapkins and the like

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Smoking: Smoking: Ask for permission if you wish to smokeAsk for permission if you wish to smokeNever light up in a nonNever light up in a non--smoking zonesmoking zoneDo not use a plate as an ashtrayDo not use a plate as an ashtray

Purses and briefcases:Purses and briefcases:They should not be placed on the tableThey should not be placed on the table

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RememberRememberMust not put salt or ketch up in your food before you taste itMust not put salt or ketch up in your food before you taste it

Do not cut more food than you need. After cutting a piece Do not cut more food than you need. After cutting a piece you should place it in your mouthyou should place it in your mouth

If a person requires medication before a meal, do not be If a person requires medication before a meal, do not be inquisitiveinquisitive

Do not drop pieces of biscuits into your coffee before you eat Do not drop pieces of biscuits into your coffee before you eat itit

After you have finished your meal do not push your meal do After you have finished your meal do not push your meal do not push your plate away or your chair backnot push your plate away or your chair back

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Never tilt your chairNever tilt your chair

Pass food to your rightPass food to your right

Do not enquire where they are going when people leave Do not enquire where they are going when people leave the tablethe table

If you cough or belch your mouth with napkin and say If you cough or belch your mouth with napkin and say ““Excuse meExcuse me”” to no one in particularto no one in particular

Do not blow on any liquid that is too hotDo not blow on any liquid that is too hot

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Bread should be broken into small pieces. Butter should be placed on the butter plate and then used to butter the pieces of bread.

Once you pick up a piece of cutlery, it should never touch the table again. Put it on your dish rather than leaning it half on and half off

Do not use toothpicks on the table. It is disgusting