eucalyptus installation notes

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  • 7/27/2019 Eucalyptus Installation Notes


    eucalyptus installation notes

    1 Installing Eucalyptus EE on RHEL / CentOS 5.4


    1 ) If you start with a STANDARD CentOS installation, you will fed for all The prerequisites with the following


    [Root _AT_ clc] # yum install-y the ntp

    [The root _AT_ clc] # ntpdate

    2 ) Node has a fully installed and configured installation of Xen that allows controlling the the hypervisor via

    HTTP from localhost.

    ([Root @ node1] # yum install xen kernel-xen libvirt)

    [The root _AT_ node] # yum install-y the xen

    [The root _AT_ node] # sed - in-place 's / # (xend-http-server no) / (xend-http-server yes) /' / etc / xen / xend-


    The root _AT_ node] # sed - in-place 's / # (xend-address localhost) / (xend-address localhost) /' / etc / xen /


    [The root _AT_ node] # / etc / init.d / xend restart

    1.1 get packages

    tar zxvf eucalyptus-centos-x86_64-2.0.1eee.tar.gz

    tar zxvf eucalyptus-deps-centos-x86_64-2.0.1eee.tar.gz

    1.2 installing OS dependencies

    yum install-y java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel ant ant-nodeps libvirt-devel curl-devel httpd httpd-devel apr-devel openssl-

    devel dhcp libxml2 libxml2-devel gnutls gnutls-devel xen-devel libgcrypt-devel zlib- devel mysql openldap-clients perl-

    Convert-ASN1 chkfontpath scsi-target-utils fuse-libs libgcc.i386 bridge-utils

    1.3 installing eucalyptus dependencies

    install sun jdk:

    Go!: at and the select the Java Platform JDK.
  • 7/27/2019 Eucalyptus Installation Notes


    In the dropadown menu! Under "Platform:" select either Linux (for i386) or Linux x64 (for x86_64).

    The root _AT_ clc # chmod 0700 jdk *. bin

    [Root _AT_ clc] # . / jdk * bin

    move all file in jdk1.6.0_20 to opt / packages / jdk

    [Root @ clc] # mkdir-p / opt / packages / jdk

    [Root @ clc] # mv jdk1.6.0_20 / * / opt / packages / jdk /

    The root _AT_ clc # cd eucalyptus-deps *

    [Root _AT_ clc] # yum install-y *. rpm - nogpgcheck

    The root _AT_ node1 # cd eucalyptus-deps *

    The rpm - nogpgcheck of [the root _AT_ node1 # yum install-y *

    install VMware failed:

    [Root @ localhost vmware-vix-disklib-distrib] #. /

    You cannot install VMware VIX DiskLib API on a system running a xen

    kernel.Execution aborted.

    1.4 Installing Eucalyptus Component Packages

    1) install at front-end

    cd eucalyptus-centos-*. leee

    [The root _AT_ clc] # rpm-Uvh eucalyptus-2.0.1eee-1 *. x86_64.rpm eucalyptus-common-java-2.0.1eee-1 *.

    x86_64.rpm eucalyptus-cloud-2.0.1eee-1. * x86_64.rpm eucalyptus-walrus-2.0.1eee-1 *. x86_64.rpm eucalyptus-

    sc-2.0.1eee-1 *. x86_64.rpm eucalyptus-cc-2.0.1eee-1 *. x86_64.rpm eucalyptus -gl-2.0.1eee-1. *. x86_64.rpm

    2) install at node cd eucalyptus-centos-*. leee

    [The root _AT_ node1] # rpm-Uvh eucalyptus-2.0.1eee-1 *. x86_64.rpm eucalyptus-nc-2.0.1eee-1 *. x86_64.rpm

    eucalyptus-gl-2.0.1eee-1 *. x86_64 . rpm

    1.5 Installing and Configuring Hypervisors (Xen)

  • 7/27/2019 Eucalyptus Installation Notes


    1) configuring grub and reboot :

    vi / etc / grub.conf

    default = 0

    timeout = 5

    splashimage = (hd0, 0) / grub / splash.xpm.gz


    title CentOS (2.6.18-194.17.4.el5xen)

    root (hd0, 0)

    kernel / xen.gz-2.6.18-194.17.4.el5

    module / vmlinuz-2.6.18-194.17.4.el5xen ro root = LABEL = / 1 rhgb quiet

    module / initrd-2.6.18-194.17.4.el5xen.img

    title CentOS (2.6.18-164.el5)

    root (hd0, 0)

    kernel / vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.el5 ro root = LABEL = / 1 rhgb quiet

    initrd / initrd-2.6.18-164.el5.img

    note : default = 0 , 0 stands for the kernel for xen 's title

    2) configuration xen .

    make sure that your xend-config.sxp file is setup correctly. Go to:

    / Etc / xen / xend-config.sxp

    These are the recommended settings: (bold need to be modified, the other non-default)

    (Xend-http-server yes)

    (Xend-unix-server yes)

    (Xend-unix-path / var / lib / xend / xend-socket)

    (Xend-address localhost)

    (Network-script network-bridge) (Vif-script vif-bridge)

    (Dom0-min-mem 196)

    (Dom0-cpus 0)


  • 7/27/2019 Eucalyptus Installation Notes


  • 7/27/2019 Eucalyptus Installation Notes


    View node information: ( need to modify the grub and restart, reference of 1.5 installing and configuring

    Hypervisors )

    [Root @ localhost ~] # su eucalyptus-c "virsh list"

    Id the Name State


    [Root @ localhost ~] # brctl show

    bridge name bridge id STP enabled TOP the interfaces

    virbr0 is 8000.000000000000 yes

    [Root @ localhost ~] # / etc / xen / scripts / network-bridge start

    Link veth0 is missing.This may be because you have reached the limit of the number of interfaces

    that the loopback driver the supports. If the loopback driver is a module, you

    may raise this limit by passing it as a parameter (nloopbacks = ); if the

    driver is compiled statically into the kernel, then you may set the parameter

    using loopback.nloopbacks = on the domain 0 kernel command line.

    Start the front-end node , the following error may occur:

    You should have at least 32 loop devices Starting Eucalyptus services: (13) Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]: 8775

    (13) Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address

    no listening sockets available, shutting down

    Unable to open logs

    The Solution: vnc Login to centos graphical interface settings are as follows,

    System> Administration> Security Level and Firewall

    Both Firewall and SElinux set to Disabled.

    The ( run system-config-securitylevel command can also be realized )

  • 7/27/2019 Eucalyptus Installation Notes


    1 , Registering Eucalyptu s EE COMPONENTS

    [Root @ localhost ~] # euca_conf - register-walrus

    [Root @ localhost ~] # euca_conf - register-cluster cloudServer

    [Root @ localhost ~] # euca_conf - register-sc cloudServer

    [Root @ localhost ~] # euca_conf - register-nodes

    2 , deregistering NODES

    euca_conf - deregister-nodes

    Enterprise Edition do not have to be installed separately Euca2ools

    1 , download the certificate and install the client

    [Root @ localhost credentials] # mkdir ~ /. Euca

    [Root @ localhost credentials] # unzip ~ /. Euca /

  • 7/27/2019 Eucalyptus Installation Notes


  • 7/27/2019 Eucalyptus Installation Notes


  • 7/27/2019 Eucalyptus Installation Notes


    [Root @ localhost euca-ubuntu-9.04-x86_64] # euca-upload-bundle-b ubuntu-ramdisk-bucket-m / tmp/initrd.img-


    [Root @ localhost euca-ubuntu-9.04-x86_64] # euca-register ubuntu-ramdisk-bucket/initrd.img-2.6.28-11-


    IMAGE eri-17,771,939

    For, uploading and registering image The

    [Root _AT_ localhost euca-ubuntu-9.04-x86_64] # euca-bundle-image-i ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img - the the kernel eki-

    AEBB17DB - ramdisk eri-17,771,939 (can not specify ramdisk )

    Checking image

    Tarring image

    Encrypting image

    Splitting image ...

    Part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.0

    Part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.1

    Part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.2

    Part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.3

    Part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.4

    Part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.5 Part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.6

    Part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.7

    Part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.8

    Part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.9

    Part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.10

    Part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.11

    Part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.12

    Part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.13 Generating manifest / tmp/ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.manifest.xml

    / Tmp/ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.manifest.xml

    [Root @ localhost euca-ubuntu-9.04-x86_64] # euca-upload-bundle-b ubuntu-image-bucket-m / tmp/ubuntu.9-


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    Checking bucket: ubuntu-image-bucket

    Creating bucket: ubuntu-image-bucket

    Uploading manifest file

    Uploading part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.0

    Uploading part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.1

    Uploading part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.2

    Uploading part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.3

    Uploading part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.4

    Uploading part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.5

    Uploading part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.6

    Uploading part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.7

    Uploading part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.8

    Uploading part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.9

    Uploading part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.10

    Uploading part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.11

    Uploading part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.12

    Uploading part: ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.part.13

    Uploaded image as ubuntu-image-bucket/ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.manifest.xml

    [Root @ localhost euca-ubuntu-9.04-x86_64] # euca-register ubuntu-image-bucket/ubuntu.9-04.x86-


    IMAGE emi-39DB160A

    6 , delete image and bundle

    1 ) delete image

    [Root @ localhost xen-kernel] # euca-deregister emi-39DB160A EC2_ACCESS_KEY environment variable must be set.

    Connection failed

    [Root @ localhost xen-kernel] # source ~ / .euca / eucarc

    [Root @ localhost xen-kernel] # euca-deregister emi-39DB160A

    IMAGE emi-39DB160A

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    [Root @ localhost xen-kernel] # euca-delete-bundle-b ubuntu-image-bucket-p ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img - clear

    2 ) delete ramdisk the bundle

    [Root @ localhost xen-kernel] # euca-deregister eki-17771939

    IMAGE eki-17,771,939

    [Root @ localhost xen-kernel] # euca-delete-bundle-b ubuntu-ramdisk-bucket

    3 ) the delete kernel bundle

    [Root @ localhost xen-kernel] # euca-deregister eki-AEBB17DB

    IMAGE eki-AEBB17DB

    [Root @ localhost xen-kernel] # euca-delete-bundle-b ubuntu-kernel-bucket

    [Root @ localhost euca-ubuntu-9.04-x86_64] # euca-describe-images

    ( need to run this command, the web interface images , bundles disappear before )

    1, add key before run a VM instance

    [Root @ localhost euca-ubuntu-9.04-x86_64] # euca-add-keypair mykey> mykey.private

    [Root @ localhost ~] # chmod 0600 mykey.private

    2, run instance

    euca-run-instances [-k] [-n] image id

    The image id Identifier of the image The to the run.

    An-k Name of keypair instance to associate with.

  • 7/27/2019 Eucalyptus Installation Notes


    -N Number of instances to run.

    [Root @ localhost euca-ubuntu-9.04-x86_64] # euca-run-instances-k mykey emi-39C21609

    The RESERVATION the r-42BA079F guopeng guopeng-default

    INSTANCE i-30B50604 emi-39C21609 Pending mykey202010-10-29T03: 11:02.237 Z eki-

    942116FE None

    [Root @ localhost euca-ubuntu-9.04-x86_64] # euca-describe-instances

    RESERVATION r-42BA079F guopeng default is

    INSTANCE i-30B50604 emi-39C21609

    Pending mykey 0 m1.small 2010-10-29T03: 11:02.237 Z cloudServer eki-942116FE

    euca-run-instances-k mykey202 emi-39C21609

    Run instance error log (nc.log):

    Fri Oct 29 16:21:19 2010] [006207] [EUCADEBUG] doDescribeResource () invoked

    [Fri Oct 29 16:21:19 2010] [006207] [EUCADEBUG] doDescribeInstances () invoked

    [Fri Oct 29 16:21:19 2010] [006207] [EUCADEBUG] doDescribeInstances (): instanceId = i-417506F8 publicIp = privateIp = mac = d0: 0d: 41:75:06: F8 vlan = -1 networkIndex = -1 platform = linux

    [Fri Oct 29 16:21:20 2010] [006207] [EUCADEBUG] system_output (): [/ / usr / lib / eucalyptus / euca_rootwrap / / usr

    / share / eucalyptus / gen_libvirt_xml - kernel - ephemeral] [Fri Oct 29 16:21:20 2010] [006 207] [EUCAINFO ] currently running / booting: i-417506F8

    [Fri Oct 29 16:21:21 2010] [006 207] [EUCAINFO ] booting the VM instance i-417506F8

    [Fri Oct 29 16:21:21 2010] [006207] [EUCADEBUG] state change for instance i-417506F8: Staging -> Booting


    [Fri Oct 29 16:21:22 2010] [006207] [EUCAERROR] libvirt: cannot read directory / etc / xen: Permission denied (code

    = 38)

    [Fri Oct 29 16:21:22 2010] [006207] [EUCAERROR] libvirt: Domain not found: xenUnifiedDomainLookupByName

    (code = 42) [Fri Oct 29 16:21:25 2010] [006207] [EUCADEBUG] doDescribeResource () invoked

    [Fri Oct 29 16:21:25 2010] [006207] [EUCADEBUG] doDescribeInstances () invoked

    [Fri Oct 29 16:21:25 2010] [006207] [EUCADEBUG] doDescribeInstances (): instanceId = i-417506F8 publicIp = privateIp = mac = d0: 0d: 41:75:06: F8 vlan = -1 networkIndex = -1 platform = linux

  • 7/27/2019 Eucalyptus Installation Notes


    [Fri Oct 29 16:21:27 2010] [006207] [EUCAERROR] libvirt: Domain not found: xenUnifiedDomainLookupByName

    (code = 42)

    [Fri Oct 29 16:21:31 2010] [006207] [EUCADEBUG] doDescribeResource () invoked

    [Fri Oct 29 16:21:31 2010] [006207] [EUCADEBUG] doDescribeInstances () invoked

    [Fri Oct 29 16:21:31 2010] [006207] [EUCADEBUG] doDescribeInstances (): instanceId = i-417506F8 publicIp = privateIp = mac = d0: 0d: 41:75:06: F8 vlan = -1 networkIndex = -1 platform = linux

    [Fri Oct 29 16:21:32 2010] [006207] [EUCAERROR] libvirt: cannot read directory / etc / xen: Permission denied (code

    = 38)

    [Fri Oct 29 16:21:32 2010] [006207] [EUCAERROR] libvirt: Domain not found: xenUnifiedDomainLookupByName

    (code = 42)