everyone involved in tourism in western australia ... library... · everyone involved in tourism in...

Everyone involved in tourism in Western Australia contributes to the Experience Extraordinary brand positioning in some way. Tourism WA recently refined the way the brand is expressed through the 'Just Another Day in WA' campaign. It is important that the whole tourism industry supports the campaign activity and understands how to leverage Tourism WA's marketing in their individual business endeavours. This session will look at the recent evolution of the Experience Extraordinary brand, outline how the 'Just Another Day in WA' campaign is being rolled out in the domestic and international markets and let you know how to get involved. 1

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Page 1: Everyone involved in tourism in Western Australia ... Library... · Everyone involved in tourism in Western Australia contributes to the Experience Extraordinary brand positioning

Everyone involved in tourism in Western Australia contributes to the Experience Extraordinary brand positioning in some way.

Tourism WA recently refined the way the brand is expressed through the 'Just Another Day in WA' campaign.

It is important that the whole tourism industry supports the campaign activity and understands how to leverage Tourism WA's marketing in their individual business endeavours.

This session will look at the recent evolution of the Experience Extraordinary brand, outline how the 'Just Another Day in WA' campaign is being rolled out in the domestic and international markets and let you know how to get involved.


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The Marketing division at Tourism WA comprises of two distinct divisions:

1. The Markets2. Marketing Services

Our domestic and international marketing teams are responsible for promoting the State and they do so through:

• consumer facing marketing activities, • co-operative / commercial campaigns and agreements, • trade marketing / shows

They are able to deliver these activities through the support of the Marketing Services team who are made up of the following units:

• Campaigns and Brand• Destination PR & Famils• Digital Marketing • Content Marketing


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As you can see, we cover a lot of markets and our activities are diverse.

I will focus a little more on our consumer marketing efforts today.


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The Experience Extraordinary brand platform came about from the need to position Western Australia and make it stand for something different and compelling.

If we just focused on Western Australia’s size and diversity our communications could quickly become generic Australia. And we needed to position ourselves as different.

The key to Western Australia’s positioning, was and is it’s uniqueness. It has many landscapes, people, events and culture all of which can only be experienced in Western Australia.

It’s this difference that allows Western Australia to stand apart from it’s competitors and led to the creation of the Experience Extraordinary brand platform.


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We executed various campaigns

2010: Extraordinary Taxi Ride

2011: I Experienced Extraordinary

2012: Vibrant Perth is open to everyone

2012: 1001 extraordinary experiences

2013: Experience Extraordinary Films

2014: Bridging campaign using above films

2015: Experience extraordinary evolution

2016: ….


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Insights, a number of research projects and a review of our brand position during 2015 led us into the development of a new campaign in early 2016 with our strategic advertising agency, Cummins and Partners.


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You heard earlier from Kate about some of the research that was undertaken which has played a role in informing our work.


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This research highlighted the barriers as well as the triggers to travel amongst our target audience.

BarriersCost (perceived value) is a barrier, but also is being different to other places.

Triggers for Experience Perth visitation• VFR

• Good airfare/offer

• Attend a private or public event


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This is the expression of the campaign - There are so many unique and extraordinaryexperiences waiting to be discovered in WA that although it may feel like an unforgettable moment, you’ll see it’s just another day in WA.

The Just Another Day concept evolves the Experience Extraordinary message to showcase a broad range of experiences in WA through the use of film and photography, some of which we will create, but we will also source user generated content to further enforce the message.

This campaign is designed to bring to life the unique, personal experiences visitors can expect on any given day in WA. The stories will be told through captivating films, which bring to life the natural beauty of Western Australia.

Every piece of this campaign will feel like its own individual moment, as if it was created just for the person, or people, who feature in it.

The tone will add an element of intrigue but will not be boastful.

It will be perfectly balanced with just the right amount of down to earth attitude to suggest that this most extraordinary experience, is just another day in WA.


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The campaign uses a multi layered approach to content. This assists us in showcasing multiple destination experiences, suitable for different markets and uses multiple distribution channels to maximize consumer engagement

There are three types of film content being created:• Multi-experience films for broadcast• Single experience films primarily for use online and• User Generated Content (UGC) – which can be films or imagery aggregated from

both visitors and industry and operators

The stories showcased in the multi and single experience films that Tourism WA has produced (and are continuing to produce) are selected so that they feature a well known attraction or a hidden gem and be unique to WA.

They are told in the first person and are warm and positive. They feature both Perth and the regions. It is this third layer that we are keen to encourage your involvement in supporting, but before I talk more about that,


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To view Rottnest multi-experience film head to:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYHuXnl3d_k


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To view Leederville (Perth) film (single experience) head to:https://youtu.be/gh6HYSqDn8g


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To view Manjimup Truffles (single experience film) head to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qITFdFogRjE


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This is where you as industry can play a role in the Just Another Day in WA campaign.

By creating content or stimulating the creation of content you can add another layer to our communications by providing authentic and sincere content for us to share / distribute more widely with our target audiences.


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Here are some tips to keep in mind when creating content you think Tourism WA could integrate into our marketing activities:






I’m sure all of you and your colleagues have some incredible stories to share about experiencing extraordinary Western Australia, and how doing so is Just Another Day in WA, so please do connect with us.


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We use a variety of channels across the campaign as you can see here, owned earned and paid channels are all part of the mix


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The domestic media buy includes TV in Perth, Sydney and Melbourne and on Foxtel, outside of the local launch activation through

Seven West Media, all other media is national through digital channels such as NineMSN, Fairfax, and BBC.


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We also rolled out the campaign out through a number of digital channels including, News Corp, The Guardian, Fairfax, BBC and Nine Entertainment, with the latter sites also including native content articles.


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Native advertising is one form of paid advertising that we have found to be effective in that we are able to take our content to the consumer instead of taking the consumer to our content.

Other benefits include being able to target existing publications and their readers as well as leverage the reach these publications are able to provide.


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Social media has also played a significant role in the launch of and continuing amplification of the campaign messaging.

To encourage local advocacy in and support for the campaign, Tourism WA worked in partnership with Seven West Media to promote the hashtag #justanotherdayinwaand encourage the WA population to share their best experiences of travelling around the State.


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To support the campaign activity we created a dedicated website www.justanotherdayinwa.com

All our digital activity takes consumers to this website so when they see a film or an advert they can find out more about the destination through a range of short and long articles.

There are also links to current co-op deals, the RTO sites and WACOM, so the consumer can find out more detailed information about a destination, or pursue a holiday booking.

The website currently has nearly 100 individual pieces of content on it and we are keen to keep growing this resource so potential visitors can get an intimate understanding of all the amazing experiences on offer throughout the State.

If you haven’t taken a look at the website, please do have a browse to and if you have any great stories to share from your experiences or region, please let us know.


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We have infused our main website with elements of the campaign through the useof:

• Campaign imagery

• Campaign copy

• Campaign content through the integration of social imagery and stories


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In our earned channels of social media:

• We have integrated the content from the campaign site into social posts

• Our Facebook page has nearly 500k people which helps drive cost effective reach for our campaign messaging

• Here are some examples of content that we have posted since the launch of the campaign


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Our Destination PR team work continuously to pitch concepts and to provide travel media, social media influencers and their WA Ambassadors with relevant information about WA. The Just Another Day in WA brand expression is being woven into their key messaging for broadcasters and travel media to incorporate into their content.

Please do send through any new product information, story ideas or media talent through to the Tourism WA Destination PR team.


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We are now in the process of starting to rollout the campaign into our international markets.

The tag line will be Just Another Day in Western Australia rather than WA and for non English speaking markets, the tagline graphic lock up has been translated.

All the translations have been tested to ensure the essence of the campaign line is not lost, so in some instances the line is more of a transcreation than a literal translation.

Some international campaigns to call out that are taking place / taken place include the launch in the UK market with the visit of five social media influencers; a multi-market campaign with STA is also being undertaken again bringing social media influencers to WA to generate content which can be used in their own media activity to promote bookings to WA. These are of course just to name a few.


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Since we undertook our local launch of campaign, the hashtag has been adopted over 60,000 times by visitors, locals and industry – and that’s just through Instagram. If you use any social media channels for your business and don’t already follow us through our

Facebook, Twitter or Instagram feeds, please do jump onto our stream and share your posts and photos using the hashtag.


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Over 1M TV viewers in both Sydney & Melbourne


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1.3M online film views


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172,000 visits to the website since campaign commencement


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Media calendar

We will be running advertising during these months in the domestic market.

Our always on approach in our owned and earned channels is continuous


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Over the remainder of this financial year, we will be considering options to include cinema and magazines if relevant, however all media activity is being continued monitored so we can adjust the spread if any channels are over or under performing throughout the year.

It is in the digital arena where we can pursue the most dynamic advertising opportunities (e.g. programmatic) and establish mechanisms to help push the consumer further down the holiday purchasing funnel.


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So how can you get involved in our Just Another Day in WA campaign?


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The easiest way to get involved in the campaign is to tag your social media posts #JustAnotherDayinWA and @mention the Tourism WA social media channels you are posting to.

Tourism WA’s social media and content teams continually monitor this tag to find new ‘just ANOTHER DAY in WA’ story ideas. We regularly repost and share social imagery, videos and stories from industry and operators through our social channels and on both our websites (justanotherdayinwa.com and westernaustralia.com) through a tool called Stackla.

In addition to uploading your Just Another Day moments on social media, please doalso send through any new product information, story ideas or media talent through to the Tourism WA Destination PR team.

The media are always looking for ‘what’s new’ and interesting people to interview and the more information that the PR team has available the better. This information can also be fed through to the Tourism WA Familiarisations team who organize visits to WA for both travel trade and tourism and lifestyle media.

(Contacts are Destination&[email protected] and [email protected] )

Find out more on the Tourism WA corporate website: http://www.tourism.wa.gov.au/markets-events-campaigns/Campaigns/Pages/Just_Another_Day_in_WA.aspx


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Our consumer brand guidelines are available to download from the Tourism WA Image Library.

These guidelines provide a comprehensive overview of Tourism WA’s consumer branding, positioning and how we are applying it across a range of creative executions.

The guide also explains how we are developing supporting campaign content and how and why the particular tone of voice is being used.

We are very keen to share and integrate imagery, films and content that is created by industry and operators into our campaign activities, so if you are looking to create anything, please do contact the team at Tourism WA if you need any additional advice.

From our side, it is always really helpful if content assets come to us without any rights restrictions, that way we can use it across the most relevant markets.


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