ethical behavior at workplace

Ethical behavior at workplace: Ethics and law are both important for an organization to be successful. During my tenure as an Assistant professor in a University, the basic ethics from my view towards work was to be updated in my field and impart the same to my students. However not many professors did follow that basic ethics of their job. My colleagues gushed up the classes with old lecture materials and surpassed most credit hours by just assigning self-study materials. Some colleagues in turn ended up giving more of their time and energy towards their research and grant writing rather concentrating on course preparation. I did not react to all the above situations which mean I have been unethical too. The discussion about the whistle blowers in our Ethics class made me aware of the whistleblowers act in United States. I should have reported to my management which might lead them to put strict guidelines on work ethics. Ignorance could be one possible reason for unethical behavior of an employee. The unethical behavior of an individual could not only affect the business but also the society. The responsibility of the organization is to establish strong ethical training to employees at workplace. The availability of various avenues for smaller businesses to carry out ethical behavior at workplace as mentioned in the paper 1 , was not available at University I worked. I would suggest my ex-work place to implement the steps as mentioned in the paper. Thereby, arranging

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How to behave ethically


Page 1: Ethical Behavior at Workplace

Ethical behavior at workplace:

Ethics and law are both important for an organization to be successful. During my tenure

as an Assistant professor in a University, the basic ethics from my view towards work was to be

updated in my field and impart the same to my students. However not many professors did

follow that basic ethics of their job. My colleagues gushed up the classes with old lecture

materials and surpassed most credit hours by just assigning self-study materials. Some

colleagues in turn ended up giving more of their time and energy towards their research and

grant writing rather concentrating on course preparation. I did not react to all the above situations

which mean I have been unethical too. The discussion about the whistle blowers in our Ethics

class made me aware of the whistleblowers act in United States. I should have reported to my

management which might lead them to put strict guidelines on work ethics.

Ignorance could be one possible reason for unethical behavior of an employee. The

unethical behavior of an individual could not only affect the business but also the society. The

responsibility of the organization is to establish strong ethical training to employees at

workplace. The availability of various avenues for smaller businesses to carry out ethical

behavior at workplace as mentioned in the paper1, was not available at University I worked. I

would suggest my ex-work place to implement the steps as mentioned in the paper. Thereby,

arranging workshops on high level oversight of ethics and continuous monitoring to ensure

consistent enforcement.


1 Ann Marie Tracey, J.D & Paul J. Fiorelli, J.D., 2008, Ohio Lawyer, Attorneys can counsel small business management to take steps that will enhance ethical behavior and reduce the likelihood of criminal and other penalties.

Page 2: Ethical Behavior at Workplace

Fairness and Ethics in business litigation:

The legal system for businesses was designed to protect both the consumers and the

people, oriented with those businesses. When an ethical cycle is disturbed legal issues arise. The

overview of the whole legal system makes sure that ethical cycle is not mostly unobstructed. The

law makes sure the wellbeing of each and every citizen and his living in this democratic country.

The litigation issues faced by various organizations stated as examples in the class are a result of

ethical cycle disorders.

For example in POM Vs Coco Cola litigation as explained in the class, the legal issue

arose only when the coco cola greedily tried attracting consumers with false representation and

improper labelling1. This greed bothered the ethical cycle and made the competitor, POM

Wonderful to file a lawsuit. Should a legal issue arise when I am in charge, firstly I would not let

the unethical behavior of my own company and I would have tried reporting that to the higher

officials. But even when some unethical things happen by mistake, I would apologize on behalf

of the organization and take responsible corrective measures. I hope that is why arbitration was

introduced. Arbitration gives a chance to apologize for the unethical behaviors of one and

provides a space to take effective measures for the mistake without being directly sued over the

court and thereby ensures the restoration of the ethical cycle.


1. Barnes, R. (2014, June 12). Supreme Court says Coca-Cola can be sued over juice drink label. Retrieved February

2, 2015, from
