evaluation no 5

Evaluation no 4. Who will be the audience for my media product?

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Evaluation no 4.Who will be the audience for my media product?

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Target audience: Age The Target audience we have focused on is 15-18year olds this

is due to the protagonist as our protagonist is around the same age which allows the audience to relate to her which would intrigue them into watching this film. Additionally having a teenage character makes such kidnapping films more realistic as teenagers are more rebellious, adventurous and venerable meaning that they are less cautious of what's around them as they are experiencing the freedom into adulthood. With such age group the target audience will be able to relate to her and experience what she is experiencing as they were/ are the same age as her so they can relate more to her situation.

Additionally teenagers go to parties and our narrative consists on the protagonist going to a party such choice of scene and character will appeal to teenagers as they do go partying as its part of their youth to experience and be young this is why we have chosen to focus on teenagers aged 15-18.

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Target Audience: Gender Our thriller will target male and females as it has scenes which appeal to

both genders. It would appeal to females because the protagonist is a teenage girl she’s walking to a party alone and the fear of walking alone in the dark is more likely to occur for girls than boys as walking alone at night is dangerous for girls who don’t have much strength to defend themselves against strong men. Girls have to be cautious when walking at night however it shows youth as they are experiencing life at night they are venturing out which would appeal to females as they would emphasise with the protagonist due to her having to walk at night where anything could happen.

Males would also be our target audience as we do include aspects of action in out film there’s lots of mystery occurring which would intrigue males, we have prison scenes which would appeal to them as people who go to prison are sadistic and Murderers which would appeal to males who enjoy action films, we also have a kidnapping scene where lots of action takes place which can appeal to men as it shows violence which would ‘push them off their seats’ men like to experience adrenaline which in our film they can experience through the kidnapping and future escape scenes. When there’s lots of things occurring in the narrative males would be more focused to not miss any element of the action which is why our thriller will appeal to them

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Other possible target audiences: Although our target audience is teenagers aged 15-18 we do also have scenes in our thriller which may appeal to adults aged 20-30+ this is the scene where the detective (father of the girl) asks her questions where she is going this shows the father caring about what she’s doing and it keeps him updated on where she is. This would appeal to such age groups as they might have children of their own which means they would know the feeling of responsibility and taking care of them. Additionally the scenes don’t have much violence in them meaning that even adults could enjoy this film for its narrative and characters rather than avoid this film due to too much action. The genre of film could appeal to them as it’s a psychological thriller which means there’s clues within the film which are near the end explained which would get their brains working and focus them on the film.Reasons why our film is not suitable for younger demographics

under the age of 15Disturbing events e.g. girl being put in back boot and kidnappedScenes may distress some viewers such as kidnapping sceneLoud music that adds tension may frighten the younger audiencee.g. loud car boot slam and the scream of girl getting kidnapped The dark scenes such as her walking to the party (low key lighting) and eerie mood could scare children as they might be scared of the dark

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Why Certificate 15?Looking back from my audience research I have looked at which certificate will be the most appropriate and I’ve come to a conclusion that its certificate 15 due to the mild language and not so strong violence which makes its fit in this age range.

Current thrillers and their age range:Psycho (Hitchcock, 1960), rated: 15The Dark Knight Rises (Nolan, 2012), rated: 15Shutter Island (Scorsese, 2010), rated: 15Taken (Morel, 2008), rated: 12

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Audience Research: The initial idea was to target the female and male teenage demographic however I have noticed that males would be more appealed to such genre of film based on these results but we will aim to keep the film gender neutral which will appeal to both

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Audience researchAdditionally though this audience profile I have noticed that females would watch a movie based on the actor in this case protagonist which is why I have chosen to have the protagonist as teenage girl as it would appeal to the female demographic.From the audience profile I have noticed that teens Is

an ideal demographic to choose from because they are the demographic which have the most time to watch films

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Films similar to our thriller:

This is a snippet from the Originals which is a thriller and mystery genre on Netflix which inspired me to include this in our own thriller we incorporated this scene where the girl is unconscious by a man and then is put into the back boot of a car.

We have taken an inspiration from the film ‘Taken(Morel,2008)’ as is similar to our thriller it contains a kidnapping scene and a phone call to the kidnapper additionally the protagonist is a father(similar to our concept of a detective) in both thrillers their daughters have to pay for the dangerous job that the father does. Instead of the antagonist targeting the father they target their daughter.

This Is The female police officer we have based our police officer on, we chose a strong and fearless character which breaks stereotypes of women doing domestic jobs. We also include a scene where the police woman handcuffs a man but over a car instead of a table.

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How we targeted our audience? We targeted our audience through the use of thriller conventions on

how a thriller should look, we focused on the expectation of a thriller such as tension, loud back ground music, low key lighting, suspense, enigma, atmosphere.

We included various camera shots e.g. establishing shots to set the scene, point of view shots to show what the protagonist sees e.g. when she gets kidnapped she falls we witness what she sees, close ups to highlight her emotions and fear and tilt shots to make her seem venerable and small. We used these shots to create unease to the audience such shots portraying the emotions of characters can give an effect of the audience being there as they have seen every detail of what has happened in the narrative.

We have appealed to our target audience through the use of editing we chose film at night to create an effect of mystery as you cant see everything which is around you, we had added non diegetic sound of when the girl is walking down the street so that the music is loud and it would distract the audience from what the girl and then she gets kidnapped which the music stops which then builds suspense as we see the girl struggling to push the antagonists off.

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How we targeted our audience? Costume: The choice of clothing chosen for our protagonist is modern

and more feminine as she’s wearing a dress with a bomber jacket, she’s wearing makeup and dresses up to impress boys which is normal for females at such age, she also has a phone which implies her great used of technology. Such clothing can appeal to our audience as its modern its what teens wear and have and this would make the audience focus on the characters as they can relate to them due to it being modern this would appeal to girls as they like to wear makeup and to boys because there is a pretty girl on the screen.

Sound: the music the girl is listening to is a modern song which has a beat to it which is what most teens listen to such as pop or EDM. The soundtrack throughout the film will be different, at the kidnapping scene the soundtrack will be loud, fast paced to reflect her emotions and actions of trying to get away. The beginning will have a calm soundtrack to set the scene.

Lighting is focused on ambient lighting of the evening when the girl is walking to the party this will target the audience as they will not be able to see much so they will have to focus more which then we can use jump scares and unexpected scenes which will intrigue the audience more

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Target Audience Feedback on our thriller:

We asked our peers who are in the age of our target audience to give feedback on our thriller and we wanted to see if we have appealed to them Adriana Almeida age17 – ‘The girl in this thriller appeals to me as I know how scary it

is to walk at night an I can completely emphasise with her and what happened to her is my biggest fear when walking alone I also get cautious of what could happen to me which is why I would watch this film as its something which I can relate to’

Katie Gajda aged19 – ‘ The opening of this film made me tense the sound made the scenes more suspicious and mysterious, I didn’t know what to expect such mystery in scenes made me want to watch more and find out what happened to her and why the kidnappers are after the detectives family’

Robert Badge aged 17- ‘ the way the opening was shot made me emphasise and feel like I was the main character the first person camera shot was really impressive and submerged me into the film I felt like it was me who was falling and passing out and the scene that made me flinch the most was the back boot shutting the sound of that made me focus on what I see which was the title revealing’