everything comes in 3's

Everything Comes in 3’s Angel Pizarro Director, ITMAT Bioinformatics Facility University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

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A talk given at BioIT World conference 2010 Cloud Computing Workshop


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Everything Comes in 3’s

Angel PizarroDirector, ITMAT Bioinformatics Facility

University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

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• This talk looks at the practical aspects of Cloud Computing–We will be diving into specific examples

• 3 pillars of systems design

• 3 storage implementations

• 3 areas of bioinformatics – And how they are affected by clouds

• 3 interesting internal projectsThere are 2 hard problems in computer science: caching, naming, and off-by-1 errors

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Pillars of Systems Design

1. Provisioning– API access (AWS, Microsoft, RackSpace, GoGrid,

etc.)– Not discussing further, since this is the WHOLE

POINT of cloud computing.

2. Configuration– How to get a system up to the point you can do

something with it

3. Command and Control– How to tell the system what to do

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System Configuration with Chef

• Automatic installation of packages, service configuration and initialization

• Specifications use a real programming language with known behavior

• Bring the system to an idempotent state

• http://opscode.com/chef/


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Chef Recipes & Cookbooks

• The specification for installing and configuring a system component

• Able to support more than one platform• Has access to system-wide information– hostname, IP addr, RAM, # processors, etc.

• Contain templates, documentation, static files & assets

• Can define dependencies on other recipes• Executed in order, execution stops at first failure

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Simple Recipe : Rsync

• Install rsync to the system• Meta data file states what

platforms are supported• Note that Chef is a Linux

centric system• BUT, the WikiWiki is

MessyMessy– Look at Chef Solo &


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More Complex Recipe: Heartbeat

• Installs heartbeat package

• Registers the service and specifies that is can be restarted and provides a status message

• Finally it starts the service

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Command and Control

• Traditional grid computing– QSUB – SGE, PBS, Torque– Usually requires tightly coupled and static systems– Shared file systems, firewalls, user accounts, shared

exe & lib locations– Best for capability processes (e.g. MPI)

• Map-Reduce is the new hotness– Best for data-parallel processes– Assumes loosely coupled non-static components– Job staging is a critical component

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Map Reduce in a Nutshell

• Algorithm pioneered by Google for distributed data analysis– Data-parallel analysis fit

well into this model– Split data, work on each

part in parallel, then merge results

• Hadoop, Disco, CloudCrowd, …

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Serial Execution of Proteomics Search

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Parallel Proteomics Search

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Roll-Your-Own MR on AWS

• Define small scripts to– Split a FASTA file– Run a BLAT search– The first script make defines the inputs of the second

• Submit the input FASTA to S3• Start a master node as the central communication

hub• Start slave nodes, configured to ask for work from

master and save results back to S3• Press “Play”

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Workflow of Distributed BLAT



Initial process splits fasta file. Subsequent jobs BLAT smaller files and save each result as it goes






Boot master & slaves

Upload inputs

Download results

Submit the BLAT job

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Master Node => Resque

• Github developed background job processing framework

• Jobs attached to a class from your application, stored as JSON

• Uses REDIS key-value store

• Simple front end for viewing job queue status, failed job

Resque can invoke any class that has a class method “perform()”


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The scripts

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Storage in the Cloud : S3

• Permanent storage for your data

• Pay as you go for transmission and holding

• Eliminates backups• Pretty good CDN

– Able to hook into better CDN SLA via CloudFront

• Can be slow at times– Reports of 10 second delay,

but average is 300ms response


Your Data

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S3 CostsUsage Rates Usage Example

$0.15 GB / month 1,690 GB

$0.10 GB / month IN 100 GB IN

$0.15 GB / month OUT 100 GB OUT

$0.01 per 1,000 PUT/POST requests

1,000,000 requests

$0.01 per 10,000 GET requests

1,000,000 requests

$289.50 per month

$0.17 per GB per month

$2.06 per GB per year

$3,474.00 per 1690 GB per year

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Storage 2: Distributed FS on EC2

• Hadoop HDFS, Gigaspaces, etc.

• Network latency may be an issue for traditional DFSs– Gluster, GPFS, etc.

• Tighter integration with execution framework, better performance?

EC2 NodeEC2 Node

EC2 NodeEC2 Node

EC2 Node Disk

Your Data

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DFS on EC2 m1.xlarge CostsInitial cost Usage costs

$2,800.00 3-yr reserved instance fee

$0.24 ¢/hr

24 hours / day

365 days / yr

3 yrs

$9,107.20 Total 3 yr cost

$3,035.73 cost 1690 GB per year*

$1.80 cost per GB per year*

* Does not take into account transmission fees, or data redundancy. Final costs is probably >= S3

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Storage 3: Memory Grids

• “RAM is the new Disk”• Application level RAM

clustering– Terracotta, Gemstone

Gemfire, Oracle, Cisco, Gigaspaces

• Performance for capability jobs?




Your Data

* There is also the “Disk is the new RAM” groups, where redundant disk is used to mitigate seek times on subsequent reads

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Memory Grid CostInitial cost Usage costs

$9,800.00 3-yr reserved instance fee

$0.84 ¢/hr

24 hours / day

365 days / yr

3 yrs

$31,875.20 Total 3 yr cost

$10,625.07 cost per yr

$155.34 cost per GB per year

$262,519.92Cost 1690 GB per yr

Take home message: Unless your needs are small, you may be better off procuring bare-metal resources

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Cloud Influence on Bioinformatics

• Computational Biology– Algorithms will need to account for large I/O latency– Statistical tests will need to account for incomplete

information, or incremental results• Software Engineering– Built for the cloud algorithms are popping up

• CloudBurst is a feature example in AWS EMR!

• Application to Life Sciences– Deploy ready-made images for use

• Cycle Computing, ViPDAC, others soon to follow

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Algorithms need to be I/O centric

• Incur a slightly higher computational burden to reduce I/O across non-optimal networks

P. Balaji, W. Feng, H. Lin 2008

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Some Internal Projects• Resource Manager

– Service for on-demand provisioning and release of EC2 nodes– Utilizes Chef to define and apply roles (compute node, DB server, etc)– Terminates idle compute nodes at 52 minutes

• Workflow Manager– Defines and executes data analysis workflows– Relies on RM to provision nodes– Once appropriate worker nodes are available, acts as the central work queue

• RUM– RNA-Seq Ultimate Mapper– Map Reduce RNA-Seq analysis pipeline– Combines Bowtie + BLAT and feeds results into a decision tree for more

accurate mapping of sequence reads

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Bowtie Alone




Mapping Efficiency





Mapping Breakdown

Unique PairedUnique SingleAmbiguous

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RUM (Bowtie + BLAT + processing)




Mapping Breakdown

Unique PairedUnique SingleAmbiguous


4% 15%

Mapping Efficiency



Mapped Ambiguously

Significantly increases the confidence of your data

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RUM Costs

• Computational cost ~$100 - $200– 6-8 hours per lane on m2.4xlarge ($2.40 / hour)

• Cost of reagents ~= $10,000

1% of total

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• Garret FitzGerald• Ian Blair

• John Hogenesch• Greg Grant• Tilo Grosser

• NIH & UPENN for support

• My Team– David Austin– Andrew Brader– Weichen Wu

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