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Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) 2009 J.P.Morgan Global ETF Handbook This document is not intended for distribution to private customers as defined by the UK Financial Services Authority. Copyright 2009 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved.

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Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) 2009 J.P.Morgan Global ETF Handbook

This document is not intended for distribution to private customers as defined by the UK Financial Services Authority.

Copyright 2009 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved.

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| Global ETF Handbook 2

May 2009

ETFs allow an investor to quickly and easily obtain a desired market or benchmark exposure, by trading just a single security. The securities offer intraday liquidity, and continuous, real-timetrading and pricing.

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ETF Market Overview....................................................... 4

Special Topic – Levered ETFs ......................................... 7

US Listed ETFs ........................................................... 8-13

Canada & Latin America Listed ETFs ....................... 14-16

EMEA Listed ETFs .................................................... 17-25

Asia/Pacific Listed ETFs............................................ 26-27

Contacts, Disclaimer & Disclosures................................ 28


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What Are ETFs? Each share of an ETF represents a fractional ownership interest in a portfolio of securities. This investment medium has captured significant market interest. Total ETF assets under management has grown to over $900 billion globally (as of May, 2009). In addition, the number of ETFs has grown to more than 2600 funds (with over 2100 in the US and Europe). Furthermore, over the past year the US ETF daily turnover was on average ~33% of the total US equity daily turnover.

Characteristics of ETFs ETFs have characteristics similar to those of both stocks and open-end mutual funds. Like stocks, ETFs are listed on the major stocks exchanges in each region. They also trade in the third market and through the ECNs. Like open-end funds, ETFs are available on a wide range of both broad and narrowly-focused indices. An ETF investor can go long or sell short an entire portfolio of securities quickly and efficiently, by trading a single listed ETF.

Advantages of Using ETFs ETFs allow an investor to quickly and easily obtain a desired market or benchmark exposure, by trading just a single security. The securities offer intraday liquidity, and continuous, real-time trading and pricing. Most funds can be sold short, even on downticks, and can be purchased on margin, by an investor seeking leverage. They are also tax efficient. Mutual funds are often forced to liquidate portions of their holdings, in order to meet investor redemptions; this can generate capital gain distributions for shareholders. ETFs, on the other hand, are created and redeemed “in-kind” by Authorized Participants. As a result, capital gain distributions and the internal costs associated with buying and selling securities in response to shareholder activity are minimized.

Do ETFs Pay Dividends? If the securities held in trust pay a dividend, the ETF will distribute a portion of such dividends, less any fees and expenses of the trust, to shareholders. This is typically done on a quarterly basis.

Liquidity and Trading Liquidity is one of the key benefits that ETFs offer. Investors sometimes mistakenly assume that there is insufficient liquidity in ETFs. However, this is not the case; broker-dealers acting as “Authorized Participants” can create new ETF shares on a real-time basis. The result is that each ETF can be as liquid as its underlying securities. In the primary market, ETFs are issued by trusts in large-sized blocks (typically 50,000 shares) called “Creation Units.” Each “Authorized Participant” can deposit a specified portfolio of securities with the trustee in exchange for a Creation Unit. The Creation Unit is then broken up, and the ETF shares are offered on exchanges in the secondary market where investors can buy or sell ETF shares in smaller quantities. Similarly, institutions can redeem ETFs by exchanging a block-sized unit of ETFs for the underlying portfolio of securities.

Snapshot of the Global ETF Market The pie chart below depicts total global assets under management (AUM) in billions of dollars, broken down by region. US ETFs, followed by European ones, account for a significant portion of total ETF assets.

Global AUM ($Bn)




USEurope / Mid. East / AfricaAsia / PacificCanada & Latin America

Source: J.P. Morgan Derivatives and Delta One Strategy. Data as of May 2009.

Risks and Considerations ETF shareholders are subject to risks similar to those of holders of other stock portfolios. A primary consideration is that the general level of stock prices within the portfolio may decline, affecting the value of each ETF share. In addition, the overall depth and liquidity of the secondary market may also fluctuate. An exchange-traded, sector-focused fund may be adversely affected by the specific performance of its targeted benchmark. International investments may involve the risk of capital loss as a result of unfavorable fluctuations in currency values, differences in generally accepted accounting principles, or economic and political instability in other nations.

Although ETFs are designed to provide investment results that generally correspond to the price and yield performance of their respective underlying indices, the trust may not be able to exactly replicate the performance of the indices because of trust expenses and other factors. ETF shareholders are typically subject to expense fees charged by the issuer, and transactions are subject to standard brokerage equity-trading commissions.

Exchange Traded Funds - ETFs

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Snapshot of the US ETF Market The US listed ETF industry has grown dramatically in the last few years, not only in size (measured in assets under management) but in number (measured by the number of ETFs in existence). There are now 824 ETFs listed in the US, which hold $608 billion of assets (as of May, 2009). As recently as 2001, trading was dominated by broad-based ETFs such as SPY and QQQQ, which held 90% of total assets under management (AUM). However, as new offerings came to market, the asset base began to diversify. Broad-based ETFs now account for just 28% of total ETF assets, while international ETFs have grown to control 24% - up from just 3% in 2001. Style-based funds have also grown to represent a proportionally larger piece of the ETF universe, increasing from 3% to 11% of ETF assets during the same period. Sector funds have grown from 5% to 13% of the total. Finally, Fixed Income, Commodity, and Currency ETFs now comprise 24% of total ETF assets.

The pace of the growth in number of new ETFs launched has slowed down over the past year, as compared to the previous year. From May 2007 to May 2008 256 new ETFs were created as providers have attempted to cover more of the investable universe. Over the past twelve months (since May 2008) only 171 ETFs have been launched, which translates into a ~33% decline in new ETF listings. Amid the turmoil in the global markets and as a sign that the ETF market has grown rapidly and may have started to mature, over 100 ETFs have been liquidated recently (since February, 2008).

US AUM ($Bn)








BroadStyle & Asset Allocation FundsSectorsInternationalFixed IncomeCommodity & Currency FundsCanada & Latin America

Source: J.P. Morgan Derivatives and Delta One Strategy. Data as of May 2009.

The new launches were mainly international, commodity and sector focused ETFs. Early this year one provider started offering volatility-related ETNs, the first of their kind. Although these ETNs do not track the VIX index but rather VIX futures, they provide an easy way to capitalize on volatility for stock investors.

Catering to investors seeking leverage, some providers have introduced several “Ultra” and “UltraShort” ETFs that have built-in leverage on both indices and sectors. These ETFs were typically up to 2x levered, long or short. Recently, one provider has started to offer 3x levered ETFs.

Trends in ETF VolumesAs the Credit Crunch unfolded in 2007 and 2008, investors shied away from single stock products and moved into index related instruments to hedge the broad exposure of their portfolios or quickly change portfolio allocations. As a result, volumes in cash equity dropped from 2007 to 2008 while volumes in ETFs and ETF options increased on average over the same time period. Up to June 2007, ETF notional volumes grew steadily. At that point, as the market began to deteriorate ETF daily turnover increased dramatically (see figure below). In early November 2008, ETF daily turnover represented ~45% of the total US equity daily turnover. This is essentially a result of investors engaging into ETFs to express macro views as opposed to taking on additional single stock exposure. With the market recovering from its lows in early March of this year, the share of ETF daily turnover within the total equity daily turnover in the US has dropped to 32% recently – still a significant share. An interesting observation to note in the chart below is the strong relationship between the percentage of ETF daily turnover and the VIX index. As the market becomes more volatile, investors reach out to broad based products such as ETFs. Therefore ETF volume increases alongside market volatility.

ETF Daily Turnover as % of Total US Equity Daily Turnover (20-Day Moving Average)

Source: J.P. Morgan Derivatives and Delta One Strategy. Data as of May, 2009.

ETF Market Overview

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Snapshot of the European ETF Market The European listed ETF market differs from that in the US. There are 1,300 European ETFs and ETCs (Exchange Traded Commodities), which hold $210 billion of assets (as of May, 2009). More than 40% of AUM are held in broad-based ETFs; style-based ETFs account for less than 2% of assets. While the asset base is less diversified than in the US, there is more choice among ETFs that cover alternative assets; for instance, there are 306 commodity-related ETFs and ETCs, and 184 fixed income ETFs.

European AUM (€Bn)

€ 61.3

€ 2.8€ 7.9

€ 31.0

€ 32.4

€ 15.2


Style & Asset Allocation Funds



Fixed Income

Commodity & Currency Funds

Source: J.P. Morgan Derivatives and Delta One Strategy. Data as of May 2009.

Snapshot of the Asia-Pacific ETF Market ETF issuance in the Asia-Pacific region has occurred at a slower pace than in the US and Europe. There are currently 258 listed Asia-Pacific ETFs, the first of which was issued in April 1995. Since October 2006, AUM has grown by more than 30%, to ~$59 billion USD (as of May, 2009). Almost half of these assets (~$27 billion) are held in Japan-focused ETFs.

Asia-Pacific AUM ($Bn)









Hong Kong/China


South Korea

Other Countries

Sector / International Funds

Fixed Income / Commodity / Currency

Source: J.P. Morgan Derivatives and Delta One Strategy. Data as of May 2009.

ETF Market Overview

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New Developments – Levered ETFs Following the tumultuous events in the marketplace over the past year levered ETFs have become increasingly popular amongst investors. The popularity of levered ETFs is not only reflected by their number (there are now 128 levered ETFs listed in the US) as much as it is by the assets managed by this type of ETFs. Alongside all ETFs, assets under management grew steadily from 2006 to the fall of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, at which point US levered ETFs controlled ~$17 billion. After that levered ETF assets under management soared – they have almost doubled and are now at ~$32 billion (globally, levered ETFs control ~$42Bil of assets). Amongst the more popular US leveraged ETFs (as measured by assets under management) are TBT, SDS, UYG and SSO. Data as of May, 2009.

Performance of Levered ETFs Levered ETFs aim to provide a constant leverage, returning a fixed number of times the daily return of the underlying index. ‘Daily’ is the key, as by no means do levered ETF providers promise to return a fixed number of times the return of an index over a time period longer than one day. This misconception has lured a number of market participants, who were deceived by the performance of some of the levered ETFs over the past year. The chart below shows the expected performance versus the actual performance of levered ETFs from January 1, 2009 to May 29, 2009. One can notice the underperformance of levered ETFs from what investors would typically expect.

Performance of US Levered ETFs From 1/2/09 to 5/29/09)

Source: J.P. Morgan Derivatives and Delta One Strategy.

The performance of levered ETFs over time periods longer than one day depends on the trading patterns in the underlying index. Essentially, levered ETFs tend to underperform expectation if the underlying index exhibits a mean reverting pattern – which is amplified in a highly volatile regime such as the one we have been in over the past year. On the other hand, in a trending environment levered ETFs may outperform the expected return. This can be illustrated by the following simple example over a two-day period. Assuming both a 2x levered long ETF and the underlying index are at 100 at time 0, we investigate two scenarios:

In the first one, the index increases by 10% on day 1, followed by a drop of 10% on the following day. The index evolves as 100 on day 0, 110 on day 1 and 99 on day 2 while the levered ETF increases to 120 on day 1 and then drops to 96 on day 2. All in all over a two day time period, the levered ETF drops by 4% while the levered index drops by 2% only which translates into a 2% underperformance of the levered ETF.

Now if the index increases by 10% on each day, the index will end up at 121 on day 2 while the levered ETF will be at 144. Thus, the levered ETF outperforms the expected return.

Levered ETFs Maintain Constant Daily Leverage To maintain a constant daily leverage, ETF providers need to adjust their exposure to the underlying index on a daily basis. The number of shares that need to be traded on a daily basis is directly related and positively correlated to the daily return of the underlying index. Therefore as the market rises, ETF providers will need to increase their exposure to the underlying index. Conversely, they will need to sell more of the underlying index in the event that the market drops. This process of adjusting the daily exposure to the underlying index contributes to the intraday momentum in the market, causing it to ‘artificially’ rise more on average when the market is up on the day and drop further when the market is down on the day. The table below shows the assets under management of levered ETFs broken down by benchmark. In addition it indicates the notional amount of the underlying benchmark that needs to be traded based on a 1% move (in the underlying index). Data are as of May, 2009.

Source: J.P. Morgan Derivatives and Delta One Strategy. Data as of May, 2009.

For further and more extensive details on levered ETFs, please see our report Price Patterns and Chaos Theory in Volatile Markets, February 5, 2009.

Special Topic – Levered ETFs

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Ticker ETF Name

Total Assets


Stocks in ETF


Exp. Ratio


Available Ticker ETF Name

Total Assets


Stocks in ETF


Exp. Ratio



Large Cap Growth (Large Cap, conitnued)SPY SPDR Trust Series 1 $64,071 502 0.10 Yes IWZ iShares Russell 3000 Growth $313 1,821 0.25 NoIVV iShares S&P 500 Index Fund $18,330 501 0.09 Yes PWB PowerShares Lg Cap Growth $291 50 0.63 NoQQQQ PowerShares QQQ $13,740 100 0.20 Yes MGK Vanguard Mega Cap 300 Growth ETF $208 167 0.13 YesVTI Vanguard Total Stock Market $10,174 3,379 0.07 Yes ELG SPDR DJ Wilshire Large Cap Growth $165 434 0.20 NoDIA DIAMONDS Trust Series I $7,363 31 0.16 Yes RWL RevenueShares Large Cap ETF $49 500 0.49 YesIWB iShares Russell 1000 $4,427 975 0.15 Yes RPG Rydex S&P 500 Pure Growth $34 127 0.35 NoSDS ProShares UltraShort S&P500 $3,834 -- ¹ 0.91 Yes UKF ProShares Ultra Russell1000 Growth $29 -- ¹ 0.95 NoIWV iShares Russell 3000 $2,709 2,894 0.20 Yes SFK ProShares UltraShort Russell1000 Growth $17 -- ¹ 0.95 NoOEF iShares S&P 100 $2,341 101 0.20 Yes ROI WisdomTree LargeCap Growth Fund $16 290 0.38 NoSSO ProShares Ultra S&P500 $2,334 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes XGC Claymore/Great Companies Lg Cap Growth $4 45 0.60 NoVV Vanguard Large-Cap $2,202 733 0.07 Yes JFT KEYnotes ETNs Linked to the First Trust Enhanced 130/30 Large Cap Index $2 -- 0.95 NoSH ProShares Short S&P500 $1,323 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes Growth (Mid Cap)RSP Rydex S&P Equal Weight $1,133 501 0.40 Yes IWP iShares Russell Midcap Growth $1,980 501 0.25 YesQLD ProShares Ultra QQQ $1,056 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes IJK iShares S&P MidCap 400 Growth $1,588 253 0.25 YesQID ProShares UltraShort QQQ $964 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes VOT Vanguard Mid-Cap Growth $505 232 0.13 NoDXD ProShares UltraShort Dow30 $679 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes JKH iShares Morningstar Mid Growth $184 192 0.30 NoDDM ProShares Ultra Dow30 $593 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes PWJ PowerShares Mid Cap Growth $142 75 0.63 NoIYY iShares DJ US Index Fund $512 1,448 0.20 Yes EMG SPDR DJ Mid Cap Growth $43 255 0.25 NoBGZ Direxionshares Large Cap Bear 3X Shares $339 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes RFG Rydex S&P Midcap 400 Pure Growth $31 115 0.35 NoXLG Rydex Russell Top 50 ETF $305 49 0.20 No RWK RevenueShares Mid Cap ETF $24 400 0.54 NoISI iShares S&P 1500 $289 1,501 0.20 No UKW ProShares Ultra Russell MidCap Growth $16 -- ¹ 0.95 NoBGU Direxionshares Large Cap Bull 3X Shares $247 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes SDK ProShares UltraShort Russell MidCap Growth $7 -- ¹ 0.95 NoDOG ProShares Short Dow30 $233 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes Growth (Small Cap)JKD iShares Morningstar Large Core $222 85 0.20 No IWO iShares Russell 2000 Growth $2,549 1,185 0.25 YesPSQ ProShares Short QQQ $175 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes IJT iShares S&P SmallCap 600 Growth $1,072 359 0.25 YesMGC Vanguard Mega Cap 300 ETF $170 290 0.13 Yes VBK Vanguard Small-Cap Growth $993 966 0.11 NoTMW SPDR DJ Wilshire Total Market $162 1,052 0.20 Yes DSG SPDR DJ Wilshire Sm Cap Growth $92 942 0.25 NoRSU Rydex 2x S&P 500 ETF $142 -- ¹ 0.70 No JKK iShares Morningstar Small Growth $73 290 0.30 NoRSW Rydex Inverse 2x S&P 500 ETF $102 -- ¹ 0.71 No PWT PowerShares Dyn Small Cap Gr $32 99 0.63 YesNYC iShares NYSE Composite $91 1,285 0.25 No RWJ RevenueShares Small Cap ETF $26 600 0.54 NoONEQ Fidelity NASDAQ Comp. Index $90 1,971 0.30 No UKK ProShares Ultra Russell2000 Growth $23 -- ¹ 0.95 NoNY iShares NYSE 100 $64 101 0.20 Yes SKK ProShares UltraShort Russell2000 Growth $11 -- ¹ 0.95 NoELR SPDR DJ Wilshire Large Cap $41 748 0.20 No RZG Rydex S&P Sm Cap 600 Pure Growth $6 176 0.35 NoQQEW First Trust NASDAQ-100 Equal Wgt. $21 100 0.60 No Value (Large Cap)QQXT First Trust Nasdaq-100 Ex-Tech $5 62 0.60 No IWD iShares Russell 1000 Value $7,120 644 0.20 YesPNXQ PowerShares NASDAQ Next-Q Portfolio $2 50 0.70 Yes IVE iShares S&P 500 Value $2,881 375 0.18 YesMid Cap VTV Vanguard Value $2,390 413 0.10 YesMDY Midcap SPDR Trust Series 1 $6,583 400 0.25 Yes IWW iShares Russell 3000 Value $334 1,927 0.25 NoIJH iShares S&P MidCap 400 $4,475 401 0.20 Yes PWV PowerShares Dyn Lg Cap Value $257 50 0.63 YesIWR iShares Russell Midcap $3,628 789 0.20 Yes JKF iShares Morningstar Large Value $172 57 0.25 NoVO Vanguard Mid-Cap $1,453 444 0.13 Yes MGV Vanguard Mega Cap 300 Value ETF $144 155 0.13 YesVXF Vanguard Extended Market $652 3,011 0.08 No ELV SPDR DJ Wilshire Large Cap Value $101 316 0.20 NoMVV ProShares Ultra MidCap400 $156 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes UVG ProShares Ultra Russell1000 Value $21 -- ¹ 0.95 NoJKG iShares Morningstar Mid Core $86 214 0.25 No RPV Rydex S&P 500 Pure Value $17 122 0.35 NoMZZ ProShares UltraShort MidCap400 $61 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes SJF ProShares UltraShort Russell1000 Value $13 -- ¹ 0.95 NoMYY ProShares Short MidCap 400 $35 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes LVL Claymore/S&P Global Dividend Opportunities $5 105 0.60 NoEMM SPDR DJ Wilshire Mid Cap $31 502 0.25 No Value (Mid Cap)MWJ Direxionshares Mid Cap Bull 3X Shares $15 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes IWS iShares Russell Midcap Value $2,141 530 0.25 YesRMM Rydex 2x S&P MidCap 400 ETF $11 -- ¹ 0.70 No IJJ iShares S&P Mid-Cap 400 Value $1,349 285 0.25 YesMWN Direxionshares Mid Cap Bear 3x Shares $11 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes VOE Vanguard Mid-Cap Value $493 258 0.13 NoRMS Rydex Inverse 2x S&P MidCap 400 ETF $8 -- ¹ 0.70 No JKI iShares Morningstar Mid Value $72 195 0.30 NoSmall Cap PWP PowerShares Mid Cap Value $40 75 0.63 NoIWM iShares Russell 2000 $9,931 1,920 0.20 Yes UVU ProShares Ultra Russell MidCap Value $14 -- ¹ 0.95 NoIJR iShares S&P SmallCap 600 $3,854 601 0.20 Yes EMV SPDR DJ Wilshire MidCap Value $12 250 0.25 NoVB Vanguard Small-Cap $1,604 1,742 0.10 Yes RFV Rydex S&P Midcap 400 Pure Value $9 85 0.35 NoTWM ProShares UltraShort Russell2000 $581 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes SJL ProShares UltraShort Russell MidCap Value $4 -- ¹ 0.95 NoUWM ProShares Ultra Russell2000 $303 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes Value (Small Cap)TZA Direxionshares Small Cap Bear 3X Shares $301 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes IWN iShares Russell 2000 Value $3,080 1,286 0.25 YesTNA Direxionshares Small Cap Bull 3X Shares $181 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes IJS iShares S&P SmallCap 600 Value $1,129 426 0.25 YesJKJ iShares Morningstar Small Core $91 280 0.25 No VBR Vanguard Small-Cap Value $1,019 984 0.11 NoRWM ProShares Short Russell2000 $83 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes JKL iShares Morningstar Small Value $75 288 0.30 NoSAA ProShares Ultra SmallCap600 $55 -- ¹ 0.95 No DSV SPDR DJ Wilshire Sm Cap Value $69 807 0.25 NoSDD ProShares UltraShort SmallCap600 $28 -- ¹ 0.95 No PWY PowerShares Small Cap Value $64 100 0.63 YesSBB ProShares Short SmallCap600 $23 -- ¹ 0.95 No RZV Rydex S&P Smallcap 600 Pure Value $34 115 0.35 NoRRY Rydex 2x Russell 2000 ETF $22 -- ¹ 0.70 No UVT ProShares Ultra Russell2000 Value $18 -- ¹ 0.95 NoDSC SPDR DJ Wilshire Small Cap $20 1,749 0.25 No SJH ProShares UltraShort Russell2000 Value $15 -- ¹ 0.95 NoRRZ Rydex Inverse 2x Russell 2000 ETF $19 -- ¹ 0.70 No DividendPQSC PowerShares FTSE NASDAQ Small Cap Portfolio $2 881 0.70 No DVY iShares DJ Select Dividend $3,035 101 0.40 YesMicro Cap PFF iShares S&P US Preferred Stock $1,858 68 0.48 YesIWC iShares Russell Microcap $247 1,311 0.60 Yes PGF PowerShares Financial Preferred $1,023 40 0.72 YesPZI PowerShares Zacks Micro Cap $47 401 0.71 No VIG Vanguard Dividend Appreciation $979 187 0.28 NoFDM First Trust DJ Select Microcap $13 250 0.60 Yes SDY SPDR Dividend ETF $633 52 0.35 No

DWM WisdomTree DEFA Fund $368 715 0.48 NoDLN WisdomTree LargeCap Dividend $347 299 0.28 NoPID PowerShares International Div. Achvrs $311 97 0.60 No

Growth (Large Cap) VYM Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF $311 505 0.20 NoIWF iShares Russell 1000 Growth $9,443 637 0.20 Yes DTN WisdomTree Dividend Top 100 Fund $126 101 0.38 NoIVW iShares S&P 500 Growth $5,073 290 0.18 Yes DHS WisdomTree Equity Income Fund $124 321 0.38 NoVUG Vanguard Growth $3,073 401 0.10 Yes FVD First Trust Value Line Dividend $121 147 0.70 NoJKE iShares Morningstar Large Growth $338 82 0.25 No DTH WisdomTree DEFA Equity Income Fund $110 433 0.58 No

StyleBroad Based


US Listed ETFs

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Ticker ETF Name

Total Assets ($M)

Stocks in ETF


Exp. Ratio (%)

Options Available Ticker ETF Name

Total Assets


Stocks in ETF


Exp. Ratio (%)

Options Available

Dividend (continued)DTD WisdomTree Total Dividend $103 803 0.28 No TDH TDAX Independence 2020 ETF $37 471 0.65 NoDES WisdomTree SmallCap Dividend Fund $91 555 0.38 No TDN TDAX Independence 2030 ETF $29 459 0.65 NoPEY PowerShares High Yld Eq. Div. Achvrs $89 50 0.60 No TDV TDAX Independence 2040 ETF $28 449 0.65 NoDON WisdomTree MidCap Dividend $88 361 0.38 No TDX TDAX Independence In-Target ETF $24 396 0.65 NoPFM PowerShares Dividend Achievers $83 282 0.61 Yes AOR iShares S&P Growth Allocation Fund $19 10 0.33 NoFDL First Trust Morningstar Div. Leaders $40 92 0.45 No TDD TDAX Independence 2010 ETF $18 427 0.65 NoIRO Claymore/Zacks Div. Rotation Index ETF $2 100 0.60 No AOM iShares S&P Moderate Allocation Fund $15 10 0.32 NoAlpha AOA iShares S&P Aggressive Allocation Fund $14 8 0.34 NoDBV PowerShares DB G10 Curncy Harvest $311 -- 0.75 Yes PCA PowerShares Autonomic Balanced NFA Global Asset Portfolio $10 29 0.73 NoPBP PowerShares S&P 500 BuyWrite Portfolio $93 502 0.75 Yes PAO PowerShares Autonomic Balanced Growth NFA Global Asset Portfolio $9 31 0.79 NoICI iPath Optimized Currency Carry ETN $25 -- 0.65 No PTO PowerShares Autonomic Growth NFA Global Asset Portfolio $8 31 0.83 NoQAI IndexIQ ETF Trust IQ Hedge Multi-Strategy Tracker $22 -- 0.75 No AOK iShares S&P Conservative Allocation Fund $8 9 0.31 NoBWV iPath CBOE S&P 500 BuyWrite Index ETN $9 -- 0.75 No TZI iShares S&P Target Date 2025 Index Fund $4 10 0.30 NoPQBW PowerShares NASDAQ-100 BuyWrite Portfolio $6 -- 0.75 No TZL iShares S&P Target Date 2030 Index Fund $4 9 0.30 NoEnhanced (Large Cap) GCE Claymore CEF GS Connect ETN $3 -- 0.95 NoPRF PowerShares FTSE RAFI US 1000 $433 999 0.39 Yes TZD iShares S&P Target Date 2010 Index Fund $3 10 0.31 NoPWC PowerShares Dynamic Market $269 100 0.60 No TZE iShares S&P Target Date 2015 Index Fund $3 10 0.31 NoPDP PowerShares DWA Technical Leaders Portfolio $126 100 0.72 Yes TGR iShares S&P Target Date Retirement Income Index Fund $3 10 0.31 NoPIV PowerShares Value Line Timeliness $68 50 0.70 No TZO iShares S&P Target Date 2035 Index Fund $3 8 0.30 NoFVL First Trust Value Line 100 $63 100 0.70 No TZG iShares S&P Target Date 2020 Index Fund $3 10 0.31 NoEPS WisdomTree Earnings 500 Fund $48 498 0.28 No TZV iShares S&P Target Date 2040 Index Fund $2 7 0.29 NoPWO PowerShares Dynamic OTC $39 100 0.60 NoFDV First Trust DB Strategic Value $39 40 0.65 NoRYJ Claymore/Raymond James SB-1 Equity Fund $36 119 0.75 YesPJF PowerShares Dyn Large Cap $36 100 0.73 No Consumer DiscretionaryPIQ PowerShares Dynamic MagniQuant $29 200 0.67 No XLY Consumer Discretionary SPDR $1,147 83 0.21 YesEZY WisdomTree Low P/E Fund $26 534 0.38 No RTH Retail HOLDRs Trust $779 18 -- ² YesXRO Claymore/Zacks Sector Rotation $26 100 0.60 No XHB SPDR Homebuilders $604 24 0.35 YesPYH PowerShares Val Line Industry Rotation $25 74 0.75 No XRT SPDR Retail $532 53 0.35 YesEXT WisdomTree Total Earnings Fund $21 1,203 0.28 No ITB iShares DJ US Home Construction $193 28 0.48 YesFTA First Trust Large Cap Value $16 203 0.70 No IYC iShares DJ US Consumer Services $183 202 0.48 YesFEX First Trust Large Cap Core $15 375 0.70 No BJK Market Vectors Gaming ETF $109 47 0.65 NoFTC First Trust Large Cap Growth $13 173 0.70 No VCR Vanguard Consumer Discretionary $104 374 0.25 NoEEZ WisdomTree Earnings Top 100 Fund $11 102 0.38 No SCC ProShares UltraShort C. Services $77 -- ¹ 0.95 NoFAB First Trust MultiCap Value $7 606 0.70 No PMR PowerShares Retail $66 30 0.64 NoFAD First Trust MultiCap Growth $6 517 0.70 No PKB PowerShares Building & Construct. $52 30 0.64 NoDOD ELEMENTS - "Dogs of the Dow" Linked to the DJ High Yield Select TR Index $6 -- 0.75 No PEJ PowerShares Leisure & Entertainment $18 30 0.64 YesFVI First Trust Val Line Equity Allocation $5 151 0.70 No PEZ PowerShares Dynamic C. Discretionary $13 60 0.71 YesPQZ PowerShares Active Alpha Multi-Cap Fund $4 50 0.75 No UCC ProShares Ultra Consumer Services $11 -- ¹ 0.95 NoRWV RevenueShares Navellier Overall A-100 Fund $4 100 0.60 No PBS PowerShares Media $8 30 0.64 NoPQY PowerShares Active AlphaQ Fund $4 51 0.75 No RCD Rydex S&P Equal Wgt C. Discretion $5 81 0.50 NoWMW ELEMENTS Linked to the Morningstar Wide Moat Focus Total Return Index $3 -- 0.75 No FXD First Trust C Disc AlphaDEX Fund $4 134 0.70 NoPMA PowerShares Active Mega-Cap Portfolio $2 40 0.75 No Consumer StaplesBVT ELEMENTS Linked to the Benjamin Graham Total Market Value Index - Total Return $1 -- 0.75 No XLP Consumer Staples SPDR $1,963 43 0.21 YesEEH ELEMENTS SPECTRUM ETN $1 -- 0.75 No VDC Vanguard Consumer Staples $527 105 0.25 NoBVL ELEMENTS Linked to the Benjamin Graham Large Cap Value Index - Total Return $1 -- 0.75 No IYK iShares DJ US Consumer Goods $313 134 0.48 YesEnhanced (Mid Cap) PBJ PowerShares Food & Beverage $86 30 0.64 NoPRFZ PowerShares FTSE RAFI US 1500 Sm-Mid $108 1,493 0.39 No PSL PowerShares Dynamic C. Staples $39 60 0.72 NoEZM WisdomTree MidCap Earnings Fund $18 642 0.38 No SZK ProShares UltraShort Consumer Goods $20 -- ¹ 0.95 NoPJG PowerShares Dyn Mid Cap $18 150 0.73 No UGE ProShares Ultra Consumer Goods $16 -- ¹ 0.95 NoFNX First Trust Mid Cap Core AlphaDEX Fund $8 299 0.70 No RHS Rydex S&P Equal Wgt C. Staples $9 41 0.50 NoCZA Claymore/Zacks Mid-Cap Core $4 101 0.60 No FXG First Trust C. Staples AlphaDEX Fund $8 33 0.70 NoEnhanced (Small Cap) EnergyEES WisdomTree SmallCap Earnings Fund $27 837 0.38 No XLE Energy SPDR $4,570 42 0.21 YesPZJ PowerShares Zacks Small Cap $19 251 0.71 No OIH Oil Service HOLDRs Trust $2,038 16 -- ² YesPJM PowerShares Dyn Small Cap $14 199 0.73 No VDE Vanguard Energy $844 165 0.25 YesFYX First Trust Small Cap Core AlphaDEX Fund $6 449 0.70 No DIG ProShares Ultra Oil & Gas $792 -- ¹ 0.95 YesBSC ELEMENTS Linked to the Benjamin Graham Small Cap Value Index - Total Return $1 -- 0.75 No PBW PowerShares WilderHill Clean Energy $739 51 0.70 YesTheme IYE iShares DJ US Energy $688 94 0.48 YesKLD iShares KLD Select Social SM $98 210 0.50 Yes XOP SPDR Oil & Gas Exp. & Prod. $379 33 0.35 YesCVY Claymore/Zacks Yield Hog $71 147 0.60 No IEO iShares DJ US Oil & Gas Exp. & Prod. $368 58 0.48 YesDSI iShares KLD 400 SocialSM Index $68 401 0.50 Yes DUG ProShares UltraShort Oil & Gas $298 -- ¹ 0.95 YesNFO Claymore/Sabrient Insider $36 100 0.60 No IEZ iShares DJ US Oil Equipment & Srvcs $263 42 0.48 YesPKW PowerShares Buyback Achvrs $30 335 0.73 No XES SPDR Oil & Gas Equipment and Srvcs $209 26 0.35 YesDEF Claymore/Sabrient Defender $14 100 0.60 No PXJ PowerShares Oil & Gas Services $181 30 0.63 YesFPX First Trust US IPO Index Fund $9 100 0.60 No AMJ JPMorgan Alerian MLP Index ETN $179 -- 0.85 NoCSD Claymore/Clear Spin-Off $7 30 0.60 No NLR Market Vectors Nuclear Energy $178 25 0.65 YesOTP Claymore/Ocean Tomo Patent $6 290 0.60 No ERX Direxionshares Energy Bull 3X Shares $163 -- ¹ 0.94 YesSTH Claymore/Sabrient Stealth $3 150 0.60 No PZD PowerShares Cleantech $123 76 0.71 NoMZO Claymore Morningstar Services Super Sector $2 808 0.40 No FCG First Trust ISE-Revere Nat Gas Index Fund $71 31 0.60 YesOTR Claymore/Ocean Tomo Growth $2 58 0.60 No BSR BearLinx Alerian MLP Select $66 -- 0.85 NoVolatility ERY Direxion Energy Bear 3X Shares $60 -- ¹ 0.95 YesVXX iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN $87 -- 0.89 No PXE PowerShares Energy E&P $59 30 0.63 YesVXZ iPath S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures ETN $20 -- 0.89 No PUW PowerShares WilderHill Prog. Energy $42 45 0.73 No

PWND Pow erShares NASDAQ OMX Clean Edge Global Wind Energy $41 31 0.75 No¹ These funds actually invest in derivatives that replicate the payoff of the underlying index. ENY Claymore/SWM Canadian Energy Income $40 29 0.65 No

QCLN First Trust Nasdaq Clean Edge Green Energy $38 47 0.60 NoNote: Total Assets ($M) is calculated as the number of ETF shares that have been issued, KWT Market Vectors Solar Energy $30 30 0.65 Yesmultiplied by the last price of a share. Stocks in ETF shows the number of stocks that are PXI PowerShares Dynamic Energy $28 60 0.70 Noactually held in the ETF currently, and not the targeted number of names to be held. FXN First Trust Energy AlphaDEX Fund $10 62 0.70 No

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Energy (continued) Materials (continued)REA Rydex 2X S&P Select Sector Energy $9 -- ¹ 0.70 No SMN ProShares UltraShort Basic Materials $70 -- ¹ 0.95 YesRYE Rydex S&P Equal Wgt Energy $9 39 0.50 No FIW First Trust ISE Water Index Fund $32 37 0.60 YesDDG ProShares Short Oil & Gas $4 -- ¹ 0.95 No RTM Rydex S&P Equal Wgt Materials $22 28 0.50 NoREC Rydex Inverse 2X S&P Select Sector Energy $1 -- ¹ 0.70 No PYZ PowerShares Dynamic Basic Materials Sector Portfolio $22 59 0.70 NoFinancials FXZ First Trust Materials AlphaDEX Fund $9 66 0.70 NoXLF Financial SPDR $6,406 83 0.21 Yes Real EstateUYG ProShares Ultra Financials $2,428 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes VNQ Vanguard REIT $2,096 99 0.10 YesFAZ Direxion Financial Bear 3X Shares $1,761 -- ¹ 0.94 Yes IYR iShares DJ US Real Estate $1,713 78 0.48 YesFAS Direxionshares Financial Bull 3X Shares $1,493 -- ¹ 0.94 Yes SRS ProShares UltraShort Real Estate $1,322 -- ¹ 0.95 YesSKF ProShares UltraShort Financials $1,237 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes ICF iShares Cohen & Steers Realty Maj. $1,160 31 0.35 YesKBE SPDR KBW Bank $753 26 0.35 Yes RWR SPDR DJ REIT $972 82 0.25 YesKRE SPDR KBW Regional Banking $531 53 0.35 Yes URE ProShares Ultra Real Estate $442 -- ¹ 0.95 YesIYF iShares DJ US Financials $514 268 0.48 Yes DRW WisdomTree International Real Estate $51 223 0.58 NoVFH Vanguard Financials $508 504 0.25 Yes REM iShares FTSE NAREIT Mortgage Plus $31 45 0.48 NoIYG iShares DJ US Financial Services $306 127 0.48 No REZ iShares FTSE NAREIT Residential $18 30 0.48 NoRKH Regional Bank HOLDRs Trust $239 17 -- ² Yes FTY iShares FTSE NAREIT Real Estate 50 $15 51 0.48 NoIAI iShares DJ US Broker Dealers $177 27 0.48 Yes FRI First Trust S&P REIT $5 105 0.50 NoSEF ProShares Short Financials $162 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes FIO iShares FTSE NAREIT Industrial/Office $4 25 0.48 NoIAT iShares DJ US Regional Banks $142 65 0.48 Yes PSR PowerShares Active U.S. Real Estate Fund $3 50 0.80 NoKIE SPDR KBW Insurance ETF $101 26 0.35 Yes RTL iShares FTSE NAREIT Retail $2 24 0.48 NoKCE SPDR KBW Capital Markets ETF $92 26 0.35 Yes TechnologyPSP PowerShares Listed Private Equity $76 35 0.71 No XLK Technology SPDR $2,635 86 0.21 YesPJB PowerShares Dynamic Banking Portfolio $44 30 0.75 Yes SMH Semiconductor HOLDRs Trust $851 18 -- ² YesIAK iShares DJ US Insurance $33 60 0.48 No IYW iShares DJ US Technology $850 181 0.48 YesRFL Rydex 2X S&P Select Sector Financial $20 -- ¹ 0.70 No VGT Vanguard Information Technology $478 398 0.25 YesPIC PowerShares Insurance $18 30 0.63 No IGV iShares S&P NA Software $281 41 0.48 NoPFI PowerShares Dynamic Financial Sector Portfolio $15 60 0.71 No IGM iShares S&P NA Technology $272 211 0.48 NoRYF Rydex S&P Equal Wgt Financial $14 81 0.50 No IGW iShares S&P NA Semiconductor $186 44 0.48 YesFXO First Trust Financial AlphaDEX Fund $8 158 0.70 No MTK SPDR Morgan Stanley Technology $181 37 0.50 NoRFN Rydex Inverse 2X S&P Select Sector Financial $8 -- ¹ 0.70 No ROM ProShares Ultra Technology $129 -- ¹ 0.95 YesRWW RevenueShares Financials Sector Fund $6 82 0.49 No IGN iShares S&P NA Networking $116 28 0.48 YesHealth Care USD ProShares Ultra Semiconductors $105 -- ¹ 0.95 YesXLV Health Care SPDR $2,246 56 0.21 Yes XSD SPDR S&P Semiconductor $103 27 0.35 YesIBB iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology $1,312 135 0.48 Yes HHH Internet HOLDRs Trust $100 12 -- ² YesIYH iShares DJ US Healthcare $654 137 0.48 Yes TYH Direxionshares Technology Bull 3X Shares $68 -- ¹ 0.94 YesPPH Pharmaceutical HOLDRs Trust $590 18 -- ² Yes SWH Software HOLDRs Trust $53 13 -- ² YesVHT Vanguard Health Care $513 290 0.25 Yes PXN PowerShares Lux Nanotech $43 21 0.71 YesXBI SPDR Biotech $371 25 0.35 Yes PSJ PowerShares Software $41 30 0.63 NoBBH Biotech HOLDRs Trust $329 13 -- ² Yes IAH Internet Architecture HOLDRs Trust $40 17 -- ² NoIHI iShares DJ US Medical Devices $244 41 0.48 Yes PSI PowerShares Semiconductors $38 30 0.63 NoPBE PowerShares Biotech & Genome $145 29 0.63 No REW ProShares UltraShort Technology $36 -- ¹ 0.95 YesPJP PowerShares Pharmaceuticals $105 30 0.63 No SSG ProShares UltraShort Semiconductors $35 -- ¹ 0.95 YesIHF iShares DJ US Health Care Providers $84 46 0.48 No FDN First Trust DJ Internet $34 41 0.60 NoIHE iShares DJ US Pharmaceuticals $84 36 0.48 No PTF PowerShares Dynamic Technology Sector Portfolio $30 60 0.70 YesPTH PowerShares Dynamic Healthcare Sector Portfolio $72 60 0.70 No TYP Direxionshares Technology Bear 3X Shares $26 -- ¹ 0.95 YesFBT First Trust AMEX Biotech Index $56 20 0.60 No QTEC First Trust NASDAQ-100 Tech $21 39 0.60 NoRXL ProShares Ultra Health Care $48 -- ¹ 0.95 No PXQ PowerShares Networking $18 30 0.64 NoXPH SPDR Pharmaceuticals $41 24 0.35 No RYT Rydex S&P Equal Wgt Technology $15 75 0.50 NoRYH Rydex S&P Equal Wgt Healthcare $40 54 0.50 No BDH Broadband HOLDRs Trust $15 16 -- ² YesFXH First Trust Health Care AlphaDEX Fund $13 69 0.70 No FXL First Trust Technology AlphaDEX $10 77 0.70 NoPTJ PowerShares Dynamic Healthcare Services Portfolio $13 30 0.70 No IIH Internet Infrastructure HOLDRs Trust $9 8 -- ² NoRXD ProShares UltraShort Health Care $13 -- ¹ 0.95 No RTG Rydex 2X S&P Select Sector Technology $5 -- ¹ 0.70 NoRHO Rydex Inverse 2X S&P Select Sector Health Care $3 -- ¹ 0.70 No MZN Claymore Mstar Information Super Sector $3 266 0.40 NoRHM Rydex 2X S&P Select Sector Health Care $2 -- ¹ 0.70 No RTW Rydex Inverse 2X S&P Select Sector Technology $2 -- ¹ 0.70 NoIndustrials BHH B2B Internet HOLDRs Trust $2 2 -- ² NoMOO Market Vectors Agribusiness ETF $1,583 44 0.65 Yes TelecomXLI Industrials SPDR $1,353 61 0.21 Yes IYZ iShares DJ US Telecom $531 33 0.48 YesPHO PowerShares Water Resources $1,225 31 0.66 Yes VOX Vanguard Telecom Services $141 42 0.25 NoIYT iShares DJ US Transportation $314 21 0.48 Yes TTH Telecom HOLDRs Trust $74 13 -- ² YesIYJ iShares DJ US Industrials $227 261 0.48 Yes WMH Wireless HOLDRs Trust $23 17 -- ² NoVIS Vanguard Industrials $166 312 0.25 Yes PTE PowerShares Telecom & Wireless $14 30 0.66 NoITA iShares DJ US Aerospace & Defense $132 34 0.48 No LTL ProShares Ultra Telecommunications $12 -- ¹ 0.95 NoPPA PowerShares Aerospace & Defense $124 56 0.66 No PNQI PowerShares NASDAQ Internet Portfolio $6 61 0.60 NoPRN PowerShares Dynamic Industrials Sector Portfolio $76 60 0.70 Yes TLL ProShares UltraShort Telecommunications $2 -- ¹ 0.95 NoSIJ ProShares UltraShort Industrials $36 -- ¹ 0.95 No UtilitiesUXI ProShares Ultra Industrials $30 -- ¹ 0.95 No XLU Utilities SPDR $1,985 36 0.21 YesEVX Market Vectors Environmental Srvcs $19 21 0.55 Yes IDU iShares DJ US Utilities $420 76 0.48 YesRGI Rydex S&P Equal Wgt Industrial $12 58 0.50 No VPU Vanguard Utilities $321 83 0.25 NoFXR First Trust Industrials AlphaDEX Fund $5 55 0.70 No UTH Utilities HOLDRs Trust $76 18 -- ² YesFAA Claymore/NYSE Arca Airline $3 26 0.65 No PUI PowerShares Utilities $30 30 0.64 NoMZG Claymore Mstar Manufacturing Super Sector $3 571 0.40 No UPW ProShares Ultra Utilities $25 -- ¹ 0.95 NoMaterials FXU First Trust Utilities AlphaDEX Fund $14 53 0.70 NoGDX Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF $4,873 31 0.55 Yes SDP ProShares UltraShort Utilities $12 -- ¹ 0.95 NoIGE iShares S&P NA Natural Resources $1,445 127 0.48 Yes RYU Rydex S&P Equal Wgt Utilities $8 44 0.50 NoXLB Materials SPDR $1,356 30 0.21 YesXME SPDR Metals & Mining $642 26 0.35 Yes ² The Bank of New York, as trustee and as custodian, charges a quarterly custody fee of $2.00 for each round-lot of 100 IYM iShares DJ US Basic Materials $538 73 0.48 Yes HOLDRs, to be deducted from any cash dividend or other cash distibutions on underlying securities received by the trust. UYM ProShares Ultra Basic Materials $477 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes With repect to the aggregate custody fee payable in any calendar year for each HOLDR, the trustee will waive that portion of VAW Vanguard Materials $290 118 0.25 Yes the fee which exceeds the total cash dividends and other cash distributions received, or to be received, and payable with SLX Market Vectors Steel $234 27 0.55 Yes respect to such calendar year.

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Global Regional (continued)EFA iShares MSCI EAFE $30,349 838 0.34 Yes DFE WisdomTree Europe SmallCap Div $18 435 0.58 NoVEA Vanguard Europe Pacific ETF $3,108 971 0.12 Yes PAF PowerShares FTSE RAFI Asia Pac. ex-Japan $18 134 0.80 NoVEU Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US ETF $3,099 2,167 0.25 Yes PDN PowerShares FTSE RAFI Dev Mkts ex-US $17 1,486 0.75 NoEFG iShares MSCI EAFE Growth $1,115 489 0.40 Yes ADRU BLDRS Europe 100 ADR $17 89 0.30 NoEFV iShares MSCI EAFE Value Index $1,101 563 0.40 Yes PMNA PowerShares MENA Frontier Countries Portfolio $15 35 0.95 NoIOO iShares S&P Global 100 $622 109 0.40 Yes FRN Claymore/BNY Mellon Frontier Markets ETF $15 34 0.65 YesACWI iShares MSCI ACWI Index Fund $332 702 0.35 No AFK Market Vectors Africa Index ETF $14 50 0.83 NoDLS WisdomTree Int'ntl SmallCap Dividend $315 854 0.58 No IFAS iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Asia $13 65 0.48 NoGWX SPDR S&P International Small Cap ETF $314 523 0.59 Yes GULF WisdomTree Middle East Dividend Fund $9 65 0.88 NoSCZ iShares MSCI EAFE Small Cap Index Fund $310 659 0.40 No PEF PowerShares FTSE RAFI Europe $6 528 0.75 NoVT Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund $302 2,754 0.30 No EKH Europe 2001 HOLDRs Trust $6 35 -- ² NoCWI SPDR MSCI ACWI ex-US $258 640 0.34 No MES Market Vectors Gulf States ETF $5 40 0.98 NoACWX iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Index Fund $255 637 0.35 No FDD First Trust DJ STOXX Select Div 30 $5 31 0.60 NoDOO WisdomTree Int'ntl Dividend Top 100 $130 92 0.58 No IFNA iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT North Am $3 115 0.48 NoPXF PowerShares FTSE RAFI Dev Mkts ex-US $107 1,023 0.75 No IFEU iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Europe $3 79 0.48 NoDIM WisdomTree Int'ntl MidCap Dividend $100 513 0.58 No CountryDOL WisdomTree Int'ntl LargeCap Dividend $94 274 0.48 No FXI iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 $9,513 26 0.74 YesTOK iShares MSCI Kokusai Index Fund $80 1,192 0.25 No EWZ iShares MSCI Brazil $9,196 70 0.63 YesGWL SPDR S&P World ex-US $77 699 0.34 No EWJ iShares MSCI Japan $5,268 336 0.52 YesDWX SPDR S&P International Dividend ETF $75 122 0.45 No EWT iShares MSCI Taiwan $3,083 103 0.73 YesVSS Vanguard FTSE All World ex-US Sm-Cap $74 1,434 0.38 No EWC iShares MSCI Canada $2,007 100 0.52 YesDGT SPDR DJ Global Titans $73 55 0.50 No EWY iShares MSCI South Korea $1,912 99 0.63 YesADRD BLDRS Developed Markets 100 ADR $65 100 0.30 No EWH iShares MSCI Hong Kong $1,768 44 0.52 YesIDV iShares Dow Jones EPAC Select Dividend $61 98 0.50 No EWA iShares MSCI Australia $1,074 73 0.52 YesEFZ ProShares Short MSCI EAFE $61 -- ¹ 0.95 No EWS iShares MSCI Singapore $1,062 28 0.52 NoEFU ProShares UltraShort MSCI EAFE $56 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes RSX Market Vectors Russia ETF $848 34 0.69 YesPFA PowerShares Dynamic Dev Intl Opp Port $50 254 0.75 No INP iPath MSCI India ETN $741 -- 0.89 NoHAP Market Vectors Hard Assets Producers ETF $45 271 0.65 No EWU iShares MSCI United Kingdom $676 116 0.52 YesSCJ iShares MSCI Japan Small Cap Index Fund $28 562 0.53 No EWW iShares MSCI Mexico $573 49 0.52 YesWOOD iShares S&P Global Timber & Forestry Index Fund $25 25 0.48 No EWG iShares MSCI Germany $499 52 0.52 YesIFSM iShares FTSE Developed SC ex-North Am $22 623 0.50 No EWM iShares MSCI Malaysia $413 43 0.52 YesPIZ PowerShares DWA Developed Markets Technical Leaders Portfolio $20 101 0.80 No EZA iShares MSCI South Africa $389 44 0.63 YesMKH Market 2000 HOLDRs Trust $19 55 -- ² No PGJ PowerShares Golden Dragon Halter USX China $372 101 0.70 YesMDD SPDR S&P International Mid Cap ETF $14 318 0.45 No GXC SPDR S&P China $351 129 0.59 YesDZK Direxionshares Developed Markets Bull 3X Shares $11 -- ¹ 0.95 No EPI WisdomTree India Earnings Fund $351 144 0.88 YesFFR First Trust FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Glbl Real Estate $9 260 0.60 No ECH iShares MSCI Chile $283 32 0.63 NoFGD First Trust DJ Global Select Dividend $6 101 0.60 No EWL iShares MSCI Switzerland $233 37 0.52 YesCRO Claymore/Zacks Country Rotation $6 207 0.65 No EWP iShares MSCI Spain $191 33 0.52 YesDPK Direxionshares Developed Markets Bear 3X Shares $5 -- ¹ 0.95 No PIN PowerShares India Portfolio $177 50 0.78 YesRTR RevenueShares ADR Fund $5 184 0.49 No FXP ProShares UltraShort FTSE/Xinhua China 25 $176 -- ¹ 0.95 YesEEN Claymore/BNY Mellon EW Euro-Pacific LDRs $3 106 0.35 No EWD iShares MSCI Sweden $150 35 0.51 YesGWO ELEMENTS Linked to the CS Global Warming Index $2 -- 0.75 No EWQ iShares MSCI France $145 79 0.52 NoRegional ITF iShares S&P/TOPIX 150 $122 151 0.50 NoEEM iShares MSCI Emerging Markets $31,128 340 0.72 Yes TUR iShares MSCI Turkey $121 79 0.63 NoVWO Vanguard Emerging Markets $9,140 779 0.27 Yes EWO iShares MSCI Austria $101 37 0.52 NoEPP iShares MSCI Pacific ex-Japan $2,684 148 0.50 Yes EWN iShares MSCI Netherlands $96 60 0.52 NoILF iShares S&P Latin America 40 $1,869 36 0.50 Yes EIS iShares MSCI Israel $94 77 0.63 NoVGK Vanguard European $1,741 514 0.18 Yes EWI iShares MSCI Italy $80 39 0.52 NoIEV iShares S&P Europe 350 $1,498 358 0.60 Yes HAO Claymore/AlphaShares China Small Cap Index ETF $76 136 0.70 NoVPL Vanguard Pacific $1,265 498 0.18 Yes DFJ WisdomTree Japan SmallCap Div $73 500 0.58 NoEEB Claymore/BNY BRIC $663 72 0.60 Yes JSC SPDR Russ/Nomura SmCap Japan $70 379 0.55 YesAAXJ iShares MSCI All Country Asia ex Japan Index Fund $653 215 0.74 No EWK iShares MSCI Belgium $66 54 0.52 NoEZU iShares MSCI EMU $623 284 0.52 Yes THD iShares MSCI Thailand $57 74 0.63 NoADRE BLDRS Emerging Markets 50 ADR $542 50 0.30 Yes FCHI iShares FTSE China HK Listed Index Fund $30 88 0.74 NoGMF SPDR S&P Emerging Asia Pacific $340 207 0.59 No DNL WisdomTree Japan Equity Income $24 254 0.58 NoBKF iShares MSCI BRIC Index Fund $290 176 0.72 No DXJ WisdomTree Japan Dividend $23 412 0.48 NoDEM WisdomTree Emerging Mrkt High-Yield $262 299 0.63 No IDX Market Vectors Indonesia $15 25 0.71 NoBIK SPDR S&P BRIC 40 $256 43 0.50 Yes JPP SPDR Russ/Nomura Prime Japan $14 406 0.50 NoEEV ProShares UltraShort MSCI Emerging Markets $209 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes EWV ProShares UltraShort MSCI Japan $13 -- ¹ 0.95 NoFEZ SPDR DJ EURO STOXX 50 $175 50 0.29 Yes PJO PowerShares FTSE RAFI Japan $7 97 0.75 NoEDC Direxionshares Emerging Markets Bull 3X Shares $175 -- ¹ 0.94 Yes GXG Global X/InterBolsa FSTE Colombia 20 $2 21 0.86 NoPXH PowerShares FTSE RAFI EM Portfolio $133 152 0.85 No SectorDGS WisdomTree EM SmallCap Dividend $129 399 0.63 No IXC iShares S&P Global Energy $746 79 0.48 NoGAF SPDR S&P Emrg. Middle East & Africa $103 114 0.59 No RWX SPDR DJ Wilshire Int'ntl Real Estate $595 131 0.59 YesGML SPDR S&P Emerging Latin America $102 103 0.59 No IXJ iShares S&P Global Healthcare $446 85 0.48 YesEUM ProShares Short MSCI Emerging Markets $102 -- ¹ 0.95 No MXI iShares S&P Global Materials $305 116 0.48 NoAIA iShares S&P Asia 50 $73 51 0.50 No KOL Market Vectors Coal ETF $290 32 0.65 YesGUR SPDR S&P Emerging Europe $73 84 0.59 No IGF iShares S&P Global Infrastructure $280 76 0.48 NoGMM SPDR S&P Emerging Markets $72 495 0.59 No IXN iShares S&P Global Technology $259 115 0.48 YesFNI First Trust ISE Chindia Index Fund $65 50 0.60 Yes KXI iShares S&P Global C. Staples $258 100 0.48 NoADRA BLDRS Asia 50 ADR $62 50 0.30 No IXP iShares S&P Global Telecom $255 46 0.48 NoFEU SPDR DJ STOXX 50 $56 56 0.29 No GEX Market Vectors Global Alternative Energy $242 30 0.65 YesDND WisdomTree Pacific ex-Japan Dividend $47 306 0.48 Yes IXG iShares S&P Global Financials $229 223 0.48 NoDNH WisdomTree Pacific ex-Japan Equity Income $46 101 0.58 No IFGL iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Gl Rl Est exUS $219 152 0.48 NoPXR PowerShares Emerging Markets Infrastructure Portfolio $40 59 0.75 No PIO PowerShares Global Water Portfolio $209 29 0.75 YesEDZ Direxionshares Emerging Markets Bear 3X Shares $32 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes PBD PowerShares Global Clean Energy Portfolio $178 80 0.75 NoEWX SPDR S&P Emerging Small Cap ETF $26 252 0.65 No TAN Claymore/MAC Global Solar Energy $171 26 0.65 YesDEW WisdomTree Europe Equity Income $24 176 0.58 No JXI iShares S&P Global Utilities $149 79 0.48 NoPIE PowerShares DWA Emerging Markets Technical Leaders Portfolio $19 98 0.90 No CGW Claymore S&P Global Water Index ETF $141 49 0.65 YesDEB WisdomTree Europe Dividend $18 590 0.48 No SEA Claymore/Delta Global Shipping $99 30 0.65 Yes

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Exp. Ratio (%)

Options Available

Sector (continued) TreasuriesFAN First Trust Global Wind Energy ETF $95 56 0.60 Yes SHY iShares Barclays 1-3 Year Treasury $7,022 48 0.15 YesICLN iShares S&P Global Clean Energy $73 30 0.48 No TBT ProShares UltraShort 20+ Year Treasury $4,031 -- ¹ 0.95 YesWPS iShares S&P Dev ex-U.S. Property $68 228 0.48 No IEF iShares Barclays 7-10 Year Treasury $2,562 16 0.15 YesGII SPDR FTSE/Mac Global Inf. 100 $65 107 0.59 No TLT iShares Barclays 20+ Year Treasury $2,300 10 0.15 YesRXI iShares S&P Global C. Discretion $63 179 0.48 No SHV iShares Barclays Short Treasury $1,939 25 0.15 NoEXI iShares S&P Global Industrials $51 184 0.48 No BIL SPDR Barclays Capital 1-3 Month T-Bill $899 9 0.14 YesCUT Claymore/Clear Global Timber $49 27 0.65 No IEI iShares Barclays 3-7 Year Treasury $836 19 0.15 NoTAO Claymore/AlphaShares China Real Estate $45 40 0.65 No PST ProShares UltraShort Lehman 7-10 Year Treasury $446 -- ¹ 0.95 YesRWO SPDR DJ Wilshire Global Real Estate $42 212 0.50 No TLH iShares Barclays 10-20 Year Treasury Bond $195 17 0.15 NoDBN WisdomTree Int'ntl Basic Materials $35 192 0.58 No AGZ iShares Barclays Agency Bond Fund $172 19 0.20 NoPKN PowerShares Global Nuclear Energy Portfolio $31 62 0.75 No ITE SPDR Barclays Capital Int Term Treasury $132 114 0.14 YesDKA WisdomTree Int'ntl Energy $29 55 0.58 No PLW PowerShares 1-30 Laddered Treasury $76 26 0.25 NoFLM First Trust ISE Global Engineering and Construction Index Fund $28 58 0.70 No EDV Vanguard Extended Duration Treasury $39 47 0.14 NoDBU WisdomTree Int'ntl Utilities $27 78 0.58 No TMV Direxion Daily 30-Year Treasury Bear 3X $36 -- 0.95 NoPSAU PowerShares Global Gold and Precious Metals Portfolio $24 36 0.75 No TLO SPDR Barclays Capital LT Treasury $11 34 0.14 YesPAGG PowerShares Global Agriculture Portfolio $21 56 0.75 No BWZ SPDR Barclays Capital Short Term Intl Treasury Bond $11 39 0.35 NoDBR WisdomTree Int'ntl Health Care $19 98 0.58 No TMF Direxion Daily 30-Year Treasury Bull 3X $8 -- 0.95 NoDGG WisdomTree Int'ntl Communications $19 40 0.58 No TYO Direxion Daily 10-Year Treasury Bear 3X $7 -- 0.95 NoDDI WisdomTree Int'ntl Industrials $14 445 0.58 No TYD Direxion Daily 10-Year Treasury Bull 3X $5 -- 0.95 NoIRV SPDR S&P International Materials $12 123 0.50 No CorporatesDPN WisdomTree Int'ntl Cons. Non-Cyclical $11 154 0.58 No LQD iShares iBoxx Inv. Grade Corp Bond $11,686 103 0.15 YesNUCL iShares S&P Global Nuclear Energy $11 24 0.48 No AGG iShares Barclays Aggregate Bond $9,704 175 0.20 YesDRF WisdomTree Int'ntl Financials $10 313 0.58 No BND Vanguard Total Bond Market $4,332 3,903 0.11 YesDBT WisdomTree Int'ntl Technology $8 156 0.58 No HYG iShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corporate Bond $3,293 52 0.50 YesPKOL PowerShares Global Coal Portfolio $6 32 0.75 No CSJ iShares Barclays 1-3 Year Credit Bond $2,182 156 0.20 NoGRI Cohen & Steers Global Realty Majors $5 75 0.55 No BSV Vanguard Short-Term Bond $1,763 1,055 0.11 YesIRY SPDR S&P International Health Care $5 88 0.50 No JNK SPDR Barclays Capital High Yield Bond $1,719 122 0.40 YesIPW SPDR S&P International Energy $5 62 0.50 No CIU iShares Barclays Int Credit Bond $1,204 283 0.20 NoIPS SPDR S&P International Consumer Staples $5 67 0.50 No BIV Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETF $824 985 0.11 YesIPU SPDR S&P International Utilities $4 61 0.50 No PGX PowerShares Preferred Portfolio $497 67 0.50 NoIPK SPDR S&P International Technology $4 105 0.50 No GVI iShares Barclays Int. Gov't/Credit Bond $342 156 0.20 NoROB Claymore/Robb Report Global Luxury $4 38 0.70 Yes CFT iShares Barclays Credit Bond $286 308 0.20 NoASO AirShares EU Carbon Allowances $4 -- 0.85 No LAG SPDR Barclays Capital Agg Bond $186 152 0.13 NoIPD SPDR S&P International C. Discretionary $4 116 0.50 No BLV Vanguard Long-Term Bond ETF $138 791 0.11 NoIPN SPDR S&P International Industrials $4 148 0.50 No PHB PowerShares High Yield Corporate Bond $111 52 0.50 NoIST SPDR S&P International Telecoms $4 49 0.50 No CWB SPDR Barclays Capital Convertible Bond $40 39 0.40 NoIPF SPDR S&P International Financial Sector ETF $3 111 0.50 No ITR SPDR Barclays Capital Interm Term Credit Bond $28 48 0.15 NoDPC WisdomTree Int'ntl Consumer Cyclical $3 323 0.58 Yes USY WisdomTree US Current Income Fund $12 -- 0.25 NoEXB Claymore/Clear Glbl Ex Brkrs & Asset Mgrs $3 111 0.65 No ULQ Claymore/Dorchester Micro-Term Fixed Income ETF $10 29 0.27 NoPTRP PowerShares Global Progressive Transportation Portfolio $2 32 0.75 No UEM Claymore/Dorchester US-1 - The Capital Markets Index ETF $7 822 0.37 NoPBTQ PowerShares Global Biotech Portfolio $2 43 0.75 No LWC SPDR Barclays Capital Long Term Credit Bond $6 59 0.15 NoPSTL PowerShares Global Steel Portfolio $2 61 0.75 No PLK PowerShares Active Low Duration Portfolio $6 24 0.29 No

UBD Claymore/Dorchester - The Capital Markets Bond Index ETF $4 184 0.27 NoMunicipalMUB iShares S&P National Municipal Bond $1,254 319 0.25 Yes

FXE CurrencyShares Euro Trust $587 -- 0.40 Yes TFI SPDR Barclays Capital Municipal Bond $569 225 0.20 YesFXA CurrencyShares Australian Dollar $549 -- 0.40 Yes PVI PowerShares VRDO Tax Free Weekly $513 98 0.25 NoFXY CurrencyShares Japanese Yen $527 -- 0.40 Yes SHM SPDR Barclays Capital Short Term Municipal Bond $460 177 0.20 NoFXC CurrencyShares Canadian Dollar $499 -- 0.40 Yes PZA PowerShares Insured National Muni Bond $337 127 0.35 NoFXF CurrencyShares Swiss Franc $355 -- 0.40 Yes CMF iShares S&P California Municipal Bond $156 109 0.25 YesUDN PowerShares DB US Dollar Bearish $302 -- 0.50 Yes SUB iShares S&P Short Term National Municipal Bond Fund $85 100 0.25 NoFXB CurrencyShares British Pound Sterling $170 -- 0.40 Yes HYD Market Vectors High Yield Muni Index $84 -- 0.35 NoUUP PowerShares DB US Dollar Bullish $166 -- 0.50 Yes ITM Market Vectors LB AMT-Free Interm Muni $58 -- 0.20 NoCYB WisdomTree Dreyfus Chinese Yuan $107 -- 0.45 Yes NYF iShares S&P New York Municipal Bond $46 58 0.25 YesBZF WisdomTree Dreyfus Brazilian Real Fund $96 -- 0.45 Yes CXA SPDR Barclays Capital California Municipal Bond $39 49 0.20 NoYCS ProShares UltraShort Yen $43 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes MLN Market Vectors LB AMT-Free Long Muni $31 -- 0.24 NoEUO ProShares UltraShort Euro $33 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes SMB Market Vectors LB AMT-Free Short Muni $30 -- 0.16 NoFXS CurrencyShares Swedish Krona $33 -- 0.40 Yes PZT PowerShares Insured NY Muni Bond $29 38 0.35 NoDRR Market Vectors Double Short Euro ETN $31 -- 0.65 No PWZ PowerShares Insured Cali Muni Bond $27 40 0.35 NoFXM CurrencyShares Mexican Peso $27 -- 0.40 Yes PRB Market Vectors Pre-Refunded Muni Index $25 -- 0.24 NoCNY Market Vectors Renminbi/USD ETN $21 -- 0.55 No INY SPDR Barclays Capital NY Municipal Bond $13 26 0.20 NoBNZ WisdomTree New Zealand Dollar Fund $11 -- 0.45 Yes OtherJYF WisdomTree Dreyfus Japanese Yen Fund $11 -- 0.35 Yes TIP iShares Barclays TIPS Bond $13,502 28 0.20 YesICN WisdomTree Dreyfus Indian Rupee Fund $10 -- 0.45 Yes MBB iShares Barclays MBS Bond $1,544 18 0.25 NoJYN iPath JPY/USD Exchange Rate ETN $9 -- 0.40 No BWX SPDR Barclays Capital Intl Treasury Bond $1,050 84 0.50 YesEU WisdomTree Dreyfuss Euro Fund $9 -- 0.35 Yes WIP SPDR DB Intl Govt Inflation-Protected Bond $325 68 0.50 NoERO iPath EUR/USD Exchange Rate ETN $8 -- 0.40 No EMB iShares JPMorgan USD Emerging Markets Bond $261 40 0.60 NoULE ProShares Ultra Euro $7 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes IPE SPDR Barclays Capital TIPS ETF $254 28 0.19 YesPGD Barclays Asian and Gulf Currency Revaluation Note $6 -- 0.89 No PCY PowerShares Emer Markets Sovereign Debt $188 23 0.50 NoURR Market Vectors Double Long Euro ETN $4 -- 0.65 No GBF iShares Barclays Gov't/Credit Bond $123 179 0.20 NoYCL ProShares Ultra Yen $4 -- ¹ 0.95 Yes ISHG iShares S&P/Citigroup 1-3 Year Intl Treasury Bond $21 25 0.35 NoJEM Barclays GEMS Index ETN $3 -- 0.89 No IGOV iShares S&P/Citigroup Intl Treasury Bond $20 47 0.35 NoINR Market Vectors Rupee/USD ETN $3 -- 0.55 No HGI Claymore/Zacks International Yield Hog $14 151 0.65 NoSZR WisdomTree South African Rand Fund $3 -- 0.45 Yes MBG SPDR Barclays Capital Mortgage Backed Bond $5 14 0.20 NoGBB iPath GBP/USD Exchange Rate ETN $2 -- 0.40 NoXRU CurrencyShares Russian Ruble Trust $2 -- 0.40 No Source: Bloomberg; Adelante Shares; AMEX; Barclays; Claymore; CurrencyShares;AYT Barclays GEMS Asia-8 ETN $1 -- 0.89 No Deutsche Bank; ELEMENTS; First Trust; FocusShares; GreenHaven; HealthShares;

HOLDRs (Merrill Lynch); iShares; J.P. Morgan Securities Inc.; MacroShares;Market Vectors; Northern Trust; NYSE; Opta; PowerShares; ProShares; RevenueShares;Rydex; SPA ETF; State Street Global Advisors (SSGA); TDX Independence; UBS;

* For Fixed Income Funds the number of stocks held refers to the number of bonds. Vanguard; WisdomTree

International Fixed Income Funds *

Currency Funds

US Listed ETFs

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Total Assets ($M)

Stocks in ETF


Exp. Ratio


Available Ticker ETF Name

Total Assets


Stocks in ETF


Exp. Ratio (%)

Options Available

Broad Commodity Metals (continued)DBC PowerShares DB Commodity Index Tracking $2,764 -- 0.75 Yes BOM PowerShares DB Base Metals Double Short ETN $4 -- 0.75 NoDBA PowerShares DB Agriculture $2,460 -- 0.75 Yes JJU iPath DJ AIG Aluminum $4 -- 0.75 NoGSG iShares S&P GSCI Commodity Indexed Trust $1,357 -- 0.75 Yes UBG E-TRACS UBS Bloomberg CMCI Gold ETN $4 -- 0.30 NoDJP iPath DJ AIG Commodity $1,186 -- 0.75 No LD iPath DJ AIG Lead $4 -- 0.75 NoRJI ELEMENTS Rogers Intl Commodity Index $254 -- 0.75 No USV E-TRACS UBS Bloomberg CMCI Silver ETN $4 -- 0.40 NoRJA ELEMENTS Rogers Intl Cmdty Index Agri TR $251 -- 0.75 No BOS PowerShares DB Base Metals Short ETN $4 -- 0.75 NoGCC GreenHaven Continous Commodity $140 -- 0.85 Yes JJT iPath DJ AIG Tin $3 -- 0.75 NoDAG PowerShares DB Agriculture Double Long ETN $101 -- 0.75 No BDG PowerShares DB Base Metals Long ETN $3 -- 0.75 NoCOW iPath DJ AIG Livestock $100 -- 0.75 No UBM E-TRACS UBS Bbg CMCI Industrial Metals ETN $2 -- 0.65 NoJJA iPath Dow Jones AIG Agriculture $67 -- 0.75 NoJJG iPath DJ AIG Grains $64 -- 0.75 NoLSC ELEMENTS S&P Cmdty Trends Indicator - TR $64 -- 0.75 NoGSC GS Connect S&P GSCI Enh Cmdty TRS ETN $60 -- 1.25 NoGSP iPath GSCI Total Return ETN $57 -- 0.75 NoDYY PowerShares DB Commodity Double Long ETN $48 -- 0.75 NoUCD ProShares Ultra DJ AIG Commodity $26 -- ¹ 0.95 NoRJZ ELEMENTS Rogers Intl Cmdty Index Metals TR $24 -- 0.75 NoDDP PowerShares DB Commodity Short ETN $10 -- 0.75 NoUBC E-TRACS UBS Bloomberg CMCI Livestock ETN $8 -- 0.65 NoGRU ELEMENTS MLCX Grains Index TR $7 -- 0.75 NoSGG iPath DJ AIG Sugar TR Sub-Index ETN $7 -- 0.75 NoJJS iPath DJ AIG Softs $6 -- 0.75 NoJO iPath DJ AIG Coffee $6 -- 0.75 NoDEE PowerShares DB Commodity Double Short ETN $6 -- 0.75 NoAGF PowerShares DB Agriculture Long ETN $5 -- 0.75 NoFUD E-TRACS UBS Bloomberg CMCI Food ETN $5 -- 0.65 NoUCI E-TRACS UBS Bloomberg CMCI ETN $4 -- 0.65 NoNIB iPath DJ AIG Cocoa $4 -- 0.75 NoDPU PowerShares DB Commodity Long ETN $4 -- 0.75 NoAGA PowerShares DB Agriculture Double Short ETN $3 -- 0.75 NoUAG E-TRACS UBS Bbg CMCI Agriculture ETN $3 -- 0.65 NoBAL iPath DJ AIG Cotton $3 -- 0.75 NoADZ PowerShares DB Agriculture Short ETN $3 -- 0.75 NoGRN iPath Global Carbon ETN $3 -- 0.75 NoCMD ProShares UltraShort DJ AIG Commodity $2 -- ¹ 0.95 NoEnergyUNG United States Natural Gas Fund LP $2,989 -- 0.60 YesUSO United States Oil Fund LP $2,533 -- 0.45 YesDXO PowerShares DB Crude Oil Double Long ETN $691 -- 0.75 NoOIL iPath GS Crude Oil $685 -- 0.75 NoUCO ProShares Ultra DJ AIG Crude Oil $269 -- ¹ 0.95 YesDBO PowerShares DB Oil $259 -- 0.50 YesUSL United States 12 Month Oil Fund LP $195 -- 0.60 YesDBE PowerShares DB Energy $152 -- 0.75 YesSCO ProShares UltraShort DJ AIG Crude Oil $99 -- ¹ 0.95 YesUGA United States Gasoline Fund LP $90 -- 0.60 YesDTO PowerShares DB Crude Oil Double Short ETN $85 -- 0.75 NoGAZ iPath DJ AIG Natural Gas $76 -- 0.75 NoRJN ELEMENTS Rogers Intl Cmdty Index Energy To Return $31 -- 0.75 NoOLO PowerShares DB Crude Oil Long ETN $13 -- 0.75 NoDOY MacroShares $100 Oil Down Shares $13 -- 0.95 NoUHN United States Heating Oil Fund LP $7 -- 0.69 NoUOY MacroShares $100 Oil Up Shares $6 -- 0.95 NoSZO PowerShares DB Crude Oil Short ETN $5 -- 0.75 NoJJE iPath DJ AIG Energy $4 -- 0.75 NoUBN E-TRACS UBS Bbg CMCI Energy ETN $2 -- 0.65 NoFUE ELEMENTS Linked to the MLCX Biofuels Index TR $2 -- 0.75 NoMetalsGLD SPDR Gold Trust $35,652 -- 0.40 YesSLV iShares Silver Trust $4,346 -- 0.50 YesIAU iShares COMEX Gold Trust $2,200 -- 0.40 YesDGP PowerShares DB Gold Double Long ETN $472 -- 0.75 NoDBB PowerShares DB Base Metals $269 -- 0.75 YesUGL ProShares Ultra Gold $166 -- ¹ 0.95 YesDBP PowerShares DB Precious Metals $158 -- 0.75 YesDGL PowerShares DB Gold $127 -- 0.50 YesAGQ ProShares Ultra Silver $99 -- ¹ 0.95 YesDBS PowerShares DB Silver $84 -- 0.50 YesDZZ PowerShares DB Gold Double Short ETN $68 -- 0.75 NoJJC iPath DJ AIG Copper $49 -- 0.75 NoPGM iPath DJ AIG Platinum $42 -- 0.75 NoGLL ProShares UltraShort Gold $35 -- ¹ 0.95 YesZSL ProShares UltraShort Silver $32 -- ¹ 0.95 YesPTM E-TRACS UBS Long Platinum ETN $26 -- 0.65 NoDGZ PowerShares DB Gold Short ETN $17 -- 0.75 NoBDD PowerShares DB Base Metals Double Long ETN $8 -- 0.75 NoJJM iPath DJ AIG Industrial Metals $6 -- 0.75 NoPTD E-TRACS UBS Short Platinum ETN $6 -- 0.65 NoJJP iPath DJ AIG Precious Metals $5 -- 0.75 NoJJN iPath DJ AIG Nickel $4 -- 0.75 No

Commodity Funds Commodity Funds

US Listed ETFs

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Global ETF Handbook

Ticker ETF Name

Total Assets


Stocks in ETF


Exp. Ratio


Available Ticker ETF Name

Total Assets


Stocks in ETF


Exp. Ratio (%)

Options Available

Large Cap North America (continued)XIU CN iShares CDN S&P/TSX 60 $9,378 60 0.17 Yes CLU CN Claymore US Fundamental $45 259 0.65 NoXIC CN iShares CDN S&P/TSX Cap Comp $619 209 0.25 Yes HSU CN Horizons BetaPro S&P 500 Bull Plus $30 -- ¹ 1.30 NoHXU CN Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX 60 Bull Plus $200 -- ¹ 1.22 Yes XSU CN iShares CDN Russell 2000 $23 1,911 0.35 NoHXD CN Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX 60 Bear Plus $181 -- ¹ 1.22 Yes HQU CN Horizons BetaPro NASDAQ-100 Bull Plus $10 -- ¹ 1.60 NoXTR CN iShares CDN S&P/TSX Cap Income $168 49 0.55 No CLU/A CN Claymore US Fundamental $8 259 1.40 NoHIX CN Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX 60 Inverse $20 -- 1.22 No HQD CN Horizons BetaPro NASDAQ-100 Bear Plus $7 -- ¹ 1.42 NoHAX CN Horizons AlphaPro Managed S&P/TSX 60 $9 -- -- No CLU/C CN Claymore US Fundamental $2 259 0.65 NoMid Cap CLU/B CN Claymore US Fundamental -- 259 1.40 NoXMD CN iShares CDN S&P/TSX MidCap $111 149 0.55 No RegionalSmall Cap CBQ CN Claymore BRIC ETF $167 73 0.60 NoXCS CN iShares CDN S&P/TSX SmallCap $32 203 0.55 No CBQ/A CN Claymore BRIC ETF $16 73 1.35 No

CJP CN Claymore Japan Fundamental C$ Hedged $15 78 0.65 NoHJU CN Horizons BetaPro MSCI Em Markets Bull Plus $14 -- ¹ 1.40 NoCWO CN Claymore Broad Emerging Markets $13 -- 0.65 No

Energy / Materials HJD CN Horizons BetaPro MSCI Em Markets Bear Plus $4 -- ¹ 1.31 NoXEG CN iShares CDN S&P/TSX Cap Energy $720 45 0.55 Yes CWO/A CN Claymore Broad Emerging Markets $1 -- 1.40 NoHEU CN Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Energy Bull Plus $137 -- ¹ 1.22 No CJP/A CN Claymore Japan Fundamental C$ Hedged $1 78 1.40 NoCLO CN Claymore Oil Sands Sector ETF $27 17 0.60 NoHED CN Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Energy Bear Plus $23 -- ¹ 1.21 NoCLO/A CN Claymore Oil Sands Sector ETF $5 17 1.35 NoHIE CN Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Energy Inverse $3 -- 1.22 No FIE CN Claymore Canadian Financial Monthly Income $112 73 1.65 NoXGD CN iShares CDN S&P/TSX Global Gold $1,084 22 0.55 Yes XCR CN iShares Conservative Core Portfolio Builder $6 2,803 0.60 NoHGU CN Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Global Gold Bull Plus $329 -- ¹ 1.21 Yes CBD CN Claymore Balanced Income CorePortfolio $6 9 0.25 NoXMA CN iShares CDN S&P/TSX Cap Materials $181 43 0.55 Yes CBN CN Claymore Balanced Growth CorePortfolio $5 15 0.25 NoHGD CN Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Global Gold Bear Plus $59 -- ¹ 1.21 Yes XAL CN iShares Alternatives Completion Portfolio Builder $4 869 0.70 NoHIG CN Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Global Gold Inverse $4 -- 1.22 No CBD/A CN Claymore Balanced Income CorePortfolio $4 9 1.25 NoFinancials / REITs CBN/A CN Claymore Balanced Growth CorePortfolio $2 15 1.25 NoXFN CN iShares CDN S&P/TSX Cap Fin $983 24 0.55 Yes XGR CN iShares Growth Core Portfolio Builder $2 5,434 0.60 NoXRE CN iShares CDN S&P/TSX Cap REIT $397 11 0.55 YesHFU CN Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Financials Bull $87 -- ¹ 1.22 YesHFD CN Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Financials Bear $67 -- ¹ 1.22 YesCEW/A CN Claymore Equal Weight Banc & Lifeco $49 10 1.30 No XBB CN iShares CDN DEX Universe Bond $1,041 217 0.30 NoCEW CN Claymore Equal Weight Banc & Lifeco $20 10 0.55 No XSB CN iShares CDN DEX Short Term Bond $894 140 0.25 NoHIF CN Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Financials Inverse $17 -- 1.22 No XCB CN iShares CDN DEX All Corporate Bond $716 271 0.40 NoIndustrials / Technology / Utilities XRB CN iShares CDN DEX Real Return Bond $178 12 0.35 NoHCH CN CP HOLDRS $100 -- -- No CPD CN Claymore S&P/TSX CDN Pref Share $143 58 0.45 NoCMW CN Claymore S&P/TSX Glbl Mining $29 73 0.55 No CLF CN Claymore 1-5 Year Laddered Government Bond $138 25 0.15 NoHMU CN Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Glbl Mining Bull Plus $11 -- ¹ 1.22 No CBO CN Claymore 1-5 Year Laddered Corporate Bond $112 29 0.25 NoHMD CN Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Glbl Mining Bear Plus $7 -- ¹ 1.22 No XGB CN iShares CDN DEX All Government Bond $72 83 0.35 NoCMW/A CN Claymore S&P/TSX Global Mining $7 73 1.30 No CMR CN Claymore Premium Money Market $46 47 0.25 NoXIT CN iShares CDN S&P/TSX Cap Inf Tech $50 5 0.55 Yes XLB CN iShares CDN DEX Long Term Bond $45 107 0.35 No

HTD CN Horizons BetaPro US 30-yr Bond Bear Plus $28 -- ¹ 1.35 NoCLF/A CN Claymore 1-5 Year Laddered Government Bond $27 25 0.65 NoCPD/A CN Claymore S&P/TSX CDN Preferred Share $21 58 0.95 No

Growth CBO/A CN Claymore 1-5 Year Laddered Corporate Bond $19 29 0.75 NoCRQ CN Claymore Canadian Fundamental $49 70 0.65 No HTU CN Horizons BetaPro US 30-yr Bond Bull Plus $7 -- ¹ 1.32 NoXCG CN iShares CDN Growth $32 59 0.50 No CMR/A CN Claymore Premium Money Market $2 47 0.50 NoCRQ/A CN Claymore Canadian Fundamental $17 70 1.40 NoValueXCV CN iShares CDN Value $26 66 0.50 NoDividend IGT CN iShares COMEX Gold Trust $2,151 -- 0.40 NoXDV CN iShares CDN DJ Canada Slct Div $337 30 0.50 Yes HOU CN Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bull Plus $377 -- ¹ 1.22 YesCDZ CN Claymore CDN Div & Inc Achvrs $38 71 0.60 No HNU CN Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Natural Gas Bull Plus $225 -- ¹ 1.22 NoCDZ/A CN Claymore CDN Div & Inc Achvrs $18 71 1.35 No HBU CN Horizons BetaPro COMEX Gold Bullion Bull Plus $89 -- ¹ 1.22 NoSocially Responsible HOD CN Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus $67 -- ¹ 1.22 YesXEN CN iShares CDN Jantzi Social $16 60 0.50 No GAS CN Claymore Natural Gas Commodity $42 -- 0.80 No

HAU CN Horizons BetaPro DJ-AIG Agri Grains Bull Plus $17 -- ¹ 1.22 NoHND CN Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Natural Gas Bear Plus $6 -- ¹ 1.22 NoHBD CN Horizons BetaPro COMEX Gold Bullion Bear Plus $5 -- ¹ 1.22 No

Global HAD CN Horizons BetaPro DJ-AIG Agri Grains Bear Plus $3 -- ¹ 1.22 NoCOW CN Claymore Global Agriculture $197 35 0.65 YesCIE CN Claymore Intl Fundamental Index $48 140 0.65 NoCWW CN Claymore S&P Glbl Water $32 49 0.60 NoCOW/A CN Claymore Global Agriculture $30 35 1.40 No HDD CN Horizons BetaPro US Dollar Bear Plus $34 -- ¹ 1.35 NoCIF CN Claymore Global Infrastructure $25 60 0.65 No HDU CN Horizons BetaPro US Dollar Bull Plus $7 -- ¹ 1.32 NoCGR CN Claymore Global Real Estate $23 77 0.65 NoCYH CN Claymore Global Monthly Adv Dividend $19 290 0.65 NoCIE/A CN Claymore International Fundamental $7 140 1.40 NoCWW/A CN Claymore S&P Global Water $3 49 1.35 No ¹ These funds actually invest in derivatives.CYH/A CN Claymore Global Monthly Adv Dividend $2 290 1.40 NoXGC CN iShares Global Completion Portfolio Builder $2 5,053 0.70 No * For Fixed Income Funds the number of stocks held refers to the number of bonds. CIF/A CN Claymore Global Infrastructure $1 60 1.40 NoCGR/A CN Claymore Global Real Estate $0 77 1.40 No Please note that cross-listed ETFs are included.North AmericaXSP CN iShares CDN S&P 500 CAD Hedged $882 501 0.24 Yes Source: Bloomberg; AMEX; BBVA; Claymore; ETF Securities Ltd; Horizons BetaPro; iShares; XIN CN iShares 100% Hedged to CAD $722 838 0.49 Yes J.P. Morgan Securities Inc.; Nafinsa; PowerShares; ProShares; State Street Global Advisors (SSGA); HSD CN Horizons BetaPro S&P 500 Bear Plus $51 -- ¹ 1.29 No Van Eck Global.



Canadian Listed ETFs Canadian Listed ETFs

Sector Funds


Asset Allocation Funds

Commodity Funds

Currency Funds


Fixed Income Funds *

Canada & Latin America Listed ETFs

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Global ETF Handbook

Ticker ETF Name

Total Assets


Stocks in ETF


Exp. Ratio


Available Ticker ETF Name

Total Assets


Stocks in ETF


Exp. Ratio



Large Cap Country (continued)NAFTRAC MM iShares NAFTRAC 02 $4,136 35 0.25 Yes VUG* MM Vanguard Growth -- 401 0.10 NoILCTRAC MM iShares IPC Large Cap Total Return TRAC $1,918 20 0.38 No XIU* MM iShares CDN S&P/TSX 60 -- 60 0.17 NoICMTRAC MM iShares IPC CompMx Total Return TRAC $1 59 0.38 No IJT* MM iShares S&P SmallCap 600 Growth -- 359 0.25 NoMid Cap VO* MM Vanguard Mid-Cap -- 441 0.13 NoIMCTRAC MM iShares IPC Mid Cap Total Return TRAC $44 20 0.45 No EWN* MM iShares MSCI Netherlands -- 60 0.52 No

ECH* MM iShares MSCI Chile -- 32 0.63 NoEWI* MM iShares MSCI Italy -- 39 0.52 NoIJS* MM iShares S&P SmallCap 600 Value -- 426 0.25 No

IHBTRAC MM iShares Habita Total Return TRAC $1 5 0.48 No VBR* MM Vanguard Small-Cap Value -- 984 0.11 NoIMXTRAC MM iShares INMEX Total Return TRAC -- 20 0.38 No MGC* MM Vanguard Mega Cap 300 -- 290 0.13 No

VB* MM Vanguard Small-Cap Value -- 984 0.11 NoTUR* MM iShares MSCI Turkey -- 79 0.63 NoVOT* MM Vanguard Mid-Cap Growth -- 232 0.13 No

Global THD* MM iShares MSCI Thailand -- 74 0.63 NoEFA* MM iShares MSCI EAFE $32,419 838 0.34 No MGV* MM Vanguard Mega Cap 300 Value -- 155 0.13 NoVEA* MM Vanguard Europe Pacific $2,061 971 0.12 No EIS* MM iShares MSCI Israel Capped -- 77 0.63 NoIOO* MM iShares S&P Global 100 -- 109 0.40 No MGK* MM Vanguard Mega Cap 300 Growth -- 167 0.13 NoIWRDN MM iShares MSCI World -- 605 0.50 No VXF* MM Vanguard Extended Market -- 3,011 0.08 NoSCJ* MM iShares MSCI Japan Small Cap -- 562 0.53 No VBK* MM Vanguard Small-Cap Growth -- 966 0.11 NoSCZ* MM iShares MSCI EAFE Small Cap -- 659 0.40 No VOE* MM Vanguard Mid-Cap Value -- 258 0.13 NoTOK* MM iShares MSCI Kokusai -- 1,192 0.25 No DOG* MM ProShares Short Dow30 -- -- 0.95 NoACWI* MM iShares MSCI ACWI -- 702 0.35 No VTV* MM Vanguard Value -- 413 0.10 NoACWX* MM iShares MSCI ACWI ex-US -- 637 0.35 No VV* MM Vanguard Large-Cap -- 733 0.07 NoRegional IUSA* MM iShares S&P 500 -- 506 0.40 NoEEM* MM iShares MSCI Emerging Markets $22,656 340 0.72 No SectorEPP* MM iShares MSCI Pacific ex-Japan $2,444 148 0.50 No XLF* MM Financial SPDR $7,686 83 0.22 NoVGK* MM Vanguard European $1,858 514 0.12 No XLE* MM Energy SPDR $5,645 42 0.22 NoILF* MM iShares S&P Latin America 40 $1,652 36 0.50 No GDX* MM Market Vectors Gold Miners $3,496 31 0.55 NoVPL* MM Vanguard Pacific $1,320 498 0.18 No XLP* MM Consumer Staples SPDR $2,587 43 0.22 NoIEV* MM iShares S&P Europe 350 $1,290 358 0.60 No XLK* MM Technology SPDR $2,513 86 0.22 NoEZU* MM iShares MSCI EMU $907 284 0.52 No XLV* MM Health Care SPDR $2,360 56 0.22 NoBKF* MM iShares MSCI BRIC Index Fund $171 176 0.72 No XLU* MM Utilities SPDR $1,948 36 0.22 NoBBVAL MM Accion FTSE Latibex Top ETF/FI -- -- 0.55 No MOO* MM Market Vectors Agribusiness $937 44 0.59 NoEUE MM iShares DJ Euro STOXX 50 -- 51 0.35 No IYH* MM iShares DJ US Healthcare $875 137 0.48 NoVWO* MM Vanguard Emerging Markets -- 779 0.27 No IYW* MM iShares DJ US Technology $811 181 0.48 NoBBVAE MM BBVA Accion DJ Euro STOXX 50 -- -- 0.15 No XLY* MM Consumer Discretionary SPDR $668 83 0.22 NoIFAS* MM iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Asia -- 65 0.48 No VDE* MM Vanguard Energy $612 165 0.25 NoIFEU* MM iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Europe -- 79 0.48 No VHT* MM Vanguard Health Care $504 290 0.25 NoBBVAM MM AFI Monetario Euro ETF/FI -- -- 0.05 No IYF* MM iShares DJ US Financials $496 268 0.48 NoMES* MM Market Vectors Gulf States -- 40 1.00 No VGT* MM Vanguard Information Technology $374 398 0.25 NoBBVAD MM AFI Bonos Medio Plazo Euro ETF/FI -- -- 0.15 No IYK* MM iShares DJ US Consumer Goods $369 134 0.48 NoAFK* MM Market Vectors Africa Index -- 50 0.88 No IYM* MM iShares DJ US Basic Materials $350 73 0.48 NoIFNA* MM iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT NA -- 115 0.48 No IYJ* MM iShares DJ US Industrials $253 261 0.48 NoCountry GEX* MM Market Vectors Global Alternative Energy $221 30 0.62 NoSPY* MM SPDR Trust Series 1 $81,613 502 0.10 No ITB* MM iShares DJ US Home Construction $196 28 0.48 NoIVV* MM iShares S&P 500 $15,608 501 0.09 Yes IEO* MM iShares DJ US Oil & Gas Exp. & Prod. $193 58 0.48 NoQQQQ* MM Powershares QQQ $14,911 100 0.20 Yes XLI* MM Industrials SPDR -- 61 0.22 NoVTI* MM Vanguard Total Stock Market $9,021 3,379 0.07 No IYE* MM iShares DJ US Energy -- 94 0.48 NoDIA* MM DIAMONDS Trust Series I $8,724 31 0.17 No IDU* MM iShares DJ US Utilities -- 76 0.48 NoIWM* MM iShares Russell 2000 $8,335 1,920 0.20 No ITA* MM iShares DJ US Aerospace & Defense -- 34 0.48 NoFXI* MM iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 $7,437 26 0.74 No IYC* MM iShares DJ US Consumer Services -- 202 0.48 NoEWJ* MM iShares MSCI Japan $6,096 336 0.52 No IYZ* MM iShares DJ US Telecom -- 33 0.48 NoEWZ* MM iShares MSCI Brazil $5,715 70 0.63 No XLB* MM Materials SPDR -- 30 0.22 NoIVW* MM iShares S&P 500 Growth $5,299 290 0.18 No VFH* MM Vanguard Financials -- 504 0.25 NoIWB* MM iShares Russell 1000 $3,978 975 0.15 No VAW* MM Vanguard Materials -- 118 0.25 NoIJH* MM iShares S&P MidCap 400 $3,929 401 0.20 No SKF* MM ProShares UltraShort Financials -- -- 0.95 NoIJR* MM iShares S&P SmallCap 600 $3,801 601 0.20 No VPU* MM Vanguard Utilities -- 83 0.25 NoIVE* MM iShares S&P 500 Value $2,968 375 0.18 No REW* MM ProShares UltraShort Technology -- -- 0.95 NoOEF* MM iShares S&P 100 $2,585 101 0.20 Yes SMN* MM ProShares UltraShort Basic Materials -- -- 0.95 NoEWT* MM iShares MSCI Taiwan $2,000 107 0.63 No SCC* MM ProShares UltraShort Consumer Services -- -- 0.95 NoEWH* MM iShares MSCI Hong Kong $1,571 44 0.52 No DIG* MM ProShares Ultra Oil & Gas -- -- 0.95 NoEWY* MM iShares MSCI South Korea $1,545 99 0.63 No IXP* MM iShares S&P Global Telecom -- 46 0.48 NoEWC* MM iShares MSCI Canada $1,513 100 0.52 No SIJ* MM ProShares UltraShort Industrials -- -- 0.95 NoEWS* MM iShares MSCI Singapore $1,029 28 0.52 No DUG* MM ProShares UltraShort Oil & Gas -- -- 0.95 NoRSX* MM Market Vectors Russia ETF $791 34 0.62 No SRS* MM ProShares UltraShort Real Estate -- -- 0.95 NoEWA* MM iShares MSCI Australia $648 73 0.52 No UYG* MM ProShares Ultra Financials -- -- 0.95 NoEWU* MM iShares MSCI United Kingdom $543 116 0.52 No VDC* MM Vanguard Consumer Staples -- 105 0.25 NoEWG* MM iShares MSCI Germany $445 52 0.52 No IYR* MM iShares DJ US Real Estate -- 78 0.48 NoEWM* MM iShares MSCI Malaysia $390 43 0.52 No IBB* MM iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology -- 135 0.48 NoEZA* MM iShares MSCI South Africa $362 44 0.63 No IFGL* MM iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Glbl Real Est ex -- 152 0.48 NoUWM MM ProShares Ultra Russell2000 $303 -- 0.95 No VOX* MM Vanguard Telecom Services -- 42 0.25 NoEWP* MM iShares MSCI Spain $288 33 0.52 No VCR* MM Vanguard Consumer Discretionary -- 374 0.25 NoEWQ* MM iShares MSCI France $257 79 0.52 No VIS* MM Vanguard Industrials -- 312 0.25 NoTWM* MM ProShares UltraShort Russell2000 $227 -- ¹ 0.95 NoEWD* MM iShares MSCI Sweden $155 35 0.51 No Note: Total Assets ($M) is calculated as the number of ETF shares that have been issued,EWO* MM iShares MSCI Austria $99 37 0.52 No multiplied by the last price of a share. Stocks in ETF shows the number of stocks that areIWV* MM iShares Russell 3000 -- 2,894 0.20 No actually held in the ETF currently, and not the targeted number of names to be held.

Mexican Listed ETFs


Mexican Listed ETFs


Sector Funds


Canada & Latin America Listed ETFs

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Global ETF Handbook

Ticker ETF Name

Total Assets


Stocks in ETF


Exp. Ratio


Available Ticker ETF Name

Total Assets


Stocks in ETF


Exp. Ratio



ArgentinaMACC AR Merval Acciones -- -- -- Yes

GLD* MM SPDR Gold Trust $24,289 -- 0.22 No MBIX AR Merval Bonos Indexados -- -- -- NoSLV* MM iShares Silver Trust $3,377 -- 0.22 No BrazilIAU* MM iShares COMEX Gold Trust $2,026 -- 0.40 No PIBB11 BZ PIBB Fundo de Indice Brasil 50 $17 50 0.06 YesDBC* MM PowerShares DB Commodity $1,276 -- 0.22 No SMAL11 BZ iShares BM&FBovespa Small Cap -- 61 0.69 NoGSG* MM iShares S&P GSCI Commodity $434 -- 0.75 No BOVA11 BZ iShares Ibovespa -- 69 0.54 YesOILBN MM ETFs Brent 1mth Oil Securities -- -- 0.49 No MILA11 BZ iShares BM&FBovespa MidLarge Cap -- 64 0.54 No

PeruINCATRK PE Certificados de Participacion Incatrack -- 20 -- NoDIA PE DIAMONDS Trust Series I -- 31 0.17 No

AGG* MM iShares Barclays Aggregate Bond $9,470 134 0.24 No QQQ PE Powershares QQQ -- -- 0.20 NoTIP* MM iShares Barclays TIPS Bond $8,769 28 0.20 No VenezuelaSHY* MM iShares Barclays 1-3 Year Treasury Bond $7,727 31 0.20 No VENDEBT NT Venezuelan Domestic Debt Fund Ltd -- -- 0.25 NoLQD* MM iShares iBoxx Inv. Grade Corp Bond $5,472 103 0.15 NoIEF* MM iShares Barclays 7-10 Year Treasury Bond $2,964 16 0.15 NoTLT* MM iShares Barclays 20+Y Treasury Bond $1,553 10 0.15 NoHYG* MM iShares iBoxx $ HY Corporate Bond $1,120 52 0.50 NoBSV* MM Vanguard Short-Term Bond $1,088 1,055 0.11 NoTLH* MM iShares Barclays 10-20 Year Treasury Bond $152 17 0.15 NoEMB* MM iShares JPMorgan USD Em Markets Bond $117 40 0.60 NoIBCIN MM iShares € Inflation Linked Bond -- 20 0.25 NoIBCXN MM iShares € Corporate Bond -- 38 0.20 NoIBGSN MM iShares € 1-3 Government Bond -- 9 0.20 NoIEI* MM iShares Barclays 3-7 Year Treasury Bond -- 19 0.15 NoCORPTRC MM iShares Mexico Corporate Bond TRAC -- 24 0.30 NoIBGM* MM iShares Euro Government Bond 7-10 -- 16 0.20 NoBND* MM Vanguard Total Bond Market -- 3,903 0.11 NoIBGX* MM iShares Euro Government Bond 3-5 -- 12 0.20 NoITPS* MM iShares $ TIPS -- 25 0.25 NoIBTM* MM iShares USD Treasury Bond 7-10 -- 12 0.20 NoBIV* MM Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond -- 985 0.11 NoIBGL* MM iShares Euro Government Bond 15-30 -- 29 0.20 NoIBTS* MM iShares $ Treasury Bond 1-3 -- 12 0.20 NoBLV* MM Vanguard Long-Term Bond -- 791 0.11 No

Commodity Funds

Fixed Income Funds *

Mexican Listed ETFs Other Latin American Listed ETFs

Canada & Latin America Listed ETFs

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Exp. Ratio


Available Ticker ETF Name

Total Assets

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ETF (#)

Exp. Ratio

(%)Options Available

Country Country (continued)ISF LN iShares PLC - iShares FTSE 100 € 3,468 105 0.40 Yes LVA NA Lyxor ETF Leverage AEX € 60 -- 0.40 NoCAC FP Lyxor ETF CAC 40 € 3,199 40 0.25 Yes ITKY LN iShares MSCI Turkey € 58 23 0.74 NoXMSMI SW XMTCH CH on SMI € 2,459 20 0.38 Yes LEVMIB IM SGAM ETF Leveraged S&P/MIB € 57 -- 0.60 NoDAXEX GY iShares DAX DE € 2,342 30 0.17 Yes KSM30 IT KSM30 € 53 30 1.00 NoETFDAX GY ETFLab DAX € 1,786 30 0.15 No KCAC451 IT KSM CAC40 51 ETF € 52 -- -- NoKSM100 IT KSM Financial - KSM TA 100 € 1,483 97 0.00 No SMIEX GY iShares SMI DE € 52 20 0.52 NoTGTA758 IT Tachlit TA-75 € 1,004 75 1.00 No LYXIB SM Lyxor ETF IBEX 35 € 51 35 0.30 NoXDAX GY db x-trackers - DAX ETF € 848 -- 0.15 No PMMSCI9 IT Prisma MSCI South Africa € 50 -- 0.85 NoMBTG75 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Gidur TA-75 € 797 72 0.50 No KT10019 IT KSM SHORT TA 100 X3 daily exposure € 49 -- 1.50 NoKSM75 IT KSM75 € 792 72 0.50 No AFS FP Lyxor ETF South Africa FTSE JSE Top 40 EUR € 46 39 0.65 NoTALI IT Psagot Ofek Leumi Financial Instruments Ltd TALI 25 € 756 25 0.80 No LFAS LN Lyxor ETF FTSE All-Share € 46 620 0.40 NoE40 FP Easy ETF CAC 40 € 754 40 0.25 No MBFT23 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat FTSE 100 € 45 -- -- NoXSDX GY db x-trackers - ShortDAX ETF € 691 30 0.40 No KSMOMX IT KSM Scandinavia € 45 -- 0.80 NoSTX40 SJ Satrix 40 € 585 40 0.50 No SHA NA Lyxor ETF Short AEX € 42 -- 0.40 NoENBT1 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat TA 25 € 505 25 0.00 No ATXEX GY iShares ATX DE € 42 20 0.32 NoXACTOMX SS XACT OMXS30 € 461 30 0.30 No IND7515 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index TA75 € 41 -- -- NoKSM25 IT KSM25 € 436 25 0.00 No MBTYT38 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Small-Cap 120 € 41 -- -- NoC40 FP CASAM ETF CAC 40 € 411 40 0.25 No IN10010 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index Short 100 € 40 -- -- NoXMSMM SW XMTCH CH on SMIMR € 399 30 0.49 No INTA259 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index Short 25 € 38 -- -- NoMBT1002 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat TA 100 € 368 97 0.00 No XBRMIB IM SGAM ETF XBear S&P/MIB € 38 -- 0.60 NoCBDAX GR ComStage ETF DAX TR € 367 -- 0.12 No OBXEXACT NO XACT OBX € 37 25 0.30 NoTC100 IT Tachlit TA 100 € 359 100 0.00 No UBSLI SW UBS-ETF SLIR € 36 30 0.35 NoETFMIB IM Lyxor ETF S&P/MIB € 355 40 0.35 No MBRE22 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat DJURSE € 32 -- -- NoLYXDAX GY Lyxor ETF DAX € 334 30 0.15 No BEL BB Lyxor ETF BEL 20 € 31 20 0.50 NoTC25 IT Tachlit TA 25 € 314 25 0.00 No B40 FP SGAM ETF Bear CAC 40 € 30 28 0.60 NoRUS FP Lyxor ETF Russia € 311 10 0.65 No DBXUK SJ db x-trackers - FTSE 100 Portfolio € 28 100 1.00 NoMIDD LN iShares FTSE 250 € 286 250 0.40 No KSMTA IT KSM Short TA 25 1200 € 28 25 0.00 NoXMIB GY db x-trackers - S&P/MIB Index ETF € 263 -- 0.30 No CU1 FP CASAM ETF MSCI UK € 28 -- 0.25 NoXACBULL SS XACT Bull € 248 30 0.60 No KST5077 IT KSM Short Yeter 500 € 27 50 -- NoL100 LN Lyxor ETF FTSE 100 € 244 100 0.30 No PTA2536 IT Psagot Sal Short Tel Aviv 25 € 26 -- 0.00 NoXUKX GY db x-trackers - FTSE 100 ETF € 241 100 0.30 No X4S FP db x-trackers - CAC 40 Short € 26 -- 0.40 NoXACBEAR SS XACT Bear € 231 30 0.60 No PAF FP Lyxor ETF Pan Africa € 26 34 0.85 NoFRESMI SW UBS-ETF SMI € 215 20 0.35 No KST7520 IT KSM Long TA 75 X2 Daily Exposure € 25 -- 1.50 NoLYXLEDAX GY Lyxor ETF LevDAX € 209 30 0.40 No EETEUR FP EasyETF DJ Turkey Titans 20 € 24 -- 0.65 NoIAEX LN iShares AEX € 190 25 0.30 No C4S FP CASAM ETF Short CAC 40 € 24 -- 0.35 NoKSHOR25B IT KSM Short TA-25 € 189 25 0.00 No IETF ID ISEQ 20 ETF Shares € 23 20 0.50 NoBX4 FP SGAM ETF XBear CAC 40 € 186 40 0.60 No XMCX GY db x-trackers - FTSE 250 ETF € 23 250 0.35 NoMDAXEX GY iShares MDAX DE € 185 50 0.52 No EEAEUR FP EasyETF South Africa FTSE/JSE Top 40 € 23 -- 0.65 NoIND1002 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index Tel Aviv 100 € 173 100 0.00 No XACTFSWE SS XACT FTSE RAFI Fundamental Sweden € 22 100 0.65 NoXMSLI SW XMTCH CH on SLIR € 170 30 0.40 No KST2523 IT KSM Long TA 25 X3 Daily Exposure € 22 -- 1.50 NoMBT2520 IT Clal Finance Batucha - MABAT INDX TA25 Short € 169 25 0.00 No LYXDPP GY Lyxor ETF DAXplus Protective Put € 22 -- 0.40 NoKSMYT120 IT KSM Yeter 120 € 164 120 1.00 No M9SJ GY Market Access Daxglobal Russia € 21 -- 0.70 NoMBT2526 IT Clal Finance Batucha - MABAT 25 AGR25 Short € 145 -- -- No XSMI GY db x-trackers - SMI ETF € 20 -- 0.30 NoXACTSBX SS XACT OMXSB € 141 85 0.30 No CBSMI GR ComStage ETF SMI € 19 20 0.25 NoBBVAI SM BBVA Accion Ibex 35 ETF € 141 35 0.33 No SF100 GR FTSE 100 Source ETF € 18 -- 0.30 NoTGTA255 IT Tachlit Short TA 25 € 128 -- 0.00 No EEYEUR FP EasyETF DJ EGX Egypt Titans 20 € 18 -- 0.70 NoINDX251 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index Tel Aviv 25 € 126 25 -- No INDX23 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index 80/20 € 18 -- -- NoMTA7534 IT Clal Finance Batucha - MABAT Short TA 75 € 126 72 -- No CSW FP CASAM ETF MSCI Switzerland € 17 -- 0.25 NoUBSF100 SW UBS-ETF FTSE 100 € 124 103 0.50 No DJIST TI Dow Jones Istanbul 20 € 17 20 0.95 NoINDX13 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index 75/25 € 118 -- -- No SF250 GR FTSE 250 Source ETF € 17 -- 0.35 NoAEXT NA streetTRACKS AEX € 113 25 0.30 No LRUS LN Lyxor ETF Russia GBP € 15 10 0.65 NoLVC FP Lyxor ETF Leverage CAC 40 € 111 -- 0.40 No L250 LN Lyxor ETF FTSE 250 € 15 250 0.35 NoTUR FP Lyxor ETF Turkey EURO € 111 20 0.65 No IMIB LN iShares FTSE MIB € 14 40 0.35 NoPST7517 IT Psagot Sal Tel Aviv 75 € 108 -- 0.05 No MBTF302 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Yeter 50 € 14 -- -- NoL40 FP SGAM ETF Leveraged CAC 40 € 108 28 0.60 No XCAC GY db x-trackers - CAC 40 € 14 -- 0.20 NoKSMDAX IT KSM DAX € 104 30 0.50 No LKUW LN Lyxor ETF FTSE Coast Kuwait 40 € 13 40 0.65 NoH25ETF FH OMX Helsinki 25 Exchange Traded Fund € 102 25 0.18 No CBATX GR ComStage ETF ATX € 12 20 0.25 NoKSMMA IT KSM TA MAALA 20 € 98 20 0.20 No LYXDAXCC GY Lyxor ETF DAXplus Covered Call € 11 -- 0.40 NoUKXEX GY iShares FTSE 100 DE € 97 100 0.52 No PT10039 IT Psagot Sal Short Tel Aviv 100 € 11 -- 0.00 NoKSMRUSIA IT KSM Russia € 96 9 0.00 No CBMRUC30 GR ComStage ETF MSCI Russia 30% Capped TRN € 11 -- 0.60 NoTTA1003 IT Tali Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange 100 € 88 100 0.00 No KSM7568 IT KSM Short TA 75 € 11 -- 0.00 NoKSMFTSE IT KSM FTSE 100 € 80 100 0.00 No OBXBEAR NO Xact Derivat Bear € 10 -- 0.60 NoETFDAXK GY ETFlab DAX ausschuettend € 79 30 0.15 No EZC FP EasyETF CAC40 Double Short € 10 -- 0.50 NoXMRC GY db x-trackers - MSCI Russia Capped € 79 -- 0.65 No BERMIB IM SGAM ETF Bear S&P/MIB € 10 -- 0.60 NoOBXEDNBN NO DnB NOR OBX € 75 25 0.30 No F40 FP SGAM ETF Flexible CAC 40 Size € 9 40 0.50 NoAETF20 GA Alpha ETF FTSE Athex 20 Domestic Equities Fund € 74 20 0.38 No BUXETF HB OTP BUX Index Tracking Exchange Trading Fund € 9 13 0.50 NoKSRT25X3 IT KSM SHORT TA 25 X3 daily exposure € 73 -- 1.50 No VIBC1 SE Vontobel Exchange Traded Structured Fund - IPMC € 9 -- 0.60 NoIXMU LN iShares MSCI Europe ex-EMU € 72 -- 0.40 No STXSWX SJ Satrix SWIX € 9 40 0.42 NoNRD SJ Trackhedge-NewRand € 71 10 0.35 No M9SK GY Market Access FTSE/JSE Africa Top 40 € 8 40 0.70 NoKSHORTYT IT KSM Short Yeter 30 € 69 -- 0.00 No EKU FP EasyETF DJ Kuwait Titans 30 € 8 -- 0.65 NoXUKS GY db x-trackers - FTSE 100 Short € 68 -- 0.50 No GRE FP Lyxor ETF MSCI Greece € 7 11 0.45 NoMBMN30 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat 30 TA25 € 68 -- -- No LSAF LN Lyxor ETF South Africa FTSE JSE Top 40 € 6 40 0.65 NoPMMSCI1 IT Prisma MSCI Turkey € 67 -- 0.85 No F4M FP SGAM ETF Flexible CAC 40 Mini € 6 40 1.00 NoTCT2540 IT Tachlit Tel Aviv 25 Aggressive € 66 -- -- No CH1 FP CASAM ETF MSCI NETHERLANDS € 5 -- 0.25 NoSHC FP Lyxor ETF Short CAC 40 € 65 -- 0.40 No SGCC LN iShares MSCI GCC Countries ex-Saudi Arabia € 5 -- 0.80 NoMBDX21 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat DAX € 65 -- -- No XSLI GY db x-trackers - SLI ETF € 5 -- 0.35 NoFDGETI GY UBS-ETF MSCI EMU € 62 287 0.35 No ZRNHDG SJ Zshares RandHedge € 4 7 1.01 NoKSRT75X2 IT KSM SHORT TA 75 X2 daily exposure € 62 -- 0.00 No CF1 FP CASAM ETF MSCI France € 4 -- 0.25 NoLYRUS SE Lyxor ETF Russia USD € 61 10 0.65 No CS1 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Spain € 4 -- 0.25 No

Broad Based Country

EMEA Listed ETFs

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Exp. Ratio


Available Ticker ETF Name

Total Assets

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ETF (#)

Exp. Ratio

(%)Options Available

Country (continued) Large Cap (continued)OBXBULL NO Xact Derivat Bull € 4 -- 0.60 No CEU FP CASAM ETF MSCI Europe € 240 -- 0.28 NoCI1 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Italy € 4 -- 0.25 No CBSX5T GR ComStage ETF DJ Euro Stoxx 50 TR € 231 -- 0.10 NoPTI IM PowerShares FTSE RAFI Italy 30 € 4 37 0.75 No FRE FP UBS-ETF DJ Euro Stoxx 50 I € 196 50 0.10 NoCG1 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Germany € 4 -- 0.25 No LVE FP Lyxor ETF Leveraged DJ Euro Stoxx 50 € 183 50 0.40 NoZRNPLY SJ Zshares RandPlay € 3 8 1.04 No BBVAE SM BBVA Accion DJ Euro Stoxx 50 € 164 50 0.15 NoABN20590 GR ABN NV-CW50 Croatia Zagreb S € 3 -- -- No CBSXXR GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 TR € 151 -- 0.20 NoBBVAT SQ BBVA Accion Ibex Top Dividendo € 3 28 0.40 No XACTVINX SS XACT Nordic 30 € 151 30 0.40 NoVSLA1 SE Vontobel ETSF - SLI Bonus € 3 -- 0.60 No SPE FP CASAM ETF S&P Europe 350 Fund € 148 350 0.35 NoDJIMT TI Dow Jones Islamic Market € 2 23 0.11 No FXX FP SGAM ETF Flexible DJ Euro Stoxx 50 € 134 -- 0.50 NoISDJE TI IS Investment DJ Turkey Eq Weight 15 € 2 15 1.00 No BBVAD SQ AFI Bonos Medio Plazo Euro ETF/FI € 94 28 0.15 NoPSRU LN PowerShares FTSE RAFI UK Fund € 2 106 0.50 No CMU FP CASAM ETF MSCI EMU € 93 -- 0.25 NoLTRK LN Lyxor ETF Turkey € 2 20 0.65 No SPO FP CASAM ETF S&P Euro € 84 -- 0.35 NoOBXBEARD NO DnB NOR OBX Derivat Bear € 2 -- 0.80 No ETZEUR FP EasyETF DJ Stoxx 600 € 72 -- 0.30 NoICEQ IR ICEQ € 2 10 1.00 No BXX FP SGAM ETF XBear DJ Euro Stoxx 50 € 70 36 0.60 NoUAE FP EasyETF DJ United Arab Emirates € 1 -- 0.65 No IEUR LN iShares FTSEurofirst 80 € 66 83 0.40 NoBBVAG SM BBVA Accion FTSE4Good Ibex € 1 35 0.35 No IEUT LN iShares PLC - FTSEurofirst 100 € 66 100 0.40 NoPDI IM PowerShares Dynamic Italy Fund € 1 -- 0.75 No TCEUR50 IT Tachlit EuroStoxx 50 € 63 50 0.00 NoPSDU LN PowerShares Dynamic UK Fund € 1 103 0.75 No XASX GY db x-trackers - FTSE All-Share ETF € 59 616 0.40 NoNFIST TI Non-Financial Istanbul 20 € 1 20 0.95 No PMMXEU5 IT Prisma MSCI Europe € 54 -- 0.79 NoSMIST TI Turkish Smaller Companies Istanbul 25 € 1 25 0.95 No MBEU17 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Euro Stoxx 50 € 50 -- -- NoMT1S32 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat TA 100 Short € 1 -- -- No LXX FP SGAM ETF Leveraged DJ Euro Stoxx 50 € 50 25 0.60 NoUET FP EasyETF DJ Turkey Titans 20 USD -- -- 0.65 No ETX FP BNP EasyETF DJ Euro Stoxx € 44 315 0.30 NoUEA FP EasyETF FTSE South Africa USD -- -- 0.65 No CBNDDUE1 GRComStage ETF MSCI Europe TRN € 41 -- 0.25 NoMBAGT25 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat 25 AGR25 -- -- -- No SMSEUR GR MSCI Europe Source ETF € 40 -- 0.30 NoRAFISA SJ eRAFI Overall SA ETF -- -- -- No BWE FP Lyxor ETF DJ Euro Stoxx 50 BuyWrite € 40 -- 0.40 NoINX2512 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index 25 Aggressive -- 25 -- No DBXEU SJ db x-trackers - DJ Euro Stoxx 50 € 36 50 1.00 NoINDX20 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index 90/10 -- -- -- No XMEA GY db x-trackers - MSCI EM EMEA TR € 35 -- 0.65 NoKSM8020 IT KSM 80/20 -- -- 0.00 No CBSX5TS GR ComStage ETF DJ Euro Stoxx 50 Short TR € 35 -- 0.35 NoKSM9010 IT KSM 90/10 -- -- 0.00 No ETM FP BNP EasyETF Stoxx 50 Europe € 34 -- 0.30 NoKSINDX5 IT KSM INDX 5 -- -- -- No LCXPEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx Large 200 DE € 28 200 0.21 NoKSINDX6 IT KSM INDX 6 -- -- -- No INCEU11 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index Euro Stoxx 50 ILS € 27 50 -- NoKSM5070 IT KSM SHORT Yeter 50 750 -- 50 0.00 No B1PE IM BETA1 ETFund - B1-MSCI Pan Euro € 26 154 0.50 NoPZTRB1 IT PAZ Foreign Deposit Ltd-Paz Pezo B1 -- -- -- No ETFSS4P GY ETFlab DJ Stoxx Strong Style Composite 40 € 24 -- 0.65 NoSPTUR TI S&P/IFCI Turkey Type A Akbank -- 55 1.28 No SDJE50 GR Dow Jones EURO Stoxx 50 Source ETF € 24 -- 0.25 NoTC20803 IT Tachlit Composite 8020 -- -- -- No ETFEULC GY ETFlab MSCI Europe LC € 23 515 0.30 NoTC90102 IT Tachlit Composite 9010 -- -- -- No B1EU IM B1 MSCI Euro-Participating Shares € 22 85 0.60 NoTCT251 IT Tachlit TA-25 -- -- 0.00 No BSX FP SGAM ETF Bear DJ Euro Stoxx 50 € 21 26 0.60 NoTCLYT10 IT Tachlit Yeter 120 -- -- -- No ETE FP BNP EasyETF Euro Stoxx 50 € 19 -- 0.45 NoTDBLCI8 IT Tali Deutsche Bank Liquid Commodity -- 6 0.00 No SHE FP Lyxor ETF Short Strategy Europe € 19 -- 0.40 NoBIPS40 SJ Bips Top 40 -- 41 0.10 No SDJ600 GR Dow Jones Stoxx 600 Source ETF € 17 -- 0.19 NoUEY FP EasyETF DJ Egypt USD -- -- 0.70 No SDJS50 GR Dow Jones Stoxx 50 Source ETF € 17 -- 0.35 NoERR FP EasyETF DJ Russia Titans 10 -- -- 0.65 No REU FP Lyxor ETF RAFI Europe € 16 526 0.60 NoIST30 TI IST-30 ETF -- 30 0.95 No EUE15EX AV iShares DJ Stoxx EU Enlarged 15 DE € 15 15 0.52 NoTURK IM Market Access DJ Turkey Titans 20 -- 20 0.60 No XACTFEUR SS XACT FTSE RAFI Fundamental Euro € 14 314 0.65 NoPSM FP PowerShares MENA Nasdaq OMX Fund -- 36 0.75 No F80 FP SGAM ETF Flexible FTSEurofirst 80 Size € 14 -- 0.50 NoSTXRAF SJ Satrix RAFI 40 Index Portfolio -- 40 0.70 No CBSX5EL GR ComStage ETF DJ Euro Stoxx 50 Leveraged € 11 -- 0.35 NoTCMR13 IT Tachlit Double Short TA 75 -- -- -- No KSMSX5I IT KSM Eurostoxx 50 ILS € 11 50 0.00 NoEastern Europe EZZ FP EasyETF DJ Stoxx 600 Double Short € 10 -- 0.60 NoCEC AV Lyxor ETF Eastern Europe CECE EUR € 176 29 0.50 No EZD FP EasyETF Euro Stoxx 50 Double Short € 10 -- 0.50 NoIEER LN iShares MSCI Eastern Europe 10/40 € 141 44 0.74 No CBNDDUEM GR ComStage ETF MSCI EMU TRN € 8 -- 0.25 NoKSMESEU IT KSM East Europe € 59 27 0.50 No CBMLCUEU GR ComStage ETF MSCI Europe Lg Cap TRN € 8 -- 0.25 NoPMMXME6 IT Prisma MSCI Eastern Europe € 26 -- 0.95 No L80 FP SGAM ETF Leveraged FTSEurofirst 80 € 6 24 0.60 NoCBNDUEEM GR ComStage ETF MSCI EM Eastern Europe TRN € 11 -- 0.60 No MPEU SV MP-EUROSTOCK.SI € 6 30 0.50 NoCE9 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Eastern Europe ex-Russia € 6 -- 0.45 No PSRE LN PowerShares FTSE RAFI Europe Fund € 6 530 0.50 NoLEEU LN Lyxor ETF Eastern Europe € 5 50 0.50 No REZ FP Lyxor ETF RAFI Eurozone Euro € 5 314 0.60 NoM9SG GY Market Access South-East Europe € 4 20 0.80 No F8M FP SGAM ETF Flexible FTSEurofirst 80 Mini € 5 -- 1.00 NoLarge Cap CN1 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Nordic € 4 -- 0.25 NoMSE AV Lyxor ETF DJ Euro Stoxx 50 € 4,751 50 0.25 No PSDE LN PowerShares Dynamic Europe Fund € 3 257 0.75 NoSX5EEX GY iShares DJ Euro Stoxx 50 DE € 3,723 50 0.17 No LRZZ LN Lyxor ETF FTSE RAFI Eurozone € 2 313 0.60 NoEUN2 GY iShares DJ Euro Stoxx 50 € 3,688 50 0.35 Yes LREU LN Lyxor ETF FTSE RAFI Europe € 2 521 0.60 NoXESX GY db x-trackers - DJ Euro Stoxx 50 ETF € 1,185 50 0.15 No ETB FP BNP EasyETF Euro Stoxx 50 -- -- 0.30 NoBBVAM SQ AFI Monetario Euro ETF/FI € 877 38 0.05 No XSX6 GR db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx 600 -- -- 0.20 NoEUN1 GY iShares DJ Stoxx 50 € 847 50 0.35 No XMPE GR db x-trackers MSCI Pan-Euro TRN -- -- 0.30 NoXMMSE SW XMTCH Lux on MSCI EMU Large Cap € 825 138 0.53 No ESPSNTX AV Erste Sparinvest - ESPA Stock NTX -- -- 0.90 NoMEU FP Lyxor ETF MSCI Europe € 742 490 0.35 No Mid CapSXXPIEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 DE € 602 600 0.21 No MBT1929 IT Clal Finance Batucha - MBT 19 90/10 € 389 -- -- NoXMEU GY db x-trackers - MSCI Europe TR Index ETF € 589 -- 0.30 No DJMC LN iShares DJ Euro Stoxx Mid Cap € 121 107 0.40 NoXSSX GY db x-trackers - DJ Euro Stoxx 50 Short ETF € 438 50 0.40 No MCXPEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx Mid 200 DE € 76 200 0.21 NoETD FP BNP EasyETF Euro Stoxx 50 € 423 50 0.25 No KSMID31 IT KSM Sal Mid 31 ETF € 49 -- -- NoIQQY GR iShares MSCI Europe € 402 385 0.35 No SDJMID GR Dow Jones Stoxx Mid 200 Source ETF € 18 -- 0.35 NoSX5PEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 50 DE € 390 50 0.52 No XEUM GY db x-trackers - MSCI Europe Mid Cap TR € 9 -- 0.40 NoKSMSX5E IT KSM Financial - KSM DJ 50 € 386 50 0.00 No CBMMDUEU GR ComStage ETF MSCI Europe Mid Cap TR € 9 -- 0.35 NoIEUX LN iShares PLC - iShares MSCI Europe ex UK € 384 360 0.40 No CEM FP CASAM ETF MSCI Europe Mid Cap € 4 -- 0.40 NoERO FP streetTRACKS MSCI Europe € 356 494 0.50 No FIMCE SM Santander Flame ETF Ibex Mid Cap -- 20 0.40 NoSXXEEX GY iShares DJ Euro Stoxx DE € 352 318 0.21 No XMEUM GY XMTCH Lux on MSCI EMU Mid Cap -- 153 0.53 NoFSEU50 VX UBS-ETF DJ Euro Stoxx 50 € 342 53 0.30 NoETFSX5E GY ETFlab DJ Euro Stoxx 50 € 283 -- 0.15 No Note: Total Assets (€M) is calculated as the number of ETF shares that have been issued, multiplied C50 FP CASAM ETF DJ Euro Stoxx 50 € 279 -- 0.15 No by the last price of a share. Stocks in ETF shows the number of stocks that are actually held in theMFE FP Lyxor ETF MSCI EMU € 240 76 0.35 No ETF currently, and not the targeted number of names to be held.

Broad Based Broad Based

EMEA Listed ETFs

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Total Assets

(€M)Stocks in

ETF (#)

Exp. Ratio (%)

Options Available Ticker ETF Name

Total Assets (€M)

Stocks in ETF (#)

Exp. Ratio



Small Cap Consumer Discretionary (continued)XXSC GY db x-trackers - MSCI Europe Small Cap TR € 168 -- 0.40 No SYM FP AXA EasyETF Euro Media € 4 19 0.30 NoDJSC LN iShares DJ EuroStoxx Small Cap € 157 103 0.40 No SXTPEX GY iShares DJ STOXX 600 Travel & Leisure DE € 3 23 0.53 NoMMS IM Lyxor ETF MSCI EMU Small Cap € 96 594 0.40 No Consumer StaplesSCXPEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx Small 200 DE € 75 200 0.32 No PHG FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Personal & Household Goo € 42 28 0.30 NoSDJSML GR Dow Jones Stoxx Small 200 Source ETF € 18 -- 0.35 No STS FP streetTRACKS MSCI Europe C. Staples ETF € 29 40 0.50 NoCBNCUDE1 GR ComStage ETF MSCI Europe Small Cap TR € 10 -- 0.35 No SX3PEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Food & Beverage DE € 28 25 0.52 NoSMC FP streetTRACKS MSCI Europe Small Cap € 7 1,126 0.50 No SX3REX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Food & Beverage Swap DE € 27 -- 0.32 NoPSES LN PowerShares FTSE RAFI Europe Small-Mid Fund € 2 618 0.50 No SXQREX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 P&HG Swap DE € 23 -- 0.32 No

FOO FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Food & Beverage € 22 25 0.30 NoIND FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Ind Goods & Services € 21 93 0.30 NoXS3R GY db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx 600 Food & Beverage € 20 25 0.30 No

Growth SXQPEX GY iShares DJ STOXX 600 P&HG DE € 16 28 0.52 NoGWT IM Lyxor ETF MSCI EMU Growth € 77 139 0.40 No CBSX3R GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Food & Beverage TR € 9 -- 0.25 NoIDJG LN iShares DJ Euro Stoxx Growth € 33 49 0.40 No CBSXQR GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 P&HG TR € 8 -- 0.25 NoETFSG2P GY ETFlab DJ Stoxx Strong Growth 20 € 20 20 0.65 No CS5 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Europe C. Staples € 5 -- 0.25 NoCG9 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Europe Growth € 5 -- 0.35 No EnergyValue OIL FP LYXOR ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Oil & Gas € 211 40 0.30 NoVAL FP Lyxor ETF MSCI EMU Value € 128 184 0.40 No SXEPEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Oil & Gas DE € 146 40 0.52 NoIDJV LN iShares DJ Euro Stoxx Value € 38 60 0.40 No KSMENG IT KSM Energy € 96 29 0.00 NoETFSV2P GY ETFlab DJ Stoxx Strong Value 20 € 23 20 0.65 No STN FP streetTRACKS MSCI Europe Energy € 61 26 0.50 NoCV9 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Europe Value € 6 -- 0.35 No XSER GY db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx 600 Oil & Gas € 60 -- 0.30 NoDividend SXEREX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Oil & Gas Swap DE € 45 -- 0.32 NoDDAXKEX GY iShares DivDAX DE € 678 15 0.32 No CBSXER GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Oil & Gas TR € 43 -- 0.25 NoSD3EEX GY iShares DJ Euro Stoxx Select Dividend 30 DE € 324 30 0.32 No SYE FP AXA EasyETF Euro Energy € 26 13 0.30 NoIDVY LN iShares DJ Euro Stoxx Select Dividend € 258 32 0.40 No XSES GY db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx 600 Oil & Gas Short € 5 -- 0.50 NoIUKD LN iShares FTSE UK Dividend Plus € 219 50 0.40 No ETLD ID ETFS DJ Stoxx 600 Oil & Gas Fund € 3 40 0.30 NoCBSD3T GR ComStage ETF DJ Euro Stoxx Select Div 30 TR € 98 30 0.25 No FinancialsMBTDIV IT Clal Finance Batucha - MABAT TEL DIV 20 € 86 20 0.50 No BNK FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Banks € 388 55 0.30 NoKSMTLDV IT KSM Tel Div € 57 20 0.50 No KSMTABK IT KSM Financial - KSM TA Banks € 284 5 0.50 NoSEL FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx Select Dividend 30 € 54 30 0.30 No SX7EEX GY iShares DJ EURO STOXX Banks DE € 245 38 0.52 NoTSD3E12 IT Tali DJ Euro Stoxx Select Dividend 30 € 45 30 1.00 No TCMR12 IT Tachlit Double Short T.A. Bank € 179 -- -- NoTLIGRM6 IT Tali Dividend Germany € 42 20 -- No SX7PEX GY iShares DJ STOXX 600 Banks DE € 168 55 0.52 NoXGSD GY db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx Glbl Select Div 100 € 39 -- 0.50 No MBTGSBN IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat TA-Banks Short € 160 5 0.00 NoSD3PEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx Select Dividend 30 DE € 37 30 0.32 No STXFIN SJ Satrix FINI € 116 15 0.46 NoKSMSDGL IT KSM Global Dividend € 29 100 1.00 No XS7R GY db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx 600 Banks € 115 -- 0.30 NoTLTDB10 IT Tali Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange 20 Dividend € 28 20 0.50 No MBTGBN IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat TA-Banks € 107 5 0.45 NoTLSD2G4 IT Tali Indexes - Tali Dividend Scandinavia € 28 20 1.10 No TCBNK IT TACHLIT TA Banks € 98 5 0.50 NoXD3E GY db x-trackers - DJ Euro Stoxx Select Div 30 € 27 30 0.30 No STZ FP streetTRACKS MSCI Europe Financials € 96 111 0.50 NoETFSD3E GY ETFLAB DJ Euro Stoxx Select Dividend 30 € 21 30 0.30 No SXIPEX GY iShares DJ STOXX 600 Insurance DE € 91 37 0.52 NoINTDB27 IT Index Sal Ltd - Tel Div 20 € 20 20 -- No KSMFN15 IT KSMFN € 89 15 0.50 NoSTXDIV SJ Satrix Dividend Plus € 19 30 0.44 No XS7S GY db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx 600 Banks Short € 87 -- 0.50 NoSDJDIV GR DJ Euro Stoxx Select Dividend 30 Source € 18 -- 0.30 No INS FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Insurance € 65 37 0.30 NoCD8 FP CASAM ETF MSCI EMU High Dividend € 5 -- 0.30 No KSHORTBK IT KSM Short TA Banks € 63 5 0.00 NoCD9 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Europe High Dividend € 5 -- 0.30 No SXIREX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Insurance Swap DE € 63 37 0.32 NoAlpha SYB FP AXA EasyETF Euro Bank € 52 44 0.30 NoXHFI GR db x-trackers - db Hedge Fund ETF € 123 -- 0.90 No KSMDJBK IT KSM Dow Jones Banks € 46 30 0.00 NoTRX FP SGAM ETF T-Rex € 7 -- 0.80 No INDXBN4 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index Banks € 45 5 0.50 NoSocially Responsible TLTABN5 IT Psagot - Tali Bank € 45 5 0.45 NoSUBEEX GY iShares DJ EURO STOXX Sustainability 40 DE € 40 40 0.42 No KSRTBKX2 IT KSM SHORT TA Banks X2 daily exposure € 37 5 1.50 NoMTIEC12 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Indx ECO12 € 32 -- -- No CBSXIR GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Insurance TR € 35 -- 0.25 NoSYV FP AXA EasyETF ASPI Eurozone € 17 120 0.30 No SXFREX GY iShares DJ STOXX 600 Financial Services Swap DE € 32 -- 0.32 NoB1ET IM BETA1 ETFund - B1-Ethical Index Euro € 5 102 0.90 No MBTF151 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Finance 15 € 29 15 0.50 NoTheme SX7REX GY INDEXCHANGE - DJ Stoxx 600 Banks Swap EX € 22 -- 0.32 NoXSHE GR db x-trackers - S&P Europe 350 Shariah -- -- 0.50 No FIN FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Financial Services € 18 30 0.30 NoVolatility XSIR GY db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx 600 Insurance € 17 -- 0.30 NoXVLS GR db x-trackers II - EURO Int Rates Volatility Short TR € 20 -- 0.25 No SXFPEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Financial Services DE € 15 30 0.52 NoXVOL GR db x-trackers II - EURO Int Rates Volatility TR € 15 -- 0.25 No SYI FP AXA EasyETF Euro Insurance € 10 20 0.30 No

PTABN42 IT Psagot Sal Short Banks € 7 -- 0.00 NoCB5 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Europe Banks € 6 -- 0.25 NoCI5 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Europe Insurance € 5 -- 0.25 No

Consumer Discretionary CBSX7R GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Banks TR € 3 55 0.25 NoSXRREX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Retail Swap DE € 41 -- 0.32 No CBSXFR GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Financial Services TR -- -- 0.25 NoSXAREX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Automobiles & Parts Swap DE € 34 -- 0.32 No Health CareRTA FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Retail € 27 23 0.30 No SXDPEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Health Care DE € 153 39 0.52 NoSXMREX GY INDEXCHANGE - DJ Stoxx 600 Media Swap EX € 24 -- 0.32 No HLT FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Health Care € 117 39 0.30 NoSXTREX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Travel & Leisure Swap DE € 22 -- 0.32 No KSMDJHC IT KSM Health Care € 91 30 0.00 NoSXRPEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Retail DE € 18 23 0.52 No XSDR GY db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx 600 Health Care € 60 -- 0.30 NoAUT FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Automobiles & Parts € 17 13 0.30 No STW FP streetTRACKS MSCI Europe Health Care € 53 28 0.50 NoSXAPEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Automobiles & Parts DE € 13 13 0.52 No CBSXDR GR ComStage ETF Dow Jones Stoxx 600 Health Care T € 42 -- 0.25 NoSTV FP streetTRACKS MSCI Europe C. Disc € 13 73 0.50 No SXDREX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Health Care Swap DE € 37 -- 0.32 NoMDA FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Media € 12 26 0.30 No SYH FP AXA EasyETF Euro Healthcare € 24 11 0.30 NoSXMPEX GY iShares DJ STOXX 600 Media DE € 9 26 0.52 No XSDS GY db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx 600 Health Care Short € 18 -- 0.50 NoCBSXRR GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Retail TR € 9 -- 0.25 No SXDEEX GY INDEXCHANGE - DJ Euro Stoxx Health Care EX € 7 17 0.52 NoCBSXAR GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Auto & Parts TR € 9 13 0.25 No CH5 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Europe Healthcare € 4 -- 0.25 NoCBSXMR GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Media TR € 8 -- 0.25 No KSMBTK IT KSM Biotechnology -- -- 1.00 NoCBSXTR GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Travel & Leisure TR € 7 -- 0.25 No IndustrialsTRV FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Travel & Leisure € 7 23 0.30 No STXIND SJ Satrix INDI € 163 25 0.46 NoSYA FP AXA EasyETF Euro Automobile € 6 13 0.30 No SXNREX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Ind Gds & Services Swap DE € 45 93 0.32 NoCD6 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Europe C. Disc € 6 -- 0.25 No SXNPEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Ind Gds & Services DE € 30 93 0.52 No

Broad Based Sector Funds


Sector Funds

EMEA Listed ETFs

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(€M)Stocks in

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Exp. Ratio

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Total Assets

(€M)Stocks in

ETF (#)

Exp. Ratio



Industrials (continued) Utilities (continued)STQ FP streetTRACKS MSCI Europe Industrials € 24 97 0.50 No XS6R GY db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx 600 Utilities € 25 -- 0.30 NoCBSXNR GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Ind Gds & Services TR € 8 -- 0.25 No SYU FP AXA EasyETF Euro Utilities € 19 22 0.30 NoXSNR GY db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx 600 Industrial Goods € 8 -- 0.30 No ENMXG GY AXA EasyETF NMX30 Infrastructure Global € 10 30 0.50 NoCIN FP CASAM ETF MSCI Europe Industrials € 6 -- 0.25 No PSHO LN PowerShares Palisades Global Water Fund € 4 29 0.75 NoMaterials ENMXE GY Easy ETF NMX Infrastructure Europe ETF € 2 22 0.50 NoSXPPEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Basic Resources DE € 250 27 0.52 No KSMDJUT IT KSM Utilities -- 30 0.00 NoBRE FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Basic Resources € 106 27 0.30 No ETLE ID ETFS DJ Stoxx 600 Utilities Fund -- 32 0.30 NoSXOREX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Constr & Materials Swap DE € 67 -- 0.32 NoSXPREX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Basic Resources Swap DE € 49 -- 0.32 NoSX4REX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Chemicals Swap DE € 46 -- 0.32 NoXSPR GY db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx 600 Basic Resources € 45 -- 0.30 No XQUI GR db x-trackers - Quirin Wealth Management TR € 33 -- 0.72 NoCHM FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Chemicals € 35 19 0.30 NoSTP FP streetTRACKS MSCI Europe Materials € 33 48 0.50 NoCBSXPR GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Basic Resources TR € 30 -- 0.25 NoSX4PEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Chemicals DE € 23 19 0.52 No GlobalCST FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Constructions & Materials € 21 28 0.30 No IWRD LN iShares MSCI World € 1,570 682 0.50 NoSXOPEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Construction & Materials DE € 16 28 0.52 No XMEM GY db x-trackers - MSCI Emerging Market TR € 1,514 -- 0.65 NoSTXRES SJ Satrix RESI € 14 20 0.39 No IEEM LN iShares MSCI Emerging Markets € 1,285 328 0.75 NoETLJ ID ETFS Russell Global Gold Miner Fund € 10 70 0.65 No XMWO GY db x-trackers - MSCI World TR € 951 -- 0.45 NoCBSXOR GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Constr & Materials TR € 8 -- 0.25 No WLD FP Lyxor ETF MSCI World EURO € 380 1,666 0.45 NoCBSX4R GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Chemicals TR € 8 -- 0.25 No XMAS GY db x-trackers - MSCI EM Asia TR € 352 -- 0.65 NoSYC FP AXA EasyETF Euro Construction € 8 21 0.30 No LEM FP Lyxor ETF MSCI Emerging Markets € 245 738 0.65 NoETLC ID ETFS DJ Stoxx 600 Basic Resources Fund € 3 27 0.30 No INFR LN iShares Macquarie Global Infrastructure 100 € 232 100 0.65 NoKSMDJCH IT KSM Chemistry -- 30 0.00 No BRIC LN iShares FTSE BRIC 50 € 208 50 0.74 NoReal Estate CBNDDUWI GR ComStage ETF MSCI World TRN € 164 -- 0.40 NoIPRP LN iShares FTSE/EPRA European Property Index Fund € 227 46 0.40 No XMMEM SW XMTCH Lux on MSCI Emerging Markets € 144 158 0.74 NoEEE FP AXA EasyETF FTSE EPRA Eurozone € 159 59 0.45 No XMLA GY db x-trackers - MSCI EM LATAM TR € 139 -- 0.65 NoKSHORTRE IT KSM Short Real Estate 15 € 119 15 0.00 No PMMXEF2 IT Prisma MXEF 2 € 129 -- 1.00 NoKSMRE15 IT KSMREIT € 79 15 0.00 No PMMXWO1 IT Prisma MXWO 1 € 91 -- 0.95 NoMND1531 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Short Real Estate € 61 -- -- No NRJ FP Lyxor New Energy € 88 20 0.60 NoIUKP LN iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT UK Property Fund € 50 29 0.40 No IWDP LN iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Dev Mrkt Prop Yield F € 79 183 0.59 NoTGND153 IT Tachlit Real Estate 15 € 39 15 0.45 No TLCSTA2 IT Psagot - Tali 20/80 ETF € 76 -- 0.80 NoSREEEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Real Estate DE € 16 19 0.47 No INRG LN iShares S&P Global Clean Energy € 76 30 0.65 NoINND158 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index Real Estate 15 € 14 15 -- No TDJTEN6 IT Tali Dow Jones Oil & Gas Titans 30 € 62 30 0.00 NoKSRX222 IT KSM Long Real Estate 15 X2 daily exposure € 13 -- 1.50 No MGT IM Lyxor ETF DJ Global Titans 50 € 54 50 0.40 NoKSRTREX2 IT KSM Short TA Real Estate 15 X2 daily exposure € 13 15 0.00 No TGDAX9 IT Tachlit Bric Shiklit € 48 -- -- NoSREPEX GY iShares DJ STOXX 600 Asia Real Estate DE € 12 44 0.72 No TLDJGT5 IT Tali Dow Jones Global Titans 50 € 43 -- 0.00 NoTEPRA15 IT Tali Basket Certificate Ltd-Tali EPRA Europe € 10 98 1.00 No WAT FP Lyxor ETF World Water € 43 20 0.60 NoCBSX86R GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Real Estate TR € 7 -- 0.25 No XSGI GY db x-trackers - S&P Global Infrastructure € 39 -- 0.60 NoSREAEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Americas Real Estate DE € 4 16 0.72 No DJGTEEX GY iShares Dow Jones Global Titans 50 DE € 38 32 0.52 NoEEEP GY AXA EasyETF FTSE EPRA Europe -- 93 0.45 No TLSDGV9 IT Tali Dow Jones Stoxx Global Select Dividend 100 € 34 -- 1.00 NoEEEW GY AXA EasyETF FTSE EPRA NAREIT GLOBAL -- -- 0.50 No IPRV LN iShares S&P Listed Private Equity € 33 30 0.75 NoPTXSPY SJ Property Index Tracker Managers Ltd -- 26 0.74 No EEVEUR FP EasyETF FTSE ET50 Environment € 32 -- 0.35 NoQFDI IM Delta Immobiliare -- -- -- No LYWLD SW Lyxor ETF MSCI World USD € 30 1,666 0.45 NoKSR15 IT KSM Short Real Estate 300 -- -- -- No 3551B FP EasyETN Global Energy Efficiency ETN € 27 -- -- NoTCMR11 IT Tachlit Double Short R.E. 15 -- -- -- No PMSCI11 IT Prisma MSCI 11 € 27 -- 0.85 NoTechnology EGWEUR FP EasyETF S-Box BNP Paribas Global Water EUR € 26 -- 0.60 NoKSMTEC15 IT KSM Financial - KSM Tel Aviv Technology 15 € 80 13 0.90 No PVX FP Lyxor ETF Privex € 24 25 0.70 NoTDXPEX GY iShares TecDAX DE € 77 30 0.52 No 3333B FP EasyETN Global Waste Management ETN € 23 -- -- NoSX8REX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Technology Swap DE € 26 -- 0.32 No 3163B FP EasyETN Global Nuclear ETN € 22 -- -- NoSX8PEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Technology DE € 26 24 0.52 No 3903B FP EasyETN Emerging Infrastructure ETN € 21 -- -- NoCBSX8R GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Tech TR € 22 -- 0.25 No 3335B FP EasyETN Global Agribusiness ETN € 20 -- -- NoTNO FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Technology € 20 24 0.30 No 3902B FP EasyETN Global Infrastructure ETN € 19 -- -- NoSX8EEX GY iShares DJ Euro Stoxx Technology DE € 12 15 0.52 No TCSTS14 IT Tali Citigroup S&P Global STARS Custom € 19 25 1.00 NoXS8S GY db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx 600 Tech Short € 10 -- 0.50 No 3332B FP EasyETN Next11 Emerging ETN € 19 -- -- NoSTK FP streetTRACKS MSCI Europe Technology € 10 16 0.50 No 3549B FP EasyETN Global Renewable Energies ETN € 18 -- -- NoSYQ FP AXA EasyETF Euro Technology € 8 16 0.30 No EWX FP EasyETF BNP Paribas Global Waste € 18 -- 0.60 NoXS8R GY db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx 600 Technology € 8 -- 0.30 No ELXEUR FP EasyETF DJ Luxury € 18 -- 0.45 NoCI6 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Europe IT € 5 -- 0.25 No E11EUR FP EasyETF S-Box BNP Paribas Next 11 Emerging € 18 -- 0.85 NoTelecom SMSWLD GR MSCI World Source ETF € 17 -- 0.45 NoSXKEEX GY INDEXCHANGE - DJ Euro Stoxx Telecom EX € 100 11 0.52 No EGNEUR FP EasyETF S-Box BNP Paribas Global Nuclear EUR € 17 -- 0.60 NoTEL FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Telecom € 100 19 0.30 No EAGEUR FP EasyETF S-Box BNP Paribas Global Agribusiness € 16 -- 0.60 NoSXKPEX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Telecom DE € 48 19 0.52 No ISWD LN iShares MSCI World Islamic Fund € 15 274 0.60 NoXSKR GY db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx 600 Telecom € 37 -- 0.30 No ETI SW BNP EasyETF Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans 100 € 14 100 0.50 NoSXKREX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Telecom Swap DE € 30 -- 0.32 No MBIMS11 IT Clal Finance Batucha - MABAT INDX MSC11 € 14 -- -- NoCBSXKR GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Telecom TR € 24 -- 0.25 No IEMI LN iShares S&P Emerging Markets Infrastructure € 13 30 0.74 NoSYT FP AXA EasyETF Euro Telecom € 17 15 0.30 No SEMS LN iShares MSCI Emerging Markets SmallCap € 13 -- 0.74 NoSTT FP streetTRACKS MSCI Europe Telecom Services € 14 21 0.50 No XSFR GY db x-trackers - S&P Select Frontier € 10 -- 0.95 NoXSKS GY db x-trackers - DJ Stoxx 600 Telecom Short € 5 -- 0.50 No XLPE GY db x-trackers - LPX MM Private Equity € 9 -- 0.70 NoCT5 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Europe Telecom Services € 5 -- 0.25 No IWXU LN iShares FTSE Developed World ex-UK € 8 -- 0.50 NoUtilities ETT FP BNP EasyETF Global Titans 50 € 7 -- 0.40 NoCU5 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Europe Utilities € 141 -- 0.25 No ISEM LN iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Islamic Fund € 7 218 0.85 NoKSMDJWA IT KSM Water € 99 37 1.00 No LPX FP SGAM ETF Private Equity LPX50 € 6 24 0.70 NoIH2O LN iShares S&P Global Water 50 € 91 50 0.65 No LWOR LN Lyxor ETF MSCI World € 5 1,649 0.45 NoUTI FP Lyxor ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Utilities € 83 33 0.30 No PSBW LN PowerShares Global Clean Energy Fund € 5 80 0.75 NoSX6PEX GY INDEXCHANGE - DJ Stoxx 600 Utilities EX € 82 32 0.52 No DBXWD SJ db x-trackers - MSCI WORLD INDEX ETF € 4 1,140 1.00 NoCBSX6R GR ComStage ETF DJ Stoxx 600 Utilities TR € 36 -- 0.25 No ETLH ID ETFS S-Net ITG Global Agri Business Fund € 3 30 0.65 NoSX6REX GY iShares DJ Stoxx 600 Utilities Swap DE € 33 -- 0.32 No LPRV LN Lyxor ETF Private Equity € 3 -- 0.70 NoSTU FP streetTRACKS MSCI Europe Utilities € 28 31 0.50 No WIS FP Lyxor ETF WISE Quantitative Strategy € 3 329 0.60 No

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Available Ticker ETF Name

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Exp. Ratio



Global (continued) North America (continued)3297B FP EasyETN World Luxury ETN € 3 -- -- No PSRF LN PowerShares FTSE RAFI US 1000 Fund € 5 996 0.50 NoPSRD LN PowerShares FTSE RAFI Glbl Dev 1000 Fund € 3 913 0.50 No ETLZ GR ETFS Russell 2000 Fund € 4 1,935 0.45 NoUAG FP EasyETF S-Box BNP Paribas Glbl Agribusiness USD € 2 -- 0.60 No LNSQ LN Lyxor ETF NASDAQ 100 € 4 100 0.30 NoM9SH GY Market Access Daxglobal Bric € 2 -- 0.70 No DBXUS SJ db x-trackers - MSCI USA INDEX ETF € 4 592 1.00 NoLNEW LN Lyxor ETF New Energy € 2 20 0.60 No LRAM LN Lyxor ETF FTSE RAFI US 1000 € 2 992 0.60 NoUGWUSD FP EasyETF S-Box BNP Paribas Global Water USD € 2 -- 0.60 No ETLY GR ETFS Russell 1000 Fund € 1 992 0.35 NoUGNUSD FP EasyETF S-Box BNP Paribas Global Nuclear USD € 2 -- 0.60 No XSHU GY db x-trackers - S&P 500 SHARIAH ETF -- -- 0.50 NoU11 FP EasyETF S-Box BNP Paribas Next 11 Emerging USD € 2 -- 0.90 No KSMDJFN IT KSM Dow Jones Financial Services -- 30 0.00 NoULX FP EasyETF DJ Luxury USD € 2 -- 0.50 No KSMSMH IT KSM Semiconductor -- 21 1.00 NoPSDD LN PowerShares Dynamic Glbl Dev Markets Fund € 2 252 0.75 No AA1FJ3 GR ABN Amro S&P 500 Short Index -- -- 0.25 NoUVT FP EasyETF FTSE ET50 Environment USD € 1 -- 0.35 No XRU2 LN db x-trackers - RUSSELL 2000 ETF -- 1,902 0.45 NoPSGA LN PowerShares Global Agriculture NASDAQ OMX € 1 53 0.75 No JUL FP JPMorgan ETF GBI Local US -- -- 0.20 NoPSSP LN PowerShares Global Listed Private Equity Fund € 1 56 0.75 No AA1FM4 GR S&P Constr & Eng Infrastr Index ETN -- -- 0.00 NoETLT GR ETFS Janney Global Water Fund € 1 59 0.65 No Latin AmericaMBTIN15 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Real Estate 15 € 1 -- -- No IBZL LN iShares MSCI Brazil € 519 72 0.74 NoETLU GR ETFS DAXglobal Alternative Energy Fund € 1 15 0.65 No BBVAL SM Accion Ftse Latibex Top ETF/FI € 394 28 0.55 NoETLN GR ETFS WNA Global Nuclear Energy Fund € 1 64 0.65 No RIO FP Lyxor ETF Brazil Ibovespa € 249 66 0.65 NoXIMT GY db x-trackers - DJ ISLAMIC Market Titans 100 -- -- 0.50 No LTM FP Lyxor ETF MSCI EM Latin America € 157 125 0.65 NoXWXU GY db x-trackers - FTSE All-World ex-UK -- -- 0.40 No KBVSP50 IT KSM Brazil € 145 63 1.00 NoPMSCI14 IT Prisma MSCI 14 -- -- 0.80 No KSMLA40 IT KSM Latin America 40 € 128 40 0.00 NoPMSCI16 IT Prisma MSCI 16 -- -- 1.00 No PMMSCI7 IT Prisma MSCI Brazil € 124 -- 0.95 NoUBSWLD SE UBS-ETF MSCI WORLD -- 817 0.40 No XMBR GY db x-trackers - MSCI Brazil TRN € 120 -- 0.65 NoETLI ID ETFS Russell Global Coal Fund -- 53 0.65 No LTAM LN iShares MSCI Latin America Fund € 67 95 0.74 NoNorth America TLIBV10 IT Tali Brazil Bovespa Stock € 53 -- 1.00 NoIUSA LN iShares S&P 500 Index Fund € 3,504 500 0.40 No LYRIO SE Lyxor ETF Brazil Ibovespa USD € 32 -- 0.65 NoXMUS GY db x-trackers - MSCI USA TR € 1,137 -- 0.30 No LYLTM SE Lyxor ETF MSCI EM Latin America USD € 9 125 0.65 NoINAA LN iShares PLC - iShares MSCI North America € 480 22 0.40 No BBVAB SM Accion FTSE Latibex Brasil ETF/FI € 8 21 0.55 NoDJE FP Lyxor ETF DJIA Euro € 414 30 0.50 No LBRZ LN Lyxor ETF Brazil Ibovespa/UK € 7 66 0.65 NoMBTSP1 IT Clal Finance Batucha - MABATINT SP500 € 397 -- -- No EEB FP EasyETF DJ Brazil 15 -- -- 0.55 NoITPS LN iShares $ TIPS € 347 27 0.25 No Asia / PacificUSA FP Lyxor ETF MSCI USA EURO € 337 598 0.35 No IJPN LN iShares MSCI Japan Fund € 1,039 347 0.59 NoEQQQ LN Powershares Global Funds Ireland PLC € 335 100 0.30 No IFFF LN iShares MSCI AC Far East ex-Japan € 912 -- 0.74 NoKSMSP IT KSM S&P 500 € 318 500 0.00 No FXC LN iShares FTSE/XINHUA China 25 € 657 25 0.74 NoKSMDJIA IT KSM Financial - KSM DJIA € 273 30 0.50 No ASI FP Lyxor ETF China Enterprise HSCEI € 630 43 0.65 NoFDUSIA SW UBS-ETF MSCI USA € 171 600 0.30 No INR FP Lyxor ETF MSCI India € 548 59 0.85 NoNDXEX GY iShares NASDAQ-100R DE € 164 100 0.32 No KSMNK IT KSM Financial - KSM Nikkei 225 € 534 225 0.75 NoKSMNSDQ IT KSM Nasdaq 100 € 137 100 0.50 No KSMINDIA IT KSM India € 485 50 0.00 NoMBTFNS1 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Nasdaq 100 € 135 -- -- No XMJP GY db x-trackers - MSCI Japan TRN € 402 -- 0.50 NoIBTM LN iShares USD Treasury Bond 7-10 € 129 -- 0.20 No AEJ FP Lyxor ETF MSCI AC Asia Pac ex-Japan € 385 597 0.65 NoINDUEX GY iShares DJIA DE € 128 30 0.52 No KSMCHN IT KSM China € 358 25 1.00 NoCBINDU GR ComStage ETF DJIA € 106 30 0.45 No JPN FP Lyxor ETF Japan Topix € 309 1,677 0.50 NoUST FP Lyxor ETF Nasdaq 100 Euro € 100 100 0.30 No NKYEX GY iShares Nikkei 225R DE € 279 225 0.52 NoKSMCLNT IT KSM Cleantech € 98 68 1.00 No XFVT GY db x-trackers - FTSE Vietnam € 220 -- 0.85 NoCU2 FP CASAM ETF MSCI USA € 90 -- 0.28 No FDJ100 VX UBS-ETF MSCI Japan A € 215 348 0.50 NoKSHORTSP IT KSM Short S&P 500 € 87 -- 0.00 No XX25 GY db x-trackers - FTSE/XINHUA China 25 € 212 25 0.60 NoLYUSA SW Lyxor ETF MSCI USA US € 78 598 0.35 No KSMBIT IT KSM BITUACH € 153 -- 0.50 NoMBTGNS3 IT Clal Finance Batucha - MABAT Nasdaq Short € 75 -- 0.00 No PMMXFEJ IT PRISMA MSCI Far East ex-Japan € 137 -- 0.95 NoKSHORTNS IT KSM Short Nasdaq 100 € 75 -- 0.00 No HSI FP Lyxor ETF HSI Euro € 125 42 0.65 NoXSPS GY db x-trackers - S&P 500 Short ETF € 66 -- 0.50 No ITWN LN iShares MSCI Taiwan € 111 112 0.74 NoTCNBI8 IT Tachlit Nasdaq BioTech € 65 170 1.00 No IASP LN iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Asia Property Yield Fund € 96 53 0.59 NoTCNSX5 IT Tachlit Nasdaq 100 € 64 -- 0.45 No XNIF GY db x-trackers - S&P CNX NIFTY ETF € 94 50 0.85 NoIUSP LN iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT US Property Yield Fund € 59 90 0.40 No LYINR SW Lyxor ETF MSCI India USD € 92 59 0.85 NoTCSP4 IT Tachlit S&P 500 € 55 -- 0.00 No KSMKOREA IT KSM Korea € 88 200 0.00 NoCBNDX GR ComStage ETF Nasdaq-100 € 54 100 0.25 No PMMXJP4 IT PRISMA MXJP 4 € 87 -- 0.85 NoKSMSPTSX IT KSM Canada € 45 -- -- No XMTW GY db x-trackers - MSCI Taiwan TR € 83 -- 0.65 NoTLICND7 IT Tali Dow Jones Canada Select Dividend € 42 -- 1.00 No XPXJ GR db x-trackers - MSCI Pacific ex-Japan TR € 77 -- 0.45 NoKSMRU2K IT KSM Russel 20000 € 41 2,000 0.50 No KSMTW IT KSM Taiwan € 73 100 0.00 NoINDSP18 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index S&P 500 € 36 -- -- No IKOR LN iShares MSCI Korea € 68 100 0.74 NoKSMDJDVP IT KSM - US DIVIDEND € 36 -- -- No INCNX14 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index India ILS € 68 50 -- NoTDJDVP7 IT Tali Dow Jones U.S. Select Dividend € 36 -- 0.00 No TLDJAS3 IT Psagot - Tali Dividend Asia ETF € 67 30 1.25 NoCBNDDUNA GR ComStage ETF MSCI North America TRN € 33 -- 0.25 No KMSCI48 IT KSM MSCI 48 ETF € 61 37 1.00 NoRUA FP Lyxor ETF RAFI US 1000 € 33 999 0.60 No TDJTGR4 IT Tali Dow Jones Tiger Titans 50 € 60 50 0.00 NoCBNDDUUS GR ComStage ETF MSCI USA TRN € 33 -- 0.25 No INHSCE7 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index China Shekel € 58 43 0.50 NoINDNDX6 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index Nasdaq Shekel € 32 -- 0.80 No TDJSD13 IT Tali Dow Jones Japan Select Dividend 30 € 57 30 1.20 NoETFUSLC GY ETFlab MSCI USA LC € 23 277 0.30 No XMKO GY db x-trackers - MSCI Korea TRN € 56 -- 0.65 NoDJDVPEX GY iShares Dow Jones U.S. Select Dividend DE € 21 100 0.32 No PMMSCI8 IT Prisma MSCI India € 55 -- 0.00 NoPSWC LN PowerShares Dynamic US Market Fund € 19 100 0.75 No TCNK16 IT Tachlit Nikkei 225 € 53 225 0.65 NoSR2000 GR Russell 2000 Source ETF € 18 -- 0.45 No MBINK10 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Index NKY10 € 52 -- -- NoSMSUSA GR MSCI USA Source ETF € 16 -- 0.30 No MBNK18 IT Clal Finance Batucha - IN 18-NK € 50 -- -- NoLQQ FP SGAM ETF Leveraged Nasdaq 100 € 14 100 0.60 No KA20052 IT KSM ASX200 52 ETF € 50 200 1.00 NoESEEUR FP EasyETF S&P 100 € 12 -- 0.30 No ISJP LN iShares MSCI Japan SmallCap € 50 459 0.59 NoERDUSD FP EasyETF Russell 1000 € 12 -- 0.35 No APSDEX GY iShares DJ Asia Pac Select Div 30 DE € 48 30 0.32 NoLMUS LN Lyxor ETF MSCI USA € 10 598 0.35 No IAPD LN IShares PLC - iShares DJ Asia Pac Select Div € 46 30 0.59 NoCBNCUDUS GR ComStage ETF MSCI USA Small Cap TRN € 9 -- 0.35 No KRW FP Lyxor ETF MSCI Korea € 45 97 0.65 NoLIND LN Lyxor ETF Dow Jones Industrial Average € 9 30 0.50 No CJ1 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Japan € 45 -- 0.45 NoCBMMDUUS GR ComStage ETF MSCI USA Mid Cap TRN € 9 -- 0.35 No TWN SP Lyxor ETF MSCI Taiwan € 42 100 0.65 NoCBMLCUUS GR ComStage ETF MSCI USA Large Cap TRN € 8 -- 0.25 No MBTIHS9 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Indx HSI 9 € 41 -- -- NoISP6 LN iShares S&P SmallCap 600 € 8 443 0.40 No INDNKY3 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index Nikkei Shekel € 35 225 0.80 NoISDU LN iShares MSCI USA Islamic Fund € 8 255 0.50 No INDNKY5 IT Index Sal Ltd - Index Nikkei 225 € 35 225 0.65 No

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Exp. Ratio (%)

Options Available

Asia / Pacific (continued) Governments (continued)DJCHOEX GY iShares Dow Jones China Offshore 50 DE € 32 50 0.62 No IBCI LN iShares EURO Inflation Linked Bond € 288 22 0.25 NoTLASTR8 IT Tali DJ Australia Select Dividend 30 € 30 -- 1.00 No MTE FP Lyxor ETF EuroMTS 10-15 Y € 284 -- 0.17 NoETFJPLC GY ETFlab MSCI Japan LC € 26 150 0.50 No KSMSHBND IT KSM Il Shahar Bond € 268 -- 0.40 NoTWN FP Lyxor ETF Taiwan € 25 100 0.65 No IB8ZEX GY iShares iBoxxR Liq Sov Capped 5.5-10.5 DE € 261 15 0.16 NoAPEX IM Lyxor ETF MSCI APEX 50 € 25 50 0.50 No XGIN GY db x-trackers II - iBoxx Global Inflation-linked TR € 258 -- 0.25 NoEEWEUR FP EasyETF TSEC Taiwan € 25 -- 0.60 No MTF FP Lyxor ETF EuroMTS 15+Y € 250 -- 0.17 NoUBSDJI SW UBS-ETF MSCI Japan I € 24 -- 0.30 No XBCT GY db x-trackers II - iBOXX Germany Covered TR € 248 -- 0.15 NoLYJPN SW Lyxor ETF Japan Topix JPN € 24 1,677 0.50 No XSGL GY db x-trackers II - Short iBOXX Sov Eurozone TR € 211 -- 0.15 NoCBNKY GR ComStage ETF Nikkei 225 € 22 225 0.45 No IB85EX GY iShares iBoxx Liquid Sov Capped 1.5-2.5 DE € 174 -- 0.16 No3065B FP EasyETN Asia Domestic Demand ETN € 21 -- -- No IBTS LN iShares PLC - iShares $ Treasury Bond 1-3 € 165 15 0.20 NoCBTPX GR ComStage ETF Topix € 21 1,702 0.45 No IB83EX GY iShares iBoxxR Liq Sov Capped 1.5-10.5 DE € 150 25 0.16 NoEEKEUR FP EasyETF DJ South Korea Titans 30 € 20 -- 0.55 No PEU IM PowerShares EuroMTS Cash 3 Months Fund € 141 40 0.15 NoXAUS GY db x-trackers - S&P/ASX 200 € 18 200 0.50 No RXPXEX GY iShares eb.rexx Gov Germany 10.5+ DE € 128 10 0.16 NoCP9 FP CASAM ETF MSCI Pacific ex-Japan € 18 -- 0.45 No IB89EX GY iShares iBoxx Liq Sov Capped 2.5-5.5 DE € 126 -- 0.16 NoAPEX SP LYXOR ETF MSCI Asia APEX 50 10 € 17 50 0.50 No IBGL LN iShares Euro Government Bond 15-30 € 120 27 0.20 NoLNFT LN Lyxor ETF India S&P CNX NIFTY € 16 50 0.85 No MBTSH45 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Shahar 2-5 € 117 -- -- NoTHA SP LYXOR ETF MSCI Thailand € 15 24 0.65 No XEIN GY db x-trackers II - iBoxx Euro Inflation-linked TR € 114 -- 0.20 NoRJP FP Lyxor ETF FTSE RAFI Japan € 15 279 0.60 No TALM613 IT Psagot - Tali Tel-Bond 60 Index € 111 -- -- NoIPXJ LN iShares MSCI Pacific ex-Japan € 15 -- 0.60 No TALM412 IT Psagot - Tali Tel-Bond 40 Index € 106 -- -- NoCBNDDUJN GR ComStage ETF MSCI Japan TRN € 15 -- 0.45 No PSSHR15 IT Psagot - Tali Shahar 2-5 € 106 -- -- NoM9SF GY Market Access DaxGlobal Asia € 15 -- 0.70 No TCGLL12 IT Tachlit Galil 2-5 € 105 -- -- NoETAEUR FP EasyETF DJ Stoxx Asia Pac ex-Japan EUR € 15 -- 0.55 No TCGLL20 IT Tachlit Galil 7-10 € 102 -- -- NoEXCEUR FP EasyETF FTSE Xinhua China 25 EUR € 14 -- 0.60 No TCSHR22 IT Tachlit Shahar 2-5 € 99 -- -- NoEJP FP EasyETF Topix EUR € 13 -- 0.50 No TCSHR11 IT Tachlit Shahar € 97 -- -- NoLASP LN Lyxor ETF MSCI AC Asia Pac ex-Japan GBP € 12 597 0.65 No TCSHR21 IT Tachlit Shahar 0-2 € 95 -- -- NoLYAEJ SE Lyxor ETF MSCI AC Asia-Pac ex-Japan USD € 11 597 0.65 No X710 GY db x-trackers II - iBoxx Sov Eurozone 7-10 TR € 92 -- 0.15 NoCBNDEUST GR ComStage ETF MSCI Taiwan TRN € 11 -- 0.60 No JEG FP JPMorgan GBI EMU ETF € 89 -- 0.15 NoLYASI SE Lyxor ETF China Enterprise HSCEI USD € 11 43 0.65 No ISM FP BNP EasyETF iBoxx Liquid Sov Global € 70 30 0.15 NoKSMNKIL IT KSM Nikkei 225 ILS € 11 -- -- No ISS FP BNP EasyETF iBoxx Liquid Sov Extra Short € 56 10 0.15 NoCBNDDUPX GR ComStage ETF MSCI Pacific ex-Japan TRN € 10 -- 0.45 No FBIST TI FTSE Istanbul Bond € 54 12 0.58 NoCBNDDUP GR ComStage ETF MSCI Pacific TRN € 9 -- 0.45 No HDAS4 IT Hadas Indices - Galil Bonds 7-10 Y € 43 -- -- NoCI2 FP CASAM ETF MSCI India € 8 -- 0.80 No XTBIG SW XMTCH CH on SBI Domestic Government 7+ € 37 12 0.22 NoMAL FP Lyxor ETF Malaysia € 7 42 0.65 No ETFES13 GR ETFlab iBoxx = Liquid Sov Diversified 1-3 € 32 -- 0.15 NoUTAUSD FP EasyETF DJ Stoxx Asia Pac ex-Japan USD € 7 -- 0.55 No ETFES35 GR ETFlab iBoxx = Liquid Sov Diversified 3-5 € 31 -- 0.15 NoTHA FP Lyxor ETF Thailand € 7 24 0.65 No ETFES11 GR ETFlab iBoxx = Liquid Sov Diversified 1-10 € 31 -- 0.15 NoUXCUSD FP EasyETF FTSE Xinhua China 25 USD € 7 -- 0.60 No ETFES57 GR ETFlab iBoxx = Liquid Sov Diversified 5-7 € 30 -- 0.15 NoISFE LN iShares MSCI AC Far East ex-Japan SmallCap € 7 339 0.74 No ETFES71 GR ETFlab iBoxx = Liquid Sov Diversified 7-10 € 30 -- 0.15 NoCC1 FP CASAM ETF MSCI China € 6 -- 0.55 No ISL FP BNP EasyETF iBoxx Liquid Sovereigns Long € 29 10 0.15 NoLHKG LN Lyxor ETF Hong Kong - HSI € 6 42 0.65 No ETFES10 GR ETFlab iBoxx = Liquid Sov Diversified 10+ € 27 -- 0.15 NoAA1DEW GR Access CSI 300 Index China Tracker € 5 -- 1.00 No SEMB LN iShares JPMorgan $ EM Bond Fund € 27 42 0.45 NoDBXJP SJ db x-trackers - MSCI Japan € 4 243 1.00 No X15E GY db x-trackers II - iBoxx Sov Eurozone 15+ TR € 25 -- 0.15 NoLYHSI SE Lyxor ETF Hong Kong HSI USD € 3 42 0.65 No XEMB GY db x-trackers II - EM Liquid Eurobond € 21 -- 0.55 NoLYTWN SE Lyxor ETF MSCI Taiwan USD € 3 100 0.65 No IGLS LN iShares FTSE Gilts UK 0-5 € 20 -- 0.20 NoLYKRW SE Lyxor ETF MSCI Korea USD € 2 97 0.65 No IB87EX GY iShares iBoxxR Liquid Sov Capped 10.5+ DE € 20 15 0.16 NoLMKO LN Lyxor ETF Korea € 1 97 0.65 No IBGE LN iShares Barclays Euro Treasury Bond 0-1 € 19 -- 0.20 NoPSDJ LN PowerShares Dynamic Japan Fund € 1 124 0.75 No INDG35 IT Index Sal Ltd - Gilon Government Bonds € 19 -- -- NoUEK FP EasyETF DJ South Korea Titans 30 USD -- -- 0.55 No ZGOVI SJ Zshares GOVI € 18 9 0.25 NoUEW FP EasyETF TSEC Taiwan USD -- -- 0.60 No X25E GY db x-trackers II - iBoxx Sov Eurozone 25+ TR € 16 -- 0.15 NoKSDJJ45 IT KSM DJ Japan 45 ETF -- -- -- No DBZB GR db x-trackers II - Global Sov EUR Hedged € 16 688 0.25 NoXAXJ GR db x-trackers - MSCI AC Asia ex-Japan TRN -- -- 0.65 No SGLO LN iShares Citigroup Global Government Bond € 15 -- 0.20 NoXSHJ GR db x-trackers - S&P Japan 500 Shariah ETF -- -- 0.50 No IEGZ LN iShares Barclays Euro Government Bond 10-15 € 10 -- 0.20 NoECC FP EasyETF DJ China 15 -- -- 0.55 No IEGA LN iShares Barclays Euro Treasury Bond € 10 -- 0.20 No

IEGY LN iShares Barclays Euro Government Bond 5-7 € 10 -- 0.20 NoINDX36 IT Index Sal Ltd - Galil Bonds 2-5Y € 0.1 -- -- NoMBT2827 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat 20/80 -- -- -- No

Governments MBT8228 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat 28 20/80 -- -- -- NoCSH FP Lyxor ETF Euro Cash EuroMTS Eonia Investable € 2,084 -- 0.15 No MTBM40 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Aggr Short Tel Bond 20 -- -- -- NoMTA FP Lyxor ETF EuroMTS 1-3Y € 1,232 -- 0.17 No MBGL237 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Galil 0-2 -- -- -- NoMTB FP Lyxor ETF EuroMTS 3-5 Y € 1,143 -- 0.17 No MBGLL43 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Galil 2-5 -- -- -- NoRXP1EX GY iShares eb.rexx Gov Germany 1.5-2.5 DE € 1,095 7 0.16 No MBGL16 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Galil 5-7 -- -- -- NoEBMMEX GR iShares eb.rexx Money Market DE € 1,001 -- 0.13 No MBGLL44 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Galil 7-10 -- -- -- NoX13E GY db x-trackers II - iBoxx Sov Eurozone 1-3 TR € 879 -- 0.15 No MBGE15 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Gilon -- -- -- NoMTX FP Lyxor ETF EuroMTS Global € 866 -- 0.17 No MBTS236 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Shahar 0-2 -- -- -- NoRXP5EX GY iShares eb.rexx Gov Germany 5.5-10.5 DE € 822 10 0.16 No MBSHR14 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Shahar 5+ -- -- -- NoX35E GY db x-trackers II - iBoxx Sov Eurozone 3-5 TR € 712 -- 0.15 No MBSHA35 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Short Shahar 5+ -- -- -- NoRXP2EX GY iShares eb.rexx Gov Germany 2.5-5.5 DE € 603 11 0.16 No XBUT GY db x-trackers II - iBOXX Gilts TR -- -- 0.20 NoXGLE GY db x-trackers II - iBoxx Sov Eurozone TR € 558 -- 0.15 No XBUI GY db x-trackers II - iBOXX UK Gilt Inflation-Linked TR -- -- 0.25 NoMTC FP Lyxor ETF EuroMTS 5-7Y € 550 -- 0.17 No HDAS1 IT Hadas Indices - Galil Bonds 0-2 Y -- -- -- NoINXG LN iShares GBP Index Linked Gilt € 500 14 0.25 No HDAS2 IT Hadas Indices - Galil Bonds 2-5Y -- -- -- NoX105 GY db x-trackers II - iBoxx Sov Eurozone 10-15 TR € 470 -- 0.15 No HDAS3 IT Hadas Indices - Galil Bonds 5-7 Y -- -- -- NoMTD FP Lyxor ETF EuroMTS 7-10Y € 452 -- 0.17 No HDSHSH1 IT Hadas Indices - SHKL SH1 -- -- -- NoRXRGEX GY iShares eb.rexx Government Germany DE € 446 25 0.16 No KSMGLBND IT KSM IL Gillon Gov Bonds -- -- 0.40 NoMTI FP Lyxor ETF EuroMTS Inflation Linked € 435 -- 0.20 No KSMGL02 IT KSM GALIL 0-2 -- -- 0.40 NoIBGS LN iShares PLC - iShares EURO Gov Bond 1-3 € 433 10 0.20 No KSMGL25 IT KSM GALIL 2-5 -- -- 0.40 NoIBGM LN iShares Euro Government Bond 7-10 € 379 13 0.20 No KSMG710 IT KSM GALIL 7-10 -- -- 0.40 NoXTBID SW XMTCH CH on SBI Domestic Gov Bond 3-7 € 375 5 0.22 No KSMSH02 IT KSM SHAHAR 0-2 -- -- 0.40 NoIGLT LN iShares FTSE UK Gilt All Stocks € 366 32 0.20 No KSMSH25 IT KSM SHAHAR 2-5 -- -- 0.40 NoX57E GY db x-trackers II - iBoxx Sov Eurozone 5-7 TR € 311 -- 0.15 No KSMSH5 IT KSM SHAHAR 5+ -- -- 0.40 NoIBGX LN iShares Euro Government Bond 3-5 € 309 12 0.20 No KSRTSHX2 IT KSM Short IL Gov N/L Shahar Bonds X2 Short -- -- 0.00 No

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Governments (continued) Money Market (continued)PSSHR14 IT Psagot - Tali Shahar 0-2 -- -- -- No XCCC GY db x-trackers - Currency Carry € 7 -- 0.30 NoPSSHR16 IT Psagot - Tali Shahar 5+ -- -- -- No XMOM GY db x-trackers - Currency Momentum € 4 -- 0.30 NoTCGLL19 IT Tachlit Galil 0-2 -- -- -- No XEOB GY db x-trackers II - Maxblue Money Market -- -- 0.40 NoTCSHR13 IT Tachlit Shahar 5+ -- -- -- No XSWC GR db x-trackers II - Swiss Overnight Money Market ETF 1C -- -- -- NoTLGLN11 IT Tali Non-Linked Floating Interest Gov Bond -- -- -- No EITEUR FP EasyETF iTraxx Europe Main -- -- 0.28 NoETFGS11 GR ETFlab DB EuroGov Germany -- -- 0.15 NoETFGS10 GR ETFlab DB EuroGov Germany 10+ -- -- 0.15 NoETFGS13 GR ETFlab DB EuroGov Germany 1-3 -- -- 0.15 NoETFGS35 GR ETFlab DB EuroGov Germany 3-5 -- -- 0.15 No Broad CommodityETFGS51 GR ETFlab DB EuroGov Germany 5-10 -- -- 0.15 No XDBC GY db x-trackers - DBLCI-OY Balanced € 521 -- 0.55 NoETFGSMM GR ETFlab DB EuroGov Germany Money Market -- -- 0.12 No GSCIUSD SW AXA EasyETF S&P GSCI € 389 -- 0.45 NoKSGLL83 IT KSM Galil -- -- -- No CRB FP Lyxor ETF Commodities CRB € 289 -- 0.35 NoKSMKM84 IT KSM Makam 84 -- -- 0.00 No DJCOMEX GY iShares Dow Jones-AIG Commodity Swap DE € 167 -- 0.47 NoPSGGL22 IT Psagot Sal Galil 0-2 -- -- -- No M9SA GY Market Access Jim Rogers Intl Cmdty Index Fund € 111 -- 0.85 NoPSGGL23 IT Psagot Sal Galil 2-5 -- -- -- No AIGC LN ETFS All Commodities DJ-AIGSM € 94 -- 0.49 NoPSMKM24 IT Psagot Sal Makam -- -- -- No CRN FP Lyxor ETF Commodities CRB Non-Energy € 63 -- 0.35 NoTCLTMR8 IT Tachlit Gilon -- -- -- No TCMCI SW UBS ETC CMCI - USD € 59 -- 0.38 NoTLTGL30 IT Tachlit Makam -- -- -- No LCTY LN Lyxor ETF CRB IDX € 53 -- 0.35 NoCorporates / Mortgage-backed KSMCMDT IT KSM Commodities € 47 -- 1.00 NoIBCX LN iShares EURO Corporate Bond € 2,354 -- 0.20 No GSNEEUR GY AXA EasyETF S&P GSNE € 42 -- 0.45 NoR1JKEX GY iShares eb.rexx Jumbo Pfandbriefe DE € 1,089 -- 0.10 No CRN SP Lyxor ETF Commodities CRB Non Energy € 16 -- 0.35 NoSLXX LN iShares GBP Corporate Bond € 1,027 -- 0.20 No LYCRN SW Lyxor ETF Commodities CRB Non-Energy USD € 15 -- 0.35 NoLQDE SW iShares $ Corporate Bond € 282 -- 0.20 No WOOD LN iShares S&P Global Timber & Forestry Fund € 14 -- 0.65 NoEICEUR GY AXA EasyETF iTraxx Europe Crossover € 218 -- 0.25 No LCNE LN Lyxor ETF CRB Non-Energy € 12 -- 0.35 NoEIVEUR GY AXA EasyETF iTraxx Europe Hivol € 204 -- 0.20 No AIGX LN ETFS Ex-Energy DJ-AIGSM € 12 -- 0.49 NoXTXC GY db x-trackers II - ITraxx Crossover 5Y TR € 194 -- 0.24 No FAIG LN ETFS Forward All Commodities DJ-AIGCI-F3SM € 4 -- 0.49 NoXTXE GY db x-trackers II - ITraxx Europe 5Y TR € 179 -- 0.18 No SALL LN ETFS Short All Commodities DJ_AIGCI € 1 -- 0.98 NoMBB6049 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Tel-Bond 60 € 173 -- -- No EXEF LN ETFS Forward Ex-Energy DJ-AIGCI-F3SM € 1 -- 0.49 NoMBB4048 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Tel-Bond 40 € 166 -- -- No LNEY LN ETFS Leveraged Ex-Energy DJ-AIGCI € 0.2 -- 0.98 NoCRP FP Lyxor ETF Euro Corporate Bond € 158 -- 0.20 No SNEY LN ETFS Short Ex-Energy DJ-AIGCI € 0.03 -- 0.98 NoTLTLBD1 IT Psagot - Tali Tel-Bond 20 Index € 98 20 0.35 No SNONEN GR S&P GSCI Non-Energy TR Treasury Bill Secured € 0.02 -- 0.49 NoKSMTLBND IT KSM Tel Bond € 95 -- 0.30 No LALL LN ETFS Leveraged All Commodities DJ-AIGCI € 0.01 -- 0.98 NoKSMIBXH IT KSM High Bond € 74 -- 0.65 No MLCX NA Torrus Funds - ML Cmdty Index Extra Fund -- -- -- NoXTXH GY db x-trackers II - ITraxx HIVol 5Y TR € 70 -- 0.21 No XCBL GR db x-trackers - S&P GSCI Light Energy -- -- 0.95 NoSEAG LN iShares Barclays Euro Aggregate Bond € 46 -- 0.20 No MLCU NA Torrus Funds - ML Commodity Index Extra -- -- -- NoIEBC LN iShares Barclays Euro Corporate Bond € 34 -- 0.50 No CCMCI SW UBS ETC CMCI - CHF -- -- 0.81 NoXSN5 GR db x-trackers II - iTraxx Europe Senior Fin 5Y TR € 28 -- 0.18 No ECMCI SW UBS ETC CMCI - EUR -- -- 0.50 NoJE1 FP JPMorgan GBI EMU 1-3Y ETF € 25 -- 0.15 No TCM1Y SW UBS ETC CMCI 1Y Constant Mat - USD -- -- 0.38 NoXTE5 GY db x-trackers Il - iTraxx Europe 5Y Short TR € 19 -- 0.18 No TCM3M SW UBS ETC CMCI 3M Constant Mat - USD -- -- 0.38 NoJE3 FP JPMorgan GBI EMU 5-7Y ETF € 17 -- 0.15 No TCM6M SW UBS ETC CMCI 6M Constant Mat - USD -- -- 0.38 NoMBTB24 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Tel-Bond 20 € 16 -- -- No ECMCI GR UBS ETC CMCI EUR -- -- 0.50 NoXTC5 GY db x-trackers II - iTraxx Crossover 5Y Short TR € 13 -- 0.24 No MetalsSGIL LN iShares Global Inflation-Linked Bond € 13 -- 0.25 No ZSIL SW ZKB Silver ETF € 456 -- 0.60 NoXSNS GR db x-trackers II - iTraxx Europe Sen Fin 5Y Short TR € 3 -- 0.18 No PHPT LN ETFS Physical Platinum € 243 -- 0.49 NoXSBS GR db x-trackers II - iTraxx Europe Sub Fin 5Y Short TR € 3 -- 0.21 No PHAG LN ETFS Physical Silver € 202 -- 0.49 NoXSB5 GR db x-trackers II - iTraxx Europe Sub Fin 5Y TR € 3 -- 0.35 No ZPLA SW ZKB Platinum ETF € 155 -- 0.50 NoXTH5 GY db x-trackers II - iTraxx HiVol 5Y Short TR € 3 -- 0.21 No ZPAL SW ZKB Palladium ETF € 96 -- 0.50 NoMTB2033 IT Clal Finance Batucha - Mabat Short Tel Bond 20 -- -- -- No PHPM LN ETFS Physical PM Basket € 88 -- 0.43 NoJE2 FP JPMorgan GBI EMU 3-5Y ETF -- -- 0.15 No MAGB SE Market Access AMEX Gold Bugs Index Fund € 74 -- 0.70 NoJE4 FP JPMorgan GBI EMU 7-10Y ETF -- -- 0.15 No AIGI LN ETFS Industrial Metals DJ-AIGSM € 67 -- 0.49 NoKSIBX36 IT KSM IBOXX 36 ETF -- -- -- No ZSILEU SW ZKB Silver ETF EUR € 49 -- 0.60 NoKSIBX37 IT KSM IBOXX 37 -- -- -- No PHPD LN ETFS Physical Palladium € 45 -- 0.49 NoKSBND63 IT KSM Tel Bond 40 -- -- 0.35 No AIGP LN ETFS Precious Metals DJ-AIGSM € 37 -- 0.49 NoKSBND64 IT KSM Tel Bond 60 -- -- 0.35 No COPA LN ETFS Copper € 30 -- 0.49 NoTGBND7 IT Tachlit TEL BOND -- 20 0.35 No SLVR LN ETFS Silver € 30 -- 0.49 NoKSRTTBX2 IT KSM SHORT Tel Bond X2 daily exposure -- -- 0.00 No NICK LN ETFS Nickel € 24 -- 0.49 NoAA1RMS GR Access iBoxx $ HY Corp TR Fund ETN -- -- 0.50 No ZSILUS SW ZKB Silver ETF USD € 22 -- 0.60 NoAA1RMQ GR Access iBoxx EURO Liq Corp TR Fund ETN -- -- 0.50 No M9SC GY Market Access RICISM-M Index Fund € 16 -- 0.85 NoAA1RMR GR Access iBoxx Sterling Liq Corp TR Fund ETN -- -- 0.50 No ALUM LN ETFS Aluminium € 14 -- 0.49 NoXNFS GR db x-trackers II - iTraxx Europe Non-Fin 5Y Short TR -- -- 0.50 No LSIL LN ETFS Leveraged Silver € 13 -- 0.98 NoTCMR16 IT Tachlit Tel Bond 20 ReInvest -- -- -- No ZINC LN ETFS Zinc € 9 -- 0.49 NoTCMR14 IT Tachlit Tel Bond 40 ReInvest -- -- -- No LPLA LN ETFS Leveraged Platinum € 5 -- 0.98 NoTCMR15 IT Tachlit Tel Bond 60 ReInvest -- -- -- No STIM LN ETFS Short Tin € 4 -- 0.98 NoMoney Market SIMT LN ETFS Short Industrial Metals DJ-AIGCI € 3 -- 0.98 NoXEON GY db x-trackers II - EONIA Total Return € 3,626 -- 0.15 No LNIK LN ETFS Leveraged Nickel € 2 -- 0.98 NoCBEONIA GR ComStage ETF Commerzbank EONIA Index TR € 254 -- 0.10 No SIMETL GR S&P GSCI Industrial Metals TR Treasury € 2 -- 0.49 NoXEOD GY db x-trackers II - EONIA TR-1D € 226 -- 0.15 No SSIL LN ETFS Short Silver € 2 -- 0.98 NoKSMJMB IT KSM Jambo € 186 -- -- No SALU LN ETFS Short Aluminium € 2 -- 0.98 NoXGBP LN db x-trackers - Sterling Money Market ETF € 68 -- 0.15 No LLEA LN ETFS Leveraged Lead € 2 -- 0.98 NoEONEUR FP EasyETF EuroMTS Eonia € 64 -- 0.15 No SNIK LN ETFS Short Nickel € 2 -- 0.98 NoXSTR GY db x-trackers II - Sonia TR € 64 -- 0.15 No LALU LN ETFS Leveraged Aluminium € 1 -- 0.98 NoECB FP Lyxor ETF Euromts Covered Bond Aggregate € 55 -- 0.17 No LIME LN ETFS Leveraged Industrial Metal DJ-AIGCI € 1 -- 0.98 NoXFFE GY db x-trackers II - Fed Funds Effective Rate TR € 50 -- 0.15 No SSILVR GR S&P GSCI Silver TR Treasury Bill Secured € 1 -- 0.49 NoXUSD LN db x-trackers - US Dollar Money Market ETF € 45 -- 0.15 No FIND LN ETFS Forward Industrial Metals DJ-AIGCI-F3SM € 1 -- 0.49 NoCBFEDFER GR ComStage ETF Commerzbank FED Funds Effective Rate € 42 -- 0.10 No SPLA LN ETFS Short Platinum € 1 -- 0.98 NoXCCR GY db x-trackers - Currency Returns € 36 -- 0.30 No SLEA LN ETFS Short Lead € 1 -- 0.98 NoEFFUSD FP EasyETF EuroMTS Fed Funds € 18 -- 0.15 No LTIM LN ETFS Leveraged Tin € 1 -- 0.98 NoSCOV LN iShares = Covered Bond € 11 -- 0.20 No SPMETL GR S&P GSCI Precious Metals TR Treasury Bill € 0.5 -- 0.49 NoXVAL GY db x-trackers - Currency Valuation € 9 -- 0.30 No SZIC LN ETFS Short Zinc € 0.3 -- 0.98 No

Commodity Funds

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Metals (continued) Soft Commodity (continued)SPMT LN ETFS Short Precious Metals DJ-AIGCI € 0.2 -- 0.98 No LCOR LN ETFS Leveraged Corn € 2 -- 0.98 NoLPMT LN ETFS Leveraged Precious Metals DJ-AIGCI € 0.03 -- 0.98 No LWEA LN ETFS Leveraged Wheat € 2 -- 0.98 NoLZIC LN ETFS Leveraged Zinc € 0.01 -- 0.98 No SCFE LN ETFS Short Coffee € 1 -- 0.98 NoTGSLVR2 IT Tachlit Silver -- -- 0.00 No SFARM GR S&P GSCI Agriculture TR Treasury Bill S € 1 -- 0.49 NoCLACI SW UBS ETC Aluminium - CHF -- -- 0.81 No LCOC LN ETFS Leveraged Cocoa € 1 -- 0.98 NoELACI SW UBS ETC Aluminium - EUR -- -- 0.49 No SCTO LN ETFS Short Cotton € 1 -- 0.98 NoTLACI SW UBS ETC Aluminium - USD -- -- 0.37 No LLHO LN ETFS Leveraged Lean Hogs € 1 -- 0.98 NoCIMCI SW UBS ETC Industrial Metals - CHF -- -- 0.81 No SGRAIN GR S&P GSCI Grains TR Treasury Bill Secured € 1 -- 0.49 NoEIMCI SW UBS ETC Industrial Metals - EUR -- -- 0.49 No SGSCI GR S&P GSCI TR Treasury Bill Sec Sourc ETC € 1 -- 0.49 NoTIMCI SW UBS ETC Industrial Metals - USD -- -- 0.37 No LSOB LN ETFS Leveraged Soybeans € 1 -- 0.98 NoEIMCI GR UBS ETC Industrial Metals EUR -- -- 0.49 No SWEA LN ETFS Short Wheat € 1 -- 0.98 NoCLLCI SW UBS ETC Lead - CHF -- -- 0.81 No SSUG LN ETFS Short Sugar € 1 -- 0.98 NoELLCI SW UBS ETC Lead - EUR -- -- 0.49 No SCOFF GR S&P GSCI Coffee TR Treasury Bill Secured € 1 -- 0.49 NoTLLCI SW UBS ETC Lead - USD -- -- 0.37 No SCOC LN ETFS Short Cocoa € 1 -- 0.98 NoCLNCI SW UBS ETC Nickel - CHF -- -- 0.81 No SSOB LN ETFS Short Soybeans € 1 -- 0.98 NoELNCI SW UBS ETC Nickel - EUR -- -- 0.49 No FLIV LN ETFS Forward Livestock DJ-AIGCI-F3SM € 1 -- 0.49 NoTLNCI SW UBS ETC Nickel - USD -- -- 0.37 No SLST LN ETFS Short Livestock DJ-AIGCI € 1 -- 0.98 NoCPLCI SW UBS ETC Platinum - CHF -- -- 0.92 No LSFT LN ETFS Leveraged Softs DJ-AIGCI € 1 -- 0.98 NoEPLCI SW UBS ETC Platinum - EUR -- -- 0.61 No LCTO LN ETFS Leveraged Cotton € 1 -- 0.98 NoTPLCI SW UBS ETC Platinum - USD -- -- 0.49 No SCOTN GR S&P GSCI Cotton TR Treasury Bill Secured € 1 -- 0.49 NoCPMCI SW UBS ETC Precious Metals - CHF -- -- 0.92 No SSFT LN ETFS Short Softs DJ-AIGCI € 1 -- 0.98 NoEPMCI SW UBS ETC Precious Metals - EUR -- -- 0.61 No SSOFT GR S&P GSCI Softs TR Treasury Bill Secured € 1 -- 0.49 NoTPMCI SW UBS ETC Precious Metals - USD -- -- 0.49 No SWHEAT GR S&P GSCI Wheat TR Treasury Bill Secured € 0 -- 0.49 NoCSICI SW UBS ETC Silver - CHF -- -- 0.80 No LLCT LN ETFS Leveraged Live Cattle € 0.5 -- 0.98 NoESICI SW UBS ETC Silver - EUR -- -- 0.49 No SSOYB GR S&P GSCI Soybeans TR Treasury Bill Secured € 0.5 -- 0.49 NoTSICI SW UBS ETC Silver - USD -- -- 0.37 No SCOR LN ETFS Short Corn € 0.4 -- 0.98 NoCLXCI SW UBS ETC Zinc - CHF -- -- 0.81 No SSYO LN ETFS Short Soybean Oil € 0.3 -- 0.98 NoELXCI SW UBS ETC Zinc - EUR -- -- 0.49 No SGRA LN ETFS Short Grains DJ-AIGCI € 0.3 -- 0.98 NoTLXCI SW UBS ETC Zinc - USD -- -- 0.37 No SOFF LN ETFS Forward Softs DJ-AIGCI-F3SM € 0.1 -- 0.49 NoGold LLST LN ETFS Leveraged Livestock DJ-AIGCI € 0.0 -- 0.98 NoGBS LN Gold Bullion Securities Ltd € 3,014 -- 0.40 No SLIVE GR S&P GSCI Livestock TR Treasury Bill Secured € 0.01 -- 0.49 NoZGLD SW ZKB Gold ETF € 2,668 -- 0.40 No LSYO LN ETFS Leveraged Soybean Oil € 0.01 -- 0.98 NoPHAU LN ETFS Physical Gold € 1,861 -- 0.39 No AA1KH4 GR Access Cocoa Enhanced TR ETC -- -- 1.00 NoKSMGLD IT KSM Gold € 539 -- 1.00 No AA1KH3 GR Access Cocoa Enhanced TR Quanto ETC -- -- 0.25 NoGLD SJ NewGold Issuer Ltd € 257 -- 0.40 No AA1KPW GR Access Corn Enhanced TR ETC -- -- 1.00 NoJBGOUA SW Julius Baer Physical Gold Fund € 186 -- 0.40 No AA1KPX GR Access Corn Enhanced TR Quanto ETC -- -- 1.00 NoBULL LN ETFS Gold € 80 -- 0.49 No AA1KPU GR Access Wheat Enhanced TR ETC -- -- 1.00 NoLBUL LN ETFS Leveraged Gold € 18 -- 0.98 No AA1KPV GR Access Wheat Enhanced TR Quanto ETC -- -- 1.00 NoGLDTR TI Istanbul Gold Exchange Traded Fund € 17 -- 0.59 No CAGCI SW UBS ETC Agriculture - CHF -- -- 0.84 NoGOLD FP Gold Spot US Dollars Per Troy Ounce ETN € 14 -- 0.40 No EAGCI SW UBS ETC Agriculture - EUR -- -- 0.55 NoSBUL LN ETFS Short Gold € 8 -- 0.98 No TAGCI SW UBS ETC Agriculture - USD -- -- 0.47 NoZGLDUS SW ZKB Gold ETF-A USD € 5 -- 0.40 No EAGCI GR UBS ETC Agriculture EUR -- -- 0.55 NoZGLDEU SW ZKB Gold ETF-A EUR € 4 -- 0.40 No CQCCI SW UBS ETC Cocoa - CHF -- -- 0.99 NoSGLD GR S&P GSCI Gold TR Treasury Bill Secured € 0 -- 0.49 No EQCCI SW UBS ETC Cocoa - EUR -- -- 0.68 No7000S FP Lyxor ETN Gold -- -- 0.90 No TQCCI SW UBS ETC Cocoa - USD -- -- 0.56 NoCGCCI SW UBS ETC Gold - CHF -- -- 0.66 No CKCCI SW UBS ETC Coffee - CHF -- -- 0.98 NoEGCCI SW UBS ETC Gold - EUR -- -- 0.38 No EKCCI SW UBS ETC Coffee - EUR -- -- 0.66 NoTGCCI SW UBS ETC Gold - USD -- -- 0.26 No TKCCI SW UBS ETC Coffee - USD -- -- 0.54 NoEGCCI GR UBS ETC Gold EUR -- -- 0.38 No EKCCI GR UBS ETC Coffee EUR -- -- 0.66 NoSoft Commodity CLPCI SW UBS ETC Copper - CHF -- -- 0.81 NoAIGA LN ETFS Agriculture DJ-AIGCSM € 495 -- 0.49 No ELPCI SW UBS ETC Copper - EUR -- -- 0.49 NoGSALEUR GY AXA EasyETF S&P GSAL € 65 -- 0.45 No TLPCI SW UBS ETC Copper - USD -- -- 0.37 NoM9SB GY Market Access RICISM-A Index Fund € 58 -- 0.85 No ELPCI GR UBS ETC Copper EUR -- -- 0.49 NoFAGR LN ETFS Forward Agriculture DJ-AIGCI-F3SM € 53 -- 0.49 No CCNCI SW UBS ETC Corn - CHF -- -- 0.91 NoWEAT LN ETFS Wheat € 43 -- 0.49 No ECNCI SW UBS ETC Corn - EUR -- -- 0.59 NoAIGG LN ETFS Grains DJ-AIGSM € 35 -- 0.49 No TCNCI SW UBS ETC Corn - USD -- -- 0.47 NoSUGA LN ETFS Sugar € 27 -- 0.49 No ECNCI GR UBS ETC Corn EUR -- -- 0.59 NoAIGS LN ETFS Softs DJ-AIGSM € 21 -- 0.49 No CCTCI SW UBS ETC Cotton - CHF -- -- 0.90 NoAIGL LN ETFS Livestock DJ-AIGSM € 20 -- 0.49 No ECTCI SW UBS ETC Cotton - EUR -- -- 0.58 NoCORN LN ETFS Corn € 18 -- 0.49 No TCTCI SW UBS ETC Cotton - USD -- -- 0.46 NoCOFF LN ETFS Coffee € 16 -- 0.49 No CFOCI SW UBS ETC Food - CHF -- -- 0.92 NoCOTN LN ETFS Cotton € 16 -- 0.49 No EFOCI SW UBS ETC Food - EUR -- -- 0.63 NoHOGF LN ETFS Forward Lean Hogs € 13 -- 0.49 No TFOCI SW UBS ETC Food - USD -- -- 0.55 NoSOYB LN ETFS Soybeans € 12 -- 0.49 No EFOCI GR UBS ETC Food EUR -- -- 0.63 NoGRAF LN ETFS Forward Grains DJ-AIGCI-F3SM € 12 -- 0.49 No CLHCI SW UBS ETC Lean Hogs - CHF -- -- 0.98 NoHOGS LN ETFS Lean Hogs € 10 -- 0.49 No ELHCI SW UBS ETC Lean Hogs - EUR -- -- 0.66 NoCATF LN ETFS Forward Live Cattle € 8 -- 0.49 No TLHCI SW UBS ETC Lean Hogs - USD -- -- 0.54 NoSCOP LN ETFS Short Copper € 8 -- 0.98 No CLCCI SW UBS ETC Live Cattle - CHF -- -- 0.93 NoCATL LN ETFS Live Cattle € 7 -- 0.49 No ELCCI SW UBS ETC Live Cattle - EUR -- -- 0.61 NoSLHO LN ETFS Short Lean Hogs € 4 -- 0.98 No TLCCI SW UBS ETC Live Cattle - USD -- -- 0.49 NoSOYO LN ETFS Soybean Oil € 3 -- 0.49 No TSMCI SW UBS ETC Soybean Meal - USD -- -- 0.53 NoSAGR LN ETFS Short Agriculture DJ-AIGCI € 3 -- 0.98 No TBOCI SW UBS ETC Soybean Oil - USD -- -- 0.53 NoSLCT LN ETFS Short Live Cattle € 3 -- 0.98 No CSYCI SW UBS ETC Soybeans - CHF -- -- 0.90 NoLCOP LN ETFS Leveraged Copper € 3 -- 0.98 No ESYCI SW UBS ETC Soybeans - EUR -- -- 0.58 NoLAGA LN ETFS Leveraged Agriculture DJ-AIGCI € 2 -- 0.98 No TSYCI SW UBS ETC Soybeans - USD -- -- 0.46 NoLSUG LN ETFS Leveraged Sugar € 2 -- 0.98 No ESYCI GR UBS ETC Soybeans EUR -- -- 0.58 NoLCFE LN ETFS Leveraged Coffee € 2 -- 0.98 No CSBCI SW UBS ETC Sugar - CHF -- -- 1.07 NoSSUGAR GR S&P GSCI Sugar TR Treasury Bill Secured € 2 -- 0.49 No ESBCI SW UBS ETC Sugar - EUR -- -- 0.74 NoLGRA LN ETFS Leveraged Grains DJ-AIGCI € 2 -- 0.98 No TSBCI SW UBS ETC Sugar - USD -- -- 0.63 No

Commodity Funds Commodity Funds

EMEA Listed ETFs

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Available Ticker ETF Name

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Exp. Ratio



Soft Commodity (continued) Energy (continued)ESBCI GR UBS ETC Sugar EUR -- -- 0.74 No TCL6M SW UBS ETC WTI Crude Oil 6M Constant Maturity -- -- 0.30 NoCWWCI SW UBS ETC Wheat - CHF -- -- 0.91 No ECLCI GR UBS ETC WTI Crude Oil EUR -- -- 0.42 NoEWWCI SW UBS ETC Wheat - EUR -- -- 0.59 NoTWWCI SW UBS ETC Wheat - USD -- -- 0.47 NoEWWCI GR UBS ETC Wheat EUR -- -- 0.59 NoEnergyCRUD LN ETFS Crude Oil € 428 -- 0.49 No KSMDLR IT KSM Dollar € 238 -- 0.00 NoOILB LN ETFS Brent 1mth Oil Securities € 334 -- 0.49 No KSMEUR IT KSM Euro € 89 -- 0.00 NoOILW LN ETFS WTI 2mth Oil Securities € 119 -- 0.49 No TADOB1 IT Tachlit Dollar -- -- 0.35 NoLOIL LN ETFS Leveraged Crude Oil € 112 -- 0.98 No TCELRB2 IT Tachlit Euro -- -- 0.35 NoNGAS LN ETFS Natural Gas € 106 -- 0.49 No TCLSTB1 IT Tachlit GBP -- -- 0.45 NoECLCI SW UBS ETC WTI Crude Oil - EUR € 73 -- 0.42 No HDSB1 IT H.D.S. Negotiable Dollar - B1 USD -- -- -- NoAIGE LN ETFS Energy DJ-AIGSM € 67 -- 0.49 No HDSB2 IT H.D.S. Negotiable Dollar - B2 EUR -- -- -- NoOSB1 LN ETFS Brent 1yr € 63 -- 0.49 No HDSCB1 IT Hadas Currencies Ltd - B1 GBP -- -- -- NoTCLCI SW UBS ETC WTI Crude Oil - USD € 50 -- 0.30 No HDSCB2 IT Hadas Currencies Ltd - B2 JPY -- -- -- NoCCLCI SW UBS ETC WTI Crude Oil - CHF € 40 -- 0.72 No HDSQRB1 IT Hadas Quarterly Ltd - B1 USD -- -- -- NoKSMOIL IT KSM Oil € 27 -- 0.00 NoTENCI SW UBS ETC Energy - USD € 26 -- 0.40 NoSOIL LN ETFS Short Crude Oil € 24 -- 0.98 No * For Fixed Income Funds the number of stocks held refers to the number of bonds. LNGA LN ETFS Leveraged Natural Gas € 23 -- 0.98 NoFPET LN ETFS Forward Petroleum DJ-AIGCI-F3SM € 21 -- 0.49 No Source: Bloomberg; Absa Bank; Akbank; Alpha Mutual Fund; AXA; Bank Vontobel; BBVA; BETA1 ETFund;AA1HXT GR Access RICI Enhanced Brent Crude Oil € 19 -- 1.00 No BGI; BMD Securities; Clal Finance; Corpcapital Bank; Credit Agricole; Credit Suisse; Deutsche Bank; GSUEEUR GY AXA EasyETF S&P GSCI Ultra-Light Energy € 17 -- -- No DnB NOR Kapitalforvaltning; EasyETF Erste Sparinvest KAG; ETF Commodities Securities; ETF Securities; ENEF LN ETFS Forward Energy DJ-AIGCI-F3SM € 13 -- 0.49 No ETFlab Finans Portfoy Yonetimi; Gold Bullion Securities; Hadas Indices; Handelsbanken Fondforvaltning; AIGO LN ETFS Petroleum DJ-AIGSM € 13 -- 0.49 No Index Tracking Certificates Lt; INDEXCHANGE Investment Investec; Is Yatirim; iShares; ITRIX Managers EENCI SW UBS ETC Energy - EUR € 13 -- 0.52 No Proprietary; J.P.Morgan Securities Inc. Kaupthing Bank; KSM; Lyxor; Market Access ETFs; Medvesek SWTI GR S&P GSCI Crude Oil TR Treasury Bill Secured € 9 -- 0.49 No Pusnik; NASDAQ ETF Funds NCB Financial Strategies; NewGold Managers; Oil Securities; OTP FundGSDEUR GY EasyETF S&P GSCI Light Energy Dynamic € 6 -- 0.45 No Management PAZ; Powershares; Prisma ETFs; PropTrax Managers; Psagot Ofek Leumi; SantanderAA1HXS GR Access RICI Enhanced WTI Crude Oil € 5 -- 1.00 No Seligson & Co Fund; SGAM; SPA ETFs; State Street; Tachlit; Torrus Funds Trackhedge Managers Proprietar;UGAS LN ETFS Gasoline € 5 -- 0.49 No UBS; XACT Fonder; ZKB Gold ETFOSW1 LN ETFS WTI 1yr € 4 -- 0.49 NoAA1HXU GR Access RICI Enhanced WTI Crude Oil € 4 -- 1.00 NoAA1HXV GR Access RICI Enhanced BrentCrude Oil € 3 -- 1.00 NoHEAT LN ETFS Heating Oil € 3 -- 0.49 NoNGAF LN ETFS Forward Natural Gas € 2 -- 0.49 NoSPET LN ETFS Short Petroleum DJ-AIGCI € 2 -- 0.98 NoSNGA LN ETFS Short Natural Gas € 2 -- 0.98 NoLPET LN ETFS Leveraged Petroleum DJ-AIGCI € 1 -- 0.98 NoLGAS LN ETFS Leveraged Gasoline € 1 -- 0.98 NoLHEO LN ETFS Leveraged Heating Oil € 1 -- 0.98 NoOSB3 LN ETFS Brent 3yr € 1 -- 0.49 NoOSW2 LN ETFS WTI 2yr € 1 -- 0.49 NoCARB LN ETFS Carbon € 1 -- 0.49 NoSENERGY GR S&P GSCI Energy TR Treasury Bill Secured € 1 -- 0.49 NoOSW3 LN ETFS WTI 3yr € 1 -- 0.49 NoSGAS LN ETFS Short Gasoline € 1 -- 0.98 NoSGSLE GR S&P GSCI Light TR Treasury Bill Secured € 0 -- 0.49 NoSHEA LN ETFS Short Heating Oil € 0.4 -- 0.98 NoOSB2 LN ETFS Brent 2yr € 0.4 -- 0.49 NoSNGAS GR S&P GSCI Nat Gas TR Treasury Bill Secured € 0.4 -- 0.49 NoHEAF LN ETFS Forward Heating Oil € 0.1 -- 0.49 NoSNRG LN ETFS Short Energy DJ-AIGCI € 0.1 -- 0.98 NoSPETRO GR S&P GSCI Petroleum TR Treasury Bill Secured € 0.0 -- 0.49 NoLNRG LN ETFS Leveraged Energy DJ-AIGCI € 0.01 -- 0.98 NoTGBRNT1 IT Tachlit Oil -- -- 0.00 NoOILEADLO NO ABG Sundal Collier Oil Derivative Long -- -- 1.00 NoOILEADSH NO ABG Sundal Collier Oil Derivative Short -- -- 1.00 NoAA1KP3 GR Access RICI Enhanced Gas Oil TR Index -- -- 1.00 NoOIL2L SW UBS ETC 2x Long CMCI WTI Crude Oil -- -- 0.98 NoOIL2S SW UBS ETC 2x Short CMCI WTI Crude Oil 3M -- -- 0.98 NoCCOCI SW UBS ETC Brent Crude - CHF -- -- 0.72 NoECOCI SW UBS ETC Brent Crude - EUR -- -- 0.42 NoTCOCI SW UBS ETC Brent Crude - USD -- -- 0.30 NoTCO1Y SW UBS ETC Brent Crude Oil 1Y Constant Maturity -- -- 0.30 NoTCO3M SW UBS ETC Brent Crude Oil 3M Constant Maturity -- -- 0.30 NoTCO6M SW UBS ETC Brent Crude Oil 6M Constant Maturity -- -- 0.30 NoCENCI SW UBS ETC Energy - CHF -- -- 0.84 NoTQSCI SW UBS ETC Gasoil - USD -- -- 0.40 NoCXBCI SW UBS ETC Gasoline - CHF -- -- 0.84 NoEXBCI SW UBS ETC Gasoline - EUR -- -- 0.52 NoTXBCI SW UBS ETC Gasoline - USD -- -- 0.40 NoEXBCI GR UBS ETC Gasoline EUR -- -- 0.52 NoTHOCI SW UBS ETC Heating Oil - USD -- -- 0.40 NoEHOCI GR UBS ETC Heating Oil EUR -- -- 0.52 NoCNGCI SW UBS ETC Natural Gas - CHF -- -- 0.84 NoENGCI SW UBS ETC Natural Gas - EUR -- -- 0.52 NoTNGCI SW UBS ETC Natural Gas - USD -- -- 0.40 NoTCL1Y SW UBS ETC WTI Crude Oil 1Y Constant Maturity -- -- 0.30 NoTCL3M SW UBS ETC WTI Crude Oil 3M Constant Maturity -- -- 0.30 No

Commodity Funds Commodity Funds


EMEA Listed ETFs

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Asia-Pacific Listed ETFs

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Exp. Ratio



AEJ SP Lyxor ETF MSCI Ac Asia Ex Jp $118 596 0.65 No Japan (continued)2815 HK Lyxor ETF MSCI Ac Asia Ex Jp $108 596 0.65 No 2814 HK Lyxor ETF Japan Topix $40 1,666 0.50 No3010 HK iShares MSCI Asia Apex 50 $36 50 0.59 No 1312 JP R/N Small Cap Core Index ETF $20 349 0.53 NoASEAN SP CIMB FTSE Asean 40 $26 39 0.65 No DFSJ SP Daiwa FTSE Shariah Japan 100 $13 100 0.75 NoAPEX SP Lyxor ETF MSCI Asia Apex50-B $24 50 0.50 No 1318 JP Topix Small Japan Small Cap $9 1,191 0.53 No2802 HK iShares MSCI Emerging Asia $22 73 0.59 No 1317 JP Topix Mid400 Japan Mid Cap E $8 398 0.53 No3032 HK iShares MSCI Asia Apex M/C $17 48 0.59 No 1316 JP Topix100 Japan Large Cap Eq $8 100 0.22 No3004 HK iShares MSCI Asia Apex S/C $11 109 0.59 No 101280 KS Samsung Kodex Japan $5 100 0.65 No

1314 JP Nikko ETF S&P Jp Emer Eq 100 $3 94 0.53 No1347 JP Nikko ETF FTSE Jpn Green Chip 35 -- 35 0.42 NoMalaysia

Australia DJIM25 MK MyETF DJ Islamic Titans 25 $169 25 0.51 NoSTW AU SPDR S&P/ASX 200 $968 207 0.29 Yes FBM30 MK FBM30 ETF $1 -- 0.50 NoSFY AU SPDR S&P/ASX 50 $88 51 0.29 No MAL SP Lyxor ETF MSCI Malaysia -- 41 0.65 NoOZY NZ Smartozzy $54 20 0.60 No New ZealandMZY NZ Smartmozy $28 50 0.90 No TNZ NZ Smarttenz $37 10 0.60 NoChina FNZ NZ Smartfonz $32 50 0.90 NoIZZ AU iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 $9,022 26 0.74 No MDZ NZ Smartmidz $23 33 0.75 No2823 HK iShares A50 China Tracker $4,795 50 0.99 No Pakistan159902 CH China SME $1,064 112 0.60 No AKDITFA PA Akd Index Tracker Fund - A -- -- 0.75 No159901 CH E Fund Si100 Index $899 100 0.50 No Singapore510050 CH China 50 $895 66 0.60 No ISG AU iShares MSCI Singapore $946 28 0.52 No2827 HK WISE - CSI 300 China Tracker $810 -- 1.39 No STTF SP Streettracks Straits Times $381 30 0.30 No510880 CH AIG Huatai Dividend $563 -- 0.60 No KRW SP Lyxor ETF MSCI Korea-USD $54 96 0.65 NoXX25 SP db x-trackers FTSE/Xin Ch 25 $288 -- 0.60 No DBSSTI SP DBS Singapore STI $39 30 0.28 No1309 JP SSE50 Index Linked ETF $194 -- 1.00 No EWS SP iShares MSCI Singapore Free -- 27 0.59 No2801 HK iShares MSCI China Tracker $141 85 0.99 No South Korea099140 KS Samsung Kodex China H $122 43 0.66 No IKO AU iShares MSCI South Korea-CDI $1,732 100 0.63 No0055 TT Polaris PS MSCI Taiwan Fin $96 17 0.44 No 1313 JP Kodex200 ETF $1,254 129 0.35 No1322 JP China A Share Panda CSI300 $84 300 1.00 No 069500 KS Samsung Kodex 200 $1,016 129 0.35 NoIAA AU iShares S&P Asia 50 $56 51 0.50 No 102110 KS Mirae Maps Tiger 200 $269 -- 0.46 NoASI SP Lyxor ETF China Enterprise $53 43 0.65 No 105190 KS KITM Kindex200 $234 127 0.30 No0054 TT Polaris PS S&Pt Cus Chp50 $48 50 0.44 No 108590 KS Yurie TREX200 $158 -- 0.33 No3024 HK WISE SSE 50 China Tracker $35 -- 1.39 No 102780 KS Samsung Kodex Samsung Gr $101 15 0.40 No2838 HK Hang Seng FTSE/Xinhua China 25 $30 25 0.60 No 069660 KS WCS KOSEF Kospi 200 $100 151 0.36 No510180 CH Shanghai SSE180 Index Fund $10 176 0.60 No 2813 HK Lyxor ETF MSCI Korea $54 96 0.65 No10828 HK C-Tracks Hang Seng China H-F -- -- 0.25 No 108480 KS KB KStar KOSDAQ Elite30 $45 -- -- No3007 HK db x-trackers FTSE/Xin Ch 25 -- -- -- No 108630 KS Tongyang First Star Bluechip $33 -- 0.26 NoHong Kong 108450 KS KITM Kindex Samsung Group $26 14 0.40 No2800 HK Tracker Fund Of Hong Kong $5,147 42 0.10 Yes 100910 KS WCS KOSEF KRX100 $20 99 0.23 No2833 HK Hang Seng Index ETF $2,535 42 0.10 No 108440 KS KITM Kindex KOSDAQ Star $15 30 0.40 No2828 HK Hang Seng H-Share Idx ETF $1,655 43 0.60 No 107560 KS Daishin Giant Hyundai Motor Group $13 -- 0.40 NoIHK AU iShares MSCI Hong Kong Index $1,652 44 0.52 No 105780 KS KB KStar Top5 Group $12 -- -- NoHSI SP Lyxor ETF Hang Seng Index 10 $42 42 0.65 No 105270 KS KITM Kindex F15 $9 15 0.40 No2825 HK WISE - CSI HK100 Tracker $16 -- 0.99 No 097750 KS Yurie Trex Midsmall Value $8 -- 0.46 No10829 HK C-Tracks Hang Seng Property -- -- 0.25 No 097710 KS Mirae Tiger Pure Value $8 172 0.46 NoIndia 091210 KS Mirae Maps Tiger Krx100 $7 99 0.46 NoKOTSS IN Kotak Sensex ETF $685.3 30 0.50 No 105450 KS Samsung Kodex 15 $7 15 0.45 NoINDIA SP iShares MSCI India $513 59 0.99 No 104530 KS WCS KOSEF High Dividend $6 20 0.50 No2836 HK iShares BSE Sensex India $173 30 0.99 No 104520 KS WCS KOSEF Bluechip $6 42 0.50 No2810 HK Lyxor ETF MSCI India $125 59 0.85 No 097720 KS Mirae Tiger Mid Value $6 59 0.46 NoINR SP Lyxor ETF MSCI India $124 59 0.85 No 102970 KS Samsung Kodex Securities $5 11 0.49 NoXNIF SP db x-trackers S&P CNX Nifty $122 -- 0.85 No 097740 KS WCS KOSEF Mid Pure Value $3 30 0.50 NoLNFU SP Lyxor ETF India S&P CNX Nfs$ $58 50 0.85 No 097730 KS WCS KOSEF Large Value $1 70 0.50 NoNBEES IN Nifty Exch - Nifty BeES $50 50 0.50 No 2848 HK db x-trackers MSCI Korea -- -- -- NoPSUBBE IN PSU Bank Ex Tr - PSU Bank BeES $22 12 0.75 No 4362 HK iShares MSCI South Korea -- 99 0.63 NoKOPSUB IN Kotak PSU Bank $9 12 0.65 No TaiwanSUNDER IN Uti - Sunder $3 50 0.50 No ITW AU iShares MSCI Taiwan Index-CDI $2,101 103 0.73 NoJBEES IN Nifty Exch - Junior BeES $1 50 1.00 No 0050 TT Polaris Taiwan Top50 Tracker $1,544 50 0.36 NoICSPICE IN Prudential Icic - Sensex Spice $0.4 30 1.00 No XMTW SP db x-trackers MSCI Taiwan $143 -- 0.65 NoQINDEX IN Quantum Index Fund $0.4 50 0.75 No 0056 TT Polaris PS Taiwan Dvd $72 34 0.44 NoSBEES IN Shariah Benchmark ETF BeES -- 38 1.00 No 2837 HK Lyxor ETF MSCI Taiwan $65 100 0.65 No3015 HK db x-trackers S&P CNX Nifty -- -- -- No TWN SP Lyxor ETF MSCI Taiwan $59 100 0.65 NoIndonesia 0051 TT Polaris Taiwan Mid-Cap 100 $46 107 0.44 NoR/LQ45X IJ Premier ETF LQ-45 $0.02 45 0.62 No 0057 TT Fubon MSCI Taiwan $28 99 0.54 NoJapan 0060 TT Polaris PS TSEC Tw Non-Tech $24 50 0.44 No1321 JP Nomura ETF Nikkei 225 $6,958 225 0.25 Yes 0058 TT Fubon Taiwan Eight Industries $14 74 0.44 No1306 JP Nomura ETF Topix $6,884 1,705 0.25 Yes 3036 HK db x-trackers MSCI Taiwan -- -- -- NoIJP AU iShares MSCI Japan $5,242 337 0.52 No 4363 HK iShares MSCI Taiwan -- 102 0.63 No1330 JP Nikko ETF 225 $3,605 225 0.24 Yes Thailand1320 JP Daiwa ETF Nikkei 225 $2,849 224 0.24 Yes THA SP Lyxor ETF MSCI Thailand $22 24 0.65 No1308 JP Nikko ETF Topix $2,562 1,705 0.09 No TDEX TB Thaidex Set50 $1 50 0.43 No1305 JP Daiwa ETF Topix $2,355 1,711 0.24 No Vietnam1346 JP Maxis Nikkei 225 $307 225 0.18 No XFVT SP db x-trackers FTSE Vietnam $106 -- 0.85 No1344 JP Maxis Topix Core30 $222 30 0.20 No 3087 HK db x-trackers FTSE Vietnam -- -- -- No1311 JP Nomura ETF Topix Core 30 $212 30 0.23 No1310 JP Daiwa ETF Topix Core 30 $160 30 0.23 No Source: Bloomberg; AIG Huatai; AKD Investment; Bahana; Benchmark Funds1319 JP Nikkei 300 Stock Index $104 300 0.55 No Boci-Prudential; China AM; CIMB; C-Tracks; Daiwa AM; Fubon; Hang Seng Investment1329 JP iShares Nikkei 225 $47 225 0.22 No HSBC; iShares; J.P. Morgan Securities Inc.; Kotak; Lyxor; Mirae Asset; Nikko AMJPN SP Lyxor ETF Japan Topix $40 1,710 0.50 No Nomura AM; Polaris; Samsung Investment; SmartShares; SSGA; WCS AM

Regional Country


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Asia-Pacific Listed ETFs

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Available Ticker ETF Name

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Exp. Ratio

(%)Options Available

Consumer Discretionnary Global1613 JP Nomura ETF Electric Aplc Idx $14 161 0.23 No IVE AU iShares MSCI EAFE $31,792 838 0.34 No1610 JP Daiwa ETF Topix Electric $13 161 0.23 No IOO AU iShares S&P Global 100 $679 108 0.40 No1619 JP Next Funds Topix-17 Cons&Mat $13 168 0.34 No 2812 HK Lyxor ETF MSCI World $18 1,679 0.45 No1636 JP Daiwa ETF Cons Mter Topix-17 $12 168 0.29 No Regional1630 JP Next Funds Topix-17 Retail $12 143 0.34 No IEM AU iShares MSCI Emerging Mkt $31,556 338 0.72 No1647 JP Daiwa ETF Retail Topix-17 $8 144 0.29 No IEU AU iShares S&P Europe 350 $1,560 352 0.60 No10800 HK C-Tracks Building/Construct $0.1 -- 0.99 No IBK AU iShares MSCI BRIC $201 177 0.72 NoConsumer Staples 105020 KS Mirae Asset Tiger BRIC $29 69 0.49 No1617 JP Next Funds Topix-17 Foods $14 73 0.34 No 2820 HK Lyxor ETF MSCI Emerging Mkts $19 737 0.65 No1634 JP Daiwa ETF Foods Topix-17 $13 74 0.29 No 2806 HK Lyxor ETF RAFI Europe $14 527 0.60 NoEnergy 105010 KS Mirae Asset Tiger Latin $14 33 0.49 No1627 JP Next Funds Topix-17 Elec&Gas $47 17 0.34 No Country1644 JP Daiwa ETF E Power Topix-17 $16 17 0.29 No SPY SP SPDR Trust Series 1 $205,115 502 0.10 No1618 JP Next Funds Topix-17 Energy Rsrcs $8 17 0.34 No IVV AU iShares S&P 500 Index Fund $17,482 501 0.09 No1635 JP Daiwa ETF Energy Res Topix-17 $4 17 0.29 No IRU AU iShares Russell 2000 $9,769 1,911 0.24 NoENGY TB Mtrack Energy $0.1 11 -- No IJH AU iShares S&P Midcap 400 $4,389 401 0.20 NoFinancials IJR AU iShares S&P Smallcap 600 $4,015 601 0.20 NoBBEES IN Banking Exch Trd Bank BeES $1,083 12 0.50 No XSPS SP db x-trackers S&P 500 Short $63 -- 0.50 No1615 JP Nomura ETF Banks Index $356 84 0.23 Yes 1325 JP Next Funds Ibovespa Link $45 -- 1.00 No1612 JP Daiwa ETF Topix Banks $74 84 0.23 No 2831 HK Lyxor ETF Russia $30 10 0.65 No1648 JP Daiwa ETF Banks Topix-17 $30 84 0.29 No 1324 JP Next Funds Russia Nomura ETF $27 -- 1.00 No0059 TT Fubon Taiwan Finance $24 22 0.44 No 2826 HK Lyxor ETF Nasdaq 100 $21 100 0.30 No1632 JP Next Funds Topix-17 Financials $17 54 0.34 No 2803 HK Lyxor ETF RAFI Us 1000 $16 1,002 0.60 No1649 JP Daiwa ETF Financials Topix-17 $14 56 0.29 No 1323 JP Next Funds FTSE/JFE Africa Top40 $14 -- 1.00 No091220 KS Mirae Asset Tiger Banks $10 9 0.46 No 104580 KS Samsung Kodex Brazil $4 20 0.65 No1631 JP Next Funds Topix-17 Banks $8 84 0.34 No 10816 HK C-Tracks S&P Financials Tr -- -- 0.99 No091170 KS Samsung Kodex Banks $5 9 0.50 No DIA SP Diamonds Trust Series I -- 31 0.18 No091190 KS WCS KOSEF Banks $3 9 0.50 No 3025 HK db x-trackers S&P 500 Short -- -- -- No10802 HK C-Tracks Taiex Finance Sub-I $0.1 -- 0.99 No IVV SP iShares S&P 500 -- 501 0.09 NoRBETF IN Reliance Banking -- 15 2.18 No 3020 HK db x-trackers MSCI USA TRN -- -- -- NoHealth Care Sector1621 JP Next Funds Topix-17 Pharma $16 33 0.34 No IXJ AU iShares S&P Gl Healthcare $492 85 0.48 No1638 JP Daiwa ETF Topix-17 Pharma $14 33 0.29 No IXP AU iShares S&P Global Telecom $265 46 0.48 NoIndustrials IXI AU iShares S&P Consumer Staples $265 99 0.48 No1622 JP Next Funds Topix-17 Auto&Trs $32 73 0.34 No IYW SP iShares DJ US Technology -- 181 0.60 No1639 JP Daiwa ETF Automob Topix17 $29 73 0.29 No1628 JP Next Funds Topix-17 Tp&Lg $22 68 0.34 No1645 JP Daiwa ETF Transpo&L Topix-17 $21 68 0.29 No1646 JP Daiwa ETF Topix-17 Com Who $14 135 0.29 No 2821 HK ABF Pan Asia Bond Index Fund $1,581 313 0.21 No1641 JP Daiwa ETF Machine Topix-17 $13 124 0.29 No 2819 HK ABF Hong Kong Bond Index Fund $284 -- 0.15 No1629 JP Next Funds Topix-17 Wholesal $7 133 0.34 No SBIF SP ABF Singapore Bond Indx Fund $213 26 0.20 No091180 KS Samsung Kodex Autos $7 20 0.50 No MBIF MK ABF Malaysia Bond Index Fund $148 -- 0.23 No102960 KS Samsung Kodex Shipbuild $5 10 0.49 No LBEES IN Liquid Benchmark ETF BeES $82 -- 0.60 No1624 JP Next Funds Topix-17 Machiner $5 124 0.34 No ABFTH TB Kasset ABF Th Bond Index Fund -- -- -- NoMaterials R/ABFII IJ Bahana ETF ABF IFI Fund -- -- -- No1620 JP Next Funds Topix-17 Raw M&Ch $24 178 0.34 No1637 JP Daiwa ETF Raw Ma&Che Topix-17 $21 178 0.29 No1640 JP Daiwa ETF Steel Topix-17 $13 61 0.29 No1623 JP Next Funds Topix-17 Stl&Ml $5 60 0.34 No 2840 HK SPDR Gold Trust $35,745 -- 0.40 NoReal Estate 1326 JP SPDR Gold Trust $35,670 -- 0.40 NoSLF AU SPDR S&P/ASX 200 Listed Prop $74 16 0.40 No GLD SP SPDR Gold Trust $24,030 -- 0.40 No1343 JP Next Funds REIT Nomura $47 40 0.34 No 1327 JP EasyETF S&P GSCI $517 -- -- NoMPS SP Macarthurcook Property Sec $22 -- -- No GOLD AU ETFs Physical Gold $420 -- 0.39 NoMPS AU Macarthurcook Property Sec $17 -- -- No 1328 JP Gold Price Linked ETF $298 -- 0.53 No1633 JP Next Funds Topix-17 Real Est $16 49 0.34 No CRB SP Lyxor ETF Commodity Crb $94 -- 0.35 No1345 JP Listed J-REIT Bi Monthly Dividend $13 40 0.32 No 2809 HK Lyxor ETF Commodity Crb $81 -- 0.35 No1650 JP Daiwa ETF Real Est Topix-17 $7 51 0.29 No UTIGOL IN UTI Gold ETF $48 -- 1.00 NoTechnology REGOLD IN Reliance Gold ETF $43 -- 1.00 No0053 TT Polaris PS Taiwan Electr $60 156 0.44 No GBEES IN Gold Exch Trad Gold BeES $43 -- 1.00 No1642 JP Daiwa ETF Elec App Topix-17 $43 185 0.29 No CRN SP Lyxor ETF Commod Crb Non En $22 -- 0.35 No0052 TT Fubon Taiwan Technology $35 53 0.44 No KOGOLD IN Kotak Gold ETF $17 -- 1.00 No1625 JP Next Funds Topix-17 El&Pr $34 185 0.34 No ETPMAG AU ETFs Physical Silver $4 -- 0.49 No1626 JP Next Funds Topix-17 IT&Serv $30 243 0.34 No ETPMPT AU ETFs Physical Platium $1 -- 0.49 No1643 JP Daiwa ETF IT Serv Topix-17 $29 243 0.29 No ETPMPM AU ETFs Physical Pm Basket $1 -- 0.43 No091160 KS Samsung Kodex Semicon $18 20 0.50 No ETPMPD AU ETFs Physical Palladium $1 -- 0.49 No091230 KS Mirae Tiger Semincon $18 19 0.46 No QTGOLD IN Quantum Gold Fund $1 -- 1.25 No091200 KS WCS KOSEF IT $8 30 0.50 No10801 HK C-Tracks Taiex Electronics $0.1 -- 0.99 NoTelecom098560 KS Mirae Tiger Media Telecom $4 10 0.46 No 1340 JP Nomura Indian Rupee Link $26 -- 0.89 No

1341 JP Nomura Brazilian Real $24 -- 0.89 No1342 JP Nomura Russian Rouble $22 -- 0.89 No

Please note that cross-listed ETFs are included. * For Fixed Income Funds the number of stocks held refers to the number of bonds.

Sector Funds International

Currency Funds

Fixed Income Funds *

Commodity Funds

Page 28: etf listados JPM

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