evolution of-sales-marketing

The Evolution of the Sales and Marketing Relationship WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO ADAPT

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The Evolution of the Sales and Marketing Relationship In early 2014, HubSpot and LinkedIn wanted to gain knowledge about current processes and collaboration between marketing and sales.


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The Evolution of the Sales and Marketing Relationship WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO ADAPT!

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Table of Contents!1. The History of Marketing & Sales

2. The Evolution of the Buying Process – Why We Must Adapt

3. How Inbound Marketing Helps Us Adapt

4. Gaining Sales Buy-In

5. Creating a Service-Level Agreement (SLA)

6. Defining Marketing and Sales Qualified Leads

7. Tools to Help Adapt

8. Partner with Sales on Content


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The History of Marketing & Sales


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In early 2014, HubSpot and LinkedIn wanted to gain knowledge about current processes and

collaboration between marketing and sales. The two powerhouses surveyed several marketing

teams and found that although most marketers agree that their sales teams are collaborative, 59%

admit that they do not have a formal service level agreement (SLA) with sales. In addition, 40% have

yet to define rules and criteria for marketing- or sales-qualified leads for their company. While the

data surprising to some, it certainly isn’t breaking news that marketing and sales teams don’t always

mesh. Marketing and sales should work simultaneously and cohesively, but why is it that they don’t?

To start with, marketing professionals are wired differently than sales professionals.  Marketers are

the protectors of the brand, the voice of the company, and the company’s advocate on various

media channels. Marketers are also content kings. They labor and sweat to make sure the goals

mentioned above are achieved. At the end of the day, a marketer’s greatest want is to represent!a!



Conversely, sales teams are responsible for converting marketing qualified leads into opportunities

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and closing the sale. The bottom line is that moving a lead to an opportunity to a customer is them

most important thing to them. A salesperson’s goal are simply different from a marketer’s goals.

Sales professionals also approach their job quite differently than marketers do. They are driven by

in-person, or phone one on one interaction with their leads. Rather than using media channels as

their core communication tactics, they use their individual personalities and well-developed sales

strategies to close the sale of the product or service. Sales teams are focused on the here-and-now

rather than the future of the brand and how it is perceived. That isn’t to say, they don’t care at all

about the brand or company, but the brand isn’t where the immediate pay off lives for them. In the

past, many companies have been able to overlook the conflict between the two revenue-generating

departments, but this will, fortunately, no longer work in today’s hyper-digital world.

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1 Devaney,!Erik.!"The!Data!You!Need!to!Make!a!Compelling!Case!for!Inbound!Marke7ng."!The!Data!You!Need!to!Make!a!Compelling!Case!for!Inbound!Marke7ng.!March!20,!2014.!Accessed!September!15,!2014.!hMp://blog.hubspot.com/marke7ng/inboundPmarke7ngPdata!

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The Evolution of the Buying Process – WHY WE MUST ADAPT


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Some marketing and sales teams are working together by utilizing SLAs, that define lead quality,

and much more. This is largely a result, as mentioned previously, of our hyper-digital world, which

is also causing a shift in the typical buying process. For example, prior to the Internet and search

engines (if you are, in fact, old enough to remember those days), you would drive down to your local

appliance store, talk to a salesperson and purchase the vacuum that is most promoted by that

salesperson. The salesperson was responsible for building trust, educating the buyer on the ins and

outs of the industry and product offerings, and then closed the sale.


Another example would be if you were the CEO of a large manufacturing company who needs to

find a parts distributor near one of your plants; you pick up the phone book, dial a few numbers, or

attend a local tradeshow. Today, you Google the “top rated vacuums” or, if you are the CEO, search

Google for a “XYZ parts distributor in the Southeast.” As you can see, there has been a fundamental

shift in the way we buy no matter what role we play. The buying process has changed because so

much information is readily available online usually curated or created by the marketing team at a




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We no longer need to educate prospects on the industry, product offerings, or exceptional reviews

in person, nor do our buyers seek that information out from a salesperson. Between 55 – 90% of

B2B and B2C customers research information online before ever speaking with a sales

representative. It is becoming more and more clear that because marketing is in charge of educating

lead first, a healthy relationship with sales is imperative.

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How Inbound Marketing

HELPS US Adapt 3.

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First of all, what is inbound marketing? The inbound methodology works by bringing customers to

a company by providing valuable information to prospects. Inbound marketers attract visitors to

the company’s website by creating content, that is tailored to the ideal buyers needs and pain

points. Then, the content is distributed through blogging, social media promo promotions and SEO

best practices. Once visitors have been attracted to the website, visitors are converted into leads

by offering a more valuable content asset that lives behind a form. To elaborate further, inbound

marketing helps markets turn visitors into leads by offering educational or informational content

offers in exchange for information, such as a name and email address, and other important contact

information. Finally, there are leads that are ready to be passed to sales and those that are not. In

fact, 50% of leads on your website are not ready to buy. Marketing handles those leads and brings

them closer and closer to the qualification criteria by utilizing email automation, otherwise known

as lead nurturing.

So, how does inbound marketing help marketing and sales teams adapt to the changing buying

process? Let’s review our example from above. Before you began your online search, an inbound

marketer working for XYZ Vacuum Cleaners has created the “The Complete Guide to Selecting a

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Great Vacuum”, published numerous blogs promoting this guide and also optimized XYZ Vacuum

Cleaners’ website for SEO so that when you search for information, you’ll find their website. This

makes sense, right? But where does sales come in? The answer is it really depends largely on the

company. For example, if XYZ Vacuum Cleaners has not sold a vacuum all year, they may be more

apt to pass every lead onto sales, but if they are thriving, they may choose to use marketing

automation to help close the sale.

For inbound marketing to be successful and for your company to be successful as the buying

process evolves, marketing and sales teams need to work together. In this guide, you will learn how

to do all this with your marketing and sales teams to ensure your company can survive the evolution

of the buying process.

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GAINING Sales Buy$In!


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The first step to evolving the marketing and sales relationship is for marketers to get their

salespeople onboard with inbound marketing if they haven’t already. Not only do they need to

help them understand how the elements of inbound marketing, which are shown in the graph  above,

work together, they will also need to show sales that inbound marketing is successful. There are a

few ways you can start convincing your sales team that inbound marketing works including:

1. Start Generating Leads

If you are new to inbound marketing and haven’t generated very many quality leads from your

website, it will be a bit more challenging to convince sales of its success. By launching an initial

inbound marketing campaign, you can start to bring traffic and leads to your website, whom you can

pass to sales as evidence that inbound marketing does work.

2. Gather Your Own Data

In the past, it hasn’t been exactly easy to measure ROI from marketing campaigns. Without a closed-

loop reporting tool, marketing did their thing and sales did theirs when it came to reporting.

Marketing would place ads, and sales would follow up. Each had their way of measuring success,

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but it wasn’t always easy to put the together. With a closed-loop reporting tool like HubSpot, you

can know where marketing is most successful in generating leads and revenue.

3. Show Them How It Has Helped Others

Your sales team has likely heard of inbound marketing, but they likely don’t know it like you do. If

they haven’t jumped onboard with inbound marketing yet, show them how it has worked for others:

Inbound marketing delivers 54% more leads into the marketing funnel than traditional outbound


•  Inbound leads costs 61% less than outbound leads.

•  Companies that blog generate 126% more leads than those that don’t.

•  61% of U.S. consumers have made a purchase based on a blog post.

•  70% of consumers prefer getting to know a company via articles (not ads).

•  Social media produces the marketing leads of tradeshows, telemarketing, direct mail, or PPC.

•  Companies that automate lead management see a 10% or greater increase in revenue in 6-9



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Creating a Service$Level/Agreement/(SLA) !


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All of the information that marketing and sales share including goals, processes and even the

tools used to make the relationship successful should be documented in a service-level

agreement (SLA). This will ensure that both teams are held accountable and everyone is on the

same page. One of the first elements to discuss and add to the SLA are goals.


Creating Goal Statements

Many marketers will likely admit that setting goals hasn’t been their forte’. When they do set goals,

they look something like this:

•  Spread our brand presence on social media.

•  Purify our brand by establishing a stronger voice.

•  Increase leads over the next quarter.

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2 Devaney,!Erik.!"The!Data!You!Need!to!Make!a!Compelling!Case!for!Inbound!Marke7ng."!The!Data!You!Need!to!Make!a!Compelling!Case!for!Inbound!Marke7ng.!March!20,!2014.!Accessed!September!15,!2014.!hMp://blog.hubspot.com/marke7ng/inboundPmarke7ngPdata.!

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This is great, and credit should be given to those who are actually thinking about goals, but the

problem with the examples above and many of the goals set by marketers is that they lack several

critical components that make goals actionable.

On the other hand, sales teams have been much better at setting goals, however; the biggest

problem with those goals is that they are rarely communicated to the marketing team. For

marketing and sales teams to be successful, they need to work together when setting goals and

discuss the strategies they will use to help achieve them.

When discussing goals, it is important to consider the following in creating goal statements:

1.  What are you going to achieve?

When creating a goal statement, be specific about what you want to achieve and the purpose of the goal. Do you need to reach a

monthly/annual revenue goal by a certain date? Is there a certain lead generation target you need to reach for a campaign? Of

course, you can also include non-monetary goals like hosting a fundraising event. A well-written goal statement would look like this,

“Generate 50% more leads by the end of the year.”


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2. How will you achieve this?

What does your marketing and sales team each need to contribute to help achieve this goal? What will each team plan to do to help

ensure this happens? For example, a revenue increase of $10,000 by the end of the year may mean that marketing has to help

generate 50% more leads by launching an inbound campaign, and sales must close 25% of those leads by following up within one day

to all qualified leads generated.

3. What challenges could you encounter?

It’s great to have a goal and a plan to get there, but are you being overly optimistic? Are there budget constraints that could stand in

the way? Do you lack the internal resources to build an inbound campaign? Does your sales team have the time to follow up in one


4. What are your milestones?

Most of your goals likely happen quarterly or annually. To ensure you are on track along the way, set milestones. This allows you to

adjust your strategy if you aren’t making the mark.

5. What are the rewards and consequences?

Knowing how you might benefit from achieving the goal is important because it helps motivate the entire team. On the other hand,

knowing the consequences helps push you to achieve the goal through the fear of expense.

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Once you’ve established 3-5 goal statements and added this to your SLA, you can take things one

step further by calculating benchmarks based on revenue goals:


1. Calculate Marketing Side of Goals

In order to calculate the marketing side of goals in the SLA, you'll need the following four metrics, which you can gather from

your marketing analytics tool  and your CRM:

–  Total sales goal in terms of revenue quota

–  % revenue that comes from marketing- vs. sales-generated leads

–  Average sales deal size

–  Average lead to customer close %

2. Do some calculations:

Sales quota * % revenue from marketing-generated leads = Marketing-sourced revenue goal

Marketing-sourced revenue goal / average sales deal size = # customers needed

Customers / average lead to customer close % = # leads needed

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3. Re-evaluate Marketing’s SLA Benchmarks Every Month

Over time, a variety of factors can change the numbers used in your calculations. It's a good idea to recalculate the marketing goals

in your SLA periodically -- either every month or every quarter. To do so, create a spreadsheet that tracks your goal calculations by

month, which should include the following metrics:

–  # marketing-generated leads

–  # of those leads that became customers

–  Revenue from those closed customers

–  Total revenue closed that month from marketing-generated leads

–  Total revenue closed that month

–  Average sales cycle

4. With the above metrics, you can calculate the metrics used in your original calculation on a

monthly basis:

–  # marketing-generated leads that became customers / # marketing-generated leads = lead to customer close %

–  Revenue from closed customers / # of marketing-generated leads that became customers = sales deal size

–  Total revenue closed from marketing-generated leads / total revenue closed = % revenue from marketing-generated leads

5. To determine which values to use in calculating the coming month's SLA, you'll want to take an

average of 6-12 months, allowing for your average sales cycle.

–  For example, if your average sales cycle is 3 months and you're calculating the SLA for March 2013, take the average of the

values for the period June-November 2012.

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Defining Marketing and /Sales Qualified Leads /


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Since many leads aren’t ready to be passed to sales yet but may deserve to be moved down the

funnel through lead nurturing, one of the most important elements that marketing and sales

teams can discuss are the differences between a marketing qualified lead(MQL) and sales

qualified lead (SQL).  While the definition of a company’s MQL or SQL will vary, here are several

characteristics you can use to come up with your definitions:


One of the most important factors that differentiates a lead from a MQL or SQL is their behavior on

your website or how they engage with your company.   For example, Company A may notice that first

time visitors are just as likely to purchase as a repeat visitor, while Company B’s leads aren’t likely to

convert until they’ve visited the site three or more times.   There are some general behavioral

characteristics that can be monitored and utilized in lead qualifying including:

•  First time visitor vs repeat visitor

•  The lead’s conversion count or the number of times they fill out a form

•  The lead's stage in the buying cycle

•  The lead’s source (i.e. Are leads from LinkedIn more likely to become customers for you?)

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Your website’s forms can be a goldmine for gathering lead qualifying information.    Some examples of

information you can gather and use in qualifying leads are:

•  Role

•  Company

•  Pain points

•  Budget

Progressive Profile

Because  more form fields can decrease lead conversions, you shouldn’t ask for all the information

you want on one form.  With progressive profiling, a visitor fills out a form on a website  landing

page for the first time, they are required to only answer a few form fields.   The next time that visitor

fills out a form you can replace the existing form fields with new form fields to gain additional lead


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The Service Part of the SLA

When you discuss goals, you will likely talk to your sales team about what each of you need to do to

be successful, but you should also take this a step further. Marketing will need to know how sales

will follow up with leads and also when they will do this. This is important because timing really

does matter for close rates. According to research published on Forbes.com of over 10,000

companies, when leads are called in 5 minutes, the odds of contact are 100 times higher  compared

to 30 minutes. Thus, if marketing is going to promise X amount of qualified leads this month, sales

also needs to promise to follow up quickly and efficiently with these leads.

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3 Krogue,!Ken.!"Why!Companies!Waste!71%!Of!Internet!Leads."!Forbes.!July!12,!2012.!Accessed!September!10,!2014.!hMp://www.forbes.com/sites/kenkrogue/2012/07/12/thePblackPholePthatPexecu7vesPdontPknowPabout/.!

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Tools to Help/Adapt /


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Closed-Loop Marketing

Your company likely already has tools for marketing like automation software and tools for sales

like a CRM. This is great, but both tools often times don’t integrate. Closed-loop

marketing integrates your marketing software with the sales’ CRM system.   This type of marketing

gives you the ability to see which channels are most successful at closing sales and which ones may

need some work. 

If you use HubSpot for marketing automation, you can integrate CRMs like Salesforce, Sugar CRM,

and Microsoft Dynamics. Even better, if your sales team doesn’t use a CRM or the CRM you

currently use isn’t optimal, you can use the new HubSpot CRM for closed-loop marketing.


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Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is a valuable tool that allows you to automate lead qualifying by placing a value on a

lead based on online behavior and demographics gathered from forms.  It is especially valuable to

companies who are generating more leads than they can manage manually. With HubSpot, leads

who are given are a particular score can be stored in a Smart list for sales to easily monitor.


While workflows on HubSpot are beneficial for lead nurturing campaigns, they are also beneficial

for internal notifications. For example, when a sales qualified lead converts on your website, the

workflow tool can be used to notify your sales team.


Sidekick is a HubSpot tool that plugs into email applications allowing your sales team to allows have

lead data accessible. It also sends instant notifications for lead revisits and activity.



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Social Media

Marketing usually takes the steering wheel on social media, but it is also beneficial to get your sales

team up-to-speed on using social too. Not only will prospects research your sales team via social

media, which means their profile pictures shouldn’t be of their dog, they can also use social media

for prospecting and reaching out to leads or customers.

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Partner with Sales/ On Content /


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Although marketing has always been responsible for creating content, your sales team may

actually be a gold mine for ideas because they work closely with prospects and customers. Ask

your sales team what some of the typical questions prospects ask, what their pain points are, and

what type of information they would find helpful on your website. In addition, producing content

for your website or blog can take a lot of man power, which is why it is great to get your sales team

to contribute when possible. You may even want to offer incentives to those who do help

contribute to the blog.

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Conclusion The Internet has caused the buying process to

evolve, which has ultimately created a need for

change in the way we market and sell. Inbound

marketing, as well as a collaborative

relationship between marketing and sales

teams helps companies adapt to this big shift. If

your company wants to take action and build a

better marketing and sales relationship, but find

that you don’t have the time nor the expertise,

consider contacting SmartBug Media for a

Marketing Assessment. We’d love to help you.

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How’s your marketing? While you’re busy integrating

sales and marketing teams, SmartBug Media can help

you get the rest done. Consider contacting SmartBug

Media for a complimentary Marketing Assessment.

We’d love to help you!

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