ethics and justice system.pptx

L. Ron Hubbard ETHICS AND JUSTICE SYSTEM Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin Hasan Designation: Production Manager Under Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari

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This is a Presentation based on Scientology Studies .


L. Ron Hubbard

L. Ron HubbardETHICS AND JUSTICE SYSTEMPresenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari


Throughout The Ages Man has Struggled with the Subjects of Right and Wrong , Ethics and Justice

There is Always been a Strive for a Good Justice System and Overall Justice in The Society as a Whole

These Subjects are The Basis of All Philosophy


HISTORYAll Previous Philosophies Have Involved them selves with These Subjects

They Never Solved Them

They have puzzled Philosophers for a Long Time

It is a Break Through That Dianetics and Scientology Have Solved Them

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari3

MEANING OF ETHICS Dictionary:The Study of the General Nature of Morals and the Specific Moral Choices to be made by the Individual in his Relationship with Others

Scientology:The Actions an Individual takes on Himself It is A Personal Thing .

When One is Ethical or Has His Ethics IN it is by his own Determinism and is done by himself .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari4

MEANING OF JUSTICE Dictionary:Conformity to Moral Right or to Reason , Truth or Fact or The Administration of Law

Scientology:It is the Action taken on the Individual by the Group When He fails to take these actions himself .

Appropriate Corrective Action on Any Misconduct

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari5

APPLICATIONGovernments dont understand Ethics Ethics means Reasoning Out Ethics means Out of Reasoning


NO ETHICS NO TECHNOLOGY NO ADMINSTRATIONPresenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari6

BASIC NATURE OF MANNo matter How Criminal an Individual is, He will be trying one way or the Another To Put Ethics IN on Himself .

The Individual who lacks any Ethics Technology is Unable to put In Ethics on himself and to restrain himself from contra survival actions so he caves himself in .

He Requires to have Basic Tech of Ethics & Apply it to himself & others .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari7

JUSTICEWhen the Individual fails to put In His own Ethics , the Group takes action against him and this is called Justice

When the tech of Ethics isnt known , Justice becomes an end All in it self . and that just degenerates in to a sadism .

The Person may become a criminal Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari8

BREAKTHROUGHThe break through in Scientology is that we do have the basic technology of ethics .For the First time man can learn How to put his own Ethics IN

This is a brand new discovery any where .It marks a turning point in the History of Philosophy

An Individual can : Learn this Technology , Apply It to his life and can than Put his Own Ethics IN , Change Conditions and Start Heading Upwards towards Survival .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari9

ETHICS JUSTICE AND THE DYNAMICSThe Dynamic Principle of Existence is SURVIVE

No Behavior or Activity has been found to exist without this Principle

The reverse of Survive is SUCCUMB WHICH IS THE Penalty for not engaging in Survival activities .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari10

THE EIGHT DYNAMICSDynamics are the Urges or Motivations of Life .

We Call them the Eight Dynamics : 1-Self 2- Family 3- Group 4- Mankind 5- Life 6- Physical Universe (MEST) 7- Spirits 8- Infinity

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari11


Morals are Laws of Conduct laid down from past experiences and may longer be entirely relevant for survival .

Ethics are based on Rationality to Achieve the Highest Level of Survival for All

With passing Time Morals can become outmoded

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari12

RON HUBBARDS SYSTEM OF ETHICS AND JUSTICE.EthicsMoral Codes are respected but the Adherence to ethical standards enables people to progress smoothly towards happiness

Ethics are the actions an individual takes on himself to ensure his continued survival .

When One is Ethical , It is Some thing he does himself by his own choice .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari13


Key ConceptsThere are two key Concepts :Good and Evil

Goods are a Constructive Survival Action , Something which is more beneficial across All Aspects of Life .

The Constructive Actions must Out Weigh the Destructive in order to be considered a Good Action . For E.g A New Cure Saving Hundred Lives Killing Only One is an Acceptable Cure .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari14


.Evil is the Opposite of Good .

It Consists of more destructive elements than constructive

In Summation An Act is as Right as it promotes Survival across All aspects of Life .

Conversely An Act is Wrong if it promotes Non Survival across the various sectors of Life .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari15

RON HUBBARDS SYSTEM OF ETHICS AND JUSTICEJustice :It is Some times necessary to Discipline or to do a Corrective Action on an Individual if he fails to take such actions himself .

It is a Rational Approach towards Justice .

Justice exists to Protect Decent People .

It is Necessary in Any Successful Society .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari16

Justice :

Mr. Hubbard s developed system is both rapid and fair .

It is Administered in Accordance with a Precise Set of Easily understandable codes which are clearly and broadly published and knowable

The Sole Purpose is to establish the Truth of a matter and determine Guilt or Innocence .

In this way the Sufferer or Innocent is compensated for loss or damage .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari17


Application :

A Business Person having a Dispute can use this System of Justice to settle matters amicably

In Fact Anyone can avail this system to resolve disputes .

Since this System is Fair Economical and Occurs Without Delay , WISE Members find it of Great Value .

What Happens If the Dynamics Go OUT Ethics

Remember that the Eight Dynamics Comprise Life They Operate with Interaction with Other Dynamics

Life is a Group Effort , NONE Survive Alone If One Dynamic goes Out Ethics , It goes Out of Communication with the other Dynamics .

If a Person goes Out Ethics on One Dynamic it has disastrous consequences on his other Dynamics .

This is a very harmful condition as it will effect his Job , His Personal Life adversely also .

Remedy :Survival is assured only by our knowledge and application of Ethics to our Dynamics in order to keep them in communication

. Through Ethics we can achieve survival and happiness

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari


OVERTS AND WITH HOLDS :Overts:A harmful act against the Moral code of a Group.

An Overt Act violates what was Agreed upon

With Holds Committing an Overt act and than concealing / hiding it from others

Any With hold comes after an Overt

The Person tries to displace the blame on others .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari20



First of all Overts should be avoided at any cost

Secondly if some how Overt is committed , Dont hide it .

Accept your Mistake

Dianetics has the Technology to solve this Issue .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari21

ETHICS IN THE WORK PLACEThe Unethical practices of big businesses are BIG NEWS

Un Ethical behavior or Out Ethics pervades at All Levels from the Corporate CEO to the janitor .

Out Ethics often appears to be the Norm

What an Owner defines as Un Ethical , Another defines as Acceptable for instance : Discussing confidential company financial matters with unauthorized people ; covering up absenteeism for co-workers ; taking credit for the work of others ; borrowing company supplies for use at home etc .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari



Companies are increasingly shocked when they take the time to review their server logs

A business finds quite a few of its staff looking at un ethical sites ; all during company time , all while earning a company wage .

Handlings in general take either of two routes :Out Ethic situations are perceived as Petty and over looked . Hence begins the down ward spiral .

The other route is the business world s summary ; Justice ----- You re fired !

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari23


Both Solutions are unworkable , compounding either the spread of out ethics in the company or within the individual .and so we have the scene which is today s workplace .

However regardless of all this , business does go on , production occurs and there are many many honest . hard working individuals

Here is where we have the Greatest crime of All , the Greatest Injustice . The show is kept on the road by the hard working , the responsible and the honest ; they carry the burden of the un ethical behavior of others .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari



So What s missing from the Picture ?No effective technology of ethics is being Applied

An Executive or Employee has not got the tools to pull himself up out of the mud , dust himself Off and get onto the straight and narrow.

As A Result Situations escalate and Justice ( firing of employee ) is applied ----- often incorrectly .

Right up to today systems of ethics & justice , lacking fundamental principles and a precise technology have allowed situations to escalate and then have wreaked punishment and misery all in the name of justice .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari25


Through more than a Quarter of a Century of research and testing . Ron Hubbard developed the first ever effective technology of ethics .

For the first time ever an individual has exact tools to put himself on to the straight and narrow .

And the group has procedures which protect its members without wreaking injustice on the accused

Hubbard writes in his article : The Thought of using Justice to straighten up the individual and safeguard Society doesnt seem to have occurred to any body . Tolerance , mercy , understanding and the actual handling of the individual by decent and effective ethics technology is a new hope for justice .


Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari26


L. Ron Hubbards Technology and system of ethics and justice has been missing from the modern work place .

Now , In groups across the globe , WISE ( World Institute of Scientology Enterprises ) Member Charter Committees are bringing these solutions and the resultant sanity to today s business world .

They are truly providing a new hope for Justice and a path to prosperity for all .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari27

ARCWhat is ARC Affinity Reality Communication

Affinity is Understanding with others .

Reality is Talking with Reasoning and Understanding Others View point .

Communication means There Should be communication b/w the concerned parties with no barrier in the way of Communication .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari28



If ARC is Applied to Implement Ethics and Justice System . It can be beneficial for the Organization .

Affinity will create harmony b/w the parties and there would be a cordial atmosphere .

Talking Reality will be better for All parties in case of Conflict or other wise implementing code of conduct on a employee .

Constant Communication will eventually lead to a point of agreement b/w the parties .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari29


Hubbard s technology is ray of hope for the organizations who are suffering with the issue of ethics and justice implementation at any level .

Organization Should take advantage of this technology to improve the Perfomance / Output of the Organization Staff and gain more profits .

Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari30


Presenter : Mr. Faisal Bin HasanDesignation: Production ManagerUnder Supervision: Dr. Mairaj Ansari31