evaluation question 2

Steph Webb

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Steph Webb

For my A2 coursework, I had to create a film trailer along with a film poster and magazine cover. The genre I chose for my film was romance. I decided to do this genre because I felt comfortable doing it as I had previously completed the same genre for coursework in AS Media and I really enjoyed doing so. During A2, I had to complete a variety of different stages - researching, planning and construction.

The task given during A2 was to create a film trailer alongside a film poster and magazine cover in order to promote the film. It was important to ensure that my

trailer, film poster and magazine cover were connected through the use of different elements; such as font, costumes, imagery, hair and make-up, etc. to

ensure that they demonstrated the genre of the film as well as allowing the audience to understand and associate each separate task to the other.

It was also important to ensure that the conventions within the trailer, film poster and magazine cover were found within the existing romance genre to ensure that they were as realistic as possible and were similar to one another. It was important

for me to connect the trailer with both the film poster and magazine cover to ensure that house style was used throughout - to allow for the audience to link

each separate product to one another.

During the film trailer, text and credits were used to inform the audience about the details regarding the film. This included the title, release month, social media opportunities and some specific production members. It was important that I

included this information due to the fact that it gave the audience the information that was required for them to understand a little about the film - without giving too

much of the storyline or ending away.

Example of font:

In order to link the trailer to the magazine cover and film poster, I ensured that the text shown in the trailer was the same font that was used in the

magazine and poster. This font was called 'Linotype Centennial LT 95 Black'. This font was used because it was similar to existing romance film posters and trailers due to the fact that it wasn't aggressive (like it would be in a

horror for example), but was instead sophisticated and formal. I had used it within the film trailer and therefore knew it was important for the audience to link the tasks together with the use of the text and so I also used it within the magazine and film poster. This worked really well and made a similarity

between the main task and both of the ancillary tasks.

Font used within the magazine cover:

Font used within the film poster:

Example of font:

Within the film trailer, there are a number of different costumes that both the main female and male characters wore. The costumes differed depending on the time and

location of that scene – i.e. they wore jeans and a coat outside because it was cold and then wore more casual clothing when indoors in the house because it was warmer. It was important to use a different variety of costumes to ensure that it

looked more like a trailer rather than a short film or opening. This is due to the fact that the trailer had to contain a number of different scenes and would not look good

if the characters wore the same costumes during the entire film trailer.

Coats and trousers were worn outside to make it realistic and to keep them warm.

Smart clothing was worn at the beginning to indicate that they were about to go to


Dresses were worn to show that the girls

were getting ready to go out.

Casual clothing was worn to indicate that the couple were just hanging out indoors.

I also linked the costumes within the trailer to the film poster and magazine cover. The main image within the poster featured the two being intimate while

wearing casual clothing - which was used during a couple scenes in the film including a kitchen scene. The main image within the magazine cover featured the two once again being in each other's personal space. This time though, they

were wearing smarter clothing - which could be seen during the beginning scene of the film trailer. I decided to ensure that they wore the same clothing in both

the magazine and poster as they did in the trailer because it linked well and indicated a complete package which included the three separate products.


Note: The florescent jacket was not worn during the

magazine cover because of the high level of brightness. The shirt was worn without

a jacket.

Note: The blazer was not worn during the magazine cover because colour of the shirt of the male character

(they would blend in together).

It was important for the hair of the main female and male character to be similar in the trailer, poster and magazine cover. This was due to the fact that it made it easier for the audience to link the tasks to one another. I therefore ensured that

they both had their hair done/positioned in a natural way so that there would be little (if any) difference between the separate shots. The male’s hair consisted of naturally wavy and his fringe flowed down onto the side of his face. I made sure

this was apparent even when the male wore a beanie over his hair.

The female’s hair consisted of a long piece that was half red and half black. This wig was one that the model wore often in real life. I wanted the hair to be as

realistic to the main character as possible, so therefore ensured she was wearing the wig at all times during the filming and shooting. The hair was not completely

straight but looked natural and worked really well with the male’s hair.

The hair therefore linked together due to the fact that it was exactly the same in the film trailer as it was within the film poster and magazine cover –

allowing the audience to get a feel for the character’s appearances.




Shows the red side of the

female’s hair and the fringe of the


Shows the red and black of the

female’s hair and the body and fringe of the male’s hair.

Shows different shots within the trailer that indicate that the female and male’s hair is

similar throughout – the body/fringe of the male’s hair and the red and black of the

female’s hair.

When watching the trailer, you also receive a sense of 'intimacy' and love between the two as they interact with one another. During the film trailer, the main

characters are seen to be demonstrating their affection for one another through the use of hugging and entering each other’s personal space. It was important for me to

display this affection because it is a extremely common convention found within romance films. It was therefore just as important for me to show that the two were

together through the use of the poster and magazine to allow for the audience to see the same relationship between the two main characters. I captured the main

characters being intimate within the poster and magazine cover. The film poster showed the two facing one another and leaning their noses on each other. This

main image demonstrated to the audience that they were close and in love (there was little personal space). The magazine cover also demonstrated a relationship for

the audience. The main image features the couple looking directly at the camera with their heads close together. The lack of personal space therefore shows they’re comfortable with one another. The use of intimacy within the trailer, film poster

and magazine cover all link well together and create an overall ‘loving’ atmosphere between the two characters.

Film trailerMagazine


This indicates to the audience that the two

are close enough to enter each other’s

personal space.

This indicates to the audience that the two

are together and in love because physical

connection between the two.

This indicates that the two are

comfortable enough to hug

one another with emotion.

These indicates to the audience that the two enjoy each other’s company and are

happy to enter each other’s personal space.

The ancillary tasks and main task link together as well in terms of release dates. It is important for the poster and magazine to be released at a specific time in

comparison with the trailer. The film poster would be released in advance to the release date of the film to ensure that it promotes the audience to want to see the

film when it comes out using enigmas like the main image and font. The magazine cover links well to the trailer because they would both come out around the same time. This is due to the fact that the two coincide with one another. The magazine

cover features an interview with the two main characters and is there is font present that says 'the film that's taking the world by storm'. This indicates that the

magazine would come out just after the film because it informs the audience that the film is becoming a hit and therefore encourages them to go and watch the film.

Poster Magazine Trailer

I personally think that the combination of my main task and ancillary tasks is effective due to the fact that they all feature conventions which include the same font, hair,

costumes, credits and similar release dates. This is important because it allows for the connection to be made between the trailer, film poster and magazine cover. A

connection is vital during promotion of the trailer because it encourages the audience to want to go and see the film because of the buzz being created from the poster and

magazine cover.

I think that I have used the research and planning stages well to ensure that I have featured conventions for the individual tasks that were presented to me. I was then able to make links between the different tasks by including the similarities that I

thought would make for a good outcome.

I ensured that I included the similarities within the trailer, poster and magazine cover because it allowed for the audience to make a connection themselves and therefore informed them a little about the film through the trailer, poster and

magazine cover. All three of the products create enigmas for the audience as they try to promote the film and encourage them to go and see it – which is the aim of the

film, magazine and trailer.

The audience are the main reason why the trailer, poster and magazine were created. It is therefore important that they understand what the film’s genre through the three media products. Showing intimacy and lack of personal space between the two characters within the trailer, poster and magazine created a link but also indicated to the

audience that the genre was romance. I think that this was effective and informed the audience about the genre without giving away too much information.