environmental situationer, denr's environmental education

Environmental Situationer, DENR’s Environmental Education Initiatives and the Challenges Under Republic Act No. 9512 (Environmental Awareness and Education Law) Undersecretary Teresita Samson-Castillo Undersecretary for Special Concerns Department of Environment and Natural Resources

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Page 1: Environmental Situationer, DENR's Environmental Education

Environmental Situationer, DENR’s

Environmental Education Initiatives

and the Challenges Under Republic

Act No. 9512 (Environmental

Awareness and Education Law)

Undersecretary Teresita Samson-Castillo

Undersecretary for Special Concerns

Department of Environment and Natural Resources

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The State of Environment

• One of 17 mega-diverse countries in the


Containing two-thirds of the earth’s biodiversity

70-80% of the world’s endangered species

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The State of Environment

• 4th in the World in bird endemism

• 5th in the World in mammal endemism

• 5th in the World in number of plant species

• 8th in the World in reptile endemism

The State of Environment

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The State of Environment

Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National

Park Mayon Volcano

Candidates for





Chocolate Hills Tubbataha Reef

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The State of Environment

The State of Environment


Mineral Land Distribution (As % of Total Philippine Land Area)

30% or 9 Million Hectares


Low-Medium Potential


Only 1.4% being


Land Area: 30 million Hectares

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The State of Environment

The State of Environment

Philippine Water Resources

Water Supply = 146.0 Bcu.m

Water Consumption = 40.9 Bcu.m

Consumption Ratio = 28.0%

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The State of Environment

• One of the hottest ‘hot spots’ in

habitat destruction

The State of Environment

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The State of Environment

• Massive loss of forest cover now down to

only about 18% of our total land area

• Only about 800,000 hectares of virgin

forest left

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The State of Environment

• Threatened and endangered species (increasing in

about 9.7% annually)

• Only 5% of our coral reefs remain in excellent condition

• 30-50% of our seagrass beds were lost in the last 50


• Only 112,400 hectares of mangroves left (decline from

450,000 ha in 1918 to less than 120,000 in 1995)

The Scenario

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The State of Environment

• The degradation of coastal and marine ecosystem

has affected fish production

• Catch per municipal fisherman significantly went

down from about 1500 kg per year in 1987 to about

1100 kg per year in 1996

The Scenario

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The Scenario

• Groundwater levels going down by 5-10 meters for

the last several decades that led to saline intrusion

and ground subsidence

• Sixteen major rivers, five in Metro Manila, are

biologically-dead during summer months due to


• 48% of water pollution is caused by household

waste, compounded by the lack of an adequate

sewerage system

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The State of Environment

• TSP levels above the standards by as much as


adverse health impacts

The Scenario

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The Scenario

• In 2000, 76M Filipinos generated over 10

million tons of municipal solid wastes.

• In 2007, waste projection is at 12.45 million


• On 2012, waste projection is pegged at 14

million tons (13.83 million tons to be exact)

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Global catastrophes are happening

And will continue to happen… …

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United Nations Decade of Education for

Sustainable Development (2005-2014)


A world where everyone has the opportunity

to benefit from education and learn the

values, behaviours, and lifestyles required for

a sustainable future and for positive societal


Photo Credit: UNESCO ESD

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Decade of Education for Sustainable

Development (DESD)


• Facilitate networking, linkages, exchange, and interaction among stakeholders in ESD

• Foster an increased quality of teaching and learning in Education for Sustainable Development

• Help countries make progress toward and attain the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through ESD efforts

• Provide countries with new opportunities to incorporate ESD into education reform efforts

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What is Education for Sustainable Development?

ESD uses a partnership approach that engages multiple sectors and stakeholders – including media and the private sector – and utilises all forms and methods of public awareness-raising, education, and training to promote an appreciation for, even a welcoming of, sustainable development.

Photo Credit: dhss.mo.gov

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The ASEAN Environmental

Education Action Plan (2008-2012)


Environmental Education for Sustainable



Accelerate EE as a key integrating component

for achieving SD in the ASEAN member


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The AEEAP Mission Statement

The ASEAN member-countries, envision a clean

and green ASEAN, rich in cultural traditions

(where the values and practices of the people are

in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature)

with citizens who are environmentally literate,

imbued with environmental ethic, willing and

capable to ensure the sustainable development of

the region, through EE and public participation


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National Environmental Education

Action Plan (NEEAP)

• Philippine initiative to the United Nations

Decade of Education for Sustainable

Development (2005-2014) and the ASEAN

Environmental Education Action Plan

• The aim is to pursue education to foster the

transition to a sustainable society.

Photo Credit: jooc.com

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An environmentally literate and proactive citizenry

imbued with a sense of responsibility to care,

protect and enhance environmental quality that is

conducive to their well being and supportive of the

nation’s economic development and unified in its

pursuit of peace, social justice and equity in the

use of natural resources.

National Environmental Education Action Plan

for Sustainable Development (2005-2014)

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National Environmental Education Action Plan

for Sustainable Development (2005-2014)


- To improve the institutional systems, making them more relevant towards delivery of environmental education to all segments of society.

- To mobilize resources and encourage more private/public investments and partnerships in supporting programs for environmental education.

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National Environmental Education Action Plan

for Sustainable Development (2005-2014)


- To establish a critical mass of committed environmental educators and practitioners who will spearhead the environmental education movement.

- To promote environmental ethics which will instill the right values and attitudes as a way of life among the Filipinos.

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The Major Recent Milestones

in Environmental Education

United Nations Decade of Education for

Sustainable Development (2005-2014)

ASEAN Environmental Education Action

Plan (2008-2012)

National Environmental Education Action

Plan (2005-2014)

Republic Act 9512 (An Act to Promote

Environmental Awareness through

Environmental Education)


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Environmental Education



• R.A. 9512: "Environmental Awareness

and Education Act of 2008"

The state shall promote national awareness on the role of natural resources in economic growth and the importance of environmental conservation and ecological balance towards sustained national development.

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Environmental Education



• R.A. 9512: "Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008"

Strengthen the integration of environmental education towards

sustainable development in the Philippines (for all levels and

sectors) thru :

- Curriculum

- Educational Materials

- Training and Capacity Building for Educators/Trainers

- Institutionalization

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DepEd, CHED, TESDA, DENR and DOST • Lead the implementation of public education and

awareness programs on environmental protection and conservation

DENR Inform all agencies concerned on current environmental updates

including identification of priority environmental education issues

for national action Provide strategic advice on environmental education activities

DOST • Create programs that will ensure that students receive

science-based quality information on environmental issues

STRATEGY: Collaborative Inter-Agency and Multi-Sectoral Effort

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Highlights of DENR’s

Programs and Initiatives on

Environmental Education for

Sustainable Development

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National Environmental Education Action Plan

for Sustainable Development (2005-2014)

• Multi-stakeholder development of the National Environmental Education Action Plan for Sustainable Development (2005-2014), with annual conferences on Environmental Education since 2004.

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Materials development activities on various aspects of environment and natural resources management:

• instructional posters

• videos, television and radio plugs

National Environmental Education Action Plan

for Sustainable Development (2005-2014)

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• Modules, manuals, and guidebooks

• Environment and Natural Resources Module for

the Civic Welfare Training Service of the

National Service Training Program

• Fact sheets and brochures

• Newsletters and Journals

• Brochures and pamphlets

National Environmental Education Action Plan

for Sustainable Development (2005-2014)

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National Environmental Education Action Plan

for Sustainable Development (2005-2014)

Spearheaded linkaging with various educational networks:

• Philippine Association of Tertiary Level Educational

Institutions in Environmental Protection and Management (PATLEPAM),

• Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines

• Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities

for conferences, workshops, trainings, consultations

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• Conduct of year-round mobilization of sectors

during national and international environmental

celebrations and events

National Environmental Education Action Plan

for Sustainable Development (2005-2014)

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• To give environmentalism a major niche at the

tertiary level of the National Service Training

Program (NSTP), the DENR and PATLEPAM has

come up with eight (8) environmental modules

which will become part of NSTP's Civic Welfare

Training Services.

The DENR Youth Desk

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• Known as "Eco-Corp," the modules are

a collection of 52 hours of lectures and

hands-on exercises on community work

that revolve on various environmental

concerns. The modules are presently

undergoing pre-testing in various


The DENR Youth Desk

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YES Camp

• Now on its 6th year, the Youth For Environment Summer Camp is jointly conducted for Students and DepEd Students and Co-Curricular Affairs, KASAMA Inc. and DENR Youth Desk held throughout the country involving elementary, high school students and science teachers.

• YES CAMP College 2008 is a partnership with the Office of Student Services, Commission on Higher Education.

The DENR Youth Desk

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YES Camp

• DepEd Order No. 72, series of 2003, establishes

YES-O as the only co-curricular environmental

club or organization in schools.

• It consolidates all other environmental and/or

ecology clubs or organizations in schools with

main and primary programs or projects for the


The DENR Youth Desk

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Environmental Activities Targeting the Youth

• National Search for Sustainable and Eco-friendly Schools in coordination with DepEd, CHED, and SMART Communications

• Awarding will be held on November 2009, in celebration of the Environmental Awareness Month

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Education Materials

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Modules and Guidebooks

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Fact sheets

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Poster Calendars

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Poster Calendars

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State of the Environment Reports

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Videos and TV Plugs

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Challenges in

Environmental Education

• Maintenance of a common resource facility for

environmental IEC exchange, and link with the

ASEAN Environmental Education Inventory


• Training of Teachers or Trainers on

Environmental Education/Education for

Sustainable Development

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Challenges in

Environmental Education

• Curriculum, and Support Instructional Materials

Development on Environmental Education for

Sustainable Development

• Full utilization of other venues (e.g. multi-media

and alternative media) for Environmental

Education/Education for Sustainable Development

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Challenges in

Environmental Education

• Strengthening of Partnerships and Networking for

Environmental Education/Education for

Sustainable Development

• Funds/financial support to expand Environmental

Education/Education for Sustainable Development

programs, particularly in the regions.

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Thank you very much.

Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Visayas Ave. Diliman, Quezon City
