evaluation work

Candidate Name: Ryan Robinson Candidate Number: 2136 EVALUATION 1) Evaluate the effectiveness of your organisation when completing the controlled assessment. To what extent did you effectively manage your time when writing your controlled assessment? I managed my time efficiently when I was writing my controlled assessment by listening to what the teacher had to say and made sure that I stayed on task so that I could complete work quicker leaving me with spare time to check over my written work. What I also done is attend business boosters with the right attitude and completed the set work in 1 hour. This made sure I was ahead of the other pupils in the classroom. To what extent did you effectively manage your time when completing your research booklet for your controlled assessment? On my resource booklet, I managed my time effectively by adding time limits on each section and working towards it so that I can finish a section in a completed time. This would make sure that I do not fall behind in the other topics in the booklet. What I also do to manage my time is by sitting at the back of the classroom to concentrate better and get more work done. This would ensure that I complete my work on time. Explain two ways in which you have shown good presentation skills when writing up your controlled assessment? When I was typing my work on the computer on Microsoft word, I used bullet points to show the key points and I used pictures to demonstrate what a role/function does in active. What I also done is create the work in Microsoft word. What Microsoft word does is organise all the work that you do into neat paragraphs. It is better than PowerPoint because you can keep in control in how much words you have wrote all in total for the control assessment and it also makes it look formal. What I also done is create a table at the beginning of every task that I have done showing me what areas of the topic I still need to work on and the areas that are completed.

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Business Lvl 2


Candidate Name: Ryan RobinsonCandidate Number: 2136

EVALUATION1) Evaluate the effectiveness of your organisation when completing the controlled assessment.To what extent did you effectively manage your time when writing your controlled assessment?I managed my time efficiently when I was writing my controlled assessment by listening to what the teacher had to say and made sure that I stayed on task so that I could complete work quicker leaving me with spare time to check over my written work. What I also done is attend business boosters with the right attitude and completed the set work in 1 hour. This made sure I was ahead of the other pupils in the classroom.To what extent did you effectively manage your time when completing your research booklet for your controlled assessment?On my resource booklet, I managed my time effectively by adding time limits on each section and working towards it so that I can finish a section in a completed time. This would make sure that I do not fall behind in the other topics in the booklet. What I also do to manage my time is by sitting at the back of the classroom to concentrate better and get more work done. This would ensure that I complete my work on time.Explain two ways in which you have shown good presentation skills when writing up your controlled assessment?When I was typing my work on the computer on Microsoft word, I used bullet points to show the key points and I used pictures to demonstrate what a role/function does in active. What I also done is create the work in Microsoft word. What Microsoft word does is organise all the work that you do into neat paragraphs. It is better than PowerPoint because you can keep in control in how much words you have wrote all in total for the control assessment and it also makes it look formal. What I also done is create a table at the beginning of every task that I have done showing me what areas of the topic I still need to work on and the areas that are completed. I used sub-headings as well to clearly identify what each paragraph is all about. 2) Evaluate the research you carried out.Explain the sources you used to do your research and why you used these sources.The source that I used to research was http://www.google.co.uk. This was useful because it is a search engine meaning that you can type up anything in there and it would give you an answer or a solution. E.G typing in whats the definition of running cost and it will tell you the answer. Another source that I used was the business revision booklet that I bought. It was helpful because I could refer back to the book if I didnt understand something. Another source that I used was http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page. This was helpful as it helps me understand the meaning of different definitions.

Describe two additional sources you would use if you did the controlled assessment again and why you would use them.The two sources that I would use if I done it again is to do a questionnaire to show different views from different people. This would help me to get an accurate point across therefore improving my grade. Another source that I could have used if I had to do my controlled assessment again is to go directly to the business and find out information. Doing this would make sure that your information is accurate and you wont lose any marks.Do you think that you did more research for one business and if so, why do you think this is?I did more research for my international business because it is a much larger company and therefore has more profit coming in and more competitions than my local business which is Newmont travel. I think I done a lot of research for Westfield because Westfield uses a centralised structure meaning that there is a HQ and there is different branches running off the HQ and so, therefore, more research needs to be done to know how they run and how the communicate with the customers and the stakeholders. The problems that this might have caused are that I might have not analysed Newmont travel in as much detail as Westfield and I could lose vital marks.Identify two parts of the controlled assessment for which you found the research you conducted useful.One of the parts that were useful was the aims and objectives of my local and international business which was Westfield and Newmont Travel. The reason why it was useful is because on my research booklet, I had written down, from the internet what the aims and objectives Newmont and Westfield has and what aims and objectives are different. Another part that was useful was the stakeholders. This was useful to me as I could refer back to the research booklet and type up what all the stakeholders roles.3) Evaluate the methods you use to complete the controlled assessment.Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of using Microsoft Word to present your work.One disadvantage of me using Microsoft word is that it is tricky to draw designs and diagrams. Only experienced users can do that. Since drawing diagrams are difficult, I would have to go on the internet and find a diagram that is suitable for that I am trying to explain. A advantage of using Microsoft word is using the tables and pictures. It is very easy to copy a picture of the internet and paste it onto your word document as there is a big paste button in the top left hand corner. The tables are easy to insert and when filling it out, you dont have to make extra space in the cells as it will do it for you automatically.

Explain two reasons why a PowerPoint presentation may have been a better way to present your work.The first reason why Microsoft PowerPoint would have been more suitable is that it is easy to add bullet points and it is very easy to add images and view them making it reading suable. The reader would be able to look at the pictures and refer to the text easier. Another reason why PowerPoint would be perfect is that it is easier to navigate between slides so you could view different information and relate to a source where you got it from. This would ensure that the readers are able to refer to the source because of the references. It would also make it much more easier to understand and read as Microsoft PowerPoint is laid out in a way that everything that you have written, you can see it.Describe two reasons why it would have been better to do more group work during the controlled assessment.One reason why it would be better to do more group work is that we could all contribute different ideas so we could all improve the answers we give; therefore, raising my grade. Another reason why it would have been better to do group work is because you can problem solve in the group. You could find out errors in the controlled assessment and change it so that I dont lose any marks. It would also make me have a better understanding of the topic that I was focusing on.Explain two skills that you think you developed during the controlled assessment.The skills that I have developed during the controlled assessment were learning how to research by myself working independently. I developed that skill as I was given a lot of work to do at home and I found a way to do all of it within a set time. It helped me concentrate better as well. Another skill that I have learnt when doing the controlled assessment is to manage my time. I developed this when I was given work to do in a one hour period. I was expected to complete half of task 3 and I achieved it.Explain why you would like to improve your market research skills next time.The reason why I would like to improve my market research skills is because I would like to improve on the one-to-one interviews that would take place. This would help me as I could relate to something in the marketing department and understand more of what they do. I would want to improve my market research skills as it could help me for when I am on a specific website and looking at figures. It would help me understand what is going on in the environment.4) Analyse what you have learnt about the two businesses you have studiedDescribe two things that you learnt about the way your local business operates and two things that you learnt about the way your international business operates.Select areas you found interesting and explain what you found out and why it was interesting

Explain two major strengths of your local business that you discovered during the tasks.For every strength, explain why it is strength

Explain two major strengths of your international business that you discovered during the tasks.For every strength, explain why it is a strength

Explain three differences that you observed between your local business and your international business.Explain why they are differences

5) Give recommendations for improvement for the businesses.Explain two actions your local business could take to improve.Explain why this action will help your business

Explain two actions your international business could take to improve.Explain why this action will help your business

5) Using a SWOT analysis, analyse the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for your international business.SWOT analysis is a method for analysing a business, its resources, and its environment.SWOT is commonly used as part of strategic planning and looks at:Internal strengthsInternal weaknessesOpportunities in the external environmentThreats in the external environmentSWOT can help management in a business discover:What the business does better than the competitionWhat competitors do better than the businessWhether the business is making the most of the opportunities availableHow a business should respond to changes in its external environment