ethnic relation present bab 7 pengasingan

CHAPTER 7 - From Segregation To Integration PRESENTATION BY Name Matrix Mohamad Radzi B. Mohd Sojak FB14009 Afifah binti Othman MA 14092 Rachel Ling Lee Shin FB14026 Yap poh guan FA13023 Ahmad Sapuwan Bin Abu Bakar EA13052 Fatin Aisyah Nur Aida Binti Ahmad Lazimi FA14108

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Page 1: Ethnic Relation Present bab 7 pengasingan

CHAPTER 7 - From Segregation To


Name MatrixMohamad Radzi B. Mohd Sojak FB14009

Afifah binti Othman MA 14092Rachel Ling Lee Shin FB14026Yap poh guan FA13023Ahmad Sapuwan Bin Abu Bakar EA13052

Fatin Aisyah Nur Aida Binti Ahmad Lazimi FA14108

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Segregation segregation or separation of one ethnic group by another ethnic group.

integration Consolidation process in groups of different ethnic backgrounds into a single entity that is bound by the norms and values and common interests [National Identity]

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IntroductionSegregation can occur with 5 types of separation: - • Place of residence • Jobs • Economic activity • Schooling System • Newspaper Publisher

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Malays ethnic are concentrated in the villages and work as peasants, farmers, fishermen, craftsmen, and etc..

Ethnic Chinese are concentrated in urban areas and working in the mine, engage in the retail business and etc..

Indians concentrated in estates and plantations. Tappers, construction workers and others.


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HISTORY OF SEGREGATION British colonial rule for 170 years in this country led to

the doctrine of divide and rule is intended to maintain the power and dominance of the colonial economy.

During the British colonial era. The British introduced the policies of economic development and at the same time encourage the entry of foreign workers from China and India.

Proceedings of the British indirectly alter the racial composition of the country. During the British colonial era, a separate ethnic relations in terms of cultural, economic, political, social, and shelter.

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INTEGRATIONIn the Malaysian context, national integration among the ethnic groups separate from the cultural, religious, social and residential areas.

Integration can only be transformed when people of various ethnic groups that are willing to apply the elements of • accommodation• acculturation • Assimilation

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Accommodationis a process that requires the cooperation of two or more parties with different goals to establish a goal that can satisfy both parties

Acculturationthe process of adopting the cultural elements among individuals or groups of any other culture different

Assimilation is a process of absorption of cultural elements from one culture to another culture.

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1.PREJUDICE / PRASANGKA:Kesimpulan yang dibuat berdasarkan perasaan dalaman (negatif) individu/kelompok terhadap individu/kelompok yang lain tanpa bukti / maklumat yang betul.2.STEREOTYPES/ STEREOTAIP:Kenyataan umum terhadap sesuatu kumpulan etnik, sama ada berbentuk positif atau negatif.Dengan kata lain, stereotaip ialah gambaran yang berlebih-lebihan tentang sesuatu perlakuan baik atau buruk yang ditujukan kepada sesuatu kumpulan atau etnik oleh etnik lain.

3. ETHNOCENTRISM/ ETNOSENTRISME:Kepercayaan atau rasa bangga yang wujud dalam kalangan etnik bahawa budaya dan etnisiti mereka adalah lebih baik dan unggul berbanding kelompok lain.

4.RACISM / PERKAUMAN:Pandangan,pemikiran atau kepercayaan negatif oleh sesuatu kelompok sosial terhadap kelompok social yang lain berdasarkan ciri-ciri fizikal dan biologinya.

5.DISCRIMINATION/ DISKRIMINASI :Merujuk kepada layanan buruk sesuatu kumpulan etnik terhadap kumpulan etnik lain,biasanya oleh kumpulan etnik dominan terhadap kumpulan etnik minoriti.

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Perpecahan boleh berlaku jika wujudnya konflik:

Menurut Prof.Dr Mansor Mohd.Noor :Perpecahan juga boleh berlaku apabila wujudnya konflik antara kumpulan masyarakat, kedudukan lokasi kelas,taraf pendidikan, kemahiran kerja, pendapatan dan budaya hidup yang sesetengahnya membatasi peluang mobiliti sosial mereka untuk keluar dari golongan miskin.(2006.Hubungan Etnik Di Malaysia.Kuala Lumpur.Prentice Hall Malaysia)

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PERANAN KERAJAAN:• Memupuk semangat hubungan etnik yang

harmoni menjadi agenda untuk kerajaan yang dilaksanakan menerusi perancangan dasar-dasar tertentu.• Memperkenalkan konsep 1 Malaysia oleh

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dengan slogan “ Rakyat didahulukan Pencapaian Diutamakan”

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Melahirkan bangsa Malaysia

yang lebih berdaya tahan

dalam menghadapi cabaran yang dibawa oleh

arus globalisasi.

Memperkukuhkan hubungan dan

kerjasama antara rakyat pelbagai etnik

di Negara ini.

Aspek:-Penerapan teras-teras perpaduan

- Penerapan dalam nilai-

nilai aspirasi.

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To understand more clearly about the programs Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional as well as issues of national cohesion and integration, some of the concepts and terms related to it should be understood

Cultivate and maintain unity among ethnic

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• Majlis Gerakan Negara (MAGERAN) was established from 13 mei 1969

• 1 july 1969, MAGERAN establish Jabatan Perpaduan Negara (JPN) to overcome the issue related to racial unity

• After MAGERAN dissolved ,Majlis Penasihat Perpaduan Negara was esablished on 23 february 1971 to nurture and preserve unity among ethnic

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Majlis Penasihat Perpaduan Negara is placed under the responsibility of Jabatan Perpaduan Negara(JPN)

JPN placed under Kementerian Perpaduan Negara dan Pembangunan Masyarakat and then under Jabatan Perdanan Menteri with the name of Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional (JPNIN)

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Isssue 13 Mei 1969

MAGERAN established

1 julai 1969JPN


MAGERAN dissolved

Majlis Penasihat Perpaduan negara established in 23 february 1971

JPN is placed under Kementerian

Perpaduan dan Pembangunan


JPN is placed under the responsibility

of Jabatan Perdana Menteri with name


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Government Policy

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GOVERNMENT POLICYSocio-economic policy - Dasar Pendidikan Kebangsaan - Dasar Kebudayaan Kebangsaan - Dasar Ekonomi Baru

Reinforced by the Rukun Negara which is the ideology of our country.

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Dasar Pembangunan NegaraDasar Wawasan NegaraDasar Sosial Negara

Enhanced by Wawasan 2020

Objective : To reduce and control political actions that will affect

the unity among people.

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Strategy Persefahaman PolitikStrategi Keseimbangan EkonomiStrategi Sistem PendidikanStrategi Penggunaan Bahasa KebangsaanStrategi Kepercayaan AgamaStrategi KebudayaanStrategi Integrasi WilayahStrategi Keselamatan

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Strategi Pembangunan Kawasan Strategi Penggunaan Tenaga ManusiaStrategi Media MassaStrategi KesukananStrategi Perpaduan dan Pertubuhan

SukarelaStrategi Penyelidikan dan Penerbitan

Bahan BacaanStrategi Pemantauan Isu-isu Semasa

dan Konflik

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Strategi Penubuhan Panel Penasihat Perpaduan Negara (PANEL) dan jawatankuasa Penasihat Perpaduan Peringkat Negeri (JKPPN)

Strategi Program dan Aktiviti Perpaduan

Memperkasakan Sekolah Kebangsaan

Memperkasakan Sekolah WawasanMemperkenalkan Program Latihan

Khidmat Negara (PLKN)

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Role of community in the context of ethnic


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Rukun Tetangga Year 1975

Rukun Tetangga is introduced. The objective is to control the safety in residental areas.

1 Januari 1983 The govornmont has made changes to Peraturan Perlu(Rukun Tetangga)

1975. Focus on the concept of neighbourhood to foster the spirit of

neighbourhood among the community.

Tahun 2000 A more complete community developement towards national unity

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Open houseCan be seen during festivals of different races in Malaysia. People of different races visits each others.Tolerance among different races:

To create a peaceful and harmony community and to build stronger relationship between each other.

Chinese New Year, Deepavali Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Halal foods are prepared when inviting Malay friends to come over for the celebration of festival.

Beef is not prepared for Indian friends.

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Non-Malay communities such as the Chinese, and Indians as well as the natives ethnic groups in Sabah and Sarawak has received Malay ethnic cultures in terms of clothing and food.

For example, the non-Malays such as Indian, Chinese and Kadazan Dusun was wearing baju kurung and baju Melayu.

In fact, the trend of dressing and enjoying Malay food has become a normal for non-Malay ethnic.

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Indian Food

Malay Food

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For the Malays, they began to receive Chinese and Indians cuisine, and the giving of duit raya have been using the envelopes or Ang Pow which are famous among the Chinese people.

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The architecture of buildings and mosques also have the characteristics of an ethnicity.

For example: Sultan Ismail Petra Silver Jubilee Mosque

(Masjid Jubli Perak Sultan Ismail)  or known as Beijing Mosque is a Chinese-style mosque in Rantau Panjang, Kelantan, Malaysia.

Similar to the Niujie Mosque 1,000 years old in Beijing China

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Niujie Mosque, Beijing Beijing Mosque, Malaysia

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Encouragement of the Administration, especially the Student Affairs through associations, holds activities and programmes related to the unity among students,

For example: Hari Raya is celebrated in the university regardless

of race and religion. Lantern Festival activities are also accompanied by

the Malays.

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In the area of student leadership, was not dominated by a particular ethnic group, but also comprises various ethnic groups.

Unity Club or Club Rukun Negara was established in universities as an effort to instill awareness of the importance of ethnic unity.

Students are also encouraged to intensify and enhance the co-curricular activities such as sports programs, clubs, associations, exhibitions and lectures.

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The content of courses closely related to the educational aspects of harmony in a multi-ethnic can instill spiritual values and culture,

For example: The subject of Nationhood. The subject of Islamic civilization and Asia. Subject Ethnic Relations.

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• Objective of establishment-accelerate the process of ethnic relation in Malaysia.

• NGO : Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM)

Its leadership is composed of multi-ethnic• NGO that composed of mono-ethnic are :

Pergerakan Belia 4B Persatuan Belia Tamil Dewan Perniagaan Cina Dewan Perniagaan India Malaysia Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia

Aim - Established to provide a variety of dialogues and seminars in understanding the problem and its solution.

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• Science and technology

Factors increasing ethnic relations in Malaysia for economic progress in science and technology,etc:

o industryo biotechnology

Funds and grants from the private sector and the establishment of certain institutions is generating and economic development in country.

o Koridor Raya Multimedia(MSC)o Akademi Sains

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Multinational Corporation (MNC)

Sponsored activities that foster unity among the various ethnic communities,program conducted are;

o education sponsorship/scholarshipo Care for the environmento welfare

Also known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program.

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Every ethnic has their own specific identity and practiced by their people.

This diversity is a uniqueness to the Malaysian community.

The purpose of the effects to celebrate the diversity is to create harmony among Malaysian.

Every citizen must respect the identity and rights of other ethnic.

The involvement of all parties are able to improve our efforts towards strengthening the relationship among ethnics.