evaluation question 2

How effective is the combination of your ancillary production tasks with the main production? As well as our film production we also created two tasks to 'promote' the film. I chose to create a film poster and a radio trailer as I felt these would most reach out to our target audience of 18-30 year olds.

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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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How effective is the combination of your

ancillary production tasks with the main production?

As well as our film production we also created two tasks to 'promote' the film. I chose to create a film poster and a radio trailer as I felt

these would most reach out to our target audience of 18-30 year olds.

For my film poster I first used a striking image to catch the audiences eye. The

man tied in the chair it striking as it tells the audience what genre the film is but is also quite enigmatic as it doesn't give to much away. I made this image the main

focus point of the poser and made it central so that the viewers eyes were

drawn to it. The image may leave people asking questions; why is he like that? What happens to him? This is the aim I am going for as it will make people want to see the film to find out what happens. The red tint to the image connotes danger, love and

lust three main themes to the film.

Film Poster

I followed typical thriller film posters conventions by keeping the poster quite dark and mysterious with flashes of red through it.

The names of the actors were placed at the top of the poster so that the viewer can see clearly if someone they enjoy watching is in the film.

The films name is the largest text on the poster and it cohesive to the text in the opening titles of film. This creates a sense of identity with the audience as they know what they are watching.


Cast members

Rating from a magazine

Age rating

Information about producers and directors

Main image

Incentive for the audience/selling point

Information for audience

As the film had a film noir feel to it I wanted to follow this through with the poster. I kept it dark and mysterious with clear writing.

I tried to keep the poster as simplistic as possible as to leave the audience wanting more but providing them with enough information about the film as possible.

I used Photoshop to create this poster.

Radio Trailer For my radio trailer I did lots of research into both film trailers and radio film

trailers specifically from the horror and thriller genres.

I used slow and sadistic music that builds up to create suspense and atmosphere.

I used clips from the film that didn’t give to much away but left the audience asking questions. I used sounds such as smashing glass and dialogue from the film.

I also had voice over telling the audience the name of the film and when it would be out. I used a male voice for this as this sounded more professional and appropriate. As the suspense builds throughout the trailer and the tension was increased the trailer ended abruptly to leave the audience wanting more.

The radio trailer is around 40 seconds long which is long but I feel that this works with the music and dialogue. I carries on the theme of the film with a film noir aspect to it. It is very much a thriller trailer and this is the aim I was going for.

The radio trailer was produced using garage band using prerecorded loops, clips recorded for the film and voice recordings.