estudios de posgrado e inglés en usa

Advisers: Claudia Ortiz & Sofia de la Garza Study in the USA: Graduate and English Programs

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Claudia Ortiz & Sofia de la Garza

Study in the USA: Graduate and English Programs

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What is EducationUSA?

• A global network of advising centers supported by the US State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA).

• Unbiased, accurate, comprehensive information about the full range of accredited U.S. higher education institutions

• Free access to introductory information on U.S. study

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EducationUSA in Mexico

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Graduate Studies

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Key Topics

• Different types of programs

• Application process

• Entrance exams

• Financial Aid

• Questions & Answers

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Master degrees

• Academic Master’s – Master of Arts (M.A.)

– Mastr of Science (M.S.)

• Professional Master’s – Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

– Master of Social Work (M.S.W.)

– Master of Education (M.Ed.)

– Master in Fine Arts (M.F.A.)

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Doctoral degrees

• Academic:

– Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

• Professional:

– Doctor of Education (Ed. D)

– Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)

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The Calendar: Dedicate Time 12-18 months before (Mar-Sept)

• Research schools: choose 5-7

• Find out deadlines for financial aid and application

• Register to take standardized tests in required


• Study and take exams

• Request required materials: recommendation, transcripts, financial statements

• Write your personal statement

• Submit completed applications


• Application deadlines, early

admission deadlines will be sooner


• Letters of Acceptance/rejection

• Decision making

• Organize finances: fund transfer to US


• Student Visa

• Travel Arrangements

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The Application

Depends on the program or university

• Typical Requirements: – School/program’s application form

– Statement of purpose

– Letters of recommendation (2-3, translation required)

– Official undergraduate transcripts (translation required)

– Exams (TOEFL, GRE, GMAT etc.)

– Résumé

– Sometimes a portfolio or sample of past work

– Financial statement

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– $170 USD



– $195 USD

• GRE Subject Tests – Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology,

Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Literature in English, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology



– $250 USD

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Calculating your expenses

• Application Fees ($35-250/institution)

• Tuition ($15,000-30,000+/yr)

• Room & Board ($5,000-12,000/yr)

• University Student Fees ($100-$300/term)

• Medical and Dental Insurance

• Travel Expenses

• Living Expenses

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Patterns and Trends in Funding

• More funding is available for:

• PhD programs

– compared to master’s programs.

• Research and Doctoral universities

– compared to master’s institutions

• Academic programs

– compared to professional programs (law, medicine, dentistry, MBAs, etc.)

• Many programs don’t offer funding until the second year.

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Funding Varies by Field

• Engineering, computer science, math – 82% of PhD candidates are funded

– 55% of master’s candidates

• Humanities – 56% of PhD candidates are funded

– 41% of master’s candidates

• Business, law, and other professions: funding is rare and loans are common

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Financial Aid Programs

• U.S. Universities

• Government

• Private Foundations

• Loans

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Types of Funding: U.S. Universities Assistanships

• Teaching (TA): Awarded by department. Must demonstrate strong spoken English and teaching experience. Can be in other departments (languages, math).

• Research (RA): Awarded by professors. Contributes to your thesis research.

• Graduate (GA): Awarded by grad school. Administrative, library.

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The Professor

Professors manage teaching and research assistantships.

• You need to communicate with the professors • Learn about them and their research from the

school’s website and • Write to them about your academic interests and

what you can contribute to their research

They should know you before they receive your application!

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Types of Funding: U.S. Universities Out-of-State Tuition Waivers

• Several universities and/or state governments offer out-of-state tuition waivers

– (based on country of origin, region or ethnicity)

• In Texas: PASE & Good Neighbor Scholarship Program

– Mexican nationals who demonstrate financial need pay in-state tuition at public universities in Texas

• For more information visit each university’s website

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Types of Funding: Government CONACYT

• Full and partial scholarships for graduate students already accepted by universities

• Give preference to PhD students

• Focuses on science and technology

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Types of Funding: Goverment Comexus: Fulbright-Garcia Robles

• 25,000 USD, medical insurance, visa and applications

• To start 2014: apply from Oct 2012 – Feb 2013

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Types of Funding: Foundation Magdalena O. Vda. De Brockmann (MOB)

• Full and partial scholarships for graduate students already

accepted by universities • At least 2 years of work experience • Any field of study

– except medicine, architecture, sports and fine arts • Must return to Mexico for a minimum of 5 years • Must reimburse MOB 30% of the scholarship within 3 years

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Types of Funding: Foundation American Association of University Women (AAUW)

• Fellowship for full-time study or research to support community-based projects that are designed to improve the lives of women and girls in the fellow’s home country.

• Female graduate students already accepted by universities

• One year: – $18,000 for Master’s, $20,000 for Doctorate $30,000 for


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Types of Funding: Mexico Loans FIDERH, FUNED & OAS

• FIDERH (Banco de Mexico): loan for graduate degrees – Funding for up to 3 years – Must repay the loan within 10 years

• FUNED: loan for students accepted by a university – Covers most expenses – Must repay the loan within 6 years

• OAS-PAN: Interest-free loans for Latin American students – Must complete studies in 2 years – Must repay the loan within 5 years

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Homework to get started

• Make an advising appointment

• Visit and and create a list of potential schools

Find out the deadlines, costs, and requirements for each school.

• Assess how much you (and your family or sponsor) can contribute to your higher education

• Visit and create a list of possible scholarship opportunities.

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Where and how to do the research?

• READ! All the information you might need is in the webpage of the school.

• Make notes from each of the schools: what do you like, what you don’t like, whatever you find interesting or oustanding.

• Read the University webpage and also the College webpage

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Narrow your options

• Location

• Internships or overseas study programs

• Student services

• Faculty

• Cost vs Financial aid availibility

• Size of the department

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English as a Second Language


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Selección de un programa

• Consideraciones:

– Lugar

– Tipo de programa

– Estructura de la clase

– Acreditación y membresía

– Costos

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• Urbano vs. Rural • Clima

– Zona geográfica

• Actividades externas – ambiente cultural

– actividades deportivas

• Programas universitarios vs. Escuelas de Idiomas

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Tipo de Programas

• IEP (Programa Intensivo de Inglés) – 15 + horas de clase

– Programas especializados • Preparación para la universidad

• Preparación para exámenes de admisión

• Inglés para negocios

• Certificados especiales ( i.e., ingeniería, computación, derecho y arquitectura)

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Programas en Universidades

• La mayoría ofrecen programas de Inglés como segundo idioma (ESL)

• Generalmente los cursos de ESL no forman parte de los programas académicos regulares de la universidad

• El programa de ESL no garantiza la admisión a los programas académicos de la institución

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Programas en Universidades


• Las clases se llevan a cabo de acuerdo al calendario escolar de la universidad

• Alojamiento dentro del campus

• Ambiente universitario

• Acceso a todas las instalaciones de la universidad (biblioteca, gimnasio, cafetería, etc.)

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Programas en Instituciones Privadas

• Instituciones privadas e independientes

• Pueden estar ubicados dentro o fuera de una universidad

• Ofrecen únicamente cursos de Inglés

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Ventajas -Variedad de niveles y enfoques del idioma

-Horarios flexibles. No se rigen por el calendario académico de las universidades

-Los estudiantes tienden a ser más diverso

Programas en Instituciones Privadas

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Estructura del Programa

• Tamaño promedio de las clases

• Niveles

• Regiones de origen de los estudiantes

• Tipo/Enfoque del programa

• Métodos de evaluación

• Profesorado

• Duración del programa

• Servicios para los estudiantes

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Acreditación y/o Membresía


– Commission of English Language Program Accreditation


– The Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training


– American Association of Intensive English Programs


– University Consortium of Intensive English Programs

Asociaciones que reconocen a los programas e instituciones educativas que satisfacen los estándares aceptables de calidad e integridad.

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• Cuota de solicitud

• Colegiatura

• Seguro médico (obligatorio)

• Libros

• Hospedaje

• Alojamiento

• Otros

– Cuota estudiantil

– Transporte

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• No existen becas para estudiar el Inglés

• Los costos varian de acuerdo al programa y al lugar donde se llevan a cabo los estudios

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Trámites de admisión

• Visite al centro de asesoría educativa

• Revise los libros de referencia

• Consulte el internet

• Escoja tres programas

• Haga todos los trámites para la solicitud

• Todos los documentos deberán ser traducidos al Inglés

• Haga copias de todos los documentos que envíe

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Antes de viajar

• Obtener de la Visa de Estudiante

• Tenga listo el dinero necesario

• Orientación Previa a su salida

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Proceso de solicitar la visa de estudiante

• Proceso de solicitud

• Obtener la forma I-20

• Contactar a la embajada o consulado para la cita

• Asistir a la cita con la documentación necesaria

*Este proceso puede durar hasta dos meses.

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Recursos Informativos

• UCIEP Member Profiles

• AAIEP Member Profiles

• IIE Intensive English USA





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Thank You!

EducationUSA Mexico City Biblioteca Benjamín Franklin

Calle Liverpool 31, Col. Juarez, Del. Cuauhtemoc

Tel: 5080-2801 y 02

Email: [email protected]
