environmental scanning - external analysis

“Scanning” Environmental Scanning Or Analysis Where are we Now ? Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Dava

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Page 1: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

“Scanning”Environmental Scanning

Or Analysis Where are we Now ?

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 2: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

As an ExampleCaptain of a “Cricket team”

What he may think or consider before going for

the toss?

After Winning or Loosing the toss, What would be

his focus?

Makes necessary decisions as the game proceeds?

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 3: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Manager will also think before and after taking a decisions

Considers the climate for the products /


Look inside and figure out, what they good


Makes necessary decisions as the things


Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 4: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Why Scan?

To know your position in the environment

To respond effectively to constant change

To see the organization as a whole To avoid surprises To survive To lay the foundation for strategic issues

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 5: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

SCANNING: Where we are now?

Analyzing Company’s External Environment

External Environment: Outside the Organization

Macro Environment:

Micro / Task Environment: Industry Analysis

Internal Environment: Focal Organization

Monitoring, evaluation and dissemination of information from the external and internal environments to key people within the corporation to avoid strategic surprise and to ensure its long-term health

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 6: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

“Analysis of Company’s External Environment”

External Analysis

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 7: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Courtesy : Prof. Sathyanarayana K

Analyzing Company’s External Environment

Macro EnvironmentEconomic





al Forces

Legal/Regulatory Factors



al Fac


Sociocultural Factors

Immediate Industry and Competitive Environment





New Entrant


Rival Firms


Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 8: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Analyzing Company’s External Environment

Macro Environment: Economic Forces

That regulates the exchange of materials, money, energy and information

Technological Forces That generate problem-solving intentions

Political & Legal Forces Power, Laws and Regulations

Socio-cultural Forces That regulates the values, traditions and Customs

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 9: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Analyzing Company’s External Environment

Macro Environment: Economic Forces

GDP Trends Interest Rates Money Supply Inflation Rates Unemployment Levels Wage/Price Controls Energy Availability & Cost Disposable & Discretionary Income

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 10: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Analyzing Company’s External Environment

Macro Environment: Technological Forces

Total government spending for R&D Total industry spending for R&D Focus of technological efforts Patent protection New products New developments in technology transfer from lab to marketplace

Productivity improvements through automation

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 11: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Analyzing Company’s External Environment

Macro Environment: Political and Legal Forces

Antitrust regulations Environmental protection laws Tax laws Special incentives Foreign trade regulations Attitudes toward foreign companies Laws on hiring and promotion Stability of government

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 12: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Analyzing Company’s External Environment

Macro Environment: Socio-cultural Variable

Lifestyle Changes Career Expectations Regional Shifts in Population Life Expectancies More women in workforce Greater concern for fitness Postponement of family formation Increase in temporary workers

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 13: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Strategically relevant components of a Company’s External Environment

Why are some companies better able to adopt than others?

Difference in the ability of managers

Choice of factors

Difference in considering Important or not

Ignorance on new development

Personal and functional experiences

Success of current strategies may likely bias their perception

The willingness reject unfamiliar as well as negative information is called Strategic Myopia Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

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Strategically relevant components of a Company’s External Environment

Strategic myopia is a condition in which the management of a business can see

clearly those things that are to take place in the short term, but have only a fuzzy

view of what their future might be over the longer term.

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 15: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Strategically relevant components of a Company’s External Environment

High Priority

High Priority

Medium Priority

High Priority

Medium Priority

Low Priority

Medium Priority

Low Priority

Low Priority

Issue Priority Matrix

High Medium Low




Probable Impact on Corporation



ty o

f Occ



The High priority ones are the strategic factors and they are the strategically relevant componentsProf. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 16: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Industry Analysis

Industry ? An Industry is a group of firms that produces a similar products or services

Can you name few Industries ?

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 17: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Industry Analysis- Seven Question?

1. What are the industry dominant economic traits?

2. What competitive forces are at work in the industry and how strong are they?

3. What are the forces of change in the industry and what impact will they have?

4. Which companies are in the strongest/weakest competitive position?

5. Who’s likely to make what competitive moves next?

6. What key factors will determine success or failure?

7. How attractive is the industry in terms of its prospects for above average profitability?Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 18: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- Dominant Economic features

Market size (Small markets don’t attract big fish) Scope of competitive rivalry Market/industry growth rate (life cycle)

Fast growth breeds new entry; slowdowns lead to increased competition.

Number of rivals and their size Number of buyers and their size Level of backward and forward integration Technological change (rate and scope) Level of differentiation between firms’ products Opportunities for economies of scale Ease of entry and exit Capital requirements

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 19: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- Porter’s Five Forces Model

Industry Competiti


Threat of new



Power of Buyers

Threat of



Power of supplier


Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 20: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Industry Competiti

onRivalry among existing firms

Threat of new



Power of Buyers

Threat of



Power of supplier


An abstraction that makes it difficult for a company to enter an industry

The extent to which corporations are mutually dependent

By satisfying the same needs as another products

Ability to force down prices, Bargain for higher quality andPlay a higher competition

Ability to rise prices or reduce the quality of purchased goods And services

Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- Porter’s Five Forces Model

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 21: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

1. Threat of New Entrants

Economies of scale

Product differentiation

Capital requirement

Switching costs

Access to distribution channels

Cost disadvantages independent if size

Government policy

Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- Porter’s Five Forces Model

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 22: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

2. Rivalry Among Existing Firms

Number of competitors

Rate of Industry Growth

Produce or Service Characteristics

Amount of Fixed Costs


Height of Exit Barriers

Diversity of Rivals

Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- Porter’s Five Forces Model

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 23: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

3. Threat of substitutes

Switching cost


Alternate Uses


Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- Porter’s Five Forces Model

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 24: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

4. Bargaining Power of Buyers

Number of buyer companies

Uniqueness of product

Availability of substitutes

Threat of backward integration

Purchasing Industries purchase behavior

Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- Porter’s Five Forces Model

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 25: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

5. Bargaining Power of Suppliers

Number of Supplier companies

Uniqueness of supplied product

Availability of substitutes

Threat of forward integration

Purchasing Industries purchase behavior

Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- Porter’s Five Forces Model

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 26: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 27: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- Industry Driving Forces

Industry conditions change because EXTERNAL FORCES are DRIVING industry participants to alter their actions

DRIVING FORCES are the MAJOR UNDERLYING CAUSES of changing industry & competitive conditions

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 28: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Changes in long-term industry growth rate Changes in who buys the product & how

they use it Product innovation Technological change/process innovation Marketing innovation Entry or exit of major firms Diffusion of technical knowledge

Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- Industry Driving Forces

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 29: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Increasing globalization of industry Changes in cost and efficiency Shifting from standardized to differentiated

products (or vice versa) Regulatory influences & government policy

changes Changing societal concerns, attitudes, &

lifestyles Changes in degree of uncertainty & risk

Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- Industry Driving Forces

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 30: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Increasing globalization of industry Changes in cost and efficiency Shifting from standardized to differentiated

products (or vice versa) Regulatory influences & government policy

changes Changing societal concerns, attitudes, &

lifestyles Changes in degree of uncertainty & risk

Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- Industry Driving Forces

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 31: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- Industry Driving Forces

Industry Participants: Competitors Customers Suppliers

Driving Forces Analysis Steps:1. Identifying what the driving forces are2. Assessing whether the drivers of change are, on the whole,

acting to make the industry more or less attractive3. Determining what strategy changes are needed to prepare

for the impact of the driving forces.Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 32: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- Key Success Factors

Apparel Industry


Colour Combination

Low CostCreativ

ityProf. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 33: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- Key Success Factors

KSF are the variables that can significantly affect the overall competitive positions of companies within any particular industry.

KSF are the strategy elements, product and service attributes, operational approaches, resources and competitive capabilities that are essential to surviving and thriving in the industry.

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 34: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Key Success Factors Weight

Company ARating

Company AWeighted Score

Company BRating

Company BWeighted Score

1 2 3 4 5 6

Total 1.00

Industry MatrixIndustry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- Key Success Factors

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 35: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS)

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere

Page 36: Environmental scanning - External Analysis

Industry Analysis

Competitive Environment Analysis

- External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS)

Prof. Vijay K S, MBA Programme`-BIET, Davangere