evaluation question 2

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Evaluation of my


How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups?

How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups?

Will Ellis


Both of the characters cast in my film are teenagers.In Films:

Jake (The character played by Jack,) is a typical teenager, dressed in black.

Compared to other horror films, Jack is a typical main, teenage protagonist, as his nervousness and uneasiness creates that same feeling in a viewer.

On the other hand, Jack is not represented as a hero, only a victim. Which countertypes how main teenage protagonists are represented in horror films.In Real Life:

In real life teenagers are presumed to be dangerous/unpredictable, and I think the character of Jake doesnt fit these stereotypes.

Also, the lazy and rebellious stereotypes are not shown in the opening two minutes of Delirium. Instead, the character of Jake is active.

However, teenagers are also thought to be naive and vulnerable, and the character of Jake fits that stereotype.

The stereotype of a teenager caring about fashion is also challenged in my representation, as Jake is dressed in all black.

Shia LaBeouf - Disturbia

Jack Dunkley - Delirium


Same coloured clothing.

Represented as hero.

Represented as victim.


Lizzie (the character played by Sarah) is a countertype of the representation of teenagers. In Films:

For example, she is represented in a similar way to the creepy girl in horrors, who are normally younger. Her bland speech and innocent clothing show this.

An example of this is the twin girls in The Shining, or the s.In Real Life:

In real life she is also a countertype. As you wouldnt expect a normal teenager to act the way that she does.

For example, the common stereotypes of a teenager is that they are egocentric, lazy, rebellious and so on. The character of Lizzie doesnt replicate any of these stereotypes.

The Twins - The Shining

Sarah Jane Eyre - Delirium

Innocent clothing

Bland facial expression




My media product countertypes the usual representation of gender.

Normally, males are portrayed as dominant and females are portrayed as vulnerable. In my film, its the exact opposite; Lizzie is dominant and Jake is vulnerable.