everyone is good at something

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  • 8/13/2019 Everyone is Good at Something


    Everyone is good at something



    FOR YEAR 4 (SK)

  • 8/13/2019 Everyone is Good at Something


    Everyone is good at something



    This is a story about a brave young boy (Ben) in an adventure where his older friends dare not

    to do. At first, he thinks that he is not good at anything because hes not doing well in his exam.

    His mother advises him not to worry about it because everybody is special and good at

    something. His mother asks him to think deeply about that Everyone is good at something so

    he go out to the park near his flat and climb a tall tree. In fact, he is very good at climbing.

    One day, Ben and his school friends go for a field trip to a Jungle Park. Ben, Martin and Gary

    have to be in the same cable car. Martin is the smartest boy in class, He seems to know

    everything. Gary doesnt like Ben very much. He refuses to let Ben sit next to Martin.

    Martin did not like to go high, but they have to do that. They ride the cable car to explore the

    jungle park. The cable car goes high and higher. Martin is so afraid. They can see many

    animals from the above, such as crocodiles and monkeys.

    The teacher let them go all over the park since the tickets are paid. There were many things to

    see and the teacher asks them to come back to their bus before 5.30 p.m. Then it is time to

    leave. The boys go up with the cable car when suddenly they heard a loud noise and they can

    see a big old tree on the cable. They are so worry and have to wait for help. Ben does

    something very brave, and everybody is so happy that they are safe. People cheers Ben for

    what he does.



    Ben shows his father his report book. Ben was sad for not doing well at school. His

    father advised him to try harder

    Ben was unhappy and his mother tried to cheer him up. His mother said that everyone is

    good at something.

    Parents encourage him to find out what he is good at. He climbed up a tree and thought

    that he could climb like a monkey.

    Ben goes on a field trip to a jungle park.

    Has fun but an accident occurs.

    He saves his friends from a falling cable car.

    Brings his friends safely to the ground.

    Realises what he is good at. He likes climbing.

  • 8/13/2019 Everyone is Good at Something


    Everyone is good at something



    Time : CurrentLocation : House, the park near Bens flat, on a tall tree, jungle park, the cable car

    Station, inside the cable car,



    Gary Insensitive Page 6 line 11 / Page 13 line 8Irresponsible Page 15 line 3

    Martin Clever Page 2 line 10Tallest & strongest Page 6 line 5

    Helpful Page 24 line 15

    Father Concerned Page 1 line 10Mother Loving & encouraging Page 2 line 15

    Teachers Helpful Page 10 line 15


    1) Cour age & Believe

    Give courage to others to be good at something

    2) Appr eciate & Grati tude

    Give appreciation for others and be gratitude

    3) The spir i t of adventure

    They went to the jungle park to seek for adventure and learn something new


    Messages/Lessons learnt:




    -It shows the spirit and bravery of a young boy.

    -He saves his friends from a falling cable car. This shows that everybody is good at something.

    Some have not discovered what they are good at.

    -We have to trust ourselves and believe in others.

    -Do not give up easily

  • 8/13/2019 Everyone is Good at Something


    Everyone is good at something



    L/O : 3.3.3: Read & understand simple paragraph

    4.4.3: Complete simple sentence with the missing words

    OBJ : By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:

    (i) Obtain early information about the story book

    (ii) Get the picture of the main idea in the story

    (iii) Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

    MATERIALS: The story book-Everything is good at something and worksheets.

    TIME: 30 minutes


    1) Show the front cover of the book and invite comments.

    2) Open the book and display it (page by page).

    3) Discuss the layout, e.g. title, author, illustrator, blurb, chapters, contents, captions.

    4) Allow pupils to form small groups and tellabout the book.

    5) Distribute manila card to allow pupils to draw and label the parts of the book.

    6) Groups present to the whole class in turns.

  • 8/13/2019 Everyone is Good at Something


    Everyone is good at something


    LESSON PLAN 1Activity 1Instruction - Look at the front and back cover of the textbook .Answer the following questions:

    1) The title of the book is ___________________________________________

    2) The writer of the book is _________________________________________3) Wong Chi Ming is the ___________________________________________________

    4) The publisher of the book is______________________________________________

    5) Its International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is _____________________________


    6) This book was first published in ___________________________________________

    7) This story can be classified as a _______________story.

    8) Name three characters mentioned in the story:




    9) Give two themes from the story;

    a) ______________________________________________________________b) ______________________________________________________________

    10)Write down one particular activity that you are really good at

    Answer Keys-Activity 1 (Lesson plan 1)

    1. Everyone is good is something

    2. Peter Etherton

    3. Illustrator

    4. Falcon Press Sdn.Bhd

    5. 983 2615 03 86. Year 2003

    7. Modern

    8. Ben, Martin and Gary

    9. a. Spirits of seeking adventure

    b. Brave heart, courage and believe

    10. Any reasonable answers

  • 8/13/2019 Everyone is Good at Something


    Everyone is good at something


    LESSON PLAN 2-PLOTSL/O : 1.7.2: Listen to simple story & recall the story by answering Wh

    questions.3.8.5: Read & understand cause & effect relationships3.9: Read & understand simple paragraph

    OBJ : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:(i) Tell the story in the correct sequence(ii) Answer comprehension questions

    MATERIALS: The story book-Everything is good at something & Flash cards

    TIME: 60 minutes


    1) Teacher shows flash cards to pupils and describes the activities and events shown.

    2) Teacher discusses the events with pupils.

    3) Pupils are divided into 4 groups. Teacher distributes worksheets-Group activity.

    4) Pupils have to read the events and sequence them in the correct order.

    5) Teacher gives comprehension questions and pupils respond based on (in the jungle)chapter.

    6) Teacher guides pupils to read page 1-6 and write down the page number for each

    sentence. (Activity 1-C)

  • 8/13/2019 Everyone is Good at Something


    Everyone is good at something


    LESSON PLAN 2)Activity 1 ( Level 2 )

    Instruction: Part A) Read the events below and sequence them(Pages 21-25).

    A) There were lots of things to hold on to. It was easy to climb.

    B) Ben said nothing, but he went to the door. He looked at the outside of the car.

    C) He pulled himself up. Soon he was standing on the top of the car.

    D) The other boys saw what he was doing.

    E) At first, they could not speak.

    F) Then Ben climbed up onto the cable. It was hard because of the rain.

    G) He used both hands.

    H) He moved out towards the rope which was five metres away.

    I) Then Martin called out to him, Good boy, Ben. You can do it!

    J) Well done, Ben! Shouted Gary Dont look down!

    K) Ben moved slowly along the cable I must think that Im on my tree in the park.

    L) Then I can do it he said to himself. I mustnt think about the crocodile below.

    M) The men on the ground could only look. They could not help Ben now.

    N) Now, he went towards the cable car again.

    O) It was not far to go, but his arms were very tired.

    P) Soon he was at the rope. He used both his hands for the cable,

    so he put the rope in his mouth.

    Q) He heard his friends and the men on the ground shouting out to him,

    come Ben! Well done!

  • 8/13/2019 Everyone is Good at Something


    Everyone is good at something


    Instruction- Part B - Write the correct page number for the following. (Pages 1 to 6)1. You must work harder, Ben, said his father. ( )2. Yes, you are, said his mother. Everyone is good at something. ( )3. He thought about what his mother had said. ( )4 Were going to Jungle Park. ( )5. Can I go with the school, Dad ( )6. Ive been to Jungle Park before. ( )

    Answers key-Activity 1 (Lesson plan 2)Part A

    A) There were lots of things to hold on to. It was easy to climb. (2)B) Ben said nothing, but he went to the door. He looked at the outside of the car. (1)C) He pulled himself up. Soon he was standing on the top of the car . (3)D) The other boys saw what he was doing. (7)E) At first, they could not speak. (8)F) Then Ben climbed up onto the cable. It was hard because of the rain. (4)G) He used both hands. (5)H) He moved out towards the rope which was five metres away. (6)

    I) Then Martin called out to him, Good boy, Ben. You can do it! (9)J) Well done, Ben! Shouted Gary Dont look down! (10)K) Ben moved slowly along the cable I must think that Im on my tree in the park. (12)L) Then I can do it he said to himself. I mustnt think about the crocodile below. (13)M) The men on the ground could only look. They could not help Ben now. (11)N) Now, he went towards the cable car again. (15)O) It was not far to go, but his arms were very tired. (16)P) Soon he was at the rope. He used both his hands for the cable, so he put the

    rope in his mouth. (14)Q) He heard his friends and the men on the ground shouting out to him, come

    Ben! Well done! (17)

    Part B1. You must work harder, Ben, said his father. ( 1 )2. Yes, you are, said his mother. Everyone is good at something. ( 2 )3. He thought about what his mother had said. ( 3 )4 Were going to Jungle Park. ( 4 )5. Can I go with the school, Dad ( 5 )6. Ive been to Jungle Park before. ( 6 )

  • 8/13/2019 Everyone is Good at Something


    Everyone is good at something


    LESSON PLAN 3-CHARACTERSL/O : 3.9.2 Read & give details about the people in the story

    3.9.3 Read and talk about the actions of people in the story

    OBJ : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:(i) Obtain more information of the characters(ii) Talk about the action and the people in the story(iii) Identify the characters and answer the questions given

    MATERIALS : The story book-Everything is good at something & Flash cards

    TIME: 30 minutes


    1) Teacher shows flash cards-the characters mentioned in the story

    2) Teacher discusses the characters with pupils

    3) Teacher divides pupils into 3 groups-asks pupils to study the characters

    4) One representative of each group present what they think about the characters

    5) Teacher says aloud a dialogue and pupils have to guess the characters

    6) Teacher distributes worksheets to pupils.

  • 8/13/2019 Everyone is Good at Something


    Everyone is good at something


    LESSON PLAN 3Activity 1

    Instruct ion : Part A. Who said these lines? Look at pages (5-8)

    1. Can I sit beside you, Martin? _____________________2. No, Im sitting beside Martin. _____________________

    3. We must go on the cable cars now. ________________4. Look, there they are. ____________________________5. Must we go on the cable cars? ____________________6. Is that the only way to get there? __________________7. I didnt think you were afraid of anything, Martin. _____

    Instruct ion : Part B. Look at these pictures and fill in the speech bubbles








  • 8/13/2019 Everyone is Good at Something


    Everyone is good at something

    Answers keys-Activity 1(Lesson Plan 3)

    Part A)

    1) Ben

    2) Gary3) Gary

    4) Ben

    5) Martin

    6) Martin

    7) Ben

    Part B)

    1) You must work harder Ben

    2) I Know, Father. Im Sorry

    3) Oh Yes, They carry us into the Jungle Park

    4) Must we go on the cable cars?

    5) Look. They go up very high! They go into the tops of the trees!

    6) Can I come with you?

    7) No, We dont want you with us all day, Come on, Martin