esercitazione su yocto project -...

Esercitazione su Yocto Project Stefano Cordibella [email protected] EDALab s.r.l. – Networked Embedded Systems January 15, 2015 Stefano Cordibella Esercitazione su Yocto Project 1/31

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Esercitazione su Yocto Project

Stefano Cordibella

[email protected]

EDALab s.r.l. – Networked Embedded Systems

January 15, 2015

Stefano Cordibella Esercitazione su Yocto Project 1/31


1 Purpose of the exercise

2 Download YoctoGit setupFreescale YoctoQt5

3 Configure YoctoSetup environmentCreate meta-soa layerCreate soa image recipeCustomize build files

4 Build Yocto image

5 Deploy all to target

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Purpose of the exercise

1 Purpose of the exercise

2 Download YoctoGit setupFreescale YoctoQt5

3 Configure YoctoSetup environmentCreate meta-soa layerCreate soa image recipeCustomize build files

4 Build Yocto image

5 Deploy all to target

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Purpose of the exercise


• Scopo dell’esercitazione e quello di fare pratica con Yocto e con ilflusso di lavoro per ottenere un’immagine di linux embedded dapoter eseguire su un nostro target.

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Download Yocto

1 Purpose of the exercise

2 Download YoctoGit setupFreescale YoctoQt5

3 Configure YoctoSetup environmentCreate meta-soa layerCreate soa image recipeCustomize build files

4 Build Yocto image

5 Deploy all to target

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Download Yocto Git setup

1 Purpose of the exercise

2 Download YoctoGit setupFreescale YoctoQt5

3 Configure YoctoSetup environmentCreate meta-soa layerCreate soa image recipeCustomize build files

4 Build Yocto image

5 Deploy all to target

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Download Yocto Git setup

Configure git


1 $ git config --global "[email protected]"

• Definisce l’indirizzo email associato all’utente git.

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Download Yocto Git setup

Configure git


1 $ git config --global "[email protected]"

• Definisce l’indirizzo email associato all’utente git.

User Name

1 $ git config --global "Your Name"

• Definisce lo User Name dell’utente git.

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Download Yocto Freescale Yocto

1 Purpose of the exercise

2 Download YoctoGit setupFreescale YoctoQt5

3 Configure YoctoSetup environmentCreate meta-soa layerCreate soa image recipeCustomize build files

4 Build Yocto image

5 Deploy all to target

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Download Yocto Freescale Yocto

Checkout Yocto Freescale (

Install the repo utility

1 $ mkdir ~/bin

2 $ curl http:// -

repo -downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo

3 $ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

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Download Yocto Freescale Yocto

Checkout Yocto Freescale (

Install the repo utility

1 $ mkdir ~/bin

2 $ curl http:// -

repo -downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo

3 $ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Download the BSP source code

1 $ export PATH=$PATH :~/bin

2 $ cd /tmp

3 $ mkdir fsl -community -bsp

4 $ cd fsl -community -bsp

5 $ repo init -u https:// -

community -bsp -platform -b dizzy

6 $ repo sync

Stefano Cordibella Esercitazione su Yocto Project 9/31

Download Yocto Freescale Yocto

Checkout Yocto Freescale (

Spazio di lavoro

• Che directory ha creato?

1 $ ls -l

2 $ ls -l sources

Stefano Cordibella Esercitazione su Yocto Project 10/31

Download Yocto Freescale Yocto

Checkout Yocto Freescale (

Spazio di lavoro

• Che directory ha creato?

1 $ ls -l

2 $ ls -l sources

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Download Yocto Qt5

1 Purpose of the exercise

2 Download YoctoGit setupFreescale YoctoQt5

3 Configure YoctoSetup environmentCreate meta-soa layerCreate soa image recipeCustomize build files

4 Build Yocto image

5 Deploy all to target

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Download Yocto Qt5

Checkout Qt5

Checkout Qt5• Aggiungiamo il layer per Qt5 ai sorgenti.

1 $ cd sources

2 $ git clone https:// -qt5/meta -qt5.git

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Configure Yocto

1 Purpose of the exercise

2 Download YoctoGit setupFreescale YoctoQt5

3 Configure YoctoSetup environmentCreate meta-soa layerCreate soa image recipeCustomize build files

4 Build Yocto image

5 Deploy all to target

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Configure Yocto Setup environment

1 Purpose of the exercise

2 Download YoctoGit setupFreescale YoctoQt5

3 Configure YoctoSetup environmentCreate meta-soa layerCreate soa image recipeCustomize build files

4 Build Yocto image

5 Deploy all to target

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Configure Yocto Setup environment

Setup environment

Creazione di una shell di build

1 $ cd fsl -community -bsp

2 $ . ./setup -environment build

• Mostra la licenza d’uso e ne chiede l’autorizzazione

• Crea la cartella build e ne inizializza il contenuto con files utili allacreazione dell’immagine per il target.

• Da questo momento in poi si puo usare il comando bitbake.

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Configure Yocto Create meta-soa layer

1 Purpose of the exercise

2 Download YoctoGit setupFreescale YoctoQt5

3 Configure YoctoSetup environmentCreate meta-soa layerCreate soa image recipeCustomize build files

4 Build Yocto image

5 Deploy all to target

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Configure Yocto Create meta-soa layer

Create soa layer

Create layer using yocto-layer

• Creazione della directory del nostro layer meta-soa.

1 $ cd fsl -community -bsp/sources

2 $ yocto -layer create soa


• Che struttura di directory ha creato?

1 $ ls -l meta -soa

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Configure Yocto Create meta-soa layer

Create soa layer

Contents of conf/layer.conf

1 # We have a conf and classes directory



4 # We have a recipes directory , add to BBFILES

5 BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR }/recipes -*/*/*.bb ${LAYERDIR }/

recipes -*/*/*. bbappend"


7 BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "soa -layer"

8 BBFILE_PATTERN_soa -layer := "^${LAYERDIR }/"


10 # Define the priority for recipes (.bb files)

11 BBFILE_PRIORITY_soa -layer = "6"


13 LAYERVERSION_soa -layer = "1"

14 LAYERDEPENDS_soa -layer = "core"

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Configure Yocto Create soa image recipe

1 Purpose of the exercise

2 Download YoctoGit setupFreescale YoctoQt5

3 Configure YoctoSetup environmentCreate meta-soa layerCreate soa image recipeCustomize build files

4 Build Yocto image

5 Deploy all to target

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Configure Yocto Create soa image recipe

Create soa image recipe

Create image recipe

1 $ cd meta -soa

2 $ mkdir recipes -soa

3 $ cd recipes -soa

4 $ mkdir image

5 $ vim image/soa

Stefano Cordibella Esercitazione su Yocto Project 20/31

Configure Yocto Create soa image recipe

Contents of image/


1 DESCRIPTION = "Qt test image"


3 PR = "r1"

4 inherit core -image

5 IMAGE_FEATURES += "splash"

6 IMAGE_INSTALL += "cinematicexperience"

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Configure Yocto Customize build files

1 Purpose of the exercise

2 Download YoctoGit setupFreescale YoctoQt5

3 Configure YoctoSetup environmentCreate meta-soa layerCreate soa image recipeCustomize build files

4 Build Yocto image

5 Deploy all to target

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Configure Yocto Customize build files

Edit conf/local.conf


• Specificare il target della nostra build.

1 MACHINE ??= ’imx6qsabresd’

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Configure Yocto Customize build files

Edit conf/local.conf


• Specificare il target della nostra build.

1 MACHINE ??= ’imx6qsabresd’

Load• Bilanciare il carico di task e parallelismo rispetto alla cpu host.


2 PARALLEL_MAKE = ’-j 4’

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Configure Yocto Customize build files

Edit conf/bblayers.conf

Qt5• Aggiungere il layer per le Qt5

1 ${BSPDIR}/ sources/meta -qt5 \

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Configure Yocto Customize build files

Edit conf/bblayers.conf

Qt5• Aggiungere il layer per le Qt5

1 ${BSPDIR}/ sources/meta -qt5 \

SOA• Aggiungere il layer soa

1 ${BSPDIR}/ sources/meta -soa \

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Build Yocto image

1 Purpose of the exercise

2 Download YoctoGit setupFreescale YoctoQt5

3 Configure YoctoSetup environmentCreate meta-soa layerCreate soa image recipeCustomize build files

4 Build Yocto image

5 Deploy all to target

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Build Yocto image

Build soa image

Run bitbake• A questo punto possiamo lanciare bitbake.

1 $ bitbake soa -image

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Build Yocto image


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Build Yocto image

Ora possiamo rilassarci...

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Deploy all to target

1 Purpose of the exercise

2 Download YoctoGit setupFreescale YoctoQt5

3 Configure YoctoSetup environmentCreate meta-soa layerCreate soa image recipeCustomize build files

4 Build Yocto image

5 Deploy all to target

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Deploy all to target

Deploy soa image

Deploy folder

• Alla fine del processo di build sara creata la cartella deploy inbuild/tmp .

• La cartella conterra tutto il necessario per eseguire la nostraimmagine sul target (boot loader e kernel).

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Deploy all to target

Deploy soa image

Deploy folder

• Alla fine del processo di build sara creata la cartella deploy inbuild/tmp .

• La cartella conterra tutto il necessario per eseguire la nostraimmagine sul target (boot loader e kernel).

Deploy steps

• Il deploy fisico sul target puo essere fatto attraverso microSD o viarete (tftp).

• In produzione posso accordarmi con il fornitore per avere gia a bordouna specifica versione del bootloader.

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Deploy all to target

Grazie per l’attenzione


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