essay for new satanists

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Essay For New Satanists



BY: The Black Widow

For those just becoming Satanists this is important, you probably are thinking "I've gotta find a Satanic group to join", but that is not what you should be thinking about at the start of your journey. The first thing you need to do is ask yourself what is the reason you're becoming a Satanist, it is VERY important that if you're going to be a Satanist that you're doing it for the right reasons. There is too many people that are saying "I'm a Satanist" but they're saying it either "to shock people, "cause they think it will make them cool" or "to make their parents mad", or as a voice of rebellion. Those are reasons that are not the right reasons, although rebellion against ordination is a part of some Satanists journey, it is not a solely centered reason for calling ones self a Satanist. You may also think of going out to purchase "The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey, however if you are going to worship Satan as a deity, that book is not for you. There is no structured "Bible" for Theistic Satanists, simply because no book should be created to take away Satan's will to teach us. The best bible a Theistic Satanist can possess is the grimoires he/she writes, because every Satanist is unique, every Satanist will have a different journey and relationship with Satan, and the Grimoire a Satanist writes is his/her notes, rituals, prayers, invocations, spells etc... Not the works written by others, you should also never rely on others to create works for you, because someone else's works have been created from their heart and soul and will be most powerful only when used by them, or may only work for them, if they have blessed it upon this manner. That is the one thing about real magick, just because one has the achievements of success in their works, doesn't mean everyone else will be successful with those same works. Its been as such since the ancient cults of Sumeria, and with magick you have to think, "if you don't look like the person, you don't sound like that person, and don't live like that person, then you aren't that person" this same rule applies to magick and Satanism.Then what you should concentrate on next is finding out what type of Satanist you wish to be by doing as much research on Satan and Satanism itself, on different types of Satanism. You can never have too much info on Satan, Satanism, Demons etc... If you are still young it can be wise to keep your religious views personal for a bit. It is important that you remember Satan will not tell you everything or really even speak to you upon the first while of your journey, he will only begin to teach you when he believes you are ready, the most he will do is give you signs of his presence, watch out for you, and basically keep you on the right path. Satan will do everything to see that you are taken care of as one of his children. As you must ask questions and seek answers and research Satan and Satanism, Satan must ask questions and seek answers on you before he truly gets to know you, always remember every Satanist is unique, just because one Satanist was first visited by Satan at a very young age, doesn't mean every other Satanist will have that same opertunity. If Satan had not first come to you at a young age, it does not make you any less important, and you most certainly should know that you are not alone.Another thing you will want to start looking at is the basics upon how Magick works, as well as getting into practicing basic beginners Magick. This is essential, because one cannot successfully perform rituals and incantations without Magick, and to be able to use that Magick, one must first learn and understand how it works. I will not get into that in this essay, as it is another topic in general. But it is absolutely something that must be looked at to be successful in one's walk as a Satanist. One must also learn and understand quickly, before getting too deeply into the walk (or attempting to get into the walk). Satanism is an Occult religion. What this means is that most of the details and secrets of Satanism are not and are not meant to be available to the outside world. This does not necessarily include your own written work, such as incantations and such, this refers to direct hidden knowledge passed to the Satanist from the Gods themselves. I myself am careful of what I write, aiming to give as little hidden information of the details and secrets we have within Satanism. The only ones I will give are those I feel are a must to have people be able to start correctly, and those within my own path, for my path is not the path of another, and its secrets are my own, and even then, it will be minimal at best.What follows is the basic foundation of Theistic Satanism that I have written up to give a basic understanding upon the general outlook. However, there is no general doctrine included. This is because the doctrine that an individual follows is developed over the course of their walk on the path with Satan and the gods, this doctrine can even slightly change throughout the journey, as the Satanist grows.The general foundation of Theistic Satanism:a) Satan (and any other deity) are viewed as physical entities that interact with those who are their "Children". b) Satan is considered the chief deity of the practice.c) The walk is NOT on an aspect that reflects "Reverse Christianity" or any other mainstream religious pantheon. d) The walk is about self-development, spiritual growth, both consciously and subconsciously, and obtaining that which is need to accomplish the initiations within our walk successfully.e) Satan represents freedom, independence, equality, our own voice, and liberation (as well as other attributes), the listed are the most important.f) One's goals are not to impose or convert any individual to their path.g) One does not mistake their Philosophies/Theories for a religious doctrine.Those are the basic six components that I have developed as a basic foundation of Theistic Satanism which I use. I do not impose that everyone agrees with it, it is simply a basic understanding so that the new generations will not enter the path of Theistic Satanism blindly, or practicing the wrong ideas. Satanism may generally have an outlook that "there is no good and evil, only a maintaining of the balance of order", however Satanism is not hateful, it is in fact peaceful, as it focuses on enlightenment, and the growth of our being that is within our vessels that is our fleshly bodies, as many Satanists believe that our flesh is a vessel that carries our spiritual essence so that our true being may obtain universal knowledge, and it is very hard to do this if we are in a spiritual flux.

"Whether you believe you can do a thing or believe you can't.... You are right" -- Henry Ford