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Learning for the 21st Century: Self- Determined Learning in Action Dr Stewart Hase

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Post on 10-May-2015




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Summary of the basics of heutagogy presented at the European Commission staff in May 2014


  • 1.Learning for the 21st Century: Self-Determined Learning in Action Dr Stewart Hase

2. Holy cows make the best hamburgers 3. Resources learn learning-the-craft-of-heutagogy Google Heutagogy 4. Self-Determined Learning Edited by Stewart Hase & Chris Kenyon Published by Bloomsbury Academic ; 5. Why did you come to this session? 6. Think of something you learned that really changed you or your life 7. Weekly England-numerous Scotland Ireland New Zealand Germany Spain France Kurdistan Czech Republic USA-several states Canada Brazil Singapore Malaysia PNG Australia 8. The global learning commons Content Networks Creating communities of practice Action 9. We are natural learners 10. Learning Ingredients are to puddings As Knowledge and Skills are to Learning 11. Think of the best teacher you ever had or have seen. Someone who made a significant difference to you What was it that made them a really brilliant teacher ? 12. The evidence Experience, focus and practice develops specific regions of the human brain. Hence peoples brains vary as does their ability and interest 13. The evidence Brains are sensitive to the culture/environment and develop differentially 14. The evidence Need to shift information from working to long term memory The more places information is stored the easier it is retrieved and used Repeated use improves memory 15. The evidence Humans learn in small chunks 16. The evidence Learning promotes more learning as pathways develop and success occurs 17. The evidence Personalising, sharing and using information enhances the chance it is learned as new pathways are forged 18. The evidence People can pay attention to a speaker for about 8 minutes 19. The evidence People operate on System 1 thinking (habitual, automatic) rather than System 2 thinking (cognitive involvement) since it takes less energy 20. The evidence Effort develops human brains 21. The evidence Learning needs to be multi-sensory 22. The evidence Humans are naturally curious and explore 23. The evidence Emotions and learning are inextricably linked Emotionally charged experiences are more likely to be remembered and recovered 24. The evidence Humans are motivated to resolve incongruity They are pattern seeking 25. The evidence Brain plasticity tells us that brains constantly change and develop in the face of new learning as complex new pathways are built 26. The evidence State dependent learning-people are more likely to recover information in the same physical and/or emotional state that they obtained it So, learn the same way you intend to use it 27. The evidence The first 30 seconds are critical in any interaction for gaining attention 28. The evidence Repetition using different parts of the brain is critical for memory 29. The evidence Enriched environments enhance learning as do Surprise and novel experiences 30. The evidence It can take years to develop reliable memories 31. The evidence When real learning occurs is unpredictable 32. The evidence Humans learn best by immersion -Interaction with information 33. The evidence Techno games appear to access multiple areas of the brain 34. Doing Heutagogy Given what you just discovered, what would you now do to ensure your learners learned and what would the curriculum look like? 35. What is heutagogy? Self-determined learning Learner defined learning 36. Learning Grid Teacher Controlled Learner Managed Specific Tasks Open Ended NW SE NE SW 37. Doing self-determined learning (heutagogy) Deep engagement Expectations and agenda setting Where is the learner now? Involvement of the learner in design Framing questions Flexible curricula Resource availability Learner-generated contexts 38. Doing self-determined learning (heutagogy) Flipped Classroom Curated Conversations Negotiated assessment Spontaneity in process and experience Constructivist methods that engage emotion with experience Getting higher up the Blooms Taxonomy Scale Coaching models The Pedagogy, Andragogy, Heutagogy (PAH) continuum 39. Learning 40. Heutagogy Principles involve the learner in designing their own learning content and process as an equal partner; make the curriculum process flexible so that new questions and understanding can be explored as new neuronal pathways are explored; individualise learning as much as possible; use social media to network learners; provide flexible or negotiated assessment; enable the learner to contextualise concepts, knowledge and new understanding; provide lots of resources and enable the learner to explore essential content; experiment and research; 41. Heutagogy Principles base practice on the latest science; engage learners in collaborative learning; differentiate between knowledge and skill acquisition (competencies) and deep learning; help learners curate information; recognise the importance of informal learning and that we only need to enable it rather than control it; have confidence in the learner; be on top of the subject area so you can be a resource; and recognise that teaching can become a block to learning. 42. And Yes! This all applies to online learning.