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_________________________________PLIEGO DE CONDICIONES – Licitación OSHA/NS/2012/T2 PLIEGO DE CONDICIONES Prestación de asistencia técnica y metodológica para la organización y ejecución de procesos de programación, evaluación y seguimiento de la Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo PROCEDIMIENTO DE LICITACIÓN ABIERTA Nº OSHA/NS/2012/T2 Diario Oficial ref. nº 2012-091499 Fecha de publicación: 2 de julio de 2012 ES POSIBLE DESCARGAR LOS DOCUMENTOS RELATIVOS A ESTA LICITACIÓN EN LA DIRECCIÓN:

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_________________________________PLIEGO DE CONDICIONES – Licitación OSHA/NS/2012/T2


Prestación de asistencia técnica y metodológica para la organización y ejecución de procesos de programación, evaluación y seguimiento de la Agencia Europea para la

Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo


Diario Oficial ref. nº 2012-091499Fecha de publicación: 2 de julio de 2012


ENTIDAD ADJUDICADORA:Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el TrabajoGran Vía, 33E-48009 Bilbao – EspañaCorreo electrónico: [email protected]: Tel.: (+34) 944 794 360

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1.1 La Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo 3

1.2 Programación, evaluación y seguimiento en la EU-OSHA 3

1.3 Los servicios 3

2 OBJETO DEL CONTRATO 42.1 Introducción 4

2.2 Descripción de las tareas 4


3.2 Naturaleza del contrato 5

3.3 Ejecución del contrato marco 5

3.4 Participación en el procedimiento de licitación 6

3.5 Documentación para los licitadores 6

3.6 Instrucciones «in situ» 6

3.7 Variantes 6

3.8 Precio 6

3.9 Condiciones de pago 7

4 PRESENTACIÓN DE LAS OFERTAS 84.1 Modalidades de envío de las ofertas 8

4.2 Aspectos importantes en relación con las ofertas 8


5.2 Criterios de exclusión. 10

5.3 Criterios de selección. 11

5.4 Criterios para la concesión 12

5.5 Adjudicación del contrato 14

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1 Propósito y contexto del contrato

1.1 La Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el TrabajoEl objetivo de la Agencia para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo1 («EU-OSHA»), con sede en Bilbao, es hacer que los puestos de trabajo europeos sean más seguros, más saludables y más productivos. Su propósito consiste en desarrollar, recoger, analizar y difundir información que mejore el estado de la salud y la seguridad en el trabajo en Europa2.

La EU-OSHA es una organización tripartita de la Unión Europea que reúne a representantes de los tres principales grupos que participan en la toma de decisiones en cada uno de los Estados miembros de la UE: gobiernos y organizaciones de empresarios y de trabajadores, además de la Comisión Europea.

A escala nacional, la EU-OSHA trabaja con una red de información formada por un Centro de referencia en cada Estado miembro de la UE, en los cuatro países de la AELC, en los países candidatos al ingreso en la Unión Europea (PC) y en una serie de posibles países candidatos. Dicha red es parte integrante de la organización de la EU-OSHA y desempeña una importante función dentro de su estructura. Los Centros de referencia son designados por cada gobierno como los representantes oficiales de la Agencia en dicho país y normalmente son el organismo nacional competente en materia de seguridad y salud en el trabajo3.

En un programa de trabajo anual se fijan las tareas de la EU-OSHA dentro del marco de una estrategia plurianual4.

1.2 Programación, evaluación y seguimiento en la EU-OSHALas actividades de programación de la EU-OSHA abarcan el desarrollo de su estrategia y plan de trabajo, así como otras actividades de programación relacionadas. Las actividades de seguimiento y evaluación tienen como objetivo facilitar la información necesaria sobre las actividades de la agencia para el aprendizaje, la gestión y la rendición de cuentas tanto interna como externa. Las actividades de programación, seguimiento y evaluación se coordinan de manera centralizada en la Agencia pero implican a todas sus unidades. Actualmente, la Agencia está definiendo su estrategia hasta 2020, en la que se describirán los objetivos principales que se habrán de ejecutar mediante los programas de trabajo anuales, así como el marco de seguimiento y evaluación.

1.3 Los serviciosEl objeto del contrato marco es facilitar asistencia técnica y metodológica para la organización y ejecución de procesos de programación, evaluación y seguimiento. La intención NO es cubrir todas las actividades de evaluación y seguimiento de la Agencia. La EU-OSHA tiene un contrato separado para la realización de evaluaciones externas.

1 Reglamento 2062/94 del Consejo2 Se puede encontrar más información sobre la EU-OSHA en la dirección: La información de contacto con los Centros de referencia se puede consultar en Estos documentos se pueden consultar en

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2 Objeto del contrato

2.1 IntroducciónEn general, los servicios se ejecutarán, por su propia naturaleza, en las instalaciones del contratista y, en determinados casos, en las instalaciones de la EU-OSHA o en las de las partes que intervengan en la actividad de programación, evaluación o supervisión.

La oferta debe abarcar todas las tareas.

2.2 Descripción de las tareasEl licitador debe nombrar a una persona de contacto para el contrato marco.

El licitador presentará un plan de calidad en el que esboce el modo en que piensa controlar y garantizar la elevada calidad y la ejecución eficaz de las tareas. El plan debe especificar, entre otras cuestiones, los procedimientos para garantizar la calidad y la ejecución, y una política de RR.  HH. que permita cubrir de manera oportuna y completa cualquier reducción de capacidades para garantizar el nivel convenido de conocimientos técnicos y recursos. Cuando el licitador sea un consorcio, debe explicar el modo en que garantizará la coordinación entre los miembros. Todos los gastos derivados del desarrollo y la ejecución del plan de calidad correrán a cargo del contratista.

El objetivo es que el contratista facilite de manera oportuna asistencia técnica y metodológica para la organización y ejecución de procesos de programación, evaluación y seguimiento. No se pretende el suministro de evaluaciones ni estrategias completas. Se prevé que el contratista proporcione apoyo para:

- desarrollo y aplicación de metodologías para las actividades internas de evaluación y seguimiento, como asistencia en la preparación, el diseño y la ejecución de trabajos empíricos, por ejemplo, estudios de casos, grupos temáticos o análisis estadísticos, valoración de necesidades, análisis de coste-beneficio, análisis de coste-eficacia o cualquier otro tipo de apoyo técnico;

- preparación o seguimiento de un estudio de evaluación (incluida la evaluación ex ante), por ejemplo, asistencia en el análisis preliminar de la definición del problema y la valoración de necesidades, asistencia en la elaboración de la lógica de la intervención, apoyo en la definición de preguntas de evaluación, criterios e indicadores de evaluación, apoyo en el seguimiento de las recomendaciones o la aplicación de principios de marketing social a fin de respaldar el desarrollo y la experimentación de conceptos y herramientas destinados a fomentar una cultura europea de prevención de riesgos para la SST.

- aplicación del marco de la EU-OSHA en materia de evaluación y seguimiento, por ejemplo, asistencia con el perfeccionamiento del plan de evaluación y del sistema de seguimiento y/o apoyo técnico y metodológico para el personal con funciones de evaluación o seguimiento internos.

- organización y moderación de talleres y seminarios relacionados con el desarrollo de las actividades de programación, seguimiento o evaluación.

El contratista deberá facilitar lo siguiente (salvo que se especifique otra cosa en la solicitud específica):

- Propuestas/recomendaciones escritas concisamente

- Asesoramiento pertinente, escrito y oral, por parte de expertos

- Respuestas a consultas específicas

El licitador debe demostrar conocimientos especializados en los ámbitos pertinentes de evaluación y seguimiento.

Volumen de actividades previsto

El volumen de actividades previsto para un posible contrato de cuatro años asciende a una media de entre 100 000 y 250 000 EUR por año. El cálculo es meramente indicativo.

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3 Procedimiento de licitación

Las ofertas han de presentarse de manera clara, legible, detallada y completa, de tal forma que permitan su adecuada evaluación, y deberán contener todos los requisitos esenciales exigidos en los documentos relativos al procedimiento de adjudicación.

3.1 CalendarioEl contrato marco tendrá una duración inicial de un año y podrá prorrogarse tres veces, de forma que el máximo período de duración será de cuatro años (véase el artículo I.2 del proyecto del contrato, anexo V).

Se prevé celebrar el contrato marco en torno a octubre/noviembre de 2012.

3.2 Naturaleza del contratoLa EU-OSHA pretende firmar un contrato marco. En el contrato marco se establecerán las condiciones contractuales generales (jurídicas, financieras, técnicas, administrativas, etc.) que regirán durante el periodo de validez del mismo. Se adjunta el proyecto de contrato marco (anexo V).

Cabe recordar que el contrato marco no representa la realización de un pedido, sino que sólo establece el marco en el que pueden firmarse contratos específicos. Además, la firma del contrato marco no compromete a la EU-OSHA a realizar pedidos, ni otorga al contratista derechos exclusivos de prestación de los servicios objeto del contrato. La Agencia puede dejar de realizar pedidos en cualquier momento mientras esté vigente el contrato marco sin que el contratista tenga derecho a compensación.

Cada oferta debe comprender todas las tareas. Quedarán excluidas las ofertas que abarquen sólo una parte de las tareas.

La oferta formará parte del contrato, al igual que el presente pliego de condiciones.

Será posible subcontratar tareas previa autorización por escrito de la EU-OSHA, en cuyo caso, en el acuerdo se hará constar la información relativa al ámbito y al valor del trabajo que se va a subcontratar, así como la identidad de los subcontratistas. Dependiendo del servicio, podrá suscribirse con el contratista un acuerdo escrito general sobre subcontratación.

El contratista será el único responsable del cumplimiento de todas las obligaciones legales que le incumban, y en particular de las que se deriven de la legislación fiscal, social y laboral. El contratista será el único responsable de que el personal realice el trabajo, aunque su posición pueda no ser de dependencia con respecto a la EU-OSHA.

El contratista no representará a la Agencia y no podrá comportarse de manera que pueda dar esta impresión. El contratista pondrá en conocimiento de los terceros interesados que no pertenece a la EU-OSHA, sino que ejecuta las tareas en representación de ésta.

3.3 Ejecución del contrato marcoEl Director de la EU-OSHA y el Secretariado de red constituirán la dirección general del contrato marco y el único punto de contacto en relación con el mismo. En todo caso, otros departamentos de la Agencia podrán hacer uso del contrato marco.

El contrato marco se ejecutará a través de contratos específicos. En el anexo V se facilita el proyecto de contrato marco. Los licitadores deben tener presente el contrato marco al preparar su oferta.

La lengua de trabajo entre el contratista y la EU-OSHA será el inglés. En consecuencia, el licitador debe poder demostrar su capacidad para trabajar en esta lengua.

El licitador debe nombrar a una persona de contacto que cumpla la función de punto de contacto de la Agencia para la adjudicación de contratos específicos y otras consultas.

Cuando la EU-OSHA necesite la prestación de algún servicio con arreglo a los contratos marco, el contratista pertinente recibirá una petición para que presente una oferta por correo electrónico. En la

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petición se establecerán las especificaciones de la asignación, incluidos los resultados y plazos previstos.

En el plazo de diez días hábiles a partir de la fecha de envío de la solicitud de prestación de servicios, el contratista facilitará a la EU-OSHA una propuesta por escrito para las tareas solicitadas que incluya un esbozo de las metodologías propuestas, un programa de trabajo y un precio para el pedido. En la propuesta se determinarán también los expertos que se necesitan para realizar la tarea. Si durante la preparación de la propuesta el contratista necesitara aclaraciones sobre la petición de la Agencia, ésta puede proporcionárselas.

La EU-OSHA examinará la propuesta y preparará un contrato específico basado en una oferta satisfactoria.

3.4 Participación en el procedimiento de licitaciónEl procedimiento de licitación está abierto en condiciones de igualdad a todas las personas físicas y jurídicas que entren dentro del ámbito de los Tratados y a todas las personas físicas y jurídicas de terceros países que hayan concluido acuerdos especiales con las Comunidades para la contratación pública en las condiciones establecidas en dichos acuerdos.

3.5 Documentación para los licitadoresLos documentos necesarios se pueden descargar en inglés en:

Los documentos necesarios se pueden solicitar (también en otras lenguas oficiales) por correo electrónico a [[email protected]] antes del 13 de agosto.

En caso de duda sobre la interpretación de la documentación de la licitación, prevalecerá la versión inglesa de la misma.

3.6 Instrucciones «in situ»No se han previsto visitas in situ.

3.7 VariantesNo se autorizan variantes.

3.8 PrecioEl precio indicado en la oferta será fijo y no se revisará durante el primer año de duración del contrato. Desde el inicio hasta el segundo año de vigencia del mismo, podrá revisarse el precio de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el proyecto de contrato (anexo V).

El precio indicado en la oferta deberá expresarse en euros. Los gastos de preparación y presentación de las ofertas correrán a cargo de los licitadores y no serán reembolsados.

Se ofertará un precio para los servicios oportunos utilizando los modelos de formulario que se anexan al pliego de condiciones.

La oferta se realizará sin aplicar recargo alguno en concepto de impuestos y gravámenes, ya que la EU-OSHA está, por regla general, exenta de todos los impuestos y gravámenes, incluido el Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido (IVA), de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en los artículos 3 y 4 del Protocolo sobre los Privilegios y las Inmunidades de las Comunidades Europeas.

Los precios para los contratos específicos se presentarán como cantidades fijas sobre la base de la oferta financiera. No se aceptará ningún gasto reembolsable aparte.

El período de validez de las ofertas será de seis meses a contar desde la fecha fijada para la recepción de las ofertas (véase la sección 4).

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3.9 Condiciones de pagoCon respecto a los contratos específicos concluidos en virtud del contrato marco, los pagos se abonarán contra presentación de las facturas u otros justificantes indicados en el contrato. Las facturas deberán expresarse en euros. Para determinados contratos específicos se estudiará la posibilidad de realizar pagos a cuenta.

El contratista indicará el número de la cuenta bancaria en la que se efectuará el pago, de conformidad con las condiciones de pago establecidas en el proyecto de contrato.

En las facturas se hará constar el IVA por separado.

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4 Presentación de las ofertas

4.1 Modalidades de envío de las ofertasEl licitador podrá remitir su oferta:

(a) bien por correo o servicio de mensajería, como muy tarde el 20 de agosto de 2012, a las 16.00 horas, en cuyo caso la fecha considerada será la fecha de envío, de lo que dará fe el matasellos de correos o la fecha del recibo del depósito, o

(b) en mano, como muy tarde el 20 de agosto de 2012, a las 16.00 horas, en cuyo caso dará fe de la entrega un recibo fechado y firmado por el recepcionista de la recepción de la Agencia en que se hayan entregado los documentos, en la siguiente dirección:

Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el TrabajoSecretariado de redOSHA/NS/2012/T2«Licitación - No debe ser abierto por el servicio interno de correo»Gran Vía, 3348009 Bilbao – España

El horario de oficina es de lunes a viernes, de 9.00 a 17.00 horas. La EU-OSHA está cerrada los sábados y domingos.

La oferta, firmada por el licitador o su representante debidamente autorizado, deberá presentarse en dos sobres cerrados, uno dentro del otro. En el sobre interior se indicará, además de la dirección arriba mencionada, el siguiente texto: «Open call for tender - not to be opened by the internal mail department. TENDER OSHA/NS/2012/T2». En caso de que se utilicen sobres autoadhesivos, éstos deberán ir cerrados mediante cintas adhesivas, al sesgo de las cuales el remitente estampará su firma. El sobre interior incluirá a su vez dos sobres cerrados, uno con la oferta técnica y otro con la oferta financiera, y en cada uno de ellos se indicará claramente la naturaleza del contenido («Técnica» y «Financiera»).

Los licitadores podrán presentar sus ofertas en cualquiera de las lenguas oficiales de la Unión Europea, aunque se prefiere el inglés. En el caso de utilizarse otras lenguas en los documentos de apoyo aportados en relación con los criterios de exclusión o selección, dichos documentos deberán ir acompañados de una traducción de cortesía a una de las lenguas oficiales de la UE, la cual se adjuntará al original, se numerará y se incluirá en una lista descriptiva de dichos documentos.

4.2 Aspectos importantes en relación con las ofertasLa presentación de una oferta implica la aceptación de todos los términos y condiciones del presente pliego de condiciones y del proyecto de contrato y, en su caso, implica la renuncia, por parte del licitador, a sus propios términos y condiciones. La presentación de la oferta obliga al licitador durante la ejecución del contrato en la medida en que resulte adjudicatario del mismo.

El período de validez de las ofertas, durante el cual el licitador estará obligado a mantener todas las condiciones de su oferta, será de seis meses a contar desde la fecha fijada para la recepción de las ofertas.

Los licitadores serán informados de las decisiones tomadas sobre la adjudicación del contrato.

Queda prohibida toda comunicación entre el órgano de contratación y el licitador durante el desarrollo del procedimiento, salvo con carácter excepcional y sólo en las siguientes circunstancias:

Antes de finalizar el plazo de presentación de las ofertas y en lo que se refiere a la documentación relativa a la licitación, la EU-OSHA puede:

- Por iniciativa de los licitadores: facilitar información suplementaria estrictamente con el fin de aclarar la naturaleza del contrato.

- Por propia iniciativa: si descubre un error, imprecisión, omisión o cualquier otra deficiencia material en la redacción de la licitación, informar a los interesados.

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Tras la apertura de las ofertas, en el supuesto de que se solicite aclaración sobre una oferta o si hubiere que corregir errores materiales manifiestos en la redacción de la misma, la EU-OSHA podrá tomar la iniciativa de ponerse en contacto con el licitador, sin que tal contacto pueda entrañar, en ningún caso, una modificación de los términos de la oferta.

Las solicitudes de información adicional en los casos especificados en los párrafos anteriores deberán dirigirse por escrito mediante carta, fax o correo electrónico e indicando «Call for tender OSHA/NS/2012/T5» a:

Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el TrabajoSecretariado de redGran Vía, 3348009 BILBAO – ESPAÑAFax: +34 944 794 383Correo electrónico: [email protected]

Solo se dará respuesta a las solicitudes de datos adicionales recibidas con una antelación mínima de cinco días naturales respecto a la fecha límite de presentación de las ofertas (por razones de orden práctico).

Toda la información adicional, incluida la indicada anteriormente, se publicará en forma de lista de preguntas y respuestas que se recopilarán y se actualizarán de forma periódica en el sitio web de la EU-OSHA en

La presente invitación a licitar no será en ningún caso vinculante para la EU-OSHA, cuya obligación contractual no comenzará hasta el momento de la firma del contrato con el adjudicatario del contrato. Mientras no se haya firmado el contrato, el departamento de contratación podrá renunciar al contrato o anular el procedimiento de adjudicación, sin que los candidatos o licitadores puedan exigir por ello ningún tipo de indemnización. En su caso, esta decisión deberá ser motivada y comunicada a los candidatos o licitadores.

Con vistas al seguimiento de las respuestas a esta invitación a licitar, será necesario registrar y procesar datos personales (por ejemplo, nombre, dirección o CV), a cuyos efectos la EU-OSHA cumplirá el Reglamento (CE) nº 45/2001 relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales por las instituciones y los organismos comunitarios y a la libre circulación de estos datos. A menos que se indique lo contrario, los datos personales y las respuestas a las preguntas son imprescindibles para valorar las ofertas y el departamento de contratación las utilizará sólo a los efectos de la presente licitación. Todas las consultas sobre el tratamiento de datos personales deberán dirigirse a la EU-OSHA. Las reclamaciones deberán dirigirse al Supervisor Europeo de Protección de Datos5.

4.3 Estructura de las ofertasLas ofertas han de presentarse atendiendo a cuatro secciones claramente diferenciadas:

Sección I: Información de tipo administrativo

Sección II: Propuesta técnica

Sección III: Propuesta económica

Sección IV: Anexos

Toda la documentación presentada en la oferta irá numerada y se incluirá en una lista que se incorporará como parte de la oferta. Asegúrese de que cumplimenta y firma la lista de comprobación incluida en el anexo III.

Sección I: Información de tipo administrativo En esta sección de la oferta, los licitadores deberán especificar, respetando el orden que se establece a continuación, la siguiente información, utilizando para ello el formulario del Anexo III:

1. Nombre de la empresa o nombre comercial, si procede.

5 Sitio web del Supervisor Europeo de Protección de Datos:

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2. Dirección completa, números de teléfono y de fax, dirección de correo electrónico y sitio web, así como dirección de la sede o domicilio social en aquellos casos en que sea diferente. A este respecto, resulta conveniente destacar la obligatoriedad de indicar el Estado en el que los licitadores tienen su sede o domicilio, en virtud de lo cual habrán de presentar las pruebas exigidas en la materia según su respectiva legislación nacional.

3. Breve y clara descripción de la forma jurídica del licitador

4. Fecha de registro:

5. País de registro

6. Número de registro

7. Número de IVA

8. Persona o personas autorizadas para actuar en nombre de la entidad (de forma individual o conjunta) y cuya firma o firmas sean, por tanto, válidas [nombre, apellidos y cargo]

9. Persona de contacto para la presente licitación [nombre, apellidos, cargo, nº de teléfono, fax, correo electrónico y dirección].

Es necesario, además, que la oferta se acompañe de la siguiente documentación:

1. Una copia de la escritura de constitución de la sociedad y de los estatutos, incluyendo las posibles modificaciones que hayan podido sufrir dichos documentos, en virtud de la legislación del Estado miembro de establecimiento del licitador.

2. Certificado de inscripción en el registro profesional o comercial, en virtud de la legislación del Estado miembro de establecimiento del licitador.

3. Copia de los poderes de la persona o personas autorizadas para actuar en nombre de la entidad y cuyas firmas sean, por tanto, válidas.

4. Un formulario de subcontratistas cumplimentado (anexo III), si corresponde.

5. Formularios cumplimentados de «Identificación financiera» y de «Personas jurídicas»: ambos se incluyen en el anexo III y también están disponibles en todas las lenguas oficiales de la UE en:

La documentación de apoyo deberá estar completa para poder evaluar las propuestas técnicas y económicas. Esta documentación incluirá documentos que demuestran que el licitador cumple las condiciones necesarias para presentarse a la oferta objeto del presente contrato (sección 5.2) y documentos relativos a los criterios de selección (sección 5.3) en los que se demuestra su capacidad para ejecutar el contrato.Cuando el licitador sea un consorcio, deberán presentarse documentos por cada uno de los miembros que lo componen para evaluar tales criterios de cumplimiento y selección. Asimismo, los consorcios deben utilizar el formulario del anexo III.

Sección II: Propuesta técnicaResulta conveniente destacar que esta sección constituye uno de los elementos clave en la valoración de las ofertas y en la adjudicación final del contrato. La propuesta técnica deberá ser coherente con el pliego de condiciones y contendrá toda la información requerida.

A la hora de preparar la propuesta técnica, los licitadores deberán tener en cuenta los criterios de adjudicación por los que serán evaluados (sección 5.4). En particular, deben cerciorarse de que la oferta incluye descripciones de:

1. su concepción de los servicios que deben prestarse y del trabajo que se llevará a cabo para alcanzar los objetivos, incluido el modo en que piensan abordar las tareas específicas recogidas en la sección 2;

2. las metodologías propuestas para realizar las tareas de la sección 2;

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3. el enfoque propuesto para gestionar el trabajo con arreglo al contrato, en particular, cuestiones como la continuidad, la rapidez de respuesta y la disponibilidad en el momento oportuno de conocimientos técnicos específicos;

4. el modo en que se coordinará la asignación de tareas a los miembros del equipo y a los subcontratistas/socios;

5. el plan de calidad (véase la sección 2).

Cuando el licitador sea un consorcio, deberá incluir lo siguiente:

1. Una declaración por escrito en la que la entidad o las entidades en cuestión confirmen que se pondrán a disposición del licitador los recursos financieros y técnicos oportunos.

2. Indicará también quién será el representante legal del consorcio a efectos de firma y ejecución del contrato marco. Debe utilizarse el formulario del anexo III.

Sección III: Propuesta económicaEsta sección de la oferta debe ajustarse a los requisitos exigidos en la sección 3.8   e incluir tablas de precios cumplimentadas (anexo I). La propuesta económica servirá para determinar los precios de los contratos específicos y para decidir cuál es la oferta económicamente más ventajosa sobre la base del método explicado en el anexo III. La propuesta económica estará cumplimentada íntegramente y firmada por una persona con capacidad para responder financieramente por el licitador. Quedarán excluidas del procedimiento de evaluación las ofertas incompletas.

Los licitadores deben proporcionar las tasas para cada categoría de coste, según se explica en el anexo I. Las tasas deben ser fijas e incluir todos los costes (gestión del proyecto, control de calidad, formación del personal del contratista, recursos de apoyo, etc.) y todos los gastos (gestión de la empresa, el secretariado, la seguridad social, los salarios, etc.) en los que haya incurrido el licitador de forma directa e indirecta.

No se admiten modificaciones de las tablas de precios.

Sección IV: Documentación anexaEn esta sección se incluirá toda la documentación que se solicita expresamente o que se estime conveniente adjuntar en función de las condiciones estipuladas en el presente documento, intentando respetar en la medida de lo posible el orden establecido por las tres secciones anteriores (documentación de tipo administrativo, de tipo técnico y de tipo económico).

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5 Valoración de las ofertas

5.1 MétodoEl procedimiento de valoración de los licitadores y de las ofertas presentadas consta de cuatro fases diferenciadas:

1. Exclusión de los licitadores

2. Selección de los licitadores

a. Capacidad económica y financiera

b. Capacidad técnica y profesional

3. Evaluación de la oferta: criterios de adjudicación

a. Evaluación técnica

b. Evaluación económica

4. Adjudicación del contrato

La valoración estará basada en la información y documentación suministrada por los licitadores en las ofertas presentadas en respuesta a la invitación a licitar y de acuerdo con los criterios establecidos en el presente pliego de condiciones.

Solamente las ofertas que cumplan los requisitos de una fase del procedimiento de valoración pasarán a la siguiente.

Los licitadores o sus representantes podrán asistir a la apertura de las ofertas, que tendrá lugar el 18 de septiembre de 2012 a las 11.00 horas en la sede de la EU-OSHA. En este procedimiento, la Comisión de Apertura se limitará a comprobar si las ofertas se han presentado dentro del plazo de presentación y en un sobre cerrado. La Comisión de Apertura no valorará en ningún caso la calidad de las ofertas. Se autorizará la presencia de un máximo de dos personas por licitador. Por razones de orden práctico, el licitador deberá informar a la Agencia en caso de que desee asistir.

5.2 Criterios de exclusión.Estos criterios son los que determinan si los licitadores están autorizados a participar en el procedimiento de licitación y en la adjudicación del contrato.

El licitador declarará por su honor, cumplimentando el formulario incluido en el anexo III (debidamente firmado y fechado), que:

a) no está incurso en un procedimiento de quiebra, liquidación, intervención judicial o concurso de acreedores, cese de actividad o en cualquier otra situación similar resultante de un procedimiento de la misma naturaleza vigente en las legislaciones y normativas nacionales;

b) no ha sido condenado mediante sentencia firme, con fuerza de cosa juzgada, por cualquier delito que afecte a su ética profesional;

c) no ha cometido ninguna falta profesional grave, debidamente constatada por el órgano de contratación por cualquier medio a su alcance;

d) está al corriente en el pago de las cuotas de la seguridad social o en el pago de impuestos de acuerdo con las disposiciones legales del país en que esté establecido, del país del órgano de contratación o del país donde debe ejecutarse el contrato;

e) no ha sido condenado mediante sentencia firme, con fuerza de cosa juzgada, por fraude, corrupción, participación en una organización delictiva o cualquier otra actividad ilegal que suponga un perjuicio para los intereses financieros de la Unión;

f) no es objeto de una sanción administrativa por haber incurrido en falsas declaraciones al facilitar la información exigida por el órgano de contratación para poder participar en el procedimiento de contratación o no haber facilitado dicha información, ni ha sido declarado culpable de incumplimiento grave de las obligaciones contraídas en virtud de un contrato financiado por el presupuesto.

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Asimismo, se solicitará al licitador que declare (véase el anexo III):

a) que no está afectado por ningún conflicto de intereses en relación con el contrato; este conflicto podría plantearse en particular como consecuencia de intereses económicos, afinidades políticas o nacionales, vínculos familiares o afectivos, o cualquier otro vínculo relevante o interés compartido;

b) que informará al órgano de contratación, sin demora, de cualquier situación que se considere conflicto de intereses o que pudiera dar lugar a tal conflicto;

c) que no ha hecho y se compromete a no hacer ningún tipo de oferta, de la naturaleza que sea, de la que pueda derivarse alguna ventaja en virtud del contrato;

d) no ha concedido ni concederá, no ha perseguido ni perseguirá, no ha intentado ni tratará de obtener y no ha aceptado ni aceptará beneficio alguno, financiero o de otra índole, en relación con ninguna parte interesada, que constituya una práctica ilegal o implique corrupción, directa o indirectamente, como incentivo o en pago por la adjudicación del Contrato;

e) que la información facilitada a la EU-OSHA en el contexto de la presente licitación es exacta, cierta y completa;

f) que, en caso de que se le adjudique el contrato, suministrará pruebas, cuando le sean solicitadas, de no encontrarse en ninguna de las situaciones enumeradas en las letras a), b), d) y e).

En los casos en los que se prevé subcontratar, el licitador certificará que el subcontratista tampoco se encuentra en una de las situaciones referidas anteriormente, de a) a f) y de a) a f).

Antes de que se le adjudique el contrato, el licitador deberá presentar pruebas que avalen la declaración anterior (véase el anexo III).

5.3 Criterios de selección.Estos criterios determinan únicamente si un licitador posee la capacidad financiera, económica, técnica y profesional necesaria para realizar el trabajo especificado.

Capacidad económica y financiera:Criterio de selección 1: El licitador debe demostrar su solvencia financiera durante los últimos años.

La capacidad económica y financiera deberá acreditarse mediante alguno de los siguientes documentos:

a) mediante certificación bancaria o mediante prueba de estar asegurado contra riesgos profesionales;

b) mediante presentación de balances o extractos de balances de los dos últimos ejercicios cerrados, cuando la legislación sobre sociedades del país en que esté establecido el operador económico prescriba la publicación de los mismos;

c) mediante declaración sobre el volumen de negocios total y el volumen de negocios de los servicios en relación con el contrato, realizados en un período de tiempo que abarque, como máximo, los tres últimos ejercicios.

Además, el licitador debe facilitar la información indicada en el punto 4.3 Información de tipo administrativo.

Si la EU-OSHA considera que existen motivos justificados para que el licitador no presente los documentos solicitados, su capacidad económica y financiera podrá probarse mediante cualquier otro documento que la EU-OSHA considere adecuado.

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Capacidad técnica y profesional:Criterio de selección 2: El licitador deberá tener capacidad técnica y profesional para realizar las tareas descritas en la sección 2, incluido un mínimo de tres años de experiencia relacionada con las tareas en cuestión.

Criterio de selección 3: Los licitadores deben tener los recursos financieros y humanos necesarios para prestar los servicios solicitados, incluida la capacidad para aplicar las herramientas previstas y realizar el trabajo (según proceda) en todas las lenguas oficiales de la UE, así como los recursos suficientes para garantizar que se alcanzan los niveles profesionales pertinentes, en especial, la imparcialidad.

Criterio de selección 4: Los licitadores deben poder responder a la solicitud de servicios en un plazo breve.

El cumplimiento de estos criterios debe probarse mediante los siguientes documentos:

a) Una breve descripción de los principales servicios prestados en los tres últimos años en ámbitos relacionados con los contemplados en la descripción de la sección 2. Los licitadores indicarán detalles de los presupuestos, tareas, fechas y destinatarios de los servicios (públicos y privados), adjuntando, en la medida de lo posible, los documentos expedidos por estos con relación a la eficacia y la fiabilidad de los servicios prestados. Las empresas que lleven menos de tres años operando deben facilitar ejemplos de experiencias anteriores adquiridas en otros lugares. Esta información debe facilitarse utilizando el formulario de referencia para proyectos y actividades (FRPA) incluido en el anexo III.

b) Una descripción de las capacidades y de los recursos disponibles para la ejecución de los servicios, incluido el número de trabajadores a tiempo completo y parcial que están al servicio del licitador, así como el número de trabajadores a tiempo completo y parcial que se asignarán a la prestación de los servicios definidos en el presente documento. Por otra parte, el licitador debe facilitar los nombres de los trabajadores que serán asignados a la prestación de estos servicios, así como su experiencia, sus capacidades metodológicas y sus conocimientos lingüísticos, con especial énfasis en el inglés; pruebas de la competencia profesional y técnica del personal; los CV del personal (según el modelo del anexo III), y la función de cada uno de los miembros del personal y su contribución a las tareas.

c) Nombre de la persona de contacto con la EU-OSHA para el contrato marco; CV de la persona de contacto (según el modelo del anexo III).

d) Descripción de los equipos y materiales técnicos de los que dispone el licitador para la prestación de los servicios y productos solicitados; compatibilidad de los programas informáticos del licitador con los de la Agencia (MS-Word y MS-Excel).

e) En su caso, indicación de la parte del contrato que el prestador de servicios tenga intención de subcontratar. A este respecto, cabe indicar que la EU-OSHA podrá recabar información sobre la parte del contrato que el licitador tuviere intención de subcontratar y sobre la identidad de los subcontratistas.

5.4 Criterios para la concesiónEstos criterios sirven únicamente para realizar la selección entre las ofertas que han sido presentadas por licitadores no sujetos a exclusión y que cumplen los criterios de selección.

El licitador recibirá una puntuación relativa a la calidad tras la evaluación técnica de su oferta, de conformidad con los procedimientos descritos a continuación. En concreto, el licitante deberá describir todos los requisitos para cada uno de los servicios cubiertos.

La evaluación económica se basará en los precios presentados por el licitador en la propuesta económica, en las tablas de precios que figuran en el anexo I (véase también a continuación).

Evaluación técnica de las ofertas: La evaluación técnica de las ofertas se realizará teniendo en cuenta los siguientes criterios, cuya ponderación se indica a continuación:

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Criterio de calidad 1: Planteamiento general y trabajo que ha de llevarse a cabo (concepción de los servicios que deben prestarse y del trabajo que debe realizarse para alcanzar estos objetivos)

Máx. 175

Criterio de calidad 2: Metodología y herramientas propuestas para las tareas definidas (metodologías y herramientas adecuadas para cubrir las diversas tareas)

Máx. 350

Criterio de calidad 3: Planteamiento propuesto para la gestión del trabajo (continuidad del trabajo, coordinación interna del equipo) Máx. 100

Criterio de calidad 4: Plan de calidad Máx. 75

La propuesta técnica reviste especial importancia para esta evaluación; véase 4.3 Propuesta técnica.

La oferta deberá obtener un mínimo del 50 % de la puntuación máxima disponible para cada uno de los criterios indicados, y un mínimo del 60 % del número total de puntos posibles.

Evaluación económica:A fin de valorar las ofertas, la EU-OSHA calculará un precio de referencia basado en los precios indicados por los licitantes y en el método presentado en el anexo II. Sólo se tendrá en cuenta este precio a la hora de adjudicar el contrato. El precio de referencia se calculará según se establece en el anexo II. Debe tenerse en cuenta que los supuestos de precio de referencia no podrán considerarse, bajo ninguna circunstancia, un compromiso de la EU-OSHA de celebración de contratos específicos.

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La fórmula para asignar la puntuación al precio será la siguiente:

(Pmin / PT) x 300


Pmin = oferta con el precio más económico

PT = precio de la oferta

5.5 Adjudicación del contratoLos licitadores se clasificarán en función de la oferta económicamente más ventajosa, teniendo en cuenta los siguientes criterios:

1. La consecución de un número mínimo y aceptable de puntos en la valoración técnica.

2. El resultado de la valoración económica según los criterios anteriormente mencionados.

Se adjudicará un contrato al licitador que resulte mejor clasificado.

La clasificación de los licitadores se realizará sobre la base de la fórmula siguiente:

Puntuación final (máx. 1000) = puntuación técnica (máx. 700) + puntuación económica (máx. 300)

Ponderación de la puntuación técnica = 70 %

Ponderación de la puntuación económica = 30 %

El licitador que obtenga la «puntuación final» más alta se clasificará en primer lugar; el que obtenga la segunda puntuación más alta, se clasificará en segundo lugar y así sucesivamente.

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Open invitation to tender OSHA/NS/2012/T2Provision of evaluation and monitoring services to the European Agency for

Safety and Health at Work





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Annex I – Price tablesEach table below must be fully completed. For each box, a single price must be provided according to what is indicated in each table. These tables must not include any comment or additional cost.

Prices must be given in accordance with all the corresponding provisions detailed in the specifications. Tenderers should pay particular attention to the provisions in Section 2 (Subject of the contract), Section 3 (Price) and Section 4 (Technical and Financial Offer).

Fees Unit price in EUR – fixed prices Type of unit

Fees for member of personnel (to be specified for each category*)

Category I 1 working day for 1 member of contractor’s personnel; hours worked beyond normal daily work time shall not be payable

Category II 1 working day for 1 member of contractor’s personnel; hours worked beyond normal daily work time shall not be payable

Category III 1 working day for 1 member of contractor’s personnel; hours worked beyond normal daily work time shall not be payable

Mission expenses for one working day (cost for return travel for one member of contractor’s staff from contractor’s location to field work place. The price must include subsistence and accommodation costs)

Within EU Per trip

Candidate and potential Candidate Countries

Per trip

EFTA countries Per trip

* Definition of categories:

Category I: Senior project manager. Typically responsible for overall project management, allocation and management of resources to projects and quality assurance of deliverables.

Category II: Senior consultant. Typically responsible for carrying out specified tasks requiring a high level of relevant experience and specific knowledge.

Category III: Junior consultant. Typically responsible for carrying out specified tasks of a more technical nature under supervision, requiring less experience and specific knowledge.

Name in block capitals (person authorised to conclude contract)



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Annex II – Reference price

To assess the financial offer EU-OSHA will calculate/use one overall reference price based on the prices submitted by the tenderer. Only this price will be taken into account in the evaluation of the tender.

The tenderer must NOT complete the tables below.

Experts category I

Experts category II

Experts category III


Cost person/day (EUR)

Number of days 2 10 3 15

Cost per mission within EU (EUR)

Number of missions within EU

0 1 1 2

Total cost (reference price)

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Annex III – Forms

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CHECKLISTThis checklist aims at ensuring that the tenderer has provided the documentation for this tender in the correct way. The checklist must be signed and submitted together with the offer. Please note, that a completed checklist in no way is a guarantee that the tender includes all necessary information.

Please tick the boxes

Envelope with technical offer must contain original copies of

this checklist signed and dated the Declaration of Exclusion Criteria as found in Annex III the Legal Entity Form found in Annex III including all supporting documents the Financial Identification Form found Annex III including all supporting documents the evidence documentation related to the selection criteria found in section 5.3 one original signed copy and 2 copies of the technical proposal

Envelope with financial offer must contain

one original signed and 2 copies of the financial proposal, as specified in 4.3

You should also ensure that:

your offer is submitted in accordance with the double envelope system as detailed in section 4.1

the envelope containing the offer is sealed

Full name: ........................................................................................................................................

Date: ........................................................................................................................................

Signature: ........................................................................................................................................

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Legal Entity Form

This form is to be downloaded, depending on the nationality of the tenderer, from the following website:

Financial Identification Form

This form is to be downloaded, depending on the nationality of the tenderer, from the following website:

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TENDER ADMINISTRATIVE DATAPlease fill in the data below. As regards further requirements to the administrative data, please consult section 4.3.

Name of company or trade name, where applicable*

Full address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address and website, as well as the address of the company headquarters or registered office, if this is different. Tenderers must indicate the member state in which they have their headquarters or registered office, and furnish proof thereof in accordance with their national legislation.

Brief, clear description of the legal status of the tenderer

Registration date

Country of registration

Registration number

VAT number

Person/s authorised to act on behalf of the entity (individually or collectively) and who may sign documents validly on its behalf [first name, family name and position]

Contact person for this tender [first name, family name, position, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and address]

* If the legal entity to be assumed by the tenderer is that of a consortium, please complete the Consortium Form

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Name(s) Address

Tenderer(person authorised to conclude contract)

Subcontractor 1*

Subcontractor 2*

* add/delete additional lines for subcontractors as appropriate.

DeclarationAs subcontractors for this tender, we confirm that we are willing to perform the tasks assigned above and as specified in the tender.


Date:Signature:Subcontractor 1

Date:Signature:Subcontractor 2


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Name of tenderer: ............................................................................................................................

Form of the consortium (cross relevant box):Permanent Legally established Grouping for this tender

Name(s) Address

Leader of the Consortium (person authorised to conclude contract)

Partner 1*

Partner 2*

Partner 3*

* add/delete lines for partners as appropriate. Note that a subcontractor is not considered to be a partner.

We confirm, as a partner in the consortium, that all partners are jointly and severally liable by law for the performance of the contract, that the leader is authorised to bind, and receive instructions for and on behalf of, each partner, that the performance of the contract, including payments, is the responsibility of the leader, and that all partners in the consortium are bound to remain in the consortium for the entire period of the contract’s performance.





(Partner 1)



(Partner 2)



(Partner 3)


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Personal information

First name(s) / Surname(s)

Date of birth

Relevant professional experience

Separate sections for each relevant professional experience (dates, number of months on project, tasks, employer/commissioner)

Education and training

Dates Add separate entries for each relevant course you have completed, starting from the most recent. (remove if not relevant)

Title of qualification awarded

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue(s) Specify mother tongue (if relevant add other mother tongue(s), see instructions)

Other language(s)

Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing

European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production

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(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Other relevant skills and competences

Replace this text by a description of these competences and indicate where they were acquired. (Remove if not relevant)

Additional information Include here any other information that may be relevant (Remove heading if not relevant)

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Declaration of honourwith respect to

the Exclusion Criteria and absence of conflict of interest

The undersigned [name of the signatory of this form, to be completed]:

in his/her own name (if the economic operator is a natural person or in case of own declaration of a director or person with powers of representation, decision making or control over the economic operator)

or representing (if the economic operator is a legal person)

official name in full (only for legal person):

official legal form (only for legal person):

official address in full:

VAT registration number:

declares that the company or organisation that he/she represents / he/she:g) is not bankrupt or being wound up, is not having its affairs administered by the courts, has not

entered into an arrangement with creditors, has not suspended business activities, is not the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, and is not in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;

h) has not been convicted of an offence concerning professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata;

i) has not been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authorities can justify;

j) has fulfilled all its obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions and the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which it is established, with those of the country of the contracting authority and those of the country where the contract is to be carried out;

k) has not been the subject of a judgement which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Union's financial interests;

l) is not a subject of the administrative penalty for being guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the contracting authority as a condition of participation in the procurement procedure or failing to supply an information, or being declared to be in serious breach of his obligation under contract covered by the budget.

In addition, the undersigned declares on their honour:g) they have no conflict of interest in connection with the contract; a conflict of interest could arise in

particular as a result of economic interests, political or national affinities, family or emotional ties or any other relevant connection or shared interest;

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h) they will inform the contracting authority, without delay, of any situation considered a conflict of interest or which could give rise to a conflict of interest;

i) they have not made and will not make any offer of any type whatsoever from which an advantage can be derived under the contract;

j) they have not granted and will not grant, have not sought and will not seek, have not attempted and will not attempt to obtain, and have not accepted and will not accept any advantage, financial or in kind, to or from any party whatsoever, constituting an illegal practice or involving corruption, either directly or indirectly, as an incentive or reward relating to award of the contract;

k) that the information provided to EU-OSHA within the context of this invitation to tender is accurate, sincere and complete;

l) that in case of award of contract, they shall provide upon request the evidence that they are not in any of the situations described in points a, b, d, e above.

For situations described in (a), (b) and (e), production of a recent extract from the judicial record is required or, failing that, a recent equivalent document issued by a judicial or administrative authority in the country of origin or provenance showing that those requirements are satisfied. Where the Tenderer is a legal person and the national legislation of the country in which the Tenderer is established does not allow the provision of such documents for legal persons, the documents should be provided for natural persons, such as the company directors or any person with powers of representation, decision making or control in relation to the Tenderer.For the situation described in point (d) above, recent certificates or letters issued by the competent authorities of the State concerned are required. These documents must provide evidence covering all taxes and social security contributions for which the Tenderer is liable, including for example, VAT, income tax (natural persons only), company tax (legal persons only) and social security contributions.For any of the situations (a), (b), (d) or (e), where any document described in two paragraphs above is not issued in the country concerned, it may be replaced by a sworn or, failing that, a solemn statement made by the interested party before a judicial or administrative authority, a notary or a qualified professional body in his country of origin or provenance.

By signing this form, the undersigned acknowledges that they have been acquainted with the administrative and financial penalties described under art 133 and 134 b of the Implementing Rules (Commission Regulation 2342/2002 of 23/12/02), which may be applied if any of the declarations or information provided prove to be false.

Name (in block capitals)(person authorised to conclude contract)Organisation




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PARFs (Project/Activity Reference Forms)The project/activity reference form must be used to give details about relevant projects and/or activities the tenderer wants to present as proof of experience with the delivery of services comparable to those defined in the Technical Specifications.

General rules:

1. The use of the annexed project/activity form is mandatory. Only projects and/or activities references submitted by using the annexed form will be evaluated.

2. A submitted PARF should be relevant to the subject and requires expertise relevant service tendered for. Projects or activities that do not conform are not taken into account.

3. The tenderer has to provide a minimum of 3 PARFs and a maximum of 6 PARFs.

4. If the tenderer submits more than 6 forms, only the first 6 found in the offer will be analysed in the selection procedure.

5. PARFs should not be outdated, the project having been executed during the last 3 years.

6. A PARF consists of the following two (2) pages. Both pages must be completed, without exceeding the maximum length of description specified in the form.

7. PARFs must be entirely filled out.

8. PARFs containing “private references” (i.e. no name of client, no budget included for confidentiality matters) will not be evaluated. For information on Confidentiality refer to Section 4.2

9. EU-OSHA may contact the contact persons stated for each PARF to check the accuracy of the submitted information.

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Project/Activity Reference Form (PARF)

PARF No: …..… page 1 of 2

Tenderer: ……………………………..………………………

Project/Activity name: ……………………………..………………………………

Client information

Client Name: ………………………………….……..………………………

Client Economic Sector: ……………………………..………………………

Public/Private sector 6

Pan European or Multinational Company ○ YES ○ NO

Describe the pan-European or multinational context of the project/activity (max 500 characters no spaces):



Contact persons:

Names Function: Tel. E-mail

1. ……………………………..……………………………..…………………………………

2. ……………………………..……………………………..…………………………………

3. ……………………………..……………………………..…………………………………

Organisation, planning, volumes

Start date (mm/yyyy):……….. End date (mm/yyyy):…………

Total value of the project executed during the period 2009-2012 ………………….. EUR

Value of the project related to the services requested under this call and executed by the tenderer during the period 2009-2012 …………….. EUR

6 Delete what is not applicable.

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Project/Activity Reference Form (PARF)

PARF No: …..… page 2 of 2

Description of Project/Activity

Explain the relevance of this project (max 500 characters no spaces):



Description (objectives, executed tasks, main methodologies etc.) (max 1,500 characters no spaces)::


Only for the original:

Full name: ____________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________

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Annex V – Draft framework contract and its annexes

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THE EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK (hereinafter referred to as "the Agency"), represented for the purposes of the signature of this contract by Christa Sedlatschek, Director,

of the one part,


[official name in full]

[official legal form]

[statutory registration number][official address in full]

[VAT registration number]

(hereinafter referred to as "the Contractor"), [represented for the purposes of the signature of this contract by [forename, surname and function,]]

of the other part,

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the Special Conditions and the following Annexes and Specific Contract:

Annex I (a) General Conditions(b) Model Specific Contract

Annex II – Tender Specifications No. OSHA/NS/2012/T2Annex III – Contractor's Tender (No [complete] of [insert date])

which form an integral part of this contract (hereinafter referred to as “the Contract”).

- The terms set out in the Special Conditions shall take precedence over those in the other parts of the Contract.

- The terms set out in the General Conditions shall take precedence over those in the model specific contract (Annex I)

- The terms set out in the model specific contract (Annex I) shall take precedence over those in the other Annexes.

- The terms set out in the Tender Specifications (Annex II) shall take precedence over those in the Tender (Annex III).

- The terms set out in the Contract shall take precedence over those in the order forms and specific contracts.

- The terms set out in the specific contracts shall take precedence over those in the Requests for Services.

- The terms set out in the Requests for Services shall take precedence over those in the specific tenders.

Subject to the above, the several instruments forming part of the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory. Ambiguities or discrepancies within or between such parts shall be explained or rectified by a written instruction issued by the Agency, subject to the rights of the Contractor under Article I.7 should he dispute any such instruction.

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I.1.1 The subject of the Contract is the provision of technical and methodological assistance in the organisation and implementation of programming, evaluation and monitoring processes.

I.1.2 Signature of the Contract imposes no obligation on the Agency to purchase. Only implementation of the Contract through specific contracts is binding on the Agency.

I.1.3 Once implementation of the Contract has commenced, the Contractor shall provide the services in accordance with all terms and conditions of the Contract.


I.2.1 The Contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last contracting party.

I.2.2 Under no circumstances may implementation commence before the date on which the Contract enters into force. Execution of the tasks may under no circumstances begin before the date on which the order form or specific contract enters into force.

I.2.3 The Contract is concluded for a period of 12 months with effect from the date on which it enters into force. This contractual period and all other periods specified in the Contract are calculated in calendar days unless otherwise indicated.

I.2.4 The specific contracts shall be returned signed before the Contract to which they refer expires.

The Contract shall continue to apply to such specific contracts after its expiry. They shall be executed no later than 18 months from that date.

I.2.5 The Contract shall be renewed automatically up to three times under the same conditions, unless written notification to the contrary is sent by one of the contracting parties and received by the other before expiry of the period indicated in Article I.2.3. Renewal does not imply any modification or deferment of existing obligations.


I.3.1 The maximum amount of the Contract shall be EUR 600.000 (six hundred thousand) if the contract is renewed three times.

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The price indicated in the specific contract or order form covers any fees payable to the Contractor in relation to the vesting of rights in the Union and where applicable the transfer of rights to the Union and any use of the results by the Agency.

I.3.2 Prices shall be expressed in EUR.

I.3.3 Price revisionPrices shall be fixed and not subject to revision for implementation during the first year of duration of the Contract.

At the beginning of the second and every following year of the Contract, 80% of each price may be revised upwards or downwards , if such revision is requested by one of the contracting parties by registered letter no later than three months before the anniversary of the date on which it was signed. The Agency shall purchase on the basis of the prices in force on the date on which order forms or specific contracts are signed. Such prices shall not be subject to revision.

This revision shall be determined by the trend in the harmonised indices of consumer prices (HICP) MUICP published for the first time by the Publications Office of the European Union in the Eurostat monthly 'Data in Focus' publication at

Revision shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula:


Pr = Po (0,2+0,8 — )



Pr = revised price;

Po = price in the original tender;

Io = index for the month corresponding to the final date for submission of tenders;

Ir = index for the month corresponding to the date of receipt of the letter requesting a revision of prices.


I.4.1 Single framework contractWithin ten working days of a specific contract being sent by the Agency to the Contractor, the Agency shall receive it back, duly signed and dated.

The period allowed for the execution of the tasks shall start to run on the date indicated in the specific contract.

I.4.2 Interim payment(s)

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The Agency and the Contractor may agree on one or two interim payments in the specific contract, each equal to 20 % of the total price referred to in the relevant specific contract and applying the following conditions:

The Contractor shall submit an admissible invoice, indicating the reference number of the Contract and of the specific contract to which it refers, for an interim payment equal to 20 % of the total price referred to in the relevant specific contract.

Invoices for interim payment shall be admissible if accompanied by a progress report in accordance with the instructions laid down in the relevant specific contract.

The Agency shall have twenty days from receipt to approve or reject the progress report, and the Contractor shall have ten days in which to submit additional information or a new progress report.

Provided the progress report has been approved, the Agency shall have thirty days from the date of receipt of the relevant invoice to pay an interim payment.

I.4.3 Payment of the balanceWithin sixty days of completion of the tasks referred to in each specific contract, the Contractor shall submit an admissible invoice, indicating the reference number of the Contract and of the specific contract to which it refers, for payment of the balance.

The invoice shall be admissible if accompanied by the final progress report in accordance with the instructions laid down in the relevant specific contract.

The Agency shall have twenty days from receipt to approve or reject the final progress report, and the Contractor shall have ten days in which to submit additional information or a new final progress report.

Provided the final progress report has been approved, the Agency shall have thirty days from the date of receipt of the relevant invoice to pay the balance.


[For Contractors established in Spain, the order forms shall include the following provision: ”Direct VAT exoneration (BOE 07/02/1997, nº33 pages 3917 to 3919”.


Payments shall be made to the Contractor’s bank account denominated in euro, identified as follows:

Name of bank:

Address of branch in full:

Exact designation of account holder:

Full account number including codes:

[IBAN code:]

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Any communication relating to the Contract or to its implementation shall be made in writing in paper or electronic format and shall bear the Contract and specific contract numbers. Ordinary mail shall be deemed to have been received by the Agency on the date on which it is registered by the unit responsible indicated below.

Electronic communication must be confirmed by paper communication when requested by any of the parties. The parties agree that paper communication can be replaced by electronic communication with electronic signature.

Communications shall be sent to the following addresses:


European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

Network Secretariat

Gran Vía, 33

E-48009 Bilbao



Mr/Mrs/Ms [complete]

[Function][Company name][Official address in full]


I.7.1 The Contract shall be governed by Union law, complemented, where necessary, by the national substantive law of Spain.

I.7.2 Any dispute between the parties resulting from the interpretation or application of the Contract which cannot be settled amicably shall be brought before the courts of Bilbao.


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Any personal data included in the Contract shall be processed pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data. Such data shall be processed solely for the purposes of the performance, management and monitoring of the Contract by the Agency acting as data controller without prejudice to possible transmission to the bodies charged with monitoring or inspection task in application of Union law.


I.9.1 Modes of exploitationAll studies, analysis, reports, computations, documented data, and database format and data, produced within this Contract and for which the rights vest in the Union and thereby the Union has acquired the ownership in accordance with Article II.10 may be used in the following way:

i) distribution:

publishing in paper copies publishing in electronic form as downloadable/non-downloadable file making available on internet broadcasting public presentation or display communication through a press information services, inclusion in widely accessible databases or indexes in any form and by any method existing at this date and in the future giving access on individual requests without right to reproduce or

exploit, as provided for by Regulation 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Agency documents

ii) storage:

in paper format in electronic format

iii) archiving in line with the applicable document management rules

iv) modifications made by the Agency or by a third party:

shortening making a summary modification of the content technical changes to the content:

o necessary correction of technical errorso providing third parties with additional information concerning the

result (e.g. source code) addition of new elements, paragraphs titles, leads, bolds, legend, table

of content, summary, graphics, subtitles, sound, etc., preparation in audio form, preparation as a presentation, animation,

pictograms story, slide-show, public presentation etc. extracting a part or dividing into parts use of a concept or preparation of a derivate work

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digitisation or converting the format for storage or usage purposes translate, subtitle, dub

v) language versions:

working languages of EC official languages of EU languages used within EU languages of candidate countries languages of EEA-EFTA countries

vi) use for own purposes:

making available to the staff of the Agency making available to the persons and entities working for the Agency or

cooperating with it, including: contractors, subcontractors whether legal or natural persons, EU-institutions, agencies and bodies, Member States institutions

installing, uploading, processing arranging, compiling, combining, retrieving making a copy, reproducing

vii) allow use of results by third parties:

for commercial or non commercial purposes, against payment, without payment or against fulfilment of other

conditions assignment in full or in part giving a licence for a particular period or unlimited in time]

This list may be further specified in the Specific Contract.

Where the Agency becomes aware that scope of modifications exceeds the scope envisaged in the Contract the creator shall be consulted. The creator will be obliged to provide his response within two weeks. He shall provide his agreement including any suggestions of modifications free of charge. The creator may refuse the intended modification only when it may harm his honour, reputation or distort integrity of the work.

I.9.2 Pre-existing rights, intermediaries, creators' rights Where industrial and intellectual property rights, including rights of ownership and use of the Contractor and third parties, exist prior to the Contract being entered into, ("pre-existing rights") the Contractor shall establish a list which shall specify all pre-existing rights and disclose it to the Agency at the latest when delivering a final result.

All pre-existing rights to delivered results shall vest in the Union and thereby under the terms of the Contract be effectively transferred to the Union, as provided for in Article I.9.1.

The Contractor shall present relevant and exhaustive proofs of acquiring all necessary rights together with delivery of the final report at the latest. The latter should be fulfilled by presentation of the contractors', all subcontractors'

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intermediating in the transfer of rights and creators' statements prepared in accordance with annex A1.

In case parts of the results were created by employees of the Contractor, documentary evidence shall be provided as to how the creators' or authors' rights were transferred to the Contractor, i.e. a copy of the relevant agreement or extract from the employment contract should be provided.


Either contracting party may, of its own volition and without being required to pay compensation, terminate the Contract by serving 14 days formal prior notice. Should the Agency terminate the Contract, the Contractor shall only be entitled to payment corresponding to the part-performance of the services ordered before the termination date. Article II.14.4 applies accordingly.


In case this Contract was signed by both the Agency and the Contractor before the expiry of 14 calendar days from the day after simultaneous dispatch of information about the award decisions and decisions to reject], this Contract shall be null and void.

This article is not applicable for contracts not covered by Directive 2004/18/EC and in cases indicated in Article 158a(2) of the rules for the implementation of the Financial Regulation (Regulation No 2342/2002).


[Not applicable]


For the Contractor,

[Company name/forename/surname/function]


For the Agency,



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Done at [place], [date] Done at Bilbao, [date]

In duplicate in English.

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II.1.1 The Contractor shall perform the Contract to the highest professional standards. The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for complying with any legal obligations incumbent on him, notably those resulting from employment, tax and social legislation.

II.1.2 The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for taking the necessary steps to obtain any permit or licence required for performance of the Contract under the laws and regulations in force at the place where the tasks assigned to him are to be executed.

II.1.3 Without prejudice to Article II.3 any reference made to the Contractor’s staff in the Contract shall relate exclusively to individuals involved in the performance of the Contract.

II.1.4 The Contractor must ensure that any staff performing the Contract has the professional qualifications and experience required for the execution of the tasks assigned to him.

II.1.5 The Contractor shall neither represent the Agency nor behave in any way that would give such an impression. The Contractor shall inform third parties that he does not belong to the European public service.

II.1.6 The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for the staff who execute the tasks assigned to him.

The Contractor shall make provision for the following employment or service relationships with his staff:

staff executing the tasks assigned to the Contractor may not be given orders direct by the Agency;

the Agency may not under any circumstances be considered to be the staff's employer and the said staff shall undertake not to invoke in respect of the Agency any right arising from the contractual relationship between the Agency and the Contractor.

II.1.7 In the event of disruption resulting from the action of a member of the Contractor's staff working on Agency premises or in the event of the expertise of a member of the Contractor's staff failing to correspond to the profile required by the Contract, the Contractor shall replace him without delay. The Agency shall have the right to request the replacement of any such member of staff, stating its reasons for so doing. Replacement staff must have the necessary qualifications and be capable of performing the Contract under the

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same contractual conditions. The Contractor shall be responsible for any delay in the execution of the tasks assigned to him resulting from the replacement of staff.

II.1.8 Should any unforeseen event, action or omission directly or indirectly hamper execution of the tasks, either partially or totally, the Contractor shall immediately and at his own initiative record it and report it to the Agency. The report shall include a description of the problem and an indication of the date on which it started and of the remedial action taken by the Contractor to ensure full compliance with his obligations under the Contract. In such event the Contractor shall give priority to solving the problem rather than determining liability.

II.1.9 Should the Contractor fail to perform his obligations under the Contract, the Agency may - without prejudice to its right to terminate the Contract - reduce or recover payments in proportion to the scale of the failure. In addition, the Agency may claim compensation or impose liquidated damages provided for in Article II.12.


II.2.1 The Agency shall not be liable for damage sustained by the Contractor in performance of the Contract except in the event of wilful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Agency.

II.2.2 The Contractor shall be liable for any loss or damage sustained by the Agency in performance of the Contract, including in the event of subcontracting under Article II.6 but only up to three times the total amount of the Contract. Nevertheless, if the damage or loss is caused by the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the Contractor or by its employees, the Contractor shall remain liable without any limitation as to the amount of the damage or loss.

II.2.3 The Contractor shall provide compensation in the event of any action, claim or proceeding brought against the Agency by a third party as a result of damage caused by the Contractor in performance of the Contract.

II.2.4 In the event of any action brought by a third party against the Agency in connection with performance of the Contract, the Contractor shall assist the Agency. Expenditure incurred by the Contractor to this end may be borne by the Agency.

II.2.5 The Contractor shall take out insurance against risks and damage relating to performance of the Contract if required by the relevant applicable legislation. He shall take out supplementary insurance as reasonably required by standard practice in the industry. A copy of all the relevant insurance contracts shall be sent to the Agency should it so request.

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II.3.1 The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to prevent any situation that could compromise the impartial and objective performance of the Contract. Such conflict of interests could arise in particular as a result of economic interest, political or national affinity, family or emotional ties, or any other relevant connection or shared interest. Any conflict of interests which could arise during performance of the Contract must be notified to the Agency in writing without delay. In the event of such conflict, the Contractor shall immediately take all necessary steps to resolve it.

The Agency reserves the right to verify that such measures are adequate and may require additional measures to be taken, if necessary, within a time limit which it shall set. The Contractor shall ensure that his staff, board and directors are not placed in a situation which could give rise to conflict of interests. Without prejudice to Article II.1 the Contractor shall replace, immediately and without compensation from the Agency, any member of his staff exposed to such a situation.

II.3.2 The Contractor shall abstain from any contact likely to compromise his independence.

II.3.3 The Contractor declares:

that he has not made and will not make any offer of any type whatsoever from which an unjustified advantage can be derived under the Contract,

that he has not granted and will not grant, has not sought and will not seek, has not attempted and will not attempt to obtain, and has not accepted and will not accept, any advantage, financial or in kind, to or from any party whatsoever, where such advantage constitutes an illegal practice or involves corruption, either directly or indirectly, inasmuch as it is an incentive or reward relating to performance of the Contract.

II.3.4 The Contractor shall pass on all the relevant obligations in writing to his staff, board, and directors as well as to third parties involved in performance of the Contract.


II.4.1. The Contractor undertakes to treat in the strictest confidence and not make use of or divulge to third parties any information or documents which are linked to performance of the Contract. The Contractor shall continue to be bound by this undertaking after completion of the tasks.

II.4.2. The Contractor shall obtain from each member of his staff, board and directors an undertaking that they will respect the confidentiality of any information which is linked, directly or indirectly, to execution of the tasks and that they will not divulge to third parties or use for their own benefit or that of

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any third party any document or information not available publicly, even after completion of the tasks.


II.5.1 The Contractor shall have the right of access to his/her personal data and the right to rectify any such data. Should the Contractor have any queries concerning the processing of his/her personal data, s/he shall address them to the entity acting as data controller provided for in Article I.8.

II.5.2 The Contractor shall have right of recourse at any time to the European Data Protection Supervisor.

II.5.3 Where the Contract requires the processing of personal data by the Contractor, the Contractor may act only under the supervision of the data controller, in particular with regard to the purposes of the processing, the categories of data which may be processed, the recipients of the data, and the means by which the data subject may exercise his/her rights.

II.5.4 The Contractor shall limit access to the data to the staff strictly necessary for the performance, management and monitoring of the Contract.

II.5.5 The Contractor undertakes to adopt appropriate technical and organisational security measures having regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned in order to:

a) prevent any unauthorised person from having access to computer systems processing personal data, and especially:aa) unauthorised reading, copying, alteration or removal of storage media;ab) unauthorised data input as well as any unauthorised disclosure, alteration or erasure of stored personal data;ac) unauthorised use of data-processing systems by means of data transmission facilities;

b) ensure that authorised users of a data-processing system can access only the personal data to which their access right refers;

c) record which personal data have been communicated, when and to whom;d) ensure that personal data being processed on behalf of third parties can be

processed only in the manner prescribed by the contracting institution or body;

e) ensure that, during communication of personal data and transport of storage media, the data cannot be read, copied or erased without authorisation;

f) design its organisational structure in such a way that it meets data protection requirements.


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II.6.1 The Contractor shall not subcontract without prior written authorisation from the Agency nor cause the Contract to be performed in fact by third parties.

II.6.2 Even where the Agency authorises the Contractor to subcontract to third parties, he shall none the less remain bound by his obligations to the Agency under the Contract and shall bear exclusive liability for proper performance of the Contract.

II.6.3 The Contractor shall make sure that the subcontract does not affect rights and guarantees to which the Agency is entitled by virtue of the Contract, notably Article II.20.


Any amendment to the Contract shall be the subject of a written agreement concluded by the contracting parties before fulfilment of all their contractual obligations. An oral agreement shall not be binding on the contracting parties. An order form or a specific contract may not be deemed to constitute an amendment to the Contract.


II.8.1 The Contractor shall not assign the rights and obligations arising from the Contract, in whole or in part, without prior written authorisation from the Agency.

II.8.2 In the absence of such authorisation, or in the event of failure to observe the terms thereof, assignment by the Contractor shall not be enforceable against and shall have no effect on the Agency.


II.9.1 The Contractor shall authorise the Agency to process, use, distribute and publish, for whatever purpose, by whatever means and on whatever medium, any data contained in the Contract, in particular the identity of the Contractor, the subject matter, the duration and the amount paid. Where personal data is concerned, Article I.8 and II.5 shall apply.

II.9.2 Unless otherwise provided by the Special Conditions, the Agency shall not be required to distribute or publish documents or information supplied in

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performance of the Contract. If it decides not to distribute or publish the documents or information supplied, the Contractor may not have them distributed or published elsewhere without prior written authorisation from the Agency.

II.9.3 Any distribution or publication of information relating to the Contract or use of outcome of the implementation of the Contract and provided as such by the Contractor shall require prior written authorisation from the Agency and, if so requested, shall mention that it was produced within a contract with the Agency. It shall state that the opinions expressed are those of the Contractor only and do not represent the Agency's official position.

II.9.4 The use of information obtained by the Contractor in the course of the Contract for purposes other than its performance shall be forbidden, unless the Agency has specifically given prior written authorisation to the contrary.


II.10.1 A result shall be any outcome of the implementation of the Contract and provided as such by the Contractor.

A creator shall be any person who contributed to production of the result.

Pre-existing intellectual property rights, sometimes referred to as background technology, are any industrial and intellectual property rights which exist prior to the contract being entered into and include rights of ownership and use of the Contractor, the Agency and any third parties ("pre-existing rights").

It shall be a material term of the Contract and of the essence of the Contract that Contractors shall be under a duty to provide a list of pre-existing rights at the date of delivery of the final result the latest.

II.10.2 The ownership of all the results or rights thereon as listed in the tender specification and the tender attached to the contract, including copyright and other intellectual or industrial property rights, and all technological solutions and information embodied therein, obtained in performance of the Contract, shall be irrevocably and fully vested to the Union, which may use them as described in the Contract. All the rights shall be vested on the Union from the moment the results were delivered and accepted by the Agency.

For the avoidance of doubt and where applicable, any such vesting of rights is also deemed to constitute an effective transfer of the rights from the Contractor to the Union.

The payment of the fee under Article I.3 is deemed to include all forms of use by the Union of the results as set out in Article I.9.

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The above vesting of rights in the Union under this Contract covers all territories worldwide and is valid for the whole duration of intellectual property rights protection.

II.10.3 Any intermediary sub-result, raw data, intermediary analysis made available to the Agency by the Contractor cannot be used by the Union without written consent of the Contractor, unless the tender specification explicitly provides for it to be treated as self-contained result.

II.10.4 The Contractor retains all right, title and interest in pre-existing rights not fully vested into the Union in line with Article I.9.2, and hereby grants the Union for the requested period a licence to use the pre-existing rights to the extent necessary to use the delivered results.

II.10.5 The Contractor shall ensure that delivered results are free of rights or claims from third parties including in relation to pre-existing rights, for any use envisaged by the Agency. This does not concern the moral rights of natural persons and rights referred to in Article II.10.4.

II.10.6 The Contractor shall clearly point out all quotations of existing textual works made by the Contractor. The complete reference should include as appropriate: name of the author, title of the work, date of publishing, date of creation, place of publication, address of publication on internet, number, volume and other information allowing to identify the origin easily.

II.10.7 The Contractor shall clearly indicate all parts to which there are pre-existing rights and all parts of the result originating from external sources: parts of other documents, images, graphs, tables, data, software, technical inventions, know-how etc. (delivered in paper, electronic or other form).

For non-textual results or results provided in electronic form only, the description, instruction or information document shall list all parts coming from external sources: IT development tools, routines, subroutines and/or other programs ("background technology"), concepts, designs, installations or pieces of art, data, source or background materials or any other parts of external origin.

II.10.8 If the Agency so requires, the Contractor shall provide proof of ownership or rights to use all necessary rights to the materials referred to in Article II.10.7.

II.10.9. By delivering the results the Contractor confirms that the creators undertake not to oppose their names being recalled when the results are presented to the public and confirms that the results can be divulged.

The Contractor shall possess all relevant agreements of the creator and provide proof by way of documentary evidence.

II.10.10. By delivering the results the Contractor warrants that the above transfer of rights does not violate any law or infringe any rights of others and that he possesses the relevant rights or powers to execute the transfer. He also warrants that he has paid or has verified payment of all fees including fees to collecting societies, related to the final results.

II.10.11. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Union harmless for all damages and cost incurred due to any claim brought by any third party including creators and intermediaries for any alleged breach of any

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intellectual, industrial or other property right based on the Union's use of the works and in relation to which the Contractor has granted the Union user rights.


II.11.1 Force majeure shall mean any unforeseeable and exceptional situation or event beyond the control of the contracting parties which prevents either of them from performing any of their obligations under the Contract, was not due to error or negligence on their part or on the part of a subcontractor, and could not have been avoided by the exercise of due diligence. Defects in equipment or material or delays in making it available, labour disputes, strikes or financial problems cannot be invoked as force majeure unless they stem directly from a relevant case of force majeure.

II.11.2 Without prejudice to Article II.1.8, if either contracting party is faced with force majeure, it shall notify the other party without delay by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or equivalent, stating the nature, likely duration and foreseeable effects.

II.11.3 Neither contracting party shall be held in breach of its contractual obligations if it has been prevented from performing them by force majeure. Where the Contractor is unable to perform his contractual obligations owing to force majeure, he shall have the right to remuneration only for tasks actually executed.

II.11.4 The contracting parties shall take the necessary measures to reduce damage to a minimum.


Should the Contractor fail to perform his obligations under the Contract within the time limits set by the Contract, then, without prejudice to the Contractor's actual or potential liability incurred in relation to the Contract or to the Agency's right to terminate the Contract, the Agency may decide to impose liquidated damages per calendar day of delay according to the following formula: 0.3 x (V/d)

V is the price of the relevant purchase;d is the duration specified in the relevant order form or specific contract expressed in days

The Contractor may submit arguments against this decision within thirty days of notification by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or equivalent. In the absence of reaction on his part or of written withdrawal by the Agency within thirty days of the receipt of such arguments, the decision imposing the liquidated damages shall become enforceable. These liquidated damages shall not be imposed where

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there is provision for interest for late completion. The Agency and the Contractor expressly acknowledge and agree that any sums payable under this article are in the nature of liquidated damages and not penalties, and represent a reasonable estimate of fair compensation for the losses that may be reasonably anticipated from such failure to perform obligations.


Without prejudice to the Agency's right to terminate the Contract, where the Contract is subject to substantial error, irregularity or fraud the Agency may suspend execution of the Contract, pending order forms or specific contracts or any part thereof. Suspension shall take effect on the day the Contractor receives notification by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or equivalent, or at a later date where the notification so provides. The Agency shall as soon as possible give notice to the Contractor to resume the service suspended or inform that it is proceeding with contract termination. The Contractor shall not be entitled to claim compensation on account of suspension of the Contract, of the order forms or specific contracts, or of part thereof.


II.14.1 The Agency may terminate the Contract, a pending order form or a specific contract in the following circumstances:

(a) where the Contractor is being wound up, is having his affairs administered by the courts, has entered into an arrangement with creditors, has suspended business activities, is the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or is in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;

(b) where the Contractor has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which he is established or with those of the country applicable to the Contract or those of the country where the Contract is to be performed;

(c) where the Agency has evidence or seriously suspects the Contractor or any related entity or person, of professional misconduct;

(d) where the Agency has evidence or seriously suspects the Contractor or any related entity or person, of fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Union's financial interests;

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(e) where the Agency has evidence or seriously suspects the Contractor or any related entity or person, of substantial errors, irregularities or fraud in the award procedure or the performance of the Contract;

(f) where the Contractor is in breach of his obligations under Article II.3;

(g) where the Contractor was guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the Agency as a condition of participation in the Contract procedure or failed to supply this information;

(h) where a change in the Contractor’s legal, financial, technical or organisational situation could, in the Agency’s opinion, have a significant effect on the performance of the Contract;

(i) where execution of the tasks under a pending order form or a specific contract has not actually commenced within fifteen days7 of the date foreseen, and the new date proposed, if any, is considered unacceptable by the Agency;

(j) where the Contractor is unable, through his own fault, to obtain any permit or licence required for performance of the Contract;

(k) where the Contractor, after receiving formal notice in writing to comply, specifying the nature of the alleged failure, and after being given the opportunity to remedy the failure within a reasonable period following receipt of the formal notice, remains in serious breach of his contractual obligations;

(l) when due to the termination of the contract with one or more of the contractors there is no minimum required competition within the multiple framework contract with reopening of competition.

II.14.2 In case of force majeure, notified in accordance with Article II.11, either contracting party may terminate the Contract, where performance thereof cannot be ensured for a period corresponding to at least to one fifth of the period laid down in Article I.2.3.

II.14.3 Prior to termination under point c), d), e), h) or k), the Contractor shall be given the opportunity to submit his observations.

Termination shall take effect on the date on which a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt terminating the Contract is received by the Contractor, or on any other date indicated in the letter of termination.

II.14.4 Consequences of terminationIn the event of the Agency terminating the Contract or a pending order form or specific contract in accordance with this article and without prejudice to any other measures provided for in the Contract, the Contractor shall waive any claim for consequential damages, including any loss of anticipated profits for uncompleted service. On receipt of the letter terminating the Contract, the Contractor shall take all appropriate measures to minimise costs, prevent damage, and cancel or reduce his commitments. He shall draw up the documents required by the Special Conditions for the tasks executed up to the date on which termination takes effect, within a period not exceeding sixty days from that date.

7 This period can be modified in the Special Conditions depending on the nature of the contract.

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The Agency may claim compensation for any damage suffered and recover any sums paid to the Contractor under the Contract.

On termination the Agency may engage any other contractor to execute or complete the services. The Agency shall be entitled to claim from the Contractor all extra costs incurred in doing so, without prejudice to any other rights or guarantees it has under the Contract.


Where, after the award of the Contract, the award procedure or the performance of the Contract prove to have been subject to substantial errors, irregularities or fraud, and where such errors, irregularities or fraud are attributable to the Contractor, the Agency may refuse to make payments, may recover amounts already paid or may terminate all the contracts concluded with the Contractor, in proportion to the seriousness of the errors, irregularities of fraud.


II.15.1 Pre-financing guaranteeWhere required by Article I.4 or if the pre-financing is over €150 000, the Contractor shall provide a financial guarantee in the form of a bank guarantee or equivalent supplied by a bank or an authorised financial institution (guarantor) to cover pre-financing under the Contract. Such guarantee may be replaced by a joint and several guarantee by a third party.

The guarantor shall pay to the Agency at its request an amount corresponding to payments made by it to the Contractor which have not yet been covered by equivalent service rendered on his part.

The guarantor shall stand as first-call guarantor and shall not require the Agency to have recourse against the principal debtor (the Contractor).

The guarantee shall specify that it enters into force at the latest on the date on which the Contractor receives the pre-financing. The guarantee shall be retained until the pre-financing has been cleared against interim payments or payment of the balance to the Contractor. It shall be released the following month or, in the absence of such clearing, four months after the issuance of a corresponding debit note. The cost of providing such guarantee shall be borne by the Contractor.

II.15.2 Interim payments and payment of the balancePayments shall be executed only if the Contractor has fulfilled all his contractual obligations by the date on which the invoice is submitted.

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At the end of each of the periods indicated in Annex II the Contractor shall submit to the Agency an invoice accompanied by the documents provided for in the Special Conditions.

If providing a progress report is a condition for payment, on receipt the Agency shall have the period of time indicated in the Special Conditions in which:

to approve it, with or without comments or reservations, or suspend such period and request additional information; or

to reject it and request a new progress report.Approval of the progress report shall not imply recognition of the regularity or of the authenticity, completeness and correctness of the declarations and information it contains.

Where the Agency requests a new progress report because the one previously submitted has been rejected, this shall be submitted within the period of time indicated in the Special Conditions. The new progress report shall likewise be subject to the above provisions.

II.15.3. Payment currency and costsPayments are executed in the currency of the contract.

Costs of the transfer are borne in the following way:

costs of dispatch charged by the bank of the Agency are borne by the Agency, cost of receipt charged by the bank of the Contractor are borne by the Contractor, all costs of repeated transfer caused by one of the parties are borne by the party

who caused repetition of the transfer.


II.16.1 Payments shall be deemed to have been made on the date on which the Agency's account is debited.

II.16.2 The payment periods referred to in Article I.4 may be suspended by the Agency at any time if it informs the Contractor that his invoice is not admissible, either because the amount is not due or because the necessary supporting documents have not been properly produced. The Agency may proceed with further verification, including an on-the-spot check, in order to ascertain, prior to payment, that the invoice is admissible.

The Agency shall notify the Contractor accordingly and set out the reasons for the suspension by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or equivalent. Suspension shall take effect from the date of dispatch of the letter. The remainder of the period referred to in Article I.4 shall begin to run again once the suspension has been lifted.

II.16.3 In the event of late payment the Contractor shall be entitled to interest, provided the calculated interest exceeds EUR 200. In case interest does not exceed EUR 200, the Contractor may claim interest within two months of

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receiving the payment. Interest shall be calculated at the rate applied by the European Central Bank to its most recent main refinancing operations (“the reference rate”) plus seven percentage points (“the margin”). The reference rate in force on the first day of the month in which the payment is due shall apply. Such interest rate is published in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union. Interest shall be payable for the period elapsing from the calendar day following expiry of the time limit for payment up to the day of payment. Suspension of payment by the Agency may not be deemed to constitute late payment.


II.17.1 The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for compliance with the tax laws which apply to him. Failure to comply shall make the relevant invoices invalid.

II.17.2 The Contractor recognises that the Agency is, as a rule, exempt from all taxes and duties, including value added tax (VAT), pursuant to the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Union.

II.17.3 The Contractor shall accordingly complete the necessary formalities with the relevant authorities to ensure that the goods and services required for performance of the Contract are exempt from taxes and duties, including VAT.

II.17.4 Invoices presented by the Contractor shall indicate his place of taxation for VAT purposes and shall specify separately the amounts not including VAT and the amounts including VAT.


II.18.1 Where provided by the Special Conditions or by Annex II, the Agency shall reimburse the expenses that are directly connected with execution of the tasks on production of original supporting documents, including receipts and used tickets.

II.18.2 Travel and subsistence expenses shall be reimbursed, where appropriate, on the basis of the shortest itinerary.

II.18.3 Travel expenses shall be reimbursed as follows:

a) travel by air shall be reimbursed up to the maximum cost of an economy class ticket at the time of the reservation;

b) travel by boat or rail shall be reimbursed up to the maximum cost of a first class ticket;

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c) travel by car shall be reimbursed at the rate of one first class rail ticket for the same journey and on the same day;

d) travel outside Union territory shall be reimbursed under the general conditions stated above provided the Agency has given its prior written agreement.

II.18.4 Subsistence expenses shall be reimbursed on the basis of a daily allowance as follows:

a) for journeys of less than 200 km (return trip) no subsistence allowance shall be payable;

b) daily subsistence allowance shall be payable only on receipt of a supporting document proving that the person concerned was present at the place of destination;

c) daily subsistence allowance shall take the form of a flat-rate payment to cover all subsistence expenses, including accommodation, meals, local transport, insurance and sundries;

d) daily subsistence allowance, where applicable, shall be reimbursed at the rate specified in Article I.3.

II.18.5 The cost of shipment of equipment or unaccompanied luggage shall be reimbursed provided the Agency has given prior written authorisation.

II.18.6. Conversion between the euro and another currency shall be made using the daily euro exchange rate published in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union of the day on which the expense was made or, failing that, at the monthly accounting rate established by the Agency and published on its website.


II.19.1 If total payments made exceed the amount actually due or if recovery is justified in accordance with the terms of the Contract, the Contractor shall reimburse the appropriate amount in euro on receipt of the debit note, in the manner and within the time limits set by the Agency.

II.19.2 In the event of failure to pay by the deadline specified in the debit note, the sum due shall bear interest at the rate indicated in Article II.16.3. Interest shall be payable from the calendar day following the due date up to the calendar day on which the debt is repaid in full.

II.19.3 The Agency may, after informing the Contractor, recover amounts established as certain, of a fixed amount and due by offsetting, in cases where the Contractor also has a claim on the Union or the European Atomic Energy Community that is certain, of a fixed amount and due. The Agency may also claim against the guarantee, where provided for.

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II.20.1 Pursuant to Article 142 of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities, the Court of Auditors shall be empowered to audit the documents held by the natural or legal persons receiving payments from the budget of the Union from signature of the Contract up to five years after payment of the balance of the last implementation.

II.20.2 The Agency or an outside body of its choice shall have the same rights as the Court of Auditors for the purpose of checks and audits limited to compliance with contractual obligations from signature of the Contract up to five years after payment of the balance of the last implementation.

II.20.3 In addition, the European Anti-Fraud Office may carry out on-the-spot checks and inspections in accordance with Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 and Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 1073/1999 from signature of the Contract up to five years after payment of the balance of the last implementation.

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SPECIFIC CONTRACT No [complete]implementing Framework Contract No ...

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (hereinafter referred to as "the Agency"), represented for the purposes of the signature of this contract by [forename, surname, function, unit],

of the one part,


[official name in full]

[official legal form]

[statutory registration number][official address in full]

[VAT registration number]

(hereinafter referred to as "the Contractor"), represented for the purposes of the signature of this contract by [forename, surname and function,]

of the other part,



III.1.1 This specific contract implements Framework Contract No OSHA/NS/2012/T2/FC1 signed by the Agency and the Contractor on [complete date].

III.1.2 The subject of this specific contract is [short description of subject].

III.1.3 The Contractor undertakes, on the terms set out in the Framework Contract and in this specific contract and the annexes thereto, which form an integral part thereof, to perform the following tasks specified in Annex [complete].

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III.2.1 This specific contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last contracting party.

III.2.2 The duration of the execution of the tasks shall not exceed [complete] [days/months]. This period and all other periods specified in the Contract are calculated in calendar days. Execution of the tasks shall start from the date of entry into force of this specific contract. The period of execution of the tasks may be extended only with the express written agreement of the parties before such period elapses.


III.3.1 The total price to be paid by the Agency under this specific contract shall be EUR [amount in figures and in words] covering all tasks executed.

This price also covers any fees payable to the Contractor in relation to the vesting of rights in the Union and where applicable the transfer of rights to the Union and any use of the results by the Agency.

III.3.2 In addition to the price no reimbursable expenses are foreseen.


[For Contractors established in Spain, the orders shall include the following provision: “Direct VAT exoneration (BOE 07/02/1997, nº33 pages 3917 to 3919)”.]


[Not applicable]


[Not applicable]


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Annex A1 - Statement of Contractor concerning right to delivered result

Annex B – Request for service

Annex C - Contractor’s Specific Tender (no [complete] of [insert date])


For the Contractor,

[Company name/forename/surname/function]

signature[s]: _______________________

For the Agency,



Done at [place], [date] Done at Bilbao, [date]

In duplicate in English.

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Annex A1

Statement of Contractor concerning right to delivered result

I, [insert name of the authorised representative of the Contractor] representing [insert name of the Contractor], party to the Contract OSHA/NS/2012/T2/FC1 warrants that the Contractor holds full right to the delivered [insert title and/or description of result] which is free of any claims, including claim of the creators who transferred all their rights and were fully paid.

Date, place, signature

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