evaluation question 4 final

+ How did you use New Media Technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Upload: jesswoolley

Post on 05-Aug-2015




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How did you use New Media Technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

+Canon Legria,SD Card and USBThroughout filming my music video I used variety of different hardware’s which helped me through the process. The first bit of hardware I used was a video camera Canon Legria HFR506. I used this camera to film my music video in HD. Even thought this camera had a various amount of settings, I chose not to use any of these as the standard setting was good.

From the Camera, all the footage transferred onto SD Cards. An SD is an ultra small flash memory card which is designed to provide a high capacity of memory in a small, portable card. They go into devices such a Digital Video Cameras. The SD card was then placed into the USB as shown above to import all of my Footage onto the Apple Mac.

+Nikon D100 DSLRAnd Ianiro lights

I used a Nikon D100 DSLR to take photo for my 3 Piece artwork. The Nikon allowed me to zoom in on the necklace that Sophie is holdingand focused on it very well. The photo, middle right, is one of the many photos I took of the necklace. I used another photo for the back of my digipak. The engraving on the necklace is also clear andeasy to read.

I also used Ianiro Gulliver 30/80w redheads during my photo shoot of Sophie. These lights helped me get professional looking photos and lit up Sophie how I wanted.

I placed Strobes with Soft box on top of the lights, these were themake Interfit. These helped with my photoshoot of Sophie as the light is given when it is needed. Also, the strobe and Soft box help the camera auto-focus on the object.

+Apple iMac and Mac OSX V 10.6.8

The iMac I used to upload my footage onto the Software, Final Cut, was a Mac OSX V 10.6.8. The iMac processor is a 2GHz Intel Core 2 duo. A processor core is a processing unit which reads in instructions to perform specific actions. The designs of processors are extremely complex and vary widely between companies and some models. Even though processor vary, all of these go through the same four steps: fetch, decode, execute, and write back.

The memory on the iMac I used is an 8GB 1067 MHz DDR3. The memory allowed me to upload all of my footage and photos to the computer leaving a lot of storage space still.

+Software-Final Cut Pro XV 10.0.9

Final Cut Pro is a video editing software developed by Macromedia Inc. and then later by Apple Inc. Final Cut Pro runs on Mac OS computers powered by OS X version 10.9 or later. The software allows users to log and transfer video onto a hard drive, where it can be edited, processed, and output to a wide variety of formats.

Editing: The editing for my video was very difficult to understand at first. I used the transform tool which is located at the bottom of the screen on the left hand side. The tools ‘crop’ and ‘transform’ allowed me to get different size screens and also allowed me to cut out part of the footage so it all fit onto the screen.

+Final Cut Pro Continued…

Transitions: I included transitions throughout my music video to represent the moments in time. Each transitions indicates that there is movement which will progress into the next actions taken by Sophie. They are also used to indicate the movement between the positive timeline and the negative.The transition I used was called ‘Cross dissolve’ and on the timeline, when it is placed onto the footage, grey squares are shown and you can adjust how big you want the fade or how little you want it.

Timeline: The timeline was an easy tool to use when editing myvideo. To do the split screens on my video, I had to place one clip above another. That way they were placed on top of each other.For my editing and transitions, I had to place the effects on the timeline over the clip I wanted to edit.

+Importing: Importing the footage from the camera was an easy process. I placed the SD Card in the USB device and clicked on the button on the left hand side which looks like this… I then highlighted the footage I wanted to be uploaded and it then created a new file. Each shoot I did I made a new file called ‘shoot 1,2,3’ etc… for. I then had to trim the clips to then fit onto the timeline.

Effects: For my music video I used two different effects, Black and White and Sepia. I chose these colours specifically as they link to the soul/retro style of Paloma Faith. Also, the two colours show the different timelines in Sophie’s life so the audience doesn’t get confused.

+Software-Photoshop CCSV12.0

Another software I used throughout the process of my Digipak was Photoshop CCS V 12.0. Using this software allowed me to create the same effect of my video onto my Digipak front cover, the split screens.

The top half of Sophie is the sepia effect which I created on another software called iPhoto. I then exported this file and placed it onto the digipak template in Photoshop. From there, I added a layer and placed a block of white across the middle of the screen to represent the split. I think layered the bottom half of the photo and then de-saturated the colours of this to create the B&W effect.

+1001 Fonts: From the software 1001 fonts, I wasable to type in the name I wanted ‘Sophie-Alice’ and ‘A perfect contradiction’ into the bar at the top. It then allowed me to select which font type I wanted, I specified ‘Retro’ and ‘Vintage’. I then downloaded various fonts and placed them on the front cover to see if they fit the requirements.

+Software-Quick Time Player 10.0

I used Quick Time Player in my first evaluation question in the ‘Music and Lyrics’ section of the presentation. I chose to use this software to help show real life media products which did what my video did. The video showed two people arguing which portrays what happens in my video, presenting my videos clearer. Step 1: Step 2:

Step 3: Step 4:

Step 5: Final product:

+Software-Safari V 5.1.9

I used the software Safari V 5.1.9 through out the progression of my music video and digipak. However, I mainly used this software whilst I was doing my evaluation questions. I used Safari to get onto websites such a Prezi, You Tube, Slide Share and Wordpress.

Prezi- I used the software Prezi to do my first evaluation question on using, developing and challenging conventions. This software is a more adapted version of Power Point, It’s more interactive and allows you to zoom in and out of different sections of the screen.

I layed out the different conventions of AndrewGoodwin’s 7 and explained each one I used andhow I also developed and challenged it. This software made it easier to transfer my ideas across due to the clear and easy format.

+You Tube- You Tube has allowed me to look into a variety of different music videos throughout my research and my progression with my music video. I was able to look a different music videos to help me get ideas and also I was able to develop my video by looking at different ideas.

I also managed to look at different clips from the film Sliding Doors which was my intertextual reference. I was able to look at the effects used throughout and analyze the film In detail which allowed me to develop these ideas.

Wordpress- I also used this software through safari. The blog allows me to present my plans and ideas to my teachers and also shows the progress I have gone through to reach my ideas. I have also put my Final video, digipak cover and will add more to the blog to give as much information as possible.

Slide Share- I used Slide Share to upload my power point presentations onto Wordpress. This allows people to see my work In the same format they would on a powerpoint, but just embedded onto my blog.

Power Point- I have used power point throughout my evaluation process to present it more clearly. This has abled me to present my idea’s better and more explicitly.